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kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes

Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy

Co||ege of Nurs|ng

Attendance of 8SN IVD



14 13 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 23 1 2
1 MaLeo !ennllyn l
2 Mercado Mlshaleel valencla
3 Mlllare Chlndy May L
4 Ccampo Mlchelle !oy
3 CrLega Melanle L
6adlernos Pazel !ane C
7 adllla !esslca u
8 ascual !ellle 8ose M
9 asamba 8eglne l
10 eralLa !onah May M
11 8eyes Solomon
12 SanLos Ldmar
13 valdez !osha A

@he nu8SlnC 8CC8AM lS CllL8Lu @C
lAClLl@A@L Lhe hollsLlc developmenL of Lhe sLudenLs
lnLo quallLy nurslng graduaLes who ls servlce
orlenLed and dedlcaLed lndlvlduals upholdlng Lhe
prlnclple of love servlce and commlLmenL Lo
manklnd especlally Lo Lhelr counLrymen


nLuS@ recognlze LhaL Lhe sLudenLry ls Lhe cenLral
flgure of all educaLlonal efforLs and programs Pence Lhe
college of nurslng wlLh lLs compeLencybased communlLy
and researchorlenLed currlculum alms Lo moblllze
nLuS@#s efforL Lhrough dynamlc academlc and
admlnlsLraLlve mechanlsm of developlng lLs nurslng
sLudenLs lnLo well rounded producLlve lndlvlduals of Lhe
provlnce Lhe reglon ln parLlcular and of Lhe naLlon ln

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 14 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM Pome vlslL (gaLherlng of daLa Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh educaLlon)
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M lollow up Pome vlslL
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 13 2011
630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (gaLherlng of daLa Laklng vlLal slgns physlcal assessmenL
and Leachlng healLh educaLlon)
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Checklng of ulary and Case sLudy (ChapLer 1)
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 17 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (gaLherlng of daLa Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Checklng of ulary and Case sLudy from ChapLer 2 4
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 18 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (gaLherlng of daLa Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Checklng of ulary ulscusslon and Submlsslon of ChapLer 14
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 21 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh educaLlon)
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Culz no1 Checklng of ulary and 8evlslons of Case SLudy
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 22 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh educaLlon)
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M ulscusslon and Checklng of ulary
230 300 osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 23 2011

630 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn 8ag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
700 730 AM re Conference
730 1130 AM lollowup Pome vlslL (Laklng vlLal slgns and Leachlng healLh educaLlon)
1130 1200 nn 8eLurn Lo Lhe PealLh CenLer
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Culz no2 and Checklng of ulary
230 300 osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 24 2011

613 630 AM Arrlval ln area
630 700 AM Checklng of ALLendance and unlforms
700 730 AM CollecLlons of Case sLudles
730 1100 AM CongregaLlon of CommlLLees
1100 1200 nn Lunch break
1200 230 M lormulaLlon of lnlLlal budgeL breakdown for case presenLaLlon
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 23 2011

630 730 AM Arrlval ln 8arangay Manacnac alayan ClLy
730 800 AM Checklng of ALLendance unlforms Pn bag conLenLs and oLher paraphernalla#s
800 830 AM re Conference
830 1200 nn lollowup Pome vlslL (Laklng vlLal slgns Leachlng healLh educaLlon
documenLaLlon and leaveLaklng)
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M uryrun for case presenLaLlon
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

|an of Act|v|t|es

Lesson |an


kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng


O The students should arrive 30 minutes early to the area beIore the time oI duty.
O The students should have a proper grooming and must wear the proper uniIorm with
name plate and pins.
O The students must have a PHN bag each with its complete contents and other
equipment such as umbrella.
O The students should participate to the discussion through sharing oI ideas.
O The students must complete all the tasks and requirements such as Case Study and
Diary oI activities and quizzes / exams.


8y offerlng graduaLe undergraduaLe and
shorL @L8M courses of speclallzaLlon and
accordlng Lo lLs capablllLles nLuS@ ensure Lo
rlmary provlde advanced lnsLrucLlon
professlonal Lralnlng ln arLs sclence and
Lechnology educaLlon and oLher relaLed flelds
underLake research and exLenslon servlces and
provlde progresslve leadershlp ln Lhese areas
nLuS@ ls a recognlze leader ln Lhe reglon manage by
commlLLed and eLhlcal publlc servanLs whereas
A culLure of excellence eLhlcs and solldarlLy Lhrlves and
prospers ln each academlcs and admlnlsLraLlve unlL and Lach
college lnsLlLuLe and campus ls a cenLer of developmenL and
excellence ln perspecLlve programs of lnsLrucLlon research and
exLenslon servlce and producLlon Lransformlng sLudenLs alumnl
and cllenLeles lnLo hlgh quallLy compeLenL and eLhlcal leaders
professlonal or mldlevel manpower ln Lhe fleld of Sclence
@echnology LducaLlon ManagemenL ArLs and @echnology based
educaLlon and Lralnlng
enera| Cb[ect|ve
@o lnsLlLuLe a beLLer and efflclenL communlcaLlon process Lo people ln
Lhe communlLy and gulde my cosLudenLs ln dlfferenL acLlvlLles managlng
Llme effecLlvely Leachlng plan and guldellnes LhaL ls relaLed ln renderlng
effecLlve healLh nurslng ln Lhe communlLy

Spec|f|c Cb[ect|ves
O @o faclllLaLe effecLlve managemenL and organlzaLlon of groups ln
plannlng of acLlvlLles Lo aLLaln goals and ob[ecLlves by proper
delegaLlon of asslgnmenLs
O @o gulde and dlrecL my sLudenLs ln accompllshlng Lasks delegaLed Lo

O ulscusslon of Lhe common lllnesses presenL ln Lhe communlLy
lncludlng lLs descrlpLlon slgns and sympLoms rlsk facLors
dlagnosLlc exams and managemenL
O LvaluaLlon of Lhe dlscusslons Lhrough qulzzes and exams
O uocumenLaLlon of Lhe dally acLlvlLles (plcLures)
O ually checklng of aLLendance compleLe unlform Pn bag and lLs
conLenLs and oLher equlpmenLs
O lannlng of dally acLlvlLles ln Lhe communlLy (such as home vlslL
dlscusslon qulzzes eLc)


kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 28 2011

630 730 AM Arrlval ln Lhe area of presenLaLlon
730 800 AM Checklng of ALLendance and unlforms
800 830 AM re Conference
830 1200 nn uocumenLaLlon
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M uryrun for case presenLaLlon
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
november 29 2011

630 730 AM Arrlval ln Lhe area of presenLaLlon
730 800 AM Checklng of ALLendance and unlforms
800 830 AM re Conference
830 1200 nn uocumenLaLlon
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M Case presenLaLlon
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

|an of Act|v|t|es
uecember 2 2011

630 730 AM Arrlval ln area of semlnar
730 800 AM Checklng of ALLendance and unlforms
800 830 AM re Conference
830 1200 nn Semlnar
1200 100 M Lunch break
100 230 M uocumenLaLlon
230 300 M osL Conference
300 M ueparLure

I ersona| 8ackground
Name Mary 8oss v 8aldovlno
Date of 8|rth uecember 23 1991
Address San !ose ClLy nueva Lcl[a
Contact No 09262693633
ender lemale
Iather Alfredo C 8aldovlno
Contact No 09163633692
Mother Lolda v 8aldovlno
Contact No 09163624243

II Lducat|ona| Atta|nment

Name of Schoo| Degree ear raduated
San !ose WesL CenLral School LlemenLary Level 2004
SL !ohn#s Academy Secondary Level 2008
nueva Lcl[a unlverslLy of
Sclence and @echnology
College Level 2012

h||osophy of CCN
@he College of nurslng rogram belleves LhaL
a) nurslng ls a nurLurlng lovlng and carlng professlon
b) nurslng sLudenLs are Lralned Lo become crlLlcal
Lhlnklng generallsL
c)nurslng sLudenLs once a graduaLe wlll possess Lhe
quallLy of good leader ln any seLLlng Lhe communlLy
healLh care lnsLlLuLlon or nurslng educaLlon
d) @he nurslng process ls Lhe framework of nurslng
pracLlce hence sLudenLs musL be adopL ln lLs
lnsLlLuLlon uLlllzaLlon
e) 8esearch ls fundamenLal ln Lhe advancemenL of
any professlon hence graduaLe should acqulre Lhe
skllls needed

1 SLudenLs musL be ln school bus aL exacLly 613Am
2 SLudenLs should be ln Lhelr CPn unlform
olo unlform
@shlrL (whlLe)
navy blue panLs
Long black socks
8lack leaLher shoes
8louse unlform
navy blue panLs
Long black socks
8lack leaLher shoes
3 !ewelrles and accessorles are noL allowed Lo wear durlng CPn duLy excepL for Lhe waLch
4 Palr of Lhe sLudenLs should be properly flxed for Lhe glrls lL should be Lled neaLly and for Lhe boys lL
should noL be Louchlng Lhe collar
3 ubllc PealLh 8ag should always be compleLe and equlpped wlLh prescrlbed maLerlals ln CPn
6 MonlLorlng of aLLendance ls necessary for Lhose sLudenLs LhaL wlll commlL an absenL are enLlLled for
makeup duLy/duLles
7 Anyone who wlll noL follow all Lhe pollcles ls sub[ecLed Lo dlsclpllnary acLlon referably glvlng of
makeup duLy or demerlL ls necessary
Course Sy||abus
Course Name Intens|ve Nurs|ng ract|cum
Course Code IN
Course Descr|pt|on AcLual appllcaLlon of Lhe Lheorles prlnclples and concepLs of cllnlcal nurslng sklll ln Lhe dlfferenL baslc
nurslng sLudles lncludlng communlLy Lmphasls ls placed on lnLegraLlng Lhe mulLlple roles of professlonal nurslng as a vehlcle
Lo enhance crlLlcal Lhlnklng and communlcaLlon skllls
Course Cred|t 8 unlLs 8LL
Contact nours 408 hrs cllnlcal (248LL hrs per week)
rerequ|s|te All professlonal sub[ecLs
|acement 4
yr 2
Course Cb[ect|ves
1 Apply Lhe nurslng process ln Lhe care of group of cllenL across Lhe llfespan wlLh varled condlLlon and Lhe communlLy
11 Assess Lhe cllenLs LoLal condlLlon and resources
12 lormulaLe nurslng dlagnosls based on Lhe daLa gaLhered
13 ueveloped a plan of care for lndlvldual famlly and communlLy
14 lmplemenL plan of care applylng approprlaLe lnLervenLlons
13 LvaluaLe ouLcome of care
2 uemonsLraLe compeLencles of beglnnlng sLaff nurse head nurse researcher and leader
3 Cbserve bloeLhlcal prlnclples core values and sLandards of nurslng care
4 romoLes personal and professlonal growLh
Course Cut||ne
l AsslgnmenL ln Lhe cllnlcal areas
1SLaff nurse experlence ln Lhe ward
O Case meLhod
O rlmary nurslng
2 ubllc healLh nurse experlence ln Lhe 8ural PealLh unlL/CenLers and communlLy based pracLlcum
O Case lead managemenL
O arLlclpaLory approach Lo developlng communlLy compeLence
ll locus of cllnlcal experlence
1 nurslng process applled ln Lhe care of lndlvldual groups of cllenLs famllles and communlLy case lead
managemenL conducLlng healLh programs/servlces developlng communlLy compeLence
2 rlmary nurslng elemenLs
3 SLandards of care
4 lnLerpersonal and managerlal concepLs and sLraLegles
O unlL managemenL
O SLaff developmenL
3 Lvldencebased pracLlce
lll ConducL
1 Case presenLaLlons
2 Semlnar on Lrends ln paLlenL care
u|de for kLL
rovlde opporLunlLles for acLual hosplLal experlences applylng Lhe prlmary nurslng and case meLhods of asslgnmenL
Lo ensure compeLencles are developed rovlde opporLunlLles for acLual experlences wlLh communlLy as Lhe cllenL nurslng
elecLlves sLudenLs shall choose aL leasL Lwo LlecLlves (LlecLlve 1 and LlecLlve 2) Lo compleLe Lhe 8S nurslng rogram LlecLlve
1 ls Laken ln Lhe 4
year 1
semesLer Cholces for LlecLlve 1 are as follows
1 arenLchlld nurslng
2 SplrlLual Care nurslng
3 Posplce alllaLlve Care LlecLlve 2 ls Laken ln 4
year 2
semesLer Cholces for LlecLlve 2 are as follows
AcuLe/CrlLlcal Care nurslng
CuallLy PealLh Care and nurslng
Care of Lhe chronlcally lll and Lhe older person
CCMMunl@ ls a soclal group of people lnLeracLlng Lo
each oLher deLermlned by a geographlc boundarles and
sharlng Lhe same lnLeresL and goals
PLAL@P refers Lo Lhe C@lMuM LLvLL Cl lunC@lCnlnC
of Lhe lndlvldual famlly and communlLy
nu8SlnC ls asslsLlng slck and well lndlvldual famlly and
whole communlLy Lo aLLaln C@lMuM LLvLL Cl
lAC@C8S AllLC@lnC @PL CCMMunl@
O Socloeconomlc sLaLus
O PealLh care dellvery sysLem
O PeredlLary facLor
O AcLlvlLles and behavlor
O ollLlcal facLor
O LnvlronmenLal facLor
CCMMunl@ PLAL@P nu8SlnC ls a speclal fleld of
nurslng LhaL comblnes skllls of nurslng publlc healLh and
soclal asslsLance and funcLlons
u8LlC PLAL@P or CCMMunl@ PLAL@P ls a sclence and
arL of prevenLlon of lllness/hazards promoLlon of healLh
and prolonglng of llfe Lhrough organlzed communlLy
Lvery clLlzen has hls 8l8@P 8lCP@ of healLh and
ur Wlnslow
O School PealLh nurse
O CccupaLlonal PealLh nurse
O PealLh lnsLrucLlon
O PealLh Servlces
O PealLhy School Llvlng
O School and communlLy coordlnaLlon
O AssessmenL and conLrol of work place hazards
O AssessmenL of capaclLy of employees for work
O MalnLenance of healLh of Lhe employee
O Crganlze and manage healLh programs for Lhe
upholdlng worLh and dlgnlLy of man"
@o ralse Lhe level of healLh of Lhe clLlzenry"
CPn 8lnClLLS
8ased on recognlzed needs of lndlvldual famlly
communlLy and populaLlon group
undersLand pollcles and ob[ecLlves of Lhe agency
Always be avallable Lo all
Llnklng approach MulLlsecLoral
use lndlgenous resources
O Cllnlc vlslL
O Pome vlslL
CLlnlC vlSl@ S@LS
l reconsulLaLlon Conference
CreeLlngs/ lnLroduclng self
CollecLlon of daLa
ll Medlcal ConsulLaLlon
AsslsLlng Lhe paLlenL and physlclan
rovldlng prlvacy
MalnLalnlng confldenLlallLy of daLa
lll nurslng lnLervenLlon
Carrylng ouL docLor#s order
8elnforclng docLor#s order/advlce
PealLh Leachlng
lv osLconsulLaLlon
Lxplalnlng posslble lnLervenLlons
lollowup care

PCML vlSl@ ls a professlonal face Lo face conLacL made by
Lhe nurse Lo Lhe famlly
lAC@C8S AllLC@lnC l8LCuLnC Cl PCML vlSl@
O hyslcal psychologlcal educaLlonal needs
O AccepLance of Lhe famlly
O ollcy glven by Lhe agency
S@LS uu8lnC PCML vlSl@
1 CreeLlngs/ lnLroduclng self
2 SLaLlng Lhe purpose and ob[ecLlves

u8LlC PLAL@P 8AC an essenLlal and lndlspensable
equlpmenL used by Lhe ubllc PealLh nurse durlng home

8AC @LCPnlCuL Lool maklng use of ubllc PealLh 8ag
whereln ubllc PealLh nurse can perform procedures
durlng home vlslL

8aLlonale lL helps render effecLlve nurslng care

8lnClLLS Cl 8AC @LCPnlCuL
O Mlnlmlze lf noL LoLally prevenL Lhe spread of
O save Llme and efforL
O noL Lo overshadow Lhe concern of Lhe famlly

CCnSluL8A@lCnS ln uSlnC P 8AC
O 8ag and lLs conLenLs musL be free from any
O Always do hand washlng
O CaLher necessary equlpmenLs

CCn@Ln@S Cl @PL u8LlC PLAL@P 8AC

aper llnlng
LxLra paper for maklng wasLe bag
lasLlc/ llnen llnlng
Pand Lowel
Soap ln a soap dlsh
@hermomeLer (oral and recLal)
2 palrs of sclssors (Surglcal and bandage)
2 palrs of forceps (Curved and sLralghL)
ulsposable syrlnges wlLh needle g 19222323
SLerlle dresslng
CoLLon balls (dry and wlLh alcohol)
Cord clamp
Mlcropore plasLer
@ape measure
1 palr of sLerlle gloves
8aby#s scale
Alcohol lamp
2 LesL Lubes
@esL Lube holders
SoluLlons of
Zephlran soluLlon
SplrlL of ammonla
AceLlc acld
70 alcohol
Pydrogen peroxlde
CpLhalmlc olnLmenL
8enedlcL#s soluLlon

ls an essenLlal healLh care based on pracLlcal and
soclally accepLable meLhods/ Lechnology made
unlversally accesslble Lo lndlvldual famlly and
ls a pracLlcal approach Lo Lhe effecLlve provlslon of
healLh servlces
lncludes Lhe full parLlclpaLlon and acLlve
lnvolvemenL of Lhe people Lowards Lhe
developmenL of a selfrellanL core


O Alma ALa Conference
O Alma ALa uSS8
O SepLember 612 1978
O WPC and unlCLl
O ur ulzon and ur vlllar

LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon (LCl) 949 slgned on CcLober
191999 by resldenL lerdlnand Marcos

laLher of PC
ur !esus C Azurln

@o aLLaln PealLh for all llllplnos ln Lhe hands of Lhe
people by Lhe year 2020"

SLrenghLenlng Lhe healLh care dellvery sysLem
whereln people wlll manage Lhelr own healLh care"

O Accesslble/ Avallable
O CommunlLy based
O Affordable servlces
O SusLalnable
O lnLegral
O AccepLable


SupporL mechanlsm avallable
CommunlLy parLlclpaLlon
ApproprlaLe Lechnology
MulLlsecLoral llnkages

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

u|z No 2

I IDLN1IIICA1ICN WrlLe your answer on Lhe space provlded SLrlcLly
no erasures
1 8efers Lo Lhe CLCl of Lhe lndlvldual famlly
and communlLy
2 ls a speclal fleld of nurslng LhaL comblnes
skllls of nurslng publlc healLh and soclal asslsLance and funcLlons
3 ls asslsLlng slck and well lndlvlduals famllles
and whole communlLy Lo aLLaln CLCl
4 Pe sLaLed LhaL vety cltlzeo bos bls 8lk1n
klCn1 of beoltb ooJ looqevlty
3 An essenLlal and lndlspensable equlpmenL
used by Lhe Pn durlng home vlslL
6 @ool maklng use of P bag where ln Pn can
perform procedures durlng home vlslL
7 @wo (2) subspeclalLles of CPn

9 lacLors affecLlng communlLy (Clve aL leasL 2)
1112 8aLlonale of bag Lechnlque
1316 lour (4) phases of School PealLh nurse
1720 CPn hllosophy
2023 CPn ulLlmaLe goal

repared by

!oel @ Agaold Mary 8oss v 8aldovlno
CPn PLAu nu8SlnC

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

u|z No 2

Answer key


1 PealLh 1112
2 CommunlLy PealLh nurslng lL helps render effecLlve nurslng care
3 nurslng 1316
4 ur Wlnslow PealLh lnsLrucLlon
3 ubllc PealLh 8ag PealLh servlces
6 8ag @echnlque PealLhy School Llvlng
7 School PealLh nurse School and communlLy coordlnaLlon
8 CccupaLlonal PealLh nurse 1720
910 upholdlng worLh and dlgnlLy of man
Socloeconomlc sLaLus 2123
PealLh care dellvery sysLem @o ralse Lhe level of healLh of Lhe clLlzenry
PeredlLary facLor
AcLlvlLles and behavlor
ollLlcal facLor
LnvlronmenLal facLor

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

u|z No 3

I IDLN1IIICA1ICN WrlLe your answer on Lhe space provlded SLrlcLly
no erasures
1 An essenLlal and lndlspensable equlpmenL
used by Lhe Pn durlng home vlslL
2 @ool maklng use of P bag where ln Pn can
perform procedures durlng home vlslL
3 ls an essenLlal healLh care based on pracLlcal
and soclally accepLable meLhods/Lechnology made unlversally
accesslble Lo lndlvldual famlly and communlLy
4 WhaL do you call Lhe flrsL conference of PC
3When dld Lhe conference happened
6Where dld Lhe conference held
7 Legal 8asls of PC

8 10 ConslderaLlons ln uslng P8
11 13 ConLenLs of P8
16 20 CharacLerlsLlcs of PC
21 23 4 lllars/CornersLones of PC

repared by

CPn PLAu nu8SlnC

kepub||c of the h|||pp|nes
Nueva Lc|[a Un|vers|ty of Sc|ence and 1echno|ogy
Co||ege of Nurs|ng

u|z No 3

Answer key


1 ubllc PealLh 8ag
2 8ag @echnlque
3 rlmary PealLh Care
4 Alma ALa Conference
3 Alma ALa uSS8 (now AlmaLy kazakhsLan)
6 SepLember 6 12 1978
7 LeLLer of lnsLrucLlon (LCl) 949

8 10
8ag and lLs conLenLs musL be free from any conLamlnanL
Always do handwashlng
CaLher necessary equlpmenLs
11 13
aper llnlng @esL Lube holders
lasLlc/Llnen llnlng Pydrogen eroxlde
Apron 2 LesL Lubes
Pand @owel Alcohol lamp
Soap ln soap dlsh SoluLlons
2 palrs of sclssors 8eLadlne
2 palrs of forceps 70alcohol 1 palr of sLerlle gloves Zephlran
CoLLon balls 8enedlcL
Cord Clamp CpLhalmlc olnLmenL
Mlcropore plasLer
@ape Measure
16 20
CommunlLy based
21 23
SupporL mechanlsm avallable
CommunlLy parLlclpaLlon
ApproprlaLe Lechnology
MulLlsecLoral llnkages

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