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Hackett 2011

Teacher Candidate: Sabattis Twichell France Unit Topic: La vie courante : Everyday Life in

Essential Question(s): Why is it important to know about the weather? How do we communicate effectively about the weather on a daily basis? Quel temps fait-il? What is the weather like today? What are the 4 seasons? Lesson Number: 5: Le temps State Standards
(performance indicators, key ideas, strands, etc.)

Approximate Time: 4-5 days + 20 hours planning time Objectives

(Label Blooms)

Acceptable Evidence and Type of Assessment

LOTE Standards for Checkpoint A: 1. Students will use a language other than English for communication. Students will call upon repetition, rephrasing, and nonverbal cues to derive or convey meaning from a language other than English Students will comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversation with peers and familiar adults

1. The students will be able to observe, listen, and memorize various vocabulary words pertaining to weather as well as the four seasons. (knowledge, comprehension)

1. Quel temps fait-il? Dialogue and oral questioning activity, Repetition with correct pronunciation, and Identification of visual cues (picture cards) (formative)

2. The students will be able to describe what the weather is like, and practice asking and answering questions about the weather, temperature, and seasons (comprehension, application)

2. 12-Question Homework assignment to turn in, receive feedback on, and self-correct, Group questioning activities such as interviewing each other about the weather (formative)

3. The students will be able to compare and contrast weather and temperatures, and demonstrate how to calculate temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. (analysis)

3. Worksheet comparing and contrasting temperatures in Paris to those in their hometown, based on a hand-out converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit (formative)

Students will comprehend the main idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar vocabulary and structures as well as cognates of English words

4. The students will be able to examine an authentic French weather report, and identify cognates and some unfamiliar vocabulary (analysis)

Hackett 2011 4. Listening/Visual Activity on la chane Mto identifying newly learned vocabulary and cognates, and practicing writing an imaginary weather forecast (formative)

Students will compose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information

5. The students will be able to investigate current weather conditions in France and the U.S. and design a Weather Bulletin Board to exchange information about the weather in various cities in France and their hometown, to be updated weekly and used to predict the weather in various parts of the country. (synthesis)


Creative Lesson Project #4 Weather Bulletin Board Project & 5 day weather forecast presentations & illustrations (summative)

Teacher Candidate: Sabattis Twichell Lesson Plan Template Unit Title: La vie courante Subject: French

Hackett 2011 Date: November 30, 2011 Grade Level: 7 Checkpoint A

Essential Question(s): Why is it important to know about the weather? How and why do we communicate effectively about the weather on a daily basis? Quel temps fait-il? What is the weather like today? What are the 4 seasons? Lesson Title/Number State Standards and Performance Indicators Le temps / Lesson #5 Checkpoint A Standard 1. Students will use a language other than English for communication. Performance Indicators: Students will call upon repetition, rephrasing, and nonverbal cues to derive or convey meaning from a language other than English. Students will comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversation and interaction with other students, as well as the Teacher Students will comprehend the main idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar vocabulary and structures as well as cognates of English words.

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy)

Students will compose short, informal notes and messages to exchange information Students will 1. The students will be able to observe, listen, and memorize various vocabulary words pertaining to weather as well as the four seasons. (Day 1) 2. The students will be able to describe what the weather is like, and practice asking and answering questions about the weather, temperature, and seasons (Day 1) 3. The students will be able to compare and contrast weather and temperatures, and demonstrate how to calculate temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. (Day 2) 4. The students will be able to examine an authentic French weather report, and identify cognates and some unfamiliar vocabulary (Day 2) 5. The students will be able to investigate current weather conditions in France and the U.S. and design a Weather Bulletin Board to exchange information about the weather in various cities in France and their hometown, to be updated weekly and used to predict the weather in various parts of the country. (Days 3&4)

---------------------Acceptable Evidence
*Could be collected for accountability/auditing purposes.

Hackett 2011 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. The Students will listen to Quel temps fait-il? Sample Dialogue and complete an oral questioning activity, as well as a Repetition activity focusing on correct pronunciation and identification of visual cues (picture cards) (Research-Based Instructional Strategy: Vocabulary, image association)(Day 1) 2. The Students will complete a 12-Question Homework assignment to turn in, receive feedback on, and self-correct (Research-Based Instructional Strategy: Homework & practice, reinforcing effort). They will also participate in group questioning activities such as interviewing each other about the weather (Research-Based Instructional Strategy: Cooperative Learning, face-to-face promotive interaction) (Day 1) 3. Students will complete a worksheet comparing and contrasting temperatures in Paris to those in their hometown, based on a hand-out converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit (Research-Based Instructional Strategy: Identifying similarities & differences, comparing and classifying the weather and temperatures in the U.S. & France) (Day 2) 4. Students will participate in a Listening/Visual Activity on la chane Mto identifying newly learned vocabulary and cognates, and practicing writing an imaginary weather forecast (Day 2) 5. Students will complete Creative Lesson Project #4: Weather Bulletin Board Project & 5 day weather forecast presentations & illustrations (Research-Based Instructional Strategy: Nonlinguistic representations, drawing pictures)(Days 3&4) Day 1: To present the new lesson on weather students will complete a mini crossword puzzle using the new vocabulary words from the weather unit. http://www.armoredpenguin.com/crossword/Data/2011.10/2611/26114948.70 9.html Days 2& 3: Students will answer questions Quel temps fait-il aujourdhui/hier/demain? orally as well as written

Bell Ringer and Prior Knowledge Tap

This can be together or separate. Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

_______________ Procedure

Day 4: Student groups will give their 5 day weather forecasts Day 1: 1. The Teacher will present the new lesson on weather by distributing a Teacher input, vocabulary list as well as crossword puzzle Bell-Ringer including new development, vocabulary words instructional 2. Students will complete a mini crossword puzzle, using the new method(s), modeling, weather vocabulary words as a warm-up/Bell Ringer (visual). guided practice, 3. The Teacher will present a Sample Dialogue on an audio CD (or read independent practice, aloud), introducing students to a conversation about weather and/or activities (auditory). 4. The Students will listen to the Dialogue and follow along on a *Accommodations handout (or in the textbook) (auditory) for learning 5. The Teacher will discuss the dialogue, using oral questioning modalities are techniques to help students analyze what the students in the audio required.

Hackett 2011 Labelvisual, auditory, and kinesthetic recording are talking about. 6. The Students will offer suggestions as to what they think the sample dialogue is about, using contextual clues and their vocabulary lists to help them translate the dialogue (visual, auditory) 7. The Teacher will reintroduce the new vocabulary words using picture cards to show examples of different weather conditions as well as the 4 seasons (visual). The Teacher will use the listen & repeat technique to help students practice correct pronunciation of weather conditions, as well as the question Quel temps fait-il? (Whats the weather like?) The Teacher will use visual and oral clues to help students memorize vocabulary (e.g. shiver en hiver, take a vaca en t, autumn=automne, springtimeprintemps). 8. The Students will listen and repeat each new word, deriving meaning from the visual cues (picture cards), and focusing on correct pronunciation (visual, auditory). 9. The Teacher will model the question Quel temps fait-il en (fill in season or month)? and offer possible responses using the picture cards to help demonstrate various weather conditions during different seasons of months of the year. 10. The Teacher will check for understanding by posing the same question to several students and holding up different picture cards to stimulate responses (visual, auditory) 11. The Students will respond to the oral questioning, deriving meaning from the visual cues, and using their sample dialogues and vocabulary lists to help them formulate a response (visual, auditory). 12. The Teacher will allow for guided practice by asking students practice asking and responding to the question Quel temps fait-il en (fill in season or month)? during a turn-and-talk session (CFU-asking 2 students to restate the directions and checking for class agreement/understanding using red/green oui/non cards) 13. The Students will practice using their newly learned vocabulary terms in the turn and talk interview session, following the written dialogue example on their handout (or in the textbook) as a guide to talk about the weather during different seasons and months of the year (visual/auditory). 14. The Teacher will check for understanding by listening to students responses and pronunciation and providing corrective feedback as necessary. 15. As closure, the Teacher will revisit the daily objectives and ask students to respond in writing to an exit questions in their Reflective Journals. 16. The Students will respond to exit questions: Why is it important to know about the weather? in their Reflective Journals (visual, auditory). 17. Students will receive and complete a 12-Question Homework assignment to turn in, receive feedback on, and self-correct. Day 2: 1. As a Bell-Ringer, the Teacher will ask questions Quel temps fait-il

Hackett 2011 aujourdhui/hier/demain? orally as well as written, and students will respond verbally and also in writing on their Daily Bell-Ringer sheet (visual, auditory). 2. The Teacher will distribute a hand-out, explaining how to convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit and vice versa, as well as a worksheet comparing and contrasting temperatures in Paris during different months of the year to temperatures in their hometown. The Teacher will explain the directions and model a conversion of degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit on the board (CFU-the Teacher will ask 3 students to answer questions using their conversion chart, stating __ degrees Fahrenheit is equal to how many degrees Celsius? And asking for student agreement using red/green oui/non cards) 3. The Students will use a basic conversion chart, or calculate using the mathematical formula, to complete a worksheet comparing and contrasting temperatures in Paris during different months of the year to temperatures in their hometown in those same months (visual). 4. The Teacher will collect the completed worksheets to check for completion and give feedback on. 5. The Teacher will then distribute another worksheet, asking students to identify in writing, all of the weather vocabulary words or other cognates they recognize from the audio/visual weather forecast viewed on la chane mto. On the bottom half of this worksheet, there will be a fill-in the blanks activity to help students write their own imaginary weather forecast. 6. The Teacher will explain the directions (CFU- asking 3 students to restate the directions and asking for class agreement/understanding using red/green oui/non cards) 7. The Students will listen and view an authentic French weather forecast from la chane mto on the internet and identify some of their newly learned weather vocabulary, as well as cognates or other words they know on the worksheet provided (visual, auditory). 8. The Students will then complete the bottom portion of the worksheet, writing their own imaginary weather forecasts (using a fill-in the blank format with some new/unknown vocabulary) (visual) 9. The Teacher will ask a few students to stand up and pretend they are a weather man/woman reporting from the city of their choice, and share their imaginary weather forecasts aloud to the class (auditory, kinesthetic). 10. As closure the Teacher will have students respond to an exit question in their Reflective Journals. 11. Students will respond to the question: How and why do we communicate effectively about the weather on a daily basis? in their Reflective Journals, and note any other questions or concerns they have with the content (visual, tactile) Day 3: 1. As a Bell-Ringer, the Teacher will ask questions Quel temps fait-il aujourdhui/hier/demain? orally as well as written, and students will

Checks for Understanding Label: directions, procedures, routines, and/or content (formative)

Hackett 2011 respond verbally and also in writing on their Daily Bell-Ringer sheet (visual, auditory). 2. The Teacher will then distribute and explain directions and grading checklist for Creative Lesson Project #4: Weather Bulletin Board & 5 day forecast (CFU-asking 2 students to restate the directions and checking for classroom agreement/understanding using red/green oui/non cards). 3. The Teacher will divide the students into small groups (of 3 or 4) and each group will research a 5-day weather forecast, and create illustrations representing that forecast for a different French city (picked from a hat). 4. For their Creative Lesson Project #4, the Students will design a French Weather Bulletin Board using a large map of France (supplied). They will label the regions and major cities in France where they will be researching the weather. They will include original illustrations representing various weather conditions (visual). 5. For the remainder of the class, Students will work on researching and creating visual representations for their Weather Bulletin Board in the computer lab using http://france.lachainemeteo.com/meteofrance/previsions-meteo-france-0.php, and http://www.weather.com/ to help them find 5 day forecasts for their selected French cities (visual, tactile). Day 4: 1. The Teacher will give students 15 minutes at the start of class to finish their Creative Lesson Project #4 and prepare their 5-day Weather forecasts and illustrations. 2. The Student groups will then take turns orally presenting their 5-day weather report and posting their weather illustrations on the Bulletin Board map of France (visual, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic) 3. The Teacher will also present a 5-day weather forecast for their hometown and represent it visually on the board so that students can compare and contrast the weather in the U.S. to different cities in France (visual/kinesthetic). 6. As closure, the Student groups will be assigned different French cities to research 5-day forecasts for the following week. The Students will use the Weather Bulletin Board as a reference for the remainder of the school year, keeping track of the weather in different cities in France, as well as the weather in their hometown. Each Monday, the groups will rearrange their weather illustrations on the Bulletin Board to represent the 5-day forecast for their assigned city that week (visual, kinesthetic). The Teacher will check for understanding by: 1. Clarifying instructions in French and English (directions) 2. Questioning and observing students during pair interviews and class discussion and providing corrective feedback as necessary (procedures) 3. Asking 2 students to restate directions and checking for class agreement/understanding using red/green oui/non cards before independent practices (interview activities, Audio/Visual activity, and

Hackett 2011 Creative Lesson Project) (routines/procedures) 4. Using exit questions in Reflective Journals to gauge student understanding of content (routines) 5. Reviewing homework and class work, providing written feedback, and having students self-correct (content/formative) 6. Assessing Creative Lesson Project #4: Weather Bulletin Board (content/summative) Assessment Type and purpose
(sometimes called evaluation)

Formative Assessment: Students will orally repeat newly learned weather vocabulary and the 4 seasons, using visual cues to derive meaning, and using correct pronunciation with few errors Students will complete a 12 question Homework assignment to turn in and receive feedback on Students will respond to oral questioning techniques and participate in group interviews and guided practice used to monitor their progress, review information, and engage. Students will complete an in-class worksheet comparing and contrasting temperatures in Paris to those in their hometown, based on a hand-out converting degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit Students will identify newly learned vocabulary and cognates based on a listening/visual activity on la chane mto Students will practice writing and presenting an imaginary weather forecast


Summative Assessment: Students will complete Creative Lesson Project #4 Weather Bulletin Board Project & 5 day weather forecast presentations & illustrations to be given a formal grade based on completion and inclusion of specifically outlined criteria (Checklist Scoring Rubric). There will be a final performance-based assessment (Au Caf), as well as a teacher-created Unit Test which will both receive a summative grade with the completion of the weather lesson (presented last in this Unit plan). At the end of each day, the lesson objectives will be revisited and students will answer exit questions in their Reflective Journals which will be collected by the Teacher at the end of the day or week as a way of checking for understanding and participation, and giving written feedback addressing student concerns. At the end of the lesson, the students will present their 5-day weather forecasts and illustrations on the Weather Bulletin Board. This project will be used as a way to wrap up the lesson on weather and it will serve as a reminder of what students learned. The Board will be used every Monday throughout the rest of the year to display and keep track of the weather in France, as well as the U.S. At the completion of the weather lesson, students will begin reviewing the entire unit in preparation for the unit test and final performance-based assessment.

Hackett 2011 Accommodations 1. Students with exceptional learning needs may receive extra time to and/or perform tasks, more one-on-one help or attention, be partnered with Interactions with above average students or a student aid, receive written directions Support Staff or updates sent home to parents, or any other accommodations as outlined on specific student IEPs. 2. Visual aids such as image association for vocabulary terms are provided for Visual Learners. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners may enjoy taking part in actively creating the Weather Bulletin Board. The dialogue and audio CD will cater to Auditory Learners. 3. Learning mathematical conversions for Fahrenheit to Celsius temperatures will be a useful tool for those with logical (number smart) intelligences. Resources/Materia Textbook: Discovering French: Bleu 1 McDougal Littell ls Bell-Ringer Questions Weather vocabulary hand-out Weather visual cards Sample Dialogue Converting degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit hand-out & comparison worksheet Writing your own forecast worksheet Creative Lesson Project #4 French Weather Bulletin Board/5 day weather forecasts Grading Checklist Reflective Journals/Exit Questions Audio Tract (dialogues) Computers & Internet Access Projector (or Smartboard) Screen Whiteboard Bulletin Board Craft Materials Map of France Time Required 4-5 days + 20 hours planning time

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