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November 27, 2011

Loving God & Our Neighbors in the Heart of the City


We are an historic Presbyterian congregation offering traditional worship and multiple ministries for persons of all ages.

Please join us after worship for fellowship in the Social Room.

Thank you for turning off your cell phones, pagers, cameras, and other electronic devices during worship, and for leaving food and beverages outside the sanctuary. Interim Pastor: Director of Music: Administrative Assistant: Bookkeeper: Sexton: Child Development Center: Interim Director 1627 Monument Avenue Richmond, VA 23220 Phone: 804.359.2463 Fax: 804.278.6298 www.grace-covenant.org info@grace-covenant.org Brint Keyes Christopher Martin Vanessa Strait Martha Rubin Willie Alford Nicole Williams

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Radio: WLES 590 AM www.wlesradio.com

Hearing Aids, Large Print Hymnals, and Bulletins are available each week from the ushers.


There is no one who calls on your name, or attempts to take hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us, and have delivered us into the hand of our iniquity. Yet, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. - Isaiah 64:7-8 He will also strengthen you to the end, so that you may be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. - 1 Corinthians 1:8-9 He brought light out of darkness, not out of a lesser light, and he can bring thee summer out of winter, though thou hast no spring. Though in the ways of fortune, understanding, or conscience thou hast been benighted till now, wintered and frozen, clouded and eclipsed, damped and benumbed, smothered and stupefied, now God comes to thee, not as the dawning of the day, not as the bud of the spring, but as the sun at noon. - John Donne, from his 1624 Christmas Day sermon in St. Paul's, London

November 27, 2011 The First Sunday of Advent 10:55 a.m.


WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please fill out the communication card and place it in the offering plate during the offertory. PRELUDE Sleepers, Awake! A Voice Is Calling Johann Sebastian Bach


Please stand for these parts of the service.

Pat and Jordan Ball

CALL TO WORSHIP O LORD, as we look to the birth of Jesus, grant that the light of Your love may shine forth from our hearts and illumine the world. Prepare our hearts for the joy and gladness of Your coming, for Christ is our hope. Amen.

HYMN 147 (RED Hymnal)

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Veni Emmanuel

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty and heavenly Father, God of justice and peace, God of mercy and righteousness, You call us to a life of holiness, even as You are holy. Yet we confess that we have not heeded Your call. We have chosen self-interest over obedience, preferred comfort over discipleship, followed culture rather than Your Word, and refused to believe in Your promise of new life. Lord, have mercy upon us, and forgive us our sins. You are the bread for which we hunger; Yours is the peace for which we yearn; Yours are the suffering to whom we are sent; You alone are life itself and apart from You we are nothing. Strengthen us to seek Your face to listen, obey, and rejoice in You that we might follow Your Son, Jesus Christ, for it is in His holy, precious, and humble Name that we pray. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON

(All sing the Alleluia after the organ introduction)

James Chepponis

Christmastime Alleluia, music by James Chepponis 1997 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-715262.


OFFERING ANTHEM When Love Is Born Anew
Chancel Choir

Douglas Wagner

(b. 1952)

Awake, the dawn is breaking. Rejoice, the night is past. Come, Christians, cease your waiting, your King will come at last. Your King will come, his throne assume, and hearts prepare him room. Advent voices fill the sky, Advent people prophesy that every stone on earth shall cry, when love is born anew. Prepare the banquet table, unbar the bolted door. Make clean the lowly stable to welcome Christ, your Lord. The Lord will come, the valleys bloom, and hearts prepare him room. Advent voices fill the sky, Advent voices people prophesy that every stone on earth shall cry, when love is born anew. Let every heart prepare him room when love is born anew.
- text by Charlotte Lee

DOXOLOGY 592 (Blue Hymnal) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING

Old Hundredth

Dana McKnight




Isaiah 64:1-9

Holy Bible, p. 658 OT

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. CHILDRENS SERMON EPISTLE READING 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 Brian Baird Holy Bible, p. 157 NT


Mark 13:24-37

Holy Bible, p. 51 NT

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON HYMN 11 (Blue Hymnal) AFFIRMATION OF FAITH In Yet We Hope O Lord, How Shall I Meet You? The Apostles Creed B. Brinton P. Keyes Valet Will Ich Dir Geben

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

GLORIA PATRI 579 (Blue Hymnal) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning; is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. PASTORAL PRAYER AND THE LORDS PRAYER


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


HYMN 3 (Blue Hymnal) BENEDICTION CHORAL RESPONSE POSTLUDE Wait for the Lord Savior of the Nations, Come! Taiz Paul Manz Comfort, Comfort You My People Psalm 42


Please join us in the Social Room following worship for refreshments and fellowship.
The flowers are given to the glory of God and in honor of our Grace Covenant church family by Jake and Laura Leigh Savage.

Give thanks for: Logan Moorheads recovery. . . New support for Matt Hartmans research. Continue to pray for: Steve Satterfield, whose older sister, Ann, died unexpectedly last week; and Megan Meyer, whose grandmother passed away last week. Those in need of healing: John Valentine, recovering from spinal surgery; Erika Tabor, recovering from foot surgery; Sudie and Carol Woods sister Bettie, undergoing chemo; Bill Correll, in hospice care; Ben Gordon; Stella Schlieser; Susan Farrells grandmother, Mary Lou (Uh-Oh) and father, Jim; Svetlana Chicus mother, Estera, with lymphoma; Evelyn Turner; Peter Albertis; Rosie and George Turner; and Nela Bostian Steve Satterfield and Ainura Aitmurzaeva as they negotiate her travel to the US Those facing vocational challenges: Erika Tabor; Carlos Juara; Wayne Casey; and Logan Moorheads daughter-in-law Sharie Leslie Hartmans community garden ministry, and John Lootens away on travel Our Session, that they may faithfully lead this congregation by humbly following Gods Word; and for the Mission Study Team, that they may discern, together with the congregation, Gods purpose for GCPC Our Child Development Center, as they interview candidates for Director Beth Lloyd Daniel Reas, Stuart Chapman, William Bridenstine, David Russell, Chris Pais, and Mike Child, serving in our nations Armed Forces The people of Haiti, Japan, New Zealand and Turkey, as they continue to recover from natural disasters; and the people of Libya and Syria as they seek peaceful ways forward for their countries. Missionaries we support: Elizabeth Gee back in US from Indonesia (fighting cancer); Valentin & Svetlana Chicu in Moldova; The Zobule family in the Solomon Islands, facing employment uncertainty; Beth Baleke in Uganda For persons in financial need in Metropolitan Richmond; for the inclusion of all, regardless of race, age, or jurisdiction of residence, in the economic health of Metropolitan Richmond; for effective, affordable, regional public transportation.

Although Johann Sebastian Bach composed the bulk of his organ works during his youthful years, it was only during the last decade or so of his life that he brought any of his organ works into print. Among Bachs favorite organ works were his Schbler Chorales, named after the engraver of the set, Johann Georg Schbler. These were a collection of six chorale transcriptions from his cantatas. Todays prelude is a transcription of the tenor aria from his Advent Cantata 140. Bach combines the catchy, dance-like ritornello with the phrases of the chorale in highly ingenious ways. It is no coincidence that conductors Ferrucio Busoni, Leopold Stokowski, Wilhelm Kempff, and others later made appealing piano and orchestral transcriptions of Bachs work, earning it the epithet The King of Chorales. Douglas Wagner is an internationally recognized composer and arranger of choral music. 2,400 titles of Douglas Wagners music have been published since 1973, including original works and arrangements for choir (church and school), concert band, orchestra, handbell ensemble, organ, piano, instrumental solo and voice. Todays joyous Advent anthem by Wagner is filled with hope and anticipation: "Advent voices fill the sky; Advent people prophesy that every stone on earth shall cry, when love is born anew." Paul Manz was an American composer for choir and organ who long served the church as recitalist, teacher, and leader in worship. His most famous organ works are his volumes of neo-Baroque chorale preludes and partitas from where todays postlude comes. It is a short and lively toccata on the German Advent hymn tune NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND (Presbyterian Hymnal, #14).

Junior, Carol, and Handbell Choirs Fall 2011 Schedule

Junior Choir Sunday, December 18
(Candlelight Carol Service)

Carol Choir Sunday, December 18

(Candlelight Carol Service)

Handbell Choir Sunday, December 18

(Candlelight Carol Service)

WORSHIP SUPPORT FOR TODAY (November 27): Opener Whit Whitley; Greeters Cherry Corley, Leslie Hartman; Worship Kits Kaete Unterzuber; Fellowship Hour Elizabeth Russell WORSHIP SUPPORT FOR NEXT SUNDAY (December 4): Opener Hank Downing; Greeters Carol Wood, Bob Copeland, Elizabeth Russell; Nursery Worker Lewis Rosebro; Elementary Sunday School Teachers Janet Chenoweth and Sudie Wood; Worship Kits Kaete Unterzuber; Fellowship Hour Carol Wood FELLOWSHIP HOUR Needed: Volunteers to host fellowship time on Sundays in the Social Room following worship. Please volunteer. It's quick, easy and a great way to meet fellow members. There is a sign-up sheet on the piano in the Social Room and one on the counter in the Glass Office. ANGEL TREEGrace Covenant is participating in the Angel Tree program again this year. We have a Christmas Tree on display in the Narthex so you can choose an angel. When choosing an angel please make sure you record your name and contact information corresponding with your angel number on the re-cap report sign-up sheet. We guarantee this will be the best Christmas gift youll purchase this year. The deadline is Monday, December 5. Clear trash bags are underneath the tree for your convenience to place your purchased gifts in and leave on the stage in the Fellowship Hall.

HANGING OF THE GREENS: Join in on the fun on Saturday, December 10 at 8:30 a.m. to decorate the Sanctuary. You will leave with the Christmas spirit!

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Thank you to all of those who donated shoeboxes for Samaritans Purse. Also thanks to Mothers Together for participating in this mission effort. With our joined effort we collected 35 shoeboxes! Awesome job!

PEOPLE Group will gather at the beautiful home of Will Madden located at 3 Glebe Close at Westminster Canterbury, Saturday, December 10, at 6:00 p.m. Additional information is available on the PEOPLE Group flyers that are around church. Mark your calendars and plan to attend this wonderful evening of fellowship. An enjoyable time will be had by everyone who attends. Please bring an appetizer, main dish, salad, side vegetable or dessert to share. Its time to order Poinsettias and Christmas Greens! If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia or give toward Christmas Greens, in memory/honor of a loved one, please return the enclosed insert with your payment by Monday, December 5. The Poinsettias and Christmas Greens will decorate the Sanctuary for the Candlelight Service and the Christmas season. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: Please mark your calendars for Grace Covenant's annual Christmas pageant starring our toddlers, elementary students, and youth. A few grown-ups may even appear! The pageant will take place Sunday, December 11, during the Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall. This delightful tradition is not to be missed, and teaches our young people the true reason for Christmas.

Barnes & Noble Book Fair and CDC

Once again, Barnes & Noble and the CDC are inviting you to participate in a book fair on December 1 from 5:00 8:00 p.m. at the Libbie Place store to benefit the CDC. A percentage of what is purchased in the name of Grace Covenant Child Development Center will be given to the CDC. This is a wonderful opportunity to start your Christmas shopping early and perhaps finish it. Stop by the Barnes and Noble store on Libbie Place and purchase books for everyone on your Christmas list. This is also a great opportunity to purchase that book you have been wanting to read but just havent gotten around to. At the time of purchase, please let the person at the check-out counter know that your purchases are in the name of Grace Covenant Child Development Center.

Join us this Wednesday, November 30, at 6:00 p.m. Menu: Spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, salad bar and chocolate clair cake. Wednesday Night programs are from 6:30-7:15 p.m. every week in the Fellowship Hall. Programs include special guest speakers from the community or people in our own congregation, speaking on various topics. This weeks program will feature the Reverend Ernie Gardner, who will present a program of Advent hymns. Ernie will give historical background for each hymn; then Chris Martin will lead us in singing these hymns. At the end people will be invited to compose their own hymn. Our last WNL for the 2011 year will be Wednesday, December 14, and you will not want to miss it!

5 Cents a Meal Offering: Traditionally, the first Sunday of every month is dedicated to an additional giving for 5 cents a meal. Except for Souper Bowl Sunday, 75% given to 5 cents a meal is sent to Presbytery of the James for the Presbyterian Churchs national program. The remaining 25% goes to local causes determined by the Mission Committee. In addition to the first Sunday collection, special cans are placed on the tables for contributions at the Wednesday Night Live dinners. Your gifts to 5 cents a meal are accepted any Sunday or any day. Thank you for your participation in this important mission.

Sunday School Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. Forum Class will be taught by Tom Miller on Revelation (continued) Grace Bible Class leaders are Jack Corley, John Nevin, and Bill Stuart Vanguard Class is led by Matt Johnson and visiting teachers Connections Class is led by Christof Meyer, Brian Baird, and visiting teachers


Sunday, November 27 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 12:00 noon Monday, November 28 12:00 noon Tuesday, November 29 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 30 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Thursday, December 1 9:30 p.m. Friday, December 2 5:45 p.m. Saturday, December 3 8:00 a.m. Sunday, December 4 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 12:00 noon First Sunday of Advent Prayer Confirmation Class Sunday School Classes Worship Service Fellowship Hour Mens Luncheon Staff Meeting Care Team Meeting Carol Choir (ages 3-K) rehearsal Junior Choir (grades 1-5) rehearsal CDC Board Meeting WNL Supper and Program Chancel Choir rehearsal Mothers Together Community Group Mission Study Team Retreat Second Sunday of Advent Handbell Rehearsal Mission Study Team Prayer Sunday School Classes Worship Service Fellowship Hour Sanctuary Vanguard Room Social Room Various Rooms Sanctuary Social Room 2107 Maplewood Avenue Social Room Youth Room/The Loft Various Rooms Sanctuary Social Room Vanguard Room Room 213 Room 213 Choir Room Choir Room Vanguard Room Fellowship Hall Choir Room

2011 Officers
Our Elders serve the church as leaders. Our Deacons lead the church in service. Please feel free to approach them with any questions or feedback about Grace Covenants ministries. CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley ELDERS: Jean Appich (11) - Christian Education Brian Baird (11) - Evangelism (M) Maurice Bell (13) - Finance/Stewardship Kent Cardwell (12) - Missions (M) Cal Gray (11) - Property (M) Matt Hartman (13) - Worship; Evangelism Cheryl Jacobs (12) - Worship (M); Administration Catherine Kerns (13) - Christian Education; Evangelism Caroline Leith (11) - Worship Katie McCullough (13) - Administration (Co-M); Mission Dana McKnight (11) - Finance/Stewardship (M) Christof Meyer (12) - Discipleship Tom Miller (12) - Christian Education (M) Everett Reveley (12) - Finance/Stewardship Robert Rosebro (13) - Property DEACONS: Pat Aldridge (11) - Cards and Prayer Ministry Betty Appich (11) - Deacon Support Pat Ball (12) - Flower Deliveries Cherry Corley (12) Susan Farrell (12) - Visitation, Transportation Nikki Hazlegrove (13) - Meal Deliveries Jim McCullough (13) - Deacons Fund Julia Poppell (11) - (Secretary) Visitation Dawson Watkins (11) - (Moderator) Visitor follow-up Carol Wood (13) - Visitation and Prayer Ministry Sid Yates (12) - Ushers (M=Moderator)

John Nevin (Moderator) Matt Johnson (Co-Moderator) Brian Baird Matt Hartman Catherine Kerns Christof Meyer Everett Reveley Brint Keyes (ex officio)


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