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8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes

Congress of Lhe hlllpplnes

MeLro Manlla
1enLh Congress

kepub||c Act No 8292 Iune 6 1997

An AC1 8CvlulnC lC8 1PL unllC8M CCMCSl1lCn Anu CWL8S Cl 1PL CCvL8nlnC 8CA8uS 1PL MAnnL8 Cl ACln1MLn1
Anu 1L8M Cl ClllCL Cl 1PL 8LSluLn1 Cl CPA81L8Lu S1A1L unlvL8Sl1lLS Anu CCLLLCLS Anu lC8 C1PL8 u8CSLS

8e lt eoocteJ by tbe 5eoote ooJ noose of kepteseototlves of tbe lblllpploes lo cooqtess ossembleJ

ect|on 1 5bott tltle 1hls AcL shall be known as Lhe nlqbet Jocotloo MoJetolzotloo Act of 1997
ect|on 2 eclototloo of pollcy lL ls Lhe declared pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo esLabllsh malnLaln and supporL a compleLe adequaLe and
lnLegraLed sysLem of educaLlon relevanL Lo Lhe needs of Lhe people socleLy 1owards Lhls end Lhe composlLlon of Lhe governlng
boards of charLered sLaLe unlverslLles and colleges ls hereby modlfled ln order Lo
(a) achleve a more coordlnaLed and lnLegraLed sysLem of hlgher educaLlon
(b) render Lhem more effecLlve ln Lhe formulaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of pollcles on hlgher educaLlon
(c) provlde for more relevanL dlrecLlon ln Lhelr governance and
(d) ensure Lhe en[oymenL of academlc freedom as guaranLeed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
ect|on 3 @be Covetoloq 8ootJs moooet of oppolotmeot
(a) composltloo 1he governlng body of sLaLe unlverslLles and colleges ls hereby ln Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs for unlverslLles and ln Lhe
8oard of 1rusLees for colleges whlch shall be composed of Lhe followlng
(l) Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon (CPLu) Chalrman
(ll) resldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college vlce Chalrman
(lll) Chalrmen of Lhe Congresslonal CommlLLees on LducaLlon and CulLure
(lv) 8eglonal ulrecLor of Lhe naLlonal Lconomlc uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (nLuA) where Lhe maln campus of Lhe unlverslLy or college ls
(v) 8eglonal ulrecLor of Lhe ueparLmenL of Sclence and 1echnology (uCS1) ln case of sclence and Lechnologlcal colleges or Lhe
8eglonal ulrecLor of Lhe ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure colleges or Lhe SecreLary of LducaLlon for an AuLonomous 8eglon ln lleu of such
represenLaLlon Lhe commandlng generals of Lhe hlllpplne Alr lorce and Lhe hlllpplne navy shall slL as members of Lhe 8oard of
Lhe hlllpplne SLaLe College of AeronauLlcs and Lhe hlllpplne MerchanL marlne Academy respecLlvely
(vl) resldenL of Lhe faculLy assoclaLlon
(vll) resldenL of Lhe supreme sLudenL councll or Lhe sLudenL represenLaLlve elecLed by Lhe sLudenL councll ltovlJeJ 1haL ln Lhe
absence of a sLudenL councll presldenL of sLudenL represenLaLlve elecLed by Lhe sLudenL councll Lhe unlverslLy or college shall
schedule one (1) weekly for Lhe campalgn and elecLlon of sLudenL represenLaLlve
(vlll) resldenL of Lhe alumnl assoclaLlon of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon concerned
(lx) 1wo (2) promlnenL clLlzens who have dlsLlngulshed Lhemselves ln Lhelr professlons or flelds of speclallzaLlon chosen from among
llsLs of aL leasL flve (3) persons quallfled ln Lhe clLy or Lhe provlnce where Lhe school ls locaLed as recommended by Lhe search
commlLLee consLlLuLed by Lhe resldenL consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe Chalrman of Lhe CPLu based on Lhe normal sLandards and
quallflcaLlons for Lhe poslLlon
1he faculLy and Lhe sLudenL councll shall be represenLed of Lhelr respecLlve federaLlons ln mulLlcampus unlverslLles and colleges
1he prlvaLe secLor represenLaLlves shall be appolnLed by Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees upon recommendaLlon of a duly consLlLuLed
search commlLLee
(b) @etm of offlce 1he presldenL of Lhe faculLy and alumnl assoclaLlons and Lhe sLudenL regenLs or LrusLees shall slL ln Lhe board
unLll explraLlon of Lhelr Lerm of offlce ln such capaclLles
1he promlnenL clLlzens shall serve for a Lerm of Lwo (2) years
(c) Meetloqs pootom 1he 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees shall regularly convene aL leasL once every quarLer 1he Chalrman of Lhe
8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees may call a speclal meeLlng whenever necessary ltovlJeJ 1haL members are noLlfled ln wrlLlng aL leasL
Lhree (3) days prlor Lo sald meeLlng
A ma[orlLy of all members holdlng offlce shall consLlLuLe a quorum for board meeLlngs ltovlJeJ LhaL Lhe Chalrman of Lhe CPLu who
ls Lhe chalrman of Lhe 8oard or Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college ls among Lhose presenL ln Lhe meeLlng ln Lhe absence of
Lhe Chalrman of Lhe CPLu a commlssloner of Lhe CPLu duly deslgned by hlm shall represenL hlm ln Lhe meeLlng all Lhe rlghLs and
responslblllLles of a regular member ltovlJeJ bowevet 1haL ln Lhe sald meeLlng Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college as vlce
chalrman shall be Lhe presldlng offlcer ltovlJeJ fottbet 1haL Lhls provlso noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe Chalrman of Lhe CPLu ls hereby
auLhorlzed Lo deslgnaLe a CPLu Commlssloner Lhe regular Chalr Lo Lhe 8oard of a parLlcular unlverslLy or college ln whlch case sald
CPLu Commlssloner shall acL as Lhe presldlng offlcer
1he members shall serve wlLhouL compensaLlon buL Lhey shall be relmbursed for necessary expense lncurred ln Lhelr aLLendance of
meeLlngs of Lhe 8oard or ln connecLlon wlLh Lhelr offlclal buslness auLhorlLles by resoluLlon of Lhe 8oard
ect|on 4 lowets ooJ Jotles of Covetoloq 8ootJs 1he governlng board shall have Lhe followlng speclflc powers and duLles ln
addlLlon Lo lLs general powers of admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe exerclse of all Lhe powers granLed Lo Lhe board of dlrecLors of a corporaLlon
under SecLlon 36 of 8aLas ambansa 8lg 68 oLherwlse known as Lhe CorporaLlon Code of Lhe hlllpplnes
(a) Lo enacL rules and regulaLlons noL conLrary Lo law as may be necessary Lo carry Lo carry ouL Lhe purposes and funcLlons of Lhe
unlverslLy or college
(b) Lo recelve and approprlaLe all sums as may be provlded for Lhe supporL of Lhe unlverslLy or college ln Lhe manner lL may
deLermlne ln lLs dlscreLlon Lo carry ouL Lhe purposes and funcLlons of Lhe unlverslLy or college
(c) Lo recelve ln LrusL legacles glfLs and donaLlons of real and personal properLles of all klnds Lo admlnlsLer and dlspose Lhe same
when necessary for Lhe beneflL of Lhe unlverslLy or college sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons dlrecLlons and lnsLrucLlons of Lhe donors lf any
Such donaLlons shall be exempL from all Laxes and shall be consldered as deducLlble lLems from Lhe lncome Lax of Lhe donor
ltovlJeJ bowevet 1haL Lhe rlghLs prlvlleges and exempLlons exLended by Lhls AcL shall llkewlse be exLended Lo nonsLock non
proflL prlvaLe unlverslLles and colleges ltovlJeJ floolly 1haL Lhe same prlvlleges shall also be exLended Lo clLy colleges and
unlverslLles wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe local governmenL Lo clLy colleges and unlverslLles wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe local governmenL
unlL concerned and ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe CPLu
(d) Lo flx Lhe LulLlon fees and oLher necessary school charges such as buL noL llmlLed maLrlculaLlon fees graduaLlon fees and
laboraLory fees as Lhelr respecLlve boards may deem proper Lo lmpose afLer due consulLaLlons wlLh Lhe lnvolved secLors
Such fees and charges lncludlng governmenL subsldles and oLher lncome generaLed by Lhe unlverslLy or college shall consLlLuLe
speclal LrusL funds and shall be deposlLed ln any auLhorlzed governmenL deposlLory bank and all lnLeresLs shall accrue Lherefrom
shall parL of Lhe same fund for Lhe use of Lhe unlverslLy or college ltovlJeJ 1haL lncome derlved from unlverslLy hosplLals shall be
excluslvely earmarked for Lhe operaLlng expenses of Lhe hosplLals
Any provlslon of exlsLlng laws rules and regulaLlons Lo Lhe conLrary noLwlLhsLandlng any lncome generaLed by Lhe unlverslLy or
college from LulLlon fees and oLher charges as well as from Lhe operaLlon of auxlllary servlces and land granLs shall be reLalned by
Lhe unlverslLy or college and may be dlsbursed by Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees for lnsLrucLlon research exLenslon or oLher
programs/pro[ecLs of Lhe unlverslLy or college ltovlJeJ 1haL all flduclary fees shall be dlsbursed for Lhe speclflc purposes for whlch
Lhey are collecLed
lf for reason of conLrol Lhe unlverslLy or college shall noL be able Lo pursue any pro[ecL for whlch funds have been approprlaLed
and allocaLed under lLs approved program of expendlLures Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees may auLhorlze Lhe use of sald funds for
any reasonable purpose whlch ln lLs dlscreLlon may be necessary and urgenL for Lhe aLLalnmenL of Lhe ob[ecLlves and goals of Lhe
unlverslLles or college
(e) Lo adopL and lmplemenL a soclallzed scheme of LulLlon and school fees for greaLer access Lo poor buL deservlng sLudenLs
(f) Lo auLhorlze Lhe consLrucLlon or repalr of lLs bulldlngs machlnerles equlpmenL and oLher faclllLles and Lhe purchase and
acqulslLlon of real and personal properLles lncludlng necessary supplles maLerlals and equlpmenL urchases and oLher LransacLlons
enLered lnLo by Lhe unlverslLy or college Lhrough Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees shall be exempL from all Laxes and duLles
(g) Lo appolnL upon Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college vlce presldenLs deans dlrecLors heads of
deparLmenLs faculLy members and oLher offlclals and employees
(h) Lo flx and ad[usL salarles of faculLy members and admlnlsLraLlve offlclals and employees sub[ecL Lo Lhe provlslons of Lhe revlsed
compensaLlon and classlflcaLlon sysLem and oLher perLlnenL budgeL and compensaLlon laws governlng hours of servlce and such
oLher duLles and condlLlons as lL may deem proper Lo granL Lhem aL lLs dlscreLlon leaves of absence under such regulaLlons as lL
may promulgaLe any provlslons of exlsLlng law Lo Lhe conLrary noL wlLh sLandlng and Lo remove Lhem for cause ln accordance wlLh
Lhe requlremenLs of due process of law
(l) Lo approve Lhe currlcula lnsLlLuLlonal programs and rules of dlsclpllne drawn by Lhe admlnlsLraLlve and academlc counclls as
hereln provlded
([) Lo seL pollces on admlsslon and graduaLlon of sLudenLs
(k) Lo award honorary degrees upon persons ln recognlLlon of ouLsLandlng conLrlbuLlon ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon publlc servlce arLs
sclence and Lechnology or ln any fleld of speclallzaLlon wlLhln Lhe academlc compeLence of Lhe unlverslLy or college and Lo auLhorlze
Lhe award of cerLlflcaLes of compleLlon of nondegree and nonLradlLlonal courses
(l) Lo absorb noncharLered LerLlary lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhelr respecLlve provlnces ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe CPLu and ln consulLaLlon
wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL of 8udgeL and ManagemenL and Lo offer Lhereln needed programs or courses Lo promoLe and carry ouL equal
access Lo educaLlonal opporLunlLles mandaLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
(m) Lo esLabllsh research and exLenslon cenLers of Lhe SuC where such wlll promoLe Lhe developmenL of Lhe laLLer
(n) Lo esLabllsh chalrs ln Lhe unlverslLy or college and Lo provlde fellowshlps for quallfled faculLy members and scholarshlps Lo
deservlng sLudenLs
(o) Lo delegaLe any of lLs powers and duLles provlded for herelnabove Lo Lhe presldenL and/or oLher offlclals of Lhe unlverslLy or
college as lL may deem approprlaLe so as Lo expedlLe Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe affalrs of Lhe unlverslLy or college
(p) Lo auLhorlze an exLernal managemenL audlL of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon Lo be flnanced by Lhe CPLu and Lo lnsLlLuLe reforms lncludlng
academlc and sLrucLural changes on Lhe basls of Lhe audlL resulLs and recommendaLlons
(q) Lo collaboraLe wlLh oLher governlng boards of SuCs wlLhln Lhe provlnce or Lhe reglon under Lhe supervlslon of Lhe CPLu and ln
consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe ueparLmenL of 8udgeL and ManagemenL Lhe resLrucLurlng of sald colleges and unlverslLles Lo become more
efflclenL relevanL producLlve and compeLlLlve
(r) Lo enLer lnLo [olnL venLures wlLh buslness and lndusLry for Lhe proflLable developmenL and managemenL of Lhe economlc asseLs
of Lhe college or lnsLlLuLlon Lhe proceeds from whlch Lo be used for Lhe developmenL and sLrengLhenlng of Lhe college or unlverslLy
(s) Lo develop consorLla and oLher forms of llnkages wlLh local governmenL unlLs lnsLlLuLlons and agencles boLh publlc and prlvaLe
local and forelgn ln furLherance of Lhe purposes and ob[ecLlves of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon
(L) Lo develop academlc arrangemenLs for lnsLlLuLlon capablllLy bulldlng wlLh approprlaLe lnsLlLuLlons and agencles publlc or prlvaLe
local or forelgn and Lo appolnL experLs/speclallsLs as consulLanLs or vlslLlng or exchange professors scholars researchers as Lhe
case may be
(u) Lo seL up Lhe adopLlon of modern and lnnovaLlve modes of LransmlLLlng knowledge such as Lhe use of lnformaLlon Lechnology
Lhe dual sysLem open learnlng communlLy laboraLory eLc for Lhe promoLlon of greaLer access Lo hlgher educaLlon
(v) Lo esLabllsh pollcy guldellnes and procedures for parLlclpaLlve declslonmaklng and Lransparency wlLhln Lhe lnsLlLuLlon
(w) Lo prlvaLlze where mosL advanLageous Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon managemenL and nonacademlc servlces such as healLh food bulldlng
or grounds or properLy malnLenance and slmllar such oLher ob[ecLlves and
(x) Lo exLend Lhe Lerm of Lhe presldenL of Lhe college or unlverslLy beyond Lhe age of reLlremenL buL noL laLer Lhan Lhe age of
sevenLy (70) whose performance has been unanlmously raLed as ouLsLandlng and upon unanlmous recommendaLlon by Lhe search
commlLLee for Lhe presldenL of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon concerned
ect|on S ltomolqotloo ooJ lmplemeototloo of pollcles 1he governlng boards shall promulgaLe and lmplemenL pollcles ln
accordance wlLh Lhe declared sLaLe pollcles on educaLlon and oLher perLlnenL provlslons of Lhe hlllpplne ConsLlLuLlon on educaLlon
sclence and Lechnology arLs culLure and sporLs as well as Lhe pollcles sLandards and LhrusLs of Lhe CPLu under 8epubllc AcLs no
ect|on 6 @be AJmlolsttotloo 1he admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe unlverslLy or college shall be vesLed ln Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or
college who shall render fullLlme servlce Pe shall be appolnLed by Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees upon Lhe recommendaLlon of a
duly consLlLuLed search commlLLee Pe shall have a Lerm of four (4) years and shall be ellglble for reappolnLmenL for anoLher Lerm
rovlded 1haL Lhls provlslon shall noL adversely affecL Lhe Lerms of Lhe lncumbenLs
1he presldenL shall be asslsLed by a vlce presldenL for academlc affalrs who shall be appolnLed by Lhe 8oard upon Lhe formers
recommendaLlon wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe appolnLmenL of more Lhan one vlce presldenL when so warranLed
ln case of vacancy by reason of deaLh reslgnaLlon removal for cause or lncapaclLy of Lhe presldenL Lo perform Lhe funcLlons of hls
offlce Lhe 8oard shall have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo deslgnaLe an offlcerlncharge pendlng Lhe appolnLmenL of a new presldenL
ln case of vacancy ln Lhe offlce of Lhe presldenL as menLloned ln Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng paragraph hls successors shall hold
offlce for Lhe unexplred Lerm
ect|on 7 @be 5ectetoty of tbe uolvetslty ot colleqe 1he 8oard shall appolnL a secreLary who shall serve as such for boLh Lhe 8oard
and Lhe unlverslLy or college and shall keep all records and proceedlngs of Lhe 8oard Pe shall communlcaLe Lo each member of Lhe
8oard noLlce of meeLlngs
ect|on 8 @be @teosotet of tbe lblllpploes 1he 1reasurer of Lhe hlllpplnes shall be Lhe exofflclo Lreasurer of Lhe unlverslLy or
college All accounLs and expenses of Lhe unlverslLy or college shall be audlLed by Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL or lLs duly auLhorlzed
ect|on 9 AJmlolsttotlve cooocll 1here shall be an admlnlsLraLlve councll conslsLlng of Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college as
Chalrman Lhe vlce presldenL(s) deans dlrecLors and oLher offlclals of equal rank as members and whose duLy ls Lo revlew and
recommend Lo Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees pollcles governlng Lhe admlnlsLraLlon managemenL and developmenL plannlng of Lhe
unlverslLy or college for approprlaLe acLlon
ect|on 10 AcoJemlc cooocll 1here shall be an academlc councll wlLh Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college as Chalrman and
all members of Lhe lnsLrucLlonal sLaff wlLh Lhe rank of noL lower Lhan asslsLanL professor as members
1he academlc councll shall have Lhe power Lo revlew and recommend Lhe currlcular offerlngs and rules of dlsclpllne of Lhe unlverslLy
or college sub[ecL for approprlaLe acLlon of Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees lL shall flx Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe admlsslon of sLudenLs
as well as for graduaLlon and Lhe confermenL of degrees sub[ecL Lo revlew and/or approval by Lhe 8oard of 8egenLs/1rusLees
Lhrough Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college
ect|on 11 AcoJemlc fteeJom ursuanL Lo paragraph 2 SecLlon 3 of ArLlcle xlv of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe
hlllpplnes all lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher learnlng publlc or prlvaLe shall en[oy academlc freedom and lnsLlLuLlonal auLonomy
ect|on 12 AJmlssloo no sLudenL shall be denled admlsslon Lo any unlverslLy or college by reasons of sex naLlonallLy rellglon
pollLlcal afflllaLlon or physlcal dlsablllLy
ect|on 13 xclosloo cloose LxcepL for Lhe chalrmanshlp of Lhe 8oard Lhe provlslons of Lhls AcL shall noL affecL Lhe charLer of Lhe
unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes SysLem Llkewlse Lhls AcL shall noL affecL Lhe charLer of Lhe Mlndanao SLaLe unlverslLy (MSu) excepL for
Lhe provlslon of Lhls AcL on chalrmanshlp of Lhe 8oard and Lhe membershlp of Lhe Chalrmen of Lhe Congresslonal CommlLLees on
LducaLlon and CulLure
ect|on 14 llloq of tepott Cn or before Lhe flfLeenLh (13Lh) day of Lhe second monLh afLer Lhe openlng of regular classes each
year Lhe presldenL of Lhe unlverslLy or college shall flle wlLh Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes Lhrough Lhe Chalrman of
Lhe CPLu and wlLh Lhe SenaLe and Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves a deLalled reporL on Lhe progress condlLlons and needs of Lhe
unlverslLy or college
ect|on 1S mplemeototloo 1he Chalrman of Lhe CPLu ls hereby dlrecLed Lo Lake such sLeps as are necessary for Lhe lmmedlaLe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL
ect|on 16 5epotoblllty cloose lf for any reason any parL or provlslon of Lhls AcL ls declared lnvalld or unconsLlLuLlonal Lhe
remalnlng parLs or provlslons noL affecLed Lhereby shall remaln ln full force and effecL
ect|on 17 kepeolloq cloose All laws presldenLlal decrees execuLlve orders leLLers of lnsLrucLlon and SuC charLers conLrary Lo or
lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls AcL are hereby repealed or amended accordlngly
ect|on 18 ffectlvlty cloose 1hls AcL shall Lake effecL upon lLs approval
Approved !une 6 1997

We Lhe soverelgn llllplno people lmplorlng Lhe ald of AlmlghLy Cod ln order Lo bulld a [usL and humane socleLy and esLabllsh a
CovernmenL LhaL shall embody our ldeals and asplraLlons promoLe Lhe common good conserve and develop our paLrlmony and
secure Lo ourselves and our posLerlLy Lhe blesslngs of lndependence and democracy under Lhe rule of law and a reglme of LruLh
[usLlce freedom love equallLy and peace do ordaln and promulgaLe Lhls ConsLlLuLlon

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