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Problem Definition 1


Exercise #2 Problem Definition Paper: Secondary Data Tables Samone Craig SOWK 300 Section 02 J.L. McArthur Tuskegee University September 14, 2011

Abstract Data tables were reviewed on the Marriage and Divorce rates in the United States from 1990 to 2008. This table shows a high number of marriages but also a high number of divorces within

Problem Definition 1

the same state. Due to the high cost of living the number of marriages and divorces may become a financial burden. After reviewing the table, California and Texas were found to be the states with the most marriages and divorces.

1. Problem Identification. The data table shows the count of marriages and divorces performed in the United States from 1990 to 2008. According to the data table in 1990, California had the most marriages while North Dakota had the least. The divorce rates in 1900 showed that the same two states had the high and low ranking.

Problem Definition 1

2. Problem Description. The problem at hand is the number of marriages and divorces occurring in the United States. The date table shows that of the states with the highest number of marriages also having a high number of divorces. This means that although people are getting married they are also divorcing at the same rate. There is also the fact of the increasing in the numbers of cohabitation in the United States. Most couples now believe that if they are already co-habiting then there is no reason to get married. This problem might affect some African Americans in a financial way because they have to go through divorce lawyers and court fees. The decrease in marriages will increase cohabitation and affect the number of babies being born out of wedlock. There is not much a person can do to increase the number of marriages and decrease the number of divorces in the United States. A suggestion of marriage and/or pre-marital counseling can be made but unless the couple is serious about the relationship there is nothing more that can be done. 3. Findings. The data table reveled that the state of California had the most number of marriages in 1990 and the most number of divorces in that same year. In the year 2000, California had the most number of marriages with the state of Texas following right behind it and Texas being the state with the most divorces. California again had the most number of marriages in 2008 and Texas having the highest divorce rate. From viewing this data table I find that California and Texas are the top states for having the most marriages and divorces. A. Magnitude: This problem affects all of the citizens of the United States but mainly the ones residing in California and Texas. There are certain costs attached to this problem being that marriage is not cheap and neither is divorce. The state of California has a higher cost of living and have certain laws regarding divorces. B. Scope: This affects the vast majority of Americans in all 50 states and all the regions. This however does not affect those Americans choosing to cohabitate. C. Changes: This data table only includes the rates from 1990 to 2008 and now that the year is 2011 this table has changed drastically. The rates now are very different than they were in those years. Couples are less likely to get married and the longer the couple waits to get married by the time they do marry the marriage is most likely to fail. D. Disparities: In this case there are no disparities. 4. Data Tables.

Problem Definition 1

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