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lini,:i:. r:lr.{! (a) Ilxplainbriefly\\.hy

databases fcxinirialprocess selectionneedtoircsub-
dividedinto genericpn,cessclasses, while materialselectioncan be con-
ductedon a singledatal,ascfor all marerials.
(b) Alrer bitial screennrg
of unsuitableprocesses, further refinemento{ thc
proccsssclcctnrnusuallyrequircsdctailcd ornatiu about thc nrarc!-
alsbeingprocessed and {caturesof the design.Explainwhy this is so,grr'
ingexamplesfrom the domainsolshaping,joining and surfacetreatmenr.
t:r.?t..:.,:i ti.; A nanufactuing processis to be selectedfor ar alumilum al1oypiston. Its
wcight is between0.8 and 1kg, and its minnnurnthicknessis 4-6n1n. The
dcsisnspecines a precisionof 0.5nm and a sur{aceliaishin thc ralge 2-5;ru.
that the batchsizewill be around 1000pistons.Usethe process
It is expectecl
attributechartseariierin the ch.pter to identily a subsetof possiblemanu-
facturingroutes,taking accountof theserequirements.\ ould the selecrior
changcif thc batch sizeilcreasedto 10 000?
i;'t,r'.ir: :i la l, The choiceof processfor shapinga CD casewas discussed in Section18.5,
but what about the CDs themselves? These are made o{ polycarbonate
(anotherthefmoplastic),bur the principal differenceIrom the caseis precr
sion. Readinga CD involvestracking the reflectionsof a laserftom micro
scopic pits :t the interfacebetwcentrvo layersin the disc. Thesepits are
typically0.5 pm in sizeand spacing,and 1.5 pm aprrtj the tolerancemust be
betterthan 0.1 pm for the disc to work.
Firstestimate(or melsure)themassandfiickncssof a CD. Uscthc chartsto
tud a short-1istofprocesses that canmeetdreserequftmcnts,andwill bc con-
p:lbte u ittr them.rterirlchss.Can theseprocesses
routirely achiclethe toler-
anceand nrish needed? seeif you canind out horvtheyaremadeirr practile.

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'sossetrord guDroddns ltot1€€
Prp.los aqr uo uollrrurojul Jo
-qsa^ul llIaru ,{Eurleql u8rs3P.tll Jo sltredst .luos $r33ns sssrord Suqsluy
.{rEpuoras Sulpnlrur rot tu€ss!tr3uI atru"^tollE SuIIeu
3qr l]4uaPr or E I!^r'I sa) asn elq{ aqr trl p.zlr€ruulns aI" slualu3rlnb.r
u8rs.p o{l reu€ep unntr€^ E roJ PamrtrEJnu"u.q or sI u"i uol,{u V l Sll e5l)raxl
ax: relledold drqs ss?rq asr€'I (^I)
'(uslugpue lrueretor elqrcsod
$.q) sepqq aulqrq s€3(Z€|N-NVI,^{)lo oC-IN II€uS ( I)
'(€uotlutuog) sr"tr'r-radns
Ior do E uZ 000 0I (O
'sadldrer€^\uoII rssr afte'l (I)
'.zrs qr1€q
rrluouotrepu? 'ssarq8nol 'lruer.lor roJ senlenol?udoidd" apnpu u.lll (sseu
-lrrllr uoDrr(PuE $"1! \\r<seor' \uorsururrp r\npord rqr ro, sJreu'Fr rlqP
-l .uosplJJteu PuE rdEq\PuPlPUrr"tLr L|rM {IlrqrrEdtuollJrqJ r!r.i Pusrl
slrnpord 3qr ro] ssatrordSuDs€rJo uolp.los aql aroldxa or E le^o'l Sg) esn 9 8 Ll as!)rexl
'uorrErotr.Pro] sessatrord (p)
'se{qu.ss€ rq5ll{rcr a>leluol sasserord(r)
'salloq DI€lu 01sassarord(q)
'SuPImqrEoqJot Posnsrssatrord(")
FX: :Puuol sE) ur,{rrrl3sJ.rlti"as, aqr.sn 5 813 es!)raxl

issorordsrqrJo sru?rr€^
aarqr aqr ere reql( BururPr?q ras"l sstrord ru.lul?ajr arPtrns .qJ (P)
islerraeu ftllurlsslP
urot or prsn aq rI ueC SsIPlor!{llrs uoDrl{ sslroJdSuIuIoteql (r)
isesn Frrd! sr arE]€IllN (31q4 erePSuId"rIS3q! tn P.ureluotr ar€
slssrJoJdBururqrltu ro] sProrer) 8ul11ntrlat'lal€^\ sslrord Suuqr"III eqI (q)
FX] iuerur rur.r sqr saoPreQK iezlsqrreq rluouora s1IsI1€ulN
'srlseldoulreqr'SuPIou uolps[ur ssatro]dSuIdEtIsoql rol Prorar eql (r)
:Puu or sg) ur lr{I]e} .as '\org! aqr 3sn t gll esrlraxl

taxl sl) r]irM buiroldxl € L'8 t


sassetdd 5ulJnltplnuew :qs!!odpue \)!ls 'leag leaH I I reldeqf gtt

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thescencew th CESElements447
l8 l4 Expior;ng

Exercise E18.8 The selectionof processfor a connectingrod was discussed earlierin the
chapter.Conductthe selectionusing CESLevel 3, making reasonable esti-
matesfor any unspecifiedrequiremenrs. ExpJorethe elfecrof changing to a
crosssecnonl0 t l0cm,inabatch
3mcon-rodfor a ship,of approximare
sizeof 10.
Exercise E18.9 Pmcessselectionlor an aluminumpistonwasinvestigated in ExerciseE18 2'
Futher investigation of the economics of graviry die casting and cerarnic
mold casting is suggested. Plot the cost against batch size for th€se processes,
assuming a material cost of $2&g and a piston mass oI l kg The overh*d
rate is $7olhour, the capital write-off time is 5 years and the load factor is
0.5. Which process is cheaper {or a batch size o{ 1000? Assune that as the
piston is simple in shape,itwill fall near the boftom of eachcost band'
Exercise E18.10 Two examplesof selectionof secondaryprocesses were discussedin the
chaptel The designrequirementswere summarized joining processesfor
a radiator in rable 18.12 and for hardeninga steelbearingrace in Table
18.14.UseCESLevel3 to checkthe resultsobtained For the radiatorprob-
lem, use the 'Pass-Fail table' feature in CES to seeif other processescolld
becomeoptibns if the desigarequirementswere modi6ed'

1 8.14 rxptoring withcESElements


Casting pmcessesrequire that the metal be melted Vapor methods like

vapor metallizing reqube that the metal be vaporized. Casting requLes
energy:the latent heat of melting is an absolutelo{'er limit (in {act it requires
mori than {our times t}'i$. Vaporization requiresthe latent heat of vaporiza-
tion, again as an absolute lower limit Values for both are contained in the
Elementsdatabase.Make a plot of one against the other. Using these lower
limits {ind, approximateln how much more energy-intensivevapor methods
are compared with those that simply melt.

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Chapter 19
Follow the recipe:
processingand properties

::: i :.:..11 ..:t.r:.: t.t,i ::t|r.,.) ) 1.1..::

iir'_i ,r:j r::i ., ,,." ri I ,.,:.:'ri r:r1.,.,r.,,

and synopsis
19.1 Introduction 450
't9.2 Microstructure
of materials 450
19.3 Microstructure
processrng 454
19.4 Processingfor properties 462
19.5 Casestudies 464
19.6 Makinghybridmaterials 472
19.1 Summary and conclusions 474
19.8 Furlherreading 475
19.9 Exercises 416
19.10 Exploring
designwith CES 477

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IIr Jo lorrdrrxa rqr qrra) ftrDlred .urrl€rsln J^Eqr.\\ 'sruorEqrra uorroq aqr
rE SurrRrSsi"r:u !r s.rnr":J lErnr.nDsorrrrurrrDru.qrsrzrrtrrrlunsI 6I ernBrC
'^\.r^rr^o uDto dq rlooq eqr u' PetrnPoilu'
sernlEJlrrnFn4sorrru aqrJoII" rsqta5or:ur^rrf ^E^\,{q !"rs qtr| (arnud rr^or)
sarnlrEJSuuaau€u3or 'tsro^\ 1€ 'pue rnu3,\arrsol pu" d"Fs or .rs.q rE .spE.l
.adrtrar,aq1^\onojol ern|.J lorluor ssarordpooSroj paauaqr rr qr sSuuqrr
rnq ruSrs3p pu" Sursserord sl"ualru (r1Fr1uatrsr sarrradordauruor.{r{rqEeqf

5lE]3iP[r ]O ;ln1:)r,t1a.J.
Z" &L
'sess"Jrl"rral"ul aql Jo rltr€au'o{ selduEx: raqlJnJrpr^ord pue raqr.So}
uorssntrsrP3q1.\"rP 3,{\areH su,ssarordPU" uorl,soduor,{q parEdru srSuErI.)
lrradord lo $ldurxa r1"!sn r ol srerd"qrieilr"a ur prsn rr.a suErlrluldord
srru.dord + rrnrrnrsoJ]rtr{ + Surssrrord+ uoqrsodruoS
:rulurrrr\ rLIr{q Prrnrde.'.,,r deql Jqr
Io .ru.ss: .qI sr'lrdori )oJ 8ulssa.od uo snxolaq1qrl\\'!Surss.rordSurlnp
:,\lo^a laqr sarnl€allernrtrnrlsortrnu ur€ttlaqrlo a.r^rr^o uE lpr^ord
ot sr I"oSrno ^\orlPu€
araH slaFurrlru ol suortrruuo{ azrsur.8u"r surelB-raSrtl3rp
sreqlo suo1" ,\{al lo sratsnlr Jo rsrsuo)u€r saPrred .rErdnerd-llErus ,tu3^anr
sluauoduor slr Jo "euos oor srpradordSullaaur3uror .{eI sr alnrrnJrsorrrw
'Jnt\nI\.-.1.u \r Jo \raJd\eJrnl|r\uo1
1rn{ pu€ dlsorod Jo uollnqlllstp aqr u3q1'aletr 1rn{ fl qsrprqr .aruErsurroJ
'esoddns'arntzlulsorllu s:trq1I^\8uor,{\ lua. { r€q \ euruexo put r q8norqr qSrr
1ntr(r1sr oP 1q3r0 loor aq13urq1lsrg aq1ssatrrns tou sr qsrprqr lt rng .rlstp
rlll Jo se1nqr41e "
rql s? .srrlr Jo lurqr rqSru nol latruEre.ddp pur ItruarsKuol
to^eu SnsB.ld qrra s.qsrparu erE.D or (,{ri^Ir"rj] put) etrurrradxa uo s.\"rp
poo8 rlslP eqr ru3s.rd puE qsrug rrEeq or :suonrn4sur
loo. V 'rerq 'xrul
SuDIoorpuB srurrprr8urrqr srsr .dn.r rql .8!Dtoo.,rpr^\ Ietpr'rd ^\oq r $ eraqJ
'Ftuet uo saondord SuFnpordrol .lqrsuodserosF
sr ]l :r.q1r3o1uaql Sur>trqspu" sadeqsrqgu 3q1orul slErj'rslu SuDIEulurqr
arou sa^lo,\urSuDnlr"Jnu€Il 'lgord llereP se^FsrurqrSuDJEur 3ljq,\\.sFn
,{rrl?nb-Poo8 olul ,{lqErT.I sFurr?ru umr "or raqr a^"q srarnl
-Pord lno rntr{ro^\
-.Bnusur os ,8u"rpror^to^. orr rsnEr IILIldJrs sserord ua rS" r{orl!,P:rd ()1
IrrrqE .qr s.rrnbrr rr Surloruor os (SunsrrordSurrnpuouL,\rasqo(r1etqrssrrr"
rou $ .mr.nrsorrrl l 3rnss..,orduo spuadaP,rnr]nj]soJ]Itu pu? rarn]rnrlsoj]ru
uo lPEmruI pu.dep rEqt-uo os puE ,{rhDsrser 'qr8u3rs ssrl.rsdord rruirrur
PrrllPoiltrr r^€rl srrrd"qr rrrtref, saDrrond luEuJo Bur.uElrq.ql sernhr l€po1
sDrunsrro.Jo suoDeFrdxarDeqrsrEPu€rruouo.a l"rlr]a{rar 3q1te3tu ot sltrnPoid
orur sruruodruo.8u{qu3ss" pu" Suqslug'8urd"r{SBurrnF€Jnue(ur auoq r?
Ir.J plnoqssauoPoo8.r{f srsqroutqr SuDIsEr'rrFru r? r311aq are aldord euos

! scjou^s
puPuo irnpolllil
L.6 L

'j;l).!ioi.j putz6o):5 o.td:adD atit /rallal 61 .)al.Jcr') \3SV

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of materials 451
19.2 MicrosiructLrre


*** ff:T^"'

prod- E=:.''E tt
G;*-l I

of the
ffi ffi rT-
IIG' * ;' * 1



ffi ffi \i--|

Iltlt t
I rfiE;;ti,];) r

o{ ffi .--t--
Figure 19.1 Microsiru.tural {eaturesin metals,showingtheirlengthscaleand the properties
whichlhey determine.E:.h intervalon the lengthscaleis a factorol 1000-

unusual amorphous metals)-responsible for elastic moduli and densiry Atom

scale defects-vacancies and solute atoms-were introduced in Chapter 6
buI Thermal, electrical, optical and magnetic behavior are most direcdy inlluenced
by this atomic scale o{ microstructure. Vacanciesare responsible for diffusion
so this, and the phenomenait causes(sintering,creep,heat treatments),also
depend on atomic-scale structure. Strength, toughness and fatigue depend on
structure at a slightly larger scale,that of dislocations and the obstaclesto their
motion sketchedin Figure 19.1: precipitatesand grain boundaries.Grains
themselves usuallylall into the 1-50 pm scale-a similar scaleto the roughness
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on metal surfacesand of the porosity causedby the gasestrapped in a metal
when it is cast.Fatiguecracksstart at grain scale,but gow to the dimensions
rope]e sr3re)sqlbuar qrer'eu,u.rrar"o u,,u^,",u";3:3t"il
I pue ate)sqlbuatraql 6urmoqs3osset6 ^"u*
pue s)rurera)ui53rntea'
lernlrnrlsor:ry1 7 6g ern6r1

Gcflwtsd €lsst r0)

T'G"*. l fE--F--t
I "s!s
tffiir I t}"F%:t
I F"{.€^+
-, I

f 'r t

rruor ro luap^m eqr ro ernrpuSuols trll?Jrsuulu aqr puErnol?l rrurore3qr

peuar IFrarrp serrcdord.qr rsow .Frs qrSuolsleu.l?u rno Jo uoDoq .q1
j€auqroqs^{oqs z 5r rmsrc .snoqdloure
'o eI"sa"""
'aPrs raFrrolrl a$
qrmr s8ulPlmq pue s.Sprrq alq,\{ loFrrep ur sraleu l€ra^osrI? siafladord dqs
.)Irtql uIT]0I punoresr
'os ro r4 urlllru s slospd.^qoruorn? Io, uerlrrl :a8uu
a8nq e u€ds se^le$u.qr srrnpord leral\l ajnrr€rj 1? ]leslr luauodruo. arll Jo

pue ouBsao.td:adt)araql MolloJ 6 | raldeql

satl.tadorcl Zst
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of materials 453
I9.2 MLcrostruct!re

a huge bondins-from elastic modulus ro electrical insulation The exceptions are

streneti and toughaess. Cracks dominate failure in ceramics and glasses,so
theseare the key features--doselyrelatedto grain size(in ceramics)and to the
surface fhish.
Polrtltels and.elastorrers
& near Polvmersand elastome.sare bherently molecularrather than atomic Figure 19 3
shows that there is wide diversitv at this 6ne scale:polymer molecules can be
amorphous,crystallioe,cross linked or ali$ed bv drawing. Most propertiesagain

19.3 Microstructural{eatures
FigLrre showingtheir !engths(ale
in poiymersand eiastomers,
fa.rr andthe pfopertieswhichthey determineEachinteryalon the lenqthscaleh a
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I€m-rrnrrslo 3r€r llEr!^o aql €I Iald€ql ur rr Per?lntrPr aa--3lnr?r3drrl3r uo

i luspuadapllSuolrs sr reql a1?re 1?smtrtrouoIsnJIC turoJ or srsEqd
or PLmore $uorerF )\our or uorsnlnpr^lo^uro\le .)3uPutr )sPLld ^\!u
I ,{ €nrrr^ .relr.rul o{r 1? uorsnJJrplq p{os or pmbr ulo{ rgsssrl suore-ur

i $uor &oaqr rrauDJ ,r.rldr sr sql 'Pqos 8uft\orB 3qr Pu€ PmbI aqr u$^\raq
ar"Jrerur ue sr sj3qr 'sl5rpqos Pmbq € uaqa reqrou" or emrrnrls 3uo luo{t
o8u?jj€ar or srrror? aqr roJ tustultqtalu e PaeuanrtrnrrsoDrui ul se8u€qr rng
q 'aBuErproI I"^\ .qr srurod srrur?ulpouraqr-os op ol alq"ro^€J dl€rqlgj3ua
srrrr rsqrou€ aro}"*,T1":?]:J1T"T:T"",
l4or eqr '8Bop os In Jr (sPmoduror Pu" suoqntos qroq) ssEqd Jo 3rnrru ?
o1ul asodurotrepl"ru lolle u? os 'suorFlos PqosuDqrl€raue aag re \ol a^€qu"l

t spunoduor ptrIlllaq) rurod Surrlsur.F a oq€ lC.TaIraea{ rse \ol }o ar?rs3qr sI

pmbn ? Suraqasn"raq8uq€equo rlotu sPIoS (slelFr?uroull?rsdjr uI rs€alr€)
lSrruo puoq puratur ar{rtrllJEurrd-l8loue ae{ Frluaqr uI sa.uare}Ip dq ue^Irp
.re se8u"qtras€qd lSraua lelru4od 3q1$ a.roj Su uP aqr araH dor aqr r? r?qr
u"ql rar\ol sr uroloq eqr rE l8r!u. Fpualod srl asn€req1I u {oP or llIA dlr€r
Jo dor aqrr" pes"eterl?q y (er?$Ieugaqt rmod PUaaqr pu" (sas"qdIo as"qd
Frrr aqr) lurod BurN?rseqr u!o,\r].q lSlaua w agu€qtre su"au I "nltr€ i(FuI
-snjuoo 1€q,r\euos'arro] 8ur^up lurlr lql droeql riFuDl dq Puoresaqr srlulEu
-lpolrrroql dq paulrllJalap sr tsrrJeql Lueubq?au e pve a oJ Sutaup E alnbar
,{eql Slnssa.ordl€uar?u guunp es€r{dJo srgu?rlr .r€ suo4?ruro]su?! aseqd
rsqro 3qr Jo xrleur ? uI 'alerrdl.ard .q1 'as€qd auo
Jo dn op"ItI \Io € snorraJ'uou pu" qaels PouaP*q-uop?lldtto'd sn se^F r€qr
srF sr rr pu? 'erEtspqos eqr trr lsErld 38ueqr u€r drql llSuoselarul arow q8noua
tuotp 1"aq a,!{ I azrrodE^ ulqr PuE rleu osl" Joelss? q.ns s,{o e Suuaau€ug
'OzHro sas?qdp{os pu€ pmbq 1od"^ eqr.re errpue D1€r\ 'ru?als uolrrsodruor
PuPrJnrannlrlqeuyrPE ! $ surorE Jo ruJurSuEJrP ue \e PruurPcDsu./dv
aBxoq?ltufl1.n4s Dqto We suotlouttoJsua4 arrqd. ';awqd

'suaddeqlr pu€ lqrr uo slldbupd Freuog atuos rsrg lnq rs opres

ro1?l ur PassntrsPere uorrnlo^e lErnr.nnsonrrr Jo sald6?xg :eq nj a lo,\e ol
alnDnrts aqr esn?r ,{?ru (ruluaElrr .r?fns Pu€ 3ururol) 8u$sotrorddr?Puotras
'uonnlolr IElrurnn\lo puErrnreurqr Jo lonuo) slre)LuPuo)rsrqr 8uI\rrtlrv
',{rl]rls?ld ro ,'!\ousnorsr^jo Joruor sarrnbor$ry lrp &n^!rpv emFnrlsorJrllr
rq8u .rlr qll,t,! odeqs lqBu aqr atrnpord 01 sI s.ss3trordSuldptls Jo {or 3qI

ur uorlnlo^a
Ourssa:ord a;npn;lsoory\
€'6 L

9 51 uoDtr3sur DqrnJ PessmsrP.resleuewu

.puc,'(q,raqro pue asaql ].l.ulerp DqU pu? azlserod 'aldul"xa rot-ernDellqu€
irarp ol Sml"lar selprs $€uel l?uoqpp? a serrsodurorrau lod peuolurar
srr"ot ralu,qod $Jr?D pue s.zerr "q
s? qrns s.rnreeJ.retuel u! SuFupq
-raqu pu"
(seojadoidl€3qdopu") s$uqSnor'qr8u.rls qrl^{'aFcs slqr 1?ro}eqoq rtrallar

pue6ussaard:adDaraql Mo al 6i ratdeqf tst


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:i: i,l.roriructure in processng455

ffiffrr'#:np?^tfiq;;:#{*$;gi i,:T,'.Tffi
il;;,i." *"".'"n.
"'{,Tff i:i:*::::'ffiL'}:J:rormed

l+'#ff tx,i

"".fi"J '"J"a
*'* nropertie$dependson the allov chemistrv'

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3qr alePoluruorrE or .dsgs .8ueqr sInsIS .ql uorsu4 ur CuDpaulo ualqord
.ql lnoqrra 'ad?qsJo s.Bu"qr pu" surrls 33r"1sqq"ue sql eFuar u"ql reql"r
. rsselduror
.pausrsep sr ptotu eqr uflt.,\ srqrroJ ep€luaq
$nln aru?l.rollv uolezrtFtsLD ,{q pasneraurnlo^ aartlo ssolrqr pue uoqr€rruol
Fuuaqr Jo asn?roq eml?rodluol uroor ot emteredusr Suplolu 3qr ruoq slootr
PlolII eqt se lusqs sjaurllod Iy Suloor ^{ols uo dol.€p lEru ,|rury"rstu srsru
-Ilod alllos uI e.rnrrnirs snoqdrou€ u" mjoJ or relard lpsoru sMu.lod .rou JI
1S 6I em8rJ) ur uazo{ sr rueuru8q"aql q3nouets"J poloor srSurplolurqr I :s{nl
-aloIII eqt el?lrerro uer tPql .sodurl sasso)ordSurplolu IIE rnq '.rpurulop
uoFnjlxo Pu? Surploruuopr.fq ^ro$sPmbt snotrsn se psploru .rE s]rrs€Jdoureql
uoqerruecuoresaqrto uoqEzrue8ouoqeluoselqeuaor sPorradPaSuolordrot 3rnr
-"rrdu!r q8lq r€ pleq erotaraql ue{o er€ sSsqs"C seupprmoq.W 1?lr orsurs
uorsorrotr ro ruauslDrrque s" qtrns sualqord Jo a.mos e aq uei uotleSa8as
srqJ ($IJEpunoqur"$ aq|a rl 4plos or lJEdrs"l aqr ur ste,\.Idrrmdlurpue
elnlos req8q qtl^\ sur"r8 Prrosaq1m dn tas aI" sluoP€I8 uorrErru!3uo:) .l"ts,tul
Sur ror8 Jo p€agBpel]a{ai $ alnlos os 'pmbq aq1uI leqr u"qr ssll sr p{os aqr
ur sarnlos" Pu" saurjndurl Io &$qnlos orlJ lou sooPpqos eqr lnq srnlos ]o uoD
-"rruetruor Inrotlun € sErlPmbq aqr teqr sr currs?trur uoEErrrdruor rsqrrrg v

I. ,r"-"t, u.1:i;iil::
3ql ur slerstu)p|os to qtMor6pue uorleal)nN(e) 6utlse)teraLuur uor+e)+rprtost 6L er nor j

sailadard pue 6utssDaid:adDa aql aola| 6l.raldeL-l) gS?

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-9 i i.,l.fostrLtcture 1nprocessing457

LH 1a)

Fioure 19.5 Lvolulionof moleLular in polvmetmoldins(a)aliq.lmertof
" moiecutes va(ouE
dLr.inq llow in (b)e.rti"rcryrtallirarron
shaoing. du'ing

overrllrrrain- thi' can givea bir of u'eful longirudinal rarher

like a 6bercomposite(Figr-rre 19 5(a)).work hardeningincreases the dislocation
den'iq, usetul io. 6nal p"openies bur increasing the forming load' andlimrring
Lhepo.sible.trdinsRaisingthe IemPerarure rc a n?althe met'il{\ortenwrrh
heat) overcomesthe {ormini lirnits; ii can be done bv carrving out the forming
orocesshor or by a separare hearuernnenta6reruards Annealingrn'olve"reror'
;n and rce,tslalhzation, inrroduced earlier.In recover)'ditloLalron\ inreracr
und ,."rrrng. otg-i7ed panern'tormingv6-3rarzs whichare lile trnv
grain' uittun $ains rFigurel9 6rb)1.More prolonged heatinghad\ ro rc'rys-
tdlli.aion tfiglte lq.6/c))-gain boundar)mrgratronover LargeroFlanceslDy
rbe rromrchoppingmechanism at a boundaryl..weeprng up ihe drslocatrons
and remo' ing ihe worL hrrdenins comPlerelv. Both lower the vieldstre*' mak-
ine it easierti work the material to shaPe(something blacksmiths have known
ioi centuriesthough they had no idea o{ the microstructural changes)The scope
tor m.rnioularineihe grurnsrrucrure duringsolid-srare formingi' a maiordi'-
rinctionbet-eenthe c:* and trought alloys The gain rze' formedin wrought
alloys are much smaller(typically 10-100pm) It's anothercoupled-problem:
sraifl slrucruredepends on theallonproces.cemperarure the rrre oldeformation'
l-ount of rheannerlinsremperature. lr i' therefore diffcuh ro geti

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.SurueprEqe3€,pu€ 'slaarslo ,J3dluerpuE qrurnb, lqr :]u.I"€rd iFplnrrled !l"
ad,{rsqr Jo srurlur€3r rEJrlo^{J (/'6I amgrC)r".q.r ru.nbosqnslqrIn sasrqd
alEtrs-eugarErrdr$rd u.qr pue Suruljoj arnlrnr$ .sr?or elq?rsePun ue lua^ord
ot smr€raduar tuoor ot qru.nb '(.rnleradrusr qSrqr? uoBnios p{os e turot a r)
azluoirnlos or sI atruanbrsuourtuor '!ldur?x! roJ---rmr"€du3r qtl^\ mrro
teqt sa8u€qr asEqdar€rs-pros 3qr sroldx! sql srnr€radrmr srerP3ruJ3rtrrue
01Pereeqajlll€nsn Puear"r Pallorruor rP Prloor 'elnr"J3duisrq8q or PelEeq
sr luauodruotrpad"qs aql Slnu3prequolrerdl]lrd lq qrBuarrssrupqua or sruaru
-r€a! lEaq lEug o€rapun oq€ s,(o[e ,{u?W 'ss.uqSnorqfiq rnq $€uens J3^{otro
alnrrnJrso]]rul ernPord or Pu€ 'ss.Is IenPrsarl?rr9 .qr szllurwtu or Supq rGlqo
eqr 'rueuoduor" 8uq€ru trl dlrs Ieug .qr se .rnrErrduat q8q luo{ 8u{oor
,lrols-raqlouE sr"€urq€InroN auo s"^\ €trnuloj r3qury arojaq ,(otl€ uE ueqos
ot 8ulrc.uuv sasodmd snorrp^ sa res sql rueturEerrr€aq or paFaiqns uatjo
are '!s!?d prssatrojd rap^{od pu" sBuss€33luos puE 'srtrnpord l€tattl rq5nom
lopu Jo 7uou7pa.4TpaH
'uop?rol qlra &e^
ernrsrodruorpuE ,r!r urer$ rul?Ds aql se SrEd PaLuroJ€ ur azls uI?I8 Lurolun

sq] ut suotle)olstp
Eqllno 6urdt^'rapnuuter6-qns e uro4s€uepunoq
f +ouorler6rLuIq urlo, surer6.Mau
a6retp uo u^ oqs)suter6-qns
see6ue!ear suorle)olstp
3q]()) (alprs
aqf (q) rusuoduro)aql lo odeqsu136uEqr3ql 6ur^^oo+'ate)uedsulere(€)
'6u pauuepue uorleurolapIq alersprtosaLllLr Lrortnto^a
arnlrnrls uler9 9 6l ern6tl
.u i t


sattadoJdpue 6ussaud :adDataql MoIaJ 6L rgldprll 8St

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evoluiionin pfocessing459
19.3 Microstructure

E T"


Figure197 s.t'".ur,. i'' h*l'::,"1L":':lnfJ1L'i:"i1"j'lJlT','.t'

,r'",.ut .^
:illil i"%l:1Tliliil """"
Fnla;ed scale)at a lower temperature

in mosi
hardenjngi' a genericmechanitm
rn aluminumalloys Burpreipiration
alloy systems.

;j,{nru* u;;r:
deformation bY creeP'

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Eird|@eto remove
this watermark.
and FoprtErs'
:truersp ? ra^o lntrtro or uolsryltP roJ eml"!&uer qSrqr€ suor? lrnlos For$lelur
joj ,j.Iuo rnq-alqrsr.J osl€ sr ar€]jns eqr orln srsorEJo uoIsnJJIP1]ajrc e1"rs
I€erur eqt u€qr r.prErl qrnu sr as"qd Pug aqr qrrqiA uI 'sl331slo 8uru.Preq las€l
-aldul"r.a u€ sraoqs0I 6I arn8rC 8u{oor pue Surre.q l€rol iq suooeruJo]suP4
n6ll .seqd ar€Ins rmu etrnpursr.rpo 1.ns Iaqr 3ms Brq"ul u3$ sI turlqord lluo 3qr
-po8ueqrlm et"$qns rqr 8ln^e.l 's.ruadoid pu? arnlusorslur urro sI rpl^11!Ir
-eretu8u!€otr € pp€ ,qdurs euos seujedord Pu€ am!rursoJ]ltu erEIns eqr
rSueqr 01 ^reu
sassatrordpu? slusueqtrrur l1larajj]p du"rr rroldxa srueturE3r rr"'rns
3 u"au'8ua ar'lrns
'Delur sa[radordPur
arrusnrsor3rur rqr 3u 'paurol 8urcq sruauoduror eqr uo uoD?nrjoloP ro
l"aq esodur r<uop,(.ql 1?rl1a8elu€^P" eqr 3^Er{lrqr rnq-lorruor ss..ord Pu€
u8rsap poo3 BurJrnbeJ'slJa]rp upluotr ptrE ssels .r€rrusruor lllrs ,{!ql-..{
elqnor lou er€ se€otouqJara $eqPV (sur3tqorduorsorlor PUE!n8D!] 3u6ne.
IlFsuerod 's.trr^lrr ro 'suol]ellllaruotrssalrsro tass.$ Fnpl$r) ss!troJd.q1
Jo srtraJJa-aprsr.rpo o! anPaq osP I?lu rr rnq '(!ldlu"x! sqr uI se)luro{ aqr 1"
I"^\ auios trl plBEruep are sauradord l€rrerErrr.qr rsn"roq led ur rq deur sql
'sessersrlqe^{oll! pue amll?j aurullalp r?qr suolr"rol lEtrIlur rrlr Suleq'r8rsoPur
ltaaq sa qtrv, 3qr u!{o .r€ sPIa^\-IPnrs }o ptag Brq € sI lSm EraluSInPl'a

'buusluts ]oq ur uorpeduro)
rsp,lod ,|ourerueq)ai 8 6l, oJn6rl

.d Lt.dord oup bL.ssd,ord :ddDd aq Mo! o.t 6l ro dpq_\ Ogt

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in processing461
19f lvlicrostlucture


wilh (orrespondingthermalhistofiesih the weld metaland

Figure19.9 A weld crost-section weldsin
ieai-afiecteo zone eetowaretvpi€alhardness
heat-treatable aluminumalloys,low'carbonsteeland low-alloysteer'

F i g u re1 9 .1 0 Laserhardeninq: a surface t'eatment pro(ers thdt modifie< micoittucllrre The

phae chanqeson
i ra * r' i n q ru' ei nuum i nauceta rapi dthe' mal cvcl e,causi ng
The rracl be ow the parh of the lase' has d d fiererr
borh healinq and cooling
final microstructure o{ high hardness.

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s$uEqueoqe rr PuE.deqs Frlnbar.qr s$npord uorsnlrxrreqr aroue^\ 'tlu!{
.lrl-rrq a$ lo dars uorsrurxa lqr or SurornFu 3i^r.s n rtru€uroJred roj s"
llr{ .p 3ur\$ord roj trlrqprn.JrJ\r )-rtuPrror ruPrrodur 'r rrru:t odtuore roj
sl?ualEur€ursooqr ur os a lsuedxr .jotu snqr rl€ Pus ssr.ord ol rln glrP 3lorlr
.rE slolF Suorrs-rtrUuor uI aq uEr s.rlsrrartr€r"qc SulssIord aq1put uSIsrP
egL'Rltssaro!4Saunp prrrutr elt ( ]1' 'lrillFnP 'qr8ueJrs) sluadord aults !s!qr
+o.ruos rnq !trnpord P.qsm5 aqlJo $Irr.dord aql uo $snro] uSlsap:t lulod
'r?er..rqr rp pru'uuJrp tl.r-UJ'Prrn.to trrrrenb JqI rrror uoFnrr\r
lF^u"lar rt rndqSnoql rs€JBuIAoll" tsulEJlsrIrsEId.3r?l rql oBr3Punor
^\ot rtl) r'np), or ruq
te.r-,reurqr \rtqeuJ!rlt brtD'nprqr r.PrIur P-E tlrBuJ,rs
J-op ! uoFnnxrJq L .trqr u,u r PUerJrucrP -r urL 0t rq qolloqPor 'rJrr
rup,pu. uur 00Z prno,p'rr ,q rptn!,r t.to\ r Luo4,{tDrnPprdPq.'r rr '" Frr
alplueqrroJ l-rorsrqoJnrrr.dulslE '(q) uI t,roqs arngg3qI aq$ orurPePn$.a
pu? slr rq o1ulpatrqs$ roSuraqr(eLuE4aTq aqr roJ sDnPoIdru:qJIP orur
Surssrrordroj seuorrEJruar:JJtPor Fuodsuer ar" qtrq \'(E)II 6I an8lJ uI s!
sroBu etuetolur rse. .r" suoulsoduotrPftPu€rsos '.lErs r8r"l e uo rrtuouota
r\oLU...{ollprq€no,qJ.3u,r.rrteu u,r1t sr*r'o-d-o u,P!'rr?uotrr^lo^t,l
(Surssarord uoq€urloJopados o8rtpun leql esoqr)srf,npordrqgnor^\'rs"ruol
,{g ar] srsdsrslorrqHnu aql os'(ruetu1€alr r€aqSuIPnpuIlsuoll€iadoSuqslug
,{luo8ul^eal'da$ aFurse ur rueuoduroraqrJo ad€qsaqr orul PaurnlsI l"ualPul
L\u eqr-sass:,old adpqs-tau-rrau et"-B.]rPtorLtlaulIlod PUEsrssatrordraPrrod
.3uD.e..pDn .d!r. ruo \r\lo^ur 3ur'\rrord.lE,rrruru:Z ruroJ
-p.rr :lou
'aol\ oor q.'nu \r uoFnjlrprJlrr. P'tu(rttr ur urqr
pp" or lFtrgJIp&e^ sI lr 1nq'arPrsPmbll aqr uI raqroue.uo ul{laail a^losslP
sruouelarrryraw Suosrr raqt p!8uEqtraq rouuErPuE'.r?rsPlnbll aqr uI'8uI
-ss.rordlo rasrnorqrre palsnlpt sl{o ? uasoqraqrIo dJlsrluaq)aql:lslJl;ddio

raqurnue s.I"uI rI ,{rorsq ssarordaql uI sdolsuI"* 11 61 "rn:'tg

"qr ""l"tl"n1lt
lo ! lunurunt€ alq?rE. -rseq sI '(0I Pue S srerd"q)) rq8l..t aol le rtrr]r
rsrsrr rn8rr"J pu" sseuljDspooS srr roJ ''lu?lj a)tlq eql rol u.soqr lelr4eu aql
sau04 a4!q ult1t!1u,4v

s.nssr IeJauaBdn BEU(}1 aldupxa ue st areH saaDdold + aru)tlttsoDtlN
l aotxisodLeo) :)p€q seged ^\aJ E PrruEtu " sI aiaql
sal]a d o r dio ] 6 u tsse lo ;;

'sutzunq:m st
o. \oDI rualur?ol]atr€Jrns.qr-sloals Jo (s$upr"rl snql Pu")luaruor uoqr6.tll
as€arrur or p.sn srusru"qcllu sqt (sarl^3P roFnPuorN:s u' s") aP's
e uo Blfls,r.ord rq -oJ pur-\ruJu'prll r)pun\ roj ruJ,r$n\.r q'rq s 'Ploq
rno.r I p ror ulu? u punorP-o iO ' \rruP^'Puor.nrlrpLr rru l |n:t'{qd e rt
areql lurod Bulrl.ureqr reauur^51teq1paFa^3r€I rerdEql e.u"trgru8nluEto

seDradatdpup Lutssardd:adt)d arlir'Aallal 6lraldpul z9?

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(a J
I h .ur ),
g D: r a E
I r. fffiGi;nl

(b) l30mm

5m e
€ :rnh
F,i B. I

*."J E

I. .rs

re. Iir of the.ranufnci ufeoi a r-l i i :e {r;:i f!4l nh€r;tif r '?iab

F i ru r€ l l J .l 1 Ae c h e ' i r l .i o.?:hn,' ?
' ( l') Hlr 'i '
. tr" ,' " t. !:i , (-\ l ;tl r' j rj ' f afqe ;ngc' i (rt i i rro l ri l l etsfor extrxl i ci
.x trr:l l :,r rri i . i ,.i 50,l n.6rporsi i ncti to sol uti onheat i r' ai _mefi zr:' r'q!andi i
i () :-..l i o i j .i r1 to l enqi h and a-nehafdened kl ) A tteni bi y l ' i o ti rei tat" t r t at '
U--ii. vr'cr.iriq

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uoDErurol.p lo 3s!3 3qr trr sarueqlP epqnssr]euai srqt ssrt. rolt" ue rlEurulop
sIoII! ]rFnor.{\ ro rs€r r.qrra lllensn rap \od sEpassarordoslEaIe,(aElu puE.sru"
16: l -trt^ rqBnor.{pu" rsErqroq rrllo surerslslolle rsow uo os puE3t{ 'uZ <rN'rJ
'nl lV uo p.s€q eso$ s" qrns 'suiersds Ioltt 3qr IF or IIdd? $idEurrd rElrufls
rnq 'slollEsuuaaurcu3
ru"uruopeqrar" (s,{olr€
snorDJrrqr. o*1,,],ii,1j,,,
aqr esrtJor) rar"l r 1€! 1€aquaql pu" (Uossnqr puE)]oq r rdqs B a sq1
punor slt^\ 5uruuntr.l" araqrrnq lritluor ur aq uelo utr spu"ruepacr^raspu€
surssrrord(sdoll"e Doruorn€roj ss3uq5no1pu" qr8!.Jls ,rtdurEx!roJ)arNes ur
p!p.!u sauedord aqr pu'?(uEr rasqe cur.r"rp daeprol ,{}rru.,np'!tdlu€x. rot)
Surss$ordSuunpsriuadordrFoq sepnFursq.L papo.us.ruadordeqr ar€r.ur3
or pet€lndru"ttl Suraq sl am!rulsoirul S rIlrapun .ql ,sruruodruotr 8ururol
pu€ Curd€qselrq,,r u,lroqsa^eq suoo.:s J]rlreelqr puv .ed"qsxalduotr
Jo sluauoduotralquass"pue eleur ot olqelre,rE s.ss3rordCuunrtr€Inu"riJo,qrs
ra,\lPeqr sl sleF'r Jo rrlstraltrer?q..lq€ro,'rq? rerlr 8I r.rd"q) ul rEap se.utl

asP)s.s L

ipel"uosarapunaq rou pFoqs uoEralesssstrord pu" lEuel€u ur

aB?rs.uooeluaimroc lors, .qrlo r.ueuoduri 3qf s.Brl?arSurmltrE]nueupuE
sa,\Drafqo uBrcapuaa,uleqasruorduo. ot pr:u !!rlo a \ lq \lo are,r" aq or pue
'flu€€ sqr UI uado s3le rno daal ot paau e,{ 1"q1saogs lpnrs as€r au".rl alrltrrq
aqrrng uEIdor saoBII" Jr pe arqr" aq ll€r rltrrq^\'!os"qer€p ir3dord € ur p3ro1s
saru3dord,Fapr,aqlpu" Sursserord uea,ulaquoilrErlrur rqr uo sr src€qdua:qI
'sess€Fleuareu I]" u 'serlj.dord rr?lndruEu or pasnar€ Surssarord pue ,.hrsr
-urg \ Jo !uo,rpu.qLUor J{r {p $oq r-,Jeyr {ou r $ 'puno,3t'FqqLirrtld!
'sdarssserordrairrrr lq .uop poo8rqr opun rEqr(8urpp^!dtler$ds.)sders
Sururo(rol1noqjrea rrapunu:rE sruoDer.do8urc$rord l"1eu Ierrdlr s q8norqr
leurnol rrolls srqr u lurod rsel .ql .ruaH (66I an]8rl) aur€! aqr lo rsor.qr
or saruadordrouarur'rueDlrp qtra dn spuepl. { rqr punor ruoz paF:Jje-l?aq
a$ 'au"{ palalduror eq1uo te.dar ot tFrg}rp $ llJr 8uruapr"q-e8€alorl^r .qr
sV uoqnlos olur l.eq r€.dd"sp 8u.u.pr"q rBE.{q p.rnpord ,tlln]ar?r s.r€ridl].Jd
eq1auoz p.Frjle-r€rq rqr uI SulPF \ rr€ ,{q pelquasse sr .ur?{ rqr ,,!lEurC
'p.ss.rord SurrqruErr€^,{ollprqnrru"d aqr uo IrcFp ,qr ur purd.p
rnq {lsno.uErlnurs saurrdold l"rrg pur .drqs Sullloiuo. rol le.urJ] .rE sauor
^,rl tpL-r'lI p-p uu,reluror)CrururprllrprqrrqrrnJou qIM -Su,urprrqvoa
aql azrud?u or plor ruop u.qr$uorsnrxe lqr os 'uor1?1rdr)ard rou (Suruapr€q
)|loa pu? uolnlos pros ruoq sauor qr8urls t(olP ulnurunl? rlq"rE. rP3rl
-uou e uI ql8u$s IEugsrr r BuL,\€'(c)II 61 3rn8rCuI s" p.Bs pu" r{r8uator
rnr u.F sDqnr eqJ 8trlr8€or roud ru3lnrmJ]reequornlos luanb:sqnse :o1
P3.s eqr8uD"i^qosnqr'uolrnlosm arnlosBurdderl saqruanbssarduorsnrlxe
.qr uro{ sasraurerr s" aqnr 3q1JosullootrparroC doltEaqr aziuasouoqsdFq
pu! rlnrrnJrs urpl8 rsEr s" aqr seugaruorl€uuoj.p roq !r{I .arnFnltsol]ru aq1

pue 5uEs'dd :adD4 atli trotlcl 6lraldeql

satlredc-td ?gt

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I9.5 CasestLrdre5

ofthe underlyingcrystalstructuresin differentelements.For example,Zn, Mg

andTi havethe 'hexagonalclose-packed (HCP)'crystalstructure(seeChapter4).
6e n<J This is inherentlylessductilethan the FCC or BCC crystalstructuresfound in
Al, Fe and Cu so Zn, Mg and Ti are nostly cast, with only limited deformation
processingbeingconducted,and usuallythen done hot (when the ductility is
better).DuctileAl, Fe and Cu are mostlywrought,but all comeascastingalloys
too. Castingand wrought alloysit a givenmetalsystemtend to havequite di{-
m:l hir ferent composirions.Good castabilityrequiresmuch higher levelso{ alloying
additionsthan the relativelydilute wrought alloys(to lower the meltiig point).
Castingleadsto coarsermicrostructuresand poorer strength and toughnessthan
in wrouglt alloys(asillustratedfor aluminumalloysin Chapter8).
To illustrate the details o{ metalsprocessingand propeny manipulation further,
we now draw on examplesfrom the dominant class:the ferous alloys.

r t'r:ning For structuraland mechanicalapplications,steelsandotheralloysbasedon iron
P6- dominate. They are intrinsically stiff, strong and tough, and mostly low cost.
{ch:m High densityis a drawback for transpoft applications,allowing competition
from light alloys,woodand composites. Figure19.12illustratesthe diversityof
Dperdes applications{or ferrousalloys.Thesereflectthe manyclasses oI alloy nifferent
. Blr rhe chemistriescombinedwith differentprocesshistories.Eramining eachin turn
tgame. highlights the key material propeny, composition and processingfactors at work.
n stage


ing and
hred to


4:. but
Al. Cu,
+r'ari- Figure19.12 A selectlon of produ(tsmadeffom alloysbasedon iron (a)Castiron:brake
k ailoys disk.(b) Low-carbon,teel: I beam.(c)Low al oy steei:ccnnectlngrod.
{d) stain €sssteel:cuilery.

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qtrq^\ seruedord PIe a^?q qer.u Pernrx.r .trurs lE]aur r..qs qri. \ 8ur)Fo.\ ur
ruergn€rs $ rr rnq 'ruelod&r .&a^plmos r,us.op sfqf suoDpruerroJo uorlnqurslP
tP1'r\,r"r\E \urPrurrJrJlr-\\)uLUoPuPr Jor\rr '.u\JoP.,our/ eFturJr'{tPr
F.dxaun sdpr{Ild uoBEluroJlplrp Jo s.xe rq1 ol Drdsrr qr.u seuEldrqdEIS
-olPtsIrtr .qr uBry or spuerr 'sur€r€aqr ,.I€rurd, uolrpurrotapsaopIIuo toN
'1lalll uqrrr\ uoB€losr SunuroI sn.pnu qrEr-luopuu el" Cuqs"r 3 ur s3u"ld
F1shtr aqI arn]xer Frsl-rtr Io rdatruor aqr sr surtEauupIq paaoloj uorl"rriorap
rslo € rqcno&\ arn1
Jo FalIe 3prsru€uodrmuv slaersuoqrrr-^\ot Sulpntrul
rnrs ur€r5 eqr Iorruotr or Pasnlluoruujor sr Surrrruu? rsqr J3rrr€3PerousE^\rI
'rprqe^.qr lo ruo{ aqrJo
uoDdrosqEi3r3u. aqr uo puldep sa^{rno qssr rEr e ur puE'oar ur otorq u"qr
nq1"r airlq € PaE8"saBPrrq€ raqru ptno^\; \-tEu.rtlu l?rnrtrrurs? DrI?1r^ar€
qfuejls luarep pu" ssauqgnorthq!trnc qr€uaIrsFnpord parmbai aq1a € ol
Suuapreq]io,r\ raqr srroldxassatrord uoD€ruolapaW aIIq^'!'!srqrsalq"uelaars
uoqi€r ur"ld Jo &qnrnP rusllatrxaarl.L dPqs or IF^rsua*a PauuoJsPsr ,{oll€
aqr-rqBnor!{ ai€ suorl€trqdd€ ssaqrJoIIV (suorrpp€3u otJ"reqroaaj € qr'^\
Patru"que ruxrr€^ € ro) IeeN ptltuIo.P"ru lrE (slrEtrpooJ puPraaq)8ui8")ttr"d Fers
pue slolF e^rrouiornp'((q)Zt 6I ern8rC)suou.rs l€lnrcnJrsIJ" :rsorulv uoq.r"tr
%Z 0rI 0 Bururcruotruor laarsplur ssoorp IIr.r \€Iuj r '\ l€rrer"u lu€urlxop
lll€sre runauolno alSulsorpeqe^\]t sut1r1r'rltr sxtr"q-t:l.latsuo.)/tltu1t4.I

'\\rrF lPnP\rrPUP{rForodr/,u,u,u or rrp,o

ur PloLLlaq1orul Ftaur aqr rnod or l?^\ aqr or uoqrsodnrorJo arroqr aq1uo{
8ultl ra^alapouror sloorar"rllos P3r€cqsqdoslsn or .tqrssodsrlr sI"p"^\oN
'seunlrctr roI lr" Ic"Jq P rrq € u.3q seq slr edord neqr e ordrm or]s8uDs€rJo
laslulaqr arF BuDI"a^[ atru"rsu]
'o rot tryFs dn ulrp or slo snorral ol papp€sr
as:u€3uew 8ur1s?raq1lnoriSnoqlpatnqulsp punoduor pros " ? uroj ()1ll1rrr
r.eor ol esleSuqleuos uaql3ul^r3 dq ssaFurEq Inaql rePuerot.lqrssod,.( ?nsn
sr rr b^rsuadxesr qrq^\ (lleu:q1uo{ salrundlnla^ouar ol8url! u?qr r.qr?d
.saurmdu uolnqFrsrpeq1pu"(srEelntrour SursnIq 3 a)sa^lasuaqrsuErS.qr
Jo ezrsaqr 3r€ loluor or sanr€J Iat aqJ i3rel peglPottlaq rouu"r Puessetrord
surd€qseqr suunp P3llIroJ$ ernl3nllsurpJSeqr '€ 6I uonras ur paqrrrsrpsV
Ilredord, lu"lodrur raqloue-lu€truqnl ou ro lrxurullll q1l!r,(plrmb prurqr"ru
.q ot,.illrq€ aql lbrrrq"uqr€u pooS3udtc'a1rqd?j8aa{ ui?ruotrosF .{?uruorr
rse) 8uru.pleq uo4elrdn:rd lurllarxa 8ur^€ punodluo:) prEq t----eprqrer uorr
lo rot E 3ur^r3(rq8l..{{,tq)uoqr"tr %n-Z ur€ruor,t Erdlr suolr rse:) prrrnbrr
ss:uPreq eql 3Pr^ord I)1 lueu4?a! r"aq raqunI ajrnbar lll?nsn rou s.op rml
-trruNoJrrrulser-s" eqr Pu" \sP aqrJo ad"qs Per€rqdlnorllareDPolu .qr a]"tu or
l".,!\$ad€rqtraqt sr8uqs"r asneregiuorr ts€tr{q^\ os-lliq oq11gslol€ snorr.}
IIV d*puoras sr sq1 lnq 'epqa^ ? ui !€d 8u!?ror ? rol .rru eq plno^1tq8le^\
ao-I .rnr?raduar arr^rasllmru*?ltr q8q e PUessauq8norpooS'3tru"rsrseJIe.^\
rol (ql€u.Irs) ssrupr?q.IoJrI.rIr rrs srrurdord l?urlElu lq eqJ (I I radpqt)
sslrord rqr ur rEeq rol 8uu€laur3 'rl]Irl.^ 8ul\oru s lrEr.lecrp or sp€d a{Erq
.qr uo uoDrr{ Suprrs "
'o rsn ((t)ZI 6t 3In3rC)sIsP .)]:EtA \stp a404 nott rst:)

::ailadaid pLle 6ut9so) A adD aqt L4aIoJ 6l j;]dpql ggt

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ndl L, " -'

1!r:. ir!.:i-1-rr.: 467

ateanisotroPi.li.e ditierenrin ditf.rent directions) This can be a.problem
snroofi and circular our of a like
sheet' a bever
'"', -""r,. -"t. ",-.!hins

r lnt t.r'! au t t i r- ." i' l Le movrrgand

lan All "'n
rac'ineprrr. of m,rcl'nerr' r;ure ro.'2'. " rre'ub;ecLed ro trr) dernrndrlg
condiiions high bulk stresses ro transmitbads in bendingand tonion (astn a
crank or a driv"eshaft),high conractstresses wherethev slideor roll overone
,".,+- gt.t^ - ofrtt -P'ip-o'rrinqrnad' pnrmorin:htrBuefrr-ure
'" " rod'r. "nd
\trenFh rLt good toughrr's i' e\ervrhrng n LrrDon
rg. Last \r' ,nconnecting .l'rr
.re"l. errendu1 ro 0.8'" .r.con rhr' introdu.e' more ron Into the
g" '"g t'eare-r'e. ra p to- Lrrdenrng lhel do r rr a'onahle rob'
Mrle rhe'reer rnJ re\\or rr'
h-r rheden'iryn iro" i' a p1'bler. 'rro-ge( -\e
andwe cansaveweight.This is particularlv true for fast moving parts in engines'
sincethe suppon.t.*tt- *" also be made iighter if the inenial loading ts
(so called'secondaryweight savings')The ftick is vet nore alloving'
ne. it is
A beuilderingL.i ol rddirron'ro i;rbor' *eel c'rn be -'ed o impro\eLhF
ii.t -.V Moand War iu'trhFmo\ irrpon Inrl\omeco-'"iburc
'*"gl-V". grtrne, 'old $lrrion 'ontnh rronreS hrgnJrro)rool
due.rll ro rhe. rengrn.
quire modest
s&els.with up to 20% tungsten).More subtlethough is the wav
a,l lirio"s (<j% in lo--alloy steels)a{fect the allov\ response to heat rreatment'
irl. r.." pi*"." i' 'q*"ch and ternper' (Fisure 19 7) The steel is heated to-a
*hrcfl,1.'ecarbona"ithe allov additions dissolve (850-1000'C)
", urter
and rhe- que-.hed r'rprdll ro roum remFrrrure.u'uallv in oil or
fernperns i. reheanng of LLe *eel tL' rn irr€r4ledrr'e remoerature ro p-ecrp
rr).2% . . ! t*],"ir.'- a''-lenion.r ,roncrrb de rn iron in e'erv'ingl' grain l he
quench is critical-slow cooling producesa softer mixture ol grans' some
beinspureiro- and *'meconrrinrnsr.oane di'pe"ronof r-oncIbide,A,brt
o/ add rinn,rlp.F.:pllJrion *r ensrhc',me'l-.m rh rrro)\arnrde\
brr rl"r. r. nor Ihe Inainrea\onlo- ,rlo)r-g. Pla n crrbon 'reelt'Jn rl'o. be
quenched ard rerrpetedlhc problem i' tLc *verrl of Lhe quenchneeded to
microstructure associated with
Eengrh a'voidthe {ormation of the much iesseffective
siow cooling.Alloyingeffectivelvshutsthis down, enablingslowerquench
ro rch'ere rherareermrcro.rru. rure l-con'equence'bigger'oPon'nNcrrrhe
l'ea'rrear"d rni.*:y rhe.oo'rnprarearrhe.enrerbengl:mitedbl hert'ondu'
for this is enhancing hardenabilitv-it is
iion through the steel.The techniial tem
process and design detail can interact in
:r-tof another e;ample of how material,
meetinsthe objectivesof a design.
Ir oi",ne. ir *onhv or -oie rharLLeinrermediare m:Lro\rructu-e kno$n
''fo-ned on quen'hinga h'rdenahle i' h--d bur ar'o
,' 're'r 'erv
\ery linle-l ke J cerim:.. lt I' rherefo'e u'ele* a' a hulk riro'rrdlure-
n:srical rerpcringr'e*e"rirl ro reworeuce'ulrouehne* Houercr''om''rriare rret -
s;.,ant *i o-a*. layerof martensiteon a component-+xcellentfor wear
-.r'i" ",t'i"
,'r gea's, bearingsand so on This is how laser hardeningworks
s ninch resistance

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FnPord 3rpJo suofar tuarrllrp.)urs {s"a rou sr 3pnrruB?usqrJo uoq.pJ]uo.
urnj,,,n 3ur^JrrtrV.rrurSor p Jrur,pur
tJ$r-d rre {rqr urqM o; ro 7 ru
rorrrj e,Iq I vJruol u.,p$ooJnroI \ropr! Jtdur,.,' ur^r .r^Jqre or rlnrgip
\rrll \r.!orodpr.\e or prp.DuuJtlr\r 8uFlJrord br,pnbpo.B
rnq'.uetdrru rL| ur pr\n \rrpa.dJo r7r\ rrlr rarjJr ljrsrp \)rlurlrr . \t\Err
ortrm .qI sFalrP Io lorruoc aql rnoqEaro]rr.qr eI€ uorr€:)rddr
roj surss.rordssElSpu? rrur€ref .Burssarord Bu,,np 11,"q;D"J;p ru"r"q",
aq1or s3sorIueur ur >F"q patrE!rq dpu!q.q^r .3rnDE{ ", or etqqdaj;s
ire rrq;
'!a^erlI.rlt sr8EruP^p€ rrqro teq.\\ r41"u oN rualqorde a^"q slerrerEr:aFrrrg
sasspl8pu' sntur,.a)

odlul os are qarrslq,{ surcldx. rrn8g sItIJ .ssruqsnol
aqr 3u€erutp rnoqri.{\qfualrs aql sa.uequarurtulea.u;aau,ar-pur:-qcu:nlaqr
trrnr\nI\ ror prepJer\\r uo Ip-u\ pr,?rte!L-ou rtt
'uo.rp.., p ,ru
td0 .tp eq$ulo tprnr\ru|.ro, Trru.pJtA\t. , ptorl.r-rl,*)uq8nul
Jltu\r rJle1|d\r rqr r \oqe,{JqruorLUor.r . r,uJLnxtrq.urnb^pto uo drl\r..q I
qlr.u)I"r€r"u Fug ,|a E .02Io ror.E, u"qr rroru rq ql8u:rs aqr Bursear:ur
-3lrt r.^\ s$uqSnor pue q$urrrs Jo uon"uiquotr,(uE ,o
or rr el?Fdru.u uEr .,u .(f.t dor) uol] ernd q8nor los "r"1 "ri,",.."oo,,i
qla BuDrelS
r.qrtrrlurr ,rurpd,rqI .J^oqp pJ*nr.rp rJd\ | rnor JtlrJo \lrJ\ Jo uo[rJlJ!
pu\ e \,roq\
r I bt JrnSrI iupqr.rqr u. Ino dpu,{o r.nox"J pr,,", r,r',",
op aoH.(runultunp) s,{otJrrqSr ltrnFnrrs urEnr:qr rol reqr Arrdord ? uo
8 r:rdsq) ur p:rsrNnllr se.{asa$adord esaqrJo uoqqndu"u rql.aFord ,{rndord
rqr rr"uruop s$uq8nor pu" qr8u.rrs .suouErrrdde.seq1 .run"rl:1
Jo ry i1
qr8u.Is ooir€rrdrtrardroJ rullur!3! rErq ueqr Dqr?r
(trJ, *ru,u. u, Llr8urr. .r \Jrnor
tpn,nrqr Bu,rq,s,,,Sror pupS;r or Suunpl
nmurprPLl )roa nue\nlr--1uru)p-prl uoDnto\tr o. rpr^ordtr).ru pLrpIrnnuo-rt.,
qloq rEqr$ rerltouv ses"8pegsnbrerorsor pesnqassa,ra:nss::a
rqrr'! prprJL.\r.nrr/rJurrrlrur8u{.r,$ot {Jr\rqt re-ru.81or..,",,J.-r!,
Jo uone^rrsardrqr 5u6q euo-suosrrr Joqroro; p"pp",rn"nrn ni1"., p1",51
rIoEqC) I.€rrE uog sor':qr SuDrelord(uaglxo Bcrpunorrnslqt qrra
lJ8uorrsrloru sDeerurnruorqtreqr rsnE:eqs)ro.\\n rsnr ,s:uqre1snor^qoalou,
str jo atro nurpm^s luorr or a.uelsrsrruorsorrorrue[r]x3 s]Jedrm(rq8le\ ,{q
%02.or dn)unruorltrJo srunou? IrrruElsqnslouoDrppreql.3rojrq ra^3ueqr
(sed,q[r] lo) Irars3rou s'rnrtr€JnuEul"por puE.((p)ZI.6I rln8iC) trrFntr
s)urpr\uorLtre-\l:nFrup-pt8ul_rptrg1rq\ro{rrr;q1 ,i.,17r,7,,rs ,7ri:r.rr ra4s

ror\, ,tJqlrqrJo rin\rre .e Sururp$rloqIA pJ\ap .r rlpt \J€puqpur ,Sr-

i6 6T rr-lrrt r l.rnDoor \r Jrnrt-rtooarqr r ruJturt or!: ru)xr\ppuror rl!rl
o:rsns.rE q3ats,{ollppu" uoqr.r rrqSri os.ruauqEerrrEaqJorg€1srsrg aqt or
rrlru$ rl.i{trleur.qr E sasn".jiuptra .rsro,{ ur^r puv.(ZI rard"qC)uoqc"luol
t€uraqr l€Duer,+Jip iq plntur srss..usor enp .Buqtrnrnbuo surrtqordBuqr€ltr
:snErulr rt .pfzru : ro riq I sr irrsuJrr€u,sD3dsrrrrqro q.(0t
6I arn8rC)
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19 5 . a:e 5iLr.lies 459

b iimilar
3 roo .----n -ai::.ii+:l--\
;i';ffi,"i' o \A| qds s 5,
'ItD 20%
' 9
xer 17). E

I tor the
har both

..!" #"
Yieldstrength,6y (MPa)

hapter 8 Figure19.'l3 frdciuretoLrghness--yieidstrergthpfop€ftychartfof ferrousallo,vs. o.

Ho*' do of combinatio.softhese pfopedi.s.
and heattfeatmenienairlea rvideran_ae
,a small
densifyfirst andther constrainthe furthercompactionof.he remainder.Glasses
are easierto handleastheyaremelt processed. None the less,greatcareis taken
e like- over achieving a smooth fnish-plate glassis mostly produced by flotarion on
al trvith a bath of moltentin. Ceramicsand glasses are also very susceptibleto thermal
stresses duringcooling.Beingprocessed at high temperatrre,but inherertlystiff
li:adon. and strong,stressesare not easilyrelievedby creepduring cooling. In ore instance,
however,thermal snessesare exploited to good effect. Glasscan be made more
ging the fractureresistantby deliberatelygeneratinga residualstressprolile rhrough-
thicknessby cooling the surfaces.This leadsto beneficialcompressionat the
surfacesand tension within-the surfacebeingthe likely location of the scratches
and rnicrocrachs which causeIractureurder tensileload.
Ceramic compositionstend to be largely discrete----€ach being a specificcom
pound (alumina,siliconcarbide,etc.).Somecompositemixturesare processed
I' have, bgethe! suchas tungstencarbide and cobalt, to make a hard, tough material for
dies and cutting tools. In contrast, glasscompositionscan be tLuredcontinuously
sins for over a \r.iderange to achievepaniculd combinations of color and other optical
properties (e.g. the gaded compositions used in optical 6bers). The adaptable
spreadof optiol propenieswas evident in the propeny charts of Chapter 15. This
risingly is largely a matter of tweaking the chemistryrather tharl the process.Morc recent
developmentswith glassprocessingare associatedwith coating technology-for
scratchand chip resisrance(in windscreens),or for self-cleaningand higL reflectivity
in high risebuildings.

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ro uotlu to sr3q9rauldlodprrpuErs ss.uJJrsrgrGds uo IlrElncDnd-sl"r.ur
Iq pauroFadlno arp pur (ss3uJJDs puE rlr€u.rrsur rpErlp E rnoqEu?ds,t[uo
{ra{trur Irtrruaqtrrqr Jo IIEJo .rrds ul 'srnu.{tod)Ing d/E ssrutDsrgl.ads puE
d/i, ql5u.rs rgrtradseqr s^\oqs 6t am8rCrsl?uar?urrqro or Dadsarqrr^\
rru€urojrad lqBra.\tq8q aqFzrs"qdu3 'I or rnq-}J€qtr Euo sseutFs pu" qr3u.lls
Suolnsaraq1e1?r1snr urtr aA ur"qtr aqr €uole SurpuoqrualE^otr3qr rroldxa
sru;dord raq5eq!€q1os '!palnrr arotuqtrntusr rueumBrr€ relntr3lotllaw/roN
'rr4\€rPPIotr'sltnsairenaq ua^aroJ ro'rtrul .qr ulo{ urrEIP er'r rs3rtl slrqg
Surl"u ur sr sasradordraui,{loduo Surssr.,ord }o rtrEdurrqpur€rprsorueqJ
'qfu.rs puEsseuJlDs suFuerlur ItE.^\.proq lqr uI srp.rtoru
eq1su8rr€uosrr?d,qr SurrEuur to ssarordSu IJ]rJrseql uosrrEdE patlErsqnr
prsotr urol-ard uog '!atloq quuP €lo Surptoru,r{otq aqrpe^\oqs9 6t arnsrJ
'ss'ord 8lrdeqs" rq1 surrnp IllprruEqtraup3usrtEer€ setnratolnaq1I 'sar e
-dord snqrp!€ 1!eur8u"!" rqntratou l"ug .qr 3u llurarapu' ator lletrgrusrs
E ,(EIdlr^.,\\oq t€r surssarorduorsDardIpuorsueuirp aqr s" Ilaa sp rqfuarls
tuF \ruJJ,r\ tPuI Jr| uo r1, rnuurIUo\ r 1rq t" s 3u,PloluP ro surtoorJo JlPr
aql-Irolsrq arnter3dru.lol ,^qrsuasfl uo[ezrllElsdr] '.rlrtr?3palou st 'prrv
'P4tau-araq uer qtrrqr{rstrDs€tdouireqr p3)I1rrt-ssoJ]'uosrol $Fo^\,tluo sulPF \
uorsnl irltg ,o uoutre4aurnlo^aqr dq P3ruanuulaq r^\ SuPIoInuoDtralulJo
.str rqr os {lrso.sr^ aq1:3ueqtrsa,\orPpYsr.rullod lsoltl q1 \ )llor{ sassarord
lsoru-sleru,(lod Jo Sulsserorduo rtrPdurlrsaPou IIuo s"rl srql ,o lso]i^{
" 'uouralord An ro
.al rs1u"Pr"1ar
srrznDs€td auru '(rototrro ql5usrs '<sseullDs rol) sraqgro sstrr!"d
.ru€i.r ro ssPF'atduexarol suosEer lo suosIIEroj 'sra g pu'rse qPpPurcruotr
,t srrurllod {nq rarourr3qunC .zrrl€rs,{I.dllErutd IIh\ srDs"ldoureqr
"nsn are srauols"la It
auos Pu€ 'Patu,rssorr PUEsFsoluleqr rard"ql w Paqursapsv
'p.reFdrueErrq u"trJlrsl, arnrtralrqtrle r"tnratotll eqr PUV )Ad-sgv raldu€xa
rol-rF.alolu urEq. Jo dll auo ueql aroul Jo ernr-rlttl ? 3u € leqlnj oSu"Jrqr
puaur srrurllodSurpurtglrueu aqraruaq)3u3 rs Pu" aua,P"nqretrrlruot&r"lo
srrruouou Suruiquor teu,ttodral r si ssv 'atdu.rExaroJ uo os Pue (eerrtrqrra)
s.rrullodretr(sleuouou o^\r qll^{)sr3n lodotr.IEruor l3r{ra8oraaraultod IlLr
suoleurquor partretas lluo 'leqrou€ruo qrl,\ surquocllrpEarrou op srerrouou
'sruor€(tE1au-uoupu") l"rau slllun atdlupxeroj '.uel,tqr3Ilodsat€u tHz)
-{rsrru)q) ,lo.nsp ? s?qielrlouou qreg uo os pup ua8,L\orauuoH) '.ueSorp&l
qr^\ prpuoq 'uoqrs.lo rlun rrulouorlr lseq ? Jo uolrezrralu,{lod Iq plnpord
erEsalntrrloru urErlr-3uo'I,{EPolrlqelc^? sru?uP^JosPu?snoqr erPernPordor
p.sn sr Insllulq., aorl pus 'sr.ruIlod Jo rrnDnrN rqr pr.nponur f J'rdEqS
(seuadordruseleSur8uErproj adorsr.Jlo
'rou op E?rru qtrrrl-'\\
op sr.!u,{lodlsErnro:)EI slel,u roj u"q1 Parrul arou sr qfurrls uI s.ftr?q.
rgrel rl?u or lrrrq? rqr q8noql'sallladord llnq aql td€p? or Luop..r] snou
rour r^i3 '.srlllupus sa^Dlpp"lo asn.ql p!€ !tulsruaq.rru.{lod .^\ol,{lr^D"ler
Ile-ssrurl€nol puE ql3ulJls 'snFporu s,Suno^Jo pEerds€ 3pr^old sr u,{lod
IIng rolo. or ls€e pue SurrlgdEusiq rrrPaSorurot or lsEa'rsotr.1lAol rE sadEqs
raldruor orur plour or isE-srradsel{urru uI slerrlrEu rlD€sra^rr€ srauinlod
gtauoFtla pup stautuod

.;) t::dct.l liLieSustrod etrDat.tii t,.,oit':)j6), ).tce\t ) +Ll

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'19i ':a.e .tri.\ 471


rale large e

0 .1
rded with

e 0.01

0.001 0.01
F/p (GPa.m3/kg)

FlgJre i9.'t4 5pe.i1lcsiiengih ,periil. lroci!,ljs prope'ryrha||. Eulkp.lyne.i ;re :iiife,red

ai.i ttrengihene..l tiy Craillng into fibr€s,.ompeiing y/iih rztural, rarbon nnd
_qlessijbret. tuioltpro.J!.6 us€the iibfes in . (onlposile,su.h a: CFni o! woler

polyesterare stiffer and over 100 timesstrongerthan the bulk polymer-they

qLickly ov€rtakemost Daturalfibers,such as cotton and hemp, but not silk,
< praya which is a panicularly good natural6ber. However,aramid 6bers (suchasKevlar),
and specialgradesofpolyethylene6bers,areup to 10 timessrifferand srronger
than bulk polyner, with specificpropeniescloseor superiorto carbon and
ligns the Fib€r propertiesare all very impressive the problem though is gettingthe
libers into a form that is use{rJto the engineer.One option h composites-
, making aramidfibersare usedin th€ sameway as carbon and glass6bers,in a matrix
of epoxyr€sin.As discussed in earlierchapters,the resultingcompositesshown
in Figure19.14 lie betweenthoseoI the matrix and fiber,wherethey compete
resulring strongly with the best of the metals,such aslow alloy steels.AlterDativelr w€ use
polymer 6bers in exactly the way that natural fibers have beenusedfor millennia:
gtn o,.t/) twisted,tangledor wovento makerope,cables,fabricsand textiles.Fiber-based
rnaterialsare a whole disciplineof materialsengineeringin themselves,with many
rmed by inportanr applications.The geometricstructureofropes and rextilesis essential
to the way they work-it is this which sivesthem fl€xibility in bending,conbined

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sPqrns'stPualPupaluautus (p) sweo+re qrn, sarnDnrrssrQrst {)) staupd
qlMpups (q) s3lrsodL!o)arelnrluedpue raqB {e) stetraleLj.r
ptrqiiqlo sesseD S ! 6! ornbtl


sreqg ro saprFd-prE^\ropqft€4s rsou aql .r€ sorsodruol sI 6I arnSr{ tn
Par"rrsnllr $ uoq"trgrssqr lldrurs "----6uuotJo lr.rlr^ " lrlEr sprlqiH 'slerJ3rEru
(.iu?rsro]r3d ur sruaur
ruluoduor aqr to s.rr.dord FnPr^Pu aqr SuBloldxa
-s ordurr pus suoDnlosuSrsapa,\Be,{ouul ? sPrrqlH (rseq.r" slslel[ rmd
qsrqa rot) uolrnpuor lrqrrf,ela q8q Pu? ($oq^\o are sIoIF qnq,r roJ) qrSuorrsqftq
<.ldE€xa roj-prp3au aEord lladord lqr .pl-'\ord 015lq€
lErrltElu elStnsou qtl^\
'Fryuor Farrp ur eq uEtrstueuarrnblr uBr$p s.[lqotuos 'slelJatEturrqrqouour
lq pardntrrorou supqr lrladord uo sar"ds ldnrro upr sprrqlq :atdurs sr ra \suE
aql :[e rE sPrrqlq qrl^\ rsrFoq lqr\ :{sE rqSrur 3 \ rsnc seldru"xe auos qrr l
saDredordroJ BurssaroldJo uorssmsrp3qr aPnttruotr3 r os 'aBuallerlr Ssrsserord
u3ryosr prrqiq e SuplEI l lsueoJ (n se) ire oq $nt PInoJ qrrq \ to ruo-slss"lt
"rurr4J,p!uo4 steurreu' uoueuqu,o:) e spZ rrdqJ ur prugrpr:rm .puqIg

9'6 !
.(.serq,aTr)a aIIror ost te pu? oi lell?red
aql sroldxr €uqrop Jo"a,!1
ss.ujjps ul satrua.raIJlP ed?rP aql Sulq?. I.oN leroD
-ua^uor Tlrr\ .t.d1uo.,{Jleltuarcd u?r teJduexa roj 'sr.qg ou.llrlr.llod lseq lql
uo p.s?q salqer reqr $eqJ lu.dord aqr urort leoJJsr lI ss.llFeuoN ruroJ surr
-sud rraqr ur s!^l.sruaql sraq$ .qr to 1eq1se poo8 s? r!^eu $ lrb€d€r Surlrr€l
-pEol lrogr r"qr uelru saop r ?r \ Io edor e SuDi€ruur srrqg rqr ro rualnu€rrE
,o ssoteql ljnr]3rqrrE u3^o^\ Pu" prrsr^lr rraqr or 3np ^tl"lrs"te PanoDI puE
palor 'plqMrs eq uEr $dou uorsuo uI qt8u.Ds pus sseqlDs snouroue qrl^r

sauadotdpue 5ulssdoJd:adDararll tu\alpJ 6t ratdprlf Z/t

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19 6 Mak nq hvbridmaterials 473

coiled o{ one materialernbeddedin another'Next are sandwichstructures-skinsof

hss of hieh oer{ormancematerialon a lower gradecore.Lattices(randomor regular)
:load- in;luae foams and other highly porous materials, while segmentedmaterialsare
made of interlocking strands oilayers of materials-ropes and cablesare often
hybrids of severalFr.pesof material
-pris- This classificationis not 100% robust, sincethe boundariesget a bit tuzzy at the
t#ness edees.tor e$mple, modern'narocomporire' are madeb1 mixing n'nomerer-
u.olren meralandca'tingir-b1 l-rgurelq lS rhi' rs r
i *r'1. orl'culrt..
hr brid. However,
hearrre;rmenrof treel'produce*an iron matrir with a fine
disoersionof carbides--essentiallv the samemicrostucture' also producedfor
stringth, yet we classily this as a metal. And at the other end of the scale,design-
ine with a sandwich 'material' mergesinto designing a sandwich 'structurc' (a
ski, an aircra{tfloor panel or an industrialdoor). Essentiallvhvbrids combine
materialsthat are routinely availableand usedin their own right as bulk naterials'
with the bLrlk materials and the hvbrid having definable material properties'
In soite of somenon-uniqueness in this defnition, hybrid materialscan all be
thoueht of as somecombination of component (bulk) materials plus confrgura-
tion Ind scale.Configuration defnes the proportions' geometricintegration and
shaoeof the componints; scaledefnes the lengttr scaleon which they are mixed
,"d rhi larer' or Iaminatetand sandwichpanel'ol order0 l-l0mm Bulk
materialmicrostructuresspan everlthing ftom the atomic scale(nanometers)
q o.J) Hotever.srncehvbrid< combrne
up ro rhemicron.cale L.eef iguresl I-l
rhepropenie'of theco-ponentmarerial'.rheir proPerries refleLt microsrruc-
ture allihe way from atomic to product scale.

Makins foams
toam'"exrendrhe rangeof.riffne* and srrengthaxet ot the proPerrycharr'
downwardsby severalordersof magnitude.Some{oamsare madebv trapping
bubblesin a melt and solidi{yingthe froth as a slab.Othersare madebt mix-
ine in chemicalswhich react to form a gas, injecting it into a cavitv and allow-
in;ir b inf.are in situ as the gas bubbles are formed hternallv. The mechanical
properties o{ an ideal foam depend systematicallv on the relative density (the
iraciion of solid),as shown in Chapter4 for Young'smodulus.In practiceit is
found that the properties are also sensitiveto the variability in pore size lt is
rmporanrrn proce<srng to conrrolrhe srzeof rhe largespores.uhich tnrrrate
primaru.efailure.Meraltoamrrnd risrdoolymerfoam' canbe madeto shape
and then cot and assembled into other stiuctued materials(oftenas the cores
of sandwichmaterialsthemselves).

Making cot tqosites

Most polymers are in {act particulate composites-bulk polymer melts to
which hller powders have beenadded be{ore rnoldins to shape.This is a hvbrid
which we opt to classi{y as a polymer variant-largelv becausethe scaleof the
additives is verv fine, alrnost at the scaleof the polvmer's owr micmst'ucture'

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asodu s,{p^\psururroJpuEsurptoul(BuDsE:,s" rlrnssassarordcurdrqs 'I"usreu'
r ur saruadordr33rrr rqr tur^.qr" or lErluer 3rp srss.trordSuirnF"lnu€y{

. l't 'L1 ' t.,t l.:: tu

-I z-.-tp

'Priqlq :q1 Jo ,{al s, sale!tuEl Ile ur sr.l"t rrtl

Drr,!\rrqantsaq1'!ur€8€ "d
aruo ltrnqrq ol salnDrurs "ul"3q rrsret qrnu srtq"ur
'hrlrqeu"^ lrledord Sunnpar rpoo.^.\
I€rnrEuur ruariqu' srr{ep eql selnqulsrp
ss.roid gu!€uruelaql rurlnlD s€qrnss3ltulruplJoLrlro].qt m 8lrj''rriua I^r)
rtE.s-r3r"t uI ..uBssr"urr lo SuqFuos P"q a.!€qsPooa PUY uolrs.uqsJ.r
-sodruotrro lunurumlp llrrnd or r^uEu:rl€ r^oqeduo. € lJlo ,(rrlr sE'srrnr rs
..)Edsor.t rol prdotr^.p urrq .^"q 't-rvuv PUPIXV'ID sE qrns 's.r"uru€l
,,,n,,.u,t, t-rJUt')\,,n,,r\',,",rno.P,rqlqr)q.-P.1JU!Jreu.LUPl\J,r.r
-dord l"uereu Fuls ol pasoddos" lg.,|rpiiu l€rnxaB,s" qrl1ssrrrsrr:r.Er"rll
uo aP"u aq ill"Lurou plno,r (sttl"eqI s€ qtrns)sleuarEu Ped€qs-.,qlqouou
rl1r.'\slau"dgrr^lPueslouos,l"dulo) ssatrtrns rol l"trrlur ur"?e3rError Pui uDIs
uoral.q slurof.^rsJtlP€ ,orl€nb-PooDrru€rsrsar3urPurqrql or llFarrp Sulrnqlx
-uo. nloqria !?rre Jo ruruor! Puorrs rqr rzrnx?u o1'suqs aqr sarPred.srro.
rqSrr^lrq8roqf rrtBrJA-'\\otrE Gp8u.lrspu") ssauDusSurpu.q.pr^ord stauEd
rlrrapu"S prrqlq E nnpra prjqIq s,qrDr srrrsoduor prrroJur.r,r.qg
rioldx: ()1i?r1ua1odeqr slruer slaurd qtrr,!\Pu"sPu?s4?urrrElur rsorlur rsol l
spupd qltnpulrs plnJ sa0rufiupl 3u14bw

'rurolsql plrnorlrro ur rrnlr€1

lrnl"urrrd pro^e (r1dlessarausr arnrtr€Jnutrupue u8rs3Plurol Flrr":) s rs
-aqP€Pa^ordurro luaudola^rp rql PelqnruqssEqs4rsoduo:)JocsnSurs?r.rtrur
3rl1Pu"r8uru,ole^,saqp" s, anb,uqrallsaq aq.L rtoq eqr PUnorBsuol]eullueFp
Pue strel] 31!urur u?tr qrrq,\\ suoD?rluaruo.ssers saPr^ordpue sir.lg Jqr
sat€ulrp sra^ripur srtoqroI saloqsurrlrrp.tq^\ '.papla^\.qrouurr sarrsoduoi
raqrl ruosalqno! IlretnrrFrd are srurol sssDJrrqr sasu"qr uo{res 3q1
Jr ltrElntrllrrd 'areuluq or rtntrgJlperour arE srdrqs xalduor rror/{ 8u,pur.'\\
luarurlg riq a]€ul ol dsraoslEar" saqu r€lntr{) ar?ltroln€!e ur rrllssrrdr.Pun
p:rntr puE \auradord aq1rn Idorlosr rurojfim ,{lq"uosear.^r3 or (o9f; .006
'0 3e) suoqr ip Fra^?s ur p:r'3,1"dFnsn'palr"rs er" srrqu l"uoDr.rrprun
Surur"luorursajpernr lltredJo sral€t,Sardard,sleu€dreu ur r.npord or prsa
rolq8rcrs al" sarsodruol 8ururolJo rredurr 3qr pue I4euorS ruruodruol
arp Jo Irxalduor .qr uo spuadepr3 \sun 3qI asrDr"rd ur lleulnor pr^rirl)€
aq srruadordlEapraqr u"tr rnq 'srerdEqtrarrnr. uI palrilsnllr llr?cl:) rrJ'q seq
ugrsaplq8ra,u1q3!ul arueurolred Fllualod raql sanbruqr.rSunnrrEJnuEu
pe1"r,P3p srnbar-(du{ P,u€r")r€t,\e)Iptl" ddJc l{{l----6.rsoduro. r.ru.{lod
P:lolu'rlraqg Suot dou€ unurunl€ xul?ur:q1 s? &a.ru"s aqr lFrExe ur
passetrord are oor ,{eq1rnq-etdu€xa ro, rs{o e lunuruntE ur srt.ruEd frs
-spuqlq Fuosrp s" pepr€8ai.r€ rpueqraqlo eqr uo t.rrsoduor xrrErujEat\l

.))UJdo1.) ,|p 5!is:-))..))! :e.l )a1 drij alpi 6t siapLr) ,gLlg

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I9 8 FLrifef readifq 475

'J:i:::n,*:11i,H$iliiiJi.l8 il. *,.,ance.
-;* oftenbeingthe desisn-limiring
;;; ;Jse thingsfurther-joins
- i.l"*
v:;lu' i;:
:;;';;i;;,;''.,'p r.'r,.
;,:;;i: ",' '"'-ll#;l 1:l:;ii,i' i'j[i
.;;m,x i:I ::."-",:i,),1:1:,: r;,.,.u ia.ao"., in r.i
;:: .rrengrhard roushne*
orLer rrro) Jren"
u'e "e
;;.;;;;i; ;;;;';' or
p'i";'lpf* .f chemistrv,forming and heattreatmentto ctevetop
iifferenr orooenY-.aifvnrg
hrly it - or comoo
.-l-.i... *r,'*',"a pnlvm'r' all ha\e'ome 'co1efo- 'ariarion
.,,i" f ."..... tff
nd.n'fl ";';".:i,"1
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vel' ngu* of rhe'e
oi',*''i fit-.'' cberoroper
I adhe
'i...'r,'.,*. J\
,i- in oracr'.:lr,.od*r' -eed' r'nrgr"an'chlbrid c'n\rru'rron' 'ompo'rre<'

:i5i:ll:;i:'".li:i::l :':'
:il';f,::i::fiT.;""::lill a
u.ingh) bird..wirh ' d,l elopmenr hr8hDerrorma"erdhr ' \ e' recervrng
in de'i5n
l,ooi f-om rhedri'e ro erplorrrherr
r g . EFuriheri'eaclng
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'"ffit3."',Jil::if,:i{i: * r.,r.i,x*n'

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0081 O ' LL 096 06€r 05tl 060t 0l € l . 06r! (€u/6))rtuuac
OEEL 0sLt 0€6€ €9 005 oo€ (edu!)ql6uo4s
0Lz 6€ sa z €t WL sz 0 Lt 8 s,6uno

rir,r't ).ipt.\

ilElrll]rod ttlmulxru rrrtll ol Pelloldxrrq ol srsqgJo

s.lradord aqr rol lerMrd rou lr $,(qlN isadorBulqrulproJ lu€riodrul rrour
rq Plno,\\uou$ur qrlqa iuou.lrrtr qr€r Lrolsaq snaddEIslI'ettl qrqlN
'dsl+, '(ss"tr,1runr.d) I8r:ue parors
rqsElr un,Lllxtlu (q) :.q/i,'l unlo^ 1runrrd) .{8rruJParorsrIrsEI.unulxEru
(E) :ua^€ spu.rElu oq1lol s!.Iprn atrueulo rd ?ud\ollol 31Prr"Frle)
'uosu"druor roJ lJolsPrl" sr3ri{lod Ilnq lluos
qri& raqFsor 'sr.q5 sLloIrE^rol tlrP lE.ida sazueuuns elqer .qI l5Iaur
prrors rqsrla lllnuu?ur .tI] 'rldu€x3 roJ-atru€(llojrad 3lns"ru qrnJ \ suoD
-Eurquotrlrr.dord reqrorroldxaol lsararullo osl€srrI 6I .rn8rd ul palq8r
-q8q ar3^\ sr.qu Ie,rgIuE pue Frnr?u lo sor!;doid trglrds
'I ruollarxe egL 7 t';)i )',ti .ti: :

0 00r uorlelldr).rd paleaa1eaq+ lqbnorM aAo/oz tr)

;; 00t )roM i uotln os pLros lqonorM (uZ %OE)s€rg
SL 001 uolnlo5 p, os p€teouue+ lq6norM (uz %0€)ser€
08 06 uo4ntosprtos lse) (uz %0€)ssers
SE 004 lo4ntos prtos lsQ (!s %01)€z!or8
z8 08 )roM p€lLorloH nl arnl
901 5€ ouoN $e) nl arnd

t , . t : ' ) it i) \ . : . la, nt r : ix l : i r 'r : r r i l

r' !.

i(sl s rrnstc) sdolP lunulltl

ntu or urrD€d r€trlllrs€,\\o[o] (q) Pu" (E) uI pa^r:sqo sPua! eqr oc (r)

(alqq ,qr uI p.lerpln sE)stus,u€qtreu Brnurl$urrrs aqr IuEd (q)

rtr'ss.uq3nor arnr.E{ uo :r"du]or slolF lqEnor \ PUErslr rqr oP r\oH (e)
:8ur^{ollo]aqrJ3 \suE()1rl€qraql esn Ertp iql lold PUE
(sal?trsBol uo) u"qr hr.dord e qrFls rq8no '\ PUPlsPr qroq 's.{olleraddor Jo
uolrales E Io ssruq8nolsrnrrs4 Pueq$uels roj E1€Pl"rrd,{1s^'\oqs ilq€1aql :. 5t:1 :'.:aj:.rr:a

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.,:rr.J:),.i tr!: alt)r,,..;)

)..)LL; r.i'r..ri ;L/r ,,,r!tfi,, , .... f\ 9i,

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desgnwrthCES 477
l9 10 Exploring I

19.1 0 rxptoring

ExerciseE19.1 UseCESLevel3 datato explorethe propeniesof Cu-Ni allovs Extractdet2

for Young's modulus, vield sness, fracture toughnessand electrical resisriv-
ity {or amrealedpure Cu and Ni, and a selection of allovs in between (e g'
1O%.30%, 70% Ni). Sketchhow the propertiesvarv with Ni composition
(bet-reen0 and 100%).
(Note that in CESyou can plot the composition oI the dominant element
o/oCu, selectingboth
on a chart axis-try ptoning each propeny against the
Cu-Ni and Ni-Cu allovs to cover the full range, together with pure Cu and
(a) Which properties follow an approximate linea-rrule of mirtutes between
the valuesfor pure Cu and Ni?
The alloysin CESarenot binary Cu-Ni alloys.IThichpropertiesappear
most strongly influenced by the other alloying additions?
o{ Mg and its
ExerciseE19.4 Use CESLevel3 to plot the strengthand {racturetor-rghness
alloys.How do castand wrought allov variantscompare?

ExerciseE19.5 The records{or poll'rners in CESinclude the % filler as a parameter"Plot each

o{ the {ollowing properties against the % nlkr for PA' PP and epoxy, a(d
explore how effectivefillers are at enlancing the Youngt modulus and strengrh
of thesepollrners. How doesthe addition ol6ller af{ectthe fracture toughness
and the price/kg?

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