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Dedicat co-crerii armonioase a pcii permanente, astfel ca Pmntul s se poat nla ntr-o paradigm superioar i s rmn nlat. AMBASADA PCII se ocup de adunarea i instruirea AMBASADORILOR PCII i DIPLOMAILOR IUBIRII, n scopul precis de a cerceta i de a materializa diverse programe de armonizare ce vor crea n mod practic aceast stare de pace permanent. Dedicated to the harmonious co-creation of permanent peace so that Earth can rise into a higher paradigm and stay risen, the EMBASSY OF PEACE is involved in the gathering and training of AMBASSADORS OF PEACE & DIPLOMATS OF LOVE for the express purpose of instigating, and manifesting to completion, various harmonization programs that will pragmatically create this state of lasting peace.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PEACE PROGRAMS, PRAGMATIC PROJECTS & PORTALS OF POSSIBILITY At the Embassy of Peace, we believe that in order to refine a world so that it operates more harmoniously for all we need to refine or ascend the individual. Hence we offer two in depth training programs that are specifically designed to deliver physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness and health. These PROGRAMS are:The Diplomats of Love Personal Fine-Tuning Program The Ambassadors of Peace Global Gathering and Training Program Along with our Diplomats of Love and Ambassadors of Peace Programs we also are focused on bringing to successful completion three specific Harmonization PROJECTS that are designed to eliminate war, terrorism, violence, poverty and hunger issues PLUS prepare earth for a more civilized future. These are:The Prana Program and The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program The Inter-Planetary Project In this presentation we will address three additional HARMONIZATION PROGRAMS that form the basis of the Holistic Education Program offered at the EMBASSY OF PEACE. These are:The Personal Harmonization Program The Global Harmonization Program and the Universal Harmonization Program 3 PROGRAMS with 3 pragmatic PROJECTS with specific agendas that are currently being implemented by well trained individuals who align with the principles and vision of the EMBASSY OF PEACE.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAME DE PACE, PROIECTE PRACTICE & PORTALURI DE POSIBILITATE La Ambasada Pcii, noi suntem de prere c pentru a perfeciona o lume astfel nct s funcioneze ntr-un mod mai armonios pentru toat lumea trebuie s perfecionm sau s nlm individul. De aceea, oferim dou programe de instruire aprofundate ce sunt create n mod special pentru crearea unei stri de sntate i fitness la nivel fizic, emoional, mental i spiritual. Aceste PROGRAME sunt:Programul Personal de Acordare-fin a Diplomaiilor Iubirii Programul Global de Adunare i de Instruire a Ambasadorilor Pcii Pe lng Programele noastre pentru Diplomaii Iubirii i Ambasadorii Pcii, ne-am angajat s materializm i trei PROIECTE de Armonizare specifice, create s elimine problemele legate de rzboi, terorism, violen i srcie PLUS s pregtim Pmntul pentru un viitor mai civilizat. Acestea sunt:Programul Pranic i Programul de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei Proiectul Inter-Planetar n aceast prezentare, vom discuta i despre alte trei PROGRAME de ARMONIZARE ce formeaz baza Programului de Educaie Holistic oferit de AMBASADA PCII. Acestea sunt:Programul de Armonizare Personal Programul de Armonizare Global Programul de Armonizare Universal 3 PROGRAME cu 3 PROIECTE ce au agende specifice, implementate n prezent de ctre persoane bine instruite, care sunt n acord cu principiile i viziunea AMBASADEI PCII.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp





Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp





Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Ambasadorii Pcii Diplomaii Iubirii/Ambassadors of Peace - Diplomats of Love





Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp




Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Sntate & Fericire; Pace & Prosperitate pentru toi, de ctre toi/ Health & Happiness; Peace & Prosperity for all, by all




Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp





Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


PROGRAMUL PRANIC: Proiectul Sntate mondial, Foamete mondial/ THE PRANA PROGRAM World Health World Hunger Project



Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL PRANIC: Proiectul Sntate mondial, Foamete mondial/ THE PRANA PROGRAM World Health World Hunger Project




Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

E-book at: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram

PROGRAMUL PRANIC:Proiectul Sntate mondial, Foamete mondial/ THE PRANA PROGRAM World Health, World Hunger Project




Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp





Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


PROGRAM INTERPLANETAR & UNIVERSAL Viitorul Pmntului, a deveni membri ai Lumilor Civilizate/ INTERPLANETARY & UNIVERSAL PROGRAM Earths Future Taking our Place among Civilized Worlds

REALITI EXTRATERESTRE, MULTI-VERSURI, TRMURI INTERDIMENSIONALE contact (telepatie) & comunicare planuri & pregtire personal & planetar/ EXTRATERRESTRIAL REALITIES, MULTI-VERSES, INTER-DIMENSIONAL REALMS contact (telepathy) & communication agendas & personal & planetary preparation

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp



Cmpul Iubirii, Cmpul Compasiunii, Cmpul Sntii i Armoniei, Cmpul Graiei, Cmpul Libertii/ The Field of Love, The Field of Compassion, The Field of Health & Harmony, The Field of Grace, The Field of Freedom

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

VOR URMA MAI MULTE DESPRE AMBASADA PCII/ Programele de training personalizat pentru Ambasadorii Pcii i Diplomaii Iubirii se vor face prin Internet sau direct cu Jasmuheen/ STAY TUNED FOR MORE ON THE EMBASSY OF PEACE Personalized Training programs for Peace Ambassadors & Diplomats of Love will occur via online or with Jasmuheen in person

E-BOOK THE PRANA PROGRAM (PROGRAMUL PRANIC) at:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram FREE E-BOOK: MADONNA FREQUENCY PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM (PROGRAMUL DE PACE PLANETAR AL FRECVENEI MADONEI) at:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp#MF-peace-program ALSO READ THE BIOFIELDS & BLISS TRILOGY (TRILOGIA BIOCMPURI I EXTAZ) at:Paperback copy can be purchased at: http://www.lulu.com/content/850017

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

At the EMBASSY OF PEACE we classify an Ambassador of Peace as someone who is actively involved in creating a peace filled world personally and globally in a harmonious way that honors all life. The PEACE AMBASSADORS PROGRAM has three levels with each section having basic training in understanding and applying Inter-dimensional Field Science (I.D. Science). Level 1:- AP Understanding and applying the PERSONAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM for self and others Level 2:- AP Understanding, influencing and directing the GLOBAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM Level 3:- AP Understanding, influencing and directing the UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM The outcome of this training is that the Ambassador has all the tools to live permanently in a state of the deepest contentment and peace, with absolute clarity of vision and purpose, where they feel fulfilled, healthy, happy and in harmony with all. As such they are effective and efficient on both personal and political levels.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

La AMBASADA PCII, Ambasadorul Pcii este considerat a fi persoana care este implicat activ n crearea unei lumi pline de pace la nivel personal i global ntr-un mod armonios, care s onoreze tot ce nseamn via. PROGRAMUL AMBASADORULUI PCII are trei niveluri, fiecare seciune oferind instruire de baz pentru nelegerea i aplicarea tiinei Cmpului Inter-dimensional (tiina I.D.). Nivelul 1:- AP nelegerea i aplicarea PROGRAMULUI DE ARMONIZARE PERSONAL, pentru propria persoan i pentru ceilali Nivelul 2:- AP nelegerea, influenarea i dirijarea PROGRAMULUI DE ARMONIZARE GLOBAL Nivelul 3:- AP nelegerea, influenarea i dirijarea PROGRAMULUI DE ARMONIZARE UNIVERSAL Rezultatul acestui trening este acela c Ambasadorul are toate uneltele necesare pentru a tri n permanen n cea mai profund stare de mulumire i pace, avnd o viziune i un scop de o claritate absolut, simindu-se mplinit, sntos, fericit i n armonie cu toate. Astfel, este eficient i util, att la nivel personal, ct i politic.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The aim of this training program is also for the Ambassador to have a minimum calibration level of 500 as explained in Jasmuheens book The Law of Love. This is the calibration of someone who is wise, compassionate and loving, someone worthy and able to fulfill political-type roles for the highest good of all. A person can be an Ambassador of Peace who has done basic fine-tuning with the Diplomats of Love program, or just a Diplomat of Love. All people undergoing training with the EMBASSY OF PEACE must first take the Diplomats of Love base program before moving on for further fine-tuning as an Ambassador of Peace. Each Ambassador of Peace will also be trained in working with and harmonizing group, community and global fields plus they will gain a good understanding in interdimensional protocol as we join with more civilized worlds. Training will also be given in working with extra-terrestrial intelligence and how to utilize higher forms of communication.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Obiectivul acestui program de training este i ca Ambasadorul s aib un nivel de calibrare de minim 500, aa cum se explic n cartea lui Jasmuheen: Legea Iubirii. Aceasta este calibrarea unei persoane nelepte, pline de compasiune i de iubire, o persoan demn i capabil de a avea roluri de tip politic, pentru binele cel mai nalt al tuturor. O persoan poate fi un Ambasador al Pcii care a fcut acordare-fin de baz prin programul pentru Diplomaii Iubirii, sau doar un Diplomat al Iubirii. Toate persoanele care urmeaz cursurile AMBASADEI PCII trebuie s urmeze mai nti programul de baz pentru Diplomaii Iubirii, nainte de a trece mai departe la acordareafin, n calitate de Ambasador al Pcii. Fiecare Ambasador al Pcii va nva i s armonizeze i s lucreze cu cmpurile de grup, comunitare i globale i va ajunge s cunoasc bine protocolul inter-dimensional, pe msur ce ne alturm unor lumi mai civilizate. Va nva i cum s lucreze cu inteligena extraterestr i cum s foloseasc forme superioare de comunicare.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The DIPLOMATS OF LOVE PROGRAM also has three levels with each section having basic training in understanding and applying Inter-Dimensional Field Science (I.D.); and while it is less political in orientation, it is still designed to deliver similar results i.e. a healthier, happier more effective individual who is less dependant on external resources and thus more in harmony with all. Level 1:- DL Understanding and applying the PERSONAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM Level 2:- DL Understanding and being active without effort in the GLOBAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM Level 3:- DL Understanding and being active in the UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM As the Diplomat of Love program is apolitical, there is no calibration testing required as the main indicator of success with this is a constant flow of Grace in a persons life. If Grace is not flowing then the individuals personal model of reality will need adjusting.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

i PROGRAMUL DIPLOMATULUI IUBIRII are trei niveluri, fiecare seciune oferind instruire de baz n cunoaterea i aplicarea tiinei Cmpului Inter-dimensional (I.D.); dei are o orientare mai puin politic, este creat tot pentru obinerea acelorai rezultate (cum ar fi: o persoan mai sntoas, mai fericit i mai eficient, care s depind mai puin de resursele exterioare, armonizndu-se astfel mai mult cu tot ce o nconjoar). Nivelul 1:- DI nelegerea i aplicarea PROGRAMULUI de ARMONIZARE PERSONAL Nivelul 2:- DI nelegerea i activitatea fr efort n PROGRAMUL de ARMONIZARE GLOBAL Nivelul 3:- DI nelegerea i a fi activ n PROGRAMUL de ARMONIZARE UNIVERSAL ntruct programul Diplomatului Iubirii este apolitic, nu este nevoie de testarea calibrrii, deoarece principalul indicator al succesului este fluxul constant de Graie n viaa persoanei respective. Dac Graia nu este prezent, atunci modelul personal de realitate al persoanei va trebui ajustat.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

EMBASSY OF PEACE - PERSONAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM At the EMBASSY OF PEACE our fine-tuning and training programs begin with basic PERSONAL HARMONIZATION where our Diplomats and Ambassadors are provided with pragmatic tools plus holistic education that is based on Inter-Dimensional Field Science. When applied these will allow us to harmonize our own internal energy flow and also have our presence harmonize the world. There are three aspects to discuss in this section of personal attunement. The Luscious Lifestyle Program to get us fit and healthy on all levels from the physical to the spiritual i.e. the efficient and effective use of time as discussed in the Biofields Series. Attitudes & Intentions - fulfilling our potential on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels PLUS understanding and utilizing the Science if I.D. Designer outcomes conscious co-creation with incredible results.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


La AMBASADA PCII, programele noastre de acordare-fin i de training ncep cu ARMONIZAREA PERSONAL de baz, n care Diplomailor i Ambasadorilor notri li se ofer instrumente practice i educaie holistic bazate pe tiina Cmpului Interdimensional. Dup aplicarea lor, ele ne vor ngdui s ne armonizm propriul flux energetic intern i, totodat, ca prezena noastr s armonizeze ntreaga lume. n aceast seciune de acordare personal, sunt trei aspecte de discutat: Programul unui mod de via plin de mpliniri care s ne fac s fim n form i sntoi la toate nivelurile, de la cel fizic la cel spiritual adic folosirea eficient i constructiv a timpului, aa cum se discut n Seria Biocmpuri i Extaz. Atitudini & Intenii ndeplinirea potenialului nostru la nivel fizic, emoional, mental i spiritual PLUS nelegerea i ntrebuinarea tiinei I.D. Rezultate dorite co-creare contient, cu rezultate incredibile.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

EMBASSY OF PEACE - PERSONAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM Research conducted by Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen over a period of 44 years has found that a way to have our presence nourish our world is by increasing our Chi flow. This in turn will increase our personal health and happiness levels and so we will look at this in detail in the Global Harmonization Prana Program Training. Her research has also determined that one of the main ways to increase our health and happiness levels is to become physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually fit and that we can achieve this fitness by how we spend our time and the lifestyle we develop as a consequence.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

AMBASADA PCII - PROGRAMUL de ARMONIZARE PERSONAL Prin cercetrile efectuate de Ambasadoarea Pcii, Jasmuheen, de-a lungul a 44 de ani, s-a descoperit c una dintre modalitile prin care ne putem hrni lumea este de a ne mri fluxul de Chi. n schimb, acest proces ne va mbunti nivelurile personale de sntate i fericire, motiv pentru care vom analiza acest lucru n detaliu n Programul Pranic de Training pentru Armonizarea Global. Cercetrile ei au constat i c una dintre principalele modaliti de a ne mbunti nivelurile de sntate i de fericire este de a fi ntr-o bun form fizic, emoional, mental i spiritual, form ce poate fi dobndit prin modul n care ne petrecem timpul i prin stilul de via pe care l dezvoltm ca o consecin a acestui lucru.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

THE LUSCIOUS LIFESTYLES PROGRAM for Personal Health & Happiness

Step one for both our Diplomats of Love and Ambassadors of Peace is to begin the immediate application of the following 8 points:Meditation. Prayer. Mind Mastery & Conscious Programming. A vegetarian diet where possible. Exercise. Service. Time in silence in nature. The use of devotional or sacred music.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL UNUI MOD DE VIA PLIN DE MPLINIRI pentru sntate & fericire personal
Primul pas att pentru Diplomaii Iubirii, ct i pentru Ambasadorii Pcii este de a ncepe s aplice imediat urmtoarele 8 puncte: Meditaie. Rugciune. Stpnirea minii & Programare contient. Diet vegetarian, unde se poate. Exerciiu fizic. Serviciu. Timp petrecut n tcere, n natur. Folosirea muzicii religioase sau sacre.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Elaborating on these 8 points further as they apply to our Diplomats and Ambassadors:1. Meditation. Basically this means sit down, shut up and be still and silent for a period of time every morning and if possible also every evening. Do this with an intention to hear, feel, sense and know the already enlightened aspect of your own nature. This pure and perfect part of all people will grow and blossom when it is focused upon and this is due to the universal law of resonance. Instruction re the detailed of use of this will be provided through the Ambassadors and Diplomats Training modules. NOTE: We recommend that you ask the UFI to bring you the perfect meditation tools so that you can fully explore your ascended nature. While waiting for these to come we suggest you practice utilizing the breathing tools that we offer in the section on GLOBAL HARMONIZATION and THE PRANA PROGRAM.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Detalierea acestor 8 puncte, aa cum se aplic ele n cazul Diplomailor i Ambasadorilor notri:1. Meditaie. n esen, meditaia nseamn: aeaz-te, stai linitit i n tcere, pentru o anumit perioad de timp, n fiecare diminea i, dac se poate, i n fiecare sear. Emite intenia de a auzi, de a simi, de a percepe i de a cunoate aspectul deja iluminat al propriei tale naturi. Aceast parte pur i perfect a tuturor oamenilor se va dezvolta i va nflori atunci cnd este cutat, lucru care se datoreaz legii universale a rezonanei. Pregtirea referitoare la aplicarea meditaiei va fi oferit n cadrul modulelor de training pentru Diplomai i Ambasadori.

NOT: V recomandm s-i cerei Cmpului Universal de Inteligen s v aduc instrumentele perfecte de meditaie, astfel nct s v putei explora pe deplin natura nlat. n timp ce le ateptai s apar, v sugerm s exersai, folosind instrumentele de respiraie pe care le oferim n seciunea despre ARMONIZAREA GLOBAL i PROGRAMUL PRANIC.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The LUSCIUS LIFESTYLES 8 Point Program - continued:2. Prayer. In this sense we mean establishing intelligent communion with the UF.I. the Universal Field of Infinite love and intelligence that responds to the thoughts and feeling patterns of all life forms. 3. Mind Mastery & Conscious Programming. This means using the mind as our servant rather than being the servant of our mind. It also means letting go of all limited and negative thinking and by studying inter-dimensional field science as provided by the Embassy understanding the power of mind in reality creation. Detailed instruction in all of this will be provided through the Ambassadors and Diplomats Training modules.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Programul n 8 puncte al unui mod de via plin de mpliniri - continuare:2. Rugciune. Prin asta ne referim la stabilirea unei comuniuni inteligente cu C.U.I. Cmpul Universal de Iubire i Inteligen Infinite ce rspunde la gndurile i tiparele de simire ale tuturor formelor de via. 3. Stpnirea minii & Programarea contient. Se refer la a ne folosi mintea ca pe servitorul nostru i nu de a fi servitorul propriei mini. Mai presupune i renunarea la tot ce nseamn gndire limitat i negativ, prin studiul tiinei cmpului interdimensional, aa cum o ofer Ambasada nelegerea puterii minii n crearea realitii. Informaii detaliate despre toate acestea vor fi oferite prin modulele de training pentru Ambasadori i Diplomai.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The Luscious Lifestyles Program continued ... 4. A vegetarian diet where possible. Begin to lighten up your diet. Eat smaller amounts and less often and refine it until you firstly vegetarian, then vegan, then on raw food only, then on juice and then eventually mainly only prana and eating only now and then for the pure pleasure of it. (Before attempting to live purely on prana, make sure you have researched this fully and applied all the programs and training so it is safe for your system.) Again detailed instruction re how to do this will be provided through the Ambassadors and Diplomats Training modules. 5. Exercise. Treat the body as a Temple that houses our enlightened ascended nature. Find a combination of exercises from tai hi, yoga, qigong etc and even dance and weight training that allows you to create a strong and fit physical system in an enjoyable way.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Programul unui stil de via plin de mpliniri, continuare 4. Diet vegetarian, unde se poate. ncepe s-i simplifici dieta. Consum cantiti mai mici de mncare i mai rar i simplific-i alimentaia pn cnd devii la nceput vegetarian, apoi vegan, iar apoi ajungi s consumi doar alimente crude, apoi doar sucuri i, n cele din urm, numai prana i gustri ocazionale, din simpl plcere. (nainte de a ncerca s trieti doar cu prana, asigur-te c te-ai informat bine n legtur cu acest tip de alimentaie i c ai aplicat toate programele i instruciunile, astfel nct s nu prezinte niciun pericol pentru sistemul tu.) La fel, informaii detaliate despre cum poate fi realizat acest lucru vor fi oferite prin intermediul modulelor de training pentru Ambasadori i Diplomai. 5. Exerciiu fizic. Trateaz-i trupul ca pe un Templu ce ne gzduiete natura iluminat nlat. Gsete o combinaie de exerciii din tai chi, yoga, qigong etc., danseaz, sau ridic greuti pentru a putea crea un sistem fizic puternic i n form, ntr-un mod care s-i fac plcere.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The Luscious Lifestyles Program continued . 6. Service. Ambassadors of peace and Diplomats of love who support the EMBASSY OF PEACE paradigm have discovered that a sincere hearted commitment to service attracts to us a strong wave of Grace so that our service work in the world unfolds with great ease and joy. 7. Time in silence in nature. Ambassadors of Peace and Diplomats of Love are considerate of their environment and love honor and respect all life. Time in silence allows us to not just absorb more Earth prana but to also become more conscious of our planet in a positive way. 8. The use of devotional or sacred music. Two of the most beautiful frequencies that our Ambassadors of Peace and Diplomats of Love are compassion and devotion. A well tuned heart centre that is pure attracts powerful support in the realm of service.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Programul unui stil de via plin de mpliniri, continuare 6. Serviciu. Ambasadorii Pcii i Diplomaii Iubirii ce susin paradigma AMBASADEI PCII au descoperit c angajamentul sincer, din inim de a servi atrage spre sine un val puternic de Graie, astfel c munca pe care o facem n lume se desfoar cu mult uurin i bucurie. 7. Timp petrecut n tcere, n natur. Ambasadorii Pcii i Diplomaii Iubirii au grij de mediul lor nconjurtor i iubesc, respect i onoreaz tot ceea ce nseamn via. Timpul petrecut n tcere nu numai c ne permite s absorbim mai mult prana a Pmntului, ci i s devenim mai contieni de planeta noastr, ntr-un mod pozitiv. 8. Folosirea muzicii religioase sau sacre. Dou dintre cele mai frumoase frecvene pe care le acceseaz Ambasadorii Pcii i Diplomaii Iubirii sunt compasiunea i devotamentul. Centrul inimii bine acordat, un centru pur, atrage un sprijin puternic n trmul serviciului.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


The daily practice of these 8 points will make us healthy, happy and harmonized within and without and as we change so do our societies. By refining ourselves energetically we also release our highest potential and experience who we really are, the Self that breathes us and gives us life. Now we know how to activate this Divine power that lies within our DOW by frequency matching with it via our lifestyle, then the next question may be Whats in it for me? Apart from the overwhelming joy and fulfillment, the practice of L.L.P. en masse will eliminate all war and violence and hence bring world peace, as inner peace brings outer peace eliminate dis-ease by acting as a system of preventative medicine hence it will save governments and taxpayers billions of dollars on traditional and alternative health care systems; as L.L.P. delivers to each person improved health and vitality on all levels. The main benefit of the practice of L.L.P. is that peoples needs and desires are satisfied on the deepest levels so that they naturally become more altruistic and caring towards all thus promoting global harmony. L.L.P. increases communication with the Divine Self as the perfect inner teacher who will then guide each person to always be in the perfect place at the perfect time doing the perfect things for themselves and their planet.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

BENEFICIILE PROGRAMULUI UNUI STIL DE VIA PLIN DE MPLINIRI (L.L.P. The Luscious Lifestyle Program):Practicarea zilnic a acestor 8 puncte ne va face s fim sntoi, fericii i armonizai n interior i n exterior, iar, pe msur ce noi ne schimbm, se vor schimba i societile noastre. Rafinndu-ne la nivel energetic ne eliberm i potenialul nostru deplin i experimentm cine suntem noi cu adevrat Sinele care ne respir i ne d via. Acum tim cum s activm aceast putere Divin ce locuiete n interior DOW-ul nostru prin a fi compatibili cu frecvena Sa, prin stilul de via pe care l adoptm. Dar urmtoarea ntrebare ar putea fi: Iar eu ce ctig din asta? Pe lng sentimentele copleitoare de bucurie i de mplinire, practicarea n mas a L.L.P.: va elimina n ntregime rzboiul i violena i, prin urmare, va aduce pacea n lume, ntruct pacea din interior creeaz pace n exterior va elimina boala (dis-confortul) acionnd ca un sistem de medicin preventiv, lucru care va economisi guvernelor i contribuabililor miliarde de dolari cheltuii pe serviciile medicale tradiionale i alternative; ntruct L.L.P. creeaz mai mult sntate i vitalitate, pe toate nivelurile. Principalul avantaj al practicrii L.L.P. este c nevoile i dorinele oamenilor sunt satisfcute la cele mai profunde niveluri, fcndu-i s devin n mod firesc mai altruiti i mai grijulii fa de toat lumea, rspndind astfel armonia global. L.L.P. mbuntete comunicarea cu Sinele Divin care devine nvtorul luntric perfect ce va cluzi apoi fiecare persoan s fie mereu la locul potrivit, la momentul potrivit, realiznd lucrurile perfecte pentru ele nsele i pentru planeta lor.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


L.L.P. activates the four-fifths of the brain we usually dont use which houses our higher mind and higher nature consciousness. L.L.P. is the lifestyle that people use to access the Divine Nutrition channel. This choice saves us lots of money, gives us lots more time and has huge long term benefits for our global economy and environment. L.L.P. moves its practitioner beyond ego, pride, greed, materialism, power games and the baser nature of the lower mind. While humanity may lack the discipline or even the skill of a highly trained adept, all have DOW power which can be released at will. The practice of L.L.P. releases this power more effectively than we can imagine. The sincere practice of L.L.P. will move us into a state of such satisfaction that we are free from all desires. We also become more detached, discerning, impeccable and filled with love. NOTE: These details of The Luscious Lifestyle Program are now offered freely by the EMBASSY OF PEACE so that those interested in our agendas and projects can begin their own process of refinement by experiencing the benefits of living points 1 to 8.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

BENEFICIILE PROGRAMULUI UNUI STIL DE VIA PLIN DE MPLINIRI, continuare: L.L.P. activeaz cele patru cincimi ale creierului pe care nu le ntrebuinm n mod obinuit i care ne gzduiesc mintea superioar i contiina naturii noastre superioare. L.L.P. este stilul de via pe care oamenii l folosesc pentru a accesa canalul Nutriiei Divine. Aceast alegere ne face s economisim muli bani, ne ofer mai mult timp liber i prezint avantaje majore pe termen lung pentru economia noastr mondial i pentru mediul nconjurtor. L.L.P. i poart practicantul dincolo de ego, mndrie, lcomie, materialism, jocuri ale puterii i natura joas a minii inferioare. Chiar dac se poate ca omenirii s-i lipseasc disciplina sau chiar i aptitudinile unui maestru bine instruit, cu toii avem puterea DOW ce poate fi eliberat fr restricii. Practicarea L.L.P. elibereaz aceast putere mai eficient dect ne putem imagina. Practicarea cu sinceritate a L.L.P. ne va transpune ntr-o stare att de satisfctoare, nct vom fi eliberai de toate dorinele. Totodat, devenim mai detaai, avem mai mult discernmnt, suntem mai impecabili i mai plini de iubire. NOT: Aceste detalii despre Programul unui mod de via plin de mpliniri sunt oferite acum gratuit de ctre AMBASADA PCII, astfel ca cei interesai de agenda i proiectele noastre s-i poat ncepe propriul proces de rafinare, experimentnd beneficiile prezentate de practicarea celor 8 puncte.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


PROJECT NO 1 OF THE EMBASSY OF PEACE is THE PRANA PROGRAM this is a project that is designed to minimize and eventually eliminate any limiting health & global hunger issues. For a brief look at this go to: THE PRANA PROGRAM POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Jasmuheen The following is an extract from THE PRANA PROGRAM book as it deals with Third World feeding programs. The Prana Program for World Health & Hunger Challenges Specializing in Third World countries to be used in conjunction with existing aid and resource redistribution programs. Researched and written by Jasmuheen and the Cosmic Internet Academy, as presented to The Society for Conscious Living at the United Nations Building, Vienna November 2005, after 12 years of trial and error in the west among 30,000 people. E-BOOK THE PRANA PROGRAM at:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram Free book covering our Third World Feeding Program at: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/e-books-free/EP-PRANA-PROGRAM-Project-1TWF.pdf

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL DE ARMONIZARE GLOBAL PROIECTUL NR. 1 AL AMBASADEI PCII este PROGRAMUL PRANIC acesta este un proiect creat s reduc i n cele din urm s elimine orice probleme limitatoare de sntate & legate de foametea din lume. Pentru a vedea pe scurt despre ce este vorba, vizitai: THE PRANA PROGRAM POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Jasmuheen Urmeaz un fragment din cartea PROGRAMUL PRANIC n care sunt prezentate programele de alimentaie pentru Lumea a Treia. Programul Pranic pentru problemele legate de sntatea i de foametea de la nivel mondial Program specializat pentru rile din lumea a treia i pentru a fi folosit alturi de programele deja existente, de sprijin i de redistribuire a resurselor Cercetat i scris de Jasmuheen i de Academia Cosmic pe Internet, aa cum a fost prezentat la Societatea pentru un Trai Contient Cldirea Naiunilor Unite, Viena, noiembrie 2005, dup 12 ani n care am aplicat, n Occident, printre 30.000 de oameni, metoda aproximrilor succesive. E-BOOK PROGRAMUL PRANIC, la:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram Carte gratuit ce prezint complet Programul de Alimentaie pentru Lumea a Treia, la: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/e-books-free/EP-PRANA-PROGRAM-Project1-TWF.pdf Cartea a fost publicat i la Editura For You
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


The Prana Program manual is the compilation of over 33 years of personal trial and experimentation by Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen as she lived the lifestyle to allow this alternate form of nourishment to be available for individuals in the west. Everything you need to know about prana. Alternate Energy for the New Millennium, including a practical Prana Program for eliminating hunger in Third World countries. Can we eliminate all health & hunger challenges on our planet? Is there a way of satiating everyones physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers and do it in a way that creates peace and harmony in our world? After over a decade of experiential research in the field of alternate nourishment utilizing chi or prana also known as cosmic particles Jasmuheen as leading researcher in this field, now puts forth a program to do just that. Specializing in Third World countries, THE PRANA PROGRAM e-book is an encyclopedia type compendium of everything you always wanted to know about prana and more. Styled in Question & Answer format this book covers alternate methods of nourishing and even hydrating the body using an inner energy source already produced in the body thus freeing us from our dependence on worlds food resources and changing the economic status of our world.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL PRANIC Manualul Programul Pranic este o compilaie a informaiilor acumulate de-a lungul a 33 de ani de ncercri i experien personal ale Ambasadoarei Pcii, Jasmuheen, n timp ce a avut acest stil de via pentru a-i permite acestei forme alternative de alimentaie s fie disponibile celor din Occident. Tot ce vrei s tii despre prana. Energie alternativ pentru Noul Mileniu, inclusiv un Program Pranic practic pentru eliminarea foametei din rile lumii a treia. Putem elimina toate problemele legate de sntate i de foamete, de pe planeta noastr? Exist, oare, o cale de a stinge foamea fiecruia foame ce exist la nivel fizic, emoional, mental i spiritual, n aa fel nct s crem pace i armonie n lumea noastr? Dup aproape un deceniu de cercetare experimental n domeniul alimentaiei alternative, ce folosete chi-ul sau prana cunoscut i ca particule cosmice Jasmuheen, n calitate de cercettoare de frunte n acest domeniu, ofer acum un program care se adreseaz exact unor asemenea chestiuni. Adresndu-se rilor din lumea a treia, cartea PROGRAMUL PRANIC este un compendium gen enciclopedie, ce cuprinde tot ce v-ai dorit s tii vreodat despre prana i multe altele. Organizat n format tip ntrebare-rspuns, aceast carte prezint metode alternative de hrnire i de hidratare a corpului, prin folosirea unei surse de energie din interior, produs deja de organism, eliberndu-ne astfel de dependena pe care o avem de resursele de hran ale lumii i schimbnd situaia economic din lumea noastr.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


Compiling questions from the last decade of her travels, this latest book also offers details on: Prana Program Benefits; Prana & the Bio-system; Prana & The Brain; Prana & Darkroom Technology; Prana & The Heart; Prana & The Cells; Prana & Field Science; Prana & Inter-dimensional Life; Preparation, Physical Changes & Preprogramming; Calibration, Testing & Comfortable Conversions; Social Scenes - Prana & Social Scenes; Prana & Parenting; Prana & Other Family Members Harmonizing Households; Prana & eating Disorders; Prana & Sexuality; Global Issues - Gifts & Growth - Past, Present & Future; Prana & Health; Prana & Religion; The Prana Program & the Environment; The Prana Program & Politics; Skeptics & the Media; plus Solar Nourishment, Bigu & The Bigger Picture are in Chapters 2 to 8 of THE PRANA PROGRAM. Chapter 9 deals with a pragmatic simple nourishment system for both first and third world health and hunger challenges.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Compilnd ntrebrile primite n foarte muli ani petrecui n turnee, aceast ultim carte ofer detalii i despre: Beneficiile Programului Pranic; Prana & Bio-sistemul; Prana & Creierul; Prana & Tehnologia Camerei ntunecate; Prana & Inima; Prana & Celulele; Prana & tiina Cmpului; Prana & Viaa Inter-dimensional; Pregtire, Schimbri fizice & Preprogramare; Calibrare, Testare & Conversii confortabile; Scene Sociale - Prana & Scenele sociale; Prana & Rolul de printe; Prana & Ceilali membri ai familiei armonizarea cminelor; Prana & Problemele legate de mncare; Prana & Sexualitatea; Problemele globale - Daruri & Evoluie Trecut, prezent & viitor; Prana & Sntatea; Prana & Religia; Programul Pranic & Mediul nconjurtor; Programul Pranic & Politica; Sceptici & Mass-media; plus Alimentaia solar, Bigu & Imaginea mai ampl se gsesc n capitolele 2 pn la 8 din PROGRAMUL PRANIC. Capitolul 9 prezint un sistem de alimentaie, simplu i practic, care poate rezolva att problemele din lumea a treia legate de sntate i de lipsa hranei, ct i pe cele din rile dezvoltate.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The Prana Program Specifically addressing: Third World Challenges Intentions & Outcomes: Part a) Mental Attitudes & Mindsets Part b) Community Life & Supportive Fields Part c) Alternate Pragmatic Internal Feeding Mechanisms Part d) A simple Solar Feeding Program, Bigu & Research Part e) Resource Sustainability & Environmental Statistics Part f) Resource Redistribution & The Prana Program The Prana Program Research with Jasmuheen - Minimizing Global Health & Hunger Challenges for more on PARTS A, B, E & F of the above go to:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp#prana-program or for the complete research read the THE PRANA PROGRAM at:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram THE PRANA PROGRAM POWERPOINT PRESENTATION with Jasmuheen http://www.jasmuheen.com/ezyedit/fileLib/Press/THE-PRANA-PROGRAM.htm

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Programul Pranic Adresndu-se n mod specific problemelor din lumea a treia Intenii & Rezultate: Partea a) Atitudini mentale & Mentaliti Partea b) Viaa n comunitate & Cmpuri de sprijin Partea c) Mecanisme alternative i practice de hrnire intern Partea d) Un program simplu de alimentaie solar, Bigu i alte cercetri Partea e) Susinerea durabil a resurselor & Statistici legate de mediul nconjurtor Partea f) Redistribuirea resurselor & Programul Pranic Programul Pranic Cercetarea lui Jasmuheen Reducerea problemelor legate de sntate i de foamete din lume pentru mai multe detalii despre PRILE A, B, E & F de deasupra, vizitai:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp#prana-program sau pentru informaii mai complete, citii Programul Pranic la adresa:http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#pranaprogram sau cartea publicat la Editura For You PREZENTAREA N POWERPOINT a PROGRAMULUI PRANIC cu Jasmuheen http://www.jasmuheen.com/ezyedit/fileLib/Press/THE-PRANA-PROGRAM.htm
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The Prana Program Specifically addressing: Third World Challenges

Introduction:- Intentions, outcomes and definitions. Q: What is your intention with offering The Prana Program to Third World countries? What outcome would you like to achieve? A: After 14 years of experiential research and refinement of this feeding system in the west, and with the continuing focus on providing more effective aid packages into countries like Africa, and Third World countries, we would like to add our research as an additional layer to the usual aid programs. Using modern technology of the internet with audio and visual presentations, we can train people to understand and teach a simple program of alternate internal nutrition, and thus alleviate some of the stress of trying to distribute other resources into these areas. We also hope to reduce mortality rates and pro-actively improve health and happiness levels of those struggling to survive who currently suffer from lack of proper nourishment. With a child dying of hunger related diseases every 2 seconds there is nothing to be lost and everything to be gained by adding The Prana Program to existing aid packages. Q: Is it your intention that The Prana Program replace normal food supplies in all countries? A: In the short term definitely not. However increasing the pranic flow, and adding the mindset that prana can provide an additional level of nourishment, can be very beneficial to all. For example, I know of many people who for years have lived very healthily without taking vitamin supplements and whose calorie intake has averaged less than 300 calories per day myself included. By relying on prana to provide what we need nutritionally, our dependency on global food resources has dropped substantially with no detriment to our health. For example, in a recent BBC documentary where people in Ethiopia were existing only on wild cabbage grass, when their food rations ran out, this would not be a problem if prana can supplement their diet until aid programs were more effectively placed. In the long term the successful implementation of The Prana Program will eliminate the need for many external aid programs.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Programul Pranic Adresndu-se n mod specific problemelor din lumea a treia Introducere:- Intenii, rezultate i definiii. : Cu ce scop oferi Programul Pranic lumii a treia? Ce rezultate ai vrea s obii? R: Dup doisprezece ani de cercetri experimentale i de perfecionare a acestui sistem de hrnire n Occident i concentrndu-ne n permanen s oferim mai multe pachete de sprijin eficiente n ri precum Africa i rile din lumea a treia, am dori s contribuim cu studiile noastre, ca un strat suplimentar la obinuitele programe de ajutor. Folosind tehnologia modern a Internetului, cu prezentri audio i video, i putem educa pe oameni ca s neleag i s predea un program simplu de alimentaie intern, alternativ, eliminnd astfel o parte din problemele ntmpinate n ncercarea de a se distribui alte resurse n aceste zone. Totodat, ndjduim s reducem din rata mortalitii i s mbuntim pro-activ gradele de sntate i fericire ale acelora care se lupt s supravieuiasc i care, n prezent, sufer din lipsa unei alimentaii adecvate. Dat fiind c la fiecare dou secunde moare cte un copil din cauza unei boli legate de lipsa hranei, nu avem nimic de pierdut ci numai de ctigat prin adugarea Programului Pranic la pachetele de ajutor existente. : Vrei ca Programul Pranic c nlocuiasc rezervele normale de alimente din toate rile? R: Bineneles, nu pe termen scurt. Cu toate acestea, mrirea fluxului pranic i stabilirea unei mentaliti c prana poate oferi un strat suplimentar de alimentaie, pot aduce beneficii tuturor. De exemplu, cunosc muli oameni care, timp de muli ani, au trit foarte sntos fr s ia suplimente de vitamine i al cror aport de calorii era de mai puin de 300 de calorii pe zi eu numrndu-m printre ei. Bazndu-ne pe prana pentru a primi ceea ce avem nevoie din punct de vedere nutriional, dependena noastr de resursele alimentare globale a sczut substanial, fr ca acest lucru s ne prejudicieze sntatea. De exemplu, ntr-un documentar BBC recent, erau prezentai oameni din Etiopia care, cnd raiile de mncare se epuizau, triau doar cu varz slbatic. Acest lucru nu ar fi o problem dac prana le-ar putea suplini dieta, pn cnd programele de ajutor ar fi plasate mult mai eficient. Pe lung durat, implementarea cu succes a Programului Pranic va elimina necesitatea multor programe de sprijin extern.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Questions continued:Q: Wouldnt the correct implementation of The Prana Program also affect the operational status of existing aid programs? A: Yes definitely. Many aid programs provide water and food and the means of cultivation of both. As community calibrations change and success is activated with the physical nourishment aspect of The Prana Program then we will see an improvement also in community health. Programs with an emphasis on farming and food production will change dramatically. Q: How can this be most easily achieved? A: In four ways. 1) Education to understand The Prana Program and the adoption of new mindsets; 2) Breathing techniques based on ancient proven practices; 3) The use of specific internal feeding mechanisms that magnetize an increased pranic flow to nourish and hydrate the physical system; 4) Community support to experience and support The Prana Program first hand; 5) Responsible media reportage to highlight the success and spread The Prana Program methodology.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

ntrebri, continuare:: i nu este aa c implementarea corect a Programului Pranic va influena i statutul de funcionare al programelor de ajutor existente? R: Da, categoric. Multe programe de ajutor ofer ap i mncare i mijloacele prin care ambele pot fi obinute. Pe msur ce calibrrile comunitilor se schimb i se activeaz cu succes aspectul fizic al Programului Pranic, vom vedea o mbuntire i n starea de sntate a comunitii. Programele care pun accentul pe agricultur i producia de alimente se vor schimba n mod considerabil. : Cum se poate obine cel mai uor acest lucru? R: n cinci moduri: 1) Prin educaie pentru ca Programul Pranic s fie neles i pentru schimbarea de mentalitate; 2) Prin tehnici de respiraie bazate pe practici strvechi demonstrate; 3) Prin folosirea unor anumite mecanisme de hrnire intern, ce atrag un flux pranic tot mai puternic pentru hrnirea i hidratarea sistemului; 4) Prin sprijin comunitar pentru experimentarea i susinerea direct a Programului Pranic; 5) Prin relatarea responsabil a jurnalitilor, pentru a se pune n lumin succesul i pentru rspndirea metodologiei Programului Pranic.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL DE PACE PLANETAR FRECVENA MADONEI O propunere practic pentru pace. Haidei s NE SCHIMBM CENTRUL DE ATENIE i s NE SCHIMBM VIITORUL! Muli oameni spun Nu vrem rzboi! De ce s-i ateptm pe liderii notri mondiali, cnd noi putem unifica i co-crea pace chiar acum? Cum? Prin eliminarea cauzelor violenei i ale terorismului. Programul de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei i-a fost transmis lui Jasmuheen n octombrie 2002, ca rspuns la situaiile dintre SUA - Iraq i din Orientul Mijlociu i pentru lipsa de armonie general cu care se confrunt popoarele Pmntului n prezent. Chiar dac milioane de oameni protesteaz mpotriva folosirii violenei n combaterea terorismului mondial, a devenit evident c odat cu o modificare a centrului nostru de atenie, se poate obine un rezultat mult mai pozitiv. tim din metafizic c lucrul asupra cruia ne concentrm atenia devine real, deoarece energia noastr l hrnete. Dac ne concentrm asupra fricii, rzboiului, acestea devin realitatea noastr, dar dac ne mutm aceast atenie asupra a Ce putem face pentru binele tuturor?, atunci va putea lua natere o nou realitate.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Pentru o pace profund i de durat, aceast modificare trebuie fcut acum, pentru eradicarea cauzelor ce creeaz violena i terorismul de la nivel mondial. Aceasta presupune s ncetm de a ne mai concentra asupra pedepselor i rzboiului, avnd n vedere c guvernele vor face ceea ce au de fcut, fie c ne place nou sau nu. Bineneles, putem protesta, dar trebuie s facem mai mult dect att! Nu subestimai puterea oamenilor, mai ales atunci cnd fiecare persoan se concentreaz asupra Frecvenei Madonei i o radiaz. Atunci cnd ne aflm n Cmpul Frecvenei Madonei, avem fora, iubirea i nelepciunea de a unifica i de a schimba armonios cursul istoriei. Acest lucru presupune s oferim AJUTORUL care creeaz sntate i fericire, pace i prosperitate pentru toi. Aceasta nseamn s trimitem pachete de AJUTOR i unelte care dau for, ntr-o manier plin de compasiune i de iubire. Atunci cnd suntem cu toii acordai la canalul incoruptibil al Iubirii Divine, nelepciunii Divine i al Forei Divine, orice este posibil. n realitate, co-crearea pcii depinde doar de noi. Prin folosirea voinei noastre, a inteniei, a codurilor de programare specifice i, n plus, a unui stil de via zilnic care ne menine acordai la Frecvena Madonei, putem obine lucruri mree. Acum este timpul!
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Proiectele Frecvenei Madonei, de la 1 la 9: Proiectul 1: Alimentaie sntoas, mbrcminte, adpost i asigurarea unei Educaii Holistice pentru toi oamenii de pe Pmnt, pn n 2012. Proiectul 2: Adoptarea REETEI 2000> ca program de educaie holistic n toate instituiile de nvmnt, ca instrument pozitiv de aptitudini de via pentru transformarea pozitiv de la nivel personal i global. Proiectul 3: Alimentaie Divin pentru toi cei care i-o doresc, eliminndu-se astfel foamea i problemele de sntate de pe Pmnt. De efectuat prin a) folosirea eficient a mass-media i b) programe de educaie holistic (vezi proiectul 2). Proiectul 4: Eliminarea srciei i a foamei din toate rile, prin sprijinul specific al Proiectelor de Cercetare n Nutriie Divin. ara de testare: India. Proiectul 5: Eliminarea provocrilor globale referitoare la sntate i foame prin Proiectul nostru de NUTRIIE DIVIN: Pilule sau Prana mnnci mai puin, trieti mai mult. Proiectul 6: Revizuirea nelegerilor Internaionale i a Tratatelor i practicilor de comer pentru a ne asigura c funcioneaz pentru binele tuturor. Proiectul 7: Eliminarea srciei i a violenei din toate rile din lumea a treia, prin Proiectele nr. 2 i nr. 6. ara de testare: Brazilia. Proiectul 8: Crearea pcii n zone de conflict folosind programul de rezolvare perfect. ara/rile de testare: Orientul Mijlociu. Proiectul 9: Programul I.R.S (Instigate, Record and Sumarize) ncurajarea, Documentarea i Centralizarea oficial a co-crerii paradisului de ctre omenire. Proiectele 2 i 9 fac toate parte din agenda principal a Proiectului nr.1, ns fiecare folosete abordri diferite i are ataate programe specifice. Proiectele 4 i 5 fac parte din Proiectul 3.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Proiectele Frecvenei Madonei sunt create pentru nu mai acorda atenie rzboiului, ci co-crerii unei pci practice. Dac eliminm cauzele violenei i ale terorismului, prin efortul nostru unificat i concentrat, vom crea pacea planetar. Depinde de noi s ne schimbm centrul de atenie i, astfel, s ne schimbm viitorul. Proiectul de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei cuprinde un plan de aliniere i de aciune, n 4 pri. Partea I - nelegeri i Coduri de Programare fcute ntre noi i universul inteligent ce ne nconjoar i ne percepe ca Dumnezei n form (acesta este angajamentul nostru). Partea II - ntrebrile care trebuie puse; Atitudinile pe care trebuie s le adoptm i Atributele cu care ne nzestreaz Frecvena Madonei. Partea III - Cere concentrarea noastr unificat asupra celor 9 Proiecte, care vor elimina cauzele violenei i ale terorismului din lumea noastr (vezi mai departe pentru detalii). Partea IV - REETA 2000> . Un stil de via i un pachet de programri care ne va menine acordai ca indivizi la frecvena iubirii, a nelepciunii i a compasiunii, astfel nct s putem fi ntotdeauna perfect aliniai i s acionm perfect pentru a crea i a menine pacea n lumea noastr.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The GRACE of The Madonna Frequency Grace is an energy that is attracted to us when we flood our systems with the cosmic electricity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom and Divine Power. Grace brings magic and synchronicity and joy, a feeling that everything is flowing perfectly, unfolding perfectly driven by some Divinely orchestrated beat. Grace is the feminine principle, the cosmic mother of nurturing love that supports and soothes creation. PART I:- PLANETARY PEACE INVITATION The Inner Net Peace Corps invites us all to take a stand now and we ask you to support this by signing the agreements outlined in the free e-book below. Please note these agreements, once signed, are to be kept for your own records, they simply symbolize on the innernet, your willingness to be part of The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program. The Madonna Frequency Projects are our green campaign of the heart, for it is an emotional environment clean-up program. Recommendation: Read this whole document so that you are comfortable with the proposals, then come back and sign the agreements that you relate to. For your complete copy go to: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp#MF-peace-program
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

GRAIA Frecvenei Madonei Graia este o energie ce este atras spre noi atunci cnd ne umplem sistemele cu electricitatea cosmic a Iubirii Divine, a nelepciunii Divine i a Forei Divine. Graia aduce magie, sincronizare i bucurie, un sentiment c totul curge perfect, c se desfoar perfect, ntr-un ritm Divin. Graia este principiul feminin, mama cosmic a iubirii hrnitoare, care sprijin i mngie creaia. PARTEA I INVITAIE DE PACE PLANETAR Peace Corps (organizaiile voluntare) al InnerNet-ului ne invit pe toi s lum o poziie acum i v cerem s sprijinii aceasta prin semnarea urmtoarelor nelegeri. Aceste nelegeri, o dat semnate, vor fi pstrate pentru sine, deoarece ele nu fac dect s simbolizeze pe innernet dorina voastr de a lua parte la Programul de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei. Proiectele Frecvenei Madonei sunt campania noastr ecologic de suflet, deoarece este un program de curare a mediului emoional. Recomandare: Citete acest document n ntregime pentru a te familiariza cu propunerile, apoi revin-o i semneaz nelegerile pe care le aprobi. http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/e-booksfree/The%20MadonnaFrequencyPlanetaryPeaceProgram-ROMANIA.pdf
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PARTEA II - Frecvena Madonei ntrebri, Atitudini, Atribute PUTEM CO-CREA PACEA i PARADISUL cu ADEVRAT??? Pentru a materializa cu succes o pace profund i de durat pe Pmnt, trebuie s adoptm nite atitudini specifice. Fiecare dintre noi este nconjurat de un cmp de inteligen atotiubitor i atotcunosctor, care ne privete i ne spune: Bun Dumnezeu, ce pot face pentru tine? Astfel este programat cmpul universal cuantic s ne recunoasc i s ne rspund, indiferent de felul n care noi ne privim pe noi nine. Atunci cnd nelegem cu adevrat aceast realitate, totul ncepe s se schimbe. Jocul de a da vina nceteaz s mai existe i tot ceea ce putem face este s ne uitm la ceea ce am creat i s ntrebm dac ne dorim cu adevrat ca aa s stea lucrurile; iar dac nu, atunci de ce nu? Atunci cnd nelegem c acest univers inteligent ateapt ordinele noastre, contientizm c nu e suficient numai s avem dorine concise, ci c trebuie s trimitem n exterior numai semnale i instruciuni concise. Cheia devine aici claritatea, voina i intenia. n acest cmp, rezultatul este hotrt de puritatea inimilor noastre. Dac o singur persoan poate alege s-i petreac timpul suficient de nelept pentru a crea o schimbare pozitiv, imaginai-v ce poate realiza puterea unificat!

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Dac acest cmp universal de inteligen ne vede ca Dumnezei n form, atunci e timpul s ne hotrm i s ne ntrebm pe noi nine i pe ceilali: Cine sunt eu? Sunt doar un corp cu sentimente i o minte, sau mai mult dect att? Care este scopul acestei viei? Putem s trim cu TOII aici i s eliminm lupta pentru supravieuire? Putem co-crea sntate i fericire, pace i prosperitate pentru toi? Putem crea o lume mai civilizat i mai armonioas? Ce nseamn s fim cu adevrat civilizai? Este s iubim, s onorm i s respectm TOTUL? Tot ce nseamn via? Toate regnurile? Ce au n comun fiinele vii? Putem uni cu adevrat aceste lumi? Ce putem spune despre religie i tiin care este cmpul lor comun? Putem lua ceea ce este mai bun din toate culturile i s ne concentrm asupra a ceea ce ne unete i ne armonizeaz? Putem fi interdependeni i s avem respect, i nu co-dependeni sau independeni i plini de egoism? Ce putem spune despre resurse i sistemele energetice noi? Putem reduce dependena personal i global de resurse? Putem opera printr-o reea incoruptibil? Pot naltele Legi ale tiinei s creeze ordine n haos i dac da, atunci CUM? Ne putem opri i restabili prioritile personale i globale astfel nct s beneficieze toat lumea? Dac da, ar putea ca noua noastr prioritate global s fie: s hrnim sntos, s mbrcm adecvat i s oferim adpost i educaie holistic tuturor celor care au nevoie i i doresc aceste lucruri? CUM SE POT FACE TOATE ACESTEA? Putem oare s ne eliberm de limitrile noastre i s fim cu adevrat liberi? Ce este adevrata libertate? Ce nseamn paradis personal i global? Muli dintre noi s-au gndit mult i profund la aceste ntrebri, muli am primit rspunsuri i, de asemenea, ndrumarea pentru a deveni PERFECT ALINIAI, N AA FEL NCT S PUTEM ACIONA N MOD PERFECT.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Atitudinile Frecvenei Madonei tiind c suntem Dumnezei n form, nconjurai de un cmp viu al Inteligenei Supreme care ne oglindete contiena, Self Empowerment Academy ne recomand s adoptm urmtoarele atitudini: Recunotina petrece un timp, n fiecare zi, n care s mulumeti pentru tot ceea ce e corect n lumea noastr. Simularea aceasta este o parte a realitii ACIONEAZ CA I CUM am fi Maetri. Este o atitudine ce afirm c noi avem toat puterea, toat iubirea, toat nelepciunea pentru a co-crea ceea ce dorim pe acest Pmnt! Este i o parte a realitii alimentm lucrurile asupra crora ne concentrm atenia, deci, prin cutarea Perfeciunii Divine n via, mai nti percepem aceast realitate, iar apoi o experimentm i devenim fascinai de ea. Pete prin aceast lume ca i cum ai fi o staie de Transmisie Divin pentru Iubire Divin, nelepciune Divin i For Divin, care radiaz prin tine i transform tot ceea ce e deschis la aceast frecven. Radiaz, nu absorbi! Caut-L pe Dumnezeu i binele n tot. Privete totul ca fiind inter-conectat, nscut din Unicul. Precum sus, aa i jos, suntem creai dup imaginea Divinitii etc.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

V anunm c PROGRAMUL PRANIC, HRANA ZEILOR i multe dintre crile lui Jasmuheen au fost publicate n limba romn de ctre EDITURA FOR YOU - Bucureti tel.: +401 665 6223 web: www.editura-foryou.ro email: monica.visan@b.astral.ro De asemenea, pentru versiunea complet n limba romn a Programului de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei, vizitai: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/e-booksfree/The%20MadonnaFrequencyPlanetaryPeaceProgram-ROMANIA.pdf Please note that THE PRANA PROGRAM, THE FOOD OF GODS and many of Jasmuheens books have been published in Romanian by EDITURA FOR YOU - Bucuresti - phone: +401 665 6223 web: www.editura-foryou.ro email: monica.visan@b.astral.ro Also for the complete version of The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program in Romanian go to: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/e-booksfree/The%20MadonnaFrequencyPlanetaryPeaceProgram-ROMANIA.pdf

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Understanding and applying the Pathways of Elysium to come into a permanent state of expanded consciousness and peace. The Embassys main focus with this program is to prepare Earth to enter into a higher paradigm among more civilized worlds, an agenda which we will discuss in more detail under our Universal harmonization Program. There are five pathways of Elysium that will be focused on in depth that supports the Universal Harmonization Program. FIVE PATHWAYS OF ELYSIUM The Field of Love The Field of Compassion The Field of Health & Harmony The Field of Grace The Field of Freedom During our Diplomat of Love and Ambassadors of Peace Fine-tuning and training programs we will study these fields in depth and how they relate to the creation of permanent peace and taking our place among civilized worlds. We will also look at why and how we need to implement them and provide pragmatic tools to do this.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

PROGRAMUL DE ARMONIZARE GLOBAL & UNIVERSAL PROIECTUL 3 AL AMBASADEI PCII este PROGRAMUL nostru INTERPLANETAR nelegerea i aplicarea Crrilor Elizeului pentru a ajunge ntr-o stare permanent de contiin extins i de pace. Obiectivul principal al Ambasadei cu privire la acest program este de a pregti Pmntul s intre ntr-o nou paradigm, printre lumi mai civilizate o agend pe care o vom discuta mai detaliat n programul de armonizare universal. Sunt cinci crri ale Elizeului pe care le vom aprofunda, crri ce sprijin Programul de Armonizare Universal. CINCI CRRI ALE ELIZEULUI Cmpul Iubirii Cmpul Compasiunii Cmpul Sntii & Armoniei Cmpul Graiei Cmpul Libertii n cadrul programelor de training i de acordare-fin a Diplomailor Iubirii i Ambasadorilor Pcii vom studia amnunit aceste cmpuri i modul n care se raporteaz ele la crearea pcii permanente i n care ne putem prelua locul printre lumile civilizate. Vom analiza i de ce i cum trebuie s le implementm i vom oferi instrumente practice prin care se poate realiza acest lucru.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp



A brief look at these five fields:The Field of Love:-This field contains many layers from self love, love of others, conditional and unconditional love, divine love, loves field of the deepest peace and contentment, loves field of pure joy with its cosmic orgasm and the layer that melts us into itself where mind disappears and all questions are answered. The Field of Compassion:- In order for earth into enter into a higher paradigm among civilized worlds her people need now to exercise compassion toward those in need. New priorities need to be agreed to such as the redistribution of the worlds resources so that basic human rights are addressed and poverty is eliminated. The pragmatics of this are outlined in The Madonna Frequency Planetary Peace Program. At the EMBASSY OF PEACE we have found in order to evolve we must become compassionate to the suffering of others and pragmatically address their needs via the programs also shared in The Biofields & Bliss Trilogy.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


O scurt analiz a acestor cinci cmpuri:Cmpul Iubirii:- Acest cmp conine multe straturi, de la iubirea de sine, iubirea celorlali, iubirea condiionat i necondiionat, iubirea divin, cmpul iubirii de pace i mulumire profunde, cmpul iubirii de bucurie pur alturi de orgasmul su cosmic i stratul care ne topete n sine, acolo unde mintea dispare i toate ntrebrile primesc rspuns. Cmpul Compasiunii:- Ca Pmntul s poat ptrunde ntr-o nou paradigm, printre lumile civilizate, locuitorii lui trebuie acum s exercite compasiunea fa de aceia aflai la nevoie. Trebuie s se cad de acord asupra unor prioriti precum redistribuirea resurselor lumii, astfel nct s se rspund drepturilor fundamentale ale omului i s se elimine srcia. Detaliile practice legate de acest lucru sunt descrise n Programul de Pace Planetar al Frecvenei Madonei. n cadrul AMBASADEI PCII am descoperit c pentru a evolua trebuie s avem compasiune fa de suferina altora i s ne ocupm n mod practic de nevoile lor, prin programe precum cele prezentate n Trilogia Biocmpuri i Extaz.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

THE FIELDS OF ELYSIUM continued The Field of Health & Harmony:-Again this issue has been addressed in some of Jasmuheens earlier manuals particularly in relation to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. In the Diplomats and Ambassadors training programs we know that health and happiness and harmony levels come into being via the practice of the Luscious Lifestyles Program and the issues discussed in the manual The Food of Gods. The Field of Grace:- All good things comes to the one who stands firm in the field of Grace. Being anchored permanently into this field allows us to co-create with joy, ease and grace in a way that benefits all. Accessing and staying anchored in the Field of Grace is a basic part of our Diplomats and Ambassadors Training Program where our motto is Maximum impact for minimum effort. The Field of Freedom:-This means having the freedom to manifest the best of our human nature in a way that is harmonious for all, it also means the freedom to co-create a world that is worthy of knowing its galactic kin and a future that our children will thrive in. Training in this field will allow us to move beyond all limitations enough to experience our pure and perfect ascended nature. Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy
http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

CMPURILE ELIZEULUI, continuare Cmpul Sntii & Armoniei:- Aceast chestiune a fost tratat i n unele dintre primele manuale ale lui Jasmuheen, mai ales n raport cu sntatea fizic, emoional, mental i spiritual. n cadrul programelor de instruire ale Diplomailor Iubirii i Ambasadorilor Pcii tim c nivelurile de sntate, de fericire i de armonie se dezvolt prin practicarea Programului unui mod de via plin de mpliniri i a chestiunilor discutate n manualul Hrana Zeilor. Cmpul Graiei:- Aceluia care rmne ferm n cmpul Graiei i se ntmpl numai lucruri bune. A fi ancorat mereu n acest cmp ne permite s co-crem cu bucurie, uurin i graie, ntr-un mod care s avantajeze pe toat lumea. Accesarea i ancorarea n Cmpul Graiei este o parte fundamental din Programul nostru de training al Diplomailor Iubirii i Ambasadorilor Pcii, motoul nostru fiind: Impact maxim prin efort minim. Cmpul Libertii:- Adic s avem libertatea de a ne materializa ce e mai bun din natura noastr omeneasc, ntr-un mod care s se armonizeze cu tot; mai presupune i libertatea de a co-crea o lume care este demn de a-i cunoate familia galactic i un viitor n care copiii notri vor prospera. Instruirea n acest cmp ne va permite s ne depim limitrile, suficient ct s avem experiena naturii noastre nlate pure i perfecte. & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy Sponsored by Jasmuheen
http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

The EMBASSY OF PEACE and its UNIVERSAL HARMONIZATION PROGRAM This program is being offered so that people can be aware in a clear way of what will occur to our planet once we harmonize ourselves on both personal and global levels. Many metaphysicians know that what earth is going through is a very normal cycle in evolution that many planets have undergone. We do not wish to discuss the validity of the idea of life on other worlds - or planets that exists in the multi-verses - for there is enough scientific research now to attest to this possibility. For those who would like further data on this you may wish to also look the supporting science of Ray Kurzweil as per his book The Singularity is Near. While we will look at Kurzweils work in more detail throughout our Peace Ambassadors Training Program, Jasmuheens work at the EMBASSY OF PEACE deals with the inter-dimensional realms with insights that add another layer to Kurzweils current understanding and will educate many into a clearer understanding of the variety of extra-terrestrial life. Our training programs will also provide all the tools necessary to make contact inter-dimensionally and prepare our Ambassadors for all of what is discussed below so that our experiences can be based in dignity, truth and conducted with honor and diplomacy.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

AMBASADA PCII i PROGRAMUL su de ARMONIZARE UNIVERSAL Acest program este oferit astfel ca oamenii s poat fi foarte contieni de ce se va ntmpla cu planeta noastr odat ce ne armonizm att la nivel personal, ct i la nivel global. Muli metafizicieni tiu c Pmntul trece printr-un ciclu de evoluie foarte firesc, un ciclu prin care au trecut i alte planete. Nu vrem s discutm temeiul ideii existenei vieii n alte lumi sau de pe planetele ce exist n multiversuri ntruct n prezent exist suficiente cercetri care s ateste aceast posibilitate. Aceia care vor s afle mai multe despre aceasta pot s citeasc i despre tiina de sprijin a lui Ray Kurzweil, aa cum o prezint n cartea sa, The Singularity is Near. Dei n timpul Programului de Instruire al Ambasadorilor Pcii vom analiza mai amnunit lucrarea lui Kurzweil, activitatea lui Jasmuheen n cadrul AMBASADEI PCII stabilete legturi cu trmurile inter-dimensionale, adugnd un alt strat nelegerii actuale pe care o are Kurzweil i i va ajuta pe muli oameni s neleag mai clar diversitatea vieii extra-terestre. Programele noastre de training vor furniza i toate instrumentele necesare stabilirii contactului interdimensional i i vor pregti pe Ambasadorii notri pentru tot ceea ce se discut mai jos, astfel ca experienele noastre s se poat baza pe demnitate, adevr i s fie conduse cu onoare i diplomaie.
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

How evolved do we need to be to attract the most supreme Cosmic Colleagues to us from within the web of life? What are portals of possibility? Who are the Lords of Peace? What is the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds Council? What are the Universal Nations?

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

Ct de evoluai trebuie s fim pentru a ne atrage, din cadrul reelei vieii, Colegii Cosmici perfeci? Ce sunt portalurile de posibilitate? Cine sunt Lorzii Pcii? Ce este Federaia Intergalactic a Consiliului Lumii? Ce sunt Naiunile Universale?

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


Below are some of the areas that our Diplomats & Ambassadors will be trained in:Understanding & directing Earths Future, Taking our Place among Civilized Worlds. Inter-Dimensional relationships a new species, the superhuman and the ascended human plus insights into the new Divine Marriage The Bigger Picture Blueprints, Brotherhoods and Balance. Universal Law - Understanding the dynamics of what drives energy fields:- While these laws are covered in detail in Jasmuheens manual In Resonance, the main laws utilized via the Embassy of Peace programs are: The Law of One; The Law of Love & The Law of Resonance. However a full of understanding of Universal Law is required and will be provided for all our Ambassadors of Peace who are to work inter-dimensionally. The Extra-terrestrial Reality Paradigm. Multi-verses and Inter-dimensional Realms; Grid points and the Oneness Matrix. Inter-Dimensional Communication and Contact plus intelligent personal and planetary preparation for this. Beyond Quantum: Clear insights into Transhumanism plus the supporting science of Ray Kurzweil as per his book The Singularity is Near. The Program of Personal and Planetary Ascension - The Why and How of it all & Understanding the Cycles of Descension and Ascension PLUS the Science of I.D. (Inter-Dimensional Field Science).

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp


Mai jos vei gsi unele dintre domeniile n care se vor instrui Diplomaii i Ambasadorii notri: nelegerea i dirijarea Viitorului Pmntului, a deveni membri ai lumilor civilizate. Relaii inter-dimensionale o nou specie, superomul i omul nlat plus informaii despre noua Cstorie Divin. Imaginea mai ampl Amprente divine, frii i echilibru. Legile Universale nelegerea dinamicii a ceea ce pune n micare cmpurile energetice:- Chiar dac aceste legi sunt descrise n detaliu n manualul lui Jasmuheen, n Rezonan, principalele legi folosite n programele Ambasadei Pcii sunt: Legea Unicului; Legea Iubirii & Legea Rezonanei. Cu toate acestea, este nevoie de o nelegere deplin a Legilor Universale i acestea vor fi asigurate tuturor Ambasadorilor Pcii care vor lucra inter-dimensional. Paradigma Realitii Extra-terestre. Multi-versuri i Trmuri Inter-dimensionale; Puncte de reea i Matricea Unimii. Comunicare i Contact Inter-dimensional plus pregtire inteligen la nivel personal i planetar pentru stabilirea lor. Dincolo de cmpul cuantic: Informaii despre Transhumanism plus tiina lui Ray Kurzweil, aa cum este prezentat n cartea sa, The Singularity is Near. Programul nlrii Personale i Planetare De ce-urile u Cum-urile a tot ce exist & nelegerea Ciclurilor Coborrii i nlrii PLUS tiina I.D. (tiina Cmpului Inter-dimensional).

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

TRAINING:- The programs of the EMBASSY OF PEACE are covered in more detail via in-depth training which will begin in 2008 via: 1. Online Courses for both Diplomats of Love and our Ambassadors of Peace. In these courses you will receive personalized instruction in the form of MP3 files plus the Embassy's workbook. They will be available from early 2008. 2. The training and gathering of the Diplomats of Love and Ambassadors of Peace will also continue in person with Jasmuheen as she tours annually around the world. Click here to go to her annual tour schedule. During her retreats and weekend seminars she also provides training in the Embassy's Personal, Global and Universal Harmonization Programs.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

TRAINING:- Programele AMBASADEI PCII sunt prezentate n detaliu n cursurile ce vor ncepe n 2008 prin: 1. Cursuri Online att pentru Diplomaii Iubirii, ct i pentru Ambasadorii Pcii. n aceste cursuri vei primi training personalizat n forma documentelor MP3 plus manualul Ambasadei. Acestea vor fi disponibile la nceputul anului 2008. 2. Instruirea i adunarea Diplomailor Iubirii i Ambasadorilor Pcii vor continua i alturi de Jasmuheen, n timpul turneelor sale mondiale. Facei click aici pentru a vedea programul turneelor anuale. n timpul retreaturi-lor i seminarelor din timpul week-end-urilor, ea va oferi cursuri i pentru Programele de Armonizare Personal, Global i Universal. http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp#EP-training
Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

ADDITIONAL SPECIALIZED TRAINING:3. Training in the PRANA PROGRAM with Jasmuheen in person: Please note that apart from her annual seminars and retreats, every two years Jasmuheen trains a small group of people in the Prana Program via the unusual process of Darkroom Retreats. You may wish to read her free e-book Darkroom Diary Downloads & The Freedom of the Immortals Way. Click here to find out more about these retreats. 4. Jasmuheen also touches on the Embassy of Peace's Universal Harmonization Program at her Sacred Art Retreats.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

TRAINING SPECIALIZAT SUPLIMENTAR:3. Training n PROGRAMUL PRANIC, direct cu Jasmuheen: Pe lng seminarele i retreat-urile sale din fiecare an, la fiecare doi ani Jasmuheen instruiete un mic grup de oameni n Programul Pranic prin intermediul procesului neobinuit al Retreat-urilor Camerei ntunecate. Poate dorii s citii cartea sa electronic gratuit: Darkroom Diary Downloads & Libertatea Cii Nemuritorilor. Click aici pentru a afla mai multe despre aceste retreat-uri. 4. Jasmuheen prezint Programul de Armonizare Universal al Ambasadei Pcii i n timpul Retreat-urilor ei de Art Sacr Retreats.

Sponsored by Jasmuheen & the C.I.A. The Cosmic Internet Academy http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassy-Peace.asp & at http://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/Embassyhttp://www.jasmuheen.com/what.asp

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