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, " '. New in 1870 -- e.
. .i . a &1). - BUb'ject; and,
.' _.".i( " , ':- ,
f - '_._--'-- 0 -ai., .
:::.' a.pplication of

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general '.disQnptJ.on ... : of ' thiS' ' f,Ocaq,tiiint him Willr 10catiduBand
the ,-,--..-"",. -wi&. '
. ' , cOuld notr-procure els8wliere.
many of ,ht_. We claim telling a
t-o ciUTy the war Cape is on the
: into to bricks : island of ,Terra. del Fuego, or that .
imd !!Upemtme: LOndOliis the western-side of
. so that ' " . . m-
'f , .. ate', aqirirement,B 'oait-form . -: forina tion' that 'k, not -generally
t . !D'en.stlIiLte idea known, eyen to ?ld denizens oft:ijJl
without o.id from others, at . ' city; 'f!I!4 give" ,biw
insigh,t into
time he - .. " the Qf
jar.With parties::' :4.' $. r deeds 8cr ..
We don't intend to tell the .,,,' 'frotn public view; when we<liscribe
: der the Central is, , their .. houses, and' give their loca-.
. ' . -'. ti6h, we 1)uppiythe stra.nger with
I{ouse, 9
per !nstitute; or 'Kiiox- iriforniatlon of which he jn
.the.-:- hatter,- as ' ;-';oia othel'-
out to hUn . .. ' must remaip. uDflDed. Not
that" imagitle the reader will
.. .' '.
... .. . :-'
", ''- ....
=---- --
t .
_til, !" ....
. .
'. .
." .
.. t ",: ' '
' ..
.' ," ... . :i; .
'. :.'
... . : ' ..
I I : r
.. .
.' " "
,r ." . '
... I.
, .
, ,
. .. .
" ,
' . l1li ..
" . ,.
'1 ,:.... ",-
. '
, .
--- -

. eyer to visit -these llousea..
l . ___ -. _ .. . -r" #" ..
:he.is;, we <Jo: t..ot :
on:h of the Bible:&- . '
cleti, ,3
like Aivful Or J obD. ,AlIen. '
But point out
' :"tl1ese phi:ces -iIi et:der. that-the rea-
may not .. sc:eet one.' of r
theJ;Il, for
he to: Uie 'city. Our
win; tliererure; he a
Voice the'l}nwary a btlQf
attached ,to rock;, "him--

. to" ,off, lest ' lie'::
WI!e<'Jted on' a. dn.ngerO}l8 'and un->"
' . ,known coast. ' ,,',' "
. theiast ten
York has gr.eater "
. . -
, ' ... .
. . ' ..
, .
I' - ,
, ,
. -
'. '
* ,"
" . ...
, ,
, .
. .' 0" .. -
.. " .. ',
.". I , " ... J
.. ' 1: ..
.. .
. "
-- ::....... . .--':- ..... ..
, ,
, , 8 . . _
es' than any: other city has - ever
_ . clone iIi the same Space 'of It
i . rrGf ?nly.
I groWth Solid it's topographi-
\ cat . but 'M.so -
" the char.acter of it's inliabl-
' : .- anq in 'it;s pOsi-
" ,::.tion i to the other .
. of the 'world.' ., , ' '
- - ,.The ,of' tli,is great cha.nge , ,
. to
.th&-psyeholo.!pst; webave '

facts, not to accoup.t for them.
, 'It is not 'strange great '
shQUld ",he,' a.tt,8rched to
.. . that con<:e:ns_ the me':'-'
-ti-opollS ' of Un,ion. On that
projected; . we not 8nC-
., .. ' ;;
. .
" _ , 1 r
, ..
, '
, .
" ,
, ... ..
..... ,.
, .
. : .. " ....
. . .
. .
: . ', '
- . -' .:.
"-: ' fj).'f.\ " ., .
. ',
.. ' 0.
, .
..': .
. ,
., ' . .. : ' .
. . .
. , 'I
' .....
, _10,:--::- ,,' _ . : ._,.. . ..1,.,.,,,_
. dB PaVe or as they .
termed ." have firrhlsh-
_ . .. ... l' t
eel rooms j n they,
visitol15 , ot jibe : ,J)ther - and
ply' their ,' in the
. 101: . ,
. . 'a general fact, g4-la:al'e
Smart, .g.ood-looking, well

appW:anoe .. . Thia i$. the '
with, those :who -are -
cc Badgers, " " _ but more - Wjdely
knoWn -&8 ,thieves.
- ir.wing;:of
. uumy'an UI).-
" hDrMrThe
sooner Justice putS an :end to
" 'it will
be pnblic.' and --fot the gu:1B
'. . . -
Or ' .' 0 -
. -'-."
. ., .
. ... ,.
:.r .
, ..
. .
. ' :
, .'
.. . ,
, '.
.. a ."
- .
- "- "'",'
"':' It-'. no ,differenCe 00" .this -'
- .
class the man wh6m .. tbeY' "';
entice into -their. ' ,. <\en..' ." .
_-who '. has ,,'
few, hard' earned' doliahJ, whieh .he
imprnde.a:tly. in
or-' whether it.is gentij.,man, ..
-the standing ' of victiIp, -the
-better them; if a marriecl ma.n
, .. - -' w.ell knawn: iO:tbe-
- o. .
. falls 'their. ClJltches,. . 'the .
sumption is. t!lat 9f-
will ' . - -
aint- . "
.. and .a.re 'associ:&ted
, four. .
\ ' .hlIe a fl90r 'm a house, contampIg:-, ,
a '.
? ..' '.
. ... . ". 01,
- . . .....,. .-
,' . ' ..
. '
< .... .. ..... :;;-:_.'
, ,
., ':
.' .
".' ..

... '
_:"1J'V ..... &lid. 0-: .
.. ' .. -"" .... ------- -d., -when they . rob . '
pearance,. an .. _ -, _ -- _ .. I
man of &: large sum ot money, ,and
.-think he .. they
- te a
V&C80 _.- .... - _ -
take up their elsewhere. - -, ,
All stra.ngers. in our cIty " -would
<10 well to keep & bright looko!1
--for thi$ class of girls. are in ,
on the .

. ' .
. '"'. .
. .
, .
. ... ,.:
, .... '
O f -
". '.
'. . ' .
.. .
.. .
- ... 0
-1' - _--'.
13. __
. : On.:the, opposite are .
'more cO.ncerl
are :- in a quiet -&lid .'
. . They': . .. caned .
, .. c"Th,e' Dew ,fuop Inn. " ". Eureka"
a.nd-'l,Palace Garden." . , ".
at .
The r.ed
,-No: 25. East HoUstov street
This ""'lS it yery}>Opular iesort for .
. '.g.elltImiI&n, '.is . on
. ,
" most approved-j>1.&n .. - the
.. and, ilidefatigable.' : . n' , . ...-.--
and .' skillful "

<. thal( at.
. _'

. ,
. . -.
.. .. - . ... 1 ... 0' ,_ .::<1.'
' . u
.. . on the . earner --w.
west Houston ' . '
,, 'RevPlier Concert Saloon" kept
a orderly hoUse
well-knoWn to the habitues of suclJ.:
" . As you p8sa down Houston '
, street, farO banks _abound, till .
reacl;i an unpretending red--brick I
building .. 25, kept by. _ Frank
-JLm:ns,)m&Wli-as -Uw " Judge
, Jury.':' This is a reSort for
. sportsmen and otthe--
other country:: Everything ere ,.g ----...,.
in a ...respectable and
:qlanitm. '_ ' +_
,,'T . . d "Ij1_.-
. - an
---.....-- -
rugh!J.y gi,ven, and.fun '
_:.and ,
, .
. .
_. 0.-_ _
, . ,
1- .
. -
, ..
" I
' . .
. ' . .' .
. '
.' .
. , ."' ...
... , ... '
~ . .
BOo -,65 W- H ~ 8L
! ,
; ~ :
.... ..
" "
.. ' ;
., . .. '
' .. . .
" ..
... ". . .
" ,

t , '
. . 11 . 17 ."..-- -
, of, pleasing Benedict. is on the C(lr- -
:! ' mAnners.. , 88 a..1irat: ne; of Lauretrs-street.. It'is -a first
__ class eight lady .boar-
" . and is, visited .by of our- 1Ust Everything is neree.rranged
;, " ' \ in' the ' first style, :while '
-:' -No. . -i witching ,01 the fairy-like
,'-: st. is .conducted. . [" creatures who devote themselves
t fUn' ' ,loVing .Mrs. Harsh, to the services ' .of Cupid are un- ,
t. wllose stock, -of " goOd' is " : any of the fine Jadies
. inWlaustible.' She haS SiX: nv.--4----'t- :;ho walk Bro'e.dway in sTIh and-
- ,'Wh9 ' do .. f.o-:her ' \ ' satins new. ,
and receive the enoomiUIDB' , .' t The estabJishment a.t No. 104
, Of the most fastidious of ,V street; is kept by Madam
, of feminine lov6llne&a. ' , ; Deil, it a second house. .
house, 6s, kePt '. I, The house No. 140 IS kept b,>
Clark. It , ' a . \ . Mrs. J and is a very .
'\ to the "
I v
. -t ':' The 155 , is kept.by
J Creagh. ' She has teb.
" . .. .
. " :
, .
:. . .
. : ',"
" '
. : :
.. ' "
. .
I' '.'
J "
.. .
_ boarders; finely - ud
, \,
_, 4.ouse .. ,in-
, ,
<'",..: ..
,the best manner" and is clisa"
l" -in .. She will move '
to '17 Amity Street in::F,ebrnary:- '
t ' ", at,No. :T5'fiS
,lIrs.:VaIeBtine; who Ju.s,four iadies
',iB- ,and to
:' . gentlemen thei, ,arms.
, ' -This is &' sOOOnd'ciass:hGUse. . ,
ed rooms .to gIrls. .
',NO;-160. is the same. .. ' , '
' ....
' No.
" has ' ' - ' .'
0. . "a . of .. .
tion kept ,by' -Mrs. Jay. ,
" ', ";i
, " . !.
, ,
\ .
" ,
.. . ,'.
to ro1Ul(fbti\ :and pad- -
' ded.be&tlti8& ' ' .
. ..4. t "
.. : . :'1
1(", '.
.. .. ' -, .. -
.. ' .,
.. .. . . \
. '"'
. . I
"' .
'- - - . ........ --
. "
, '
'.- ,.'"
. ,
' ..
" '
1'''- :,00'
- n
f _ _
. '
,The establishment at 98 Prince
strOOt is My-ers, and .'
'is' of the third c1_
. -
. - "GREENE ..

. , .
. This thoroUghfare has
,complete sink of In the
short sPace,'of six squares, indluded
betWeen Ca.na1 and Bleecker stroofa
- -
. 41 containing b&!'-
: of .
- '22 h,Oll:Bes in ' which . . ftlr,n isbed
rooms .are let
r " " few these
.. hoUses the third' class; and,
aHliongb: they-are-now1tept pretty
. _ t. . ,.
__ the yet there is
_ amuse , .:"themseIves by .
eaCh Qther's ctoW1!S,
. - ", ' . ' .....;.-4"'_

. . ' .
0 "

, ,

, (

: \Vbalen.
, " ,141 George Moore.
n 147 .MisS
153- Miss
.. ISS Mary .. _
u 160' MIlle. ROPSau.
. -:- - Bu-ebman
." '167. Marian allace.
" -l71]emueBetmett .
.. -173- kate
. . - H 175.
.. '177'-Miss Lewis.
. ,;--- ... -
,f _
.. .
" .
. ..
, {
.soone-s imd .is to -visitors. It is an
, turmoil--wda;l8. lead a to &lid very:plea.sa.nt , place of resqx:t.
Ba- ' ,lb&.' very ple&-
'" <len, '-7or that old' -&dom ana _
'. -:- -' entirely' private .
- 'r .,'
. -.
.. ......
, "
" ':' q'met ' and
is of the fu:st claas" an9- -
every to-, ViSitors.
. .'
MIts.-l>t1NBAR oon:duet8-her house
of Grove .
street in:the best- manner. The ut-
1ll0-st : . iJJ . observed, and
evert faCility
, who ca.ll -forpassing _the tilD.e in
JJie- most .' agreeable-manner. This
-, 8. .Dra,"class-houSe.:... -- - -
Mmy 16' &n-
wick ,street, keeps a -eecolld' cl.8a&
, -
j '
- . -.----, ..
, '
. -
. , .
. , 0 . ..
" , , , '
, "
" " '
. of assignation. : , . '
_ . _ 0
,_ MBa. B&rr?w
house', of assig-
- - oflo'
a. tid.y;and
for gents ,
w - ,gentler
,of creation. ' .' ' , ' ,
---- " ' <
, ---MIss 83
,:T:hjs '8 'second ctass-h use ' . ,
, 1ady- -
:1ttud few liill ' -: -.. :.., '.',.
,-"Mas. 1.21'

to be1!D.aged by '
ants:. -One caD ' ,

-.. ..'
" - JI
: ':V0rks. lest dAylight should' spoil
"her compleXion..
" . Mms:"'NoBTo.,
parlor -hOlll8 of'the eeoond-claae. ,.
99 Crosby furnished
. rooms.. ,
125 lets famished rooms to
.. '---
, enterprising yonng'ladies.
sparkling eye&..Jt is the -finest
oil the Street, .and:-super).>ly
, 'lbs.',WmGBT, 6i Eliza.beth Bt.
.. t_ !t; ;:.... .as '. a, very
, __ qUiet --.<1
: that

" ..

.. '-" ,"-. , - . '" '
,," _ 0- ..
- ,
, .
II : -,
, ,
- M'xc._]?AlrLDm Bim' of 69
:' ,
" . .. . __ _den . 01, . &8S1gQtieD, visited ,
--' MiB8 J' AGEB, , of."N o. 29""][ .......
Y15urig' ,
very and .
This jiM." Jumd-
, ,every, r&-
ease. ., '18
calcnIated to 'th --:-
"'""6' e 'V18l r.
" n , '45'
k-eeps private hOll86 of : .
. assignation. is, ,conduoted, veri .
: _ .. - '.- '.,-.. - ..
. 'MAA GIRARD .. pw.}or, :,,
hotlSe at: No. 9 Fourth. street. .
Tllls establishment well' funiiSh- .
:. . ..::. ,
_ - ' i
......... ' .
' ..
, .
, :' "," "-' ' . 2"1
, arfl hancis?me and. a.greeao]e. '
. . 8! class and
kept -very qmet and orderly' It is
iinagma-a; -
, greeable lace of reSon.,
Miss NET,I,IE of No. 110
CUn ton pla.ce, conducts 8. first class
with five lady
are sociable and'en1ier-
. ...
. .
tainUrrg. ' .
No. 106 -ClintOn Plo is a. house of
assignation, very quiet, and
, of 40 Amity street, .
.' comer" of _
E9use 9f It is
..irrAlways op;n, Mrs. Baa.ch
-givejl' her :'attention- to
, 80 that they may.
.. --
," .
. '
. . "
,. 1
. top{04>Ott:Oni; ..
. nor-labor t?
'laCe . of beatity- forever, . with it'll
.... mirrors, and '
'.- -.
:.. L
, .
" .
.... "1.
i": .
. ,. '.
. :: . .
, _ 2a
No .. _10 Neil.aon ' place,
This is a 'boarcling
" apparantly at the' first-class;
, can never
'.:-it11i to tell who -
is the head of ,the house., The door
"-113 guarded by & grouty old dame
.. .from -the south of AfriCa, whose
. digmtyj s '80j )yerpowering_ -:' , - .
.' that people suppose that she
, runs the establishment. ' ,
, , J o'SEPHINE W a -yery _
parlor-bouse at- 1M East
street! __ Broadway. It
CQl!tal1is eigHt lady.boarders.
". ,FuLTON haS of,
5$ Twelfth street.
-There "are, 'oomforlably
.... 't-1\4 -
, . ,
. \
.. ;
1 .
. :
"" ::. . .' .,
. 80
." "
. .. ': . ....
e "
, '
_ aU the
;, tablishment. It is- a very "
h to
-t,' ... '.
ottse. ' .
'. "
_ ': .digiiiti : the nrst . class
. '. t ', ' at' Twelfth",
, -' There.' I.re a. ..
, .
MJ88 '
"-- -" ..;:...... . .. .... _. -----
at No. 126 .
":'This elegant parlor hot11f8
in the. most .
. ... -
YOUI!g are
yeri pfeasaDi' set; '
I :.i.nd fond of alhJ1Sem:erit: The' . ..-....-..,.
fttrlritnre, ' and 'pmn-
. tings are :, of the ':'latest and- ....
gus. '. &
, , .
'" 1 \
.. . .."
.... , ..
'.1'. a .... a.
'- BOarders.
' .
, '.
., .
. ' . , ..
t . '
. .. '.. .
"-'" -
, "
. , '
- ,
...----.... -
v ._.- .
" .
1 _
." .
.' , .......
.. ---;--- .--_ ..
...... '. J?as ' a. ",-parlor
at No.-.-16 '. :Ea.8t 'Thirteenth
nq 'interest whatever 'attaches
''''.............. SQpie 6f lts 'yj.Sitors
ave tp.atit',8 lnmates are
'Qi ,, ' =- -" .
has a. -
. at No: 18 '
Tliliteentlr :stfeet.. .As a. -... ... "'-r--
.. .
., .

. .
,.... , - T ,- ;. ' !. ... _ _ .-I----"t
this: , houSe ls conducted
.' ,
'.. ...
, "
.. '
. "
, 4:.
, .
. .',
. 82
. ' . "' '- .
. Ii tpa:':'.r.e.r. .
Inr PumEB ,
orde!ly"hous6 :-of
-at 2o-EBst 'street. .
, th twQ-
: A '
.\ -
- .
. \
- , 33 .
- disagt<'eab! e to viRi {ota. - =- -
MRs. J A.HE has estab-
-lishment at No. 42 West
stroot. She kept, formerly, at 56 '
West.,Houstqn.street.' ...
.- domicil is parlor house
elght ladY_9<?arders, who .
1y . pleasant a.nd full of
, "
, a.re -calculated' to dispel tlie
-clouds of melancholy. This paJace
,is- . hed in' did- -
. :visitors , a.re . with .. e,very. '
a.ttention. . It-is in all-respects &
. ..- -- - : ,-
first class bouse. '
. - 'l\-hts" -"
63 West ',.
It. up'- .
.....1......- _
c.omlort&b(e m&nner, -and IS a .
- fhst - ,
.. '. ' .
_ '#
.. -
- .. ,-
, ,
. . -
QODJ.K.lJL ... " ... "".' ... .in -
.- .' .. ..
. . . 'very '

.-: street"is 8:' .oJ
:gp: W9r-' ,
". It ,is'Kepi by;Mrs.
.. --; ..r -.
'. -,: .
. "
.. . . . _--
by Mrs. -Ba.rclay.
> tip: in the .14'st e.n.d everj at-
tention is -shown to viSitOrs.
- ,rer 'a. house . of assignatien
"kept by Mrs. Wilson. It contains
ppthIDg' of account.
. No. 102 W. Twenty-second St.
is Do house of as.signation kept by .
Mr,s. Va.nN e88. .'
103 W. est Twenty-second
. is b It.
a. house of a.nd con:
l&<1Y hoa.rders. . ,
___ f<!.v.iih
a very. quiet &nd orderly
. : of assignation, . by
_'.' _
. street-'
. a. qUiet and 0r:aedy honae
. -
, .
:. ........
6, ...
, ,
. ' ,
- , . '=:_ . 0,0" _
.- -----
:"of ' 'kept' by
'" Preacott. ,- -
.' Wi) Btre@tl
. by MrS. Delili,Rl;
,the-c-;: '
. wooa= , '
, >; .. ' , a a
'stone' "-, ' hOlI88 :" . - ,ft.- ' -'"
" " ,
thro:ughout , with the
an((" neweJt improvements. :
.. .. of ,oil painiing&
$10,000. ROsewood futiu
" . ' I
. '.
1" .. .....

' 3'1
a. second ladieS
honse, kept by ana: .
Doardel'8. '--,
West T,w.enty-fifthat.reet,
i,s aIBO' a. ladies boarding house of '
the,' and is i.ept by
Mrs.: .. ,
. 113 West .. fi.fth street..
is ',s lad!ea house, by
. King. It has four' Jaaj hOar ..
- .:
N o.
IS 8: ladies kept
' .. J --Bennet( It is orp"' ........
265 E.' 26th street is a qUiet
and" house of "
jUlia. Lw>kins. '
,',No. IIi " W.o 26th street is -a'
. boarding ' house,
. 4:.
" .
: ... '1
, .
. ' ..
. '.
. , ,' Moultrie. It
'.: .' iI's' W.
-< "kept: .:'hy -+' , ......
house, is moat
.. fmnished, . . "
. ;is a. very '" t and "
and of loVing.:
, .has -
, '- -verY_a1fectdQ:nat:e '
_ an' 'igre'enble::
.,..,t= ....... " -Will be
', entertained. is
. . ..
.. " " .
-- :- '. .
-- . --"-- -'-- -' --,-"
, ,
" '
!:.::} I
, .. .. " '; jr ...
.,.. .
, '.
- ' . -,II. " _
- - .. -: ... . --
- ... .
'us t$.o-:
. . ', - '.. . A First Class HouSe
, , "
-- ---- ... _-
131 'Vest 26th. Street,
- .. -
.. - ' , --
" , ,"
.' "
-1 .. . ,;
.. '
.. '
. .
: ..:::.-.: . ..
. . '
":' . '-'. "
,- .
... &
, '
. ,
.' ...
.... t
. ,
, ' .
. , "
' .. ,
---.. - .. - -- ---
- .
aG ,
Cutler. , It is a. first class
house, has five 'lady boarders, and
is '-very' ,quiet ' and
, '
'-No. i2S-':W-.. -26th-'atreet 'is,s ,first ,
class parlor :house, 'with six lady
and'-weli conducted by
Magaret .. -
No. ,124 W. 26th street is a
ho:u-se, kept by
--=&LLJI,o. ,-BioWD. _It_ Jow _'
boarders. '
, No . .127' W. 26th street is a.
of .,
c....E!J.'",VU,\..I. .. 'M-ooame - ".
, . is a report 'of &- .
b'e'ar'15eing kept eet:ler ... --t.ttlil--+
for w:hat reason ma.y be inferred -.
' .
, \
whoSe "merry . laughs .
, throughout the paiace.
, "
- .... "'1
. I ,
khow.11 ,of Gen
'Furn ,shing Goods. This ahode of
"tenri rnlS yonngJady c!erks '
. ,yho are of a. cheeiftilB.n,d liveJy
disposi tion, and. very enterta.ining
to the gentlemen customers. ,This
house is furnished in magnifiCent 'and is conducted vtKy .
.:.d ' order-ly .. ,It ' is yle, the proprietess has
every respect:
" 'No: 131 26tli is
by 'Mi.8& Sallie" RiChards.
, is
'1"n1'l.'rrh,nn t- . the tranaieiit_

',neither pains nor expense to
, her house one of the fuiest
ill It is also yery. quiet
, and is first class in
. every respect.
"-N' 26th st;a-oot is a very
quiet, and orderly of asaig-
'. . . ' . ' . "
, nation kept by Ida Langdon.
No. W. 26th street is kept
fl-...1:=-"III The tr&llsient 8,C- '-
#.- ......
" .
, .
, , ..
: tI.
c?mmodation - at ,this 'place are - ,.--ll----t
'the first class,. ana the honse. is
. , .
. -
'S ;l-
. ...--
-. .' .
. -
,*,1VY1rfl% _
133 W:. ..
Bet. -6th. ' & 7th. Avenues.

.. -=
.- ' .
: 1
" .
, -
108 "eat 2'7th. at.
." -
a, very
, ,oraerly mann.er.
. No .. 47 West" 27th St. is 8. Ja<UMi
boarders. The. house is
, m a very
e-very',ieqmsite for
-is' & -fiI.at qUiet
.: ,;. . _
: , , No.-IOI West 27th street, Mrs."
is a ladles .... ...
the seeona-c!ass,,;and
"con.taip.s, 4 '
'. Mrs; :fnmnia:-'Brown "keepii..a,
" at. lOa:' 'w .
7th' St. There is no attraction '&;
t thi's house. -It li&;.4

, "
. , . . .
, .
.' ;
,,' .
-. .... . - .
......... , .. _ ... _ . . .... , __ ._ . ... ... _. _
- 0_..
"era and raws sooond claaa., , -
. Joe: a.t
' 105 West 27th is & BOOOnd
. .. .eStablishment. It is assert-
. ed . that . the landlady and her
'servants are ' as 80ur 88 her
- - -. -
, WIne.
, . 'No. 104: West St.', This
,,' heiuse. is' kept . by Mjss
Pierce., known as rLittle
Maggie' of 30- 12th -Bt. ) The
-hotise is well -fornbJlled, and fitted-
np in Bt11e" ____ landla-
dy is goOd-looking -ana very en,..
tertainjng. She has 7 young lady
boarders of fi.nd
r-eady: wit .. This i:s'a class
. house and is' very . quiet and_
-;' '.... -
. No; 106'West 27thSt.
. .,.
. . Q
booe-of pleasure is under
of Miss -
__ .-of .

' .
-8greea.ble dispositjolI: .. - .,- -.;.:..;:.;;;:

.' costly ot :--:tp.Oe.ern .
_ T1;lere ,are -c
,,=hg ... do
-the house and its visitori" - It
, . veJ:y quiet and imd
.' first Glass.
___ _ Ladies .boarding-house at
lOTWest 27th-St.- is
. StanOl! verr-quiet. '
_ 108 W
kept by. ' Miss
-- is newly frescoed, -pa.
."ed. and furnished' with the IIi
. .
.i .
J . N (). :,128' w. 2. St.,
'onr lab! toarbtts . .
- --
"costly furniture; . 'carpets,
and pai,ntinga. It has seven-

, :- ,"
, !':. .. (.
I' ;
, .
' .

--- .... - . --.. --
. ,

. 130 W. 2?th. St.
, .
-- ---
. .

_ _ 'I- .
. ..
----- ' -
.. - "
t ' i .
. '.
- ' .
: ,
.' ,
boarders, young, ' : 'good-lookIng
'accomplished j'- are of a
cheerfUl, lively whose
men:y:-, through
- ..... ... A: 'pa.lace of 'beauty. The
_ for
ate c.ouplesare' by
. any, in -the city_ . The
,.ls ladylike :a.nd very en-
tertaining. This is a. first class
house in every respect; it is quiet
an.l,. orderly. . '
o. 109 West 27th St. is a la-
dies of th,e
class, splendidly iurnished. ' It .is
, .the ," of- "
young ladles. This house is quiet
d and" kept;_bs -=-=--1,",--
_ ' . - - . " : _ .
. . VI This ..
, .' . , .' -'6 "
.' boarding-hoUse"
. boarders: . ..
-_. ,ed at'119
,W: 27th street; :five
boarders. ' , -
. ". No..
._ Sl;I: lady b0B:rrders, quiet
" ' ,
__ 27th St .. . (
. -.Allen's ladies hoardin-g:"ho..-joe _ . .,
.. ", . ' . '-UJ, ve-
and orderly. ' . _ ' - .
' : "
" . This ', nrst:-
- Seniinary, ' condMted-,
by . accomplished " and
, lady, who has a' ','
t ..
- , . --seven -.--
.... . ' . _ . '
d};<?Ung, scholars who do
, her The '
.... '. ... -...
- -----'="..
, .
, >
, .:
' house is newly furnished in, So
, . is v.ery quiet
._---- -"- . -.
. ' and.ordeily, and fust class in eve-
ry respect. ',-
' The boarding-house at
at. has five board-
ers,:' and is kept by Bian-
chard. --. -" .
.. No. J.28- W eat- St. , Mrs.
:Dizzie _Q-oo'dr1ch, the , dishing
<!!1 __ ,
. bruit' ,. face . is _
ever ready to welcome -ller"pitrons,
...keeps . . , Mrs. 88
, '::"s1i-e' _ five
- ,boarders _
cheerfutdispositio:p.s tend to, drive
:,away tlie, : is a
.lar cian_ attached : to tID!
hOllse, and every.
' ,sb.?'Wn to 'its viSitors. As a
_ -- .a .-
class house, it is neatly and.
.. fitted np, and 'is
6rderly. . . .. _____ _
'. .. -"136 West Mrs:
Hattie. Phillips boarding-house" is:
- .' a :first class house with seven
- EverrthiIigi8 nnet,.
arranged; the young-ladies. ate
- .
. and of a. fun-loving dispo-r
, : aitiOIt.. __ -The. honse_ is very__ ' .
of our first citizens. --
, No: 132 -West 27-th Sl
r--1 .. r..... , . l(lsejs by
-- It lsil second class-,:,'house -
- .
. there is nothing entertaining ei
er' in '. :the . landlady . or " ner'
.' . _ "._ >_ _.
134 . iv a'at :27th at. -
, Davis' h<?arding h9.:
.. .. .:..-
, ,
'. '
.boardera. The- being of
,-a. very sullen a.
._ .......... '- .wond be to the
. .
: . visi torc.-
No. 138 West 27th St.. Miss '
Lou St. Clair.. This- temple ?f
" love' is furnished in magnificent
. styie and 'nothing is :un
-to make a. visit there enJoyable .
. ':'It ha.s six lady boarders. The .
. -_ .. qUiet and' orderly, a.nd rates
..c." - _
:first' cla.ss.
.. Cutler, 140 W.
leta' rooms to en terprisiDg
- young-ladiea
No 142 W. 27th St. Mrs. Lucas;
-' this boarding house has four
and it' rates as second
. _ ....
. No. 146' W. is kept .Mrs.
'. I
, '
----- . - -- --
.. It is a Isaias .lLl.our ..-,
, of the.. second .claSs, ana". 'U'-' ..... '!WUID.
lady - - . '
. . 8 houSe",
01 assigna.tion, kept yer;. quiet and
orderly by .Alice AsWy.", ". - .. ' ,
No. 59 W. 28th street is ,a h01l88
4. . .... . .'
of assignatipn kept by
PhilliiJ.s . . It is dfthe seCOnd ..
. . '.:No. 127 W.- 2ath .street-:' is a'
. . . . ' -! .
- :---'
" , .
, 0"
. .

. :.
, .
151 ,
Ave; is kept by i\!isi
. -Frankie Barton, f6iiiietly of 140
West '24th street and 127 W.est
',; , This. cosy .
temple is ipInishedsplendidly, the
. ka.nsieilt accomodatioris are. of the
first and the landlady ia a.
, -very' .agreeable anq entertaining
. young lady. She, has yOlmg
. ers of -y neat and
preposesl;)ing appearance. , . 8 "
ouse is very qtiiet .. and rehred,
........... by the most.
ta.ble :c1ass of visitors.
West 35th street corner 6th "I
A-ve., is 'house of assignation of '
_ the second class .
. No. 129 ,v. 36th. street is a house
-OfassfgnatioI!.: Blair. -
It isv,ery ':quiet orderly.
,. .
. ...
.... :'
, '\
.. ,'""
No: 30 LexlilgiOnAve. is '
honse. of h?use
by It claaB
. every.
. _ r
. .
. .. ....
_____ f - -
.. -
i,lfJtity JYhUej or, Gay Life of a. Young GirL 2
This is inwrcsting novel by the author
" Len Rer Home, ...
Aglle8, !-he Beautiful illine:r .............. .
This is one of those !30ufstirring books w:
,,-,-"'=_. _,, _ the P9int,a attd' in the
, .
. . ..
"L(t,(ly. . - ...... , : ...........
A' entertai ning and.iaacinating work..
Left Jl 110m e. A most exciting story .....
'Tbjg"is trill, one. of the most charming stories
kiud-(n-er vnitten.
i?fUUJiY, The belle of CBntnl Park ....... ,. '!
it is .one or the t Spirited and Tomahtic
. Full. of life anfffire. :, , _.
lln.'1 t Yo /l'ng "Lad?!.': ' : .. '-:::-:-: ... -. .......... .
This is &. "Very interesting book . . We _
ery Olle to get a copy. .-
Th e Jl 0 ""a'nce . of a . Rich .' Y (}u-ng Girl; Or
... . . .
...... _.t ...................... .... " .. ...
'l"he wor!d were nev.er
bly .by. this _ entrancing tala
iSl'eplete with aU that is amusing. etirring.
ng and ..
Annj e 01' the ladies
waiting .. : ...... . .
Any of the above bookS 'send 'on -ret.'.Cipt of
cents to any
, ,
, f:"
. . .
, .
Themoat Oompiete work of the
med"'Six :new - - '
ContainiDg- aU' lIlOIM'\tii
marTelollil myatelriciull '
sores- of Qle great secretS
profeMioii's. arts' .ltd
and modet'J,1,.daY87"' 'as prAr1aCfbi,the
thrcugh,out;.the -. .It,' .c' o ]
ilona physiology, .. , ..
.. , up all themoney-mUjng and _
to thel]lOSi knowilla (my of
in which __ -
. , ,-
' \ : - .- ' ' One" '
.. Any of the booke8eD4 VQ., ......
:p,rice.- . . , -
.lOHN F. 'lWR1d:r _ .
. .. . .. " - -. . -

, "
, ..
.. .....;."...
.. : .......
, .
iImpnrted-" Male- Safes.
, 'K .

...... of both Skin & India Rubber
, Can be' procured -at follo1f1ng pr10ea
or by maiL $3, ' and $* per dozen;
for $1. four for $1. Ladies"
Circulara free,

medicine $5. Pill, 11::" 8,- if----...J
without merclll'Y. SeJPiilal 'Pills for Nervous '
$1 per box, or six boxes for $5 by""
or-aEOftiee. Circulars sent.
. 651 Broadway, N. Y . .
,:' Bovatrom 9 A. :!tY."ttH:-1l -t'P;- '
. ,

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