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Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan: Translating thoughts into a plan of action _____________________________________________

Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: (Provide Standard number and statement) Receptive Language, Listening & Reading 1.1.3 A-H Learning to read independently 1.2.3 A,C Reading Critically in All Content Areas 1.3.3 A,B,C,D,F Reading, Analyzing, and interpreting Literature Expressive Language Speaking & Writing 1.6.3 A-E Speaking and Listening Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) Students will embed pictures into the photo story software to show the plant life cycle.

Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) Completed photo story Materials: Computers Projector student created advance ppt

Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: N/A Enrichment Techniques: N/A Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): The teacher will be projecting the steps onto the wall so that students can follow along with what she is stating to do. Also the teacher will have an easy to read how to do worksheet printed out with the different steps.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: The teacher will show the students his or her own created advance ppt about the plant cycle and how it is uploaded onto authorStream.com

Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) After showing the students the his or her own advance ppt and how she has uploaded it onto authorStream.com. The teacher will explain that the student will now be uploaded their projects onto the site so that others can watch their ppt in the next class. The teacher will then walk the students to the computer lab. Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities The teacher will have the student log onto their computer and bring up their finished ppt projects. The teacher then using the projecter to show the students each step as she completes it will have the students open the internet browser. The teacher then will walk the student through opening up the browser and typing in authorStream.com. Once all students have brought up the site the teacher will walk the students through how to create a username and password. Before the students enter in their username and password the teacher will walk around and for each student write down the user name and password. Once each student has create the username and password the teacher will have them submit it. The teacher will check that all usernames work before moving onto the next step. The teacher then will walk the student through again step by step on how to upload their projects onto the site. The teacher will walk around as each step is completed to ensure that all students are able to upload their projects to the sight. Closure: The last five minutes of class the teacher will have the students log off the computers. The students will fill out an exit slip that ask them if they liked creating the advance ppt and uploading in onto the site why or why not.

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