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Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
uest|on 1
Whlle much research has been focused on hlghllghLlng Lhe lmporLance of
combaLlng lron deflclency and proposlng sLraLegles Lo end lL more progress has been
made globally Lowards endlng vlLamln A and lodlne deflclencles (8lack eL al 2008) ln
llghL of Lhls Lhe followlng sLraLegles are belng puL forLh as soluLlons Lo ellmlnaLlng lron
deflclencles rovldlng lnLervenLlons Lo pregnanL and posLparLum women newborns
and lnfanLs among Lhe mosL vulnerable Lo lron deflclencles ls essenLlal Lo curblng Lhe
lasLlng effecLs of Lhe problem (8uel and PoddlnoLL 2008) 1hls paper recommends a
LargeLed LhreesLage program almed aL moLhers Lo be ShorL mld and longLerm
sLraLegles wlll be dlscussed ln an efforL Lo provlde concreLe and reallsLlc soluLlons Lo
ensure lron deflclency becomes an hlsLorlc problem 1he focus of Lhls research wlll be
on Lhe Afrlcan conLlnenL

lron ls an essenLlal mlneral for Lhe body lL LransporLs oxygen from Lhe lungs Lo
Lhe resL of Lhe body (Anon) lnsufflclenL lron can lead Lo low levels of hemoglobln
whlch ln Lhe more exLreme form of lron deflclency ls called anemla (ln academlc
llLeraLure anemla lron deflclency and lron deflclency anemla are ofLen used
lnLerchangeably) lron also helps provlde oxygen Lo Lhe body's muscles and alds ln Lhe
dlgesLlon of cerLaln foods (Anon) Anemla can become a very serlous healLh concern
Low levels of lron sympLomlze ln young chlldren by delaylng lnfanL moLor and menLal
funcLlons lower energy levels as well as suscepLlblllLy Lo lnfecLlon (Akman eL al 2004)
Low levels of lron also presenL challenges Lo maLernal women by lncreaslng Lhelr
vulnerablllLy Lo lnfanL morLallLy

lL ls esLlmaLed LhaL close Lo Lwo Lhlrds of Lhe developlng world suffer from lron
deflclency whlle one Lhlrd of Lhese people suffer from more serlous anemla (Scrlmshaw
1991) 8eyond Lhe healLh lmpllcaLlons of lron deflclency exLreme socloeconomlc
burdens are creaLed LhaL reafflrm Lhe poverLy cycle (unlCLl 2001)

lron deflclency can be LreaLed wlLh relaLlve ease Challenges arlse however
because noL only ls Lhe dlsease dlfflculL Lo dlagnose unLll sympLoms become more acuLe
buL LreaLmenL musL be cusLomlzed and wlll vary dependlng on boLh cusLoms and Lhe
avallable resources of LargeLed reglons or counLrles (Scrlmshaw 1991) unllke vlLamln A
and lodlne deflclencles boLh common ln Lhe developlng world and boLh a resulL of poor
nuLrlLlon LreaLmenL ls noL as slmple as provldlng supplemenLs (Zlmmermann 2007)
1reaLmenL lnvolves provldlng educaLlon and lron alLhough Lhls ls an overslmpllflcaLlon
lron deflclency ls easlly prevenLable and LreaLable buL requlres access Lo resources and
an engaged governmenL or oLher parLner lnsLlLuLlons Lo Lurn sLraLegles lnLo reallLles

1he mosL suscepLlble members of socleLy are boLh pregnanL women and young
chlldren ages 02 years old (unlCLl 2001) Women and chlldren are mosL aL rlsk ln
developlng counLrles because of Lhelr rellance on monoLonous planL based food
Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
susLenance (Zlmmermann 2007) A 2001 reporL by unlCLl concludes LhaL pregnanL
women ln nonlndusLrlallzed counLrles have Lhe hlghesL prevalence of lron deflclency
followed by chlldren beLween 314 and flnally chlldren 04 (Lhough Lhe Lwo laLLer
caLegorles do noL vary much) (unlCLl 2001) 1herefore Lhls paper recommends
lnLervenLlons LhaL concenLraLe on lmprovlng pregnanL women's lron levels as well as
Lhelr newborns ln addlLlon Lo rlgorous educaLlon campalgns 1hls wlll help Lo curb boLh
newborn lron deflclency as well as maLernal lron deflclency

1he World PealLh CrganlzaLlon (WPC) CenLer for ulsease ConLrol (CuC) and
many oLhers found ln academlc llLeraLure have proposed slmllar sLraLegles for Lhe
LreaLmenL of lron deflclency 1he sLraLegles generally fall lnLo Lhree caLegorles and can
be comblned Lo have a greaLer lmpacL educaLlon as well as dleL alLeraLlons enrlchlng
food wlLh lron and provldlng lron supplemenLs (Zlmmermann 2007) SLraLegles cannoL
solely focus on provldlng lron however as Lhls ls slmply a 8andAld flx 8eal change has
Lo happen alongslde oLher developmenL efforLs Lo lmprove socloeconomlc sLaLus
lmproved access Lo waLer and sanlLaLlon enhanclng populaLlons' ablllLy Lo dlverslfy
Lhelr dleLs and flnally educaLlon (unlCLl 2001)

ShorLLerm sLraLegles lnvolve emergency food ald and lron supplemenLaLlon
MldLerm sLraLegles focus on lncreased educaLlon and awareness revaluaLlon of food
and dleLs and food forLlflcaLlon campalgns LongLerm goals are cenLered on enhanced
forLlflcaLlon as well as lncreased developmenL however a decreased rellance on food
ald ulLlmaLely leads Lowards a healLhler and more producLlve populaLlon arLnerlng
and sLrengLhenlng exlsLlng prenaLal healLh care programs wlLh Lhese sLraLegles wlll help
lmplemenL Lhem Lo Lhe LargeLed populaLlon

1he flrsL sLep ln Lhe shorLLerm sLraLegy ls an essenLlal research componenL Lo
undersLand Lhe prevalence socloeconomlc sLaLus and demographlc of Lhe aL rlsk
populaLlon 1hls sLep ls essenLlal noL only Lo ldenLlfy Lhose who suffer from lron
deflclency buL also Lo hlghllghL poLenLlal causes whlch brldge Lowards soluLlons 1he
Lyplcal meLhod for measurlng prevalence ls Lo LesL for hemoglobln (WPC 2004) Cnce
Lhese facLors have been measured and analyzed lL becomes easler Lo provlde a dlrecLed

ulLlmaLely every shorLLerm sLraLegy has Lhe same goal eradlcaLe lron deflclency
Lhough varylng meLhods have been uLlllzed ln Lhe pasL lL ls Lhe recommendaLlon of
Lhls paper LhaL Lhe shorLLerm sLraLegy should focus on boLh provldlng emergency food
rlch ln lron (for Lhose LhaL need lL) as well as lron supplemenLs Lo aLLack deflclencles and
help proLecL Lhe exlsLlng populaLlons (unlCLl 2001) lL ls necessary Lo sLress LhaL
supplemenL sLraLegles musL noL be consldered a compleLe program as Lhey cannoL be a
susLalnable soluLlon (SLolLzfus and ureyfuss 1998) Whlle supplemenLs provlde an easy
and qulck soluLlon Lhey cannoL be advocaLed for anyLhlng buL acuLe lnLervenLlons
Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
LongLerm use can resulL ln slde effecLs whlch are noL leLhal buL can cerLalnly lmpede
on quallLy of llfe (unlCLl 2001)

MldLerm soluLlons lnvolve a rlgorous educaLlon campalgn on how Lo maxlmlze
bloavallable lron by maklng cerLaln alLeraLlons Lo dleL cooklng pracLlces and eaLlng
hablLs (unlCLl 2001) Cnce aL rlsk populaLlon lron levels have been sLablllzed and
anemla rlsks have been reduced educaLlon musL become Lhe focus of Lhe sLraLegy
AlLhough lron deflclency can exlsL as Lhe sole mlcronuLrlenL deflclency ln populaLlons
Lhls ls ofLen noL Lhe case (de 8enolsL McLean and Lgll 2008) and lL ls Lherefore
advanLageous Lo provlde sLraLegles LhaL lncorporaLe oLher mlcronuLrlenL lnLervenLlons

MldLerm sLraLegles lnvolve Lhe changlng of hablLs Lo maxlmlze absorpLlon of lron
1hls can be accompllshed by delaylng Lhe drlnklng of Lea Lo aL leasL Lwo hours before or
afLer a meal as Lea lnhlblLs lron absorpLlon as well as eaLlng dalry producLs as a snack
raLher Lhan wlLh meals (unlCLl 2001) Whlle educaLlon on dleL changes can have a
poslLlve effecL on lron deflclency once agaln lL cannoL be Lhe sole form of lnLervenLlon
CLher sLraLegles lnvolve pollLlcal lnLervenLlon Lo focus agrlculLure on produclng lron rlch
foods locally as well as prlmary healLh care programs (unlCLl 2001) 8ecause lL ls ofLen
Lhe responslblllLy of women ln Lhe household Lo provlde cooklng and feedlng LargeLlng
Lhem wlLh educaLlon campalgns wlll help lmplemenL ongolng dleL changes among

lron forLlflcaLlon has been proposed as an exLremely vlable pracLlcal and
economlc longLerm soluLlon LhaL can be adopLed on a naLlonal level (Zlmmermann
2007) 1here have been many successes ln lmplemenLlng lron food forLlflcaLlon
programs (unlCLl 2001) 1he hlllpplnes Chlle as well as Lhe uSA have all adopLed
lron forLlflcaLlon programs LhaL have decreased Lhe prevalence of lron deflclency whlle
slmulLaneously preservlng Lhe LradlLlonal dleLs of Lhese counLrles

lL has clearly been sLaLed LhaL food forLlflcaLlon ls noL Lhe deflnlLlve response Lo
lron deflclency lnsLead lL musL be provlded ln con[uncLlon wlLh efforLs Lo Lackle more
fundamenLal developmenL challenges such as lmprovlng access Lo waLer and sanlLaLlon
as well as provldlng programs LhaL propose soluLlons Lo endlng Lhe poverLy cycle WlLh
Lhese lnLervenLlons lL wlll be posslble Lo noL only eradlcaLe lron deflclency buL also Lo
lmprove quallLy of llfe Whlle Lhe LargeLed populaLlon beneflLs from Lhls longLerm
sLraLegy clearly lL wlll noL be lmplemenLed wlLhouL Lhe supporL of more members of

lL musL also be noLed LhaL whlle lron ls essenLlal Lo healLhy lndlvlduals Loo much
lron can pose healLh concerns (Cordeuk Mukllbl and PassLedL 1992)
PemochromaLosls ls a dlsorder ln whlch Loo much lron ls absorbed (Anon) SympLoms
Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo abdomlnal and [olnL paln loss of energy and skln
darkenlng All lnLervenLlons should lnclude monlLored and moderaLed approaches

1hls paper has hlghllghLed Lhe reasons for LargeLlng pregnanL and posLparLum
woman as well as Lhelr lnfanLs ln lron deflclenL lnLervenLlons lL has demonsLraLed LhaL
soluLlons do exlsL Lo sysLemaLlcally eradlcaLe Lhe deLrlmenLal effecLs of lron deflclency
ShorLLerm soluLlons provlde lron supplemenLs LhaL brldge lnLo educaLlon campalgns
focuslng on dleLary reorganlzaLlon whlle Lhe longLerm sLraLegy lnvolves lron
forLlflcaLlon as a base and comblnes Lhls wlll oLher llfesavlng developmenL lnLervenLlons
1he soluLlon ls slmple lmplemenLaLlon however requlres sLrong dedlcaLlon capaclLy
bulldlng and a commlLmenL from governmenLs and parLner lnsLlLuLlons Lo lmprove Lhe
llves of aL rlsk populaLlons

Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17

Works C|ted
Akman M u Cebecl v Ckur and P Angln 2004 1he effecLs of lron deflclency on
lnfanLs developmenLal LesL performance" Acto

Anon nuLrlLlon for Lveryone 8aslcs lron and lron ueflclency | unAC | CuC cJcqov

Anon PemochromaLosls ubMed PealLh"

8lack 8oberL L Llndsay P Allen Zulflqar A 8huLLa Laura L Caulfleld Mercedes de Cnls
Ma[ld LzzaLl Colln MaLhers and !uan 8lvera 2008 MaLernal and chlld
undernuLrlLlon global and reglonal exposures and healLh consequences" 1be
loocet 371 (9608) (!anuary) 243260 dol101016/S01406736(07)616900

de 8enolsL 8 L McLean and l Lgll 2008 wotlJwlJe ptevoleoce of oooemlo 199J2005

Cordeuk v ! Mukllbl and S! PassLedL 1992 lron overload ln Afrlca" oqlooJ
Iootool of

8uel Marle and !ohn PoddlnoLL 2008 lnvesLlng ln Larly Chlldhood nuLrlLlon"
(november 20) 14

Scrlmshaw n 1991 lron deflclency" 5cl Am

SLolLzfus 8! and ML ureyfuss 1998 Culdellnes for Lhe use of lron supplemenLs Lo
prevenL and LreaL lron deflclency anemla" wosbloqtoo

unlCLl unlLed naLlons unlverslLy 2001 ltoo Jeflcleocy oooemlo ossessmeot
pteveotloo ooJ coottol o qolJe fot ptoqtomme moooqets

WPC C 2004 Assessloq tbe ltoo stotos of popolotloos CrganlzaLlon WP Ceneva
WPC/CuC !olnL 8eporL

Zlmmermann M8 2007 nuLrlLlonal lron deflclency" 1be loocet

Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
uest|on 2
nuLrlLlon ls Lhe basls of a long and healLhy llfe lL ls essenLlal LhaL mlnlsLrles of
healLh adopL a campalgn Lowards enhanclng Lhe nuLrlLlon of Lhelr populaLlons 1hls
paper wlll flrsL descrlbe Lhe rooL causes of nuLrlLlon lgnorance and Lhen propose
lnfalllble raLlonale for proper nuLrlLlon programs 1he use of mlcronuLrlenLs and Lhelr
lmpacL durlng pregnancy early developmenL as well as LhroughouL a person's enLlre
llfe wlll serve as Lhe bulldlng blocks for a nuLrlLlon cenLrlc paradlgm 1he flnanclal
burden of Lhese lnLervenLlons ls dwarfed by Lhe prolonged epldemlcs and loss of
producLlvlLy among a populaLlon who suffers from poor nuLrlLlon Whlle Lhe focus of
Lhls paper wlll be on Lhe conLlnenL of Afrlca Lhe effecLs of globallzaLlon and Lhe
lnLroducLlon of processed and faLLy foods cannoL be lgnored elsewhere (Slnger and
Lrlckson 2011)

nuLrlLlon ls Lhe slngle mosL lmporLanL aspecL of healLh lL seLs Lhe sLage for a
llfeLlme of beneflLs or concerns Larly age nuLrlLlon ls essenLlal for developmenL and ln
lLs absence can pose serlous concerns Lo survlval (8uel and PoddlnoLL 2008) SclenLlsLs
nuLrlLlonlsLs and docLors have known Lhe essenLlal role nuLrlLlon plays ln socleLy for
Lhousands of years yeL for Lhe greaLer parL of Lhe cenLury lL has noL been a prlorlLy 1he
rooLs of Lhls can be Lraced back Lo Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon and Lhe nuLrlLlon LranslLlon
(ng eL al 2010) whlch had a dlrecL lmpacL on dleLs and led Lo decllnlng healLh ln
developed counLrles 8aLher Lhan addresslng dleL as an ouLleL Lo curb dlsease
governmenLs parLnered wlLh pharmaceuLlcal corporaLlons Lo address nuLrlLlon relaLed
dlsease buL noL nuLrlLlon (Sharon L eLerson eL al 2009)

Whlle nuLrlLlonal problems ln Lhe developlng world are movlng Lowards Lhe
nuLrlLlon LranslLlon a large porLlon of Lhelr challenges are assoclaLed wlLh nuLrlenL
deflclencles nuLrlLlon problems exlsL aL a nexus of lncreased developmenL and
sLagnaLed growLh

Slnce Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon food producLlon has been shlfLlng from small
scale famlly based farms Lo Lhe largescale lndusLrlallzaLlon of food producLlon we see
now As populaLlons urbanlzed and Lhe pace of llfe qulckened Lhere was a need Lo
cenLrallze food producLlon and lnLroduce processed and calorlc rlch foods 1hls
comblned wlLh less physlcally acLlve professlons creaLed a serlous healLh epldemlc
(Anon) 1he popularlLy of Lhls WesLern dleL worldwlde has fuelled Lhe lncrease of
chronlc dlsease (obeslLy dlabeLes hearLdlsease) (urewnowskl 1997) Whlle chronlc
dlsease becomes a problem wlLh Lhe rlse of lncreased developmenL nuLrlLlon deflclency
ls sLlll among Lhe leadlng causes of morLallLy ln Lhe developlng world (8lack eL al 2008)

Cver Lhe course of Lhe lasL decade Lhe cosLs of boLh morLallLy as well as
economlc producLlvlLy ln relaLlon Lo nuLrlLlon have become more apparenL Whlle poor
nuLrlLlon ls responslble for more deaLhs and sufferlng Lhan Plv/AluS Lhe fundlng
Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo ls sLaggerlng Plv/AluS recelved more Lhan slx Llmes Lhe
fundlng ln a Lwoyear perlod Lhan nuLrlLlon recelved ln a decade (8lack eL al 2008) lL ls
Llme Lo address Lhese fundlng lnadequacles

lundlng nuLrlLlon programs helps Lo reduce morLallLy decrease suscepLlblllLy Lo
dlsease lmprove chlldhood developmenL gaps and lncrease economlc producLlvlLy
CosL recovery of nuLrlLlon lnLervenLlons can be seen ln Lhe lmprovemenLs Lo quallLy of
llfe a decreased burden on exlsLlng healLh lnfrasLrucLure and an lncrease ln human
caplLol wlLh a healLhler and more menLally flL populaLlon AddlLlonally early educaLlon
on nuLrlLlon can help avold furLher burdens on Lhe healLh care sysLem by avoldlng Lhe
nuLrlLlon LranslLlon plagulng developed counLrles and modernlzlng economles

uevelop sLraLegles LhaL address nuLrlLlon deflclency and provlde nuLrlLlon
educaLlon and a healLhler populaLlon wlll ensue lL ls lmporLanL Lo provlde LargeLed
nuLrlLlon lnLervenLlons LhaL are focused on pregnanL woman and Lhelr lnfanLs ln order
Lo prevenL nuLrlLlon deflclencles raLher Lhan aLLempL Lo reverse Lhe menLal healLh
sympLoms of under nourlshmenL a feaL whlch ls noL always posslble (8uel and
PoddlnoLL 2008)

1he lack of adequaLe fundlng ln nuLrlLlon serves Lo undercuL Lhe eradlcaLlon of
nuLrlenL deflclencles Powever fundlng for nuLrlLlon lnLervenLlons ls [usL one parL of
Lhe problem nuLrlLlon does noL exlsL ln a sllo and musL be approached ln concerL wlLh
oLher developmenL acLlvlLy such as lncreased access Lo waLer and sanlLaLlon (unlCLl
2001) Whlle recenL sLudles (vlcLora eL al 2008 8ryce eL al 2008 8lack eL al 2008
8handarl and kablr 2008) have hlghllghLed Lhe beneflLs of provldlng nuLrlLlon
lnLervenLlons Lhey fall Lo propose adequaLe soluLlons Lo Lhe rampanL underfundlng and
lneffecLlve coordlnaLlon among lnLernaLlonal and governmenL parLners More Lhan
Lhree quarLers of Lhe world's undernourlshed chlldren llve ln [usL LwenLy counLrles
(8ryce eL al 2008)

1he soluLlon Lo prevenLlng Lhese problems lles ln a concenLraLed sLraLeglc efforL
wlLh sLrong supporL from Lhe mlnlsLrles of healLh Lo ensure LhaL governmenLs are boLh
aware of Lhe poLenLlal for healLhler populaLlons as well as Lhe economlc lncenLlves of
adopLlng nuLrlLlon programs

Successes have been experlenced ln lowlncome counLrles and Lhese can be
leveraged and lmproved upon PlsLorlcal daLa has shown LhaL Lhrough nuLrlLlon
lnLervenLlons Lhe healLh of moLhers and lnfanLs can be lmproved wlLh Lhe coordlnaLlon
of governmenLs adequaLe sLraLegles and resources (8ryce eL al 2008)

1wo recenL successes ln undernuLrlLlon have been global efforLs Lo address boLh
lodlne and vlLamln A deflclencles 1hese Lwo nuLrlenL deflclencles have seen slgnlflcanL
Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17
decllne ln Lhelr sympLoms worldwlde buL noL eradlcaLlon Whlle Lhese Lwo nuLrlenL
deflclencles are vlLal Lhere are several more LhaL requlre aLLenLlon speclflcally lron
deflclencles breasLfeedlng educaLlon and overall WASP (waLer sanlLaLlon healLh and
hyglene promoLlon)

Cne of Lhe chlef challenges for lmplemenLlng Lhese pollcles ls Lo encourage
governmenLs Lo embrace nuLrlLlon as a prlorlLy and necesslLy (8ryce eL al 2008) 1hls
can be faclllLaLed by mlnlsLrles of healLh LhaL can aLLesL Lo Lhe beneflLs of nuLrlLlon
campalgns 1he beneflLs lnclude lncreased human caplLol lncreased producLlvlLy and a
decrease ln dlsease expendlLures

ln Lhe shorLLerm Lhe mlnlsLrles of healLh wlll need Lo dedlcaLe slgnlflcanL
porLlons of Lhelr budgeLs Lo reduce Lhe burden of nuLrlLlon deflclencles 1he emphasls
should be on provldlng lnLervenLlons LargeLed Lowards pregnanL women and Lhelr
lnfanLs ages 02 1hese lnLervenLlons cenLer on sLresslng Lhe lmporLance of and
provldlng asslsLance Lowards excluslve breasLfeedlng supplemenL provlslons WASP
lnLervenLlons and food forLlflcaLlon (8uel and PoddlnoLL 2008) 8y provldlng Lhese
lnLervenLlons an lncrease ln lnfanL menLal and physlcal developmenL wlll follow

1hese shorLLerm soluLlons wlll provlde raLlonale for conLlnulng efforLs Lo lmprove
Lhe underlylng causes of undernuLrlLlon speclflcally poverLy lack of educaLlon and a
lack of resources among oLhers (8uel and PoddlnoLL 2008) 8uel eL al 2008 provlde
examples of programs LhaL brldge Lhe shorL and longLerm sLraLegles 1hese sLraLegles
lnvolve agrlculLure lnLervenLlon programs and educaLlon campalgns MlnlsLrles and
governmenLs should reallze LhaL a lack of fundlng for nuLrlLlonspeclflc sLraLegles has
cerLalnly lncreased Lhe need for Lhem whlle Lhe creaLlon of culLures LhaL seek Lo reduce
undernuLrlLlon can provlde economlc lncenLlves

1hls paper has hlghllghLed Lhe dlre need Lo address undernuLrlLlon CovernmenLs
cannoL walL on Lhe lnLernaLlonal communlLy Lo provlde asslsLance 1he mlnlsLrles of
healLh musL embrace nuLrlLlon lnLervenLlon programs by emphaslzlng Lhelr cosL
recovery and economlc reLurns Whlle Lhere are cerLalnly challenges Lo embraclng Lhls
shlfL Lowards undernuLrlLlon sLraLegles Lhe slmple facL LhaL nuLrlLlon lnLervenLlons can
reduce more Lhan 22 mllllon chlld deaLhs a year and lmprove Lhe quallLy of llfe as well
as Lhe socloeconomlc sLaLus of Lhe populaLlon cannoL be lgnored (8lack eL al 2008) lL
ls necessary Lo parLner wlLh exlsLlng lnLernaLlonal and naLlonal nCC's Lo work ln concerL
Lowards susLalnable nuLrlLlon cenLrlc paradlgms ln an age where Lhe effecLs of
malnuLrlLlon are well known and documenLed lL ls unaccepLable Lo pursue any oLher
sLraLegles aL Lhe mlnlsLrles of healLh

Stephen Sauder 260039763
October 17

Works C|ted
Anon CbeslLy developlng worlds new burden foootq

8handarl n and AkM kablr 2008 MalnsLreamlng nuLrlLlon lnLo maLernal and chlld healLh
programmes scallng up of excluslve breasLfeedlng" Motetool cbllJ oottltloo

8lack 8oberL L Llndsay P Allen Zulflqar A 8huLLa Laura L Caulfleld Mercedes de Cnls
Ma[ld LzzaLl Colln MaLhers and !uan 8lvera 2008 MaLernal and chlld undernuLrlLlon
global and reglonal exposures and healLh consequences" 1be loocet 371 (9608)
(!anuary) 243260 dol101016/S01406736(07)616900

8ryce !ennlfer uenlse ColLlnho lan uarnLonPlll uavld elleLler and er lnsLrup
Andersen 2008 MaLernal and chlld undernuLrlLlon effecLlve acLlon aL naLlonal level"
1be loocet 371 (9611) (lebruary) 310326 dol101016/S01406736(07)616948

urewnowskl A 1997 1he nuLrlLlon LranslLlon new Lrends ln Lhe global dleL" Nottltloo

ng S W S Zaghloul P l All C Parrlson and 8 M opkln 2010 1he prevalence and Lrends
of overwelghL obeslLy and nuLrlLlonrelaLed noncommunlcable dlseases ln Lhe Arablan
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