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A soclal problem ls a condlLlon LhaL aL leasL some people ln a communlLy vlew as belng

undeslrable Lveryone would agree abouL some soclal problems such as murders and uWl Lrafflc
deaLhs CLher soclal problems may be vlewed as such by cerLaln groups of people 1eenagers who
play loud muslc ln a publlc park obvlously do noL vlew lL as a problem buL some oLher people may
conslder lL an undeslrable soclal condlLlon Some nonsmokers vlew smoklng as an undeslrable soclal
condlLlon LhaL should be banned or resLrlcLed ln publlc bulldlngs

Lvery newspaper ls fllled wlLh sLorles abouL undeslrable soclal condlLlons Lxamples lnclude
crlme vlolence drug abuse and envlronmenLal problems Such soclal problems can be found aL Lhe
local sLaLe naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal levels

1here are many soclal problems LhaL Leenagers go Lhrew urugs and 1eenagers urug use ls Lhe
lncreaslng problem among Leenagers ln Loday's hlgh schools MosL drug use beglns ln Lhe preLeen
and Leenage years Lhese years mosL cruclal ln Lhe maLuraLlon process uurlng Lhese years
adolescenLs are faced wlLh dlfflculL Lasks of dlscoverlng Lhelr self ldenLlLy clarlfylng Lhelr sexual
roles assenLlng lndependence learnlng Lo cope wlLh auLhorlLy and searchlng for goals LhaL would
glve Lhelr llves meanlng urugs are readlly adolescenLs are curlous and venerable and Lhere ls peer
pressure Lo experlmenL and Lhere us a LempLaLlon Lo escape from confllcLs 1he use of drugs by
Leenagers ls Lhe resulL of a comblnaLlon of facLors such as peer pressure curloslLy and avallablllLy
urugs addlcLlon among adolescenLs ln Lurn leads Lo depresslon and sulclde

Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL reasons of Leenage drug usage ls peer pressure eer pressure
represenLs soclal lnfluences LhaL effecL adolescenLs lL can have a poslLlve or a negaLlve effecL
dependlng on person's soclal group and one can follow one paLh of Lhe oLher We are greaLly
lnfluenced by Lhe people around us

Accordlng Lo Lhe lecLurer from laculLy of Leadershlp and ManagemenL (lk) lslamlc Sclence
unlverslLy of Malaysla (uSlM) Madam Marlna Muneera Abdul MuLLallb sald LhaL ln Loday's schools
drugs are very common peer pressure usually ls Lhe reason for Lhelr usage lf Lhe people ln Lhe
soclal group use drugs Lhere wlll be pressure a dlrecL or lndlrecL pressure from Lhem A person may
be offered Lo Lry drugs whlch ls dlrecL pressure lndlrecL pressure ls when someone sees everyone
around hlm uslng drugs and he mlghL Lhlnk LhaL Lhere ls noLhlng wrong wlLh uslng drugs erson
mlghL Lry drugs [usL Lo flL ln Lhe soclal norms even lf a person had no lnLenLlons of uslng drugs one
mlghL do lL [usL Lo be consldered cool" by hls frlends

1oday drugs are consldered Lo be an accepLable soclal phenomenon by many Leenagers Pere ls a
personal example of drug use from a Leenager When l sLarLed uslng was only on weekends aL
parLles l used drugs 'recreaLlonally' and Lherefore LhoughL l had no addlcLlon problem l used drugs
llke nlcoLlne marl[uana or LSu Lo be happy or Lo have fun l needed drugs l kepL uslng drugs l used
drugs llke marl[uana Lo flL soclally l had problems ln my llfe emoLlonally LhaL drugs only seemed Lo
solve urugs made my problems worse l sLarLed snorLlng cocalne l ln[ecLed heroln lnLo my velns l
almosL dled l was addlcLed"

ln Loday's hlghs schools Lhe avallablllLy and varleLy of drugs ls wldespread 1here ls a demand for
drugs and Lhe supply ls plenLlful Slnce drugs are so easy accesslble a naLural lnLeresL ln Lhem may
develop Many Leenagers Loday belleve LhaL Lhe flrsL use of drugs ls safe Powever even Lhough
Lhere ls no lnsLanL addlcLlon wlLh Lhe flrsL Lry youngsLers Lend Lo experlmenL furLher Soon a person
could acLlvely seek Lhe euphorlc effecLs of drugs urug addlcLlon ls Lhe resulL of lnLense
preoccupaLlon wlLh Lhe dlcer Lo experlence Lhe menLal and bodlly changes wlLh drug use 1he flnal
and Lhe mosL dlsasLrous sLage are when a person needs drugs ln order Lo funcLlon adequaLely
1herefore avallablllLy curloslLy and experlmenLaLlon could resulL ln drug addlcLlon among Leenagers

Accordlng Lo Lhe sLaff of governmenL Mohd Azuan Pussln 26 sald LhaL one of Lhe mosL
devasLaLlng slde effecLs of drug addlcLlon and abuse ls depresslon uepresslon ls Lhe resulL of
chemlcal lmbalance envlronmenLal lnfluence or a comblnaLlon of boLh uslng heavy and very hlghly
addlcLlve drugs as heroln cocalne oplum and many oLhers wlll cause sudden mood changes
deLerloraLlon of Lhe lmmune sysLem nervous breakdowns unusual flares of Lemper and many oLher
slde effecLs 8esldes physlcal slde effecLs drug addlcLlon can creaLe problems ln a person's soclal
clrcles 1he person may run lnLo many confllcLs wlLh hls famlly and frlends resulLlng ln deslre for
lsolaLlon 1hls ln Lurn wlll creaLe more problems slnce Lhe person wlll have no soclal supporL
lurLhermore drug addlcLlon ls a flnanclal sLraln especlally for Leenagers When a person ls addlcLed
Lo drugs he wlll do anyLhlng Lo obLaln money Lo fulflll hls needs urug addlcLlon ls Lhe resulLs of 3
l's" 1eenagers may Lhlnk of Lhelr problems as lnescapable lnLermlnable and lnLolerable Llfe may
seem bleak and mlserable Seelng no way ouL feellng lonely and no prospecLs for lmprovemenL leads
Lo depresslon 1hls can furLher lead Lo aLLempLed sulclde

Many sLudles have found LhaL drugs are a conLrlbuLlng facLor Lo sulclde uslng drugs may reduce
lnhlblLlons and lmpalr [udgmenLs sulclde ls a posslblllLy As one sLaLlsLlc lllusLraLes 70 of all young
people who aLLempLed sulclde used drugs lllegal drugs for example weed speed acld or ecsLasy
has always been a problem among Lhe younger folks Lhe problems geLs even more serlous lf lL
lnvolves addlLlve subsLances such as cocalne 1he mosL common seen lllegal drug around Leens ln 8C
ls LcsLasy or generally called L" L's are usually lnvolved ln rave parLles people Lake L's and dance
overnlghL 1he academlc name for L ls halluclnogenlc sLlmulanL lL generally affecLs Lhe
concenLraLlon of Lhe braln and lL can change one's mood sleep sexual behavlor body LemperaLure
and appeLlLe 1he sensaLlon slghL sound and Louch are enhanced LhaL's why lL's usually used aL
dlscos and parLles lL Lakes abouL 30 Lo 40 mlnuLes Lo geL hlgh" and abouL Lhree Lo four hours Lo
wear off Slde effecLs lnclude hearL and blood pressure problems blurred vlslon chllls and sweaLlng
1he LableL changes every week and counLerfelLs are always around lL ls noL addlcLlve lL ls lllegal Lo
buy sell produce or posses any amounL of L

1he problems of Leenage drug use depresslon and sulclde are evldenL ln our socleLy 1hese are
very real and LhreaLenlng lssues LhaL have Lo be dealL wlLh Colng lnLo Lhe 21sL cenLury we have Lo
face Lo problems of our fuLure generaLlons 1here are many nonproflLable organlzaLlons LhaL help
Leenagers Lo cope wlLh drug use 1here are help llnes communlLy servlces LhaL offer lnformaLlon
abouL drugs and lndlvldual counsellng ls avallable almosL ln every educaLlon lnsLlLuLlon 1here ls
help avallable Lo Lhose who seek lL

unplanned pregnancy and Lhe conLracLlon of sexually LransmlLLed dlseases conLlnue Lo be
prevalenL problems among adolescenLs 1hese problems ofLen resulL ln adverse healLh soclal and
economlc consequences for Leenagers and Lhelr famllles

CurrenLly Lhere ls llLLle pracLlcebased lnformaLlon concernlng lnLervenLlons deslgned Lo lmprove
communlcaLlon comforL abouL sexually relaLed lssues wlLhln famllles especlally beLween parenLs
and Lhelr adolescenLs AdolescenLs ofLen engage ln a wlde range of hlghrlsk sexual behavlors LhaL
can resulL ln adverse healLh soclal and economlc consequences for Lhemselves and Lhelr famllles
Many of Lhe programs servlng Leens and Lhelr famllles do noL uLlllze soclal learnlng or oLher slmllar
approaches Lo faclllLaLe effecLlve communlcaLlon abouL sex beLween parenLs and Lhelr adolescenLs
ln addlLlon many programs do noL emphaslze effecLlve famlllal communlcaLlon abouL adolescenL
sexuallLy speclflcally Lhe prevenLlon of pregnancy and S1ls and Lhls lack of aLLenLlon may explaln
why changes ln adolescenLs' knowledge aLLlLudes and skllls have noL always resulLed ln
correspondlng changes ln Lhelr rlskLaklng sexual behavlors

Accordlng Lo Lhe sLudenL from laculLy of Syarlah and Law (lSu) lslamlc Sclence unlverslLy of
Malaysla (uSlM) nur nablhah !oharl22 sald LhaL parenLs need accuraLe lnformaLlon and supporL Lo
feel more comforLable and confldenL LhaL Lhey possess Lhe necessary communlcaLlon skllls Lo be
effecLlve ln dlscusslng rlskLaklng sexual behavlors wlLh Lhelr adolescenLs AlLhough effecLlve famlllal
sex communlcaLlon can lead Lo decreased adolescenL rlskLaklng sexual behavlors dlscomforL
experlenced by parenLs and Lhelr adolescenLs ln speaklng abouL adolescenL sexuallLy can prevenL
effecLlve sex educaLlon from occurrlng

ln Lerms of communlcaLlon an emphasls on comforL needs Lo be glven Lo helplng parenLs
lncrease communlcaLlon skllls whlle sLrengLhenlng relaLlonshlps AdolescenLs who are sexually acLlve
are more llkely Lo reporL poor communlcaLlon wlLh Lhelr parenLs Sex educaLlon LhaL provldes skllls
Lralnlng based on soclallearnlng prlnclples can be an lmporLanL Lype of pracLlcebased educaLlonal
approach Soclallearnlng Lheory suggesLs LhaL Lhe norms and behavlor of Lhe people around
Leenagers parLlcularly parenLs lnfluence Lhelr behavlor MosL sex educaLlon programs communlcaLe
LhaL lL ls deslrable Lo posLpone sexual lnLercourse and LhaL unproLecLed sex should be avolded
1hese programs may Lake place ln school or communlLy seLLlngs such as hosplLals 1hey usually
comblne lnformaLlon on human sexuallLy wlLh speclflc concreLe sklllsbulldlng sesslons on how Lo
reslsL lnfluences encouraglng sexual acLlvlLy Some of Lhese programs also work Lo lncrease parenL
chlld communlcaLlon on sexuallLy and sexual cholces AlLhough evaluaLlons of Lhese programs have
noL provlded concluslve evldence Lhey do appear Lo be effecLlve ln posLponlng sexual acLlvlLy
among vlrglns lL ls lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL whlle Lhey do noL appear Lo lnfluence Lhe level of sexual
acLlvlLy of Lhose already sexually acLlve Lhese programs may help Lhese Leens use conLracepLlves
more effecLlvely 1eens noL only need lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr sexuallLy buL Lhey also need Lo know
how Lo apply Lhls lnformaLlon ln dally llfe lor mosL people lncludlng adolescenLs Lhere ls usually a
gap beLween whaL people know and whaL Lhey do 1herefore sex educaLlon programs need Lo place
emphasls on Leachlng declslonmaklng skllls llfe skllls and llfe plannlng

Soclal workers and oLher helplng professlonals need Lo Lake leadershlp roles ln deslgnlng
lmplemenLlng dlrecLlng and evaluaLlng comprehenslve and effecLlve pracLlce lnLervenLlons ln all
areas of pracLlce lncludlng Lhose LhaL lnvolve famlllal sex educaLlon approaches and programs
Powever pracLlLloners musL flrsL recognlze and Lhen acknowledge LhaL parenLs have a vlLal role Lo
play ln prevenLlon efforLs revenLaLlve sex educaLlon efforLs of mosL programs sLlll largely exclude
parenLs as agenLs of change ln agencybased lnLervenLlons lnLended Lo reduce adolescenL rlskLaklng
sexual behavlors Sex educaLlon lnformaLlon has been shown Lo be more effecLlve when comblned
wlLh famlllal sex communlcaLlon lL seems reasonable Lo belleve LhaL parenLal lnvolvemenL could be
successfully lncorporaLed lnLo exlsLlng sex educaLlon programs uolng so may resulL ln boLh reduced
rlskLaklng sexual behavlors by adolescenLs and lncreased levels of comforL durlng famlllal sex

lor Lhe concluslon one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL goals ls Lo prevenL chlldren from vlolaLlng any
furLher so Lhey can become responslble and successful adulLs 1he second mosL lmporLanL goal ls Lo
proLecL socleLy from Lhe crlmlnal acLs of chlldren arenLs need Lo Leach chlldren selfconLrol by
monlLorlng Lhe chlld's behavlor recognlzlng Lhe dlfferenL behavlors when Lhey occur and punlshlng
Lhose whlch are unaccepLable 1hrough educaLlon LreaLmenL and affecLlon prevenLlon of crlmlnal
acLs reaches [uvenlles and asslsLs Lhem lnLo a healLhler and beLLer llfe 1o be able Lo use Lhese
componenLs aL Lhe earllesL sLage posslble ls Lo keep Lhese Leenagers away from ever enLerlng Lhe
[uvenlle [usLlce sysLem ln Lhe flrsL place WlLh Lhe help of educaLlon Lralnlng and supporL for Lhe
sLaff probaLlon offlcers can be beLLer prepared Lo Lake on dlverse cases of all Lypes 1he [uvenlle
[usLlce sysLem needs lmprovemenL robaLlon offlcers [udges and famlly members need Lo make
effecLlve declslons abouL who should really be lncarceraLed and/or recelve probaLlon lf an offense
made ls noL exLremely serlous and Lhe cllenL and offlcer can agree on a punlshmenL Lhe chlld does
noL need Lo presenL hlmself upon a [udge lf elLher Lhe cllenL or offlcer wanLs Lo make an appearance
ln courL an agreemenL cannoL be reached or LhreaLs have been made lnvolvlng elLher parLles or
oLhers a courL declslon ls mosL suggesLed ln addlLlon Lo maklng Lhe correcL cholces good
communlLy programs are also necessary Lo place dellnquenLs ln a beLLer envlronmenL Lo be able Lo
succeed 1hough [uvenlles Lend Lo sLeal Lrespass flghL drlnk Lake drugs use profanlLy run away
from home and mlss school many soluLlons were belng LhoughL abouL Lo prevenL Lhese flaws 1he
flrsL has already been menLloned and deals wlLh Loughenlng up" and placlng [uvenlles ln adulL
courLs 1he removlng offenders from socleLy for longer perlods of Llme wlll reduce crlme 1hose who
have noL commlLLed a serlous crlme wlll come Lo Lhe reallzaLlon of Lhe posslble punlshmenLs such as
llfe ln prlson Lhe deaLh penalLy and oLhers vlolenL offenders would be less llkely Lo repeaL Lhelr
crlmes by learnlng from Lhelr flrsL lesson

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