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curriculum for close quarter combat - adult (17

years of age and above)


internal ranking

basic - proving grounds

o1 (yellow belt equivalent) - conditioning

o2 (green belt equivalent) - leadership

o3 (blue belt equivalent) - techniques of the trade

o4 (purple belt equivalent) - the human body

o5 (red belt equivalent) - strategy

o6 (black belt equivalent) - science and art

common body of knowledge

conditioning – physical fitness. theory and current

training methods for the warrior.

strategy - the history of man and the art of war.

leadership - a guide in the development of leadership


the human body - understanding the human form from a

combative perspective.

techniques of the trade - martial art systems,

techniques, weapons, and other hand-to-hand combat
creative solutions.

science and art - the science and concepts behind

contemporary martial art styles past and present.

three stages of development

martial origins - introduction to the origin of

warrior disciplines and the history of the art.

offensive/defensive trends - evolution of thought

towards martial systems is explored.

combat adaptation - balance of forces

requirement for o1 testing

endurance is the key to passing the first martial art test

here at the basic training budokan. withstanding the
demanding training cycle with in the budokan will be an
accomplishment in its own right. this is warrior training.
military conditioning is not for the weak at heart. it
takes together, we will push the boundaries of character.

the white to yellow belt test is one of the hardest tests

of its kind. it is an important passage of right at the
basic training budokan because we provide valuable fighting
skills in the beginning of your training cycle. these
skills are designed to be immediately applicable, lethal,
and eventual mastered.

key points: flexibility, hand/wrist strength, reflex,
and speed.

“train in time of peace to maintain direction at

night with the aid of luminous dial compass. train in
difficult, trackless, wooded terrain. war makes
extremely heavy demands on the soldier’s strength and
nerves. for this reason make heavy demands on your
men in peacetime exercise.” - lieutenant irwin rommel,
august 1914, bleid, belgium.

question #1 (written)
a)importance of the spinal cord warm-up
b)importance of the shoulder warm-up
c)importance of the hip warm-up
d)importance of the knee warm-up
e)importance of the elbow warm-up
f)importance of the ankle warm-up
g)importance of the wrist warm-up

question #2 (written)
a)name two muscle groups attached to the spinal
b)name two muscle groups attached to the
c)name two muscle groups attached to the hip
d)name two muscle groups attached to the knee
e)name two muscle groups attached to the elbow
f)name two muscle groups attached to the ankle
g)name two muscle groups attached to the wrist

question #3 (written)
why does a warrior dedicate hours of demanding
physical conditioning to develop his body?

question #4 (written)
what have you learned about conditioning?

key points: fire & maneuver

“the mission of a marine fire-team is to seek out,

close with, and destroy the enemy with fire and
maneuver. in the defense, to repel the enemies
assault with sustained fire support.”

•demonstrate attack and move

•demonstrate broken rhythm fighting pattern
•demonstrate proper distance from opponent in the
offense or defense

leadership - honor
when you believe that you have been scored by your
opponent, loudly call out, “touché!” or “i have been
touched!” when your opponent acknowledges receiving a
touch from you, reply, “merci,” or “thank you.” if you
believe you have not actually delivered a touch that your
opponent has acknowledged, decline credit for it by saying,
“pas de touché,” or, “no touch.”

•demonstrate grace under fire when sparring

•demonstrate willingness to accept responsibility in

the human body - balance

not complete
techniques of the trade


 traditional karate
 wing chun

 traditional boxing
 traditional karate
 wing chun
 dynamic pugilism
 judo

mobility in combat

 fencing

 traditional karate
 traditional boxing
 judo
 wing chun

 weapons (bayonet)


primary weapon
 jab (traditional boxing)
 cross (traditional boxing)
 straight punch
 front lunge punch (tang soo do version)
 finger jab (dynamic pugilism)

inside game
 hip throw (judo)
 breast-push (cir. 1674 by nicholaes petter)
 elbow grab (dynamic pugilism series - 1)
 reverse neck-lock
 knee strike
 heel strike
 elbow strike

outside game
 front kick (traditional karate)
 low kick (savate)
 turn kick (traditional karate)
 heel kick (wing chun)

 display non-telegraphic movement between static and
mobility states.

science and art - natural force

definitions and terms
an offensive move against an opponent.

back leg:
the leg farthest from an opponent while in the on-guard position.

knocking your opponent’s blade away offensively.

the striking portion of the sword.

a parry and riposte made in a single flowing motion. it blocks an
attack, diverts it with leverage, and hits without ever letting go of
the blade.

advancing the cutting edge of your blade at your opponent offensively.

cutting weapon:
a sword designed to strike with the edge of the blade.

direct attack:
an attack made in the same line in which the on-guard stance is taken.
no blade contact is employed.

disengage (degagé):
a simple attack passing from one line to another line beneath your
opponent’s blade.

a composed attack made up of a feint of disengage and a deception of
one counterparry.

where two opposing blades are touching.


kara means “empty,” te means “hand”

the position of readiness in fencing.

on-target touch:
a valid touch.

knocking your opponent’s blade away defensively.

point weapon:
a sword designed to be used for thrusting only.

a continuation of an attack in the same line after being parried.

the counterattack following a successfully executed parry.

a continuation of an attack after a lunge when no parry has been made.

simple attack:
an attack made up entirely of timing and speed, where you hit your
opponent before he can parry.

stop thrust:
extending your blade into an opponent’s attack without first parrying.

sword arm:
the arm holding the sword.

extending the point of your blade toward your opponent offensively.

touch (touché):
the hitting of one’s opponent.

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