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html----string concatenation

1) What are ur roles and resp in Automation in current project?

Ans: we started automation for the Sprint application from the base level it means from designing the frame
work preparing the test plan, and identifying the objects, and maintaining the common functions VB script files
and maintaining the global variables in the Environment files . Also after that we used to generate the scripts,
debugging, execution and canalizing the bugs, in the shared object repository.

2) u said that u written functions so wt it contains?

Ans: It contains the Global functions and procedures we identified global functions and procedures and
maintained in this .VBS file.

3) Wt is the difference between shared object repository and per action repository?

Ans: It is centrally located file and any user can access and utilize this script for their test script. Per action is
related to particular action And it is useful for that action only.

4) What is regular expression?

Ans: we used this for to handle the dynamically changing web pages and object names. We used the string with
the [string name.*] format.

5) What is the difference between Arrays and Variable?

Ans: Arrays are used to store the multiple data , and variable is used to store the single entity.

6) How will handle the multiple huge data from the data base?

Ans: we are maintaing the multiple test data in the spread sheet documents and importing that data in run
time by importing them into global sheet.

7) Where DLL’s will be stored?

Ans :we didn’t use DLL’s but we used the COM components like ADODB connections to connect the data

8) how u will call the function? And how u will pass the parameters?

Ans: I will call the functions like this, first of all I used to declare a variable and I will assign that variable is
equal to funaction name
Dim x
A & B are parameters
A is Input B as Out parameter like this we can handles.

Public function Functionname(A, B)

End Function
9) How did write procedure and how did u call?

Public Sub Procedure name(a,b)

End sub

Procedurename(a,b) like this we used to call.

10) How will u assign the functions to test scripts?

Ans: step 6) File -->Open --->Function Library -->select .VBS file

step 7) file -->settings --->Resources ---> [+]--->Browse the required .vbs file

step 8) go to new test and write the calling function and call the required function and Run this test

step 9) save this test in mercury under folder



Dim X, Y


msgbox "X is " & x

msgbox "y is " & y
swapfunc x,y
msgbox "X is " & x
msgbox "Y is " & y

Public function swapfunc(x,y)

Dim A,B



End Function

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