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Whlle seLLlng Lhe LeeLh for neuLral zone concepL

a 1he denLure LeeLh are seL buccal Lo Lhe cresL of Lhe rldge
b 1he denLure LeeLh are seL on Lhe cresL of Lhe rldge
c 1he denLure LeeLh are seL llngual Lo Lhe cresL of Lhe rldge
d none of Lhe above

lor a slngle compleLe denLure
a 8alanced occluslon ls deslred ln C8 only
b 8alanced occluslon ls deslred boLh ln C8 and eccenLrlc relaLlons
c Cpposlng anLerlor LeeLh should conLacL for beLLer esLheLlcs
d Small over[eL buL a large overblLe should be provlded

Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue concernlng Lhe paLLern of bone resorpLlon
a lL ls almosL Lhe same on boLh Lhe buccal and llngual slde ln Lhe mandlble
b 1he paLLern of resorpLlon can creaLe a varleLy of shapes from sharp Lo flaL and wlde edge
c 1he paLLern of resorpLlon ls from Lhe lablal Lo Lhe palaLal plaLe ln Lhe maxllla
d All of Lhe above
e none of Lhe above

Wax Lryln of Lhe denLures ls noL necessary for Lhe denLures made wlLh neuLral zone
a 1rue
b lalse

Whlle seLLlng Lhe LeeLh for a slngle compleLe denLure one musL ensure LhaL opposlng
lncllned planes do noL conLacL ln CC
a 1rue
b lalse

- ln compleLe denLure seLup Lhe upper and lower anLerlor LeeLh are seL wlLhouL conLacL ln cenLrlc
a 1rue
b lalse
- 1he slmple hlnge arLlculaLor allows cenLrlc and eccenLrlc movemenLs
a 1rue
b lalse
- lncreased verLlcal dlmenslon of occluslon of processed denLure could be correcLed by
a 1he upper buccal cusps and lower llngual cusps
b 1he lower buccal cusps and Lhe upper llngual cusps

- 1he worklng slde ls Lhe slde
a 1oward whlch Lhe mandlble moves
b Away from whlch Lhe mandlble moves

- 8alanced occluslon ls lmporLanL because lL helps ln
a uenLure reLenLlon
b uenLure sLablllLy
c uenLure esLheLlcs

- 1he buccollngual wldLh of Lhe arLlflclal posLerlor LeeLh should be
a More Lhan Lhe wldLh of Lhe naLural posLerlor LeeLh
b Lqual Lo Lhe wldLh of Lhe naLural posLerlor LeeLh
c Less Lhan Lhe wldLh of Lhe naLural posLerlor LeeLh
- ln recordlng Lhe maxlllomandlbular relaLlon ([aw relaLlon) for Lhe consLrucLlon of
compleLe denLures Lhe mandlble should be ln
a CenLrlc occluslon
b CenLrlc relaLlon
c 8alanced occluslon
- 8alanced occluslon ln compleLe denLure refers Lo
a 1he occluslon presenL ln Lhe naLural denLlLlon
b 1he Lype of occluslon whlch allows slmulLaneous conLacL of arLlflclal LeeLh ln cenLrlc
occluslon only
c 1he Lype of conLacL whlch allows slmulLaneous conLacL of arLlflclal LeeLh ln cenLrlc and
eccenLrlc [aw poslLlons
- AlglnaLe lmpresslon ls made by Lhe use
a laln sLock Lrays
b erforaLed Lrays
c WaLer coollng Lrays
- ln mlxlng Lhe monomer wlLh Lhe polymer of Lhe heaL cure acryllc resln Lhe followlng
sLages can be recognlzed before packlng
a _Sandy__ (sLage)
b _SLrlngy_ (sLage)
c _8ubbery_(sLage)
d _uough__ (sLage)
ueflne Lhe followlng
8alanced Cccluslon 1he bllaLeral slmulLaneous anLerlor and posLerlor occlusal conLacL of
LeeLh ln cenLrlc and eccenLrlc poslLlons
lmmedlaLe uenLure A compleLe denLure or removable parLlal denLure fabrlcaLed for
placemenL lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe removal of naLural LeeLh
O 1he underlylng prlnclples ln maklng a selecLlve lmpresslon Lechnlque are
a 1o record prlmary sLress bearlng areas under pressure
b 1o apply selecLlve pressure Lo Lhe denLure bearlng Llssues elLher by provldlng rellef ln
cerLaln areas wlLh wax spacer or noL coverlng Lhe dlagnosLlc casL wlLh wax
c erlpheral areas are recorded under compresslon Lo develop border seal
a 1 ls Lrue
b 1 and 2 are Lrue
c 2 ls Lrue
d All of Lhe above
O 1he prlmary and secondary sLress bearlng areas of a maxlllary edenLulous arch are
a PorlzonLal porLlon of hard palaLe and rldge cresL respecLlvely
b osLerlor palaLal seal area and border seal areas respecLlvely
c CresL of Lhe rldge and anLerlor parL of Lhe hard palaLe respecLlvely
d none of Lhe above

1he prlmary and secondary sLress bearlng areas of a mandlbular edenLulous arch are
a Lablal and llngual lncllnes of Lhe resldual rldge and genlal Lubercle respecLlvely
b 8uccal shelf and cresL of Lhe resldual rldge respecLlvely
c 8eLromolar pad and lnLernal obllque rldge
d none of Lhe above

1he vlbraLlng llne ls aL Lhe [uncLlon of Lhe movable and lmmovable sofL palaLe passlng Lhrough Lhe
foveae palaLlnae
a 1rue
b lalse
8efore performlng Lhe border moldlng of edenLulous arches remove Lhe wax spacer
a SLaLemenL ls 1rue
b SLaLemenL ls lalse

1he lnclsal edge of Lhe maxlllary occlusal rlm ls made parallel Lo lnLerpuplllary llne
a 1rue
b lalse
Whlch of Lhe followlng meLhods can be helpful for Lhe selecLlon of Lhe slze of Lhe anLerlor LeeLh for
compleLe denLure?
a Checklng lf Lhe paLlenL has prevlous dlagnosLlc casLs
b MeasuremenL of Lhe dlsLance from Lhe apex of Lhe canlne Lo Lhe meslal surface of Lhe
cenLral lnclsor
c MeasuremenL of Lhe blzygomaLlc wldLh and dlvldlng lL by 16
d a and c
e All of Lhe above
1he use of porcelaln arLlflclal LeeLh ln compleLe denLure provlde a beLLer esLheLlcs and bondlng Lo Lhe
denLure base
c 1rue
d lalse
When selecLlng posLerlor arLlflclal LeeLh for compleLe denLure a fully balanced occluslon ls besL
obLalned wlLh Lhe 33 degree ones
a 1rue
b lalse

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