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AbsLracL SubmlLLed (AccepLed) for osLer resenLaLlon aL uCCCAS Sponsored Conference

'kedef|n|ng Approaches to Address Current Issue for Susta|nab|e 8|od|vers|ty'
Lo be held on uecember 23 2011 aL ueparLmenL of Zoology an[ab unlverslLy Chandlgarh

'Mo|ecu|ar Systemat|cs from Chromatography to Metagenom|cs through DNA barcod|ng a too| w|th
|mmense otent|a| for Account|ng 8|od|vers|ty'
Dr A S|ngh
AssoclaLe rofessor ln Zoology
SCCS College SecLor26 Chandlgarh 160 019
Lma|| aps|ngh_60Qyahooco|n

SysLemaLlcs has a long hlsLory from morphoLaxonomy Lo molecular sysLemaLlcs (Mayr 1969 kapoor 2008)
MorphoLaxonomy was lnlLlally based on exLernal morphology and laLer on anaLomy lncludlng genlLallc sLudles and more
recenLly scannlng elecLron mlcrographs were lncluded Lo enhance Lhe characLerlzaLlon of Laxa Powever lL has llmlLaLlons
ln belng slow complex and mere expresslon of genes Lhe laLLer can be effecLed by envlronmenLal changes lor furLherlng
dlfferenLlaLlon and Lo speed up Lhe Laxonomlc procedures molecular Laxonomlc Lools came Lo Lhe fore 1heoreLlcal
frameworks of Lhe molecular sysLemaLlcs were lald ln 1960s (Suarezulaz AnayaMunoz 2008) wlLh use of
chromaLography Lo dlfferenLlaLe specles based on analysls of proLelns enzymes and carbohydraLes followed by advance
molecular Lools llke proLeln elecLrophoresls unAunA hybrldlzaLlon sequence allgnmenL Lechnlques leadlng Lo unA bar
codlng(PeberL et ol 2004) and more recenLly MeLagenomlcs (Marco 2010) Cn accounL of hlgh resoluLlon efflclency and
easler and rapld esLabllshmenL of relaLlonshlps for phylogeneLlcs/ phyllogenomlcs molecular sysLemaLlcs ls flndlng favor
ln research world over Powever molecular sysLemaLlcs of any shade and level relles heavlly on MorphoLaxonomy for
dellmlLlng and descrlpLlon of Lhe specles needles Lo hlghllghL Lhe maln causallLy of Lhe presenL Lrends of sysLemaLlcs wlll
be Lhe MorphoLaxonomy lurLher lndla wlLh llmlLed fundlng and lesser coordlnaLlon beLween baslc blologlcal and
Lechnologlcal sclences (8loLechnology and 8lolnformaLlcs) ls way behlnd Lhe developed world ln Lhe fleld of molecular
sysLemaLlcs 8ecenL lncreaslng awareness and reallzaLlon by sclenLlflc fraLernlLy and pollcy and declslon makers more and
more focus ls belng dlverLed Lo Lhe fleld keeplng aslde Lhe lssue of uLmosL lmporLance of MorphoLaxonomy Lo
SysLemaLlsLs presenL posLer wlll be focused upon Lhe laLesL molecular Laxonomlc Lools wlLh passlng references Lo Lhe
varlous oLher such Lools LhaL have been employed ln Lhe pasL unA barcodlng and MeLagenomlcs wlll be hlghllghLed unA
barcodlng wlLh llmlLaLlons of shared barcodes and lnLrogresslve hybrldlzaLlon assoclaLed wlLh wllbocblo
lnfecLlons(Croucher et ol2004) ln many anlmal specles has been quesLloned for lLs unlversal appllcaLlon MeLagenomlcs
on Lhe oLher hand covers whole genome of Lhe lndlvlduals occurrlng naLurally 8uL for hlgh cosL complexlLles and lengLhy
procedures whlch are deLerrenLs MeLagenomlcs deflnlLely has an edge on unA barcodlng 1lll MeLagenomlcs becomes a
flnal desLlnaLlon unA barcodlng ls a sLandard Lool for sysLemaLlcs (Waugh 2007)
1 Croucher ! Cxford CS and Searle !8 (2004) MlLochondrlal dlfferenLlaLlon lnLrogresslon and phylogeny of
specles ln Lhe @oqeootlo ottlco group (Araneae Agelenldae) 8lologlcal !ournal of Llnnean SocleLy 81 79 89
2 PeberL un SLoeckle M? Zemlak 1S And lrancls CM (2004) ldenLlflcaLlon of blrds Lhrough unA barcodes
LoS 8lol 2(10) e312
3 kapoor v C (2008) 1heory and pracLlce of anlmal Laxonomy Cxford and l8P ubllshlng Co 272 pp
4 Marco u (2010) MeLagenomlcs 1heory meLhods and appllcaLlons CalsLer Academlc ress lS8n 9781904433
3 Mayr L (1969) rlnclples of sysLemaLlc zoology McCrawPlll n ? 428pp
6 Suarezulaz L and Anaya Munoz v P (2008) PlsLory ob[ecLlvlLy and Lhe consLrucLlon of molecular
phylogenles SLud PlsL hll 8lol 8lomed Scl 39 431 468
7 Waugh ! (2007) unA barcodlng ln anlmal specles progress poLenLlal and plLfalls

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