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ey::::;:herLeaderNIGERIA...Holy Father
Orumba Ofumba Obu has This is the dwell- the government orpeopJe
declared that thewOrid ing place of God. If God is of to hope on ..
greatest poIiticallortt ... The .excluded in anything such God.
United NationsOrganisationathlngperishes. H is to the He took a swipe at the
cannot exist wffhout advantage that Ni- whites who claim to be
gena. gena is With her." ,knowleqgable and Jove
Leader Olumba 'Obu " further, th'e God while' stiltharboLirjng
!made this decIar8tiori dur- "HOlY Father dec1a1'ed , that discliminatory ten-
Boutrus Ghali
uN secretary General
ing the opening address' of
the April 1996 Pentecostal
assembly. His words
when the threat came that
Nigeria would be sus
pended from the United'
Nations, I laughed at man's
ignorance. For if that Is
done. then there will be
nothing like the United Na
tions Organisation in' the
'.' despite the present' transi
'tory"j'foblemsin Nigeria,
'whatever venture Nigeria is
iniJQlvedWith is blessed
and that 'very 'soon. Ni
gena, will be the cynosure
of afF nations. He said 1his
is so" because the F'ather,
the Son and the Hory Spirit
,is dWelling on earth 'A1th man.
He said man isl10uld not
hope On anything, not on
dencies against their fellow
humans. The Father who
. equally blamed 'the blacks
for falling into the
trap. called on all mankind
to love one another so as
to ensure universal broth
erhood of all races and
give glory to God the crea
God's will must fulfil)
All promises m3 de by
God must be fulfilled
independent of whether
! anybody likes it or not or
: the length 0 f time t hJ t
! has elapsed between the
time the promise was
,made and its fulfUlment
for a thousand years is
like one day unto G'Jd.
This was the the-me
of Holy Falhers .JJ\ine
inst ructions during an ear
1y moming altar brief in
Calabar recently.
The Holy Father in tima
ted those present that as
nominated in Matthew 13:
40-43, God had said that
ar tlle end of time, the an
gels of God shall gather
OUt all that offend from
t he kingdom and cast
them into a furnace of
fire\vhiie t he righteous
shall shine forth as the sun
ill lh;;: kingdom of their
rall1<.'r. He wonorred \vhy
people are still doubting
this pflThe,'v or our Lord
Jesus CLriit.
lie abp wondered "iby
people v../:< \ have 1!f':l:d
. :tnd ;.Pll1prchendc.j \,Iu[
will haPP<'1l still l'iIHinllc
to inJ Ult!l' m t h<, '.10 of
h"nHc:Hi(I;;. ;.d !lite 1\. lllUr.
dt'L thel! !r;:::ih:t
n - P1ri}.:;<1! ...1n.... ..f CUD
cactlon and other acts'
or" sin asking ''"what will
yo:.: 5;:::- for I have warned
YC';J 5 u:r"!':-H.'n t Jy?"
"'.-\re the afflictions,
sj,:kncss, death,
,::s3Sle:-. wars and confus
:,')U \A,itnfss in this
ga. CT:i !l(' n. :10 1 sufficient
1<) W.3m to desist from
acts O! 51i"".:'1 ,:.rder to
tl:.:' disaster?"
t:1e H.:,j\ Father askr-::.l.
He Slrc,ngly
t kat this generation shou
ld avoid the mistakes of
the past. "The same situa
tion occured during the
period of the lea
der ex patiated, "he prea
ched for ] 20 years and
people paid deaf ears to
his sermons, laughed and
jeered at him, regarding
him as a demented felkw..
but at last, Jehovah God
instmcted Noah to wash
and tidy up the Ark and
coUeCI all creatures in
t""a1n into the Ark because
He was about to roy
t he world."
The Holy (ather s31.1
a <milar event alsrJ to(;k
pb,, during the time or
'.0.! Wh0 a nghT'iJusncso
,ml pinus m<J." who pre;)
.:-hed tbe .word S 0 f G (J()
but ""bidipeQple
to hearken unto. They far
med and married , they:
drunk and abomina
ble life, as is done today.
"At the height of the
peoples' vanity. two angels
appeared and eventhough
Lot did not know that
tl1ey were angels of God,
he followed instructions
and left Sodom -and Go
mOf7ah and God rained
fire and bri mest one on
the ktinS" he said.
Talking about this age,
the Holy Father said He
is here to adrronish and
. :,?ch mankind the ways
God as contained in
1;: ; Holy Book but un-
fortunately, the world
seems not prepared to
hearken to the voice of
,vis<iorn. He intimated that
it is this disobedience that
Las brocr:ht the aff1ic
tions and :,ufferings to the
Quoting Rev. 3: 7 12
to His points, tht
Ho iy F a .. her said that
"I will strike:. fa'
mine will bite, insUJwoun
t able problems will set in!
!'cc::use you do not
;.IY instructions and any
person who abides by !l1.
will neve, wffe
;l!lY d iftkulty."
tie S1;tid that t hl ...-ord
He speaj,:; syr.'.t'0!ise Brv
therhooj, rr: ,';; to the
new heavem and new
earth. the JerusaJem
for "Brotherhood is
Noah's ark, it is a state
.devoid of security risk,
whatever happens in the
world cannot be In
Brotherhood . becal",e it
wards off an evil,"
He warned against
struggling for money, posi
tions and peace for it is
orly God alone that has
control over these thjngs
wondering whether tip0n
;11 ' '';It'
l' mgana
gling, i jk world has found
peace, He also stressed
that unless we listen t(
Him that is sent as stated
in A(:ts 3: 22 --23, the
wodd will continue to be
in 1 Lliinoil,
,it: however said th3i
j,ooociy sh;,uld !,q: or k:1l
anybody come into
BrntherhoC!d of the Cross
and Star for, as it is writ
ten "as I live, sairb the
Lord, eV," 1) knee shall bow
1O me, apd every tongue
shall can fess to God_"
( F 14:11..
The Sole 5pititttal'
'''lid when He sits dowr
to observe what JOe'! 011
in the world, He pities
1he inhabitants of the
world for their lack of
know ledge or "why do
the inhabitants of the
world conspire against the
children of God or resist
children of God." <:.s
suring that whatever the
world or anybody does,
the will of Jehovah God
and His Christ must fulfill.
"As tor me," the Lea
der said, "I will sit here
and continue to preach
against sin, the protest
of government, church,
or other groups notwith
standing," urging all to be
steadfast avoiding quar
relling, fighting, prepara
tion of concoction and ne
cromancing and forsaking
all form of sil1S "for the
times are very bad,"
"If you have no money,
do not borrow, do not
steal and do not struggJe
to get it buj pray uncea
singly anJ Gl1d, who is
merciful, \,iil give you
your heart desires for mal')
does not live by bread
:linn.: '-'i., by every word
thai from the
;nn',;ll, (,i C,d," He COfl
( ) 14d\f;.

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