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Complementary MOS offers an inverter with near-perfect characteristics such as high, symmetrical noise margins, high input and low output impedance, high gain in the transition region, high packing density, and low power dissipation. Speed is the only restricting factor, especially when large capacitors must be driven. In contrast, the ECL gate has a high current drive per unit area, high switching speed, and low I/O noise. For similar fanouts and a comparable technology, the propagation delay is about two to five times smaller than for the CMOS gate. However, this is achieved at a price. The high power consumption makes very large scale integration difficult. A 100k-gate ECL circuit, for instance, consumes 60 W (for a signal swing of 0.4 V and a power supply of 4 V). The typical ECL gate also has inferior dc characteristics compared to the CMOS gate lower input impedance and smaller noise margins. In recent years, improved technology has made it possible to combine complimentary MOS transistors and bipolar devices in a single process at a reasonable cost. A crosssection of a typical BiCMOS process is shown in Figure 1. A single n-epitaxial layer is used to implement both the PMOS transistors and bipolar npn transistors. Its resistivity is chosen so that it can support both devices. An n+-buried layer is deposited below the epitaxial layer to reduce the collector

resistance of the bipolar device, which simultaneously increases the immunity to latchup. The p-buried layer improves the packing density, because the collectorcollector spacing of the bipolar devices can be reduced. It comes at the expense of an increased collector-substrate capacitance. This technology opens a wealth of new opportunities, because it is now possible to combine the high-density integration of MOS logic with the current-driving capabilities of bipolar transistors. A BiCMOS inverter, which achieves just that, is discussed in the following section. We first discuss the gate in general and then provide a more detailed discussion of the steady-state and transient characteristics, and the power consumption. The section concludes with a discussion of the usage of BiCMOS and the future outlook. Most of the techniques used in this section are similar to those used for CMOS and ECL gates, so we will keep the analysis short and leave the detailed derivations as an exercise.

Figure 1 Cross-section of BiCMOS process



As was the case for the ECL and CMOS gates, there are numerous versions of the BiCMOS inverter, each of them with slightly different characteristics. Discussing one is sufficient to illustrate the basic concept and properties of the gate. A template BiCMOS gate. When the input is high, the NMOS transistor M1 is on, causing Q1 to conduct, while M2 and Q2 are off. The result is a low output voltage. A low Vin, on the other hand, causes M2 and Q2 to turn on, while M1 and Q1 are in the offstate, resulting in a high output level. In steady-state operation, Q1 and Q2 are never on simultaneously, keeping the power consumption low. An attentive reader may notice the similarity between this structure and the TTL gate, described in the addendum on bipolar design. Both use a bipolar push-pull output stage. In the BiCMOS structure, the input stage and the phase-splitter are implemented in MOS, which results in a better performance and higher input impedance.

The impedances Z1 and Z2 are necessary to remove the base charge of the bipolar transistors when they are being turned off. For instance, during a high-tolow transition on the input, M1 turns off first. To turn off Q1, its base charge has to be removed. This happens through Z1. Adding these resistors not only reduces the transition times, but also has a positive effect on the power consumption. There exists a short period during the transition when both Q1 and Q2 are on simultaneously, thus creating a temporary current path between VDD and GND. The resulting current spike can be large and has a detrimental effect on both the power consumption and the supply noise. Therefore, turning off the devices as fast as possible is of utmost importance. The following properties of the voltage-transfer characteristic can be derived by inspection. First of all, the logic swing of the circuit is smaller than the supply voltage. Consider the high level. With Vin at 0 C, the PMOS transistor M2 is on, setting the base of Q2 to VDD. Q2 acts as an emitter-follower, so that Vout rises to VDD VBE(on) maximally. The same is also true for VOL. For Vin high, M1 is on. Q1 is on as long as Vout > VBE(on). Once Vout reaches VBE(on), Q1 turns off. VOL thus equals VBE(on).1 This reduces the total voltage swing to VDD 2VBE(on), which causes not only reduced noise margins, but also increases the power dissipation. Consider for instance the circuit of Figure 0.2, where the BiCMOS gate is shown with a single fan-out for Vin = 0. The output voltage of

VDD VBE(on) fails to turn the PMOS transistor of the subsequent gate completely off, since VBE(on) is approximately equal to the PMOS threshold. This leads to a steady-state leakage current and power consumption. Various schemes have been proposed to get around this problem, resulting in gates with logic swings equal to the supply voltage at the expense of increased complexity. Some of these schemes will be discussed later. Aside from this difference, the VTC of the BiCMOS inverter is remarkably similar to that of CMOS.


The use of resistive elements makes the BiCMOS gate of Figure 0.1 unattractive for real designs. A number of slightly modified, more popular circuits. In the first circuit (a), the impedances Z1 and Z2 are replaced by active impedances (or transistors) that are only turned on when needed. It still has the unfortunate property that a diode voltage drop is lost at the high end of the output range and to a lesser degree also at the low end. Circuit (b) has similar properties. The main difference between the two topologies resides in the transient behavior. Circuit (c) remedies the voltage-drop problem. Deriving the other parameters of the VTC of the BiCMOS inverter manually is truly complex due to the large number of devices and their interplay. We restrict ourselves to SPICE simulations.

The voltage-transfer characteristic of the inverter of Figure 1b is simulated using SPICE. A contrived BiCMOS process is employed that merges the MOS devices and bipolar transistors described by the models of Chapter 2. The NMOS and bipolar transistors are minimum size, while the PMOS transistors are made twice as wide as the NMOS devices. The supply voltage VDD is set at 5 V. The resulting VTC is shown in Figure 0.3. The complex shape of the curve is caused by the complex interactions among the large number of active devices present in the circuit. To clarify the behavior, we have also plotted the dc transfer characteristics for the base voltages of transistors Q1 and Q2. In the transient region between 2 V and 3.5 V, none of the bipolar transistors are really on. Also, the PMOS device M1 only turns on after M3 turns off and when Vbase2 is sufficiently below Vout. This causes Q1 to turn on and creates an additional drop in the output voltage around Vin 3.5 V. Notice, furthermore, that VOH is higher than expected. This results from the fact that Q2 still carries some emitter current when the baseemitter voltage is smaller than VBE(on). The following dc parameters can be extracted: VOH = 4.64 V; VOL = 0.05 V VIL = 1.89 V; VIH = 3.6 V VM = 2.34 V

NML = 1.84 V; NMH = 1.04 V An example of a BiCMOS inverter that does not suffer from a reduced voltage swing is shown in Figure 1c. The resistor R1 (in combination with M2) provides a resistive path between VDD and Vout and slowly pulls the output to VDD once Q2 is turned off. Full-rail BiCMOS circuits are the subject of active research.


The BiCMOS inverter exhibits a substantial speed advantage over CMOS gates when driving large capacitive loads. This results from the current-multiplying effect of the bipolar output transistors. As in the ECL case, deriving accurate expressions for the propagation delay is nontrivial. The gate consists of a large number of active devices (up to six) and contains a number of internal nodes, each of which could have a dominant effect on the transient response. Although detailed studies have been presented in the literature (e.g., [Rosseel88]), we restrict ourselves to a simplified analysis. This establishes a firstorder model for the delay. SPICE simulations can then be used to establish a more quantitative result. Consider first the low-to-high transition in the circuit of Figure 0.1a. Assume that the input signal is switching very fast and that its rise/fall times can be ignored. After turning off M1, the impedance Z1 allows the base charge of Q1 to drain to ground. Since the transistor was operating in forward-active mode, the stored charge is small, and Q1 turns off fast. To a first order, we can therefore assume that this has no impact on the propagation delay and that Q1 is turned off instantaneously. Under those conditions, the transient behavior can be modeled by the equivalent circuit of Figure 1a.

The propagation delay consists of two components. First, the capacitor Cint has to be charged to VBE(on) through M2 to turn on Q2. Once this point is reached, Q2 acts as an emitter- follower, and CL gets charged. Approximative expressions can be derived for both time intervals:

with Icharge1 the average charging current.


As Z2 is normally a large resistor, the latter component of the charging current can be ignored. The PMOS device operates in saturation mode in this time interval, providing ample current; therefore, tturn-on is small. To compute the second component of the propagation delay, where Q2 acts as an emitter-follower, we can use the reflection rule (similar to the analysis of the ECL gate) to merge the internal and external circuit nodes into a single node. CL now appears in par- allel with Cint, but its value is divided by (F + 1). This is equivalent to stating that the base current of Q2 is multiplied by that factor. The corresponding delay is now readily computed:

Icharge2 equals the average charging current during that interval. This consists primarily of the current through M2 (ignoring the current loss through Z2). The value of Vswing is determined by gate topology, but normally equals VDD 2 VBE(on), as was apparent from the dc analysis. The value of Icharge2 is comparable to the average PMOS charging current, as observed in a CMOS inverter with similar-size devices. The overall value of the low-to-high propagation delay is obtained by combining Eq. (0.2) and Eq. (0.3).


This delay consists of two components: 1. A fixed component that is proportional to Cint and is normally small. Cint is a lumped capacitance, composed of contributions of the PMOS device (diffusion capacitance) and the bipolar transistor (be- and bc-junction capacitance and base-charge capacitance). 2. The second component is proportional to the load capacitance CL. The loading effect is substantially reduced by the (F + 1) current multiplier introduced by the bipolar transistor. It is interesting to compare this result with the delay of a CMOS inverter, assuming similar-size MOS transistors. The following linear approximation of the delay of the CMOS inverter is valid.

In comparing Eqs. (0.4) and (0.5), we realize that the values of the coefficients are approximately equal (a c and b d), as determined by the current

through the PMOS and the voltage swing, which are of the same order in both designs. Cint is substantially larger in the BiCMOS case due to the contributions of the bipolar device. These observations allow us to draw an approximate plot of tpLH versus the load capacitance CL for both the CMOS and BiCMOS gates ( Figure 0.4).

For very low values of CL, the CMOS gate is faster than its BiCMOS counterpart due to the smaller value of Cint. For larger values of CL, the bipolar output transistors easily provide the extra drive current, and the BiCMOS gate


becomes superior. Although the cross-over point Cx is technology-dependent, it typically ranges from CL 50 to 250 fF. As a result, BiCMOS inverters are normally used as buffers to drive large capacitances. They are not very effective for the implementation of the internal gates of a logic structure (such as an ALU), where the associated load capacitances are small. One must also remember that the complexity of the BiCMOS gate incurs an important area overhead. Consider carefully when and where to use BiCMOS structures. A similar analysis holds for the high-to-low transition. It is assumed that Q2 turns off instantaneously, as its base charge is quickly removed through Z2. The resulting equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 1b. Once again, the delay consists of two contributions: 1. Turning on Q1. This requires the charging of the internal capacitance Cint through the NMOS device. 2. Discharging CL through the combined network of NMOS and bipolar transistor. Ignoring the current loss through Z1, all the drain current of M1 sinks into the base. Hence, the following approximative expression is valid


Eq. (0.6) closely resembles the one derived for the tpLH. It is worth mentioning that Cint is not constant and changes between turn-on and discharge modes. An average value over the complete operation range produces acceptable first-order results.



The propagation delay of the BiCMOS buffer of Example 0.1 is simulated using SPICE for a load of 1 pF. The result is plotted in Figure 2 and compared with the performance of a CMOS inverter (for a similar load). The propagation delay of 0.86 nsec for the BiCMOS gate compares favorably to the 6.0 nsec of the CMOS inverter. Notice the reduced voltage swing of the BiCMOS gate. The loss at both the high and low levels is, however, substantially smaller than the 0.7V (VBE(on)) suggested by the first-order model and is approximately equal to 0.4 V. For very low capacitive loads, the CMOS gate is approximately 5.5 times faster than its BiCMOS counterpart. This is illustrated in Figure 0.5, where the propagation delays of the CMOS and BiCMOS gates are plotted as a function of CL. The crossover point, where BiCMOS becomes faster than CMOS, is situated around 100 fF. Notice that for CL values below 1 pF the propagation delay of the BiCMOS gate is virtually independent of the load capacitance. For those load values, the capacitance of the internal nodes (Cint) dominates the performance, and the factor attributable to CL is negligible. The measured slope of the CMOS curve is approximately 64 times steeper, which is somewhat lower than the expected value of F + 1 (or 101). The

discrepancy is due to a number of inefficiencies in the BiCMOS gates, such as the VBE losses.

Collector Resistance RcThe equivalent circuits of Figure 1 ignore the presence of the collector resistance rc between the extrinsic collector contact and the intrinsic collector-base junction. The voltage drop over rc causes the transistor to saturate even though the extrinsic VCE is larger than 0.7 V, as is guaranteed by the BICMOS buffer design. For instance, a collector resistance of 100 ohms conducting a transient current of 1mA causes a voltage drop of 0.1 V. When driving large capacitive loads, currents in excess of 5 mA are regularly observed. The transistor accordingly saturates, causing a deterioration of the propagation delay; tp is then composed of the time to get the transistor into saturation, followed


by a discharging of the load capacitance with a time constant rCCL (Eq. (0.7)). This problem can be avoided by increasing the size of the transistor, decreasing rC.

High-Level InjectionThis effect occurs when the density of electrons transported across the collector-base space is comparable to the doping of the collector. The resulting base push-out effectively increases the width of the base and degrades the switching performance of the transistor. A typical parameter to quantify the onset of high-level injection is the knee current Ik, which is (in practice) the value of the collector current at which the forward current gain F is reduced to 50% of its value. Similar to the degradation caused by the collector resistance, high-level injection effects can be avoided by increasing the emitter area of the transistor.


The BiCMOS gate performs in the same manner as the CMOS inverter in terms of power consumption. Both gates display almost no static power consumption, while the dynamic dissipation is dominated by the (dis)charging of the capacitors. When driving small loads, the latter factor is slightly larger for the BiCMOS gate, due to the increased complexity of the gate. On the other hand, when driving very large capacitors, BiCMOS becomes favorable. To achieve comparable performance, CMOS drivers consist of a cascade of gradually increasing inverters (discussed in Chapter 8). The power dissipated in charging the internal capacitances becomes an important fraction of the overall consumption. This cascading is, generally, not needed in BiCMOS. The short-circuit currents during switching might be smaller or larger for BiCMOS, depending upon the level of circuit optimization. The superior currentdriving capabilities of the bipolar transistors produce steeper signal slopes and, consequently, a faster transition through the transition region. This potential advantage is, however, easily annihilated by intrinsic RC delays in the gate. A small differential delay might cause the bipolar transistors to be on simultaneously for a longer time, causing a large direct current to flow (remember the high

transconductance of the bipolar transistors). All in all, only precise simulations that include parasitic capacitances and resistances can tell exactly which gate is more power efficient.


Presented an overview of a SiGe modular BiCMOS process technology. Through the use of add-on modules compatible with the core CMOS process technology, large-scale chips combining digital, analog, and RF technologies can be produced. Modules are added as required by the chip under development. By using the core process with added modules, the economies of scale associated with large-volume CMOS production are maintained without compromising the performance of the analog or RF circuits. By enabling higher-speed devices and increased device density levels, these exciting advances in process technology will decrease the number of ICs and discrete (passive) components required by complex optical, wired and wireless communication systems. As process technology advances, we will see SOC systems with millions of digital gates combined with RF circuits operating in the tens of GHz. This will be made possible through enhanced photolithographic scaling and, potentially, SOI technology that could result in faster devices and better isolation between circuit blocks. The ability to easily connect to the bodies of the MOS device remains a problem for SOI technology when the MOS devices are used in analog or RF circuits.


Kiat-seng Yeo ,.et.al CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI Pearson Education Asia
http// www.ieee.org


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