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To God and to my parents who

who are always helping me
in each moment oI my liIe.


Energy does things Ior us. It moves cars along the road and boats on
the water. It bakes a cake in the oven and keeps ice Irozen in the
Ireezer. It plays our Iavorite songs and lights our homes at night so
that we can read good books. Energy helps our bodies grow and our
minds think. Energy is a changing, doing, moving, working thing.

The reasons Ior the choice oI energy sources are many. There is a
need to know the options available and how to exploit them, the need
to harness some oI these sources eIIiciently and eIIectively and above
all the environmental concerns these energy sources give rise to.

This book is oIIered to you, student, to introduce it in the System
Engineering in an easy and enjoyable way. It has been designed using
a systematic order oI contents and topics you will need.



Dedicatory 02
Introduction 03

UNIT 01 06
Engineering 07
Principles oI the Engineering
A.- Energy in various contexts 1
B.- Energy in various contexts 2
Grammar spot
What is energy?
Stored and moving energy
Grammar spot


Form oI energy
Energy at home
Grammar spot

History oI energy
A.- The sun
B.- Communities began to use energy
C.- Energy is Needed for a Growing Country
Grammar spot


Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy
The importance oI energy
Grammar spot

The Iuture oI energy


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Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and their
extensions into materials science, solid and Iluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transIer and
rate processes, and systems analysis.
Engineering as a proIession involves diIIerent tasks. It can reIer speciIically to the
manuIacture or assembly oI engines, machine tools and machine parts. It is also used more
generally to describe the creative application oI scientiIic principles to design, develop,
construct and Iorecast the behavior oI structures, apparatus, machines, manuIacturing
processes and works.
The Iunction oI scientists is to know, while that oI engineers is to do: they must solve
speciIic problems.

DiIIerent branches of engineering require diIIerent equipment and are based on
diIIerent processes.
Branches of engineering
The Iollowing words/phrases are all Iollowed by 'engineering'

Equipment in engineering

Processes in treating metals

Chemlcal clvll elecLrlcal elecLronlc hlghway hydraullc lndusLrlal
Mechanlcal mlnlng peLroleum producLlon producLlon sLrucLural
8oller crane gas englne machlne Lool pump Lurblne
Anneal anodlze elecLroplaLe forge found galvanlze grlnd
Parden mlnL plaLe roll sofLen Lemper LlnplaLe
Adjective / verbs/ plural nouns used
with a singular verb/verb to be.
TECHNICAL ENGLISH (Vocabulary and Grammar) Nick Brieger, Alison Pohl. Pages 24, 25

. isten to Peter, Sandra and Sue and circle what branch of engineering they
are talking about:

2. Write the equipment that is used in each branch of engineering.

Peter Sandra Sue
Chemlcal Clvll LlecLrlcal
LlecLronlc Plghway Mlnlng
Pydraullc lndusLrlal Mechanlcal
eLroleum producLlon roducLlon SLrucLural

a) Notice the Iollowing adjective endings:

b) Notice the Iollowing verb endings:

c) Notice the Iollowing nouns which are a plural Iorm but are normally used with a
singular verb.

TECHNICAL ENGLISH (Vocabulary and Grammar) Nick Brieger, Alison Pohl. Pages 24, 25

. Complete the following sentences with a form of the word in brackets.

1. In the industry, develop processes Ior
producing plastics, Iibres, medicines, etc. Irom simple chemicals. (chemistry)

2. Producing steel using the Bessemer process is one oI the best-
known processes. (industry)

3. Most devices need oil as a lubricant. (mechanics)

4. Following the earthquake. every building had to be inspected to see whether it had
suIIered any damage. (structure)

5. Certain chemicals are added to glue to it. (hard)

6. Excavators and power shovels are two types oI equipment
used by when they are removing rocks Irom the ground.

al chemlcal mechanlcal physlcal sLrucLural
lal lndusLrlal
lc elecLronlc hydraullc
en harden sofLen
lze anodlze galvanlze
MaLhemaLlcs mechanlcs physlcs Lhermodynamlcs
!`!!` I` `.!I `!` 1
The concept of energy is widespread in all sciences.

1. Answer the following question:
n the context of chemistry, energy is an attribute of
a substance as a consequence of its atomic,
molecular or aggregate structure. Since a chemical
transformation is accompanied by a change in one
or more of these kinds of structure, it is invariably
accompanied by an increase or decrease of energy
of the substances involved. Some energy is
transferred between the surroundings and the
reactants of the reaction in the form of heat or light;
thus the products of a reaction may have more or
less energy than the reactants.
n biology, energy is an attribute of all biological
systems from the biosphere to the smallest living
organism. Within an organism it is responsible for
growth and development of a biological cell or an
organelle of a biological organism. Energy is thus
often said to be stored by cells in the structures of
molecules of substances such as carbohydrates
(including sugars), lipids, and proteins, which
release energy when reacted with oxygen in
a) What does mean energy in chemical and biology context?

b) How is the energy transferred in chemical context?


c) How is the energy stored in biological context?


2. Read the following beginnings and endings, and make four complete
sentences :

1. t is invariable accompanied ________________________________.

2. Energy is an attribute of all _________________________________.

3. The products of a reaction may have _________________________.
4. Within an organism it is responsible for _______________________.

!`!!` I` `.!I `!`

n geology, continental drift, mountain
ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes
are phenomena that can be explained
in terms of energy transformations in
the Earth's interior. While
meteorological phenomena like wind,
rain, hail, snow, lightning, tornadoes
and hurricanes, are all a result of
energy transformations brought about
by solar energy on the atmosphere of
the planet Earth.
a) biological systems from the biosphere.

b) by an increase or decrease of energy.

c) growth and development of a biological cell

d) have more or less energy than the reactants.


1. Choose a word and put it where correspond:

_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
______________ _____________
n cosmology and astronomy the
phenomena of stars, nova, supernova,
quasars and gamma ray bursts are the
universe's highest-output energy
transformations of matter. All stellar
phenomena (including solar activity) are
driven by various kinds of energy
transformations. Energy in such
transformations is either from
gravitational collapse of matter (usually
molecular hydrogen) into various
classes of astronomical objects (stars,
black holes, etc.), or from nuclear fusion
(of lighter elements, primarily hydrogen).

2. Work with a partner. Using a dictionary if necessary to check that you
understand all these words.

3. Write a sentence for each word to illustrate its meaning. EXAMPLE:

We live in the Earth planet.

Pronoun verb "to be"
I am ( I am) = ( I'm)
YOU / WE / THEY are ( you are) = (you're)
SHE / HE / IT is ( she is ) = (she's)
He is an engineer. (Affirmative)
Is he an engineer? (Interrogative) yes he is / no he isn't ( isn't = is not )
He isn't an engineer. (Negative)

Grammar spot
tornadoes supernova Earth
hydrogen meteorological astronomical
A) Complete the sentences with the appropriate verb.

a. Energy _______ an attribute of a substance

b. t ______ invariably accompanied.

c. Rain, hail, snow ______ all a result of energy transformations.

d. Continental drift, mountain ranges, volcanoes, and earthquakes
______ phenomena.

B) Choose the correct answer.

1. He is a doctor.

He are a doctor.

2. You is intelligent.

You are intelligent.

3. We are in the bedroom.

We is in the bedroom.

LOOK AT THS: circle the correct answer.
s some energy transferred in the form of heat
or light?
a) Yes it is b) no it isnt
Are tornadoes and hurricanes a result of
energy transformations?
a) Yes it is b) no it isnt


,9 ~.~._.

Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our
We use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains,
planes and rockets, cooks our food, and plays our music. Energy powers machinery in
factories and tractors on a farm.
We have light during the day by the energy from the sun. !t dries our clothes when
they're hanging outside on a clothes line. !t helps plants grow. Energy stored in plants
is eaten by animals, giving them energy. And predator animals eat their prey, which
gives the predator animal energy. Everything we do is connected to energy in one
form or another.
Energy is defined as: the abiIity to do work.
When we eat, our bodies transform the energy stored in the food into energy to do
work. When we run or walk, we "burn" food energy in our bodies. When we think or
read or write, we are also doing work. Nany times it's really
.91 work!
Cars, planes, light bulbs, boats and machinery also transform
energy into work.
Energy is an important part of our daily lives.


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