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I have heard so much, "judging" among so many people, those who claim to be Christians and those that are

not. SO many laiety and deacons and pastors etc are trying to explain this age old question. The question is this, "How can you tell if you have the Holy Ghost, or eternal life inside, basically how can I tell if I am born again or if someone else is born again"? So many varieties of this same question. I have heard alot of no good answers and I have heard some pretty good answers but with all the answers I heard they still left room for doubt within as to what is the concrete proof that one can know the answer to this question. Well there are some comments that though they mean well, they answer like this, "Wel you know if God was in your heart, you would know it", and another one says, Well you can tell my a persons professing because the Bible says with the Mouth confession is made, and that is good, another really good one that really hit home with me was this one, "You can know a tree by its fruits". This one seems to sum it all up in a sense. Some say, well Holiness is the key and that is true in a way yet it depends on what is real holiness. Now I know many will not agree with me on what I am saying and that is ok. I believe in holiness and the Bible says without it no man shall see the Lord, and that God is the Spirit of Holiness. The Bible commands us to be holy in body and in spirit. So we see it is a critical and most important thing to have. So I ask you this, How did your spirit become Holy? Certainly by no righteousness of its own! it could not muster or manufacture holiness. We read that God is the Spirit of Holiness then the only way your spirit can be holy is if God who is Holiness is indwelling inside. That is the only way your spirit became holy, and even so it is not your spirit that became holy in the sense of it was the Holiness of God's Spirt that became one with your spirit and made it holy in that His Spirit is now your spirit and there is no more separating the two. They are ONE! Now our flesh is considered a weaker vessel, a filthy rag a product of the fall in the garden a beastly image and the Bible says Can one who is accustomed to do evil turn and do that which is good and vice versa. Everytime you read about the flesh you see it is contrary to God in every way and absolutely cannot be saved, but must die! We are told to crucify the flesh with the affections and the lust thereof. The reason for this is so that we do not get tripped up by the flesh by giving occasion to it and the devil to cause us problems. Now when we are born again we can never lose our soul salvation but we can himder God working and blessing in our life by not walking in the spirit.See the comment about a tree is known by its fruit is true but there has been something unsettling about this to me because I know people who have been born again, I was there

when they received the Holy Ghost and I heard the Pastor who could discern these things speak of certain people who had the Holy Ghost and have been genuinely bgorn again. I have seen these same people not do the works of Christianity, nor live the "overcoming life", nor bear the fruits of the Spirit. Yet what am I too do. How do I judge this situation. I know the great man of God spoke these things, yet I see them do contrary to what we are "told" a Christian must be. Many profess Christianity and are full of devils! We hear and see this all the time. So can we look the other way and say, We know people who seem to live like the devil, yet they are Christians? One might say well it can be the first way you said, but never the second way. How do we know? How do you know? You say well like you said, A tree is known by its fruit. I would say true, but have you ever read the scriptures that speak of being grafted into another tree? Have you not read in the Garden of Eden there were two Tree's there. Have you never read of How Paul the Apostle spoke of a dual nature within him own self since He had gotten born again? Which tree are you referring too, when we are two tree's! In our Inward Man we are and have the Tree of Life, but our Outer Man is still the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and it is still up under the Law till we die or the Change of the Body takes place. It is called, "unregenerated Flesh". Two inseperable twins. So you see how you cannot be judging justly by looking at someone and saying, they are or they are not a Christian by the works we see them do because we are two tree's, if we have been born again! So again what is the Evidence of Eternal Life? I have pondered for months on this and asked the Lord for the answer to this great riddle that pops up in every ones minds and it was only this weekend He spoke to my heart and answered me so gently and simply. I said Lord I know people who have the Spirit of God within them, yet I have seem them do right and then times later do very wrong, so what am I to believe? He said why are you judging thy brother based upon his works, when I am His Works! I did not judge you upon your works did I? If so I would have put you in hell! This was the purpose of real true unconditional Love and Grace! I gave the Holy Ghost to them that would OBEY me! But I never told them to obey me meant their Works! The only thing I ever commanded them to do was this one simple thing....Trust Me!...Believe Me!...Take me at my Word! Have Faith in God! That was all I ever required of them! When they simply by their own heart felt soveriengty put their faith in me, then that right there was Obeying Me! By that faith my Faith came into their heart and my Faith sealed in their faith with my faith and now they are in The Faith of Jesus Christ! I never looked at their works to begin with, so

why would I look at them now that I live within them, when I am their Works! He spoke so clear to me this scripture that I am about to quote to you and it made it all fit together. He said I left all judgement unto the Son, My Son, Whom ever He chooses, We will come and make our abode within them. When I told you to judge righteous judgment, then you judge as I judged, and that was in mercy and grace and the same Grace that you have received, you judge others the same way, in Grace and Mercy and unconditional Love! That is my judgment! My Judgement was and still is, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do! So the Lord spoke this scripture too me and said, Here is the only eveidence of your eternal Life, it is why and what I have required from the beginning....FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR...THE E V I D E N C E....OF THINGS NOT SEEN! Then the light came on and I realised the only evidence I have that I am a child of God is FAITH! I believe I am! I trusted in His Word that said He took away all my Sins and by His Stripes I am healed and that He gave me His eternal righteousness and became my Sin. I truly from my heart one morning believed it and I felt His Faith come into my heart, and His Faith was based upon His Works and His Works pleased the Father. The Faith, The Conviction I feel in my heart that I know that I know that I know I am a Son of God and that by The Faith of Jesus Christ, that is my Evidence! The Faith of Jesus Christ is The Kingdom of God! The Faith is The Evidence! Unless God shows you the heart and His Spirit with a person, all this judging might be getting you into trouble and you might be missing out on truly fellowshipping a real child of God because you judged them by their works. Babies have no works, they are still growing, some of God's children have a lot of flesh still and they appear to be his disobedient ones which is why they make it in as if by Fire of tribulations, but they do and have made it in. Others live more overcoming lives and work hard to crucify the flesh and God is seen more so in their lives than others as they have grown up and become mature and parents in the gospel. So we are all growing and are all at different stages in our walk so lets have the Love of God and judge others the way He judged and all this division of self righteousness and wrong judgement will cause the walls to fall and the Body of Christ to come together in Love, which works by in Faith and Faith which works by Love! I pray this is an eye opening read for you and you will share with others and make it a practice in your life. To God be the Glory always and forever! Amen! PHN

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