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Fa 8 EMERITA &. QUITO a Re TOU 52 -- os” Meoreren ence in the Philippines ee rene and Prep ativan ening reat Yee L artete c Hictept Poin ieee PEA eA oti Pena near oe Lact eta eo Coe ac Saori ete Sea Fee Re rete nD A a Psirseartarerny meee nee ree Preemie age nies 5 Pa eae eo a reason eee and enecentinyee en deeneeer teed Rect Sena seer rena nner et Reece neste rot man erin neetcad Peo a Pn neurone ont ie eet pee a Pe era err fitepenren inser emitter et ead renin if ? i Eee erent peat) or DONA RUN OS BLS eed an we fa ¢ an ot Repsol U.P. LAW LIBRARY EMERITA &. QUITO The State of Philosophy fie pier 7 PSILIPPINE INDIGENOUS LAW COLLECTION UP. | couse oF Tig CT De Le Salle University ieee [-49 673 ony © Emer S019 Bets'Saie Gnvery Resse Conte Bee ee eee eet ISBN ss180169 (paper zB (st pbished 1985) 5a RIS ‘Mean rset ate Uy the Cnr now ncorpomet 3 oe ‘Soowchswte aces on campur af whch tte wor omeny ere eve coe ea Sate Une 26% Tt vee, ‘hnge tom the above adden (Pucker) Pras wt Be 9 5rag. 0. Pach é aoe PREFACE This monograph, “The Sate of Philosophy inthe Pilipines” is a result ofa stody underaken by Dr. Emérita 8. Quito rom November 1982 to March 1983. The study atempts to deserve the current ste of philosophical teaching and research in the gunury a8 well ss frende snd problems encountered in this Scio “The projec was funded by the Research Center of De La Salle Univesity under the Faculty Research Program which i de, Setbed by De: Quito in haptr 8 of this monograph Inthe new mission statement ofthe University, research inal dipines considered major thst of te fatto, Tas, “the wnivertiy commis ise 10 building inated commu of able inderaking the search for new krowledge and sppling ths to Philppine rece ai @ scaderecohimunioy, eamining "national goals snd. exploring ehh, ‘lermatives Jor socal gw among al Hiner” Dr. Quito is Chairperson of the Philosophy Department at De La Salle” University and the Distinguished Professorial Chair- holder inthe Humanities, Dr. Quit wat awarded « Decorate in Philosophy from the University of Fribourg, Switzed has pursued Special Studies in ye and Culture atthe Univer- sidad de Zaragoza and the Universi of Vesna. She has ao pursued Post-doctoral studies in Oriental Philosophy and San- shri at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and was Visiting Professor at the Université de Nancy and the Universié de Paris II in 1981-82,

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