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Introduction Education may be viewed as a process, a product or both. It is a lifelong process that includes both formal instruction and a broad range of experiences. It is the wealth of knowledge acquired by an individual after studying particular subject matters or experiencing life lessons that provide an understanding of

something. It is the result of the societys need to prepare its young minds for a future role and the natural process of growth. As schools evolve their improvement plans in keeping with higher standards and expectations and increased accountability, it was recognized that a comprehensive focus on addressing barriers to student learning and promoting healthy development must be considered. This awareness finds support in an extensive body of literature. It is illustrated by a growing volume of research on the value of schools, families, and communities working together to provide supportive programs and services that enable students to learn and teachers to teach. (Addressing Barriers to Learning, Vol. 5, No. 4 Fall, 2007). Without education, man is as though in a closed room and with education a person is like a room with all its windows open towards outside world. This is the process of learning and knowing, which is not restricted to school text-books. It is a holistic process and continues through life. Even the regular happenings

and events around educate every individual, in one or the other way. The existence of human beings is fruitless without education. Teaching is a profession that can yield something amazing when the right ideas and beliefs are implemented in the classroom. The purpose of teaching is not to teach students how to memorize facts, or how to know all the correct answers. The principle goes far beyond the transfer of information the true purpose of teaching is to create the potential for improvement in the life of the one being taught. Teaching lies in getting students to truly understand the concepts being examined. Successful teachers are vital and full of passion. They love to teach as a painter loves to paint, as a writer loves to write, as a singer loves to sing. They have a serious purpose and yet enjoy enormously what they do. Great teachers know that they are always on stage and that who they are, how they act, and what they believe are as important as what they teach. Good teachers show that they are the masters of their subjects and demonstrate that they know their students as individuals and care about them. Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. It is measurable and relatively permanent change in behavior through experience, instruction, or study (www.businessdictionary.com). One of the basic skills for success in the knowledge society is the ability to learn. With increasingly rapid changes in the

work place, in part due to changing technology and as a result of changing societal needs in the context of globalization, students must learn in order to maintain full and continued participation in employment and civil society. In the words of Harvard Business School psychologist Chris Argyris, learning is "detection and correction of error" where an error means "any mismatch between our intentions and what actually happens." Barrier is anything that stands in the way of effective teaching and effective learning. Anything that may stand in the way or prevent the learner to fully participate and learn effectively can thus be seen as a barrier to learning. It is important to remember that barriers do not necessarily exist all the time, but can arise suddenly, due to change in circumstances, emotional trauma and a variety of other factors. The barriers to learning and teaching faced by students and educators are many and complex, and differ from one another. This document outlines the common barriers to teaching and learning in general education subjects in a college of nursing. The paper would provide findings delineating ways to enhance social and behavioral performances of students and teachers as an essential facet of improving academic performance by way of creating recommendations or suggestions for the improvement of learning and teaching.

This study is deemed necessary to pursue a comprehensive focus on addressing barriers to student learning and promoting healthy development which would enable students to learn and teachers to teach.

Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the extent of barriers to teaching and learning in General Education Subjects in a College of Nursing. Specifically the study sought to answer the following specific problems: 1. What is the profile of the General Education faculty in terms of 1.1 age and 1.2 years of teaching experience? 2. What is the profile of the nursing students in terms of 2.1 age and 2.2 year level? 3. What is the extent of the barriers in teaching General Education Subjects as assessed by the 3.1 General Education faculty and 3.2 Nursing students?

4. What is the extent of the barriers in learning General Education Subjects as assessed by the 4.1 General Education faculty and 4.2 Nursing students 5. Is there a significant relationship between the extent of the barriers in teaching and learning General Education Subjects?

Significance of the Study This study was undertaken with the hope that the results will be beneficial to the faculty members, institution, students and future researchers. The result of this research study will serve as a basis for the formulation of guidelines for improvement of quality teaching and learning experience. Students have different levels of understanding and means of learning. By being aware of the factors affecting the learning process or the barriers, students may discover their strong and failing points enabling them to enhance not only their knowledge but also their skills and attitudes. Faculty members must know their points of strengths and weaknesses in teaching in order to improve professionally. It is also important that professors participate in seminars and trainings to update and improve the quality of learning instructions. Educators should identify factors considered as barriers affecting the teaching and learning process. Learning institutions should focus on the improvement and enhancement of schooling. It should also consider restructuring the system and advancing the teaching practice which will lead to adaptation to modern methods of instruction. They should provide the best quality of education to learners and more effective means of learning instructions. Future researchers could utilize this research as a potential reference that could serve as guideline in formulation of modified approaches to create more effective and efficient teaching and learning process.

Scope and Limitations The research study focused in determining the extent of barriers to teaching and learning in General Education Subjects in a College of Nursing through the use of survey questionnaire. The study utilized the use of survey questionnaires which were specifically designed to obtain the essential significant information. The variables involved were the respondents profiles in terms of age, faculty's years of learning experience, student's year level and the barriers in teaching and learning General Education Subjects encountered by the faculty members and students. The respondents of the study were 8 purposively selected and available General Education faculties employed during the current first semester of SY 2011-2012, as given by the Dean of the College, whether full time or part time. Included also were the 40 purposively selected and available Nursing students, first year to fourth year, taking General Education subjects, regular or irregular students, currently enrolled during the first semester of SY 2011-2012.

Definition of Terms The following terms were used for further understanding of the study.

Barrier. anything that stand in the way of effective teaching and effective learning.

Faculty Member. professors teaching General Education subjects to first year to fourth year nursing students of Juanito Pascual Sioson Colleges Inc.

General Education Subjects. minor subjects, 3 units/semester that first year to fourth year nursing students take, where some are pre-requisites to other subjects, except nursing related subjects as ordered in the CHED Memorandum Order No. 14 Series of 2009 which includes Language and Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, and the Mandated Subjects.

Learning. a relatively permanent change in behavior based on an individual's interactional experience with its environment; acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preference of students which may occur consciously or unconsciously.

Student. selected first year to fourth year Nursing students taking General Education subjects of Juanito Pascual Sioson Colleges Inc.

Teaching. the act of instilling and imparting knowledge and skills to students; is the application of the best-known principles of human behavior in efforts to promote the highest possible achievement of personal adequacy through learning.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design Quantitative-descriptive method will be used in this research that intends to fulfill the objective of this study. It is a means to purposely gather, analyze, classify, and tabulate data about prevailing conditions or situations, practices, beliefs, processes, trends, and developments as well as cause and effect as well as relationships between variables and then making fact and analysis-based interpretations about the gathered information with or without the aid of statistical methods. Quantitative Research design is being used to gather findings on empirical evidence so as to have a systematic and controlled study process. Independent variable of the study is the profile of the respondents, which are the (1) General Education faculty based on their age and number of years in teaching, (2) Nursing students based on their age and year level. The dependent variable is the extent of the barriers to teaching and learning General Education subjects. A survey through a questionnaire checklist will be used in this study and will serve as the main instrument.

Reaserch Locale The study will be conducted at J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Incorporated (JPSGH). The institution was founded by Dr. Juanito P. Sioson in July of 1971 and is exactly situated at 75 Bukidnon Street, Bago Bantay, Quezon City. (see appendix for the vicinity map)

Population and Sampling In the research study being undertaken, the group focuses on the General Education Subjects faculties and nursing students of the J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Incorporated. The institution has 8 actively employed faculties teaching General Education Subjects with an age range of 30 to 50 years old with teaching years of 1-12 years. The institution has 14 first year students, 20 second year students, 30 third year students and 45 fourth year students with age ranges from 15 years old to 25 years old and above. The research group will focus on the barriers to teaching and learning General Education Subjects at the said institution. The primary source of data and information of this study were the 8 faculty members teaching General Education Subjects and the 40 nursing students, 10 students from first year to fourth year level of the J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Incorporated.

Sampling Design The researchers attained the accessible population through the utilization of purposive method of selection. The respondent population was chosen for the reason that they are suitable for the scope and nature of the study. Through this technique, specific answers will be derived and errors in the study were limited. Purposive sampling technique, a type of non-probability sampling method was decided upon as the most appropriate and was applied in the study because it would give the researchers the ability to purposively select the widest possible variety of respondents through the convenience of accessibility of the respondents relevant to the study. The respondents were the General Education faculties and the Nursing Students during the first semester of SY 2011 - 2012 of J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Inc. The respondents were chosen by the researchers, and were given consent letter for the questionnaire to be answered.


This study is a descriptive survey, which made use of self-developed questionnaire checklist as a data-gathering tool which underwent advised modifications and validated by the research adviser. The questions established were based on the studies done by the researchers of the topic prior to the structuring of the questionnaires itself. The researchers also used some

previous researches and literatures that served as a basis in formulating a credible questionnaire that would cover all aspects of the problem and would answer all the specific questions under the problem statement. It is a demographic questionnaire objectively designed to obtain information on the respondents age and number of years in teaching for the General Education faculty, while age and year level for the Nursing students. The second part of the tool were presented as table which includes the barriers encountered by the respondents to teaching and learning. Questions pertaining to barriers to teaching were based on the Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (PIE) Management Model of CDS. Questions pertaining to barriers to learning were based from factors affecting inside and outside the classroom learning. The respondents will choose whether a certain barrier is perceived as Very Strong, Strong, Minimal, Less Minimal, and None. The questionnaire checklist was

prepared in a manner wherein which the respondents were instructed to answer

the items by marking their chosen option of response for each item with a check on the boxes provided correspondingly.

Data Gathering Procedures The researchers, through a letter of request, will ask the permission of the Dean of a College of Nursing to allow them to conduct the study. Likewise, the permission to administer the questionnaire checklist to the selected General Education faculty members and first year to fourth year nursing students will also be given. After the consents were secured, the researchers provided each of the respondents with a copy of the research instrument according to their availability and were collected at the same day. The identity of all the respondents were treated with confidentiality and will only be for the intended purpose of research study undertaken.

Statistical Treatment Data collected was compiled and mean score obtained per characteristic. The tool is a 26-item questionnaire checklist. It is divided into two parts, the first part is about the respondents demographic profile and the second part are the questions that will measure the extent of the barriers to teaching and learning General Education Subjects of the respondents. Each item on the second part of the tool is scored 1-5, 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. The maximum score that can be acquired is 130 points.

The researcher will use the relative frequency given by

P= f X 100% n


P = relative frequency

= frequency

n = size of the respondents

To measure the central tendency of scores, the researcher will use the formula




fx = the sum of tabulated points

n = size of the respondents


The study was conducted to evaluate the extent of the barriers to teaching and learning General Education Subjects as assessed by the faculties and nursing students of J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Inc. Convenience, non probability sampling was used for the selection of respondents. A total of 40 nursing students, 10 students from first year to fourth year level and 8 faculty members teaching General Education Subjects of the J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Inc., were the respondents of the study. A self- developed five point Likert scale questionnaire checklist was used in the study to determine the extent of the barriers to teaching and learning. The percentage of the respondents profile as well as the mean scores per each questions were obtained and tabulated. Results of the study are shown in the following tables and graphs.

Respondents Profile


Ag e
0% 0% 0% 13% 21-25 25% 62% 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-above

Y a so T a h g e r f e c in
1% 3

S 11% tudents

2% 2

Ag of S 0-2years e tudents
1% 1

4 0% 3%

3-5y rs ea 6-8y rs ea 9-1 y rs 1 ea

20% 8% 10%

Level 12a da ov n b Ie

35% Level II
25% 25% Level III Level IV

15-16 y/o 17-18 y/o 19-20 y/o 21-22 y/o


23-24 y/o 25-above

5 4 3 2 1

Very Strong Strong Minimal Less Minimal None

4.51 5.00 3.51 4.50 2.50 3.50 1.51 2.50 1.0 1.50

3.1 Extent of the Barriers in Teaching as assessed by the General Education Subject faculty
A. Planning 1. 2. 3. 4. Not updated content of syllabus Non adherence to lesson plans Unclear objectives of the subjects Unavailability of materials such as references, media resources, etc. 5. Delayed class orientation 6. Insufficient papers or visuals for teaching B. Implementation 1. Ineffective teaching style or approach used by the faculty (formal authority, modelling, teacher centered, etc.) 2. Lack of variety in applying teaching methodology 3. Inadequate stimulating learning activities during lecture/discussion 4. Inadequate classroom management when distraction arise 5. Non adherence with the scheduled time C. Evaluation 1. Undiscussed topics are included in the exams 2. Unclear or erroneous exam 3. Inadequate feedbacks after the examination 4. Lack of focus for follow up lecture/discussion done Extent 3.375 2.625 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.75 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.125 3 3.125 3.125 3.125 Descriptive Rating Strong Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Strong Strong Strong Strong Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal

3.2 Extent of the Barriers in Teaching as assessed by the Nursing Students

A. Planning 1. 2. 3. 4. Not updated content of syllabus Non adherence to lesson plans Unclear objectives of the subjects Unavailability of materials such as references, media resources, etc. 5. Delayed class orientation 6. Insufficient papers or visuals for teaching B. Implementation 1. Ineffective teaching style or approach used by the faculty (formal authority, modelling, teacher centered, etc.) 2. Lack of variety in applying teaching methodology 3. Inadequate stimulating learning activities during lecture/discussion 4. Inadequate classroom management when distraction arise 5. Non adherence with the scheduled time C. Evaluation 1. Undiscussed topics are included in the exams 2. Unclear or erroneous exam 3. Inadequate feedbacks after the examination 4. Lack of focus for follow up lecture/discussion done

Extent 4.125 4.075 3.952 3.9 3.95 4.075 4.45 4.375 4.275 4.325 4.4 4.55 4.5 4.525 4.525

Descriptive Rating Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Very Strong Strong Very Strong Very Strong

4.1 Extent of the Barriers in Learning as assessed by the General Education Subject faculty A. Learning Inside the Classroom 1. Inadequate attendance 2. Non-conducive learning environment 3. Unavailable or inadequate facilities and equipment to better understand the lessons 4. Unpreparedness before class 5. Disinterest to assigned topics or assignments B. Learning Outside the Classroom 1. Poor study habits 2. Inadequate laboratory work 3. Incomplete outside learning exposure for additional learning 4. Unfinished assignments or homework 5. Irregular visits to library or other sources of learning 6. Imbalance studying habits with personal or extracurricular interest Extent 4.5 4.25 4.5 4.5 4.25 4.125 4.25 4.5 4.375 4.25 4.25 Descriptive Rating Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong

4.2 Extent of the Barriers in Learning as assessed by the Nursing Students A. Learning Inside the Classroom 1. Inadequate attendance 2. Non-conducive learning environment 3. Unavailable or inadequate facilities and equipment to better understand the lessons 4. Unpreparedness before class 5. Disinterest to assigned topics or assignments B. Learning Outside the Classroom 1. Poor study habits 2. Inadequate laboratory work 3. Incomplete outside learning exposure for additional learning 4. Unfinished assignments or homework 5. Irregular visits to library or other sources of learning 6. Imbalance studying habits with personal or extracurricular interest Extent 3.9 3.9 3.775 3.95 3.875 3.9 3.975 4 3.85 3.7 3.875 Descriptive Rating Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong


Summary of Findings Conclusions

Recommendations To the Students This will ensure them with quality education by discovering their strong points and recognizing their failing points. They will benefit from the research study by having a basis for the enhancement of their knowledge, skills and attitudes.

To the Faculty members This study will help them improve professionally by identifying their areas of strengths and weaknesses in teaching. By doing so, this can serve as a basis for provision of further seminars and trainings to update and improve the quality of teaching of faculty members.

To the Institution This will provide a basis for the improvement and enhancement of education. This study will be beneficial in restructuring and improving the

teaching technique leading to innovations in order to adapt to the modern methods of instruction.

To the researchers This study could serve as a potential future reference for upcoming researchers concerned with the teaching method of faculty members and learning competency of students.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Bastable S. (2008) Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice, 3rd Edition Journals Addressing Barriers to Learning, Vol 5, No. 4 Fall, 2007 Thesis and Dissertations Electronic media http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/297373/my_teaching_philosophy_what _is_teaching.html?cat=9


http://www.atriumlinguarum.org/contenido/learning%20to%20learn%20what %20is%20it%20and%20can%20it%20be%20measured_ver5.pdf http://www.businessdictionary.com

September 12, 2011 Luz Besas, RN, MAN Dean, J.P. Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Inc. Bago Bantay, Quezon City Ms. Luz Besas: We, students from Manila Central University - Graduate School would like to ask from your good office to allow us to conduct a research study titled BARRIERS TO TEACHING AND LEARNING GENERAL EDUCATION SUBJECTS This research aims to: 1. identify the extent of the barriers in teaching and learning General Education Subjects as assessed by the faculty members and students respectively; and 2. determine the significant relationship between the extent of the barriers in teaching and learning General Education Subjects. In connection to this, we will be enlisting participation from the faculty teaching General Education Subjects and the first year to fourth year students of the college. The participants will be given a consent form and a questionnaire. The information gathered in the study will be treated with confidentiality. Moreover, the college will be promptly provided a copy of the finished research. Your favorable response regarding this plight will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Respectfully yours, _____________________ Melben D.R. Nuval, RN

Noted by: _____________________________

Leslie F. Lazaro, RN, MAN, PhD Professor Dear Respondents, Greetings! We are Registered Nurses, who are undergoing Masters of Arts in Nursing at Manila Central University Graduate School. As part of the requirements of our course, we are currently conducting a research entitled Barriers to Teaching and Learning in General Education Subjects in Chinese General Hospital College of Nursing and Liberal Arts. Our study aims to identify:
1. Identify the extent of the barriers in teaching and learning in general

education subjects as assessed by the faculty members and students respectively. 2. Determine the significant relationship between the extent of the barriers in teaching and learning general education subjects At this point in time, we would like to ask your permission to be part of our research. In case that you decided to participate in our research, we will be providing you questionnaire that you should answer. We ensure the confidentiality of the information gathered. We are looking forward to your positive response. Thank you.

Respectfully yours, ___________________ Melben D.R. Nuval, RN

Noted by: __________________ Leslie F. Lazaro, RN, MAN, PhD Professor

Juanito Pascual Sioson General Hospital and Colleges Inc. Vicinity Map

Eto pa kulang: Hypothesis, theoretical, conceptual framework (maglalagay pa ba nian?), significance of the study for ched/bon, Related literature, ung ibang sa bibliography, interpretations ng graphs and tables, data sa sop no. 5, acknowledgement, abstract, sa appendices, ung mga computation tska curriculum vitae nalang.

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