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The Power of Zero and Time.

I believe that nothing is just nothing and emptiness because we have to have
non-existence in order of existence. Reality on a fundamental level is just
atoms and void, the void is black which is nothingness and white is energy
atoms the sub-atomic, and matter. If nothing exists as a fabric that scientists
call space time then there would be no such thing as emptiness, can we have
no such thing as no such thing, we cannot take black out of black because
black is immutable, this idea does not make sense, it goes against actuality
and empirical truth and logic. Space is everywhere and throughout, no matter
where we go, space is infinite in all four dimensions and beyond. Space always
was and always will be space. We should believe that nothing is nothing
because it is suppose to be intangible, what cannot be touched therefore
cannot be changed, that is the whole point in the perception of nothing. There
is only one perception of nothing because in nothing there is no other reality
but nothingness. This is a good thing because if something comes out of
nothingness and enters a state of existence, it will inherit into itself the power
of the unchangeable because it appeared from an unchangeable reality and
this takes the form of infinite gravity on mega sub-atomic levels. Some people
say that everything which we see and touch is made up of tiny vibrations, so
everything that exists vibrates from the smallest of particles to the planet
beneath our feet and to a door you see in front of you just before you open it.
If it were possible according to Einstein to slow time down until it stopped i.e. a
black hole, then all which vibrates would stop vibrating, does this mean that
everything would disappear or simply cease and still have visibility, if so what
then is it that we are seeing in front of us and what would it consist of
if everything were to stop vibrating. This is were Zeno's paradox plays a part. In
a situation of stopped time due to an infinite amount of gravity, your future
would keep returning to the point you started. The answer is that waves then
shrink into themselves and become points of infinite gravity and this also is the
force which exists in the center of a black hole. At this point all events are one
and all vibration will come to a stop. According to Zeno if anything moves even
slightly it will arrive back where it started. In the quantum world this type of
thing can happen anyhow but the laws to govern the activities on this scale are
very different as we are dealing with very small sizes which are
incomprehensible. If you were to be able to enter a black hole and reach this
energy point it would be large enough to see with the naked eye, this size is
large enough and within range and also within spacial dimensions, enough to
have its gravitational influence on massive objects such as planets and stars.
On a mega sub-atomic scale, infinite gravity is ultimately what holds
everything together at this order of magnitude and in one form throughout this
level. At this level of quantum mechanics the function of particles of this nature
cannot individually affect the scale of existence to our size and form because
they are far to small, they only affect anything equal to their sizes as points of
high infinite energy and mass whereas our gravitational levels that we feel is
equal only by their numbers which is of colossal proportions. The point
of impact between atoms and the point of impact between singularities are the

same, it is only by their huge infinitesimal numbers which defines the point of
impact between the atoms. On this level somewhere between the mega subatomic and the macroscopic particles may lie the illusive gravitons. The
gravitons are force carriers of gravity however they are far to small to be
observed. The gravitons act as messenger particles and are made up of even
smaller particles. Gravity behaves very differently at the singularity as on this
scale all the particles are equal in size, this is on the mega sub-atomic scale,
there is nothing smaller. A boson is a particle of pure energy which is highly
compressed to become pure mass. In nature cause and effect seems part of
our very existence however there are higher principles at work that prove
otherwise i.e. a Newtonian vortex. There is a flaw in general relativity, space is
not a fabric, space simply does not exist, the space we see into is not there
now and it will not be there- tomorrow and the next day which means empty
space is not just three dimensions but it also has moments, we can think of
space as spacial time. We are fourth dimensional beings. Time in a sense is the
same as space, it does not exist as they are both abstract i.e. if you stretch an
elastic band this stretching is an abstract, another example is you cannot take
the weight out of a cannon ball, another example, you cannot take the number
out of one or two because numbers are abstractions, however time is like the
stretching of an elastic, a stretch occupies both directions when pulled
regardless of how abstract it is, it is only a matter of finding a way to harness
the fourth dimension as it can only be done indirectly by tapping into things
through which are in existence. The idea of worm holes in the fabric of space
time is not possible. We have to use the resources that occupy the space
to harness this fourth dimension. When objects fall they are moving, when an
object starts to move there must be a release of energy as in a car engine, in
general relativity an object which moves towards the ground has no release of
energy, this goes against logic, the energy involved when the apple falls from
the tree must have a release or it will remain stationary. In science this is
known as potential energy. The earth releases gravitons for the apple to be
able to fall to the ground however gravity acts very differently on the mega
sub-atomic levels as its form of release has been changed to a factor of
infinitely high energy particles. This becomes a 7 11c3 paradox. Every day our
experiences happen with every event, they are two sides of the same coin. We
are not use to experience without event. The concept of experience with no
event seems impossible however when we sleep and dream we are in the
event of sleeping and dreaming but what we dream about has no event in real
life and therefore that is one example of experience with no event. Another
kind is when you read a book or watch television. A third is when we use our
imagination, and the fourth kind is the theoretical travelling into the past
resulting in deejay vu. If you travel into the past and kill your grandfather as
they say, then you will not exist to be there in the first place in order to achieve
this however the answer to this paradox is that you will eliminate the event of your physical
existence in that time but your grandfather will have only experienced this without the event. We
may kill someone in another event but the experience for the one you killed will not exist because
the events of the past no longer exist therefore a paradox is formed. There is only one now,
experience without event will only happen when the past and future shrinks into one point of
time. When the you from the past becomes the you in the now this is a point of
time and a singularity of thought which does not affect anyone else, it will
only affect just you. Experience and events happen only in the event we call
now. Time travel into the past could cause people to have experience with no
event depending on the manner in which you change the past, i.e. if I go back

and stop you from meeting someone you will still experience meeting that
person without the event ever happening, or if you go back and meet yourself
when you dont remember that ever happening, you will have just the
experience of meeting yourself without the event ever taking place as you will
create a time line of parallel probability that should eventually unite with the
original time line you travelled back on. However if someone else goes back to
assassinate Hitler, in this circumstance Hitler will experience this before the
event and try to avoid this, like a precognition.
This is the nature of
the fourth dimension.
Socrates describes higher dimensions as shadows being imprisoned on a cave
wall with a desire to leave the cave and to become free. When it comes to
higher dimensions it has more to do with the nature of gravity and infinities
and how they operate. I believe the universe (and energy, mass and timegravity, and everything that exists big and small) all came from nothing, and
God is having a laugh at all the scientific communities and their attempts to
find the answer because the scientist must accept a certain elegance and
beauty with manifestations from nothing. If there is to be a God he would find it
simple and elegant, and scientists all over the world are still pondering on how
it all started and will never accept a certain beauty about this specific function
of the big bang theory as it flies in the face of the first and second laws of
thermodynamics and may never become a part of mainstream theoretical
science. I have a theory as to how nothing can become full of energy all of a
sudden, but I don't believe that any scientist will take it seriously, after all it is
only a theory as to how it came from nothing, and whether it really works this
way is another matter. It is only a- concept that brings the mind closer to
understanding both zero and infinity. One can imagine that there is no answer
capable of clearly explaining how something can come from nothing because
where there is nothing to begin with, nothing will follow. However amazingly
enough, there are two and only two possible answers, the first answer is that
when two points of infinity, (which can be thought of as singularities) bounce
together, just at the very point in space where they bounce together, nothing
will happen, no energy is transmitted between the two. The reason why
no energy transmits is because they are already infinite in their nature and
therefore dualism has no effect whatsoever. If you add four particles to four
more particles you get eight, but if you add one particle of infinity to another
particle of the same type it still amounts to one as zero is the sum total that is added because
infinity is still infinity whether you add or subtract. Energy may only transmit on impact by their
numbers because numbers are finite. However energy has to give regardless
on this moment of impact and so the first thing that happens when collision
takes place is that its energies will then appear within the volume at the very
centre from inside each point of infinity in quantum synchronization. After this
energy appears it then explodes instantaneously from the centre first
and parallel to their occurrence and or else they manoeuvre towards the point
of impact within. This process also happens instantaneously. If it explodes
from its centre first this would perhaps be why the outer most parts of the
universe is moving away at its fastest and increasing speed. The centre is
therefore the happy place. This must be a facet of truth. The energy will not
transfer into each other at the instant of impact because a singularity is forever
and infinitely compact. A point block state of infinite mass cannot take in any
more energy from outside as it already is eternal, it would be meaningless.
However it may rather add on from inside the infinitesimal singularity because

infinity and one can be added to zero to make one and infinity or both. When it
comes into existence as a single point there is no opposite, it never ends, it is
without causality, there isn't as yet any conceptual tool describing a singularity
leaving existence for all eternity, this is where all
reason ends and begins higher reason.
This is the second answer and points out that this power is a God power and
therefore the power of God exists within every particle in existence that makes
up mankind and therefore a connection doesn't really have to exist for energy
to manifest. This is a principle belonging only to powers of the highest
order. The term AEL is Hebrew which means God, any forces which are
discovered on this scale can be coined the name AEL for scientific purposes.
Could this be the thing that brings science a little closer to an understanding on
the secrets of creation? The whole meaning to God is that we came from
nothing, one moment there was no such a thing as God and the next there
was. It's the miracle of life to which we owe our existence. This is the only way
to understand such concepts. Only God has the power to conjure up a
manifestation from absolute zero at any order of time and space as it is a
power which only belongs to the first consciousness to ever come from
nothingness. Try to imagine a game of snooker, the ball is potted either at
random chance, or to order depending on the way the white ball is struck, any
other manifestation from nothingness without God is random however if God
was first to manifest from a zero reality, any other manifestation by
randomness is next in line to exist therefore its related order of existence was
never first and this would give God the status to be as God as supposed to first
and existence as the first consciousness and therefore, God. This is how God is
defined as God himself would be the first and only order of consciousness and
intelligence and energy to appear from nothing with this power and is outside
of time but within spatial dimensions. If god were feminine she would lack the
power to create life because she would require a masculine counter part, God
can be thought of as masculine because only the masculine produces the
seeds to which the feminine produces life whether it be male or female,
therefore God being all powerful, it would have to be masculine by logical
assumption i.e. the immaculate conception started by a seed brought into
existence by God and in essence the seed originates from masculine and
therefore God must be a male manifestation of pure energy belonging to a
higher dimension. According to Philip K Dick author and science fiction writer
stated that reality is that which if you stop believing in it, will not go away. This
should exclude any misconceptions such as vampires, Santa clause etc. They
are not real and- should eventually fade away. However the concept of a God
and also the concept of time, they never seem to fade away and therefore
must be a part of what we call reality. God may according to religious faith had
always existed even before the big bang happened. Relatively in human terms
have we then always had a perception of empty space even before we ever
came into being as a spiritual birth, this does not make any sense. When
conscious energy comes out of nothingness it must become aware of where it
came from as a perception of empty time hence, and space. When this
happens it inherits the power of the indefinite. This type of power is of the
unchangeable. This would mean that God has the ability to throw a dice and
make it land on six for as long as he wants it to, probably for ever but as
Einstein quoted, God does not play dice. The existence of God may be similar
to us in the sense that he has the power to exist out of nothing. It is the

dualistic universe that brings about relativity between objects and people. The
second answer lies when you enter into the mind of God, one must then figure
out how matter and energy comes from nothing without the relative bouncing
of two singularities, as, by itself, this is a paradox, this can be called paraprobability and the equation is 7 11 c to the power of zero 3 cubed. This is the
father of all theories. If this is not the nature of reality then everything may
otherwise be a stubborn persistent illusion. It is reality that is stubborn
because it never fades. There are no illusions when it comes down to
fundamentalism, the truth is not illusive, it is truth. The 7 11 figures are found
in the Lucas numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, Leonardo of Pisa 1240 early
13th century Italian mathematician.
The 7 11 c3 paradox is a principle which can only take place throughout the
mega sub-atomic levels and works primarily at infinitely high energies i.e.
singularities. This is the realms of quantum gravity, this principle is also in the
heart of a black hole.
Bernard Ippolito.

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