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FRIT 8435Dr.

Carlson Assignment 4, Group 3 Kristen Rogers, Christina Amaral, Aaron Parker

Evaluation Question

Information Required
Student reports that show an increase in comprehension and completion of the games in the Fast ForWord Program. Teacher input that indicates the students ask to be read to more often and/or attempt independent reading (includes making up their own words to stories as they turn the pages)


Informatio n Source
Student data report

Informati on Collection Methods

Fast ForWord Progress Tracker

Does the Fast ForWord Program help students better comprehend directions and successfully carry out directions? Do these students benefit from this program in that it promotes a desire for reading?

Data from stakeholders obtained through the use of surveys and/ or questionnaire methods examined in mixed methods format.

Teachers, Administrator s, Students

Surveys and interviews

Does the Fast ForWord Program increase student participation and involvement?

Student reports that show an increase in student participation and involvement.

Student data reports

Fast ForWord Progress Tracker

FRIT 8435Dr. Carlson Assignment 4, Group 3 Kristen Rogers, Christina Amaral, Aaron Parker

Evaluation Questions
Does the Fast ForWord Program help students better comprehend directions and successfully carry out directions? Do these students benefit from this program in that it promotes a desire for reading? Does the Fast ForWord Program increase student participation and involvement?

Student groups formed according to games completed

Information Collection Schedu Procedures le

Data will be collected from the online progress tracker; reports will be printed that includes the goals achieved in each of the games. To ensure validity, the data will be reviewed by two or more group members Teachers and assistants will complete be interviewed by the program evaluators via email and evaluators will follow-up with a phone call to discuss the answers given more thoroughly Data will be collected from the online progress trackers; reports will be reviewed for an increase in students participation and involvement. The CAP report will be reviewed along with graphs. To ensure validity, the data will be reviewed by two or more group members. Weekly

Analysis Procedures
Analysis of student scores and performance related to the goals of comprehension and following directions

Teachers and assistants in the preschool program


Program evaluators will review interview answers. Comparisons will be made to look for benefits of the program. Student participation and involvement will be analyzed in relation to participation and involvement and weekly achievement of participation.

Student groups formed according to goals accomplished and CAP report (C- completion, A- attendance, Pparticipation)


FRIT 8435Dr. Carlson Assignment 4, Group 3 Kristen Rogers, Christina Amaral, Aaron Parker

Evaluation Questions
Does the Fast ForWord Program help students better comprehend directions and successfully carry out directions? Do these students benefit from this program in that it promotes a desire for reading?

Interpretation Procedures
Students individual information will be collected and interpreted by trained personnel. Surveys distributed at the end of the school year; interviews arranged and conducted by trained personnel throughout the year. Interviews arranged and conducted by trained personnel.

Teachers, assistant teachers and administrator s


Student performance data displayed in graphical formats in the data collection. All results correlated and assembled for inclusion in graphs, charts, and other presentation forms. Correlated interview results into a final report with data, graphs, tables, and final summary.

Schedul e

Administratio n, students, faculty, parents and teachers.

Survey results will gather and presented with the survey statements.


Does the Fast ForWord Program increase student participation and involvement?

Administrator The collected s and interview results teachers. grouped and categorized in a summary report for each student.


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