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MarkeLlng ManagemenL CrlenLaLlon

lndusLry name Lucky cemenL LlmlLed aklsLan

roducL name Cllnker cemenL
roducLlon ConcepL
"That concept simply suggests that customers prefer inexpensive products that are readily available.
1he lucky cemenL employee Lhe laLesL producLlon Lechnlques and Lhe flnesL quallLy of raw maLerlals Lo
ensure opLlmum efflclency aL all sLages of producLlon 1he efflclency and Lhe effecLlveness of lucky
cemenL producL lon meLhods help Lo compeLe ln Lhe markeL and meeL Lhe growlng demands of
cusLomers 1he lucky cemenL producLlon concepL really focuses on lLs markeLlng sLraLegy LhaL helps Lo
ensure Lhe avallablllLy of cemenL ln all over Lhe counLry wlLhln Lhe reasonable prlce value 1he
producLlon capaclLy of Lucky cemenL ls 13000 L/d LhaL enhance lL vlslon on producLlon concepL
roducL concepL
1he producL concepL ln markeLlng says LhaL people concenLraLe Lhemselves on Lhe producL lLself"
1he lucky cemenL from Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls huge pro[ecL of cemenL manufacLurlng focus on producL
concepL LhaL Lo glve Lhe quallLy producL ln all over Lhe counLry by malnLalnlng Lhe lSC sLandards ln really
effecLlve and efflclenL manner wlLh a loL of lnnovaLlon llkes Lhe sLrengLh of cemenL" and performance
afLer Lhe usage of cemenL golng Lo be excellenL now days 1he Lucky CemenL has became Lhe largesL
exporLer of aklsLan ln cemenL secLor due Lo malnly focus on producL concepL
1he selllng concepL
1he selllng concepL of markeLlng emphaslzes on hlgh promoLlons for aggresslve selllng"
1he lucky cemenL ls currenL markeL leader ln selllng Lhelr producLs le CC S8C wlLh havlng 4 dlfferenL
selllng brands (Lucky CemenL (8egular) Lucky sLar Lucky Cold Lucky SulphaLe reslsLance cemenL) ln
markeL Lo bulld hlgh proflL Lhrough qulck Lurnover

1he markeLlng concepL

1he markeLlng concepL ls abouL maLchlng a companys capablllLles wlLh cusLomer wanLs"
1he leadershlp ln boLh local and exporL markeL ls a vlrLue of proacLlve declslons lnlLlaLlve and sLraLeglc
plannlng ln boLh norLhern and souLhern parLs of aklsLan 1he lucky cemenL malnly focuses on Lhelr
markeLlng sLraLegy Lo keep ln vlew Lhe cusLomers' needs and demand Lo capLure Lhe LargeLed area of
Lhe reglon
1he soclal MarkeLlng concepL
Soclal markeLlng ls Lhe plannlng and lmplemenLaLlon of programs deslgned Lo brlng abouL soclal
change uslng concepL from commerclal markeL"
1he lucky cemenL conLlnues Lhelr efforL Lo close Lhe people of reglon wlLh Lhe soclal markeLlng concepL
along wlLh commerclal markeLlng Worklng for Lhe human and socleLy welfare by sLarLlng dlfferenL Lype
of pro[ecLs le 1abba hearL lnsLlLuLe Azlz 1abba kldney cenLer and Azlz Labba foundaLlon

lf we Lalk abouL Lhe lucky cemenL company educaLlon pollcy for Lhe human welfare le l8A karachl
(Lucky cemenL Abduall 8azak Scholarshlp) lnsLlLuLe of 8uslness ManagemenL scholarshlp Lahore
unlverslLy of managemenL Scholarshlp (LuMS)Lhese all sponsored by Lhe LuCk? CemenL for needy and
poor people

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