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Chapter 5

Snnat Acts in Namz

(S nna t-e N am z)

Ru l e s a n d Re g u l a t i o n s Pe r t a i n i n g t o

Namz of Momin
( A c o m p re h e n s i v e g u i d e )

Chapter 5: Snnat acts in namz

He who obeys the Rasool, he indeed obeyed Allh. (Qr'n Shareef, Soorah: 4 An-Nis, Verse: 80)


Namz of Momin

Without offering snnat, namz remains incomplete consequently leading to reduced achievement of avb. And, therefore it is essential to perform all snnat acts in namz. Performer of snnat acts will be rewarded. Shariat says, It is bad to omit snnat. Making a habit of omitting snnat is punishable. More or less all snnat acts are discussed in detail in the form of issues in Chapter 3. A list of snnat acts is enlisted hereunder under following heads for easy reference.
Snnat Snnat Snnat Snnat Snnat Snnat Snnat acts acts acts acts acts acts acts in in in in in in in takbeer qiym qirat rkoo qaumah sajdah jalsah


Snnat acts in tadeel-e-arkn Snnat acts in qadah Snnat acts in khrooj-be-nehi

Snnat acts in takbeert:

Snnat acts in takbeer-e tareemah: I.1.1 To raise hands Up to ear lobule (for men) Up to shoulder (for women) 163

Chapter 5: Snnat acts in namz Prior to takbeer I.1.2 To keep head straight (without bowing) I.1.3 To keep belly of fingers and palm towards qib'lah I.1.4 To keep fingers at ease (in rest position without spreading wide apart or approximating too much)


Snnat acts in takbeer-e intiql:

I.2.1 To commence articulation of syllable A of AllhAkbar as soon as the act of moving from one position to another begins and complete the verse (Allh-Akbar) with articulation of last syllable R at end of the act


Snnat acts in general:

I.3.1 To say (Allh-Akbar) aloud by imm I.3.2 To appoint mkabbir (to enable mqtadee of the
back rows to perceive takbeer) I.3.3 To articulate syllable R of word (AllhAkbar) like jzam in each and every takbeer I.3.4 To raise both hands prior to takbeer-e qnoot (in vit'r namz) I.3.5 To raise both hands prior to additional takbeer (in namz-e Eidain)


Snnat acts in qiym:

2.1 Not to hang hands after takbeer-e tareemah Fold hands below umbilicus (for men) Fold hands on breast (for women) 2.2 To keep the distance of at least four finger between both legs 2.3 To keep weight on either leg one by one.


Snnat acts in qirat:

3.1 To silently recite an, taavvz and tasmiyah 3.2 To recite first an, then taavvz and then tasmiyah one
after another without gap.


Namz of Momin

3.3 To recite an after takbeer-e tareemah and to recite 3.4 3.5 4.

taavvz and tasmiyah after takbeert-e vajibt i.e. after fourth takbeer, in Namz-e Eidain (both Eid) To say silently meen after completion of Soorah-e Ftiah. To say tasmiyah after first rakat in each and every rakat.

Snnat acts in rkoo:

4.1 To say takbeer

(Allh-Akbar) whilst going to rkoo position. 4.2 To say at least thrice (Sb'nRabbiyal-Aeem) 4.3 To firmly hold the knee with widely separated fingers (for men) 4.4 Not to hold the knee firmly, rather just to keep hands on knee with closely approximated fingers (for women) 4.5 To bend sufficiently (90-degree flexion of hip joint) so that back remains straight and parallel to the ground (for men) 4.6 To flex slightly (less than 90-degree flexion of hip joint) just to reach and touch knee (for women) 4.7 To keep the head in the same plane as of the back (head neither more bent downward nor elevated), which in turn is parallel to the ground (for men) 4.8 Not to keep the head in the same plane as of the back, rather to keep head elevated from the level of back (for women) 4.9 Not to flex the knee, rather keep knee and legs straight (for men) 4.10 To keep knee slightly flexed (for women) 4.11 To say (Samiallh leman amidah) aloud while coming to qaumah (for imm) 4.12 To say (Allhmma Rabban va lakal amd) silently with soft and low voice while coming to qaumah (for mqtadee) 4.13 To say both and (Samiallh leman amidah and Allhmma Rabban va lakal amd) as well, while coming to qaumah (for mnfarid)


Chapter 5: Snnat acts in namz


To utter the S of Samiallh leman amidah simultaneously along with the process of raising the head and to accomplish the utterance of of amidah when stood up erect. of amidah should be syllabized sa'kin1 and dah should not be stressed too much.


Snnat act in qaumah:

Not to fold hands in qaumah (i.e. hands should not be folded while standing up after making rkoo and prior to going for sajdah).


Snnat acts in sajdah:

6.1 To say

(Allh-Akbar) whilst going to as well as raising head from sajdah 6.2 To place first of all knee, then hands, nose and lastly forehead on the ground to make sajdah 6.3 To take off first of all forehead, then nose, hands and lastly knee from the ground whilst coming back from sajdah to qiym

6.4 To say at least thrice

(Sb'n-Rabbiyal- Al) 6.5 To touch the belly of all ten toes to the ground in such a manner that their tips remain towards qiblah 6.6 To keep fingers in close proximity and tips of the fingers towards qiblah 6.7 To keep apart arms from trunk and abdomen from thighs (for men) 6.8 To draw whole body inward as much as possible, arms touching the trunk and abdomen with thighs and thighs with calf (for women) 6.9 Not to spread wrist and elbow on the ground (for men) 6.10 To spread wrist and elbow on the ground (for women)


Snnat acts in jalsah:

7.1 To spread out left foot horizontally on the ground to rest on it and to place the right foot on the ground in a

According to Urdu lexicographers, the word skin is generally understood to mean: quiescent, quite, calm, and tranquil.


Namz of Momin

perpendicular (erect, standing up) position with the tip of the toes towards qiblah, while sitting in jalsah (for men) 7.2 To rest posterior (buttocks) on the ground with both feet spread out right side horizontally on the ground, while sitting in jalsah (for women)


Snnat acts in tadeel-e arkn:

stand up erect whilst coming back from sajdah to qiym position

8.1 To place both hands on the respective knee for support to

8.2 Not to place hands on the ground for support while standing
up for third rakat from qadah-e- ool


Snnat acts in qadah:

9.1 Snnat acts in mlaq2 qadah:

9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 To sit in the same way as in jalsah (for both men and women) To place both hands on their respective thighs near knee with fingertips facing towards qiblah To keep fingers in resting position i.e. neither tightly held together nor widely spread To recite d-e moorah in Arabic language To raise right index finger and keep remaining fingers folded like a fist while reciting l ( ) of (lilha- il'lal'lh) and release all fingers and place them in original position on the thigh near to knee with the word (il'lal'lh)

9.1.4 9.1.5

9.2 Snnat acts in qadah-e ool:

Mlaq: According to Urdu lexicographers, the word mlaq is generally understood to mean: absolute, entirely, altogether. Term mlaq qadah refers both qadah-e ool as well as qadah-e kheerah.


Chapter 5: Snnat acts in namz To recite drood shareef and d-e moorah after tashahhd in qadah-e ool of naf'l and snnat-e ghair makkadah namz

9.3 Snnat acts in qadah-e kheerah:

To recite drood shareef and d-e moorah after tashahhd in qadah-e kheerah of all namzes


Snnat acts in khrooj-be snehi:

10.1 To say

(As-salm-alaikm-varamatllh) to conclude the namz 10.2 To say salm twice, to begin with on right and subsequently on left side 10.3 To say both salm loudly (for imm). The second salm should be said with slightly less volume (of voice) than first one. 10.4 To turn face for making salm in such a way that right cheek should be visible whilst making salm on right side, and left cheek should be visible whilst making salm on left side, to those who are in back rows.


Snnat acts of khrij-e namz:

towards mqtadee, however inirf on right side is better (for imm) To raise hands to supplicate d and on conclusion move hands on face.

11.1 To supplicate d after inirf3 either on right or left or 11.2

Inirf: To turn away (from)


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