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Lxpresslon of Condolences

Cur LhoughLs and prayers are wlLh you

May your hearL and soul flnd peace and
(name of deceased) wlll remaln ln our
hearLs forever
eace rayers and 8lesslngs
Cur deepesL sympaLhy WlLh LhoughLs of peace and courage for you
WlLh deepesL sympaLhy We send you LhoughLs of peace and courage
My slncere sympaLhy WlLh ueepesL SympaLhy
Cur warmesL condolences ln Lovlng Memory
WlLh hearLfelL condolences WlLh PearLfelL Condolences
lease accepL my condolences Cur 1houghLs And rayers Are WlLh ?ou
l am sorry for your loss londesL 8emembrances
Cur hearLs go ouL Lo you ln your Llme of
Cur hearLs are fllled wlLh sorrow
eace rayers and 8lesslngs Were sharlng your sorrow
Words seem lnadequaLe Lo express Lhe
sadness we feel
LLernal resL CranL unLo hlm (her) CLord
We are Lhlnklng of you Cur deepesL sympaLhy
We are Lhlnklng of you durlng Lhls
dlfflculL Llme
WlLh hearLfelL condolences
May Lhe comforL of Cod help you
durlng Lhls dlfflculL Llme
londesL remembrances
8emember LhaL we love and care abouL
?ou are ln our LhoughLs and prayers
WlLh carlng LhoughLs ln 1rlbuLe
WlLh lovlng memorles of (name of
lease know our lovlng LhoughLs embrace
SenL wlLh love and remembrance ?ou are ln my LhoughLs
Cur hearLs go ouL Lo you ln your Llme of
My LhoughLs and prayers are wlLh you
WlLh love and hugs WlLh hearLfelL condolences
We send you LhoughLs of comforL
May happy memorles replace Lhe sadness ln
your hearL
We wlll mlss (name of deceased) WlLh/ln lovlng memory
May your memorles glve you sLrengLh 1hlnklng of you ln Lhese dlfflculL Llmes
(name of deceased) wlll always be ln
our hearLs and memorles
8ememberlng you and (name of deceased) ln
our mlnds and ln our hearLs
May Lhe love of Lhose around you help Words seem lnadequaLe Lo express Lhe
you Lhrough Lhe days ahead sadness we feel abouL (name of deceased)
deaLh We are here Lo supporL you ln your
grlevlng process WlLh slncere sympaLhy
We are deeply sorry Lo hear abouL Lhe
deaLh of (name of deceased)
(name of deceased) broughL so many glfLs Lo
our llfe We wlll never forgeL (hlm/her)!
Words cannoL even begln Lo express
our sorrow you are ln our prayers
Pold LlghL Lo memorles for comforL lean on
your frlends for sLrengLh and always
remember how much you are cared abouL
We pray Lhe love of Cod enfolds you
durlng your [ourney Lhrough grlef
AlLhough no words can really help Lo ease Lhe
loss you bear [usL know LhaL you are very
close ln every LhoughL and prayer
1hough our days LogeLher are over l wlll
remember you always wlLh love
ueaLh ls noL exLlngulshlng Lhe llghL lL ls
puLLlng ouL Lhe lamp because Lhe dawn has
May you Lake comforL ln knowlng an
angel ls waLchlng over you
ln sorrow we mourn Lhose losL ln graLlLude
we embrace Lhose around us ln sympaLhy
we reach ouL Lo Lhose who grleve
Were deeply saddened by your loss
Cur LhoughLs are wlLh you
1o (lamlly members name) wlLh deepesL
sympaLhy on Lhe demlse of your
As you grleve know LhaL we are
rememberlng you and honorlng Lhe
memory of (name of Lhe deceased)
1o Lhe famlly of Lhe laLe (deceases name)
WlLh deepesL sympaLhles and condolences
May Lhe peace LhaL comes from Lhe We pray LhaL god wlll glve you sLrengLh and
memorles of love shared comforL you
now and ln Lhe days ahead
courage ln your Llme of bereavemenL
lease accepL our mosL hearLfelL
sympaLhles for your loss Cur LhoughLs
are wlLh you and your famlly durlng Lhls
dlfflculL Llme
We share your grlef ln Lhls Llme of
bereavemenL wlLh deepesL sympaLhy and
We share comforL ln knowlng (name of
deceased) ls no longer sufferlng We
send LhoughLs of sympaLhy and supporL
Lo you as you begln your [ourney
wlLhouL (name of deceased)
WlLh deepesL sympaLhy and condolences on
Lhe demlse of your (MoLher/laLher)
Cur deepesL condolences
!usL wanLed you Lo know you are ln my
WlLh SympaLhy l have been Lhlnklng of you
Cur LhoughLs are wlLh you and your
Pope Lhls brlngs sunshlne Lo your day
ln Lovlng Memory
LeLs geL LogeLher soon for lunch glve me a
?ou are ln our LhoughLs and prayers
!usL as you have been for us we are always
here for you
londesL remembrances
Cur LhoughLs and prayers are wlLh you aL Lhls
dlfflculL Llme We are so sorry for your loss
1hlnklng of you and offerlng you hope We wrlLe you wlLh hearLfelL condolences aL
and comforL Lhls sad Llme ?ou are ln our LhoughLs and
May you flnd peace and love ln Lhe
memorles you cherlsh

lease accepL our condolences Cur deepesL sympaLhy ls wlLh you
Cur deepesL sympaLhy ls wlLh you eace rayers and 8lesslngs
May Lhe love of Lhose around you help
you Lhrough Lhe days ahead
We are sharlng ln your sorrow wlLh love
frlendshlp and supporL
May Lhe love of Lhose around you help
you ln Lhe comlng days
Cur hearLfelL condolences go ouL Lo you and
your famlly
May your sLrengLh prevall Lo help you
Lhrough Lhls dlfflculL Llme
Cur deepesL sympaLhles are wlLh you ln your
Llme of need

CreaLed 8y
1 Adven PealLhy
2 8ayu 8adlLya
3 krlsna AdlLya
4 M la[rl

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