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Career Prospects
MBA degree provides you with innumerable career opportunities in various fields .It is especially beneficial to get jobs in high level positions such as managerial and executive level jobs. Whether you are looking to further your career in your existing job or are looking to change your job and start your career afresh, an MBA degree can be very valuable in either scenario. The value of an MBA degree, on the whole, cannot be denied. But more impotantly, anyone who has an MBA degree, or anyone who is pursuit of one, has to determine how the degree can benefit them and should ask themselves what the value of an MBA is to them individually. You can do this by assessing how an MBA can help you in your chosen field and jobs for which you have an aptitutde. If an MBA can enhance your buisiness skillsa and make them better suited to your particular profession or career choice, then it can be invaluable to you. Most degrees are obtained with the purpose of advancing your career prospects and job opportunities. The same is the case with an MBA degree; the only difference being that an MBA degree is considered as the most valuable post graduate degree in the world and has exciting career opportunities. People take the MBA program in order to further their careers in their current jobs or to get a better job on the basis of their MBA degree.

With an MBA degree, employees have a whole new world opened up to them and are elevated to mangerial positions on the strenght of the additional abilities and dknowledge gained through the MBA program. People often live with the misconception that an MBA degree is only good for buiness because of its very name. But it can be very useful for a career in a government agency. Such jobs usually require you to be a team player. All this and more is learned in an MBA program. MBA degree can give you tremendous career opportunities. Having an MBA degree gives you countless job opportunities, mostly in top level positions, and can help to further your career tremendously.

A Model Curriculum prescibed by the AICTE for the MBA program.

As per the curriculum prescribed by the AICTE, full lenght management education programs leading to a Degree have suitable representation from the following clusters of subject areas in management: 1. General management /Values /Ethics 2. Organization Theory and Practices /Personel Management Human Resource Development /Indusrial Relations/ Communication. 3. Management Accounting/ Financial management. 4. Application of Quantitative Method/Operation Research Methods/ Computer /Computer Application Management.. 5. Manufacturing Management / Operations Management / Materials Management. 6. Marketing Management. 7. Buisiness, Legal & Economic Environment /Policy & Strategy. The above noted clusters of management subject areas shall constitute at least 40-45% of overall program structure. An indicative course listing is given by way of guidelines in later part of this document. As desirable feature of the program , It is recommended that the course work consist of selection from clusters of management , subject areas, integrative course and electives.
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