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uotl Abo notoltob ko bobwo kosolollob 5Aw betkoto AllOn 5w1 betfltmoo Ako meootot sooqkooo
bomboko tetboJopko Ako betsomooyo bllo lo meoyebotkobllo meoyebotku Jl Jolom Jltloyo moko
Ako poo meoyebotoyo Jl Jolom Jltlko uoo bllo lo meoyebotku Jlkolooqoo otooq booyok moko Ako
poo meoyebotoyo Jl Jolom kolooqoo otooq booyok leblb Jotl lto

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On the authority oI Abu Hurayrah (may ALLAH be pleased with
him), who said that the Messenger oI ALLAH (peace and blessings
oI ALLAH be upon him) said:
"When ALLAH created Paradise and Hell-Iire, He sent Gabriel to
Paradise, saying: 'Look at it and at what I have prepared therein Ior
its inhabitants.'" The Prophet (peace and blessings oI ALLAH be
upon him) said: "So he came to it and looked at it and at what
ALLAH had prepared therein Ior its inhabitants." The Prophet
(peace and blessings oI ALLAH be upon him) said: "So he returned
to Him and said: 'By your glory, no one hears oI it without entering
it.' So He ordered that it be encompassed by Iorms oI hardship, and
He said: 'Return to it and look at what I have prepared therein Ior its
inhabitants.'" The Prophet (peace and blessings oI ALLAH be upon
him) said: "So he returned to it and Iound that it was encompassed
by Iorms oI hardship (1). Then he returned to Him and said: 'By
Your glory, I Iear that no one will enter it.' He said: 'Go to Hell-Iire
and look at it and what I have prepared therein Ior its inhabitants;'
and he Iound that it was in layers, one above the other. Then he
returned to Him and said: 'By Your glory, no one who hears oI it
will enter it.' So He ordered that it be encompassed by lusts. Then
He said: 'Return to it.' And he returned to it and said: 'By Your
glory, I am Irightened that no one will escape Irom entering it.'
(1) The Arabic word used here is "makarih", the literal meaning oI
which is "things that are disliked." In this context it reIers to Iorms
oI religious discipline that man usually Iinds onerous.
|At-Tirmidhi, who said that it was a good and sound Hadith (also by
Abu Dawud and an-Nasa'i).


"Gardens oI perpetual bliss they shall enter there, as well as the
righteous among their Iathers, their spouses and their oIIspring. And
angels shall enter upon them Irom every gate.
|Surah al-Rad, 13: 23|

'This is a reminder. Verily, Ior the righteous is a beautiIul place oI
Iinal return garden oI eternity, whose doors will always be open to
|Surah Saad, 38: 49-50|

'And those who Ieared their Lord will be led to the Garden in
crowds until behold, they arrive there. Its gates will be opened, and
its keepers will say, Peace be upon you! Well have you done, enter
here, to dwell eternally.`
|Surah Al Zumar, 39: 73|

Sahl bin Sa`d |ra| reported that the Prophet |saw| said:
'Jannah has eight gates, and one oI them is called ar-Rayyaan,
through which none will enter except those who observe Iasting.
|Sahih al-Bukhari|

Abu Hurairah |ra| narrated that the Prophet |saw| said:
'Whoever spends two things in the way oI ALLAH will be called
Irom the gates oI Jannah and will be addressed, O slave oI
ALLAH, here is prosperity!` So whoever was among the people
who used to oIIer their prayers will be called Irom the gate oI
prayer; and whoever was among the people who used to participate
in Jihad will be called Irom the gates oI Jihad; and whoever was
among those who used to observe Iasts will be called Irom the gate
oI ar-Rayyaan; and whoever was among those who used to give in
charity will be called Irom the gate oI charity. Abu Bakr said, Let
my parents be sacriIiced Ior you, Oh ALLAH`s Messenger! No
distress or need will beIall him one will be called Irom those gates.
Will there by anyone who will be called Irom all these gates? The
Prophet |saw| replied, 'Yes. And I hope you will be one oI them.
|Sahih al-Bukhari|

Uqba bin Amir |ra| said: 'We were entrusted with the task oI
tending the camels On my turn, when I came back in the evening
aIter grazing them in the pastures, I Iound ALLAH`s Messenger
|saw| standing and addressing the people. I heard these words oI
II any Muslim perIorms ablution well, then stands and prays two
rak`ahs, setting about them with his heart as well as his Iace, Jannah
will be guaranteed to him.` I said, What a Iine thing this is!` A
narrator who was beIore me said, The Iirst was even better than
this.` When I cast a glance, I saw that it was Umar who said, I see
that you have just come and observed. II anyone among you
perIorms the ablution, completes the ablution well and says, 'I
testiIy that there is no god but ALLAH and that Muhammad is the
servant oI ALLAH and His Messenger, then the eight gates oI
Jannah will be opened Ior him and he may enter by whichever oI
them he wishes.`

'The gates oI Jannah will be opened on Mondays and on Thursdays,
and every servant oI ALLAH who associates nothing with ALLAH
will be Iorgiven, except Ior the man who has a grudge against his
brother. About them it will be said, Delay these two until they are
reconciled. Delay these two until they are reconciled. Delay these
two until they are reconciled.`
|Muslim, Malik and abu Dawud|


'Be Ioremost (in seeking) Iorgiveness Irom your Lord. And a
garden oI bliss, the width oI the heavens and the earth, prepared Ior
those who believe in ALLAH and His messengers - that is the grace
oI ALLAH which He bestows on whom He pleases, and ALLAH is
the Lord oI abounding grace.
|Al Hadid, 57:21|

Abu Hurairah |ra| reported that the Messenger oI ALLAH |saw|
said that ALLAH |swt| said:
'I have prepared Ior My righteous servants what no eye has seen
and no ear has heard, nor has it occurred to the human heart. Thus,
recite iI you wish, And no soul knows what joy has been kept
hidden Ior them.`
|Sahih al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, and ibn Majah, Surah Al
Sajdah, 32: 17|

Sahl bin Sa`d |ra| narrated Allah`s Messenger |saw| said: 'A place
in Jannah equal to the size oI a lash is better than the whole world
and whatever is in it.
|Sahih al-Bukhari|

continue reading at http://www.jannah.org/Irontpage/jannah.html


"Fear the Iire, which is prepared Ior the disbelievers."
|Ali'-Imran, 3: 131|

"Truly Hell is lying in wait- a destination Ior the transgressors."
|an-Naba, 78: 21-22|

(One`s rejection oI Iaith is transgression against ALLAH and
Abdullah bin Umar (radiAllahu anhu) narrated: 'ALLAH
Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
When someone dies, he is shown his destination morning and
evening and iI he belongs to the people oI Paradise, (he will be
shown his place) among the people oI Paradise, and iI he is Irom the
people oI Hell, (he will be shown his place) among the people oI
|Sahih al-Bukhari|

Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) reported that ALLAH`s Messenger
(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
'There was a dispute between Hell and Paradise during which Hell
said, The haughty and the proud will Iind abode in me.` And
Paradise said, The meek and the humble will Iind their abode in
me.` Thereupon, ALLAH, the Exalted and Glorious, (addressing
Hell) said, You are the means oI My punishment by which I punish
those oI My servants whom I wish.` (and addressing Paradise), He
said, You are My mercy by means oI which I will show mercy to
those whom I wish. And each one oI you will be Iull.`

'The unbelievers will be led to Hell in crowds until, when they
arrive there, its gates will be opened.. |az-Zumar, 39: 71|
'And verily, Hell is the promised abode Ior them all. It has seven
gates: to each oI those gates is a speciIic class oI sinners assigned.
|al Hijr, 15: 43-44|

'To them will be said, Enter you the gates oI Hell to dwell therein.
And how evil is this abode oI the arrogant.`|az Zumar, 39: 72|

'But those who reject Our signs are the companions oI the leIt hand
on them will be Iire vaulted over.
|al Balad, 90: 19-20|

In Arabic, the phrase 'on them will be Iire vaulted over indicates
that the gates oI Hell be closed. In other words, the Iire will
encompass the companions oI the Fire, and the gates oI Hell will
imprison them within. As well, the gates oI Hell will be locked,
vaulted all around, and outstretched columns will cover the doors.
'It is the Iire oI ALLAH, kindled to a blaze, which mounts right to
the hearts. It will be a vault over them in outstretched columns. |al
Humazah, 104: 6-9|

Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu) narrated that ALLAH`s Messenger
(salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said:
When the month oI Ramadan begins and the gates oI Heaven are
opened, the gates oI Hell are closed, and the devils are chained.
|Sahih al-Bukhari|


'To all are degrees or ranks according to their deeds.
|an-An'am, 6: 132|

'Is the man who Iollows the good pleasure oI ALLAH like the one
who draws upon himselI the wrath oI ALLAH and whose abode is
in Hell an evil reIuge? They are varying grades in the sight oI
ALLAH, and ALLAH sees well all that they do. |ali'-Imran, 3: 162-

'Indeed the hypocrites are in the lowest depths oI the Fire; you will
Iind no helper Ior them. |an Nisa, 4: 145|

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