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Work status and organizational citizenship behavior: a field study of restaurant employees Today, organizations dependence over part

time employees has increased due to market supply shortage of traditional full time workers. As competitive pressure has been increasing, it results the organization to respond positively by replacing their full time workers with part time workers for achieving increased flexibility and for reducing the organizational cost. Such discretionary behaviors towards the workforce by the organization, is creating negative consequences on employee behaviors as a result lower benefits accrued by the organization. As part time employees work fewer hours, they will not engage in any discretionary behaviors or less organizational citizenship behaviors. But this statement is influenced by two factors which are (1) Workers preferred work status and (2) types of organizational culture. This study has identified three key problems. First, part time workers perform less than their full time counterpart. So it means decreased level of employee cooperation will offset some short term cost savings related to increased use of part time workers. Second, preferred work status balance the association between work status and both helping & voice citizenship behavior so that in-volunteer part time workers do less helping and less voices. Third, organizational culture also moderated work status which is the OCB association of helping and voice. It indicates the highest level of OCB is required in both full time work status and less bureaucratic organizational culture. First , part time employees spend less time at work, receives less from the organization such as pay, benefits, information, training and recognition and other interests or responsibilities that demand more of their time and attention outside of work. To solve such problem part time employees should be given higher inducements from the organization so that they like to contribute above and beyond their core job duties. Second, as involuntary part time workers engage in more helping than voluntary part time workers to achieve a positive reputation and gaining full time work status. So the organization should satisfied their employees with their work status, providing suitable working hours, structuring the organization with more comfortable voicing opinion, making the organization less bureaucratic with less strict standards and formalized processes, managing the organization as a family type organization so that full time employees feel more normative pressure to engage in OCB than part time. This study focused on behavior rather than attitudes and used social exchange theory to predict differences in organizational citizenship based on the inducement s employees receive from the organization as a function of their work status. There are short term cost benefits associated with using part time employees but organization may be at the same time be

Work status and organizational citizenship behavior: a field study of restaurant employees forfeiting helping OCB when they use part time workers. Managers should be aware of the importance of preferred work status.

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