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Small Philly Crowd For George

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) | Wallace within the past "we are the only candidate in Scuffles broke out in front of a 10-minute ovation from his George Wallace is fond of | week had packed New York's the race that has gone to the Spectrum and at a nearby jsupporters when he came on saying he's the only presiden-; Madison Square Garden and places like the Spectrum, and bus stop as the crowd left the 'stage accompanied by his sister-intial candidate with courage!Detroit's Cobo Hall, large in Detroit last night a very j arena 'and again outside the sister and his enough to hold rallies in thejarenas used by National tremendous hall, and Madison| hotel where the dinner was law, was greeted by reverse _ teamsjSquare r<..~A ibecause they held. Fourteen persons were psychology chants of "We ic 4i largest arenas available andjBasketball Association * Garden, i! ' being -em- representing " - - ~- those -'--j are worried about t h e crowd. injured and a total of 13 were want Wallace," from the take the chance of cities, barrassed by empty seats. j But the c r o w d at i But we went there at 6 o'clock arrested. Twelve of the in- hecklers as he began to Wednesday night t h i s! Philadelphia, w h i l e .. , the Spectrum today and -you . jured were policemen, five of speak. , -- , , courage took h i m to;thusiastic, was below expect-!saw the tremendous crowd we!them sickened by blasts from "I can tell you one thing," Philadelphia's dazzling newiations. mad." ; pen type tear-gas guns. He a ears tod n Wallace retorted. "You are Spectrum, which holds 17.000. Wallace was undismayed! PP ay i ' The American Independent Snfl norcnrJH Only 5.000 Wallace partisans!however, telling 500 persons! 3 g 6 T S t 0 W n . Md., and!party candidate, who received going to get him on Nov. 5." showed up. 'at a S25-a-plate. dinner later. Norfolk, Va. Large numbers of police! were at the Spectrum rally i and they formed 1 i n e s j between the Wallace sup-| porters and some 100 hecklers in the rear of the arena to ;head off any confrontations. , 'SUNSHINE LINE' There were angry words; i between two groups but no MOSCOW (UPI) The So- three-foot iron pipe. j fights occurred inside the | viet Union today launch- Fuller, 32. was taken to the For [building. Police removed one ;ed the 250th in its series University of California at Los jman who had sprayed ajof unmanned C o s m o s Angeles Medical Center with policeman with a liquid that! satellites. Tass said. It came a chest wound. . witnesses believed to be tear) 'ess than a day after the The officer, Thomas Blaire, ;]as or mace. ! Russians' latest manned ship was treated for a broken right j returned safely from a four hand. For

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News Briefs


VICTORY SMILES? Vice President Hubert Humphrey told a fund raising dinner in Baltimore, Md., that he was "absolutely sure" that if the party faithful kept fighting for the next few days, he

would defeat Richard M. Nixon. Here, Humphrey greets Sen. Joseph Tydings (DMd.), as Mrs. Humphrey greets Mrs. Luci Nugent, daughter of President Johnson. (UPI Telephoto)

Even If Two Are Jailed



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cupation is going to drive the .price of intervention evenj LCS A-"7",L~:S (AP) Ai higher, j policeman says he shot actor j Officials said the S 5 0 0 J an accomplice. Both were million figure is an educated! SAN JOSE, Calif. (UPI)A hometown to San Jose. i America's Tersf/esf Lance Fuller, wounding him guess that represents only thej tear slipped down the cheek of Early in October, Susan was found guilty of kidnap and critically, when Fuller atSPAGHETTI SAUCE tacked him Wednesday with a cost of the preparation and j 18-year-old Susan Bartolomei brought to the courtroom in a rape. the actual invasion itself last las she sat in the courtroom wheelchair as a silent witness Superior Court J u d g e cuddling a stuffed toy animal. against the defendants. A Joseph P. Kelly ordered the Aug. 21. Life ahead for the pretty pretty girl still, she clutched a] jury to return next Wedstuffed NEW YORK (AP) The teen-ager is a wheelchair. Her rosary and a small stuffedjnesday to decide whether Braun will be given life imfourth straw poll by the New world is the world of a child. animal. York Daily News has Hubert She is voiceless and almost She a n s w e r e d questions prisonment or the g a s with a slow, frail movement chamber. H. Humphrey leading Richard totally paralyzed. MIL J, C. PENNEY, FOUNDER M. Nixon by 2 percentage Two drifters just a year of her hand or a nod of hen He also ordered Maine back What does Founder** Days points in New York State, but older than she were found b a n d a g e d head. The;into court Nov. 15 for a proValues really mean? We a Republican survey shows!g1^ty of shattering her world movements had to be in- bation report and sentencing, think Mr. Penney tells it best. Nixon in front by 5 per cent, jby firmg five bullets into her terpreted for the court by a Second degree murder in : California carries a sentence Mr. Penney said, "Just find The News, collecting 6,062 brain. The verdict won't nurse. In the end, Susan was: of five years-to-life, kidnaping straws Oct. 26-29. g a v e change things for Susan. our customers some good Democrat Humphrey 45.6 per On the night of Aug. 21, unable to show she recognized I has a penalty of one to 25 old-fashioned values the cent, Republican Nixon 43.6, 1967, Susan and her boyfriend. Maine and Braun as the .years, and rape is punishable kind that built our business." third-party candidate George Timothy Luce, son of a youths who killed h e r ! by 3-to-50 years, PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT C. Wallace 6.9, with 3.9 per district attorney, were driving boyfriend and attacked her. B'.it the jury was convinced. cent undecided. near their hometown oi After a 10-week trial, the EfflUHl KINGSLEY Ukiah, Calif. They ran out oi panel Tuesday found Braun gas. .. first-degree murder Tellers Announce Two young men gave them.guiltv of Qne who ^ the jas thg Maine was conv}cted 17-Member Cast a ride. It was a ride: of death jshootingnd_degree murder as;| ~HIEF JUSTICE forTiinohyandthebegmmng^ Seco5 at LKiunn aims, ft Susan s For 2nd Drama of The twolifelong ordeal. Advertisement drifters killed A cast of 17 has been an-j Timothy within an hour. They nounced for the second Amillbeat and repeatedly raped; Tellers production of the year Susan on an auto flight across "Look Homeward Angel." a California, then dumped her; comedy-drama by K e t t i i f r o m the car by a mountain Frings based on a novel- by; roadside before dawn. And Promptly Stop The Itching, Thomas Wolfe. A passing motorist found Major roles will be filled by her at daybreak. Susan's head : Relieve Pain In Most Cases. Grover B l a z e r Gayle was a mass of blood matted New Tori, N. T. (Special): A And it was all accomplished Laughlin. D o u g Ferguson. with dirt, hair and grass. ,,, , ,, Nancy B o w e rso c k and She was rushed to a , ., . scientific research institute has without narcotics or stinging hospital djscovered a medication which astringents of any^ind. William Farley. ! and search was started for has the ability in most cases The secret is Preparation H Appearing in supporting the two drifters. to actually shrink hemorrhoids. an exclusive formula for the roles will be Betty Hauer. A few hours later. Thomas j *n case ?* * the sufferer treatment of hemorrhoids. Sylvia Elliott, Danny Roush. rst .?1?ce rom trell^fr<?m There is no otherf ormulalike it! John Hauer, C h a r l e s E. -Braunit. and Leonard . E.if, itching, *P ? and pam. In addition to actually shrink-\ tin /the burning Reese, H e s t e r Thornburn. Maine, both 19, were arrested , Then t^'medication starts ing piles and relieving the painAND $45 COATS in to gently reduce the ful distress Preparation H Dorothy Phillips. Barbara while sleeping in a hotel Dupes, Roy Miller. A 1 Jamestown, Calif. Those who ; swelling of innamed, irritated lubricates, makes bowel movements less painful and soothes Thornburn, Mary Presho and the farm town of Ritzville, "&**& conducted on hundreds the irritated tissues. It also Ronald Murray. helps prevent further infection. ?f patients by leading The play will open at Wash., where thev lived knew m New York Clty in doctors York City, " WashPreparation H comes in ointthem as "troublemakers." in NewD.C. and & Midwest ment or suppository form. No Encore Theater Nov. 22 for 10 ington, at performances over t h r e e To give them a fair trial. Medical Center proved this so. prescription is needed. weekends. ]the court moved it from their; '.ons normally."

i Jay orbit of the earth. ! The official Soviet news WASHINGTON (AP) Itj | agency said Cosmos 250 will cost the Soviet Union half a j i"con.inue exploration of outer billion dollars to invade j ;pace." It said. "Equipment Czechoslovakia, U.S. officials: ;on board the satellite func- believe, and the expense of oc-j

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