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Master of Business Administration-

MBA Semester 1

Management Process and Organization Behavior MB0038 Assignment Set- 2 Q.1 What is emotional intelligence? Explain Golemans model of emotional intelligence. A.1 Emotional intelligence (EI)-; Emotional intelligence (EI) describes the ability, capacity, skill or, in the case of the trait EI model, a self-perceived grand ability to identify, assess, manage and control the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.[1] Different models have been proposed for the definition of EI and disagreement exists as to how the term should be used.[2] Despite these disagreements, which are often highly technical, the ability EI and trait EI models (but not the mixed models) enjoy support in the literature and have successful applications in different domains. The earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be traced to Darwin's work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and second adaptation.[3] In the 1900s, even though traditional definitions of intelligence emphasized cognitive aspects such as memory and problem-solving, several influential researchers in the intelligence field of study had begun to recognize the importance of the non-cognitive aspects. For instance, as early as 1920, E.L. Thorndike used the term social intelligence to describe the skill of understanding and managing other people.[4] Similarly, in 1940 David Wechsler described the influence of non-intellective factors on intelligent behavior, and further argued that our models of intelligence would not be complete until we can adequately describe these factors.[3] In 1983, Howard Gardner's Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences[5] introduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included both Interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and Intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations). In Gardner's view, traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, fail to fully explain cognitive ability.[6] Thus, even though the names given to the concept varied, there was a common belief that traditional definitions of intelligence are lacking in ability to fully explain performance outcomes. The first use of the term "emotional intelligence" is usually attributed to Wayne Payne's doctoral thesis, A Study of Emotion: Developing Emotional Intelligence from 1985.[7] However, prior to this, the term "emotional intelligence" had appeared in Leuner (1966). Greenspan (1989) also put forward an EI model, followed by Salovey and Mayer (1990), and Goleman (1995). The distinction between trait emotional intelligence and ability emotional intelligence was introduced in 2000.[8] As a result of the growing acknowledgement by professionals of the importance and relevance of emotions to work outcomes,[9] the research on the topic continued to gain momentum, but it wasn't until the publication of Daniel Goleman's best seller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can

Matter More Than IQ that the term became widely popularized.[10] Nancy Gibbs' 1995 Time magazine article highlighted Goleman's book and was the first in a string of mainstream media interest in EI. Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions. Daniel Goleman : Emotional Intelligence [pic] Daniel Goleman is usually credited with challenging the traditional view of IQ (intelligence quotient) by drawing together research on how the brain works and developing this to promote and popularize e concept of emotional intelligence (EI, sometimes referred to as EQ) in a highly accessible form. In Working with Emotional Intelligence (1998), Goleman defined emotional intelligence as a capacity for recognizing our own and others' feelings, for motivating ourselves, and for managing our emotions, both within ourselves and in our relationships. Goleman's interest in EI arose from a realization that a high IQ is not necessarily a prerequisite for having a successful life. In Emotional Intelligence he identifies many people who, while brilliant academically, were nevertheless failures socially or in corporate life. Conversely, he identifies others who were not well qualified or distinguished in academic terms, but were still highly successful in terms of their lives and business achievements. Goleman went on to relate business acumen to emotional intelligence. In the later Working with Emotional Intelligence he identified 25 EI competencies, or surface behaviors, and discussed how high emotional intelligence can make all the difference between success and failure. Key theories Emotional intelligence and the brain In Emotional Intelligence, Goleman describes how the evolution of the brain has implications for our emotions and behavioral responses. He outlines how, during its evolution over millions of years, the brain has now come to comprise three main areas: * the brain stem is situated at the base of the brain and at the top of the spinal cord. It controls bodily functions and instinctive survival responses, and is the most primitive part of the brain * the hippocampus evolved after the brainstem and is situated just above the latter. It includes the amygdala region, the importance of which was identified by Joseph LeDoux during the 1980s. Here, the brain stores emotional, survival-linked responses to visual and other inputs. The amygdala seems able to `hijack' the brain in some circumstances, taking over people's reactions literally before they have had time to think, and provoking an immediate response to a situation. Mammals or human beings who have had their amygdala removed show no signs of emotional feeling at all. The amygdala can catalyze the sort of impulsive actions that may sometimes overpower rational thought and the capacity for considered reactions.

* The neo-cortex is the large, well-developed, top region of the brain which comprises the centre for our thinking, memory and reasoning functions. Because of this course of evolution, our emotions and thinking intelligence - the two main functions of the brain regulating our behavior are situated in separate areas. Furthermore, our emotional centers receive `input' before our thinking centers, and can react very quickly and very strongly in some situations. The results of this for human behavior can be catastrophic in that, unless we are aware of the situation and practiced in controlling our initial feelings, we may allow inappropriate emotional responses to pre-empt behavior based on consideration of more appropriate options. Our emotions have a `wisdom' of their own that we should learn to use more, particularly in terms of the intuitive sense they offer. Yet, when people first confront stimuli that prompt, for example, extreme fear, anger, or frustration, their first impulse to active response comes from the amygdala. Unless intelligent control is exerted, the brain moves into survival mode, stimulating instinctive actions that, while possibly right for the situation, are not rationally considered, and may be very wrong. Today, we usually have no need to fight or run away from dangers of the sort faced by prehistoric people. While some instinctive reactions may be wise in given circumstances, we need to be aware of how the primitive response in the brain's emotional centre precedes all rational evaluation and response. Emotional intelligence is largely about understanding this and making use of our EI, while also controlling our responses to take account of it. Goleman's framework of emotional intelligence Goleman developed a framework to explain emotional intelligence in terms of five elements he described as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Each of these elements has distinctive characteristics, as outlined below: 1) Self-awareness: examining how your emotions affect your performance; using your values to guide decision-making; self-assessment - looking at your strengths and weaknesses and learning from your experiences; and being self-confident and certain about your capabilities, values and goals. 2) Self-regulation: controlling your temper; controlling your stress by being more positive and action-centered; retaining composure and the ability to think clearly under pressure; handling impulses well; and nurturing trustworthiness and self-restraint. 3) Motivation: enjoying challenge and stimulation; seeking out achievement; commitment; ability to take the initiative; optimism; and being guided by personal preferences in choosing goals. 4) Empathy: the ability to see other people's points of view; behaving openly and honestly; avoiding the tendency to stereotype others; and being culturally aware. 5) Social skills: the use of influencing skills such as persuasion; good communication with others, including employees; listening skills; negotiation; co-operation; dispute resolution; ability to inspire and lead others; capacity to initiate and manage change; and ability to deal with others'

emotions - particularly group emotions. Goleman claims that people who demonstrate these characteristics are more likely to be successful in senior management, citing research from various sources that suggests senior managers with a higher emotional intelligence rating perform better than those without. He gives several anecdotal case studies to illustrate ways in which emotional intelligence can make a real impact in the workplace. The Emotional Competence Inventory Goleman believes that emotional intelligence can be developed over a period of time and he developed an Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI), in association with the Hay Group, to use in assessing and developing EQ competencies at work. The ECI reduces the original five components of emotional intelligence to four: 1. Self-awareness * being aware of your emotions and their significance * having a realistic knowledge of your strengths and weaknesses * having self-confidence in yourself and your capacities. 2. Self-management * controlling your emotions * being honest and trustworthy * being flexible and dedicated. 3. Social competence * being empathic, being able to perceive another's thoughts and points of view * being aware of and sensing a group's dynamics and inter-relationships * focusing on others' needs, particularly when they are customers.

4. Social skills * helping others to develop themselves * effective leadership * influencing skills

* excellent interpersonal communication skills * change management skills * ability to resolve arguments and discord * ability to nourish and build good relationships * team-player skills. Q.2.Discuss the five stage model of group development proposed by Tuckman. A.2. Bruce W Tuckman is a respected educational psychologist who first described the (then) four stages of group development in 1965, soon after leaving Princeton. Looking at the behavior of small groups in a variety of environments, he recognized the distinct phases they go through, and suggested they need to experience all four stages before they achieve maximum effectiveness. He refined and developed the model in 1977 (in conjunction with Mary Ann Jensen) with the addition of a fifth stage. Since then, others have attempted to adapt and extend the model - although sometimes with more of an eye on rhyme than reason. FOUR STAGES OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT Tuckman described the four distinct stages that a group can as it comes together and starts to operate. This process can be subconscious, although an understanding of the stages can help group reach effectiveness more quickly and less painfully. Stage 1: Forming |[pic] |Individual behavior is driven by a desire to be accepted by the others, and avoid controversy or | | |conflict. Serious issues and feelings are avoided, and people focus on being busy with routines, such | | |as team organization, which does what, when to meet, etc. But individuals are also gathering | | |information and impressions - about each other, and about the scope of the task and how to approach | | |it. This is a comfortable stage to be in, but the avoidance of conflict and threat means that not much| | |actually gets done. | | | | Stage 2: Storming |[pic] |Individuals in the group can only remain nice to each other for so long, as important issues start to be| | |addressed. Some people's patience will break early, and minor confrontations will arise that are | | |quickly dealt with or glossed over. These may relate to the work of the group itself, or to roles and | | |responsibilities within the group. Some will observe that it's good to be getting

into the real issues, | | |whilst others will wish to remain in the comfort and security of stage 1. Depending on the culture of | | |the organization and individuals, the conflict will be more or less suppressed, but it'll be there, | | |under the surface. To deal with the conflict, individuals may feel they are winning or losing battles, | | |and will look for structural clarity and rules to prevent the conflict persisting. | Stage 3: Norming |[pic] |As Stage 2 evolves, the "rules of engagement" for the group become established, and the scope of the | | |groups tasks or responsibilities is clear and agreed. Having had their arguments, they now understand | | |each other better, and can appreciate each other's skills and experience. Individuals listen to each | | |other, appreciate and support each other, and are prepared to change preconceived views: they feel | | |they're part of a cohesive, effective group. However, individuals have had to work hard to attain this | | |stage, and may resist any pressure to change - especially from the outside - for fear that the group | | |will break up, or revert to a storm. | Stage 4: Performing |[pic] |Not all groups reach this stage, characterized by a state of interdependence and flexibility. Everyone | | |knows each other well enough to be able to work together, and trusts each other enough to allow | | |independent activity. Roles and responsibilities change according to need in an almost seamless way. | | |Group identity, loyalty and morale are all high, and everyone is equally taskorientated and | | |people-orientated. This high degree of comfort means that all the energy of the group can be directed | | |towards the task(s) in hand. |

Ten years after first describing the four stages, Bruce Tuckman revisited his original work and described another, final, stage: Stage 5: Adjourning |[pic] |This is about completion and disengagement, both from the tasks and the group members. Individuals will| | |be proud of having achieved much and glad to have been part of such an

enjoyable group. They need to | | |recognize what they've done, and consciously move on. Some authors describe stage 5 as "Deforming and | | |Mourning", recognizing the sense of loss felt by group members. | Tuckman's original work simply described the way he had observed groups evolve, whether they were conscious of it or not. But for us the real value is in recognizing where a group is in the process, and helping it to move to the Perform stage. In the real world, groups are often forming and changing, and each time that happens, they can move to a different Tuckman Stage. A group might be happily Norming or Performing, but a new member might force them back into Storming. Seasoned leaders will be ready for this, and will help the group get back to Performing as quickly as possible. Many work groups live in the comfort of Norming, and are fearful of moving back into Storming, or forward into Performing. This will govern their behavior towards each other, and especially their reaction to change. Q.3 What are the possible sources of organizational conflict? Explain. A.3 Organizational conflict -: Organizational conflict is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and those individuals and groups affected. There are disputes over how revenues should be divided, how the work should be done, and how long and hard people should work. There are jurisdictional disagreements among individuals, departments, and between unions and management. There are subtler forms of conflict involving rivalries, jealousies, personality clashes, role definitions, and struggles for power and favor. There is also conflict within individuals between competing needs and demands to which individuals respond in different ways. The effective management of workplace conflict requires an understanding of the nature and sources of conflict in the workplace. Conflict occurs when there is a perception of incompatible interests between workplace participants. This should be distinguished from disputes. Disputes are merely a by-product of conflict. They are the outward articulation of conflict. Typical disputes come in the form of formal court cases, grievances, arguments, threats and counter threats etc. Conflict can exist without disputes, but disputes do not exist without conflict. Conflict, however, might not be so easily noticed. Much conflict exists in every workplace without turning into disputes. The first step in uncovering workplace conflict is to consider the typical sources of conflict. There are a variety of sources of workplace conflict including interpersonal, organizational, change related, and external factors. Interpersonal Interpersonal conflict is the most apparent form of conflict for workplace participants. It is easy enough to observe the results of office politics, gossip, and rumors. Also language and personality styles often clash, creating a great deal of conflict in the workplace. In many workplaces there are strong ethno-cultural and racial sources of conflict as well as gender conflict. This may lead to charges of harassment and discrimination or at least the feeling that such things exist. People often bring their stresses from home into the office leading to further conflict. An additional source of workplace conflict can be found in varying ideas about personal success. The strong drive for work related achievement in some participants can clash with

participants who do not emphasize work-related success in their lives. There are a variety of ways to uncover such sources of conflict, including the use of personality testing instruments like Myers-Briggs, Thomas-Kilman, FIRO-B, and Personality Dynamics Profiles. In addition to this, confidential surveys, interviews and focus groups can be a good way of uncovering interpersonal sources of conflict. Organizational There are a number of organizational sources of conflict. Those relating to hierarchy and the inability to resolve conflicting interests are quite predominant in most workplaces. Labor/management and supervisor/employee tensions are heightened by power differences. Differences in supervisory styles between departments can be a cause of conflict. Also there can be work style clashes, seniority/juniority and pay equity conflict. Conflict can arise over resource allocation, the distribution of duties, workload and benefits, different levels of tolerance for risk taking, and varying views on accountability. In addition, conflict can arise where there are perceived or actual differences in treatment between departments or groups of employees. A thorough review of the workplace is suggested for such sources of conflict. Again surveys, interviews and focus groups can help reveal these sources of conflict. Additionally, organizational sources of conflict can be predicted based upon best practices from similar organizations. All organizations experience such conflict. Much can be learned from the lessons of similar organizations that have made a study of this source of conflict. Trends/Change The modern workplace has significant levels of stress and conflict related to change-management and downsizing. Technological change can cause conflict, as can change work methodologies. Many workplaces suffer from constant reorganization, leading to further stress and conflict. In line with reorganization, many public and non-profit organizations suffer from downloading of responsibilities from other organizations. Workplace analysts should review the history of the particular organization, reaching back as far as 10 years to determine the level of churn that has taken place. Generally speaking, the more change and the more recent the change, the more likely there will be significant conflict. External Factors External factors can also lead to conflict in the workplace. Economic pressures are caused by recession, changing markets, domestic and foreign competition, and the effects of Free Trade between countries. Conflict arises with clients and suppliers effecting customer service and delivery of goods. Also public and non-profit workplaces in particular can face political pressures and demands from special interest groups. A change in government can have a tremendous impact, especially on public and non-profit organizations. Funding levels for workplaces dependent upon government funding can change dramatically. Public ideologies can have an impact on the way employees are treated and viewed in such organizations. To look for external factors of conflict, have a review of the relationships between the subject organization and other organizations. Companies or government departments that have constant relationships with outside organizations will find this to be a major source of conflict for workplace participants. In Workplaces That Work, there is a convenient check-list and advice to help the analyst reveal the prevailing sources of workplace conflict Q.4 The environmental stressors have a great impact on work performance and adjustment of the individual in an organization. Discuss the different categories of environmental stressors.

A.4 --Environmental Stressors in the Workplace Environmental stressors in the workplace can create an unpleasant atmosphere, poor work performance, absenteeism and possibly even physical injuries. Different categories of environmental stressors. Any external event in a natural physical environment that causes an individual stress or anxiety is known as an environmental stressor. It can be a force caused by nature or humans and can be done without intent. Those affected by these stressors don't necessarily change their routines, but their behavior can be severely altered. In the workplace, environmental stressors include a variety of hazards, strains, and inconveniences. Ergonomic Repeated, unnatural movements or postures while performing job duties can be considered ergonomic environmental stressors. For instance, repeated exposure to sitting in an uncomfortable or badly designed desk chair or using a computer without proper supports can cause physical injuries. Truck drivers who spend hours on the road without the proper back support can also receive an ergonomic injury. Other stressors of this kind include: Heavy Lifting: Without the proper back support lifting belt, you can really strain your back. Walking or Standing: If you are doing either of these for extended periods of time without wearing the correct shoes, your feet and legs can be affected. Talking on the Phone: Placing the phone receiver between your head and shoulder to talk can strain your neck muscles. Use a speakerphone or headset to eliminate this ergonomic stress. Physical Environmental stressors in the workplace that force your body to compensate for conditions that are outside of the norm are known as physical stressors. These include: Temperature: Prolonged exposure to excessive heat or cold Lighting: Lighting that is too bright or too dim Vibration: Excessive vibrations placed upon the body such as in jack-hammering Indoor Air Quality: In states where there are no stateside smoking bans, indoor smoking can be a hazard for some individuals. Also, germs from ill employees who come to work can permeate the environment. Noise: Excessively loud laughter, yelling, talking and other workplace sounds Crowding: Large numbers of individuals in one place at the same time Chemical In some workplaces, various chemicals can cause employees stress, whether it's because they work directly with the compounds or because of the fear of having them nearby is the cause of the anxiety. Chemical stressors include:

Flammables: Gases or liquids that can be ignited and start a flame; if stored or disposed of on the premises, a good ventilation system must be installed Explosives: Materials that can explode through detonation or decomposition; must be securely stored in an area that is safe distance away from workers Corrosives: Substances that can destroy or severely damage any material or substance with which it comes in contact; should be safely stored Biological Biological environmental stressors can affect your body and make it tough to perform on a dayto-day basis. These types of stressors can make you ill, tired or other feeling that is out of your normal range. They include: Viruses: In the workplace, colds, flues and other infections can be spread through the air (sneezing or coughing) or by physical contact. Bacteria: These single-cell organisms can rapidly multiply, spreading diseases and germs very quickly, pretty much the same way viruses spread. Allergens: Substances that cause the immune system to fight against itself are called allergens. In a workplace, they can come from a substance in the air to a natural or unnatural agent in the environment. Parasites: Although very difficult to detect, parasites live inside or outside of other organisms while feeding off of them at the same time. They can cause and spread many diseases through physical contact.

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