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Lymphatic Drainage

Keep Things Running Smoothly

The lymphatic system consists of a myriad of delicate vessels found in almost every tissue of the body that contains blood vessels. These vessels perform essential functions, including the transportation of nutrients from the small intestine into the interstitial space and the removal of waste products from cellular metabolism. A vast array of materials must be transported by this system through small movements such as pressure

ingredients in Lymphatic Drainage work together to clean and tone the lymphatic system. Cleavers (or clivers) tones the lymphatic system through its purifying and diuretic properties. Red clover supports blood circulation and provides natural magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, iron, phosphorus and vitamins A, B-complex and C. Stillingia root increases drainage and limits stagnation while prickly ash bark stimulates the circulatory and the lymphatic systems of the body and is especially effective on mucous membranes.

NSP Lymphatic Drainage is a unique formula specially designed for the support and maintenance of the lymphatic system. This liquid formula is more readily absorbed by the body than capsules or tablets.

Lymphatic Drainage contains cleavers, red clover, stillingia root and prickly ash bark in a glycerin base.

Supports the lymphatic, circulatory and immune systems. Helps the body maintain a healthy network of internal vessels. Helps remove cellular waste from the body.

Take 1 ml (approximately 1520 drops or 1/4 teaspoon) in water twice daily.


Nutritional: Lymphomax, Red Clover, Mullein. Homeopathic: Lymphostim.

Lymphatic Drainage is designed to support the bodys efforts to drain the lymphatic system. It may help disperse lymphatic congestion, improve nutrient absorption and enhance immune function. The

Lymphatic Drainage (2 fl. oz.) Stock No. 3171-7

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Lymphatic Drainage
Mantenga su salud linftica
El sistema linftico consiste de millares de vasos delicados que se encuentran en casi todos los tejidos del cuerpo donde corre sangre y cuya funcin es de transportar nutrientes del intestino delgado al espacio intersticial, la remocin de desperdicios del metabolismo celular y la destruccin de microorganismos infecciosos. Por causa de todo el material transportado, puede consecuentemente congestonifica el sistema por sus propiedades diurticas y purificadoras. Red clover apoya la circulacin sangunea y provee una rica fuente de magnesio, cobre, calcio, cromo, hierro, fsforo y vitaminas A, del complejo B y C. La raz de stillingia promueve el drenaje y limita el estancamiento, mientras que la corteza de la hierba prickly ash estimula los sistemas circulatorio y linftico, siendo especialmente efectivo en las membranas mucosas

Lymphatic Drainage de NSP es una frmula nica especialmente diseada para apoyar y mantener el sistema linftico. Esta frmula lquida es ms fcil de ser absorbida por el cuerpo que las cpsulas o tabletas.

Lymphatic Drainage contiene cleavers, red clover, raz de stillingia y corteza de prickly ash en una base de glicerina.


Apoya los sistemas linftico, circulatorio e inmunolgico. Ayuda al cuerpo a mantener saludables la red de vasos internos. Ayuda a remover el desperdicio celular del cuerpo.

Tome 1 ml (aprx. 15 a 20 gotas o 1/4 cucharadita en agua) dos veces al da.


Nutritivos: Lymphomax, Red Clover, Mullein. Homeopticos: Lymphostim.

Lymphatic Drainage est diseado para ayudar al cuerpo a drenar el sistema linftico, a dispersar la congestin linftica, mejorar la absorcin de nutrientes y las funciones inmunolgicas. Los ingredientes en Lymphatic Drainage trabajan sinergsticamente para limpiar y tonificar el sistema linftico. Cleavers (o clivers)

Lymphatic Drainage (2 oz. lq.) No. de stock 3171-7

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Estas afirmaciones no han sido evaluadas por la FDA. Este producto no est dirigido para el diagnstico, tratamiento, cura o prevencin de ninguna enfermedad.



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