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rerequlslLes before worklng on a pollcy we wlll need

company vlslon
company mlsslon sLaLemenL
company ob[ecLlves
company sLraLeglc dlrecLlons
CCMAn? P8 C8!LC1lvLS/ S18A1LC?
buslness drlvers of your company
company successlon plan lf any
company reLenLlon plan
performance appralsal sysLems
performance managemenL sysLem

1he Career ath|ng o||cy
Cur pollcy for career plannlng/developmenL ls a well LhoughL ouL planned process Alm ls Lo develop
and prepare people for hlgher responslblllLles lL asslsLs Lhem by ldenLlfylng varlous roles Lhey could
underLake and skllls Lhey may need Lo develop ln order Lo do full [usLlce Lo Lhelr new role wlLhln Lhe
AL Cu8 CCMAn? we place eople flrsL ln Cu8 CCMAn? we empower our employees wlLh Lhe
sLrengLh of knowledge and creaLe a cllmaLe LhaL ls conduclve Lo learnlng and personal and professlonal
growLh We are a eople drlven organlzaLlon LhaL helps lLs employees galn a level of freedom LhaL
provldes securlLy saLlsfacLlon and mosL lmporLanLly a sense of professlonal fulflllmenL

8ecrulLmenL and SelecLlon ln Cu8 CCMAn?
We belleve ln Lhe maxlm 8lghLpersonforLherlghL[ob
We belleve ln Lhe phrase caLchLhemyoung and hlre a number of fresher as 1ralnees and
ManagemenL 1ralnees from repuLed Lnglneerlng and ManagemenL lnsLlLuLlons lmparL exLenslve
Lechnlcal behavloral and managerlal Lralnlng and creaLe Lhoroughbred professlonals ouL of Lhem

1he new enLranLs lresher as well as experlenced persons [olnlng Lhe organlzaLlon across all levels
aLLends lnducLlon programs lndlvldually and/or as groups 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo begln Lhe process of
lnLegraLlon of Lhe lncumbenL wlLh Lhe organlzaLlon and ensure smooLh enLry lnLo Lhe organlzaLlon 1hls
conslsLs of lnpuLs on Lhe followlng
Company values 8uslness hllosophy
CorporaLe CulLure
Work CulLure
CuallLy rocess
ro[ecL ManagemenL
lnformaLlon on 8uslness and luLure lans
lnformaLlon on CrganlzaLlon SLrucLure
SysLems and ollcles
erformance Appralsal
Lmphasls on bulldlng lasLlng 8elaLlonshlps 1eam LffecLlveness
1eam uevelopmenL Workshops almed aL enhanclng lnLraLeam coheslon
We belleve LhaL lL helps Lhe goal accompllshmenL when people are able Lo relaLe wlLh one anoLher and
bulld lasLlng relaLlonshlps sense of belonglng Lo Lhe organlzaLlon
We belleve LhaL lL's Lhe Leams of commlLLed people who evenLually dellver resulLs lnLragroup coheslon
ln Lerms of shared undersLandlng of goals and ob[ecLlves cooperaLlon and collaboraLlon ls glven a

!ob 8oLaLlon
!ob roLaLlon ln Cu8 CCMAn? ls almed aL opLlmum uLlllzaLlon of Lhe avallable sklll seLs across Lhe
organlzaLlon We belleve LhaL [ob roLaLlon ls a cruclal process whlch helps lndlvlduals Lo enhance Lhelr
Lechnlcal behavloral and managerlal compeLence

ln Cu8 CCMAn? people are our greaLesL prlde and resource Cur focus lles ln brlnglng aboard some of
Lhe flnesL professlonals ln Lhe lndusLry and provldlng Lhem wlLh opporLunlLles LhaL maLch Lhelr drlve and
ablllLy WlLh one of Lhe lowesL aLLrlLlon raLes ln Lhe lndusLry Cu8 CCMAn?s peopleforce ls lnsplred
commlLLed and Lhoroughly professlonal lf you have whaL lL Lakes Lo become an lnLegral parL of an
organlzaLlon LhaLs bullL and drlven by people Lhen you are Lhe person we are looklng for Slmply access
Lhe We need ?ou secLlon Lo posL your resume on our slLe lL could be your flrsL sLep Lowards geLLlng
closer Lo an organlzaLlon full of self drlven people And closer Lo becomlng a parL of Lhe collecLlve
peopleenergy LhaLs Cu8 CCMAn? A s force LhaLs drlvlng relaLlonshlps globally

AL Cu8 CCMAn? you are faced wlLh a challenglng Work LnvlronmenL LhaL ls shared by a hlghly
moLlvaLed group of over people who choose Cu8 CCMAn? because Lhey belleve LhaL lLs all
happenlng here We provlde

CpporLunlLles for LnLrepreneurshlp
lreedom Lo lnsplre ldeas and be lnsplred
lnhouse Lralnlng programs for personal and professlonal growLh
lnflnlLe access Lo Lhe laLesL Lechnologles
CpporLunlLles Lo Lake on leadershlp roles early ln your career
lreedom Lo experlmenL and be lnnovaLlve
CompensaLlon LhaL ls benchmarked wlLh Lhe leaders ln Lhe lndusLry
P8 pollces LhaL are almed Lo sLrlke a balance beLween work and personal welfare
varlable CompensaLlon Schemes

1he compensaLlon pollcy of Cu8 CCMAn? ls deslgned Lo address Lhe dual need of encouraglng hlgh
performance amongsL all lLs employees and aL Lhe same Llme allgnlng lLself Lo Lhe hlghly senslLlve
buslness scenarlo
1he LoLal compensaLlon package of an lndlvldual ls made of flxed and varlable componenLs 1hese
varlable componenLs are pald annually aL dlfferenL Llmes of Lhe year 1he acLual paymenL of Lhe varlable
componenL ls dependenL on Lhe lndlvldual's performance and Lhe company performance ln Lhe year
under conslderaLlon
1he above compensaLlon sLrucLure ls gulded by Lhe prlnclple of a sLrong emphasls on lndlvldual
performance and aL Lhe same Llme encouraglng a sense of parLlclpaLlon and ownershlp for Lhe
company's performance ln any year
1he compensaLlon revlew exerclse ls conducLed annually 1hls exerclse seeks Lo allgn Lhe company's
compensaLlon levels Lo LhaL of Lhe markeL lndlvldual salarles are revlsed afLer Laklng lnpuLs from
varlous sources llke performance appralsal raLlngs relaLlve performance vlsvls oLhers ln Lhe same
buslness unlL and varlous oLher facLors
We Care
We belleve ln employee cenLered approach and our P8 pollcles and pracLlces are almed malnly aL
employee care
We care for
eoples need for self expresslon and lelsure Llme (Lg Speclal lnLeresL Croups plan opporLunlLles for
puLLlng up culLural show aL Lhe 8lannual Awards ceremony recreaLlon faclllLles)
SelfworLh of people (Awards lan MoLlvaLlon lan)
CollecLlve excellence (CLs award for besL managed pro[ecL 8olllng Lrophy for S8u wlLh besL cusLomer
eople developmenL (1echnlcal and behavloral Lralnlng 1eam bulldlng workshops Llbrary Plgher SLudy
eoples oplnlon (CommunlcaLlon meeLlngs open houses cllmaLe surveys)
eoples need Lo know (nLWSLL11L8 8eal 1lme news llash)
ollcy roflle

1he Plgh CommlLmenL Work SysLems ollcy
As per our Plgh CommlLmenL Work SysLems ollcy empowered and lndependenL Leams work wlLh
responslblllLy and accounLablllLy ln an envlronmenL of openness lL lncreases employee lnvolvemenL and
develops a maLure work culLure 1hls ln Lurn has a good bearlng on Lhe company helplng lL achleve goals
and LargeLs successfully ln a compeLlLlve envlronmenL

erformance Appralsal ollcy
We appralse employee performance on an annual basls glvlng people credlL for Lhelr achlevemenLs and
seLLlng LargeLs for Lhe forLhcomlng year We have developed a balanced pollcy LhaL ls boLh ob[ecLlve and
hollsLlc ln lLs approach Cur P8u personnel faclllLaLe Lhe appralsal process and also Lraln senlor
personnel ln assesslng lndlvldual performance 1hey resolve Lhe areas of confllcL and follow up on Lhe
ouLcomes of Lhe appralsal

Cur erformance Appralsal SysLem has several sallenL feaLures
An CpporLunlLy for Selfrevlew and AssessmenL
A clear and equal focus on boLh Lhe Lnd 8esulLs and Lhe rocess
ldenLlfylng 1ralnlng and uevelopmenL needs
ulsLrlbuLlon of lncenLlves ln an ob[ecLlve value based manner
8ecognlLlon MoLlvaLlon
We belleve LhaL our people are our greaLesL asseLs and LhaL Lhey are noL [usL employees buL sLraLeglc
parLners ln our [ourney Lo achleve organlzaLlonal ob[ecLlves ln furLherance of our sLaLed phllosophy our
welldeveloped pollcles help us Lo recognlze performance aL work

8ecognlzlng lndlvlduals and 1eams

We undersLand Lhe cruclal role recognlLlon plays ln moLlvaLlng employees Lo demonsLraLe superlor
performance 1here are many ways ln whlch we acknowledge and appreclaLe good performance from
a slncere sharlng of an 'l AppreclaLe' noLe for a speclflc [ob well done Lo granLlng honors Lhrough an
esLabllshed formal 'Lmployee Award lans' So lf youre an achlever wlLh a passlon for seLLlng and
aLLalnlng goals youll flnd many opporLunlLles for belng recognlzed aL Cu8 CCMAn? 1he 'Lmployee
MoLlvaLlon' lan aL Cu8 CCMAn? ls anoLher success sLory an unlque experlmenL Lo empower our
llne managers Lo recognlze and glve spoL rewards Lo lndlvlduals and Leam ln pursulL of excellence

8ecognlzlng CollecLlve Lxcellence

ln addlLlon Lo Lhe above we have mechanlsms Lo recognlze collecLlve excellence aL an organlzaLlon
level on an annual basls Cne such lnlLlaLlve ls our 'CL's Award for 8esL Managed ro[ecL' 1he award
recognlzes excellence ln Lhe managemenL of pro[ecLs and encourages a compeLlLlve splrlL amongsL Lhe
8uslness unlLs Lo achleve beLLer performance Lhrough hlgher sLandards ln pro[ecL managemenL
1o encourages and fosLer Lhe growLh of a cusLomerorlenLed culLure ln Lhe organlzaLlon and wlLhln a
buslness unlL ln parLlcular Lhe '8olllng 1rophy for Lhe S8u wlLh 8esL CusLomer CrlenLaLlon' has been
lnsLlLuLlonallzed 1hls award encourages a compeLlLlve splrlL amongsL Lhe buslness unlLs Lo achleve
beLLer performance Lhrough hlgher sLandards ln cusLomer servlce

1ralnlng for uevelopmenL

We belleve ln a learnlng organlzaLlon where learnlng ls a conLlnuous process 1here ls room for Lhose
drlven by Lhe zeal Lo surpass Lhelr peers and mosL lmporLanLly Lhemselves

We mlx and maLch lnLenslve Lralnlng wlLh equal LhrusL on [ob skllls and behavloral developmenL Croup
Lheraples and semlnars are organlzed Lo encourage professlonal rapporL and keep employee morale
runnlng hlgh We reallze Lhe value LhaL people add Lo our organlzaLlon and formulaLe pollcles LhaL Lake
lnLo conslderaLlon lndlvldual needs and beneflLs

Some of Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL make learnlng a conLlnuous process aL Cu8 CCMAn? are
An exLenslve orlenLaLloncumLechnlcal Lralnlng program for Cu8 1ralnee aL our wellequlpped 1ralnlng
ConducL locused ManagemenL uevelopmenL rograms aL Lhe premlum ManagemenL uevelopmenL
ConLlnuous sklll upgradaLlon on new emerglng Lechnologles
8ehavloral 1ralnlng rograms offered Lo enhance personal and professlonal effecLlveness of our pro[ecL
groups vlz
CusLomer orlenLaLlon
1eam work
Self developmenL

We engage Lhe besL faculLles ln Lhe fleld for conducLlng Lhe programs We also make use of Lralnlng
evenLs offered by premlum managemenL lnsLlLuLlons llke llM AdmlnlsLraLlve SLaff College of lndla

Auul1lCnAL 8LSCu8CLS from whlch you can plck / choose whaL sulLs your needs for Lhe organlzaLlon

Career uevelopmenL rograms
1he career developmenL program ls deslgned Lo help Leam members' progress as swlfLly as Lhelr LalenLs
and CCMAn? opporLunlLles permlL 1he program ls deslgned Lo help Leam members make Lhe mosL of
Lhelr capablllLles Career developmenL ls based upon a comblnaLlon of selfdevelopmenL and uLlllzlng
Lhe lndlvldual developmenL plan (lu) wlLh consLanL evaluaLlon and guldance by managemenL 1hls
program has been esLabllshed Lo enhance Leam members' capablllLles for progresslng Lo poslLlons of
greaLer responslblllLy 1hese programs are Lallored Lo faclllLaLe boLh Lhe successful accompllshmenL of
Lhe CCMAn? mlsslon ln Lhe area of resources managemenL and Lo provlde Leam members an excellenL
opporLunlLy for full and rewardlng careers

Career uevelopmenL AsslsLance
1eam members are encouraged Lo consulL wlLh Lhelr supervlsors
human resources offlces and Career uevelopmenL SLeerlng CommlLLee members on any maLLer
requlrlng furLher lnformaLlon or guldance lor quesLlons regardlng career developmenL opporLunlLles ln
elemenLs of Lhe CCMAn?S oLher Lhan naLural resources managemenL Leam members should conLacL
Lhelr human resources offlces

Career ueveloplng SLeerlng CommlLLee
1he Career uevelopmenL SLeerlng CommlLLee ls a group of managemenL personnel selecLed from P8/
pro[ecL dlsLrlcL and dlvlslon offlces 1hey provlde lnpuL from Lhe fleld Lo 1PL career developmenL
and LralnlngrelaLed lssues AddlLlonally Lhe commlLLee lnforms Lhe fleld of new developmenLs Lhrough
perlodlcal nC1LS on an elecLronlc bulleLln board

Career AdvancemenL ollcy
1he pollcy of Lhe Company ls Lo flll all poslLlons Lhrough selecLlon of Lhe besL quallfled candldaLes for Lhe
[obs 1eam members who grow ln experlence skllls and compeLence wlll be afforded lncreased
opporLunlLles for advancemenL 1he followlng are crlLerla for advancemenL
demonsLraLlng Lechnlcal compeLence on all asslgned Lasks
showlng LralLs of adapLablllLy lnnovaLlon and lnlLlaLlve
belng dependable responslble and accounLable
developlng good worklng relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher Leam members
performlng as an effecLlve communlcaLor and
remalnlng geographlcally moblle

uevelopmenLal ollcy 1he CCMA? fosLers Leam member developmenL conLlnulng basls Lo meeL boLh
Lhe lmmedlaLe and Lhe longrange requlremenLs of Lhe CCMAn? 1hls lncludes provldlng boLh [ob
relaLed and longrange developmenLal Lralnlng and encouraglng Leam member selfdevelopmenL

1he ob[ecLlves of developmenL are Lo
* lnsure Lhe opLlmum performance of Leam members ln presenL [obs
*provlde a reservolr of managemenL Lechnlcal and admlnlsLraLlve skllls Lo meeL Lhe goals Anu fuLure
needs of Lhe CCMAn? and opporLunlLy for Leam members Lo grow Loward Lhelr career Supervlsors
and Leam members have a shared responslblllLy for Leam member developmenL Powever one of Lhe
supervlsor's prlmary responslblllLles ls Lo ensure Leam members are aware of career developmenL
programs and have an opporLunlLy Lo parLlclpaLe

lndlvldual lnvolvemenL ln Lhe uevelopmenL of 1ralnlng lans lL ls lmporLanL LhaL Leam members
become acLlvely lnvolved ln Lhe developmenL of Lhelr own lu Lralnlng plan by dlscusslng Lralnlng needs
wlLh Lhe approprlaLe supervlsors and Lralnlng offlcers An lndlvldual's Lralnlng needs should be
documenLed on Lhelr erformance LvaluaLlon SysLem supporL form or counsellng checkllsL 1hls
lnformaLlon should spell ouL Lhe Lralnlng needed Lo lmprove Lhe Leam member's [ob performance and
Lo encourage personal growLh

1ralnlng and LducaLlonal CpporLunlLles 1here are many opporLunlLles for Leam members Lo enhance
Lhelr value Lo Lhe CCMAn? resources managemenL program and Lo lncrease Lhelr work saLlsfacLlon
ALLendance aL speclal semlnars symposla unlverslLy courses and CCMAn?sponsored Lralnlng
and parLlclpaLlon ln professlonal socleLles and acLlvlLles are encouraged 1ralnlng ls vlewed as an
lnherenL parL of Lhe work envlronmenL wlLhln Lhe naLural resources managemenL program and ls noL Lo
be vlewed as a prlvllege" or frlnge beneflL"

SelfuevelopmenL 1eam members are also sLrongly encouraged Lo pursue Lralnlng on Lhelr own Lo
lncrease proflclency and poLenLlal varled experlences and dlverslLy of responslblllLy wlll enhance Lhe
compeLlLlveness of Leam members for professlonal advancemenL

Change of uuLy SLaLlon All Leam members should conslder permanenL changes of duLy beLween
pro[ecLs areas dlsLrlcLs and/or dlvlslons as varled experlences could enhance Lhelr compeLlLlve

rofesslonal CerLlflcaLlon and arLlclpaLlon ln rofesslonal CrganlzaLlons 1eam members are sLrongly
encouraged Lo acLlvely parLlclpaLe ln [obrelaLed professlonal organlzaLlons and become cerLlfled or
reglsLered ln Lhelr professlonal speclalLles


CorporaLe Career aLhlng
Career aLhlng programs provlde boLh an analyLlcal approach and pracLlcal lmplemenLaLlon Lools for
maxlmlzlng sLraLeglc plannlng successlon plannlng execuLlve developmenL and employee reLenLlon
sLraLegles 8y deflnlng core compeLencles and correcLly allgnlng your human caplLal plan Lo your overall
sLraLeglc plan you can help Lo reach your corporaLe goals by ensurlng Lhe rlghL people are ln Lhe rlghL
roles aL Lhe rlghL Llme

8y developlng approprlaLely deslgned Career aLhlng models closely Lled Lo performance appralsal
sysLems you can see boLLomllne resulLs from reLenLlon of hlgh poLenLlals lncreased employee
producLlvlLy and morale and an lmproved ablllLy for employees Lo adapL Lo change and Lake on new
responslblllLles 1he approach provldes you a pracLlcal lmplemenLaLlon LhaL has a poslLlve lmpacL on
recrulLlng compensaLlon and lndlvldual effecLlveness

whaL ls career aLhlng and career plannlng

Career aLhlng ls a seL of dlverse sLraLegles LhaL develop arLlculaLed connecLlons beLween [obs ln Lhe
same or relaLed lndusLrles Lo achleve occupaLlonal advancemenL or lncreased wages skllls and beneflLs
for workers

A sampllng of sLraLegles LhaL are commonly used ln Career aLhlng lnclude

C ueveloplng currlculum for new Lralnlng Lo advance ln a career fleld
C CreaLlng new [ob classlflcaLlons LhaL can provlde addlLlonal sLeps up" ln a fleld
C 1ralnlng workers Lo sLarL 8elng more producLlve
C Worklng wlLh employers Lo arLlculaLe paLhs or sklll sLandards for advancemenL where
none exlsLed prevlously
C upgradlng skllls for lowsklll workers
C rovldlng Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo employers Lo demonsLraLe how Lo lmplemenL career
C CreaLlng new sLraLegles for credenLlallng workers
C 8ulldlng educaLlon and Lralnlng beneflLs packages where Lhey don'L already exlsL
C lnvesLlng ln career counsellng and menLorlng programs for lowwage workers


erformance appralsalpoLenLlal assessmenL
CA8LL8 LAnnlnC
personal developmenLLralnlng/developmenLcareer counsellngmenLorlng

CA8LL8 LAnnlnC

Career lannlng ls a crlLlcal elemenL / ouLcome of SuCCLSSlCn LAnnlnC
erformance appralsal and oLenLlal assessmenL sysLems

1he process of career plannlng

Career plannlng ls Lhe key process ln career managemenL lL uses all Lhe lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe
organlzaLlons assessmenLs of requlremenLs Lhe assessmenLs of performance and poLenLlal and Lhe
managemenL successlon plans and LranslaLes lL ln Lhe form of lndlvldual career developmenL programs
and general arrangemenLs for managemenL developmenL career counsellng menLorlng and
managemenL Lralnlng

Career plannlng Lhe compeLency band approach

lL ls posslble Lo deflne career progresslon ln Lerms of Lhe compeLencles requlred by lndlvlduals Lo carry
ouL work aL progresslve levels of responslblllLy or conLrlbuLlon 1hese levels can be descrlbed as
compeLency bands

CompeLencles would be deflned as Lhe aLLrlbuLes and behavloral characLerlsLlcs needed Lo perform
effecLlvely aL each dlscreLe level ln a [ob or career famlly 1he number of levels would vary accordlng Lo
Lhe range of compeLencles requlred ln a parLlcular [ob famlly lor each band Lhe experlence and
Lralnlng needed Lo achleve Lhe compeLency level would be deflned

1hese deflnlLlons would provlde a career map lncorporaLlng almlng polnLs for lndlvlduals who would
be made aware of Lhe compeLency levels Lhey musL reach ln order Lo achleve progress ln Lhelr careers
1hls would help Lhem Lo plan Lhelr own developmenL alLhough supporL and guldance should be
provlded by Lhelr managers and P8 speclallsLs 1he provlslon of addlLlonal experlence and Lralnlng
could be arranged as approprlaLe buL lL would be lmporLanL Lo clarlfy whaL lndlvldual employees need
Lo do for Lhemselves lf Lhey wanL Lo progress wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon

1he advanLage of Lhls approach ls LhaL people are provlded wlLh almlng polnLs and an undersLandlng of
whaL Lhey need Lo do Lo reach Lhem Cne of Lhe ma[or causes of frusLraLlon and [ob dlssaLlsfacLlon ls Lhe
absence of Lhls lnformaLlon

A compeLency band career developmenL approach can be llnked Lo

Almlng polnLs

1 CompeLence band 1 deflnlLlon
8aslc Lralnlng and experlence

2 CompeLence band 2 deflnlLlon
ConLlnuaLlon of medlum Lralnlng and experlence

3CompeLence band 3 deflnlLlon
ConLlnuaLlon of advanced Lralnlng and experlence

Career plannlng ls for core people as well as hlghflyers

1he phllosophy upon whlch career plans are based refers noL only Lo advanclng careers Lo meeL
organlzaLlonal and lndlvldual requlremenLs buL also Lhe need Lo maxlmlze Lhe poLenLlal of Lhe people ln
Lhe organlzaLlon ln Lerms of producLlvlLy and saLlsfacLlon under condlLlons of change when
developmenL does noL necessarlly mean promoLlon Career plannlng ls for lndlvlduals as well as Lhe

Career plannlng procedures are always based on whaL Lhe organlzaLlon needs 8uL Lhey have Lo
recognlze LhaL organlzaLlonal needs wlll noL be saLlsfled lf lndlvldual needs are neglecLed Career
plannlng has Lo be concerned wlLh Lhe managemenL of dlverslLy

Career plans musL Lherefore recognlze LhaL

* members of Lhe organlzaLlon should recelve recognlLlon as lndlvlduals wlLh unlque needs wanLs and
* lndlvlduals are more moLlvaLed by an organlzaLlon LhaL responds Lo Lhelr asplraLlons and needs
* lndlvlduals can grow change and seek new dlrecLlons lf Lhey are glven Lhe rlghL opporLunlLles
encouragemenL and guldance

Career plannlng Lechnlques

Career plannlng uses all Lhe lnformaLlon generaLed by Lhe successlon plans performance and poLenLlal
assessmenLs and self assessmenLs Lo develop programs and procedures whlch are deslgned Lo
lmplemenL career managemenL pollcles achleve successlon plannlng ob[ecLlves and generally lmprove
moLlvaLlon commlLmenL and performance

Career aLhlng
Mapplng Careers for CrganlzaLlonal Success
1he war for LalenL ls lnLenslfylng on boLh quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve fronLs CCMAn?s Career aLhlng
provldes a wlnnlng sLraLegy ln Lhe war for LalenL by aLLracLlng reLalnlng and developlng Lomorrows
leaders Loday
Lngaglng erformance
WhaL drlves commlLmenL and reLenLlon among Lop performlng employees? CCMAn?s exLenslve
research deflnes Lhese as key drlvers and predlcLors
Supervlsor/MAnACL8 helps Lo creaLe an lndlvldual developmenLal plan
Supervlsor/MAnACL8 spends Llme revlewlng personal developmenLal plans
Supervlsor/MAnACL8 provldes useful feedback
ersonal goals allgned wlLh opporLunlLles LhaL exlsL ln Lhe company
CCMAn? Career aLhlng shows employees whaL Lhelr fuLure can look llke wlLhln Lhe company and
provldes a roadmap of how Lo geL Lhere Many dlscover nonLradlLlonal rouLes for career progresslon
and a gulde Lo help LranslLlon skllls along Lhe way
rogresslng CompeLencles
CCMAn? maps Lhe progresslon of compeLencles across key levels ln Lhe organlzaLlon Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
compeLency behavlors Lralnlng gaps and developmenLal needs 1hls compeLency map serves as a gulde
Lo evaluaLe currenL effecLlveness and a predlcLlve measure for success aL Lhe nexL level 8y deflnlng
whaL good performance looks llke aL every level Lhe map enables employees Lo prepare and develop
skllls needed for Lhe fuLure and as a resulL organlzaLlonal performance ls acceleraLed
ueslgnlng Lhe aLh
Career paLhlng lncludes
vlsual llow charL/map cusLomlzed for Lhe organlzaLlonal culLure
ueLalled quallflcaLlon crlLerla
SelecLlon process
uevelopmenLal Lools
CLher cusLomlzed componenLs ldenLlfled ln research
8eallzlng Lhe 8eneflLs of 1PL CCMAn? Career aLhlng
8ulldlng a sLrong plpellne of leadershlp LalenL
Lngaglng and reLalnlng besL LalenL
locuslng developmenLal resources
AcceleraLlng organlzaLlonal performance

Why CCMAn? LxperLlse Makes a ulfference
SpeclallzaLlon ln 1ALLn1 CAuClnC assessmenL developmenL of people Lo drlve organlzaLlonal
ComblnaLlon of psychologlcal lnslghLs and realworld buslness experlence
8ecognlLlon LhaL each organlzaLlon ls dlfferenL requlrlng unlque buL efflclenL soluLlons
LxLenslve daLa base serves as a benchmark agalnsL whlch we valldaLe ongolng cllenL servlces

Career MoblllLy and Career aLhlng ueslgn uevelopmenL
1he besL approach Lo Career aLhlng ls Lo develop and malnLaln a sLraLeglc and fuLure orlenLed vlew of
Lhe LalenL requlremenLs for your organlzaLlon Cnce developed lL ls crlLlcal Lo communlcaLe Lhls
lnformaLlon Lo your workforce Llmely uslng mulLlple communlcaLlon sLraLegles ln addlLlon Lo lnLegraLlng
wlLh your exlsLlng Puman 8esource sysLems Seelng Lhe enLlre sysLem whaL lL Lakes Lo run your
buslness bullds commlLmenL and loyalLy and glves lndlvlduals and managers Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey need
Lo bulld and allgn Lhelr LalenLs wlLh Lhe needs of your organlzaLlon Career moblllLy and advancemenL
opLlons" are key reLenLlon facLors of an organlzaLlon lf your people can see mulLlple opLlons Lo grow
and bulld Lhelr careers Lhey'll sLay wlLh you and conLrlbuLe fully


CCMAn? approach Lo Career aLhlng ls called 1alenL Mapplng Worklng closely wlLh your Puman
8esource parLners key sLakeholders funcLlonal area champlons and sub[ecL maLLer experLs we wlll help
you deslgn an lnLegraLlve career/ LalenL managemenL sysLem Allgned wlLh Lhe mlsslon and sLraLeglc
lnLenL of your organlzaLlon we'll work wlLh you Lo ldenLlfy clarlfy and communlcaLe your LalenL
requlremenLs key elemenLs of our process lnclude SLraLeglc Workforce lannlng/AllgnmenL
8ulld and allgn wlLh your organlzaLlons mlsslon and sLraLegles
ldenLlfy Lhe Lrends LhaL wlll shlfL LalenL requlremenLs ln Lhe fuLure
ueLermlne core professlons/ [ob famllles requlred for organlzaLlonal success
ldenLlfy key sLakeholders and poslLlons LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon
CompeLency uevelopmenL
uevelop and/or cusLomlze robusL compeLency models
uevelop professloncenLered funcLlonal or Lechnlcal
compeLency models
uevelop or clarlfy buslness compeLencles
uevelop or clarlfy leadershlp and Leam compeLency models
ldenLlfy behavlor sLrengLhs
uevelop funcLlonal accompllshmenLs requlred for success
ueLermlne developmenL experlences Lo bulld bench sLrengLh
Llnk compeLencles Lo your exlsLlng resources for developmenL
ldenLlfy oLher key quallflcaLlons sofLware skllls cerLlflcaLlons eLc
ldenLlfy educaLlonal requlremenLs
!ob/oslLlon roflle uevelopmenL uslng webbased consensus bulldlng Lechnology
8ulld consensus on elemenLs of key poslLlons
8ulld professloncenLered poslLlon proflles
CommunlcaLlon Career aLhlng lnformaLlon
CommunlcaLe Lhls lnformaLlon Lo your workforce powerfully ln Lhe conLexL of your broader career
developmenL lnlLlaLlves

1hls lnformaLlon wlll allgn and moLlvaLe your workforce lL wlll enable managers Lo more easlly develop
successlon plans and have meanlngful performance and career developmenL dlscusslons lL wlll allow
your people Lo see fuLure opLlons an enable Lhem Lo bulld a career ln your organlzaLlon 1hls concepLual
framework wlll enable you Lo lnLegraLe a varleLy of your exlsLlng 1alenL ManagemenL SysLems

8edeploymenL SLraLegy lmplemenLaLlon

roacLlve and aggresslve redeploymenL/moblllLy lnlLlaLlves make solld buslness sense A case can be
made boLh quallLaLlvely and quanLlLaLlvely ln Lerms of lnlLlaLlve reLurn on lnvesLmenL (8Cl) 1hrough a
CuALl1lvL lens Lhe reLurn may lnclude
reservaLlon/enhancemenL of exLernal and lnLernal corporaLe repuLaLlon
romoLed culLure of employee responslblllLy/ownershlp of ones own Career ManagemenL
romoLed healLhy/approprlaLe lnLernal movemenL
rovlded Lools and resources Lo redeployed employees whlch enhance hls/her ablllLy Lo achleve an
approprlaLe [obmaLch(sklll compeLency lnLeresL sLyle)
1hrough a CuAn1l1lvL lens Lhe reLurn may lnclude
uramaLlcally reduces severance paymenLs due Lo successful lnLernal placemenL
LllmlnaLlon of ouLplacemenL/LranslLlon fees as a resulL of successful redeploymenL
8educed sLafflng (cosL per hlre) cosLs due Lo redeploylng exlsLlng human resources
ulmlnlshed reLralnlng dollars by redeploylng lnLernal LalenL fully versed ln your culLure and proLocols

LsLabllshlng formal career paLhs/models Lo supporL employee growLh and advancemenL
Pow do P8 deLermlne Lhe core compeLencles and skllls requlred for dlfferenL poslLlons?
Pow do P8 develop a clear paLh for advancemenL ln our organlzaLlon?
Pow can P8 help our employees develop and advance Lo Lhe nexL level?
Pow can P8 effecLlvely communlcaLe [ob requlremenLs and career advancemenL opporLunlLles Lo our
ldenLlfylng Lhe core compeLencles and skllls requlred Lo succeed ln your organlzaLlon and supporLlng
employee growLh and developmenL ls crlLlcal Lo overall organlzaLlonal success and reLalnlng Lop

Lmployees who undersLand Lhe advancemenL paLh and opporLunlLles ln your organlzaLlon and are
acLlvely lnvolved ln career plannlng and developmenL are more llkely Lo be loyal and commlLLed A
career paLh can moLlvaLe and lnsplre your employees Lo be sLar performers

ln addlLlon havlng a clearly deflned career paLh/model ln place can help your organlzaLlon
ldenLlfy Lhe core knowledge skllls and ablllLles requlred Lo perform well ln each poslLlon/aL each level
Assess and place Lhe rlghL people ln Lhe rlghL poslLlons
uevelop and grow employees helplng Lhem Lo perform beLLer ln Lhelr currenL poslLlons make laLeral
moves and/or prepare for Lhe nexL level
ueLermlne where Lo focus overall employee Lralnlng and developmenL efforLs

Work wlLh organlzaLlon Lo esLabllsh a formal career paLh/model LhaL besL meeLs your needs from enLry
level Lo mlddle managemenL Lo senlor execuLlve poslLlons As parL of our offerlngs we can help you Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe core knowledge skllls and ablllLles requlred Lo succeed ln dlfferenL levels/poslLlons ln your
uevelop and dellver assessmenLs Lo deLermlne Lhe flL beLween lndlvldual employees and poslLlons
ueLermlne Lhe Lralnlng and developmenL LhaL ls requlred for employees Lo develop and enhance Lhelr
skllls advance ln Lhelr careers and make career moves/LranslLlons wlLhln your organlzaLlon

uellverlng ob[ecLlve and carlng counsellng servlces Lo supporL employees and resolve career lssues
Pow can P8 besL provlde supporL Lo our employees and help Lhem deal effecLlvely wlLh career and
workplace lssues?
Pow can P8 lnLervene and resolve performance problems requlrlng lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon?
Pow can P8 ensure our employees are recelvlng Lhe ongolng supporL and asslsLance Lhey need Lo
develop professlonally and enhance our overall workforce performance?
AL any Llme your employees may experlence career challenges whlch could serlously affecL Lhelr
success ln your organlzaLlon lf Lhese dlfflculLles go unresolved for a perlod of Llme Lhey are llkely Lo
lmpacL your employees ablllLy Lo cope effecLlvely on Lhe [ob lor senlorlevel professlonals Lhe lmpacL
can be even more devasLaLlng because Lhelr work usually has a dlrecL lmpacL on overall buslness
sLraLegy and dlrecLlon

Career counsellng ls a sLraLeglc resource LhaL employees can use and managers can rely on when work
performance career LranslLlon personal conducL ln Lhe workplace and/or culLure flL becomes an lssue
lL provldes a means for employers Lo encourage Lhelr employees Lo seek career asslsLance early Lo
prevenL small problems from geLLlng ouL of hand and creaLlng greaLer barrlers Lo success lLs also a way
Lo help key employees reach hlgher career asplraLlons so LhaL Lhey conLlnue Lo add slgnlflcanL value Lo
Lhe company

Lmployers Loday use career counselors noL only as a cosL savlng measure buL more lmporLanLly Lo do
Lhe rlghL Lhlng for boLh Lhe employees and Lhe organlzaLlon
1he P8 can work wlLh your organlzaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe ob[ecLlves and formaL for dellverlng career
counsellng servlces LhaL wlll besL meeL your needs We can provlde servlces onslLe aL your organlzaLlon
or offer a separaLe venue for dellvery 1hrough our counsellng servlces we can help you Lo
lncrease employee producLlvlLy
lncrease Lhe effecLlveness of supervlsors
8educe Llme spenL managlng low performers
lncrease quallLy ln employee performance
lmprove employee morale
uemonsLraLe LhaL your organlzaLlon cares abouL employee wellbelng and reLaln valued employees

L8lC8MAnCL LAnnlnC

uellverlng ob[ecLlve and carlng counsellng servlces Lo supporL employees and resolve career lssues
Pow can P8 help our employees develop Lhe skllls needed Lo advance and excel aL Lhe nexL level?
Pow can P8 supporL our employees ln creaLlng sLraLeglc plans for Lhelr career developmenL?
Pow can P8 help our employees undersLand and overcome lssues currenLly lnhlblLlng Lhelr

erformance plannlng ls crlLlcal Lo help employees ldenLlfy developmenL needs creaLe plans Lo bulld
needed knowledge and skllls and supporL successful performance ln currenL and fuLure roles

P8 can asslsL organlzaLlon ln developlng performance plans for lLs employees and help Lhem prepare
for and develop Lhe skllls needed Lo perform successfully ln any role or level ln your organlzaLlon We
can work wlLh your employees Lo develop and execuLe plans Lo address shorL Lerm lmmedlaLe needs as
well as goals relaLed Lo longLerm career developmenL

professlonal developmenL servlces can help your employees and execuLlves work Lhrough roadblocks
and deal wlLh weaknesses llmlLaLlons and fears effecLlvely Some of Lhe areas/lssues wlLh whlch we can
help lnclude

lmprovlng poor performance
SeLLlng clear expecLaLlons wlLh managers/ dlrecLors
lnLegraLlng wlLhln Lhe corporaLe culLure
CollaboraLlng effecLlvely wlLh Leam members and peers
* Lnhanclng lnLernal buslness savvy


Pelplng organlzaLlons Lo develop and Lraln lnLernal resources Lo become quallfled and effecLlve career
WhaL knowledge and skllls are needed Lo serve as an effecLlve Career Advlsor?
Pow can our organlzaLlon lmplemenL a formal ongolng lnLernal Career Advlsor program?
Pow can we ensure LhaL we have quallfled resources ln place Lo supporL Lhe longLerm growLh and
developmenL of our people?

lnLernal Career Advlsors play a crlLlcal role ln Lhe growLh and developmenL of employees A Career
Advlsor ls someone LhaL employees can go Lo for
Career advlce and asslsLance wlLh resolvlng lssues
PonesL and ob[ecLlve feedback on Lhelr performance
AsslsLance ln deflnlng career goals and developlng performance plans
SupporL and advocacy for career growLh and advancemenL
lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL organlzaLlons develop leaders Lo serve as Career Advlsors Lo help ensure Lhe
ongolng growLh developmenL and advancemenL of employees LhroughouL Lhelr careers/Lenure aL an
Work wlLh your organlzaLlon Lo esLabllsh a formal Career Advlsor program and develop and dellver
lnLernal Career Advlsor 1ralnlng Lo your leaders/ deslgnees Lo help ensure LhaL your organlzaLlon has
effecLlve and quallfled Career Advlsors ln place Lo serve as ongolng sources of supporL growLh and
guldance for all levels of employees

As parL of Career Advlsor 1ralnlng educaLe and prepare your Advlsors Lo
undersLand and serve ln Lhe role of employee advlsor supporLer and advocaLe
lnLervlew/meeL wlLh employees Lo gaLher relevanL lnformaLlon on employmenL hlsLory educaLlonal
background and career goals
ldenLlfy barrlers Lo performance and career advancemenL
ldenLlfy developmenL needs and asslsL employees ln creaLlng performance plans
lnform advlse and provlde opLlons regardlng

Career plannlng
lnLernal poslLlon Lransfers
1ralnlng opporLunlLles
*AlLernaLe career paLhs and employmenL

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