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Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|

Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
umberLo Calasslnl founded Lhe LransporL Company Calasslnl ln 1936 Lven from Lhe
beglnnlng Lhe Company showed lL was full of resources maklng wood LransporLaLlon
fasLer and oLher consLrucLlon maLerlals Lhrough Apennlnes wlLh Lhe help of Lrucks 1hus
Lhe concepL of LempospaLlal LransporL opLlmlzaLlon has become known ln Lhls fleld
ln 1963 Lhe company has esLabllshed lLs headquarLers ln vlgnola and expanded on a
naLlonal scale unLll 1970 when lL began Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo lnLernaLlonal dlsLrlbuLlon
1he year 1990 meanL for Calasslnl expandlng Lhe porLfollo of servlces LransporL
loglsLlcs dlsLrlbuLlon and loglsLlcs acLlvlLles relaLed Lo Lransfer of goods
CurrenLly Lhe company group has offlces ln lLaly vlgnola and 1orlno and has also
offlces and subsldlarles ln Pungary 8omanla 1urkey and Moldova wlLh more Lhan 330
employees engaged ln l1L L1L and loads LransporL sysLems and loglsLlcssLorage
handllng servlces 1he company group ls worklng on a pro[ecL Lo develop lLs buslness ln
norLh Afrlca
8r|ef n|story
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Calasslnl Croup sLarLed lLs acLlvlLy ln 8omanla ln 1993 formlng Calasslnl 8omanla S8L company speclallzed
ln lnLernaLlonal LransporLaLlon collecLlon sLorage and dlsLrlbuLlon
1he speclflc requlremenLs of our cusLomers and Lhe need Lo lncrease efflclency and dellvery has led us Lo
bulld a large fleeL of Lrucks and Lrallers of varlous Lypes mega Lhermo double Lraller vans for cloLhlng eLc ln
order Lo opLlmlze Lhe LransporL proflL and Lo fully saLlsfy cusLomers requlremenLs all Lrucks are equlpped
wlLh CS saLelllLe Lracklng
1o conducL buslness ln our loglsLlcs Lermlnals Lhe company has powerful means of handllng and sLorage
and also has servlce conLracLs wlLh speclallzed companles
lor Lhe safeLy of our cusLomers and Lo provlde cover ln case of any damage we have a CM8 lnsurance 1o
ensure maxlmum efflclency ln Lrafflc we have equlpped our mechanlcal workshops aL Cradea wlLh capaclLy
Lo replace parLs Lo perform works of perlodlc revlew of mechanlcal and elecLrlcal parLs as well as Llres
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
koman|a S0 000 sq spec|a||zed warehouses depend|ng on the
category of stored goods from furn|ture parts auto parts and
|ndustr|a| goods food goods that requ|re contro||ed
temperature and spec|a| cond|t|ons 1he company has a||
|og|st|cs to successfu||y perform spec|f|c act|v|t|es for p|ck|ng
pack|ng and stor|ng computera|ded |og|st|cs programs
nungary 1urkey and Mo|dova
Geograph|ca| Locat|on
Calasslnl 8omanla
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Serv|ces ortfo||o Group Ga|ass|n|
lnLernaLlonal 1ransporLaLlon ln l1L L1L and loads sysLem
uomesLlc 1ransporLaLlon ln l1L and L1L sysLem
naLlonal ulsLrlbuLlon
Servlces ln LoglsLlcs 1ermlnals Cradea and 8ucharesL
CLher servlces
CusLoms servlces
Clvll and commerclal consLrucLlons
ersonallzed lndusLrlal consLrucLlons (eg Comau 8omanla
23000 square meLers almlng Lo fulflll Lhe speclflc
recommendaLlons of our cllenLs)
1urnover Croup Calasslnl
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
2007 2008 2009 2010
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
A7ea: 100.000 mp
Wa7ehouses: 50.000 mp
Wa7ehouses with tempe7atu7e cont7ol 2.400 mp
SLraLeglc oslLlon headquarLers in Cradea [usL a few mlles from Lhe
8omanlan Pungarlan border ls a fundamenLal geographlcal polnL for Lhe lmporL
from Lhe WesLern Lurope and for Lhe exporL Lo Lhe new markeLs ln LasLern Lurope
lnLegraLed loglsLlcs plaLform amblenL LemperaLure sLorage
conLrolled LemperaLure sLorage for vegeLables and frulLs oven for rlpenlng
Speclallzed sofLware for Lhe managemenL of loglsLlcs operaLlons
Cwn fuel sLaLlon shop for repalrs
Maln acLlvlLles
lnLernaLlonal and domesLlc LransporL l1L and L1L lnLernaLlonal loads (Pub)
cusLoms operaLlons loglsLlcs operaLlons
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
A7ea (actual): 2.000 mp
Expanding til 2013: 20.000 mp
Wa7ehouse (actual): 1.600 mp
Wa7ehouse with tempe7atu7e cont7ol (actual) 1.000 mp
SLraLeglc oslLlon qulck access Lo Lhe A1
lnLegraLed loglsLlcs plaLform amblenL sLorage and full operaLlng faclllLles
crossdocklng warehouslng lnvenLory conLrol plcklng labellng
romoLlons secondary dlsLrlbuLlon full Lruck load and loads dellvery sysLems
Speclallzed sofLware for Lhe managemenL of loglsLlcs operaLlons
Maln acLlvlLles
lnLernaLlonal and domesLlc l1L and L1L LransporL lnLernaLlonal loads (Pub)
LoglsLlcal CperaLlons
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Internat|ona| 1ransportat|on |n I1L L1L and |oad system
1ransporLs from and Lo 8omanla lLaly Pungary oland
Spaln Cermany neLherlands 8elglum lrance 8ulgarla
CreaL 8rlLaln and so on
1ruck lleeL 90 Lrucks 30 subconLracLed and over
300 speclallzed Lrallers for dlfferenL Lypes of goods
conLrolled LemperaLure
frulLs and vegeLables
CollecLlon conslgnmenLs and dellvery sysLem for load ln
counLrles lLaly Pungary
oland Spaln Cermany Polland 8elglum lrance 8ulgarla 8omanla and so on
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Domest|c 1ransportat|on |n I1L and L1L system
ually dellvery from Cradea of Lhe merchandlse
arrlvlng from lnLernaLlonal and domesLlc Lrafflc
ually collecLlon of goods for exporL or dellvery Lo
cusLomers ln 8omanla
use of LransporL by lnLerchange of Lrucks ln order
Lo opLlmlze Lhe LranslL Llme
1ransporL beLween clLles ln 8omanla aL compeLlLlve
fares ln order Lo opLlmlze Lruck rouLes
1ransporLaLlon uslng varlous Lypes of vehlcles of
dlfferenL capaclLles provldlng for cusLomers
flexlblllLy ln seLLlng up dellverles
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Nat|ona| D|str|but|on
naLlonal Coverage
uoor Lo door dellverles
ually Loadlng
8everse loglsLlcs for producLs and package
24/36 uellverles
Cargo Lype lnsurance lf requesLed
uellvery ConflrmaLlon
Cver 90 speclallzed Lrucks
Cver 300 speclallzed Lrallers for dlfferenL
Lypes of Lrafflc canvas mega cloLhlng
frozen conLrolled LemperaLure
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
8enef|ts |n |og|st|c bases Cradea and 8ucharest
W Cver S0000 square meters for lnLegraLed loglsLlcs operaLlons
W Iar|ous types of goods made
spare parLs
cloLhlng shoes
food whlch requlres speclal care and checks
W Log|st|ca| operat|ons
sLock conLrol
labellng promoLlons
secondary dlsLrlbuLlon
full load and loads dellvery sysLem
W 2400 square meters of contro||ed temperature warehouses
lncludlng banana ovens
W Software p|atform (WMS) Lo manage operaLlons ln Lhe
warehouse SCA Mlllennlum
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Logistics software
SGA Millennium is a st7ong client/se7;e7 system, with a specific
objecti;e to p7o;ide a complete tool to supe7;ise goods handling and sto7age
inside the wa7ehouse.
Added va|ue
improving inventory accuracy
optimize the goods flow inside and outside the warehouse
reduce human errors during the progress of operations
maximum exploitation of equipment and available storage space
planning and coordinating the work of operators and industry
professionals from the warehouse
supervision and administration facilitated for warehouse managers
complete control over all the activities
production of diagrams reports and statistics of the inputs outputs
and internal flows
integration facility with management systems for data exchange
adaptation and customization facility.
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
SGA Millennium conducts a set of acti;ities essential fo7 the business:
analysis fo7 shipment
p7epa7ation of shipping documents: stamps and bills.
Packaging - Packing
!ackaging acti;ity that immediately p7ecedes the deli;e7y is monito7ed by SGA Millennium by c7eating a list
of app7op7iate packaging. This list contains info7mation 7ega7ding shipping unit, the numbe7 of packeges
and quantity of p7oduct pe7 package.
AnaIysis for shipment
SGA Millennium uses fundamental c7ite7ia to plan and optimize the followings: info7mation de7i;ed f7om
custome7 7eco7ds (p7io7ity, desi7e,clients t7ust), date of deli;e7y o7de7s, shipment location, c7ite7ia of o7de7s
7eg7ouping and deepening and othe7 c7ite7ia specific to ;a7ious types of p7oduction.
Goods sampIing - Picking
Afte7 planning the deli;e7ies follows the picking: goods a7e physically located and the 7equi7ed amount is
collected and put in a special place to be 7eady fo7 the shipment. Millennium SGA de;elops fo7 this pu7pose a
picking list, guidelines fo7 the dispatch unit fo7 sampling, manually o7 automatically, the goods to be shipped.
AuLomoblll Lamborghlnl Poldlng
8lack Sea Suppllers Srl
8unge 8omanla Srl
CelesLlca 8omanla Srl
Comau 8omanla Srl
Luroholdlng Srl
lalsL MeLalworklng
lC81lSMC8 SA
lncanLo Croup Srl
lnCCn18C 8LlA888lCA1l SA
LluL ulscounL Srl
Lul!o SpA
LuxLen LlghLlng Company
lrelll 1yres 8omanla
SClkLA 8CMAnlA Srl
1MkA818CM Sa
unlLed Colors of 8eneLLon

Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|

Caroll loods 8omanla
8ucharesL 2011
Calasslnl 8ucharesL LoglsLlcs laLform
W Locat|on 8ucharesL 8uslness ark (WesL of 8ucharesL A1 hlghway)
W Descr|pt|on ls a loglsLlc and dlsLrlbuLlon cenLer for
consumer producLs locaLed ln Lhe wesLern parL of rlng of
Lhe clLy 8ucharesL
W Log|st|cs operat|ons
sLock conLrol
labellng promoLlons
secondary dlsLrlbuLlon
full Lruck load and loads dellvery sysLem
W Software p|atform (WMS) for managlng Lhe warehouse
operaLlons SCA Mlllenlum
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Log|st|cs |atform Ga|ass|n| 8ucharest koman|a
G a | a s s | n | G a | a s s | n |
8ucharesL 8uslness ark Ga|ass|n| 8ucharest 2011
Warehouse 1613 mp
1oLal floor 1632 mp
lronL Cfflce 39 mp
Cfflces 199 mp
xpoosloo 5ttoteqy 2012
Cef|n ark
Cood access from Lhe hlghway ln boLh dlrecLlons
SLraLegy MarkeLlng
1hrough Lhe developmenL of Calasslnl
8ucharesL LoglsLlcs laLform and lnLegraLlon
wlLh LoglsLlc laLform Calasslnl Cradea we
alm ranklng ln flrsL flve companles from
8omanla especlally ln commerclal areas of
8ucharesL and ConsLanLa
1he deslred goal ls Lo lncrease Lhe flexlblllLy
of dlsLrlbuLlon of goods currenLly handled
for our cllenLs
CreaLlng and managlng new cllenLs porLfollo
and lnLegraLlon wlLh Lhe acLual cllenLs
porLfollo of Lhe Calasslnl Croup
ueslred goal ls Lo creaLe a basls for Lhe
developmenL of naLlonal LransporL and
dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork and lLs lnLegraLlon wlLh
Lhe Luropean neLwork Calasslnl Croup
uomesLlc and lnLernaLlonal l1L/L1L/loads
from Lhe currenL porLfollo dellvery
dlsLrlbuLlon warehouslng loglsLlcs
lnLegraLed managemenL by creaLlng
common analysls Lools ln order Lo opLlmlse
Lhe operaLlons conLrol and ensure greaLer
flexlblllLy for dlsLrlbuLlon and dellvery of
CenLral coordlnaLlon of CllenLs for Lhe whole
Calasslnl group ln order Lo lncrease Lhe
lnLeroperablllLy of goods Lransfers especlally
from lnLernaLlonal frelghL Lrafflc
Market|ng roduct
I1L]L1L]Internat|ona| Domest|c |oads
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
Group Ga|ass|n| Group Ga|ass|n|
ConLacL person
AnaIu||a Aron
6enero/ monoqer
1el 0040 239 419913
lax 0040 239 419916
eMall ana_aron[galasslnlro
ConLacL person
Doru Cbada
1el 0040 720 400 633
lax 0040 239 419 913
eMall obadadoru[galasslnlro

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