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Saffron Capital
Private Limited
27/08/2009 to
94 57 112.5
Ratings India
Private Limited
L1 merchanL members blddlng cenLers lssue slze prlce range daLe of
llsLlng fo credlL raLlng agency grade asslgn

Issue Open: August 27, 2009 September 1, 2009
Issue Size: 12,453,894 Equity Shares of Rs 10
Issue Size (Rs Crore): 87.18 93.40
Face VaIue: Rs 10 Per Equity Share
Issue Price: Rs 70 - Rs 75 Per Equity Share
Market Lot: 90 Shares
Minimum Order Quantity: 90 Shares
Issue Type: 100% Book Built ssue PO
Listing At: BSE, NSE
ress 8elease for !lndal CoLex LlmlLed's lC Cradlng
8rlckwork 8aLlngs asslgns 8W8 lC grade 3" Lo Lhe lC of !lndal CoLex LLd
!lndal CoLex LlmlLed lC Crade 8W8 lC Crade 3
8angalore lndla november 12 2008 8rlckwork 8aLlngs has asslgned 8W8 lC Crade '3' for
Lhe proposed lnlLlal publlc offerlng of !lndal CoLex LLd 1hls grade prlmarlly reveals Average
lundamenLals" ln relaLlon Lo oLher llsLed securlLles ln lndla 8rlckwork 8aLlngs lC gradlng ls a mere
oplnlon on Lhe fundamenLals of lssuer and ls [usL one parameLer LhaL an lnvesLor could use before Lhe
lnvesLmenL declslon 1he speclflc declslon relaLlng Lo lnvesL musL also conslder Lhe lnvesLor's rlsk
proflle asseL allocaLlon Llme horlzon as well as Lhe lssue prlce relaLlve Lo Lhe fundamenLal value
8rlckwork does noL commenL on Lhe prlce 1he grade ls nelLher a recommendaLlon Lo buy / sell nor
hold Lhe graded lnsLrumenL
1he Shares offered Lo publlc ls 12433894 (abouL 12 mllllon) Shares lace value 8s10/ each
represenLlng 4981 of posL lssue equlLy
1he Lead managers 8eglsLrar are Saffron CaplLal Advlsors rlvaLe LlmlLed and 8lgshare Servlces
rlvaLe LlmlLed
!lndal CoLex LlmlLed (!CL) offers 12433894 (abouL 12 mllllon) Shares lace value 8s 10/ each
represenLlng 4981 of posL lssue equlLy 1he presenL lssue ls belng made Lo ralse Lhe funds for seLLlng
up a new faclllLy for manufacLurlng of CoLLon ?arn ?arn uyelng and CarmenLs and Lo lnvesL ln
Subsldlarles !lndal MedlcoL LlmlLed and !lndal SpeclalLy 1exLlles LlmlLed 1he company has noL
conLemplaLed Lo use Lhe proceeds Lo repay Lhe bank loans
Company proflle
!lndal CoLex LlmlLed (!CL) based ln Ludhlana un[ab lncorporaLed ln 1998 has been promoLed by
Mr Sandeep !lndal ?ash aul !lndal 8a[lnder !lndal and 8amesh !lndal !CL ls an lSC 90012000
cerLlfled company engaged ln Lhe buslness of manufacLurlng of Acryllc olyesLer and olyesLervlscose
olyesLer CoLLon combed and carded yarns used ln apparels sulLlngs knlLLed fabrlcs lL has
an lnsLalled capaclLy of 23472 splndles for acryllc coLLon blended and polyesLer yarns wlLh a
manufacLurlng capaclLy of 6300 1A !CL manufacLures and sells yarns under Lhe Lrade name
'!lnuAL' ln addlLlon Lhe company has lnsLalled and commlssloned Wlnd LlecLrlc CeneraLor (Wlnd
Mlll) of 1230kW capaclLy aL lLhlaSaLLaCorera ln Lhe sLaLe of 8a[asLhan
1he gradlng reflecLs !CL's conslsLenL revenue growLh and proflLs over Lhe pasL 3 years Lhe promoLers
experlence and ablllLy Lo conslsLenLly grow Lhe company by expandlng Lhe capaclLles producL proflle
and Lo ldenLlfy and execuLe new opporLunlLles for buslness growLh
1he gradlng ls however consLralned by pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon rlsk leadlng Lo cosL and Llme overruns
buslness concenLraLlon wlLh few cusLomers as well as compeLlLlon from large and small players
ln Lhe domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal markeLs
lC roceeds usage
1he lC proceeds wlll be used for Lhe expanslon of lLs capaclLy by 30400 splndles along wlLh a dyelng
unlL of 61u and garmenL manufacLurlng faclllLy havlng a capaclLy of 3000 C per day 1he lC
proceeds would also be used Lo lnvesL ln lLs 100 subsldlarles ln Lhe fleld of 1echnlcal and Medlcal
1exLlles vlz !lndal MedlcoL LLd and !lndal SpeclalLy 1exLlles LLd
lor Lhe year ended 31
March 2008 sales from operaLlons lncreased by 4269 Lo 8s 99424 mllllon
as compared Lo 8s 69678 mllllon for Lhe year ended 31
March 2007 roflL before uepreclaLlon lnLeresL and 1ax lncreased from 8s 6311 mllllon Lo 8s 9672
mllllon for
Lhe year ended 31
March 2008 showlng a lncrease of approxlmaLely 3326
roflL afLer 1ax lncreased from 8s 876 mllllon for Lhe year ended 31
March 2007 Lo 8s 4231
mllllon for Lhe year ended 31
March 2008 showlng an lncrease of 38299

LS (Larnlngs per share) for Lhe year ended 31
March 2008 ls 8s604 agalnsL 8s126 ln Lhe
correspondlng prevlous flnanclal year LS has been calculaLed on Lhe basls of welghLed average
number of LqulLy Shares
1he operaLlng proflL margln ls 2198 for Lhe year ended 31
March 2008 as compared Lo 1962 for
Lhe correspondlng prevlous year
Summarlzed flnanclal sLaLemenLs are ln Annexure 1 Lo Lhls press release Annexure 2 provldes Lhe
8aLlng 8aLlonale for !lndal CoLex LLd lC Cradlng

1he prelssue and posL lssue shareholdlng ls summarlzed below
- Shareholdlng aLLern of Lhe Company before and afLer Lhe lssue ls as under
CaLegory relssue osLlssue
no of Shares Poldlng no of Shares Poldlng
romoLers 10497114 8367 11701008 4680
romoLer Croup 2048992 1633 2048992 820
Lmployees 300000 200
ubllc 10730000 4300
1oLal 12346106 10000 23000000 10000
8rlckwork 8aLlngs lC Cradlng
8rlckwork 8aLlngs lC (lnlLlal ubllc Cfferlng) Cradlng ls an oplnlon on Lhe fundamenLals of Lhe
graded lssue LhaL reflecLs 8rlckwork 8aLlngs's lndependence and experLlse 1hls oplnlon ls expressed
as a relaLlve assessmenL ln relaLlon Lo oLher llsLed equlLy securlLles ln lndla 1he assessmenL ls based
on a gradlng exerclse carrled ouL by lndusLry speclallsLs from 8rlckwork 8aLlngs 8esearch
AbouL 8rlckwork 8aLlngs
8rlckwork 8aLlngs ls a SL8l llcensed credlL raLlng agency ln lndla based ln 8angalore LhaL ls
commlLLed Lo spread of flnanclal llLeracy (wwwflnanclalllLeracyln) ln lndla 8rlckwork was
formulaLed wlLh Lhe speclflc ob[ecLlve of provldlng sLrong researchbased lnformaLlon for lndlan
lnvesLors Lo make Lhe mosL approprlaLe lnvesLmenL declslons 8rlckwork uses mosL relevanL
lnformaLlon boLh onbalance and offbalance sheeL asseLs and llablllLles managemenL quallLy as well
as Lhe laLesL flnanclal Lechnology Lo declde on raLlngs 8rlckwork 8aLlngs focuses on Lhe lndlan
lnvesLmenL scene and ls compleLely ln Lune wlLh Lhe lndlan buslness soclopollLlcal economlc
developmenLs markeL psychology and lndlan lnvesLor rlsk proflle

A 88lCkWC8k lC Cradlng ls nelLher a compleLe audlL of Lhe lssuer by 88lCkWC8k nor ls a credlL raLlng
A 88lCkWC8k
lC Cradlng ls a presenL assessmenL and research resulL of Lhe analysls of fundamenLals of Lhe equlLy
lssue ln relaLlon Lo
oLher lndlan llsLed securlLles
88lCkWC8k does noL guaranLee Lhe compleLeness or accuracy of Lhe lnformaLlon on whlch Lhe gradlng
ls based 1he
88lCkWC8k lC gradlng depends on Lhe lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe lssuer or obLalned by relevanL
source by
88lCkWC8k A 88lCkWC8k lC gradlng ls noL a recommendaLlon Lo buy / sell or hold Lhe graded
lnsLrumenL lL does noL
commenL on Lhe lssue prlce fuLure markeL prlce or relevance for a parLlcular Lype of lnvesLor
88lCkWC8k lC gradlng has
a llmlLed valldlLy
88lCkWC8k ls noL responslble for any errors and especlally sLaLes LhaL lL has no flnanclal llablllLy
whaLsoever Lo Lhe

SymboI - Series JNDCOT EQ
Issue Period Aug 27, 2009 to Sep 01, 2009
Issue Size
1,12,50000 equity shares (excluding promoters
contribution of 12,03,894 equity shares)
Issue Type 100% Book Building
Face VaIue Rs. 10/-
Price Range Rs. 70 To Rs. 75.
Tick Size Re. 1/-
Market Lot 90 Equity Shares
Minimum Order Quantity 90 Equity Shares
Maximum Subscription
Amount for RetaiI Investor Rs.100000
IPO Market Timings 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
IPO Grading BWR PO 3
Rating Agency Brickwork Ratings ndia Private Limited
Book Running Lead
Manager Saffron Capital Advisors Private Limited
Syndicate Member
Enam Securities Private Limited & Saffron Global
Markets Private Limited
No. of Cities with Bidding
Centers 57
Name of the registrar Bigshare Services Private Limited
Address of the registrar
E/2, Ansa ndustrial Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Sakinaka,
Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 072.
Contact person name
number and EmaiI id
Mr. Ashok Shetty, Tel: +91 22 2847 0652 Fax: 91 22
2847 5207,E-mail: ipo@bigshareonline.com
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Jindal Cotex Limited

O Series:
O Symbol: INDCOT
O SN: INE90401016
O ndustry: -
O 77.25
-4.55 -5.56%
O Prev. CIose
O Open
O igh
O Low
O CIose
O Trade Snapshot
O Company Information
O Peer Comparison
O istoricaI Data
O Print
O VWAP80.91
O 52 week high157.00
O 52 week low65.10
O Face Value10.00
O Traded Volume (shares)44,180
O Traded Value (lacs)35.75
O Price Band20
O Order
O Intra-day
O Stock V/s Index Chart
O QuarterIy Charts
8uy ty 8uy r|ce Se|| r|ce Se|| ty
7970 8926

1ota| uant|ty 8926

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