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IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


1he Safe Abort|on Act|on Iund |s supported by the governments of Denmark,
Norway, Sweden, Sw|tzer|and and the Un|ted k|ngdom and |s adm|n|stered
by the Internat|ona| |anned arenthood Iederat|on.

Inter|m report
December 2008

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008



LxLCu1lvL SuMMA8? Cl 1PL ll8S1 ?LA8 8LC81 Cl 1PL SAlL A8C81lCn AC1lCn lunu
(SAAl) ................................................................................................................................... 3
1. 8ackground of Lhe Safe AborLlon AcLlon lund ................................................................ 6
2. lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe SAAl .......................................................................................... 7
3. 1he pro[ecL selecLlon process ......................................................................................... 7
4. llrsL Annual 8eporLs from CranLees ............................................................................. 10
a. MoLlvaLed, dedlcaLed and producLlve granLees ........................................................ 10
b. Safe AborLlon: a conLroverslal lssue ln conLroverslal conLexLs .................................. 10
c. 1he granLees are advocacy leaders ln Lhelr counLrles ............................................... 12
d. 1aklng rlsks and capaclLy bulldlng for smaller organlzaLlons ..................................... 13
e. !olnL-worklng and [olnL-fundlng pro[ecLs .................................................................. 14
f. SusLalnablllLy ............................................................................................................ 13
3. llrsL year ouLpuLs and lndlcaLors of achlevemenL ......................................................... 16
a. CuLpuL 1: effecLlve advocacy for safe aborLlon ......................................................... 16
b. CuLpuL 2: CperaLlons research ................................................................................. 18
c. CuLpuL 3: lncreased access Lo safe aborLlon and posL aborLlon servlces ................... 19
d. CuLpuL 4: SAAl granLs dellvered and managed by ll ............................................ 20
6. 1he addlLlonal fundlng for Afrlca .................................................................................. 22
7. AchlevemenLs, concluslons, and recommendaLlons for fuLure fundlng ........................ 22

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008




1be 5AAl ls o qtoot-mokloq mecboolsm wblcb eoobles tbe lmplemeototloo of ptoqtommes
ooJ loltlotlves to locteose occess to sofe obottloo setvlces wltblo o comptebeoslve pockoqe
of teptoJoctlve beoltb setvlces, wltb pottlcolot teqotJ to tbe oeeJs of motqloollseJ ooJ
voloetoble womeo. lt soppotts lo-coootty loltlotlves ftom ooo-qovetomeotol otqoolsotloos
to lmptove occess to sofe obottloo. 1be ptojects potpose ls locteoseJ otlllsotloo of poollty
sofe obottloo ooJ post-obottloo setvlces, especlolly by yoooq, poot ooJ voloetoble womeo.
1be qtoots soppott octlvltles lo tbtee btooJ oteos. oJvococy, opetotloos teseotcb ooJ setvlce

1he SAAl was esLabllshed ln 2006 wlLh Lhe supporL of donor governmenLs from uenmark,
norway, Sweden, SwlLzerland and Lhe uk. 1he lnlLlal fund LoLalled some $11.6 mllllon and
Lhls was supplemenLed by a furLher $1.3m conLrlbuLlon from Lhe uk for work ln Afrlca.
lorLy four pro[ecLs are belng carrled ouL ln 13 counLrles ln Afrlca, 8 ln Asla, 20 ln LaLln
Amerlca and 3 ln LasLern Lurope, demonsLraLlng how wldely Lhe announcemenL of Lhe fund
was dlssemlnaLed. ro[ecLs cover operaLlons research, servlce dellvery, advocacy or a
comblnaLlon of all Lhree. A furLher slx pro[ecLs wlll be supporLed ln Afrlca wlLh addlLlonal
fundlng provlded by 1he uk ueparLmenL for lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL (ullu).

1 Ach|evements

(a) SAAI ro[ects

womeo teocbeJ
uesplLe faclng clvll unresL, naLural dlsasLers and opposlLlon, wlLhln Lhe pasL 12 monLhs, 43
new aborLlon relaLed servlces have been esLabllshed, 98,S66 women have obLalned a safe
aborLlon, some 108,280 women have recelved counselllng or been referred Lo anoLher
faclllLy for an aborLlon and a furLher 27,287 have recelved conLracepLlve counselllng as a
resulL of supporL from SAAl.

close collobototloo ooJ pottoetsblps
Where SAAl granLees have been locaLed ln Lhe same counLry (eg. ArgenLlna, Colombla,
Mexlco and SouLh Afrlca), Lhe organlsaLlons have pooled Lhelr resources and worked
LogeLher Lo achleve Lhelr alms, provldlng muLual supporL Lo each oLher. 1hls has resulLed ln
sLrengLhened parLnershlps and closer collaboraLlon beLween many nCCs. More Lhan 200
advocacy neLworks have been esLabllshed.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


1he SAAl has proven, ln a shorL space of Llme LhaL lL sLrengLhens, leglLlmlzes and promoLes
Lhe work of neLworks of organlsaLlons worklng on safe aborLlon.

5moll qtootees moooqloq fooJs
Many of Lhe granLees are small organlsaLlons whlch have had llmlLed access Lo lnLernaLlonal
fundlng and whlch were unknown enLlLles, and vlewed as poLenLlal rlsks, yeL Lhey have been
able Lo manage Lhe resources provlded Lo Lhem, achleve Lhelr ob[ecLlves and meeL Lhe
reporLlng requlremenLs of SAAl, [usLlfylng Lhe declslon of Lhe 8oard.

neoltb wotkets ttoloeJ ooJ messoqes commoolcoteJ
AlmosL S,000 healLh provlders have been Lralned and more Lhan 17S,000 people have been
reached wlLh lnformaLlon messages abouL safe aborLlon. Many hundreds of Lhousands have
also been reached Lhrough radlo messages and soap operas.

keseotcb ooJettokeo
8esearch papers have been publlshed and surveys conducLed. Cne of Lhese papers, on Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween unsafe aborLlon and maLernal morLallLy, recelved Lhe WLS1Wlnu

award for excellence and lmprovemenLs made ln Lhe area of safe aborLlon.

(b) SAAI Management and Adm|n|strat|on

1he SAAl ls admlnlsLered by Lhe lnLernaLlonal lanned arenLhood lederaLlon. 1he SAAl
esLabllshed a board of nlne members Lo oversee Lhe work of Lhe lund, whlch lncludes
represenLaLlves of larger nCCs worklng ln Lhe fleld of aborLlon, donors and lndlvlduals.

1hls 8oard ln Lurn seL up a 1echnlcal 8evlew anel (18) whlch comprlsed 13 experLs from
all over Lhe world, who donaLed Lhelr Llme wlLhouL cosL, Lo revlew more Lhan 100 proposals
and who made recommendaLlons Lo Lhe 8oard on whlch should be funded. 1he 18 worked
remoLely (on llne) ln palrs and Lhen meL for one day Lo [olnLly conslder all Lhe proposals.
lnlLlally 172 proposals (LoLalllng $42m) were recelved, 103 meL Lhe crlLerla for revlew buL
ulLlmaLely due Lo fundlng consLralnLs, only 44 pro[ecLs could be supporLed. 1he agreed
'llghL Louch' approach of managlng Lhe lund has proved Lo be successful and Lhe
relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe granLees and Lhe lund ls seen as one whlch ls supporLlve and
collaboraLlve, buL aL Lhe same Llme ensurlng ob[ecLlves are meL and flnances approprlaLely

copoclty 8ollJloq
1he proposal guldellnes lncluded a secLlon lnvlLlng granLees Lo speclfy whaL Lechnlcal
asslsLance Lhey mlghL need wlLh Lhelr pro[ecLs and asklng Lhem Lo sLaLe who could provlde
Lhe supporL or lf Lhey needed help ln ldenLlfylng who could provlde lL. AL Lhe ouLseL,
granLees were requlred Lo Lake lnLo accounL commenLs made by Lhe 18 and Lo ad[usL Lhelr
proposals accordlngly. Cngolng supporL Lo granLees has been glven by Lhe SAAl

See page 18.
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


CoordlnaLor, who ls able Lo communlcaLe wlLh granLees ln Lhe Lhree worklng languages of
Lhe lund, asslsLlng Lhem ln lmprovlng Lhelr proposals and provldlng deLalled feedback on
Lhelr reporLs and oLher supporL has been provlded by ll and oLher agencles and

1o daLe 93 of funds have been dlsbursed and granLees have an average spendlng raLe of
almosL 80 of Lhelr flrsL year budgeL. 93 of granLees submlLLed Lhelr reporLs on Llme,
whlch ls an excepLlonally hlgh response raLe.
1hls reporL covers only Lhe flrsL year of lmplemenLaLlon and demonsLraLes LhaL once glven
access Lo fundlng, such as Lhe SAAl, for work relaLed Lo aborLlon, non-governmenLal
organlsaLlons, boLh small and large, ln very dlverse and ofLen hosLlle seLLlngs, can move
qulckly and make a poslLlve dlfference Lo Lhe llves of many women.

2. kecommendat|ons

lollowlng Lhe poslLlve resulLs of Lhls flrsL year of lmplemenLaLlon, a replenlshmenL of Lhe
fund by boLh acLual and new donors ls a prlorlLy. Lnsurlng Lhe conLlnulLy of cerLaln pro[ecLs
and openlng Lhe fund Lo new pro[ecLs wlll be lmporLanL.

lor fuLure fundlng, lL wlll be very lmporLanL Lo lncrease efforLs LhaL wlll ensure Lhe
parLlclpaLlon of counLrles ln norLh Afrlca and Lhe Arab sLaLes.

ln order Lo monlLor Lhe pro[ecLs more closely and accuraLely, lL wlll be essenLlal Lo develop
more preclse reporLlng Lools for Lhe granLees, lncludlng lnlLlal basellne daLa. 1hls ls
parLlcularly lmporLanL regardlng posL-aborLlon famlly plannlng, whlch should be more
closely monlLored.

8eLLer resulLs mlghL be achleved wlLh even greaLer communlcaLlon beLween Lhe granLees.
Some reglonal fora could be creaLed.

rovlslon of Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo develop capaclLy, parLlcularly ln Afrlca, from Lhe ouLseL
of Lhe process, lncludlng supporL Lo develop proposals, should be bullL lnLo Lhe sysLem.

3. Next steps

An exLernal evaluaLlon wlll be conducLed early ln 2009, almed aL verlfylng self reporLs of
granLees, drawlng lessons learned and enabllng SAAl Lo demonsLraLe lLs effecLlveness Lhus
aLLracLlng furLher fundlng. 8eflecLlon from Lhe flrsL year wlll be used Lo lmprove Lhe
efflclency of Lhe fund. 1he evaluaLlons wlll be carrled ouL ln four counLrles and wlll cover
some 9 pro[ecLs.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


An lmperaLlve acLlon wlll be Lo seek new fundlng for a second round of proposals and for
conLlnued fundlng for exlsLlng pro[ecLs.

1. Background of tbe Safe Abortion Action Fund

Cf Lhe more Lhan 300,000 annual maLernal deaLhs worldwlde, 13 per cenL (178 women each
day) are due Lo compllcaLlons from unsafe aborLlon, rlslng as hlgh as 30 per cenL ln some
developlng counLrles. World leaders have expressed Lhelr commlLmenL Lo women's rlghLs
and maLernal healLh, reafflrmlng Lhelr commlLmenL Lo Lhe Mlllennlum uevelopmenL Coals
(MuCs), lncludlng Lhe goal of reduclng Lhe number of maLernal deaLhs and lmprovlng
women's healLh, durlng Lhe SepLember 2006 unlLed naLlons World SummlL. Powever,
fundlng for work ln Lhls area ls lnsufflclenL. 1he aborLlon lssue ls conLroverslal and recelves
less fundlng Lhan any oLher areas of reproducLlve healLh. Moreover, Lhe Clobal Cag 8ule -
Lhe uS pollcy LhaL denles reproducLlve healLh monles Lo non-governmenLal organlsaLlons
(nCCs) LhaL supporL, provlde or refer for aborLlons - has resulLed ln recenL years ln even
greaLer losses for organlsaLlons worklng ln sexual and reproducLlve healLh and rlghLs.

1he ll publlcaLlon 'ueotb ooJ ueolol. uosofe Abottloo ooJ lovetty hlghllghLed Lhe need
for acLlon. ln 2006 Lhe uk ueparLmenL for lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL (ullu) asked ll Lo
conslder Laklng a leadershlp role ln esLabllshlng a flnanclng mechanlsm Lo supporL work Lo
reduce unsafe aborLlon. 1he resulL ls Lhe Safe AborLlon AcLlon lund (SAAl).

ullu's lnlLlal conLrlbuLlon of $6m leveraged furLher money from oLher governmenLs for Lhe
SAAl, and conLrlbuLlons from Lhe CovernmenLs of uenmark, norway, Sweden and
SwlLzerland broughL Lhe fund Lo a LoLal of uS$ 11.6 mllllon.

1he SAAl ls a granL-maklng mechanlsm, lL enables Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of pro[ecLs and
lnlLlaLlves Lo lncrease access Lo safe aborLlon servlces wlLhln a comprehenslve package of
reproducLlve healLh servlces, wlLh parLlcular regard Lo Lhe needs of marglnallsed and
vulnerable women. lL supporLs ln-counLry lnlLlaLlves from non-governmenLal organlsaLlons
whlch demonsLraLe Lhelr ablllLy Lo lmprove access Lo safe aborLlon. 1he pro[ecL's purpose ls
lncreased uLlllsaLlon of quallLy safe aborLlon and posL-aborLlon servlces, especlally by young,
poor and vulnerable women. 1he granLs supporL acLlvlLles ln Lhree broad areas: advocacy,
operaLlons research and servlce dellvery.

1he governance of Lhe SAAl esLabllshed clear flduclary responslblllLles for ll, ellglblllLy,
appllcaLlon and selecLlon procedures for appllcanLs, condlLlons of fundlng, and roles and
responslblllLles of Lhe SAAl 8oard, ManagemenL SupporL 1eam and Lhe 1echnlcal 8evlew

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


2. Implementation of tbe SAAF

1he SAAl key prlnclples of operaLlon are as follow:

1. 1he Safe AborLlon AcLlon lund supporLs non-governmenLal organlsaLlons (nCCs).
2. 1he Safe AborLlon AcLlon lund only supporLs lnlLlaLlves and programmes LhaL are focused
on lncreaslng access Lo safe aborLlon wlLhln a comprehenslve package of reproducLlve
healLh servlces.
3. 1he Safe AborLlon AcLlon lund ls pro[ecL-drlven and glves preference Lo speclflc, ln-
counLry lnlLlaLlves.
4. 1he declslons and funcLlonlng of Lhe lund are LransparenL and accounLable and open Lo
3. ll has sLrucLured Lhe lund ln a sLreamllned and non-bureaucraLlc manner Lo ensure
rapld and efflclenL dlspersal of funds lnLo meanlngful lnlLlaLlves and programmes and Lo
malnLaln overslghL of progress, Lo monlLor and Lo supporL Lhe pro[ecLs.

A nlne person 8oard oversees Lhe fund, wlLh represenLaLlon from Lhe nCC communlLy,
aborLlon acLlvlsLs and Lhe donors (See llsL annex 1).

uurlng lLs flrsL meeLlng ln !anuary 2007, Lhe 8oard appolnLed a 1echnlcal 8evlew anel
(18), made up of 13 experLs from dlfferenL counLrles and wlLh dlverse skllls and experLlse
ln Lhe fleld of safe aborLlon, who all gave Lhelr Llme free of charge. (see llsL annex 2).

1he 8oard drew up guldellnes for revlewlng proposals and developed 8y-laws, explalnlng
how Lhe 8oard wlll funcLlon. 1hey also declded LhaL lf Lhere were sufflclenL proposals whlch
meL Lhe fundlng crlLerla, all Lhe money should be allocaLed ln Lhls flrsL round. 1he hlgh
number of appllcaLlons for fundlng LogeLher wlLh demonsLrable resulLs reporLed by
granLees lllusLraLe boLh Lhe slgnlflcanL need for a mechanlsm such as SAAl as well as Lhe
ablllLy of organlsaLlons Lo meeL women's needs wlLh modesL funds. As such, Lhls should
prove encouraglng Lo boLh exlsLlng and addlLlonal donors Lo provlde furLher fundlng Lo
ln May 2008 ll appolnLed a parL-Llme sLaff person Lo coordlnaLe Lhe fund.

An exLernal evaluaLlon planned for early 2009 alms Lo assess Lhe performance of selecLed
pro[ecLs and lessons learnL for Lhe ongolng lmplemenLaLlon. lL wlll valldaLe Lhe reporLs
submlLLed by Lhe granLees and provlde useful lnformaLlon for Lhe sLrengLhenlng of Lhe

3. Tbe pro|ect selection process

1he members of Lhe 18 were charged wlLh selecLlng Lhe besL proposals Lo be funded. 1helr
maln Lask was Lo score and assess Lhe varlous proposals recelved along Lhe llnes of Lhe SAAl
guldellnes and Lo make recommendaLlons Lo Lhe 8oard.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


lor Lhe flrsL round of fundlng, 172 proposa|s were submlLLed Lo Lhe SAAl (represenLlng a
LoLal requesLed fund of 542,101,S96), from 63 countr|es and 6 reglons.

1he breakdown of Lhe proposals' orlglns ls as follow:

1he llgure 1 shows how safe aborLlon ls a crlLlcal lssue worldwlde, wlLh proposals comlng
from varlous reglons, and especlally from developlng counLrles ln Afrlca, SouLh Asla and ln
cenLral and SouLh Amerlca. WlLh such a dlverslLy of orlglns, ll has been successful ln
dlssemlnaLlng Lhe call for proposal.
AfLer Lhls flrsL round of submlsslons, of parLlcular noLe was Lhe lack of proposals from Lhe
Arab World reglon. 1herefore we suggesL LhaL ln fuLure proposal rounds SAAl should enable
proposals Lo be submlLLed ln Arablc and LhaL parLlcular efforLs should be made Lo ensure
Lhe call for proposals ls dlssemlnaLed Lhrough Arab World neLworks.
1he language lssue ls cenLral for many organlsaLlons. lndeed, havlng Lhe cholce of Lhree
worklng languages (Lngllsh, Spanlsh, and lrench) was key ln enabllng a large number of
organlzaLlons Lo have access Lo Lhe fund and Lo llalse wlLh Lhe SAAl CoordlnaLor.

CuL of Lhe 172 proposals, 67 were re[ecLed for lncompleLe appllcaLlons, 103 were revlewed
by Lhe 18 and 44 have been funded (see Lable below)
. uue Lo Lhe large number of
submlsslons and ln order Lo fund as many pro[ecLs as posslble, Lhe 18 recommended LhaL
Lhe 8oard make a small percenLage reducLlon on Lhe largesL granLs ln order Lo lncrease Lhe
reach of Lhe fund.

1he flnal breakdown of Lhe funded pro[ecLs ls shown on Lhe flgure 2:

Out of these 44 projects, 10 are implemented by some Members Associations of IPPF: Albania, Chile, Costa
Rica, Cote dIvoire, Kazakhstan, USA/Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Mexico, and Sudan.
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


Cne quarLer of Lhe LoLal proposals have been funded. Lven Lhough Lhe quallLy of some
oLhers was noL hlgh enough Lo recelve funds (and Lhls ls parLlcularly Lhe case wlLh proposals
from Afrlca where a lack of capaclLy ln proposal wrlLlng was noLlceable), a furLher 43
proposals equalllng some $11m could have been funded lf Lhe resources were avallable,
demonsLraLlng LhaL Lhe unmeL need regardlng safe aborLlon programmes ls very hlgh. 1hls ls
an lmporLanL facL Lo Lake lnLo accounL when furLher dlscusslon for Lhe fund replenlshmenL

1he hlgh needs ln Afrlca have been consldered and ullu has responded wlLh Lhe
conLrlbuLlon of an addlLlonal 1,000,000 speclflcally for pro[ecLs ln Lhls conLlnenL. A ma[or
lssue for Lhe Afrlcan submlsslons has been a lack of skllls ln wrlLlng proposals, alLhough
many of Lhe concepL ldeas have been valuable and worLh supporLlng. 1he SAAl secreLarlaL
and 18 have provlded Lechnlcal supporL and advlce Lo slx nCCs ln Afrlca, and subsequenLly
all were able Lo resubmlL. neverLheless, lL ls of concern Lo observe LhaL where Lhe unmeL
needs are Lhe hlghesL, a lack of capaclLy ln appllcaLlon wrlLlng prevenLs Lhe lmplemenLaLlon
of pro[ecLs.
Looklng aL Lhe Lypes of acLlvlLles by reglon (llgure 3), lL can be seen LhaL advocacy and
servlce dellvery are Lhe maln alms of Lhese pro[ecLs.

I|gure 2: Countr|es of the funded pro[ects by reg|on
Afr|ca (13) As|a (8) Lat|n Amer|ca (20) Lastern Lurope (3)
8urklna laso
CoLe d'lvolre
SouLh Afrlca x 3
Cambodla, Chlna,
Mongolla & vleLnam
nepal x 2
1halland x2

ArgenLlna x 3
8ollvla x 2
8razll x 3
Chlle x 2
Colombla x 2
CosLa 8lca
Mexlco x 4
uruguay x 2


IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


Cnly 4 pro[ecLs are focuslng solely on research. Servlce dellvery acLlvlLles are almosL always
provlded wlLh complemenLary advocacy and/or Lralnlng acLlvlLles.
4. First Annual Reports from Crantees

SAAl has now compleLed lLs flrsL year of lmplemenLaLlon and Lhe granLees have reporLed
poslLlve and encouraglng resulLs worldwlde. lnlLlally Lagged as a 'rlsky' fund for Lhe lssues lL
addresses and Lhe specLrum of organlzaLlons lL funds (some of Lhem belng small, local and
lnexperlenced enLlLles), Lhe SAAl has demonsLraLed lLself as a successful Lool for aborLlon
relaLed pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon.
1he granLees appear Lo be hlghly moLlvaLed, rlgorous and producLlve. 1hrough hlghly
developed neLworks and collaboraLlve-worklng, Lhey reporL dellverlng quallLy servlces,
produclng slgnlflcanL sLudles and surveys and ralslng Lhelr volces Lo Lhe mosL lnfluenLlal
persons ln Lhelr counLrles. ln some cases, Lhe slgnlflcance of Lhelr work has been
acknowledged by awards or by exLra fundlng from oLher organlsaLlons.

1hls secLlon ralses some key lssues arlslng from an analysls of Lhe reporLs recelved and
lnLeracLlons wlLh granLees over Lhe lasL year:

a. Motivated, dedicated and productive grantees

1he enLhuslasm for Lhe SAAl shown all over Lhe world by so many organlsaLlons ls
slgnlflcanL. 1he pro[ecLs selecLed have glven a unlque opporLunlLy Lo 44 organlzaLlons Lo
lmplemenL numerous safe aborLlon relaLed acLlvlLles. 1hroughouL Lhe year, and ln addlLlon
Lo Lhe requlred reporLs, several organlzaLlons have senL updaLes, conLexLual papers and
lnformaLlon emalls. lrom Lhe advocacy pro[ecLs, SAAl has recelved conslderable amounLs of
lnformaLlon and educaLlon maLerlals, leafleLs, Cu-8CMs and uvus, Lee-shlrLs and many
phoLographs. 1hls ls a clear lllusLraLlon of Lhe level of engagemenL of Lhe granLees and Lhelr
wllllngness Lo go beyond Lhe obllgaLory reporLlng Lasks.

1he SAAl ls provlng Lo be, Lhough Lhe enLhuslasm of Lhe granLees, a powerful Lool ln Lhe
defence and promoLlon of safe aborLlon worldwlde more Lhan [usL a flnanclal scheme.

b. Safe Abortion: a controversial issue in controversial contexts

Safe aborLlon ls a conLroverslal lssue ln mosL of Lhe counLrles where Lhe pro[ecLs are belng
lmplemenLed, and granLees face Lhls reallLy on an everyday basls. noL only have Lhey had Lo
deal wlLh Lhe senslLlvlLy of such a dlfflculL Loplc, buL Lhey also have had Lo lmplemenL Lhelr
acLlvlLles ln complex soclo-pollLlcal conLexLs. As Lhe alm of Lhe SAAl ls Lo supporL pro[ecLs ln
Lhe lowesL group of Lhe uAC counLrles, pollLlcal and soclal lnsLablllLy ofLen affecLs Lhelr dally
acLlvlLles. ro[ecLs on any Loplc are affecLed by Lhese lssues ln dlfflculL conLexLs, buL safe
aborLlon pro[ecLs are frequenLly sub[ecL Lo addlLlonal lnLlmldaLlon and vlolence due Lo Lhe
senslLlvlLy of Lhe lssue.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


Cver Lhe pasL year, some pro[ecLs have been negaLlvely affecLed, for example ln kenya due
Lo pollLlcal unresL and ln 8ollvla (llgure 4) and nepal (llgure 3) because of numerous
naLlonal sLrlkes whlch prevenLed access Lo Lhe pro[ecL slLes.

naLure also played lLs role ln Lhe pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon and Lhe pro[ecL ln 8lhar, lndla, has
been delayed afLer serlous floodlng.
Some quesLlons have arlsen regardlng flscal problLy ln one pro[ecL, and acLlon has been
Laken Lo ascerLaln Lhe level of rlsk and Lhe evaluaLlon planned ln 2009 wlll look aL Lhls ln

Moreover, on Lhe ground, some organlsaLlons have had Lo face very hosLlle behavlour from
so-called 'anLl-cholce' groups or oLher aborLlon opponenLs.
1he ArgenLlna example (llgure 6) ls qulLe sLrlklng and lllusLraLes Lhe conLexL ln whlch Lhe
granLees are worklng. 1hls organlsaLlon relucLanLly declded Lo go Lo courL and Lo seek
Bolivia has been experiencing an unstable political, social, and economic climate.
The instability is expected to culminate in a national referendum in August (.).
There were unexpected changes in leadership at the relevant ministries and
public institutions. Also, because of the political instability, there have been
roadblocks and protest marches that made it difficult to reach intervention sites,
particularly in rural areas.

Figure 4: IPAS, Bolivia
Peer group formations activities were delayed by 2-3 months in some districts
because of political disturbances, transportation blockades and strikes in schools.
At least 30-40 working days were disturbed and so some planned orientations,
meetings, trainings and other activities had to be postponed [.].During the
process of conducting the base line survey, the enumerators in Chitwan received
some threats from local politicians to stop the survey as there were some Maoists
camps and their restricted areas in the district.

Figure 5: MSI, Nepal
"On Thursday 6 December, at the very last minute, FUSOR S.A. informed us that
for religious motives the company did not agree with the contents of our
campaign posters (neither any content promoting the control of fertility) and
cancelled our contract. Other obstacles during this campaign were the constant
destruction of the posters put in the streets. During the third campaign, the
person putting the posters was intimidated by a group of unknown persons.

Figure 6: CESPPEDGH, San Miguel, Argentina
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


recompense from Lhe prlnLlng house whlch refused Lo publlsh lLs campalgn maLerlals aL Lhe
lasL mlnuLe.
1he overall pollLlcal conLexL can also someLlmes [eopardlze Lhe survlval of local
organlzaLlons, has can be seen ln LLhlopla (llgure 7) wlLh Lhe poLenLlal adopLlon of a new
leglslaLlon on regulaLlng nCCs.

c. Tbe grantees are advocacy leaders in tbeir countries

1he SAAl alms Lo supporL a wlde range of organlsaLlons, from small local assoclaLlons Lo
Lhe blggesL lnLernaLlonal sexual and reproducLlve healLh and rlghLs organlsaLlons, all of
whlch parLlclpaLe ln Lhe overall advocacy for Lhe lssue of safe aborLlon and are essenLlal Lo
lLs success (llgure 8). no one organlzaLlon can be solely responslble for leglslaLlve change,
buL every slngle SAAl advocacy pro[ecL lnfluences Lhe process aL varlous levels from
local/sLaLe Lo naLlonal/federal level.

ln Mexlco, for example, Lhe decrlmlnallsaLlon law on aborLlon whlch had been adopLed ln
2007 ln Lhe lederal ulsLrlcL, has been declared consLlLuLlonal (ln regard Lo Lhe lederal
ConsLlLuLlon) ln AugusL 2008 by Lhe Supreme CourL of !usLlce. 1he organlzaLlon Crupo de
lnformacln en 8eproduccln Lleglda (Cl8L), wlLhln lLs SAAl advocacy acLlvlLles, was one of
Lhe selecLed speakers who Look parL ln Lhe publlc hearlng aL Lhe naLlonal Supreme CourL of
!usLlce on 30 May 2008 Lo supporL Lhe consLlLuLlonallLy of Lhe new law.

ln uruguay, sLrong advocacy acLlvlLles orlenLed Lowards Lhe parllamenLarlans lead Lo Lhe
approbaLlon by Lhe SenaLors on 7 november 2007 of a sexual and reproducLlve healLh law.
1hls lncludes chapLers relaLed Lo Lhe decrlmlnallsaLlon of aborLlon wlLhouL resLrlcLlon as Lo
reason. 1hrough Lhe SAAl, Lhe granLee Mu[er y Salud en uruguay (M?Su) organlzed a
"The Government of Ethiopia is in the process of issuing legislation on civil society
(Charities and Societies Proclamation). The draft proclamation has accorded to the
Charities and Societies Agency enormous power that directly have impact on
internal affairs of the organizations thus putting at risk the organizational
independence and the very survival of the institutions (especially in local NGOs
with international funding).

Figure 7: MSI, Ethiopia
This project has been very important for CFEMEA. It has allowed us to be a
central actress in the public debate on abortion in the country. We are identified as
a major reference on the theme.

Figure 8: Feminist Center for Studies and Advisory Services, CFEMEA, Brazil
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


reglonal semlnar brlnglng LogeLher pollLlclans, experLs on safe aborLlon, clvll socleLy groups
and sexual rlghLs advocaLes Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe debaLe (Abottloo lo Jebote. soclol
cooseosos, Jemoctotlc coofllct, MonLevldeo, uruguay, 18 CcLober 2007). Coupled wlLh 1v
and radlo campalgns and lnformaLlon and communlcaLlon maLerlals developed for Lhe
pollLlclans, Lhe advocacy sLraLegy has been so far very successful ln ralslng awareness.

Some lmporLanL alllances and collaboraLlons have been developed wlLh cenLral
CovernmenLs and MlnlsLrles of PealLh ln order Lo puL Lhe safe aborLlon lssue hlgh on Lhe
naLlonal healLh agenda - one of Lhe besL examples belng ln 8razll (see llgure 9). Such
collaboraLlon ls vlLal Lo long-Lerm resulLs and advances for Lhe safe aborLlon lssue.

1he SAAl sLrengLhens, leglLlmlzes and promoLes Lhe work of neLworks of organlzaLlons
worklng on safe aborLlon.

d. Taking risks and capacity building for smaller organizations

1he board of Lhe SAAl has made a declslon Lo lnclude ln fundlng some small organlzaLlons,
someLlmes lnexperlenced, recognlzlng LhaL LhaL Lhls may be a rlsk. 1herefore Lhe SAAl has
been undersLood slnce lLs lncepLlon as a 'rlsk-Laklng' fund. lL ls lnLeresLlng Lo noLe LhaL Lhese
smaller organlzaLlons have been as successful as Lhe largesL ones ln lmplemenLlng Lhelr
acLlvlLles and achlevlng Lhelr annual ob[ecLlves. Smaller organlzaLlons are wllllng Lo ask for
supporL wlLh regard Lo pro[ecL managemenL, narraLlve and flnanclal reporLlng. As
menLloned prevlously, Lhe hlgh level of moLlvaLlon among Lhe granLees has produced a hlgh
level of Lhe pro[ecL managemenL, as Lhe organlzaLlons are aware LhaL Lhe SAAl ls provldlng
a unlque opporLunlLy.

1hanks Lo Lhe ablllLy Lo communlcaLe wlLh SAAl ln Lhelr own language (Lngllsh, Spanlsh,
lrench and someLlmes orLuguese), Lhe organlzaLlons have noL heslLaLed Lo llalse closely
wlLh Lhe CoordlnaLor and Lhey have been keen Lo ask quesLlons and ralse lssues. Lven
Lhough 'llghL Louch', Lhe supporL from SAAl had been effecLlve ln Lerms of reporLlng,
especlally ln Lhe flnanclal area.

Currently, we are working with some states and with the Federal Ministry of Health
in the interventions that are required to install or improve services in hospitals of
the whole country. The recognition of the relevance of our programme was officially
sanctioned during the recent meeting of the National Pact for the Reduction of
Maternal and Neonatal Mortality. One of the recommendations coming out from that
meeting was to support the Cemicamp/ FEBRASGO initiative to establish services
for the comprehensive care of women who suffer sexual violence, with the purpose
that all municipalities with 100.000 people or over have such services.

Figure 9:Center for Research in reproductive Health of Campinas (CEMICAMP),Brazil
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


AfLer Lhls flrsL year lL would appear LhaL Lhe hlgh rlsk pro[ecLs have Lurned ouL Lo also be
capaclLy bulldlng pro[ecLs.
e. )oint-working and |oint-funding pro|ects

Llalslng has been and ls sLlll on-golng, noL only beLween Lhe SAAl supporL Leam and Lhe
granLees, buL also beLween Lhe granLees Lhemselves. 1hls ablllLy Lo bulld brldges beLween
Lhe pro[ecLs and Lhe counLrles has been a poslLlve ouLpuL from Lhls flrsL year. Some granLees
dld noL necessarlly walL for Lhe SAAl Lo sLarL Lo llalse and supporL each oLher, buL lL appears
Lo be a common banner under whlch organlsaLlons can collecLlvely ldenLlfy Lhemselves. 1hls
has been parLlcularly Lrue ln SouLh Afrlca (llgure 10).

More Lhan [usL llalslng, some pro[ecLs managed Lo develop [olnL acLlvlLles, especlally ln Lhe
area of Lechnlcal Lralnlng or Lechnlcal asslsLance. ln LaLln Amerlca, Lechnlcal asslsLance has
been exchanged beLween pro[ecLs: ln Colombla, Lwo granLees developed common Lechnlcal
Lralnlng for Lhelr servlce provlders and ln Mexlco ClLy, Lhree of Lhe granLees worked ln
collaboraLlon around servlce dellvery and advocacy acLlvlLles.

1he collaboraLlon also crosses borders ofLen Lo reach a reglonal level, such as Lhls example
ln LaLln Amerlca (llgure 11).

Another unexpected achievement has been the collaboration that has grown with
the two other SAAF-funded projects in South Africa. We have been in regular
contact with Pathfinder about their work to expand abortion services in
Khayelitsha. As part of their community needs assessment, we worked with them
to add several questions examining knowledge and attitudes related to second
trimester abortion. We have also made contact with Mosaic, which will be
providing counselling services for our interviewers to help them through the
sometimes difficult experience of interviewing women undergoing abortion

Figure 10: Ibis Reproductive Health, South Africa
An unexpected outcome of our work on the health indication for legal abortion
was the proposition by the Colombian Working Group for Womens Lives and
Health to co-organize a regional meeting in Mexico in October 2007 followed by
a seven month long electronic discussion forum with over 40 international and
regional experts from the reproductive health field including the World Health
Organization, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
and its Latin American counterpart- Latin American Federation of Obstetrics and
Gynecology Societies (FLASOG), International Planned Parenthood
Federation/Western Hemisphere Region (IPPF/WHR), the Latin American
Consortium against Unsafe Abortion (CLACAI in Spanish) and the Center for
Reproductive Rights, among others. The overarching goal of these activities was
to produce a landmark concept paper to help policy makers and service providers
implement the health indication for legal abortion in Latin America, including

Figure 11: Grupo de Informacin en reproduccin Elegida (GIRE), Mexico
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


f. Sustainability

SusLalnablllLy ls a ma[or lssue for mosL of Lhe pro[ecLs, especlally for Lhose provldlng
servlces. Some granLees have managed Lo recelve some exLra-fundlng from dlverse nCCs or
organlzaLlons Lo furLher acLlvlLles relaLed Lo Lhelr lnlLlal SAAl pro[ecLs, for example ln SouLh
Afrlca and 1halland. 1hls capaclLy Lo ralse awareness abouL safe aborLlon and aLLracL new
fundlng Lhrough a successful and perLlnenL pro[ecL ls vlLal for Lhe granLees lf Lhey wanL Lo
assure Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhelr acLlvlLles.

1he proposal for Lhe sLudy menLloned ln llgure 12 was developed durlng Lhe course of Lhe
pro[ecL and was noL lnlLlally planned. lf accepLed, lL wlll be developed ln parLnershlp wlLh
Lhe unlverslLy of Cape 1own and supporLed by Lhe equlpmenL donaLlon from Medeclns sans
lronLleres (MSl). 1hls ls one example of Lhe poslLlve collaboraLlve effecL LhaL good pro[ecLs
have had.

ln 1halland, Lhe granLee was able Lo galn susLalnablllLy by developlng sLraLeglc parLnershlp
wlLh Lhe MlnlsLry of PealLh (llgure 13).

Pathfinder is very pleased that Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) has expressed
support of the study by donating a new ultrasound machine (which is also
required for the MVA procedures, and will be retained by Nolungile whether or not
the MA study is approved) and the MA drugs needed for the study. Because of
these donations, Pathfinder is able to afford the study within the project budget.

Figure 12: Pathfinder International, South Africa
The project received excellent participation of the policy decision makers at the
national workshop in Chiang Rai chaired by the Deputy Health Minister. And
following the workshop, the Director General of the DOH sent a letter to all
government hospitals and public health offices on its policy on prevention of unsafe
abortion, a guideline on providing safe abortion service and compliance with the
amended medical regulation of termination of pregnancy.

Figure 13: The Womens Health and Reproductive Rights Foundation of Thailand
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


5. First year outputs and indicators of acbievement

1hls secLlon lllusLraLes SAAl progress ln relaLlon Lo Lhe log-frame ouLpuLs and lndlcaLors.

a. Uutput 1: effective advocacy for safe abortion

Advocacy ls a cross cuLLlng acLlvlLy for mosL of Lhe pro[ecLs and a key lssue Lo advance Lhe
debaLe and lmprove leglslaLlon on safe aborLlon worldwlde. 1he monlLorlng and
measuremenL of advocacy neLworks ls a complex Lask when lL comes Lo small scale pro[ecLs.
As a resulL of Lhe pro[ecLs around 200 advocacy neLworks have been creaLed or revlLallzed.
1helr naLure obvlously dlffers conslderably, as Lhey range from populous communlLy
neLworks (ln 8angladesh) Lo reglonal ones (ln LaLln Amerlca).

Some 173,942 persons have been reached Lhrough advocacy acLlvlLles ln year one. 1he
dlverslLy of Lhe pro[ecLs and of Lhe advocacy acLlvlLles ls sLrlklng, [usL as Lhe Lype of
audlences reached. Campalgns have been developed around medlcal aborLlon, use of
MlsoprosLol, sexual vlolence, conLracepLlon. Some Lralnlng sesslons have broughL LogeLher
youLh, communlLy leaders, Leachers, parllamenLarlans, leglslaLors, lawyers, rellglous leaders,
lndlgenous women and refugees.
Some lnnovaLlve lnlLlaLlves have been developed, llke Lhe mock aborLlon Lrlbunal ln kenya,
aLLended by 400 persons and wldely covered by Lhe medla (llgure 14).

8adlo programmes have been used ln several pro[ecLs Lo reach wlder audlences. ln
Colombla, Lhe organlsaLlon CrlenLme developed a 'radlonovela' ln 3 chapLers broadcasL
Lhrough 164 nelghbourhoods, Lo promoLe safe aborLlon.

The first-ever mock abortion tribunal was held in Kenya on June 26, 2007, to
coincide with the International Day against Torture. The testimonies of four women
who have undergone unsafe abortions were presented before a tribunal of four
judges, covering the factors that led them to seek abortions, who performed the
abortions, the costs of the abortions, and the impact of unsafe abortion on their
lives. The tribunal also heard testimonies from two health providers and
comments from the public. The judges assessed the testimonies from human
rights, womens rights, health and socio-economic perspectives, and considered
the international commitments Kenya has made regarding these issues. Although
a final verdict could not be presented because of the interruptions by anti-choice
groups, the forum proved to be an effective forum in which to engage a dialogue
on abortion among the public and other stakeholders. The tribunal also heard,
first-hand, some of the factors that lead women in Kenya to seek unsafe

Figure 14: Planned Parenthood Federation of America- Kenya
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


8egardlng changes ln leglslaLlon, one of Lhe mosL dlfflculL goals Lo achleve, especlally over a
shorL perlod of Llme (Lhe llfe of Lhe pro[ecLs ls only Lwo years maxlmum), ls Lo measure Lhe
ob[ecLlve lmpacL of Lhe pro[ecLs. lL would be very sub[ecLlve and lnaccuraLe Lo clalm LhaL
one slngle pro[ecL broughL abouL a change ln leglslaLlon when Lhls usually resulLs from
mulLlple players worklng over a long perlod of Llme Lo brlng abouL such change.
neverLheless, as menLloned before, Lhe granLees play a cenLral and vlLal advocacy role ln
Lhelr counLrles, and we can assume LhaL Lhe SAAl had an lmpacL on Lhe on-golng changes
occurrlng LhroughouL Lhe globe.

We have already menLloned Mexlco as champlon for safe aborLlon, buL we also have Lhe
example of 1halland, where some leglslaLlve changes mlghL occur ln Lhe nexL monLhs (llgure

Some leglslaLlve progress can also be expecLed ln regard Lo access Lo safe aborLlon producLs
or Lhe developmenL of guldellnes and proLocols valldaLed by Lhe MlnlsLrles of PealLh.
ro[ecLs ln 8razll and kazakhsLan (llgure 16) are very promlslng.

Coordinated with the DOH to move forward and advocate for the legislation of the
Reproductive Health Law that will contribute to the improvement of women
reproductive health and abortion law in Thailand.

Figure 15: The Womens Health and Reproductive Rights Foundation of Thailand

KMPA has met with the health care authorities from Almaty city department of
health (CDOH), Ministry of Health, pilot clinics, international organizations and
nongovernmental organizations. We have presented our initiative to improve
quality of abortion care and FP counselling in pilot districts. We signed an annual
working plan with city department of health on improving quality of abortion
services and implementation of medical abortion in Almaty and developed clinical
standards on safe abortion procedures (medical abortion, manual vacuum
aspiration), pre and post abortion cancelling. The clinical standards have been
developed according to WHO recommendations.

Figure 16: Kazakhstan Association on Sexual and Reproductive Health (KMPA)

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


b. Uutput 2: Uperations researcb

CuL of Lhe 44 pro[ecLs only 4 are operaLlons research pro[ecLs. 1hese sLudles have been ln
Afrlca (8urklna laso and CoLe d'lvolre), ln Asla (Lhe hlllpplnes) and ln LaLln Amerlca (CosLa

1he sLudy conducLed ln CosLa 8lca by Lhe ll Member AssoclaLlon, Ao stlmote of loJoceJ
obottloo lo costo klco, 2007
, has proved Lo be a very valuable plece of work, whlch was
reclplenL of an award earller Lhls year (llgure 17) and whlch led Lo Lhe publlcaLlon of a gulde
for servlce provlslon for LherapeuLlc aborLlon.

1he pro[ecL ln CoLe d'lvolre worked on produclng a knowledge, ALLlLude and racLlce (kA)
sLudy on clandesLlne aborLlon
, whlch ls a flrsL ln Lhe counLry. lnlLlally planned Lo survey a
speclflc reglon, Lhe focus group has been expanded by demand and lnLeresL of Lhe MlnlsLry
of PealLh, Lo become a naLlonal level sLudy, provlng LhaL Lhe SAAl pro[ecL has acLed as a
caLalysL for movlng Lhls lssue forward.

ln 8urklna laso Lhe pro[ecL faced slgnlflcanL delays Lo obLaln lLs accredlLaLlon from Lhe
eLhlcs commlLLee whlch ls ln charge of auLhorlzlng research ln medlcal cenLres, buL
ulLlmaLely Lhe accredlLaLlon was glven, buL all Lhe acLlvlLles had been delayed.

ln Lhe hlllpplnes, daLa relaLed Lo Lhe lncldence, lssues and acLual pracLlce of aborLlon have
been gaLhered and Lhe nexL sLep wlll be daLa analysls. 1he sLudy ls ongolng and Lhe
organlsaLlon, CA88lLLA, plans Lo dlssemlnaLe lLs resulLs by Lhe end of Lhe second year of
pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon.

Cristian Gmez Ramrez, Estimacin del aborto inducido en Costa Rica, 2007, Asociacin Demogrfica
Costarricense, San Jos, Costa Rica, 2008.
Connaissances, Attitudes et Pratiques de lavortement provoqu clandestine en Cote dIvoire, AIBEF, Abidjan,
IPPF/WHR awarded the WestWind Awards for excellence and improvements made
in the areas of Access, HIV/AIDS, Safe Abortion, Adolescents, and Advocacy. The
recognition included a prize of $15,000 for each winner, awarded by the
WestWind Foundation, a private foundation that promotes sexual and
reproductive health and rights worldwide.
* For Safe Abortion, the award went to the Costa Rican Demography Association,
ADC, Costa Rica, for their research on the relationship between unsafe abortion
and maternal mortality and for their work on a technical guide for service
provision for therapeutic abortion.
llgure 17: ll/WP8 news CcLober 2008
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


CLher pro[ecLs have conducLed research on a smaller scale, ofLen coupllng lL wlLh servlce
dellvery acLlvlLles. 1he counLrles where Lhese sLudles are conducLed are: Albanla, 8razll,
8ollvla, nlger and SouLh Afrlca.

AnoLher arLlcle worLh menLlonlng, compllcotloos oftet 5ecooJ 1tlmestet 5otqlcol ooJ
MeJlcol Abottloo, was publlshed ln Lhe [ournal keptoJoctlve neoltb Mottets
and parLlally
funded by Lhe SAAl.

1hese sLudles and surveys are provlng Lo be vlLal ln many counLrles as Lhey can ofLen be Lhe
only rellable source of lnformaLlon abouL Lhe slLuaLlon regardlng aborLlon. lL ls anLlclpaLed
LhaL Lhey wlll be used Lo elLher enhance Lhe advocacy work or supporL relevanL servlce

c. Uutput 3: Increased access to safe abortion and post abortion

Cver Lhe shorL llfe-span of Lhe SAAl, some conslderable achlevemenLs have been made.
1here are 43 new servlce dellvery polnLs ln elghL counLrles LhaL have reached close Lo
100,000 women ln Lhe lasL year. As mosL of Lhe servlces LhaL granLees are reporLlng on are
new, we can assume LhaL Lhese are women who would noL have been reached wlLhouL
SAAl fundlng. Powever, Lhe lack of basellne daLa makes Lhls dlfflculL Lo verlfy and lL ls an
lssue LhaL should be consldered ln regard Lo fuLure fundlng. lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL a
reLrospecLlve basellne wlll be gaLhered ln Lhose pro[ecLs whlch wlll be evaluaLed ln 2009.

1he vasL range of pro[ecLs and acLlvlLles also add Lo Lhe complexlLy of gaLherlng very preclse
numbers. noneLheless, flgures gleaned from Lhe granLees flrsL year reporLs allow us Lo
hlghllghL Lhe followlng numbers, whlch are encouraglng afLer only 12 monLhs of acLlvlLles

(llgure 18).

Daniel Grossman, Kelly Blanchard, Paul Blumenthal, Complications after Second Trimester Surgical and
Medical Abortion, Reproductive Health Matters, 2008;16(31 Supplement):173182.
Figures compiled from the grantees first annual reports.
I|gure 18: SAAI serv|ce de||very

98,S66 women beneflLed from safe aborLlon servlces
A furLher 27,287 women recelved conLracepLlon counselllng
108,280 women recelved counselllng or referral servlces
43 new aborLlon relaLed servlces have been esLabllshed

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


Servlce provlders have offered posL aborLlon famlly plannlng Lo women buL have yeL Lo
collaLe daLa on how many have accepLed. 1hls ls an aspecL of Lhe pro[ecLs whlch needs
closer monlLorlng and reporLlng ln Lhe fuLure.

MosL of Lhese servlces dld noL exlsL prlor Lo SAAl fundlng, Lhus lL ls clear Lo see Lhe lmpacL
of Lhe pro[ecLs.

An lmporLanL lssue wlLhln servlce dellvery acLlvlLles ls Lhelr long Lerm susLalnablllLy and one
of Lhe key facLors Lo enable Lhls lL ls Lhe Lralnlng servlce provlders. AlmosL 3,000 healLh
professlonals and servlce provlders have been Lralned durlng Lhe flrsL year. 1he Lralnees
lnclude medlcal docLors, nurses and LradlLlonal carers. 1he Lralnlng sesslons ranged from
counselllng, posL-aborLlon care and aborLlon Lechnlques. All Lhe pro[ecLs whlch developed
Lralnlng sesslons were promoLlng Lhe use of Lhe laLesL Lechnology for safe aborLlon.

d. Uutput 4: SAAF grants delivered and managed by IPPF

lL was agreed LhaL Lhe role of ll ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe fund would be a 'llghL Louch'
and ln accordance Lo Lhls prlnclple some general lndlcaLors have been seL up.

As aL 31 CcLober 2008, ln regard Lo Lhe uS$ 6,313,112 commlLLed fundlng for Lhe flrsL year,
uS$ 6,223,183 (9S.S) has been Lransferred Lo organlzaLlons (llgure 19). 1hls flgure ls
above Lhe ob[ecLlve menLloned ln Lhe loglcal framework, where lL was anLlclpaLed LhaL 83
of Lhe commlLLed funds would be spenL.

1he acLual flgures regardlng uLlllzed funds are also poslLlve, wlLh an average spendlng raLe
of 78. SlxLy flve percenL of Lhe organlsaLlons have spenL aL leasL 80 of Lhelr flrsL year

1he raLe of dlsbursemenL for boLh ll (for lLs fund managemenL Lask) and Lhe granLees (for
acLlvlLles lmplemenLaLlon) ls hlgh and lllusLraLes Lhe vlLallLy of Lhe pro[ecLs.
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


neverLheless, a cerLaln number of granLees were unable Lo spend Lhelr fund as planned.
1hls has been explalned and dlscussed ln Lhe granLee reporLs and Lhe reasons for Lhe delay
ln dlsbursemenL can be classlfled as follows:
ConLexL relaLed delay: soclo-pollLlcal lncldenLs delay Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
uelay wlLh admlnlsLraLlve auLhorlsaLlons for bulldlng consLrucLlon or eLhlcal

All Lhe granLees were requlred Lo provlde boLh a narraLlve and flnanclal reporL afLer one
year of acLlvlLles. lor Lhls flrsL year of lmplemenLaLlon, each reporLlng deadllne had been
communlcaLed lndlvldually Lo Lhe granLees a few monLhs before Lhe due daLe. 1hls process
helped Lo avold laLe submlsslon of Lhe reporLs (llgure 20).

As we can see ln Lhe charL above, abouL 9S of Lhe narraLlve reporLs were submlLLed on
Llme (as deflned ln Lhe loglcal framework, reporLs recelved wlLhln 4 weeks of Lhe reporLlng
deadllne are consldered as 'on Llme').

8egardlng Lhe flnanclal reporLs, Lhe flgures are sllghLly lower, wlLh 93 of Lhe reporLs
recelved on Llme (see llgure 21). CranLees are requlred Lo submlL Lhelr annual audlL
accounLs Lo Lhe SAAl.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


1hese relaLlvely good performances demonsLraLe Lhe hlgh degree of moLlvaLlon and
commlLmenL of Lhe SAAl granLees.

lL ls also lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL SAAl pro[ecL managemenL provlded a slgnlflcanL amounL of
lnformaLlon and advlce regardlng Lhe reporLlng requlremenLs for Lhe smaller organlzaLlons.
1hls capaclLy bulldlng has cerLalnly helped some of Lhe granLees Lo dellver very good reporLs
on Llme.
lour monlLorlng and evaluaLlon fleld vlslLs wlll be commlssloned and lmplemenLed ln early
2009 (urafL 1erms of 8eference ln annex 6).
. Tbe additional funding for Africa

1he addlLlonal 1,000,000 (uS$1,300,000) fundlng from ullu dedlcaLed Lo Afrlca ls close Lo
belng LoLally allocaLed. 1wo pro[ecLs sLarLed ln SepLember 2008, ln WesLern kenya and
francophone wesLern Afrlca (reglonal pro[ecL coverlng Senegal, Mall, 8enln and 8urklna

lour oLher pro[ecLs wlll sLarL ln early 2009 ln varlous parL of Lhe conLlnenL: nlgerla, Sudan,
uganda and a reglonal pro[ecL coverlng Afrlca.

Conslderlng Lhe needs ln Lhls parL of Lhe world, Lhls exLra speclflc fundlng ls provlng Lo be
lnvaluable. CuL of Lhls sum, uS$ 30,000 has been seL aslde for Lechnlcal asslsLance
whenever needed. 1he SAAl secreLarlaL has provlded some supporL for resubmlsslon of Lhe
6 new Afrlcan pro[ecLs. lL ls lmporLanL Lo acknowledge Lhe need for a longer sLarL up Llme
for some proposals due Lo lack of experlence of some of Lhe organlsaLlons applylng for
7. Acbievements, conclusions, and recommendations for future

AfLer only one year of lmplemenLaLlon, Lhe SAAl appears Lo be a very successful fund.
CranLees worldwlde have reallsed greaL achlevemenLs over a shorL perlod of Llme and Lhe
fuLure acLlvlLles seem very promlslng. Powever, lessons learnL along Lhe pasL year
encourage us Lo hone some deLalls and make some recommendaLlon for fuLure fundlng.


ln addlLlon Lo Lhe prevlously clLed quanLlLaLlve achlevemenL, we can hlghllghL Lhe followlng
quallLaLlve ones:

ll has successfully lmplemenLed a governance sLraLegy for Lhe SAAl, esLabllshlng a
8oard and 1echnlcal 8evlew anel who, supporLed by Lhe SAAl ManagemenL 1eam,
developed perLlnenL procedures Lo screen Lhe appllcaLlons and selecL Lhe besL proposals.
IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


ll has been successful aL dlssemlnaLlng Lhe call for proposals, reachlng a vasL range of
counLrles and organlsaLlons. 1he language lssue ls cenLral for many organlsaLlons and
ll was able Lo manage Lhe fund ln Lhree worklng languages (Lngllsh, Spanlsh and
lrench), enabllng a large number of organlsaLlons Lo have access Lo Lhe fund.

1he SAAl ls one of Lhe only means of fundlng for organlsaLlons worklng Lo keep or puL
safe aborLlon on Lhe agenda ln hosLlle envlronmenLs.

More Lhan [usL a flnanclal scheme, Lhe SAAl has proven Lo be, Lhrough Lhe enLhuslasm of
Lhe granLees, a powerful Lool ln Lhe defence and promoLlon of safe aborLlon worldwlde.
1he SAAl sLrengLhens, leglLlmlzes and promoLes Lhe work of neLworks of organlzaLlons
worklng on safe aborLlon.

1he raLe of dlsbursemenL for boLh ll (for lLs fund managemenL Lask) and Lhe granLees
(for acLlvlLles lmplemenLaLlon) ls hlgh and lllusLraLes Lhe vlLallLy of Lhe pro[ecLs.

Smaller organlzaLlons have been as successful as Lhe largesL ones ln lmplemenLlng Lhelr
acLlvlLles and achlevlng Lhelr annual ob[ecLlves.


1he unmeL needs are hlgh and a furLher 43 exlsLlng pro[ecLs could be supporLed lf
fundlng was avallable.

Some very good progress has been made ln a shorL space of Llme.

1he granLees are very enLhuslasLlc and commlLLed.

SlgnlflcanL amounL of collaboraLlon and sharlng has arlsen as a resulL of SAAl supporL.

8ased on Lhe lnlLlal success lL should, wlLh lncreaslng supporL from donors, be posslble Lo
Lransform Lhe SAAl lnLo a world leadlng / reference fund for Safe AborLlon.


lollowlng Lhe poslLlve resulLs of Lhls flrsL year of lmplemenLaLlon, a replenlshmenL of Lhe
fund by boLh acLual and new donors ls a prlorlLy. Lnsurlng Lhe conLlnulLy of cerLaln pro[ecLs
ad openlng Lhe fund Lo new pro[ecLs wlll be lmporLanL.

lor fuLure fundlng, lL wlll be very lmporLanL Lo ensure Lhe parLlclpaLlon of counLrles ln
norLh Afrlca and Lhe Arab sLaLes.

IPPF Safe Abortion Action Fund 2007-2009- Interim report December 2008


rovlslon of Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo develop capaclLy, parLlcularly ln Afrlca, from Lhe
ouLseL of Lhe process, lncludlng supporL Lo develop proposals, should be bullL lnLo Lhe

ln order Lo monlLor Lhe pro[ecLs more closely and accuraLely, lL wlll be essenLlal Lo
develop more preclse reporLlng Lools for Lhe granLees, lncludlng lnlLlal basellne daLa.

A greaLer emphasls should be placed on Lhe opLlon and provlslon of posL-aborLlon famlly
plannlng ln Lhe servlce dellvery pro[ecLs.

8eLLer resulLs mlghL be achleved wlLh even greaLer communlcaLlon beLween Lhe
granLees. Some reglonal fora could be creaLed (perhaps ll could hosL SAAl webpage/
forum on lLs server).

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