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Da||y Notes for INL8 outh Gather|ng

2024 October 8odhqoyo lndio

Uay 1
Cpen|ng Ceremony
O Mon lnvlLes everybody Lo llghL an lncense sLlck and offer a prayer ln Lhelr own LradlLlon as an
lnvocaLlon Lo brlng good wlshes and splrlLs Lo Lhe Lralnlng
O @he monks and nuns are lnvlLed flrsLly Lo chanL followed by counLry groups
O arn Surasee kosolnavln who ls presldenL of Lhe SaLhlrakosesnagrapradlpa loundaLlon (Lhe
moLher organlsaLlon of lnL8) offers welcomlng remarks Lhe graLlLude LhaL many people from
dlfferenL LradlLlons can come LogeLher and bulld frlendshlps and Lhe opporLunlLy of Lhls
conference Lo bulld 8uddhlsL consclousness Lowards havlng a happy llfe
2 Introduct|on to INL8 n|story
O on lnLroduces Lhe hlsLory of lnL8 Pe ls a foundlng member slnce lL was founded ln 1989 by a
group of 36 people from 11 counLrles Pe was one of Lhe flrsL Lralnees of lnL8 and conLlnued Lo
work wlLh lnL8 dlrecLly for a few years ln Lhe offlce ln 8angkok ln Lhe early 90's and as a core
member slnce Lhen
O 9resentotion ovoi/ob/e
3 Introduct|on to INL8 INL8 today
Moo ls Lhe execuLlve secreLary of lnL8 based ln 8angkok Pe Lalks abouL whaL ls happenlng wlLh lnL8
O Pe Lalks abouL Lhe 8uddhlsL rL CaLherlng as parL of Lhls conference broadenlng Lhe scope of
lnL8 lnLo shared culLure across Lhe reglon
O Pe Lalks abouL Lhe secreLarlaL role whlch ls now reconnecLlng wlLh lnL8 parLners across Lhe
reglon Pere he says LhaL a common lssue among parLners ls worry for Lhe fuLure for youLh
whlch wlll be a maor lssue for lnL8 Lo focus on
O Pe says LhaL Lhls workshop ls also abouL bulldlng Lhe splrlL of kolyooomltto among 8uddhlsL
youLh across Lhe reglon whlch ls also bulldlng Lhe key value of lnL8 so here we are planLlng
seeds for Lhe conLlnuaLlon of lnL8
O Pe says Lhe lssues lnL8 parLners were worklng on before as presenLed by on ln hls powerpolnL
are conLlnulng Loday elLher as lssue or geographlcally based Pe lnvlLes Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo also
Lhlnk abouL parLlclpaLlng ln Lhese lssues and also Lo Lhlnk abouL how Lhey can work LogeLher on
Lhese lssues
O on also menLlons LhaL Lhls workshop before Lhe conference provldes a good opporLunlLy Lo
Lhlnk now abouL whaL you would llke Lo geL ouL of Lhe conference because key people wlll be
here LhaL you can connecL wlLh Pe encourages parLlclpanLs Lo uLlllse Lhese people who wlll
aLLend Lhe maln conference because Lhey are a source of wlsdom and experlence and parL of
Lhe lnL8 famlly
O @he Loplc of Lhe conference ls Lhe luLure of 8uddhlsm Moo explalns LhaL Lhe alm ls Lo explore
whaL dlrecLlon 8uddhlsm can Lake Lo lnvolve ln lssues LhaL are developlng ln Lhe world Loday
and for Lhe fuLure

@ea 8reak

4 Introduct|on

O 9arLlclpanLs lnLroduce Lhemselves Lhelr name orlgln and organlsaLlon

S Language Understand|ng 8arometer

O om lnLroduces an exerclse for undersLandlng language She Lalks abouL Lhe need Lo undersLand
peoples level of undersLandlng of Lngllsh because lL wlll be Lhe language of communlcaLlon
durlng Lhe workshop She asks abouL confldence ln Lngllsh and for people Lo sLand on a llne
ranglng from very confldenL Lo noL confldenL
O MosL people sLand ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe llne She asks Lhe people why Lhey are sLandlng Lhere
@he reply ls LhaL Lngllsh ls noL Lhelr moLher Longue om asks lf Lhey have any requesL Lo Lhe
group @hey answer for people Lo speak slowly More people requesL speaklng slowly Loo
O now she asks people who speak Lhe same language Lo sLand LogeLher so Lhe group can see Lhe
dlverslLy of language and for Lhose who speak more Lhan one language Lo connecL Lo Lhelr
language groups wlLh Lhelr hands and body parLs
O Je can see LhaL people speak many dlverse languages especlally eLhnlc lndlan languages om
encourages people Lo speak Lhelr own languages wlLh each oLher and explalns LhaL Lhe alm of
Lhe exerclse ls Lo show LhaL Lhere are opLlons for communlcaLlon beyond Lngllsh language
especlally ouL of Lhe classroom
Iorm|ng nome Groups
O She now asks people Lo sLand LogeLher ln Lhelr organlsaLlons so each oLher can see who works
wlLh each oLher
O She now asks Lhe group Lo flnd someone from a dlfferenL counLry language and organlsaLlon
and from LhaL Lo flnd anoLher palr of people wlLh dlfferenL backgrounds
O ln a group of 4 she asks for each Lo share expecLaLlons for Lhe workshop and conference and Lo
share back afLer lunch
O She also asks Lo name Lhe group of 4 Lhls wlll become Lhe home group @he alm of all Lhese
exerclses ls Lo help Lhe group Lo begln Lo connecL wlLh each oLher

loocb bteok
6 Lxpectat|ons
O ll Lhe groups now share ln Lhe blg clrcle Lhelr expecLaLlons of Lhe workshop and Lhe
conference @hese are

O Pow Lo use Lhe concepL of 8uddhlsm ln socleLy
O @o share experlence and learn from each oLher
O @o undersLand Lhe dlfferenL schools/aspecLs/counLrles
O @o learn from each oLhers experlence LhaL can be shared back Lo socleLy
O @o make frlends and LogeLher creaLe a neLwork for sharlng vlews ldeas and supporLlng
each oLher
O ulLural exchange from dlfferenL counLrles
O @o expand perspecLlve on 8uddhlsm and lLs fuLure
O @he responslblllLles pracLlces commlLmenL and quallLy of kolyooomltto
O Lxplorlng arL and llLeraLure relaLlng Lo 8uddhlsm
O om shares LhaL Lhe expecLaLlons maLch whaL ls planned for Lhe workshop She overvlews
Lhe polnLs ralsed by Lhe group and maLches Lhem wlLh Lhe conLenLs of Lhe workshop She
explalns LhaL we wlll look from a soclal perspecLlve especlally sLrucLural problems and how
Lo engage ln socleLy Je wlll have culLural exchange Lo know more of each oLhers' culLures
Cverall we wlll be worklng LhroughouL Lhe workshop on 3 levels personal pracLlces how
Lo work as a communlLy or sangha and how Lo engage ln socleLy

7 Max|m|se and M|n|m|se to 8u||d a ka|yanam|tra Commun|ty

O Mon asks whaL commlLmenLs we can make Lo conLrlbuLe Lo make a kalyanamlLra communlLy
and whaL behavlours we can reduce Lo supporL Lhe communlLy @he groups are glven 3 mlnuLes
Lo dlscuss among Lhemselves @hen Lhey share ln Lhe larger group
O arlng
O MedlLaLlon (wlde varleLy of Lypes)
O 9racLlclng noL only Lalklng
O Sharlng lndlvldual experlence
O locuslng on maln polnLs
O eep llsLenlng
O Pelplng each oLher
O 9arLlclpaLlon
O Cpenlng ourselves wlLh LruLhfulness
O Lqual opporLunlLy Lo speak and share
O 9uncLuallLy
O eveloplng uncondlLlonal love
O @ldyness
O SoluLlons
O nger by Lrylng Lo undersLand each
O SlLLlng
O Lgo
O JasLlng food
O onfldence
Mon shares LhaL Lhe llsL can help us Lo sLay LogeLher happlly and peacefully om shares LhaL we can
revlslL Lhe agreemenL and see wheLher we are achlevlng lL or noL and how we can make sure we can
achleve lL
8 Sett|ng the Schedu|e
O Mon explalns LhaL Lhere wlll be learnlng sesslons ln mornlng and afLernoon for 3 hours each
and an hour each evenlng She asks Lhe group Lo declde Lhe LlmeLable especlally regardlng Lo
Lhe polnLs made ln Lhe maxlmlse and mlnlmlse agreemenL especlally medlLaLlon and culLural
O @here ls dlscusslon LhaL a Leacher ls needed for Lhe medlLaLlon LhaL everyone ls aL a dlfferenL
level of pracLlce Lo medlLaLe ln Lhe Lemples around 8odhgaya Lo medlLaLe LogeLher as much as
O om summarlses Lo have medlLaLlon here flrsL and wlLh a Leacher LaLer we can dlscuss abouL
medlLaLlon ouLslde She asks for agreemenL from Lhe group on Lhls proposal from Lhe group
O @he schedule ls Lhen devlsed wlLh dlscusslon and agreemenL conslderlng Lhe lssues Lhe
parLlclpanLs ralse
O quesLlon ls ralsed abouL why Lhe faclllLaLors don'L declde Lhe schedule Mon and om explaln
Lhe purpose of parLlclpaLlon whlch helps Lo bulld Lhe communlLy and meeL everyone's needs
O @he schedule ls
7730 Mornlng MedlLaLlon
730830 8reakfasL
8301130 Mornlng Sesslon
12 1 Lunch
1143 8esL
143 443 fLernoon Sesslon
443 630 8esL
630730 lnner
730830 Lvenlng Sesslon

O om Lhen overvlews whaL was dlscussed abouL Lhe expecLaLlons Lhe commlLmenLs for
maxlmlslng and mlnlmlslng whlch can be revlewed aL any Llme
O noLher lssue arlses abouL havlng a group leader each day Lo make sure Lhe group members
share Llme
9 nome Group 1asks
O lrom Lhls dlscusslon Mon Lhen asks whaL responslblllLles each group could conLrlbuLe Lo
supporL Lhe learnlng communlLy
O She draws ouL Lhe lssues of Llmekeeplng keeplng Lhe room Lldy and Mon suggesLs LhaL a group
role should be for recap each day Lhe key polnLs of whaL was dlscussed Lhe day before @hey
also suggesL a role of 'hearL keeper' and explaln LhaL Lhls group ls Lo check Lhe wellbelng of Lhe
group Lry Lo solve lssues and can be approached lf Lhere are problems wlLh faclllLaLlon eLc
O noLher suggesLlon ls energlslng games
O @he flnal llsL ls Llmekeeplng room Lldy recap hearL keeper energlslng games
O om Lhen plcks each Leam for each Lask whlch wlll be roLaLed every day
@eo 8teok
Commun|ty 8u||d|ng Lxerc|se
O om leads Lhe group ln an exerclse where parLlclpanLs have Lo Louch feeL and move from Lhe
second floor Lo Lhe meeLlng room and form a clrcle wlLhouL loslng Louch of each oLhers feeL
O fLer compleLlon she asks Lhe group abouL Lhelr feellngs
O Secondly she asks whaL skllls and quallLles Lhey needed as lndlvlduals and as a group Lo
compleLe Lhe Lask Some examples are concenLraLlon awareness of lnLerconnecLlon
cooperaLlon paLlence good communlcaLlon good llsLenlng
O @hlrdly she asks each person Lo share wlLh Lhe person slLLlng nexL Lo Lhem Lo share Lhelr feellng
and experlence She Lhen asks Lo swap parLners and repeaL Lhe same exerclse by sharlng Lhe
same quesLlons
O fLer she asks anyone lf Lhey would llke Lo share whaL Lhey Lalked abouL wlLh Lhe blgger group
Some polnLs lnclude Lhe need Lo be mlndful all Lhe Llme unlLy helps Lo brlng success physlcal
Louch helps Lo bulld LrusL and overcome fear of each oLher om asks regardlng Lhe lasL sharlng
lf anyone else had Lhe same experlence and wheLher Lhey feel dlfferenL now and how om
Lhen Lalks abouL Lhe fear LhaL people need Lo overcome Lo develop connecLlon nd lf we wlsh
Lo meeL Lhe goal of belng kalyanamlLra Lhls exerclse as well as llvlng LogeLher can help Lo brlng
O She now asks as a closlng clrcle and asks for commenL from everyone on how Lhey feel abouL
Lhe group now Jords lnclude compasslonaLe curlous undersLandlng real famlly frlendshlp
LrusL confldence honesLy home lnsplraLlon equallLy responslblllLy oy llghLness
O om Lalks LhaL Lhese quallLles wlll hold Lhe energy of Lhe group and help Lo bulld a young
8uddhlsL sangha LogeLher
looet 8teok
Commun|ty 8u||d|ng Lxerc|se 2
O om sLarLs by asklng people relax Lhelr bodles and shoulders Lo move around Lhe room Lo feel
Lhe space and Lhen caLch Lhe eye of someone ln Lhe room @each each oLher how Lo say hello
and Lhank you ln your own language
O galn afLer Lhls Lo move around Lhe room agaln relaxed and caLch Lhe eye of anoLher person
JlLh LhaL person Lell whaL you are mosL proud abouL
O keep walklng agaln around Lhe room ln a relaxed manner as lf you are walklng ln a garden
enoylng Lhe flowers llnd a new person agaln and share wlLh Lhem who ls your hero or Lhe
lnsplrlng person ln your llfe and why
O Jalk agaln and flnd anoLher new person Lo Lalk Lo Share wlLh Lhem who ls your flrsL splrlLual
Leacher or whaL has made you follow your splrlLual paLh
O Jalk agaln and flnd anoLher new person Share wlLh Lhem when and why you became an
acLlvlsL or lnLeresLed ln soclal work
O Jalk agaln and agaln flnd a new person and Lhls Llme slL down wlLh Lhem Share wlLh Lhem
whaL you are mosL proud abouL
O nexL make a group of four wlLh your parLner JlLh Lhls group share your dream for soclal
O LasL quesLlon ls whaL do you do Lo malnLaln your energy so LhaL you can keep worklng for soclal
O now om asks Lhe whole group Lo come LogeLher and share abouL how lL feels Lo share wlLh
each oLher on Lhese quesLlons 8eplles are mosLly poslLlve om asks lf anyone ls feellng bad Lo
Lalk abouL Lhemselves maybe because Lhlngs are dlfflculL for Lhem She Lhen asks whaL people
feel Lo llsLen Lo oLher sLorles lL ls shared by on LhaL Lhls ls speclal Lo Lalk abouL Lhese Lhlngs
because lL doesn'L happen ln everyday llfe back home lLs speclal Lo oln wlLh people who Lhlnk
and feel slmllar noLher menLlons LhaL Lhey feel Lhelr famlly has expanded noLher says now
Lhey know each oLher more beyond casual conversaLlon
O om Lalks LhaL Lhls ls a way Lo keep our energy 8y Lalklng llke Lhls we are sharlng energy So
Lhls ls also Lhe purpose of Lhe lnL8 sangha Lo share wlLh each oLher Lo bulld up Lhe sense of
broLherhood and slsLerhood durlng Lhls conference Llme

Uay 2

O lrom Lhe recap group ?esLerday was abouL geLLlng Lo know each oLher urlng Lhe sesslons we
could learn more and from Lhe evenlng sesslon we could Louch more deeply by sharlng our
dreams and dlfflculLles and how we overcome LhaL
O Mon overvlews LhaL Lhe alm of Lhe recap ls Lo recall Lhe learnlng for everyone so we can bulld
on LhaL for Lhe comlng day
2 8uddh|st Soc|a| Ana|ys|s 1he
and 2
Nob|e 1ruths
O Pe lnLroduces engaged 8uddhlsm abouL how from a 8uddhlsL perspecLlve we can undersLand
O Pe Lalks of Lhe guldellnes from Lhe 8uddha for whaL we should keep ln mlnd
O SandlLLlko Lo be reallsed by oneself (nobody else can help us reach enllghLenmenL)
O kallko Llmeless ln pracLlce and frulLlon
O Lhlpasslko lnvlLlng oLhers Lo come and see (open Lo everyone noL only for Lhe
O Cpanaylko leadlng ever deeper lnLo Lhe hearL (as we sLarL Lo pracLlce we naLurally go
deeper and deeper)
O 9eccaLam vedlLbho vlmmuLhl experlenced personally by Lhe wlse
O Pe Lhen Lalks abouL Lhe 4 noble LruLhs as a way Lo undersLand socleLy from a 8uddhlsL
O arn 8uddhadasa would Lalk abouL Lhe 4 noble LruLhs noL only as sLaLemenLs buL as a way of
undersLandlng Lhe world
O Pe explalns Lhe LruLhs aL a second level beyond sLaLemenLs whaL ls Lhe problem whaL ls lLs
cause whaL do we wanL Lo see ln socleLy and whaL ls our plan Lo achleve LhaL vlslon
O @oday we are looklng aL Lhe second noble LruLh an analysls of Lhe problem and lLs causes
O Pe Lalks abouL a Lhlrd level of undersLandlng Lhe 4 noble LruLhs @he experlence of sufferlng and
Lhe sharlng of LhaL sufferlng among Lhe sangha where we flnd ouL LhaL oLhers also have Lhe
same experlence of sufferlng eg gender dlscrlmlnaLlon 8y quesLlonlng we sLarL Lhe process of
soclal analysls undersLandlng soclal sLrucLures and culLural values raLher Lhan usL assumlng
only we cause our sufferlng @o see Lhe complexlLy of sufferlng LogeLher on doesn'L go furLher
Lo 3
and 4
noble LruLhs because Loday we wlll usL look aL sufferlng and lLs causes from a
soclal raLher Lhan personal perspecLlve
O on leads an exerclse Pe draws an lceberg of dukkha whlch orlglnaLes from ohan CalLung a
peacemaker @he lceberg covers Lhe flrsL Lwo noble LruLhs

Seen ukkha

unseen ukkha

ulLural SLrucLural

O Pe explalns d|rect dukkha as dukkha we see and experlence dlrecLly lor example casLe
dlscrlmlnaLlon ln lndla Je can see Lhe sufferlng dlrecLly and people dlrecLly suffer from casLe
O Pe explalns LhaL sLrucLural and culLural causes are noL seen Structura| dukkha ls where sysLems
lnsLlLuLlons and meLhods whlch lead Lo harm Lo our baslc human needs of survlval wellbelng
ldenLlLy freedom and naLure Pe explalns LhaL we can see poverLy ln Lhe sLreeLs whlch ls dlrecL
buL when we sLarL Lo quesLlon ln we can see LhaL Lhere are sLrucLural lssues also ln Lerms of
economlc sysLems or pollLlcal sysLems
O Pe Lhen dlscusses cu|tura| dukkha @he values symbols ldeas and bellefs used Lo usLlfy or
leglLlmlse dlrecL and sLrucLural dukkha lor example women who are dlscrlmlnaLed who cannoL
vlslL Lo some Lemples because Lhe culLural norms are LhaL women are noL clean and unable Lo
aLLaln enllghLenmenL @hls we can see sLemmlng from culLural undersLandlngs of whaL a woman
ls whlch dlffers across culLures
O Pe now asks Lhe group Lo dlvlde lnLo geographlcal areas and do an analysls of Lhe soclal lssues
faclng LhaL area Pe explalns for each member of each group Lo draw a Lrlangle of dukkha on
Lhelr paper wlLh dlrecL sLrucLural and culLural dukkha Pe asks Lhem Lo ldenLlfy Lhe flrsL noble
LruLh Lhe 3 mosL lmporLanL problems ln Lhelr socleLy LhaL are dlrecLly experlenced
O Pe asks all people Lo slL quleLly and Lhlnk whaL Lhe problems are and Lhen wrlLe Lhem on posL
lLs before dlscusslng wlLh Lhe group
O on encourages parLlclpanLs Lo be pracLlcal and serlous @hese are Lhe problems Lhey are really
faclng ln Lhelr socleLy so Lhls ls an opporLunlLy Lo undersLand and see whaL ls really happenlng
O Pe now guldes Lhe groups Lo group problems LhaL are slmllar or Lhe same
O now he asks people Lo Lhlnk of Lhe sysLem/lnsLlLuLlon LhaL ls causlng Lhe problem and Lhen Lhe
culLural bellefs and values LhaL uphold Lhe problem Pe also says LhaL noL everyLhlng flLs clearly
lnLo sLrucLure of culLure some are lnbeLween so place Lhem Lhere on Lhe Lrlangle Pe also says
LhaL Lhere can be sLrucLures behlnd sLrucLures Je should go as deep as we can
O Pe shares agaln Lo clarlfy more Lhe process look aL Lhe problem ask how Lhe problem happens
(Lhe sysLem) and whaL ls Lhe excuse or raLlonallsaLlon for creaLlng Lhe sLrucLure (culLure)
O Pe also says LhaL Lhe purpose for havlng sllence before Lalklng ln Lhe group ls Lo ensure
parLlclpaLlon wlLhln Lhe group so LhaL volces don'L geL losL ln Lhe dlscusslon @hls way everyone
geLs a volce by wrlLlng Lhelr own posLlLs @hls helps equallLy and parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe group

@eo 8teok
3 Group resentat|ons

O Cnce Lhe groups are flnlshed he asks Lhem Lo puL Lhelr papers on Lhe wall for all Lo see and for
each group Lo presenL
O Pe also menLlons LhaL durlng Lhe presenLaLlons we may see slmllarlLles ln problems LhaL brlng a
global perspecLlve Lo Lhe problems @hese could also be analysed buL would Lake much more
O 9roblems lnclude deforesLaLlon Lhere ls only 23 of naLlve foresL lefL now because of
lndusLrlallsaLlon monocropplng agrlculLural pracLlces whlch all belong Lo blg companles noL Lo
local farmers lso greed and compeLlLlon cause Lhls problem 8ehlnd Lhls ls Lhe ldea LhaL maybe
people Lhlnk more money wlll make Lhem more happy
O 9ollLlcal confllcL caused by corrupLlon whlch unbalances Lhe pollLlcal sysLem 9eople accepL Lhls
because Lhey wanL Lo follow a charlsmaLlc leader wlLhouL crlLlcally looklng for Lhe LruLh
O Lack of value ln people because mass medla and sLlmulaLlon of greed backed by an aLLlLude
LhaL wesLernlsaLlon ls Lhe besL
O LLhnlc problems where people don'L value Lhelr eLhnlc sLaLus lL comes from Lhe drlve for
urbanlsaLlon and Lhe medla's role ln promoLlng cerLaln eLhnlc culLures over oLhers ln Lhe end
people feel less value ln Lhelr own eLhnlc rooLs
O Lack of freedom LLhnlc mlnorlLles generally have less access and are ofLen denled rlghLs
9ollLcally and mlllLarlly Lhe eLhnlc maorlLy 8amar domlnaLe @hey also promoLe '8urmanlsaLlon'
aL Lhe expense of eLhnlc mlnorlLy ldenLlLy
lndla (nagaloka group)
O Maln problems of poverLy and unLouchablllLy whlch Lhey have personally experlenced @hls ls
caused by a lack of educaLlon because poor people cannoL afford Lo go Lo school and also have
Lhe bellef LhaL 13 year olds should work noL go Lo school unemploymenL ls also a maor
problem LducaLlon ls dlscrlmlnaLory whereby Leachers look down upon lower casLe sLudenLs
O 9opulaLlon overgrowLh because people belleve LhaL chlldren are Cod's glfLs and Lherefore don'L
Lhlnk much abouL Lhe consequences of many chlldren 9ollLlcal parLles also work wlLhln Lhe
casLe sysLem so encourage more blrLh wlLhln Lhelr supporLlng casLe groups
O lvya shares her experlence of when she was 9 or 10 she wasn'L allowed Lo go Lo school by bus
because of her casLe So she could only aLLend a nearby school and could noL choose She says
LhaL she wasn'L glven any freedom because of her casLe @hls was caused by bllnd falLh and
bellef ln Cod 9eople especlally hlgh casLe don'L wanL Lo Lhlnk any dlfferenL and donL glve
Lhemselves an opporLunlLy Lo change Lhemselves

O on shares aL Lhls polnL LhaL Lhe analysls of causes can go deeper and deeper quesLlonlng
where does Lhls sLrucLure/bellef come from Pe says LhaL Lhls wlll help us Lo undersLand more
@hls ls dlrecL from Lhe 8uddha's Leachlng on causes and condlLlons 9eople ofLen use excuses of
Lhlngs belng Cod's wlll or karma buL Lhls ls noL so we all need Lo explore causes and
condlLlons Lo undersLand deeply
O Sulclde began occurrlng slnce 3/6 years ago @hls ls because of lneffecLlve 8uddhlsL lnsLlLuLlons
who Leach rlLual raLher Lhan undersLandlng our lnLernal problems @hls means LhaL Lhere ls no
guldance and leadershlp for young people and Lhose sufferlng s a 8uddhlsL we need Lo Lhlnk
more abouL how Lo make a beLLer llfe noL usL accepL whaL comes
O Lack of quallLy educaLlon MosL sLudenLs leave Ladakh Lo geL an educaLlon buL lL doesn'L reflecL
Lhelr reallLy back home nd mosL educaLlon ls based upon Lralnlng Lhe mlnd raLher Lhan Lhe
hearL and skllls
lndla (?8S)
O asLe SysLem @he problem comes from educaLlon 9uplls don'L learn anyLhlng ln school and
Lhere ls no efforL by Leachers
O Jomen are noL allowed Lo go ouLslde ln Lhls reglon @hls sLems from our forefaLhers who dldn'L
wanL women Lo go ouL and work ln Lhe flelds because Lhe only work aL LhaL Llme was
agrlculLural lL ls a lack of knowledge Loo nd causes moLhers Lo have noLhlng Lo Leach Lhelr
chlldren because Lhey aren'L exposed Lo Lhe world
O ?ouLh unresL ln 8lhar SLaLe @he educaLlon doesn'L promoLe sLudenLs Lo be confldenL lL ls also a
dysfuncLlonal educaLlon sysLem ln 8odhgaya local people don'L know abouL 8uddhlsm buL are
wrapped up ln maklng money from LourlsLs lnsLead
on polnLs ouL LhaL educaLlon seems Lo be a common lssue and perhaps Lhe group should Lhlnk abouL
whaL Lhey can do LogeLher on Lhls lssue as lnL8 youLh
apan and S korea
O Sulclde ls a blg lssue abouL 30000 people per year ln apan klll Lhemselves @he counLry ls good
healLhy economlcally buL people are depressed 9eople acL llke Lhey are happy buL Lhey are sad
on Lhe lnslde @here are many reasons noL only one Cne cause ls Cn9 lLs all abouL maklng
more selllng more earnlng more 8ehlnd LhaL ls Lhe ldea of consumerlsm Je ae belng
bralnwashed by medla and exposed Lo lmages of youLh beauLy expenslve cloLhes eLc lL makes
us feel noL good enough and Lhen noL saLlsfled Je hear success sLorles LhaL help us Lo keep
bellevlng ln Lhls @hls ls slmllar Lo Lhe slLuaLlon ln Ladakh
O ln korea many sLudenLs have a loL of sLress from educaLlon havlng Lo compeLe wlLh each oLher
lL ls very expenslve for poor famllles buL Lhey also have a loL of pressure Lo aLLend So lL ls very
problemaLlc for Lhem
O @here ls also Lhe n/S korea problem Schools Leach naLlonallsm Je all have Lo go Lo Lhe army
@hey Leach us LhaL n korea ls Lhe enemy even Lhough we never meL anyone from n korea
O 9roblems such as envlronmenLal desLrucLlon lndlfference ldenLlLy flghLlng dlscrlmlnaLlon
agalnsL hlnese Some problems cause oLher problems so dlscrlmlnaLlon causes lndlfference
because people aren'L LreaLed as parLlclpanLs ln socleLy so Lhey Lurn away orrupLlon poverLy
and unemploymenL are more problems
O auses lnclude Lhe educaLlon sysLem LhaL Lralns people how Lo memorlse noL how or whaL Lo
learn @here are gaps beLween Lhe rlch and poor and lack of opporLunlLy for poor whlch makes
Lhe gap larger ln educaLlon Lhere ls corrupLlon ln galnlng quallflcaLlons @he sysLem ls also very
comparLmenLallsed so people don'L know how Lo see Lhe lnLerconnecLlons
O Some culLural norms behlnd are LhaL more ls beLLer and LhaL naLural resources are lnflnlLe
I|na| 1houghts from Ion
O Je could plan laLer ln Lhe year Lo have a longer analysls Pere we have seen Lhe commonallLles
so we could look across reglons for a macro analysls @hls process ls useful for learnlng and also
as a Lralnlng Lool Lo do wlLh your own communlLles
4 Lnerg|s|ng Game
O Cne of Lhe home groups shares a game sLandlng ln a group of 3 on a plece of paper whlch ls
folded ln half each Llme geLLlng smaller area Lo balance on
S Commun|ty 8u||d|ng Game 3
O Mon lnvlLes Lhe group Lo walk sllenLly ln Lhe space of Lhe room She Lhen asks Lhem Lo speed up
and Lhen Lo come Lo resL
O Lach person ls Lhen glven a small plece of paper whlch Lhey sLand on
O Mon explalns LhaL each paper ls an lsland and Lhe one plece of paper wlLh noone on lL ls whaL
Lhe duck ls Lrylng Lo geL Lo @he alm ls for Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo ump from Lhelr paper lsland Lo
anoLher land ln order Lo sLop Lhe duck sLandlng on an lsland @he rules are LhaL you cannoL go
back Lo your lsland once you leave lL
O fLer Lhe exerclse (Lhe group achleves 67 seconds) Mon asks for everyone Lo slL ln Lhe clrcle and
share wlLh Lhelr nelghbour Lhelr feellngs and whaL helped Lhem Lo galn success ln Lhe exerclse
O leedback lncludes enoymenL fear hurrylng cooperaLlon confuslon unlLy how Lo
communlcaLe wlLhouL words Jhen lL advances you don'L need Lo Lhlnk you usL do @he mosL
advanced form would be llke blrds flylng LogeLher Je were progresslng as we were golng
along More aware defenslve everyone has Lo develop a sense of where everyone else wlll be
LrusL bullds from LhaL causes group Lo work as a unlL lLs llke Leam sporLs afrald l felL afrald
LhaL l cannoL reach Lo Lhe place where l need Lo walk and crashlng lnLo oLher people also
movlng PeslLaLe wheLher Lo move or noL Mon asks lf anyone has Lhe same experlence nswer
ls LhaL everyone has LhaL experlence SomeLlmes Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do ls Lo do noLhlng usL
occupy your own place or Lhere are more problems
O Mon moves Lo Lhe second polnL whaL caused success Some polnLs also menLloned before @he
answers lnclude hard work and movlng mlndfully Lunlng ln Cn Lhe flrsL round we are learnlng
Lhen afLer LhaL we undersLand lL so we know how Lo pay aLLenLlon Je need Lhe same goal
CbservaLlon observlng before dolng @he more we do Lhe beLLer we geL/Lrlal and error
@rusLlng your frlends Lo cover you when you move wareness and noL panlcklng @here ls a
confllcL beLween LrusL and selflshness lf Lhere was a rule where you were ellmlnaLed lf you losL
your lsland Lhere would be more of a sLruggle beLween selflshness and Lhe Leam goal lf we see
Lhe duck we know whaL Lo do llke seelng Lhe problem clearly we know whaL Lo do
O Mon now asks Lhe group Lo form a group of 4 of mlxed dlverse parLlclpanLs Lach person wlll
have 2 mlnuLes Lo Lalk lf you Lry agaln whaL quallLy you have LhaL would help Lo make Lhe
exerclse beLLer
O @he groups now share
O 8e mlndful have paLlence efforL concenLraLlon deLermlnaLlon observaLlon
O SupporLlng each oLher clear communlcaLlon mlndfulness careful Lo each oLher good plannlng
undersLand lnsLrucLlons clearly LrusL and confldence ln each oLher and Lhe group energy
O 8eLLer coordlnaLlon and maklng a sLraLegy so we don'L wasLe efforL rlghL efforL calmness clear
communlcaLlon awareness paLlence beLLer observaLlon
O wareness undersLandlng Lo each oLher leadershlp move fasL/energy lnlLlaLlve
communlcaLlon sklll shamelessness or else we wlll have fear carlng Lo oLhers responslblllLy
llsLenlng sklll power lnLeresL and wlll and commlLmenL
O SLraLegy developmenL and communlcaLlon of lL devlslng goal and havlng everyone know lL
O Cn Lhe spoL declslon maklng ldenLlfy people who can do LhaL
O ommunlcaLlon and convlnclng power
O 8esponslblllLy for each persons role
O Llvely aLmosphere
O Cood energy and concenLraLlon
O Mon now explalns LhaL Lhe alm ls Lo explore abouL yourself and Lo see each oLhers' quallLles
She Lalks LhaL Lhere ls a loL of sufferlng ln Lhe world as we saw Lhls mornlng so we need Lo face
Lhe sufferlng and ldenLlfy Lhe quallLles LhaL can help us Lo overcome Lhls @he game ls Lo reflecL
on our socleLy on whaL skllls we can develop Lo solve problems @o be change agenLs we need Lo
know more abouL ourselves so we wlll explore more
@ea break

6 1he Iour An|ma|s Understand|ng Cur Character

O Mon Lalks abouL whaL quallLles we may need Lo be agenLs of change She lnLroduces anoLher
acLlvlLy Lo look deeper lnLo ourselves Lo know our quallLles and uLlllse LhaL poLenLlal for soclal
change She lnLroduces Lhe four anlmal characLerlsLlcs LhaL we can use as a symbol Lo
undersLand our characLerlsLlcs
O 8ull Lhe group Lhen share Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe 8ull such as sLrong angry rellable
O Mouse qulck quleL aware sneaky worrled senslLlve adapLable
O Lagle sees very clearly concenLraLlon has clear vlslon smarL and sharp
O 8ear lazy bold energeLlc when needed fearless move slow cannoL see far eaL aloL
O She asks everyone Lo slL ln sllence for a few mlnuLes and Lhen choose whlch anlmal Lhey feel
Lhey allgn wlLh
O Jhen ln Lhese groups she asks each group Lo double check lf Lhey have Lhe slmllar
characLerlsLlcs lf noL Lhey are free Lo move Lo Lhe group LhaL ls more allgned wlLh Lhelr
characLerlsLlcs Mon glves a few mlnuLes Lo do Lhls
O She Lhen asks each group Lo draw ouL Lhelr unlqueness as LhaL archeLype Lach group llsLs on
Lhe charL paper Lach group presenLs
O Mon shares LhaL Lhls exerclse brlngs more undersLandlng of each oLher She asks Lo come lnLo
Lhe group and share whaL are Lhe weaknesses of each group fLer Lhls she says Lhls ls so we can
know each oLher and Lo undersLand each oLher beLLer She also polnLs ouL LhaL we all have some
of Lhe oLher characLerlsLlcs nd Lo be change agenLs we need all characLers on our Leam Je
can draw ouL all our quallLles LogeLher Lo help Lransform socleLy as well as belng aware of our
weakness and how Lo work wlLh LhaL om shares LhaL characLerlsLlcs are noL bad or good buL
when Lhey become exLreme Lhey can become negaLlve Jeaknesses happen when you go
exLreme @hls ls a manlfesLaLlon LhaL you lack oLher anlmal characLerlsLlcs lor example only
bear you become rlgld and manlfesL Lhe weaknesses of noL havlng Lhe oLher characLers So Lhls
can help us Lo see whaL we lack and how Lo balance our characLer wlLh oLhers @he archeLype ls
also changeable Lhey are bullL from causes so Lhey can be changed Je can expand our
personallLy wlLh Lhls undersLandlng
O Mon Lhen wraps up for Lhe day how we can analyse problems ln Lhe world and whaL quallLles
we have LhaL can help us and how we can expand our characLerlsLlcs Lo be balanced whlch wlll
help us Lo be effecLlve change agenLs

Uay 3

O Mon sLarLs by asklng everyone Lo slL ln sllence for a mlnuLe before sLarLlng Lhe sesslon
O Cne homegroup shares Lhe recap from Lhe prevlous days' learnlng

Mon Lalks LhaL we have been looklng Lhrough Lhe framework of Lhe 4 noble LruLhs and we are
aL Lhe polnL of golng deeper lnLo undersLandlng dukkha

2 Understand|ng Wor|dv|ew
O om sLarLs wlLh explalnlng LhaL she feels Lhe energy of Lhe group feels a blL low She also
explalns LhaL her energy ls qulLe low and lnvlLes Lhe group Lo be aware of her and supporL her
by holdlng her energy
O She asks Lhe group whaL does worldvlew mean perspecLlve our values and value sysLems LhaL
we aren'L always consclous of world as a collecLlon of lndlvlduals
O om shares LhaL Lhe hlsLory of man and woman people have always asked 'who l am' 'why l
exlsL' 'how should l llve' @he answers are Lhelr worldvlew So a worldvlew ls behlnd why we llve
Lhe way we llve lL ls Lhe values behlnd our acLlons She asks whaL ls Lhe 8uddhlsL Lerm for
worldvlew lLLhl
O @he 8uddha sald LhaL Lhere are many dlLLhl's Some say LhaL Lhere are many gods some say LhaL
Lhere ls no god 8uddha sald LhaL Lhere are 2 klnds of dlLLhl She asks Lhe group whaL Lhese are
SamadlLLhl and MlcchadlLLhl rlghL vlews and wrong vlews She shares LhaL dlLLhl ls Lhe flrsL
polnL on Lhe noble elghLfold paLh So lLs lmporLanL Lo have Lhe rlghL vlew LhaL can lead us on Lhe
rlghL paLh She Lalks LhaL whaL we covered yesLerday on Lhe sLrucLures and culLural values LhaL
brlng sufferlng ln our world come from mlccha dlLLhl nd we can search whaL klnd of mlccha
dlLLhl Lhese sLrucLures come from
O on recaps agaln Lhe 3 polnLs yesLerday LhaL can help Lo gulde us ( sandlLLlco akallko
ehlpasslko opanaylko 9eccaLam vedlLbho vlmmuLhl) om Lalks abouL whaL was analysed
yesLerday Lhe sLrucLures and culLures and whaL ls Lhe polnL behlnd why we accepL Lhese
sLrucLures because ofLen we usL lay Lhe blame on oLhers such as wesLern domlnaLlon eLc
9eople answer LhaL Lhls comes from lgnorance @here ls dlscusslon on why people accepL
sLrucLures and culLural values LhaL cause sufferlng nd our accepLance of whaL people Lell us
are good values
O on asks how do people ln 8uddhlsL counLrles geL fooled when Lhey have Lhese Lools? Pe Lalks
abouL 8uddhlsL lnsLlLuLlons Pe shares LhaL Lhere ls a loL of work Lo do ln Lransformlng our
8uddhlsL lnsLlLuLlons and organlsaLlons noL only socleLal problems
O om lnvlLes people Lo Lhlnk whaL ls Lhe dlLLhl behlnd Lhe sLrucLural and culLural vlolence LhaL we
Lalked abouL yesLerday She also encourages people Lo speak ouL and be confldenL noL belng
afrald on belng wrong
O on also adds LhaL Lhe dlLLhl ls Lo be found ln Lhe culLural aspecL of Lhe Lrlangle @o look closer
here Lo flnd whlch worldvlews help Lo malnLaln Lhese culLural values
lscossloo lo smoll qtoops
O 9resenLaLlons from each group lnclude Lhe followlng polnLs
O onsumerlsm sLemmlng from feellng good havlng new Lhlngs feellng noL good enough
compared Lo Lhe JesL from our greed on shares LhaL 8uddhlsm doesn'L focus on blame
(blamlng Lhe JesL) lL focuses on looklng deeper and deeper Lo geL Lo Lhe rooL
O onsumerlsm as Lhe cause of fear and deslre powerful lmages make us feel fear LhaL we won'L
be beauLlful enough buL once you aLLaln lL Lhe nexL adverL comes and you wanL Lhe new one
@haL ls how consumerlsm machlne creaLes fear and deslre on shares LhaL leLs Lhlnk how Lhls
Lhlnklng affecLs relaLlonshlps we always wanL Lhe new geL bored wlLh Lhe old Creed Je are
always comparlng and feellng fear lf we aren'L Lhe same as oLhers So we need Lo respecL Lhe
O aplLallsm consumerlsm and ellLlsm @here are lmbalances wlLh exLreme rlch and exLreme poor
ln maLerlallsLlc C9 focused counLrles Je don'L know why we deslre
O Pow dukkha comes ln 8uddhlsL perspecLlve lL comes from greed haLred and deluslon @hese
are Lhe causes ondlLlons Je need Lo conslder Lhe noble elghLfold paLh Lo ensure our
condlLlons are poslLlve Je also Lhlnk a loL on shorLLerm happlness whlch ls also a cause of
O asLe SysLem Makes us feel lnferlor Je also feel lL ls unchangeable
O Plgh asLe people fear Lo change Lhe sysLem because Lhe enoy beneflLs also afrald of soclal
norms LhaL encourage casLe sysLem 9eople don'L undersLand lmpermanence Lhey feel sysLems
are flxed and unchangeable
O Lngaged 8uddhlsm means Lo look closely aL ourselves and how we are conLrlbuLlng because lL
ls people who make a sysLem and we are parL of LhaL So we have Lo sLarL wlLh ourselves Je
also need Lo be pracLlcal Lo engage pracLlcally Lo solve problems raLher Lhan usL Lalk abouL
Lhem Je also geL caughL up ln superlorlLy and lnferlorlLy whereas we should be looklng aL and
accepLlng dlfference
O onsumerlsm Je go beyond our needs because of deslre and greed lLs noL Lhe faulL of Lhe
company we need Lo undersLand our needs versus wanLs Je also need self conLrol 8ehlnd
consumerlsm ls deslre More producLs are produced because we deslre Je are each a seed of
consumerlsm and conLrlbuLe Lo lL
O Lack of respecL for naLure and llfe and lack of sharlng 9eople are sysLemaLlcally becomlng
selflsh 9eople don'L have rlghL acLlon regardlng envlronmenLal desLrucLlon @hey know whaL ls
happenlng buL don'L know whlch acLlon Lo Lake @haL ls also sLrucLural vlolence where people
are forced Lo do whaL Lhey don'L wanL Lo do SocleLy provldes no cholce for beLLer acLlons
O omesLlc vlolence lLs becomlng a huge problem @here are bars everywhere
O ompeLlLlon ls anoLher aspecL @hls ofLen comes from educaLlon sysLem LhaL lndocLrlnaLes us aL
an early age Lo compeLe for besL marks

O om asks Lhe energy of Lhe group because Lhere ls a loL of Lalk of sufferlng She Lalks LhaL
Lomorrow Lhere wlll be focus on poslLlve soluLlons

O She shares LhaL she feels poslLlve abouL Lhe learnlng of Lhe group so far She says lLs Ck Lo flnd lL
dlfflculL Lo undersLand Lhe dlLLhl behlnd our soclal lnsLlLuLlons and culLural pracLlces She says
Lhls ls Lhe opporLunlLy Lo begln bulldlng Lhe ablllLy Lo search for causes and condlLlons She
encourages parLlclpanLs Lo flnd aspecLs of llfe and use a 8uddhlsL perspecLlve Lo analyse lL for
example Marxlsm Llberallsm eLc

@eo bteok
3 Lxper|enc|ng Suffer|ng
O fLer Lhe break om lnLroduces Lhe nexL acLlvlLy @he group wlll walk sllenLly down Lo Lhe
Mahabodhl Lemple observlng and hearlng wlLhouL Lalklng belng aware of whaL ls around Lhem
and Lhelr feellngs She says Lo look aL Lhe sufferlng wlLh bodhlsaLLva eyes by seelng Lhe sense of
hope and compasslon LhaL Lhe sufferlng ls changeable and lmpermanenL and LhaL we can be
parL of LhaL change lf we avold sufferlng we won'L awaken She shares LhaL consumerlsm ls
abouL avoldlng Lhe sufferlng by Lrylng Lo have comforL now we should observe Lhose wlLhouL
O fLer Lhe group walks Lo Lhe Lemple Lhey are lnsLrucLed Lo walk ln Lhe markeL for 10 mlnuLes
observlng sllenLly wlLh awareness before golng lnLo Lhe Lemple and medlLaLlng LogeLher
oocb bteok
@here ls no afLernoon sesslon ln Lhe evenlng Lhe group olns wlLh Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe arLlsLs' gaLherlng
where Lhey observe arLlsLs sharlng Lhelr work Lo Lhe group

Uay 4

O SLarLs wlLh a mlnuLe of sllence and recap from one of Lhe groups

8uddh|st Soc|a| Ana|ys|s 1he 3rd and 4th Nob|e 1ruths

O on sLarLs by asklng people lf Lhey are feellng depressed and cynlcal so far or opLlmlsLlc Pe asks
Lhose why Lhey are opLlmlsLlc nswers lnclude LhaL Lhey know Lhe problem now
O on says he hopes people are beglnnlng Lo feel Lhe 4 noble LruLhs because Lhey have Lo be
experlenced noL usL LhoughL abouL Pe says LhaL he can see people movlng beyond blame of
problems Lowards lnslghL
O Je should feel poslLlve because now we undersLand Lhlngs beLLer nd because we are sharlng
sufferlng we know we are noL alone and we have kalyanamlLra Lo work wlLh Lo help flnd
soluLlons Je are sLarLlng Lo feel solldarlLy and lnLerconnecLlon whlch ls very lmporLanL
because Lhe modern world sLops us feellng connecLlon and we feel lsolaLed So Lhls workshop
can help Lo bulld Lhose connecLlons Pe shares LhaL we are now movlng Lowards LasLlng Lhe 3

noble LruLh
O Pe uses Lhe Lrlangle agaln (dlrecL sLrucLural and culLural sufferlng) as a framework for our
vlslon and how Lo geL Lhere
O Pe uses Lhe works of oanna Macy Lo help us undersLand how Lo analyse Lhe 3
and 4
LruLhs Per maln ldea ls LhaL we are aL Lhe age of Lhe 'greaL Lurnlng' Lhe Llme when humans
Lurn away from Lhe lndusLrlal model Lowards a more eco and hollsLlc model of belng ln Lhe
world @hree polnLs LhaL supporL Lhe 'greaL Lurnlng' (1) holdlng acLlons ln defense of llfe on
earLh (2) analysls of sLrucLural causes and creaLlon of alLernaLlve lnsLlLuLlons (3) shlfL ln
percepLlons of reallLy boLh cognlLlve and splrlLually
Ilslon and holdlng
acLlons 3
noble @ruLh
ShlfL ln ulLural 9ercepLlons
noble @ruLh
lLernaLlve lnsLlLuLlons
noble @ruLh
O on now reads a passage from her book 'comlng back Lo llfe' LhaL lllusLraLes LhaL Lhese Lhree
polnLs are clearly belng enacLed ln Lhe world Loday Lhrough many soclal movemenLs new
forms of lnsLlLuLlons and new ways of Lhlnklng
O now he asks Lhe group Lo slL agaln ln Lhelr counLry groups and slL ln sllence lor each person Lo
wrlLe down 3 polnLs of whaL Lhey wanL Lhelr communlLy Lo look llke nd secondly whaL 3
acLlons Lhey can do (holdlng acLlons don'L solve Lhe cause of Lhe problem buL help Lhose
sufferlng) @hls ls Lhe dlrecL vlslon
and 4
nob|e truths as the Great 1urn|ng

seeloq wltb

OPe now asks for whaL klnd of organlsaLlon sysLem lnsLlLuLlons meLhods and ways Lo meeL Lhe
vlslon and 3 dlLLhl's/perspecLlves/worldvlews/values LhaL can help Lo brlng Lhe vlslon

2 Group resentat|ons

OLach group presenLs ln Lhelr counLry groups agaln @he presenL 4 areas Lhelr vlslon Lhelr
holdlng acLlons Lhe vlslonary sLrucLures and vlslonary culLural values Some polnLs
OMyanmar human dlgnlLy as key aspecL needed ln socleLy Ilslons lnclude plurallsm and
parLlclpaLlon ln socleLy
O@halland slow ecomovemenL as vlslon @helr holdlng acLlons already happenlng and many of
Lhelr vlslonary soclal sLrucLures also ln place ln some areas
Oambudvlpa (nagaloka group) casLeless sysLem ls Lhe vlslon More awareness ralslng needed
among Lhe people lncludlng Lhe low casLe who are ofLen accepLlng of Lhelr slLuaLlon and
uLlllslng Lhe lnsplrlng experlence of mbedkar
OLadakh many aspecLs of vlslon Lo brlng awareness back Lo socleLy @he need Lo sLrengLhen
8uddhlsL lnsLlLuLlons Lo be more engaged ln socleLy and Lo also Lransform educaLlon Loward
nurLurlng chlldren hollsLlcally wlLh arL and culLure Lo ease Lhe burdens of modernlsaLlon
O?8S/eer 9ark hollsLlc developmenL locallsaLlon
Olar LasL envlronmenLal lnLegrlLy beLLer educaLlon focused on culLlvaLlon lnsLlLuLlons on
locallsaLlon pracLlclng deaLh and splrlLual educaLlon Ialues lncluded pracLlclng Lhe precepLs ln
Lhe modern world CnP/conLenLmenL and fulfllmenL raLher Lhan maLerlal wealLh as a healLhy
socleLy lndlcaLor
OMalaysla/lndonesla no more monocropplng chlld labour urbanlsaLlon More culLural
exchanges enLrepreneurshlp 8eLLer laws and decenLrallsaLlon of governmenL
MulLlculLurallsm conLenLmenL

Oon menLlons LhaL Lhere are crosscuLLlng lssues and crosscuLLlng vlslons so people can use Lhls
opporLunlLy Lo Lhlnk abouL how Lo work LogeLher Lo achleve Lhelr vlslons

Oon wraps up 9arLlclpanLs goL a LasLe of Lhe exerclse and LhaL lL ls one meLhod noL Lhe only
meLhod now we have a sense of some lssues we share So lnL8 ls focus on our own work ln
our own communlLles and neLworklng among us on shared lssues

@eo 8teok/looet 8teok
3 Sk||| Shar|ng Market
O Mon lnLroduces Lhe evenlng sesslon as an opporLunlLy Lo share skllls we all have LhaL can help
supporL ourselves as agenLs of soclal change She emphaslses LhaL as soclal acLlvlsLs we ofLen
dream of Lhe blg change buL small acLlons are usL as lmporLanL

Uay 5 - linal Uay

O Cne mlnuLes sllence and dally recap from one of Lhe groups
Crgan|sat|ona| resentat|ons
O Lach group Lo presenL ln 10 mlnuLes @hey presenL Lhelr alm and vlslon Lhelr
sLraLegles/approaches and whaL acLlvlLles Lhey are dolng on menLlons LhaL yesLerday some
groups already shared durlng Lhelr vlslonlng and sLraLeglslng whaL acLlons Lhelr organlsaLlons
are dolng so Lhey can shorLen Lhelr presenLaLlons and open Lhe space for quesLlons
O SplrlL ln LducaLlon MovemenL alLernaLlve educaLlon organlsaLlon values of engaged splrlLuallLy
soclal usLlce ecologlcal susLalnablllLy culLural lnLegrlLy parLlclpaLlon and empowermenL
Jorklng ln Myanmar pproaches lnclude LransformaLlve educaLlon ongolng supporL and
plaLforms for exchange and dlalogue and brldglng eLhnlc and rellglous dlvlslons exposure vlslLs
and capaclLy bulldlng Lralnlngs ln and ouL of Lhe counLry 9a 9a appreclaLes SLM ln Myanmar
LhaL Lhelr Lralnees are ploneers ln communlLy developmenL and Lhelr work covers many areas
O Soclally Lngaged 8uddhlsLs of Ladakh lnsplred from lnL8 Jorklng wlLh youLh ln Ladakh Lo help
awaken Lhrough alLernaLlve and crlLlcal educaLlonal approaches and undersLand problems from
a 8uddhlsL perspecLlve @o undersLand Lhe developmenL processes Laklng place ln Ladakh @o
brlng classlcal 8uddhlsL Leachlngs ouL of Lhe monasLerles lnLo socleLy olng Lralnlngs and
exposure vlslLs ln Ladakh
O eer 9ark n anclenL wlsdom lnsLlLuLe offerlng many Lralnlngs ln lndlan LradlLlonal wlsdom
8uddhlsm ln varlous LradlLlons lso dolng local proecLs on envlronmenLal awareness and wasLe
managemenL organlc farmlng LradlLlonal handlcrafLs lncome generaLlon Lngllsh classes for
local sLudenLs Pas a branch ln 8huLan lso dolng communlLy ouLreach wlLh drug addlcLs
O harmaala ls a communlLy of pracLlLloner acLlvlsLs @hey provlde acLlvlLles for young 8uddhlsLs
@hey are Lrylng Lo apply 8uddhlsm lnLo dally llfe Lo work wlLh Lhe sufferlngs of everyday llfe
@hey are explorlng whaL ls conLexLual auLhenLlc lndoneslan 8uddhlsm provlde supporL for
members and bulld leadershlp ln youLh Cffer 3 programmes brldge ln (lnslghL lnLo 8uddhlsm
and Lhe presenL world) rooL (undersLandlng dlfferenL schools of 8uddhlsm Lheory and pracLlce)
and reach ouL (LranslaLe lnLo personal communal and lnsLlLuLlonal pracLlces) programs
O nagaloka @ralnlng lnsLlLuLe for educaLlng abouL 8uddhlsm and how Lo apply ln socleLy 8ased
on 88 mbedkar and 8uddhlsL Leachlngs wlLh values of llberLy equallLy and fraLernlLy @rylng
Lo brldge gaps wlLh unLouchables and marglnallsed ln socleLy locuslng on value sysLems raLher
Lhan reformlng sLrucLures
O ?8S CrassrooLs lnlLlaLlve for splrlLual and communlLy developmenL cLlvlLles such as dhamma
Leachlngs shramadana medlcal and healLh educaLlon envlronmenLal peace march
lnLerrellglous dlalogue 8unnlng wlLh volunLeer splrlL
O Plkmahbudhl 8uddhlsL sLudenL organlsaLlon provldlng alLernaLlve educaLlon for 8uddhlsLs
cLlve ln soclal and naLlonal lssues based on 8uddhlsL moral eLhnlcal and splrlLual aspecLs
SLrengLhenlng 8uddhlsm ln lndonesla cLlvlLles such as sLudylng 8uddhlsm leadershlp Lralnlngs
lnLegraLlng lnLo pollLlcal acLlon
O 8uddhlsL ?ouLh Croup (Myanmar) @ralnlng youLhs Lo ralse Lhelr awareness on Lhelr own
communlLles and whaL Lhey can conLrlbuLe Sharlng on awareness ralslng 8uddhlsL pracLlce
and engaglng ln socleLy apaclLy bulldlng Lralnlngs sLrengLhenlng youLh groups Lo become
8C's and neLworklng lumnl now acLlve ln offerlng Lralnlngs envlronmenL programs
susLalnable llvellhoods communlLy lnfrasLrucLure
O 8uddhlsL Mlsslonary SocleLy (Malaysla) ?ouLh secLlon Lo learn and pracLlce 8uddhlsL Leachlngs
hamma Lalks Jelfare SecLlon
O kodo San @emple Cffers Leachlng based on loLus suLra and uncondlLlonal love Mens women's
youLh and boy scouL groups locus on wlsdom and dana paramlLa's lnvolved ln soclal welfare
and humanlLarlan rellef work
O nL8 neLwork of engaged 8uddhlsLs ln apan Pelp Lo neLwork acLlvlsLs Lo supporL each oLher
and connecL Lo lnLernaLlonal acLlvlsLs Jorklng on sulclde worklng wlLh Lhe homeless
humanlLarlan rellef afLer @sunaml dlsasLer 8un by youLh
Mon shares Lhe nexL sLep ls Lo Lhlnk abouL whaL we can work on LogeLher whaL ls our dream Je wlll
plan Lhls afLer our lunch break
loocb bteok
2 INL8 V|s|on
O Moo (lnL8 execuLlve secreLary) lnLroduces whaL lnL8 ls plannlng ln Lhe comlng years ln order
for parLlclpanLs Lo see whlch sLrucLures Lhey can uLlllse and whaL acLlvlLles Lhey can llnk wlLh

O Moo dlscusses Lhe plans of lnL8 @ralnlngs wlLhln counLrles sharlng currlculums lnLernaLlonal
for exposure Lo 8uddhlsLs from oLher counLrles Cn Lhe ob Lralnlng whlch ls more handson
experlence Lhan Lralnlngs @o learn how Lo do proecLs organlslng Lralnlngs @hlrd area ls
sysLemaLlc supporL fLer learnlng from Lralnlngs and handson experlence more supporL for
people Lo sLarL acLlvlLles lnL8 ls looklng aL seLLlng up a seed fund LhaL can supporL Lhese small
acLlvlLles onsulLancy supporL also needed ln Lerms of Lechnlcal lssues Lo asslsL such as how Lo
run a proecL how Lo do organlsaLlonal developmenL
O Ildyananda (Malaysla execuLlve commlLLee member) presenLs more abouL Lhe seed fund Pe
descrlbes LhaL acLlvlLles are on a specLrum from proflLorlenLed Lo relylng on fundlng 8lghL
llvellhood fund alms Lo brlng Lhese LogeLher @o have soclal acLlvlLles LhaL are susLalnable @hey
are almlng Lo geL fundlng from phllanLhroplsLs eLc Lhen lnvlLe people Lo submlL proecLs and Lo
gulde Lhe proecLs Lo creaLe a susLalnable proecL JhaL ls dlfferenL ls Lhe elemenL of personal
developmenL @he proecL should be a plaLform Lo engage personal growLh Pe lnvlLes Lhe
parLlclpanLs Lo submlL Lhelr ldeas Lo hlm Cne of Lhe key componenLs ls LhaL lL lsn'L a granL
glvlng body buL ls looklng aL proecLs LhaL have selfflnanclng or elemenLs Lo self susLaln
O Moo shares agaln LhaL lnL8 ls flndlng mechanlsms Lo nurLure Lhe young lnL8 members
Comprehens|ve tra|n|ngs
Local comprehenslve Lralnlng
lnLernaLlonal foundaLlon (6 weeks) speclallsed
(1 week)
Systemat|c support
Seed fund and rlghL llvellhood fund
onsulLancy organlsaLlonal proecL
O Pe shares lnL8's acLlvlLy plan
OSoclally engaged 8uddhlsLs course @halland une 201222013
O@hls ls a preparaLlon course for youLh exchange Cne week Lo 10 day Lralnlng @hls wlll
be announced on Lhe webslLe lf anyone else would llke Lo oln
O?ouLh Lxchange for soclal lnnovaLlon uly May 20122013
OnoL all organlsaLlons can be lnvolved buL perhaps can Lhlnk of an lnL8 model for
exchange and lnLernshlp
O8ellglon and llmaLe hange Srl Lanka SepLember 2012
OlnL8 has formed a worklng group on Lhls lssue cLlvlLles wlll happen nexL year @here
could be a plaLform for Lhe youLh aL Lhls gaLherlng
OlnL8 2013 ?oung 8odhlsaLLva CaLherlng Malaysla november 2013
OnexL lnL8 conference can have Lhe same plaLform as here @here could be some oLher
acLlvlLles ln Malaysla or an overland Lrlp from 8angkok

O @he lssue ls boughL up on on how Lo susLaln famlly and do soclal work
O noLher lssue on wheLher 8Ll wlll lnclude humanlLarlan work
O Moo asks lf Lhe plan covers peoples' needs or Lhere are oLher acLlvlLles needed
O @here ls a quesLlon on wheLher Lhere wlll be supporL Lo aLLend acLlvlLles for poorer people Moo
replles Lo Lake advanLage of resource people who are ln your area or Lravelllng ln your area or
acLlvlLles ln your area raLher Lhan Lhlnklng abouL golng abroad
3 Lnv|s|on|ng
O Mon now shares LhaL from Lhe mornlng we can see LhaL we are all lnvolved ln good works JlLh
Lhe plan from lnL8 leLs Lhlnk abouL whaL we can do LogeLher JhaL can help young bodhlsaLLva
Lo grow and use our energy and bodhlsaLLva warrlor energy lL could be small usL wlLhln Lhe
Llmeframe of Lhls conference or lL could be longer Lerm She asks for Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo come
up wlLh 6 Loplcs Lhey are lnLeresLed ln developlng furLher
O Mon puLs Lhe 6 papers ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe room for people Lo come and wrlLe a Loplc
She lnvlLes each person Lo share why Lhey suggesLed Lhls Loplc and lnvlLe oLhers Lo dlscuss @he Loplcs
O hammlc Medla and dvocacy Pow Lo provlde oLher forms of free medla lso connecLlng
among each oLher Lhrough facebook eLc nd lnvlLe prevlous lnL8 Lralnees Lo llnk
O Sharlng Puman 8esources ln Ladakh Lhey greaLly lack people wlLh crlLlcal Lhlnklng or who have
wlder perspecLlves Pavlng exLernal resource persons has a greaL lmpacL on Lhe people because
Lhey have never been exposed Lo dlfferenL world vlews and perspecLlves (on encourages Lo ask
senlor lnL8 members durlng Lhe conference Lo come Lo our organlsaLlons)
O Lcovlllage eslgn LducaLlon and @ralnlng of @ralners @hese Lralnlngs are comprehenslve ln
undersLandlng communlLy lssues and how Lo envlslon a beLLer socleLy @o@ glves Lhe skllls ln
how Lo faclllLaLe Lhe process for people Lo Lhlnk abouL how Lo envlslon
O ddlcLlon and omesLlc Ilolence Cccurlng ln every counLry @hese areas need more supporL
lcohol ls a maor problem buL lL ls soclally accepLed need Lo know how Lo deal wlLh Lhls
O lnL8 ?ouLh CaLherlng onference ls useful plaLform Lo share problems and learn from each
oLher lL ls very beneflclal Lo know oLhers experlence especlally for some parLlclpanLs who Lhls ls
flrsL lnLernaLlonal exposure @he conference helps Lo undersLand each oLhers problems and help
each oLher lL should be yearly
O 8uddhlsm and eep Lcology need more undersLandlng on Lhese lssues
O 8ellef ld neLwork lnL8 neLwork ls qulLe blg so can uLlllse Lhls Lo supporL rellef ald work Je
can collecL our resources LogeLher raLher Lhan relylng on Lhe secreLarlaL Lg savlng a llLLle every
day Lo conLrlbuLe
O Ildyananda suggesLs Lo also Lhlnk LhaL some acLlons could be developed lnLo proecLs LhaL are
soclal enLerprlses noLher suggesLlon from on who shares LhaL havlng been lnvolved ln lnL8
for 20 years Lhere ls a loL of new proecLs bullL LhaL creaLe more work Pe encourages Lo Lhlnk
more sLraLeglcally raLher Lhan Lhlnklng whaL new proecLs people should come up wlLh So Lo
Lhlnk of how your work can be supporLed raLher Lhan Lhlnklng of a new work Pe encourages
people Lo Lhlnk carefully abouL Lhls

4 Group resentat|ons
Domest|c V|o|ence and Add|ct|on
O wareness programs for addlcLs famllles and publlc
O Crganlse acLlvlLles for youLh such as sporL evenLs
O ShorL educaLlonal fllms
O ounselllng (help llne face Lo face chaL forums)
O wareness programmes Lo avold soclal sLlgma
O CuLreach
Shar|ng numan kesources
O reaLe a buslness model for caLalogulng resource people and helplng Lhelr cosLs Lo vlslL
O lncome cLlvlLles markeLlng local producLs/muslc/phoLos membershlp fees donaLlons
O SLrucLure fund managemenL Lhrough local vlrLual offlces and havlng local represenLaLlves
SeLLlng up webslLe for caLalogue and donaLlons SeLLlng up a bank accounL creaLlng a brand
and uslng lnL8 homepage as a llnk Lowerlng some cosLs such as sLaylng locally
Dhamm|c Med|a
O Medla LhaL doesn'L promoLe lobha moha dosa
O Jlll lnclude SL8 non vlolence eLc
O Jlll have a magazlne (blmonLhly) weblog Lralnlng for medla LranslaLlons
O Jhy? wareness ralslng susLalnablllLy produclng resource persons hollsLlc worldvlew
O @argeL Croup communlLy leaders youLh Lralners
O LlmlLaLlons hlgh cosL avallable ln few counLrles
O 9lan 1 year 1 counLry
O SLeps
O 1 evelop currlculum and Lralnlng deslgn
O 2 8udgeL plan and wrlLe proposal
O 3 oordlnaLe
O 4 @ralnlng
O 3 lollow up acLlvlLy and supporL
O 6 LL sangha
INL8 conference
8elaLlonshlp/Slla 9rocess/Samadhl
O @hey sLarL by asklng 'do we have Lhe answers Lo Lhe problems ln Lhe world? re we ready Lo
deal wlLh all Lhese problems? nswers lnclude Je know our problems ln our own conLexLs so
we are Lhe ones Lo solve Lhem @he conference ls Lhe Llme Lo llnk and learn from each oLher so
LhaL we really can solve problems
O CLher commenLs abouL lnL8 lnclude @hls concepL of 'young bodhlsaLLva' l admlre so much lL ls
planLlng Lhe seed lf we sLay on our own we mlghL noL be able Lo solve our problems alone
lnL8 ls Lhe plaLform for us Lo share our problems 8uL we need Lo remember whaL we need Lo
do when we go back home
O Pere on also shares an ldea Lo sLarL by aL leasL sLarLlng an lnL8 youLh webpage wlLh llnks from
Lhe maln lnL8 slLe @hls could llnk wlLh all young lnL8 youLhs noL only Lhose aLLendlng Lhls

lnner 8reak
S Wrap Up

O Mon shares LhaL Lhe purpose was Lo focus on process Lo share ldeas and learn from each oLher
relaLlonshlp was for bulldlng up Lhe capaclLy of each oLher and undersLandlng of each oLher so
we can supporL each oLher and Lask for developlng our own wlsdom LogeLher Lhrough
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe learnlng process acLlvely noL usL recelvlng lnpuL
O 9rocess @o do Lhls home groups were formed ln each mornlng Lhe recap Lo remlnd whaL we
have learnL before movlng on
O 8elaLlonshlp Jalklng LogeLher wlLh Louchlng feeL So we go Lhrough an experlence LogeLher
and learn more abouL each oLhers' characLer @he duck walk how you can work LogeLher Lo
accompllsh Lhe Lask
O @ask Learnlng Lhrough Lhe 4 noble @ruLhs
O lnslde Lhe Lrlangle ls anoLher one whlch represenLs Lhe learnlng process of Lhe flrsL 2 noble
LruLhs @he causes and condlLlons of Lhe problems we are faclng lLs dlrecL lmpacL lLs sLrucLures
and culLural values LhaL uphold lL Je found LhaL we had common sufferlng Je could see Lhe
greed haLred and deluslon regardless of where we come from
O ln Lhe nexL Lrlangle we have Lhe holdlng acLlons Lhe dlrecL vlslon and lLs culLural values and
lnsLlLuLlons LhaL can supporL lL
O om shares abouL her ldea abouL educaLlon LhaL Lhls was a common Loplc Lalked abouL durlng
Lhe workshop whlch was recognlsed as needlng Lo be changed She says LhaL 8uddhlsm ls also
educaLlon educaLlon for LransformaLlon lLs noL Lhe only way Lo Lransform buL lL ls one way
Slkkha means educaLlon or Lralnlng and ls sLrucLured lnLo 3 componenLs
O Slla
O Samadhl
O 9anna
O 8uddhlsm ls all abouL educaLlon because everyLhlng can flL lnLo Lhese Lhree componenLs Jhen
you read any dhamma book you can see all Lhese componenLs @hen you can look aL any klnd of
educaLlon ln Lhls world Lhrough Lhese componenLs
O Cver Lhe lasL 3 days Lralnlng slla ls Lhe agreemenL we made LogeLher for maxlmlslng and
mlnlmlslng Samadhl ls concenLraLlon Jhen slla ls low Samadhl ls also low @hls ls also
collecLlve because Lhe klnd of Lralnlng ls parLlclpaLlve @he panna has 3 levels panna from
llsLenlng and readlng (malnsLream educaLlon) second level ls conLemplaLlon llke crlLlcal
Lhlnklng 3
ls shlfL of consclousness
O Cur educaLlon Loday requlres a shlfL ln consclousness lf we wanL Lo deslgn a Lralnlng we can
use Lhe slkkha model LhaL can lead Lo an ulLlmaLe shlfL ln consclousness @o explore whaL we
have ln 8uddhlsm and how we can use lL for soclal LransformaLlon
O Mon says LhaL Lhls wrap up ls usL one model LhaL we could use Lo analyse whaL happened
durlng Lhe Lralnlng

6 Lva|uat|on
om uses a baromeLer for evaluaLlon Per flrsL quesLlon how much dld you learn from Lhls workshop
O noLhlng changed lL was a wasLe of Llme
O l learnL new knowledge some lnsplraLlon
O SomeLhlng changed ln me l am fully commlLLed

O She encourages people Lo be honesL especlally for ourselves
O @he maorlLy of people are scaLLered from 30 Lo 100
O om asks Lhe people sLandlng aL 100 Lo share Lhelr experlence fLer Lhls she encourages
everyone Lo slL ln a sharlng clrcle and have 1 mlnuLe each Lo share experlence Some excerpLs

O lL was dlfflculL for me Lo come l dldn'L Lhlnk l could Lake LhaL much Llme off Jhen l was on Lhe
plane l LhoughL lLs on's faulL (on encouraged hlm Lo come) lL wasn'L whaL l lmaglned l dldn'L
wanL Lo be ln a youLh group l'm noL even young 8uL l puL ln 120 and whaL you puL ln you geL
back l know now LhaL 8uddhlsm ls allve lLs noL some old wrlLlngs ln a book ?ou can experlmenL
wlLh lL lL glves me a framework Lo Lhlnk lLs menLal Lralnlng Je Look LhaL framework and dld
someLhlng wlLh lL @hls feels llke my flrsL real 8uddhlsL Lralnlng lL wasn'L an aLmosphere of
rellglous Lralnlng @he besL Lreasure was geLLlng Lo know everyone l now have 2030 new
frlends ln apan lL would Lake 1 year Lo make LhaL nd l feel we are dharma frlends we wlll be
Lhere for each oLher lL LoLally changed my llfe
O l LreaL everyone now llke a famlly noL usL a frlend Je have a deep connecLlon of broLherhood
and slsLerhood Je could really lgnore casLe here and be equal
O 8efore l came here l had 2 opporLunlLles aL Lhls Llme Cne was Lo read an exam one was Lo
aLLend Lhls workshop 8uL lucklly my exam could flnlsh before Lven Lhough we were laLe
because of LhaL l goL new experlence and new frlends 9eople were very frlendly llke on l
enoyed l goL new frlends and could undersLand problems from oLher counLrles
O l have aLLended oLher medlLaLlon reLreaLs and workshops buL Lhls was a dlfferenL experlence l
found here LhaL we need Lo flnd our own ways Lo solve our own problems raLher Lhan walLlng
for someone Lo solve for us now l know l can flnd Lhe soluLlon from Lhe people raLher Lhan
Lrylng Lo flnd lL only from myself
O lLs Lhe flrsL Llme l came across people from so many dlfferenL people from slan counLrles ln
Ladakh a loL of Luropeans come buL we don'L have dlscusslon on 8uddhlsm 8uL here we had
LhaL opporLunlLy nd lLs easy Lo undersLand because we usL open our hearLs and can Lalk
because we are frlends Je have no anxleLy Lo open up and Lalk
O lor me Lhls ourney ls wonderful Lo meeL people from many counLrles l can have a connecLlon
and neLworklng ln my organlsaLlon we Lry Lo dlscuss wlLh an open mlnd and dlscuss soclal
lssues buL here l goL some new approaches whlch are good LhaL l can share when l go back ln
lndonesla we cannoL geL Lhls opporLunlLy Lo learn wlLh dlverse people wlLh Lhe same lnLeresL lLs
O l also learned so many Lhlngs llrsL l l reallse how llmlLed my Lhlnklng and vlew and now my
vlew expanded and my Lhlnklng ls more broad l meL so many new frlends
O @hls was a good opporLunlLy Lo meeL people from all over Lhe world Lvryone has power and we
have confldence and are ready Lo do whaL we wanL Lo do
O l can'L speak Lngllsh well 8uL even wlLhouL good communlcaLlon l felL we shared someLhlng lL
was a greaL chance Lo meeL and share ln korea engaged 8uddhlsm ls noL much of an opLlon l
am a ournallsL so l wlll share Lhls
O @hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme ln my llfe Lo oln llke Lhls Jhen l goL Lhe chance Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe
dhamma l LhoughL so deeply l had heard abouL Lhe four noble LruLhs buL dldn'L really know
whaL lL was 8uL now l usL wanL Lo explore more and more
O @hls ls my 2
Llme ln a Lralnlng llke Lhls 8efore l came here l felL bored and was lacklng any
lnsplraLlon l dldn'L expecL much buL when l meL frlends lLs llke a famlly and l could share some
deep feellngs ?our energy has boughL me back and lnsplred me
O Pere l goL some hope l could see oLhers wlLh Lhe same problems and how we can help each
O LveryLhlng l see or hear Lhe ablllLy of Lhe youLh Lhelr concern everyLhlng encourages me Lo
sacrlflce for my socleLy Je could bulld up good dlverse relaLlonshlps Loo
O l had a chance Lo see from dlfferenL counLrles Lrylng Lo solve problems Je really analysed and
Lrled Lo solve so LhaL ls really lnsplrlng noL usL wrlLlng on Lhe paper and Lalklng
O @hanks for Lhe opporLunlLy @hanks Lo Lhe Leam @hls ls really a klnd of dlrecL medla Je can see
each oLher and share l had heard abouL lndla and 8uddhlsm an could undersLand more Lhls
O @hanks Lo lnL8 l feel LogeLherness LhaL we can solve problems LogeLher Je can see our fuLure
Lhrough our hope Je need deep commlLmenL Lo change ourselves and become whaL we wanL
Lo see
O My commlLmenL ls now more sLrong because of many dlfferenL people from many dlfferenL
counLrles buL we have Lhe same mlsslon
O My feellng ls warm broLherhood and slsLerhood
O l feel happy Lo come here l feel llke l came back home @hls ls Lhe flrsL Llme for me as a
parLlclpanL lL makes me feel l need Lo do someLhlng
O @hls was a greaL opporLunlLy CraLlLude Lo Lhose who organlsed and faclllLaLed l feel llke Lhls ls
Lhe pure land
O l Lhank all Lhe courses LhaL boughL me here l goL a loL of lnsplraLlon l feel 8uddhlsm ls really
fun and so useful l feel lnsplred Lo sLudy more l goL lnsplraLlon Lo communlcaLe wlLh Lhose
people who are dlfferenL from me uslng nonbuddhlsL language
@hls ls Lhe flnal sesslon of Lhe workshop @he faclllLaLors also ask lf people can wrlLe down any
suggesLlons ln order Lo make Lhe nexL Lralnlng beLLer

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