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About Electronic Weapons Technology Electro Well, Ohio 501 (c ) 3 nonprofit Contact: suz.leboeuf@gmail.

.com Types of Weapons: Infrasonic/Ultrasonic Cannon, a portable weapon targets someone through walls to remotely incapacitate and disarm them. *1.p.242 Military-style acoustic devices use multiple beams that can produce loud sound at a distance to one person, or a crowd of people such as in rioting. Active Denial System is one used by law enforcement or military. * 1.p.242 "Voice of God" acoustical weapons *2 Directed Stick Radiator uses a series of piezoelectric disks acting as speakers to amplify pulses through each disk. Can push a cow over on its back, causes strong pain and disorientation at different decibels. US Army uses Aversive Audible Acoustic Weapon. * 1.p.241 Pulsed Periodic Stimuli uses modulated frequencies of pulsed acoustic waveforms to subdue rioting crowds; perceptual changes, disorientation, and forced calmness. *1.p. 242 Infrasound weapons use low frequency to pulp internal organs, cause great discomfort, interfere with or stop activities. *1.p. 242 Acoustic Blaster has four explosively-driven sound projectors to cause severe chest pain. Can be used as an acoustic bullet where sound intensity falls off gradually at end. Similar to crowd dispersal system, made by Primex Physics International. * 1.p. 241 Infrasound causes disorientation, vomiting, nausea, bowel spasms or diarrhea, severe disturbance of internal organs, severe injury or death, temporary deafness, pain, discomfort, paralysis, or blindness. *1.p.240 Electric-shock such as soldiers have that is a pocket sized device to inflict pain without damage. *1.p.239 Ionization beams to allow "wireless transmission of high-voltage electric current". Ionization is when "atoms lose their outer electrons" creating a very good electrical conductor. *1.pgs. 237, 239 Tetanizing creates paralysis of skeletal muscles. *1.p.238 The USAF is creating laser ionization weapons. *1.p.238 Chirped Pulse Amplification uses more practical lasers. *1.p.238 Millimetre Wave Imaging (MMV) creates a wavelength far greater than what we naturally see that see in greater detail than x-rays. Body glows at this wavelength,

even in the dark and through clothes. *1.p.308 Infrared sees heat of human body emitting IR radiation. *1.p.308 Strategies Used Against Us: Social We are often interrupted in our conversations with others We have sudden passivity or are mysteriously kept from speaking our minds for no reason Repeatedly asked to do more than our fair share, while others dont do as much Our plans are interfered with (blocking us from success) Feel unnecessarily ganged up on Strangers seem to look our way and/or move into our mental/physical "space" too often/anxiety/feelings of being stalked/followed People seem to not listen to us as if tranced/dont respond caringly Seeming like people aim hostility at us that may not make sense Strange desires/fantasies of becoming something great beyond what we are presently capable of becoming as if Jesus/great musical or movie star (grandiose thinking) We are drained by peoples presence/are overwhelmed by them Sudden isolation/not keeping up our healthy routines/friendships lost We are falsely accused, as in the workplace/nasty office politics Feel watched in privacy of our homes Victim of mentally abuse/beratement Our hopes fail/no help is available Friends/work associates turn on us unexpectedly Our attempts at gaining information are ignored/blocked/very late if any Neighbors/work associates are paying unusual amounts of energy spying on our whereabouts Enemies or unfriendly persons show up coincidentally in our awareness People often speak to us from a distance or move nearby to speak to us but do

not seem to talk directly to us (mob-like commanding/commenting/hazing us somehow) Mind Clairvoyance/hold same thinking at same time/channeling spirits/dj vu/ predestiny/karmic thinking or belief patterns Our attention is drawn to similar objects when out on the street as if hidden messages for us only (i.e. similar car markings, bulletin boards) We see mental imagery/flashes of symbols/cartoon pictures/slide shows (hallucinations or visions) Our mind tells us what to do (committee keeps us too busy/rushed/nags us) Impaired/erased/forgotten/newly created memories Our minds or awareness seem dull/clouded over/suppressed ability to think and speak Spirits, UFOs or other strange forces inhabit us/make us write a certain way/take control of use of language Talking to self (homelessness) Some force seems to want to turn us into another person or personality Our minds seem withholding information we know we know (senior moments or gone blank) Someone speaks to us in voices out of mid-air to our heads or nearby (*3 Microwave hearing) Sudden violent or rageful outbursts/swearing Intense changes in mood We see many people who at first look like a lost friend/family member we havent seen in awhile When we share these strange occurrences we are never believed/thought crazy/ shunned Continuous talking/never listening

Romance Attitudes from others seem overly amorous (crushes when barely know someone)/quick involvements all too soon

We marry someone we dont like Condescending/not appropriate/humiliation/publicly condescending Sexual dreams or changes in sexuality/dreams seems very real to us/profoundly disturbing or sudden Sensory perceptions seem confused/overly dramatized (i.e. colors too full of color, legs feel too light or body is too sexualized to your perceptions as if being a model in commercials, magazines) We profoundly see nude body imagery within our minds Thoughts to direct our amorous feelings toward someone we dont normally think about, or see feasibility of in regular daily living Long hours, pining for the right person

Law enforcement Jail time spent False searches and seizures/negatively reported about but as untruth Falsely accused/story not right/not being listened to/feeling sabotaged or set up truthfully Robbed Gangs

Body symptoms More gas than usual Disrupted nerves/jarred/leg bouncing in place while in sitting position Painful radio transmissions into eardrums causing immense and immobilizing pain Sudden dizziness or nausea Sudden racing heartbeat/breathing feels suddenly suppressed Overly exercised/feel its not enough/thrashed body physically Sleeplessness or sleep too often Wont shower/safety issues/strange thoughts about body Prickly skin/crawling flesh/unusual pressure by some unseen force seems to

touch us in strange, disturbing ways Burning pain/shocks sent to skin Feels like sharp electricity spikes placed in or on body Sudden/unexpected heart disease when no other family member has had this (radiation) Ritualized or addictive behaviors Extensive skin damage/burns/dry flesh (radiation) Too warm/icy cold/may alternate continually Diagnosed as hearing voices and other mental illness Body feels captive/held down with forces causing us to feel pinned in uncomfortable positions Body is moved against our will/i.e. arms and legs moved with some strange forces Our eyes move as if by remote control/are bulleted across a room Our eyes play tricks on us/objects jump suddenly Senses seem tied to one part of the body, disorienting our awareness (i.e. eyes seem to look from lower points on the body, we hear from our legs, etc.) Sudden hunger (overweight) and normal diet/behavior wont take off the weight Feeling like not wanting to eat (anorexia) even while feeling weak

General Notes *1. David Hambling (2005). Weapons Grade: How Modern Warfare Gave Birth to our High-Tech World. *2. Sharon Weinberger (2006). Imaginary Weapons: A Journey Through the Pentagon's Scientific Underworld. *3. John McMurtrey, (2005). American Biologist, "Christians Against Mental Slavery", http://www.slavery.org.uk/science.htm More Information Objects seem to break too often Locks dont work any longer suddenly

Sharon Weinberger (2006) Washington Post Magazine. Mind Games http://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399.html ACLU.org (6/28/2006) Request for Records on Use of fMRI and Other Technologies http://www.aclu.org/privacy/gen/26031res20060628.html EEG Neurofeedback (2006). St. Albans and The Hale Clinic, London. http://eegneurofeedback.net/ Nick Begich (2005) Controlling the Human Mind http://www.earthpulse.com/ David Hambling (2006) Moscow's Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks http://www.defensetech.org/archives/002169.html Peter Phillips (2006). Project Censored. US Electromagnetics and Human Rights http://www.projectcensored.org/newsflash/ElectromegnaticWeapons.pdf Defense Agency Research Projects Agency "DARPA" (2006). http://www.darpa.mil/ Bernard Eastlund. (1997) Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation. Electromagnetics, weather modification. http://www.eastlundscience.com/patentsa.html Cheryl Welsh. Historical facts about high-tech weapons and human experimentation http://www.mindjustice.org Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project (2006). The Early History of NonLethal Weapons http://www.bradford.ac.uk/acad/nlw/ Suz LeBoeuf. (2007). About Electronic Weapons Technology http://docs.google.com/View?docid=df3kk555_1f2nh53 Perils of High-Tech Society http://docs.google.com/View?docid=df3kk555_4dj8rnn Technological Crimes and the Need for Strategies Against Them: Akron Resident Shares Her Views About Electronic Assault Weapons http://docs.google.com/View?docid=df3kk555_3drw79h *** Suzanne LeBoeuf, Director Electro Well, Ohio 501 (c ) 3 nonprofit suz.leboeuf@gmail.com http://suz.leboeuf.googlepages.com/home

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