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HISTORY OF NUMERICAL CONTROINumerical C.ntrol Defined: The simplestdefinition for numericalcontrol is to controlby numbcrs.

lt is a procss processes tapo commands, by elcctrical of controlling machine tools and manufacturing or commandsftom a computersystcm. impulsecommands, History of Numcrical Control: As early as 1807punchedcards wcrc used to control textile looms. Other early who used this conceptfor process forerunnemwere the pctroleum and chemicalindustries playerpiano usedthe samecontlol unit principleasN/C. As the control. The old fashioned passedover a sensing bar, air was drawn into tubeswhich in turn holes in the player roll controlling the individual piano keys. activatedmechanisms The metal working equipmentindustrywas slow to catchon. In 1949the fint tape but there was no intergst. It was the controlled toolmakers lathe was demonstrated, ofthe curvedsurface ofa helicopterrotorbladelhat sparked computationand measurement Corporationand M.I.T., Between1949and 1952The Parsons the original N/C mncept. an of under the sponsorship the Air Force, constructed expcrimcntalmilling machineto milling. In order for N/C to bc made practical it was prove the possibility of contour and it did at a raPidrate. In 1952thc first industryto exPand, for necessary the electronics N/C units were in use. 3 axis demonstlationwas made,and by 1964,35,000 successful much like typewriten were usedto Punchtape or csrds In yearspast, flexowriters, which would later be read by the large control unit adjacentto the mill. Today many have taken placg in numerical,elecfionic or computorconffolledmachines. changes relaysto high Controller Evolution - Wc have gone from vacuum tubes and mcchanical shapes to gencratcthrecdimensional integratedcircuits,Thc ability of thg controller density hasvastly improved.Controllerswere point to point locatorsusuallyin two axes. Today, imaginable.Also; they (CNC) are capablcof ncarlyeveryshape microproccssor/controllers with the user. Thcy can and communicate storc and analyzcprograms can make decisions, tools when neededand communicate monitor thc quality of the product,changeto sharpcr can with other computersand rcbots that load and unload the parts. TheseCNC machines userwhat may be wrong. Thesecontrollcn are evenanalyzeintsnal problcmsand tell the within. of of calledfourth gcneration,because thc densityand sophistication the electronics is the ability of the controller to think. NC The big differcnce betwcen NC and CNC while CNC machines analyzedata. blindly follow instructions machines added computer capability.Today's softwarc is Softwarc Evolution - Microprocessors, languages "userftiendly" and may are Programming capableof two way communication. lossenthc chancc of errors for the programmcr. The logic of the Programis more easily prevents crrors, undcrstoodand learningtime is less. Modern softwarcaddscapabilities, packagc a fourth gcncration for and completes the icarning,simplificsprogramming speeds

History of NumcricalContro, (Cont.)


machine. Today morc and morc manufactures computcr hardwareare employingsoftware of programmers ilcrease the problcm solvingcapacityof thc computor in its softwareinstcadof to increasinS capabilityin the computerhardwarc. the ADVANTACES OF COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL

Many fixtureshavebeenreplaced with simplcclamps. It is the programtape or the computer positions cuttilg toolrightdownto tho finaldimension. the Fixtures then are that by somuchequipment is not needed.large industrics moncy eliminating that savo storage of largefixtures. Complexoperations often be done more quicklywith a programand precise can electronics computeNinsteadof physical or cffort. This also helpsto simplry inspection makequality and controlmucheasier. it is As less time is spent sding a machine, means machine in up that utilization higher and is the required number machines reducd. ol It is usefulwhenthe necdexists shortcnlead time. If tooling, to fixturing, and template requirements geatly leducd, savings obvious,The potential shown tho is in are the ar rnadepossiblc programmed by automobile industry. Thanksto the lead time reduction machines, Big ThreeAmerican manufacturcrs bccn ableon various have the automobile The lowrbackandother occasions introduce to models ahead schgdulo. roof,rcardcck, of havcbecome influcntial in sheetmetalpartswerestamped N/C madedies. Robotics by American industry. These mostoftnale machines arms with capable doing of various task in nearly eovironment. any Theydo not needheat, lightor paidvacations function, to Thgy canwork in hazardous or dangerous fume environmental areas.Some robots manufactuled todayare totallyautonomous sclf appcaring govcrning theycanmovcaboutfiom work as payloads randorn predetermind station workstation doing in to various tasks delivring and guidanctsystem, but orders. They do not dependon a line of sightor any mechanical guided infraledraysrstems arebinary instead by a! that coded.Thousands robotics of atc planncd the nextfcwyeals. in cxistencc our country in today with hundreds thousands of in It is usefulwherea part is complex mustbe madein shortrunswith variations. is but It much easicrto modirya programthan to maknew or modifiedtoolingand fixtu ng If a is in modifications be made inse ingor can by accessories. program contaifled memory, deleting changes whenandwherenecessary. only It is useful situations in wherea part is socomplex human that erroris likely!o occur.Oncc program made checked insure accuracy,will workwithouterrorindcfinitely, a is and to its it barringa malfunction the machine tool or machine of controlunit. ln manyunits,should place. will a damage takes a malfunction occur, machine sense problem stopbefore the and been Onegreatadvantage N/C is that thereis no allowance scrap.If theprognmhas of for
checkcd before insertinS into the machine conffol unit, and it is found to be correct, then therc is no nocd for trial runs.

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