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6.10 (a) z = (10.075 10.000)/0.03 = 2.5; P(X > 10.075) = P(Z > 2.

5) =
Therefore, 0.62% of the rings have inside diameters exceeding 10.075 cm.
(b) z1 = (9.97 10)/0.03 = 1.0, z2 = (10.03 10)/0.03 = 1.0;
P(9.97 < X < 10.03) = P(1.0 < Z < 1.0) = 0.8413 0.1587 = 0.6826.
(c) z = 1.04, x = 10 + (0.03)(1.04) = 9.969 cm.
6.11 (a) z = (30 24)/3.8 = 1.58; P(X > 30) = P(Z > 1.58) = 0.0571.
(b) z = (15 24)/3.8 = 2.37; P(X > 15) = P(Z > 2.37) = 0.9911. He is late
99.11% of the time.
Solutions for Exercises in Chapter 6 73
(c) z = (25 24)/3.8 = 0.26; P(X > 25) = P(Z > 0.26) = 0.3974.
(d) z = 1.04, x = (3.8)(1.04) + 24 = 27.952 minutes.
(e) Using the binomial distribution with p = 0.0571, we get
b(2; 3, 0.0571) =

(0.0571)2(0.9429) = 0.0092.
6.12 = 99.61 and = 0.08.
(a) P(99.5 < X < 99.7) = P(1.375 < Z < 1.125) = 0.8697 0.08455 = 0.7852.
(b) P(Z > 1.645) = 0.05; x = (1.645)(0.08) + 99.61 = 99.74.
6.13 z = 1.88, x = (2)(1.88) + 10 = 6.24 years.
6.14 (a) z = (159.75 174.5)/6.9 = 2.14; P(X < 159.75) = P(Z < 2.14) =
Therefore, (1000)(0.0162) = 16 students.
(b) z1 = (171.25 174.5)/6.9 = 0.47, z2 = (182.25 174.5)/6.9 = 1.12.
P(171.25 < X < 182.25) = P(0.47 < Z < 1.12) = 0.8686 0.3192 = 0.5494.
Therefore, (1000)(0.5494) = 549 students.
(c) z1 = (174.75 174.5)/6.9 = 0.04, z2 = (175.25 174.5)/6.9 = 0.11.
P(174.75 < X < 175.25) = P(0.04 < Z < 0.11) = 0.5438 0.5160 = 0.0278.
Therefore, (1000)(0.0278)=28 students.
(d) z = (187.75 174.5)/6.9 = 1.92; P(X > 187.75) = P(Z > 1.92) = 0.0274.
Therefore, (1000)(0.0274) = 27 students.
6.15 = $15.90 and = $1.50.
(a) 51%, since P(13.75 < X < 16.22) = P
1.5 < Z < 16.22515.9

= P(1.437 < Z < 0.217) = 0.5871 0.0749 = 0.5122.
(b) $18.36, since P(Z > 1.645) = 0.05; x = (1.645)(1.50) + 15.90 + 0.005 =
6.16 (a) z = (9.55 8)/0.9 = 1.72. Fraction of poodles weighing over 9.5
kilograms =
P(X > 9.55) = P(Z > 1.72) = 0.0427.
(b) z = (8.65 8)/0.9 = 0.72. Fraction of poodles weighing at most 8.6 kilograms
P(X < 8.65) = P(Z < 0.72) = 0.7642.
(c) z1 = (7.25 8)/0.9 = 0.83 and z2 = (9.15 8)/0.9 = 1.28.
Fraction of poodles weighing between 7.3 and 9.1 kilograms inclusive
= P(7.25 < X < 9.15) = P(0.83 < Z < 1.28) = 0.8997 0.2033 = 0.6964.
6.17 (a) z = (10, 175 10, 000)/100 = 1.75. Proportion of components
exceeding 10.150
kilograms in tensile strength= P(X > 10, 175) = P(Z > 1.75) = 0.0401.
(b) z1 = (9, 775 10, 000)/100 = 2.25 and z2 = (10, 225 10, 000)/100 =
Proportion of components scrapped= P(X < 9, 775) + P(X > 10, 225) = P(Z <
2.25) + P(Z > 2.25) = 2P(Z < 2.25) = 0.0244.
74 Chapter 6 Some Continuous Probability Distributions
6.18 (a) x1 = + 1.3 and x2 = 1.3. Then z1 = 1.3 and z2 = 1.3. P(X >
+1.3)+P(X < 1.3) = P(Z > 1.3)+P(Z < 1.3) = 2P(Z < 1.3) = 0.1936.
Therefore, 19.36%.
(b) x1 = +0.52 and x2 = 0.52. Then z1 = 0.52 and z2 = 0.52.
P(0.52 <
X < + 0.52) = P(0.52 < Z < 0.52) = 0.6985 0.3015 = 0.3970. Therefore,
6.19 z = (94.5 115)/12 = 1.71; P(X < 94.5) = P(Z < 1.71) = 0.0436.
(0.0436)(600) = 26 students will be rejected.
6.20 f(x) = 1
A x B.
(a) =
BA for

BA dx

= B2A2

2(BA) = A+B

(b) E(X2) =
BA dx

= B3A3

3(BA) .

So, 2 = B3A3


= 4(B2+AB+A2)3(B2+2AB+A2)
12 = B22AB+A2
12 = (BA)2
12 .
6.21 A = 7 and B = 10.
(a) P(X 8.8) = 8.87
3 = 0.60.
(b) P(7.4 < X < 9.5) = 9.57.4
3 = 0.70.
(c) P(X 8.5) = 108.5
3 = 0.50.
6.22 (a) P(X > 7) = 107
10 = 0.3.
(b) P(2 < X < 7) = 72
10 = 0.5.

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