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Dear Student, On behalf of the Fang Shen Do organization, I welcome you as new member of a very elite group of students. You are part of something special, which will make you grow in all facets of your training. I want to make sure that you get all the help, advice and guidance you need to be successful in your growth as a martial artist. I have structured my program with exactly that goal in mind. But if I can be of any additional help or if you have any questions, please ask... That's what I'm here for...to serve you. Thanks again and welcome!

Owner / Head Instructor

Fang Shen Do Rules and Regulations

Sijo J. Patenaude is the Grandmaster and chief instructor of the Fang Shen Do System and is to be respectfully referred to and addressed as Sijo at all times. Martin Patenaude, Stphane Patenaude, Patrick Marcil, are respectfully to be reffered to and addressed as Sifu at all times. When you are at the downtown headquarters location, Sijos office is a private office and it should not be entered unless you have an appointment or you have been given permission. Do Not Abuse This Privilege Please treat all of our staff with respect and politeness. Arrive for class no ealier than 5 to 10 minutes before class. If you are late. Upon arrival get changed, walk quitely behind the class in progress, Line up and perform the Salutation and join the class in progress. **All students must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after class unless told otherwise. Our Staff is not responsible for the supervision of students left alone beyond that period. If you are late before starting class time, you must: Quickly go to Sifu or the instructor in charge and explain yourself. Quickly change. Then before you join into what the class is doing, do your salutation, then join in. As a sign of respect and as part of the discipline of being a student, always bow towards Sijo and Sifu(s) if they are present. If they are not present, you should bow towards the instructor in charge whenever you are: entering the school; wanting the instructors attention so they can help you; exiting the school; outside of the school when you meet Sijo or Sifu(s)

If Sijo, Sifu, or the other Instructors are not present when you enter or exit the school, you must still show respect and discipline by bowing when entering school. If you need help or have a question ask Sifu. Remove shoes and Do your Salute to the instructor in charge when entering the school, and salute again when leaving the School, this is a sign of respect to your sifu and students. Never leave the club without the permission of Sijo, Sifu, or the

Fang Shen Do Rules and Regulations

Instructor in charge. Smoking, Intoxication, wearing hats, food, chewing gum, loud laughter, loud or foul language, wearing jewelry are not permitted in or during class. Relatives should follow the same rules of the school, if they do not they will be asked to leave. If they cannot understand this leave them at home Have a friendly relationship with everybody. Always choose a different training partner. Do not demonstrate or show what you have learn in class to others without the expressed permission of your instructor. Never degrade or talk badly about the school or the Instructors. Practice a positive attitude. Always wear: Clean clothes; long, loose, black pants; school uniform top; school T-shirt in summer months; your sash (ironed);

No shirt. No sash. No class. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items, so please dont bring any valuables to the school. Feet Attire: Kung fu shoes (bought at the school); Referee type shoes (with white soles only);

Unauthorized shoes are expressly prohibited. Shoe exceptions will be made. See your Instructor for details. We recommend you wear shoes to reduce the risk of injury. Pay your dues and fees on time. There will be a $10.00 late charge for missing your payment. If you are experiencing a problem in making your payment we would like to know sooner than later. (Only Sijo can alter the $10.00 late fee). There will also be an administration fee of $35.00 if your cheque is returned from your bank or financial institution. Equipement orders must be paid for when the order is made. The primary key to every student achieving his or her goal is regular class attendance. Students should attend a minimum of 8 classes per month. Black Belt Club members may attend additional classes. Making up any missed classes is essential for advancement to your next level. Students should be

Fang Shen Do Rules and Regulations

promoted every 3 to 6 months depending on the current sash level and the students following dojo protocol, both in and out of school. Safety gear is required at Blue Sash level (Helmet, mouthpiece, gloves, Groin Protector). Put all bags in the designated bag area and write your name on every piece of equipment.Students should attend classes of their sash level. Lower or higher classes may be attended with the permission of Sifu. Talking during class is disrespectful to your instructor unless you are asking or answering a question. Remember - Raise your hand first! Students should attend two classes per week to ensure a balanced education. Failure to comply will affect a students promotion date. Trim all fingernails to insure safety when working with a partner, and wear clean uniforms on clean bodies as courtesy to other students. The Fang Shen Do uniform MUST be washed after every workout and class. It should not be worn outside of the school and should be hemmed if needed, rolling or cuffing is not permitted. Pay very close attention in every class and focus your attention to your instructor. No one will be allowed to spar without equipment or without Instructor supervision. Do not wear jewelry to class. There are no credits for missed classes. If you miss a class or you are so late that you cant join in, dont expect to be able to retake it automatically. If you need to cancel a private lesson, simply call 24 hours in advance to receive a make-up class free of charge, as long as you take that make-up class before the end of your payment month that your missed class was in. If you miss a group class you may attend and extra group class on the following week. If you are going on vacation or there are special circumstances, make arrangements prior to leaving with your Instructor.

Setting Goals & Winning

A philosopher once said, we cannot save time...we only spend time...and we must choose to spend it wisely. The way to spend our time determines the course of our lives. Goal setting and the subsequent achievement of those goals revolve around time...and the management of time. When we set a goal for ourselves it is imperative that we also set a specific time for its completion. Otherwise, it will become another one of those objectives that we never quite achieved; or that youll get around to someday. At Patenaudes Fang Shen Do, we insist that you set dates for your short-range goals (your next sash) and for your long range goals (your black sash). Having set a time for the completion of that goal, you must then break down the steps of achievement into weekly increments. With your Patenaudes Fang Shen Do training, you will select two days from your schedule that you will plan to come to class on a weekly basis and write those, along with the exam date youre aiming for, onto your personal calendar. Build your personal schedule around those classes, knowing that if you have a problem, you can reschedule with us for another day with a simple phone call. But be sure to make up that class so that you can stay ON TARGET for your goal. On this page, write down your Patenaudes Fang Shen Do goal in 250 words or less. Every week take a minute to review your goal. Check your performance to make sure that you are ON TARGET to reach your goal in the time prescribed. Parents will find this procedure very rewarding.If you feel youre off target and need help, let your instructors know that youre having trouble, and he/she will help you. Keep that goal firmly planted in your mind. Do the same thing with ALL GOALS that are worthwhile. Write your goals down and review them often. Then make sure that your performance matches your goals. If you do, you will succeed at whatever you choose! Get started and GOOD LUCK! MY GOAL IN LEARNING KUNG FU AT PATENAUDES FANG SHEN DO IS:



The date I have set as my goal to earn Black Sash is _____/_____/_____

He is great who can do what he wishes: he is wise who wishes to do what he can. ~ Anonymous

How to Successfully Parent Your Child to Black Sash

Patenaudes Fang Shen Do is committed to assist in every way possible to help your child become a well skilled, highly confident, self-disciplined Black Sash. To become well skilled in the physical sense is an attribute that will assist your child in all physical activities. A highly confident person will be able to eliminate fear and doubt from their lives. They will be assured and courageous. The increased ability to focus and gain self-control will develop the Black Sash self-discipline. Self-discipline means many things. It means never quitting, finishing what you start, being consistent in your class attendance, also being prompt and eager to give your best effort. Our goal is to develop your child into a well skilled, highly confident and self-disciplined Black Sash. With your help, that will happen. As a parent, you will experience both joys and challenges during your childs journey to Black Sash. Here are some tools to effectively meet some of those challenges. Situation: Your child is playing outdoors and does not want to attend class today.

Understanding: The format of the day probably has not been explained to the child. Therefore, he/she doesnt feel part of the family plan for the days events. Just letting them know that they are part of the big picture can eliminate this. Begin your day by outlining the days events so that your child will develop predictability in his/her life. Predictability will prevent your child from thinking that his/her life is like a leaf blowing in the wind. Rather, he/she will believe it is planned, with goals set and accomplished. As a result of this planning, their life will be very rewarding because of the structure you have established. Reply A: Alicia, your class begins in 30 minutes. Remember, we talked about you going to class this morning when we were having breakfast. Yes Mom! (go to class) Situation: Reply B: I dont want to go to class today. We have committed to attend twice a week. If you dont go today, then youll have to make it up on Saturday. If you want to make it up on Saturday, youll have to call Sifu and tell him your plan. Or, what do you say lets just go to class today. Well, Ill just go now. or O.K., Ill call him. Situation: Your child wants to quit.

Understanding: This is not a seasonal sport. This activity is a way of life. It is a way to learn lifes rules, like how to finish what you start, how to be patient, self-controlled, truthful and build other important character traits. The children love the class, but children sometimes have short focus goals. Thats why they have parents to help keep them focused on their goals. If a parent is weak and gives in to the emotional moment, then they are allowing the child to quit something beneficial in their life.

How to Successfully Parent Your Child to Black Sash

Reply A: Positive reinforcement works best. Alex, look at your sash level. Wow!! A yellow sash. Youre doing so well and we are so proud of you. Can I call grandmother and let her know what a great job you are doing? Reply B: Short-term goals work best at this moment. Dont deny. Just delay.

Son, you can quit, but not just now. Lets get through this belt and then well talk about it. Praise their lifes position. Eli, you need to get your Black Sash because youre not just any son on earth. Youre my son and my son is a winner because he finishes what he starts! Situation: Mom, are those kids going to hurt me when I participate in Fang Shen Do?

Understanding: This is a sign of fear. FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Facing the fear brings about assuredness and confidence. Avoiding it brings about doubt. This is an important step in becoming a highly confident Black Sash. Your children need your confidence in them. All the child needs to know is that you are there for them and that there is nothing to fear and that they can do anything they set their mind to. Reply: Son, the instructors number one responsibility is student safety so im sure that you will not get hurt. As courageous as you are nothing can stop you from getting your Black Sash. When to praise your child: When your child knows you care a great deal for him/her, then your care allows them to create a great belief within themselves. Anytime they have been challenged and met the challenge, reward them with your praise. Look for opportunities to praise. Kids want to feel good about their station in life and praise helps them feel good. Praise them 5 times to every one time you criticize them. Praise them often, sincerely and specifically. Praise past, present and future performance.

Special Message to Parents.

Parents, you have to be committed before your child can be committed. They cant drive. Sometimes a parent feels that their job is to be a taxi cab driver and sometimes the taxi cab driver doesnt want to go unless the child begs. A parents job is to set their childs life rules and to nurture the child until the rules are part of the childs value system. Rules such as Quitters never win and winners never quit,As long as I try, I am somebody, I can accomplish my goal, no matter what it takes,Day by day, Im getting better and better, and I am born to win. Parents, lets face a cold, hard fact. You are ultimately responsible for designing, developing and instilling your childs value system. Teach a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. When a child turns out to be worthless, the parents are blamed, but when your child turns out to be successful, you will be praised. May you and your childs vision of earning the Black Sash soon become reality.

Important Pointers
White is the Basic colour for all beginning Fang Shen Do students. White symbols purity. The journey begins. A Grey Uniform is for Black Belt Club Members. A Grey Sash is for leadership team members. A Black Uniform is for Owners and Master Club Members.

All classes commence with Bowing to the Instructor. Bowing is not worship. It is showing respect to your Sifu. This is an important step of learning the martial arts. Bowing not only shows respect and discipline, it is also an oriental tradition of greeting each other.

Basics are the fundamental techniques and primary skills necessary to develop advanced techniques. The relationship of basics to Fang Shen Do can be compared to that of the alphabet to the english language or the foundation of a building to the whole building. Basics are valuable in the beginning and continue to be essential throughout ones Martial Arts life. Once learned, they shall always remain with you, no matter what.

Self-defense is literally, defense of oneself. A student learns how to free him/herself from grabs and holds by working against their attackers power and vulnerable points. The action must be reflexive so that the defender outsenses the attacker; that is to say, the attacker should be unable to sense the move the victim will make.

Two or more basic or advanced techniques combined with speed. The main purpose of combinations is to confuse and surprise the attacker with more that one punch or kick.

Sparring is the application of all the technical aspects of Fang Shen Do (such as Basics, SelfDefense, Combinations, as well as mental discipline and philosophical aspects) between two or more partners. Sparring will benefit you in many different ways. 1. It improves endurance, balance and flexibility. 2. It builds reflexes for quicker movements of attack, counter attack and ability to dodge an attack. 3. It develops greater respiratory control. Whenever you practice sparring you must remember that your partner is not your enemy or your punching/kicking bag. Your partner is your friend, without whom you cannot acquire better techniques. You must show respect and cooperation through light contact and maximum control. Losing control of yourself would mean defeating your mental discipline objectives. Be patient and show friendly support for your partner. If you practice sparring according to these guidelines, you will develop: PHYSICALLY - flexibility, coordination and strength. MENTALLY - better judgement, reflexes and self-control. PHILOSOPHICALLY - learn cooperation, self-respect, and a deep respect for others.

Important Pointers
NOTE: In order to participate in sparring, equipment is required for your safety and the safety of others. REQUIRED: Helmet, mouthpiece, gloves, Groin Protector.


Open sash completely and hold in the center. First on stomach and around hips, cross at the back and back in front. Hold on to both ends and twist to your right, the end in your left hand should be slightly longer. Make half of a knot (cross over -under or under -over doesnt matter), with the end in your right hand make a bow, loop it with left end almost like making double bows but keep pulling to keep only one, tighten knot, both ends should be approximately the same length, always wear it to your right.


Main points are: Muscle relaxation Stress relief (stress in the eyes cause headaches) Helps to prevent development of near sightedness (associated with aging) Prevents cataracts Maintains overall health in the eyes


The foundation of health is a healthy bloodstream, the system that transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your body. If you have a healthy circulation system, youre going to live a long, healthy life.That environment is the bloodstream. What is the control button for that system? Breathing. Its the way to fully oxygenate the body and thus stimulate the electrical process of each and every cell. Breathing not only controls the oxygenation of the cells. It also controls the flow of lymph fluid, which contains white blood cells to protect the body. What is the lymph system? Some people think of it as the bodys sewage system. Every cell in your body is surrounded by lymph. You have four times as much lymph fluid in your body as you do blood. Heres how the lymph system works. Blood is pumped from your heart through your arteries to the thin, porous capillaries.The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the capillaries, where they are then diffused into this fluid around the cells called lymph. The cells take oxygen and nutrients necessary for their health and then excrete toxins, some of which go back into the capillaries. But dead cells, blood proteins, and other toxic material must be removed by the lymph system. The lymph system is activated by deep breathing, it creates something like a vacuum that sucks lymph through the bloodstream and multiply the pace at which the body eliminates toxins. In fact, deep breathing and exercise can accelerate this process by as much as fifteen times. How important is the lymph system? If it were totally shut down for twenty-four hours, you would be dead as the result of trapped blood proteins and excess fluid around the cells. Let me share with you the most effective way to breathe in order to cleanse your system. Breathe in this ratio: inhale one count, hold 4 counts, exhale 2 counts (Ex: 5/20/10). Why hold four times as long? Thats how you can fully oxygenate the blood and activate your lymphatic system. When you breathe you should start from deep in your abdomen, like a vacuum cleaner thats getting rid of all toxins in the blood system.Why exhale for twice as

Important Pointers
long as you inhale? Thats when you eliminate toxins via your lymphatic system. So heres the first key to healthy living. Stop and take ten deep breaths, in the above ratio, at least three times a day. There is no food or vitamin pill in the world that can do for you what excellent breathing patterns can do.

When receiving directions from your instructor, stand feet shoulder width apart with hands hooked behind your back. This shows that you are attentive and willing to receive the information being given as well as looking tactful and focused.

This is divided in 9 steps:

1) Feet shoulder width apart, hands by your side. Slide left foot to right foot (Heel to Heel) as
you raise your fists up to your sides. Legs are locked. Head up. 2) Step forward and out with your right foot at a slight angle, shifting your weight to the rear, while covering your right fist with your left hand. Keep covering hand as vertical as possible. Keep shoulders square (centerline). Knees are slightly bent. 3) Step forward with left leg, landing on the tip of the toes (Ding-Bo position). At the same time turn your right fist inside the palm and move them forward at the height of the mouth. You are now in the salute position. 4) Point fingers out and up slightly (Biu Jee) 5) Collapse back of hands together (Bong Sao), elbows are higher than the hands. 6) Pull hands in close to chest as youre rotating keep elbows immoveable, keep hands connected, step back at the same time, shift your weight on left leg, you should be in the same leg position as step no.2. 7) Pull hands back straight to your side while pulling right leg as well, matching the weight of your left with your right. Knees pointing out. 8) Open hands and push down, straighten legs at the same time. 9) Step out to your left.



#2 #3 #4 #5


#7 #8

#9 (End)

Fang Shen Dos 6 underlying principles for every level:

Basic White



Yellow S Blue Green T E



Brown R Black Y


White Sash Outline Salutation: Four Benefits Balance and coordination; Immoveable elbow principle; Maintain centerline control; Unit principle. Vase Meditation: Four Benefits Gets rid of residual air; Physically relaxing; Clears the mind; Lowers center of balance. Stretching: Four way stretch; Ma Bo Gune Bo; Knee presses 1, 2 & 3; Standing side splits; Single leg stand. Why do we Stretch? Prepares us for class; Move as naturally as possible (less injuries); Increases flexibility. Two Most Common Mistakes Made While Stretching? Comparing yourself to others; Bouncing or jerking while stretching (maintain a steady pressure);

Palm Phon Sao Exercise (2x2): To learn to read your opponents energy; It is an exercise to develop sensitivity in your forearms; Must maintain proper pressure for both practitioners. Nine Perimeters: Upper perimeter; Outer perimeter; Left perimeter; Lower perimeter; Lower gate; Inner perimeter; Extended perimeter; Right perimeter; Kill Range (opponents extended leg plus three inches). Natural

Stance: Guidelines to follow It is used outside the Kill Range; Your back foot is at a 45 degree angle, outward; Physically, showing no signs of readiness; Mentally prepared (you are ready); Use your peripheral vision; Maintain your centerline Maintain a 70 percent back leg and 30 percent front leg, weight distribution. 10 percent forward lean of the upper torso Peripheral Vision: Looking at your opponent between the eyes, under the nose or throat area, seeing their whole body without looking down at their feet. Snapping Toe Kick: (from the natural stance position) Your heel leaves the floor first: The snap comes from the knee; Kick no higher than the groin. Taun Sao: (upper arm deviation) Guidelines to follow Keep your fingers together; Thumbs tucked in. Double Chung Choies: Guidelines to follow 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Maintain elbows in elbow pockets; Angle of forearms are angled slightly upwards (10 to 15 degrees); Punch to the height and center of your nose; Rhythm (each arm is moving in a piston like motion); Flow (breathing as regularly as possible).

Progressive Chart


1 1




Strategic Outline
Name: ____________________________________ Age: _______ Date: ______ Primary Goal: ____________________________________________________________ Secondary Goals (in order of importance)
1. __________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________

Things to accomplish this month (in order of importance)

1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________ 7. ____________________________ 8. ____________________________

Daily Goal Progression

10 9 8

Grading System

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

Days of the Month

Perception Test
For each of the following statements, please place a number next to every phrase. Use the following system to indicate your preferences: 4 3 2 1 = = = = Closest to describing you Next best description Next best Least descriptive of you

1. I make important decisions based on: ___ gut level feelings. ___ which way sounds the best. ___ what looks best to me. ___ precise review and study of the issues. 2. During an argument, I am most likely to be influenced by: ___ the other persons tone of voice. ___ whether or not I can see the other persons argument. ___ the logic of the other persons argument. ___ whether or not I feel I am in touch with other persons true feelings. 3. I most easily communicate what is going on with me by: ___ the way I dress and look. ___ the feelings I share. ___ the words I choose. ___ the tone of my voice. 4. It is easiest for me to: ___ find the ideal volume and tuning on a stereo system. ___ select the most intellectually relevant point concerning an interesting subject. ___ select the most comfortable furniture. ___ select rich, attractive colour combinations. 5. ___ ___ ___ ___ I I I I am very attuned to the sounds of my surroundings. am very adept at making sense of new facts and data. am very sensitive to the way articles of clothing feel on my body. have a strong response to colours and to the way a room looks.

Scoring the Perception Test

Step One: Copy your results from the test to the lines below. 1.____ K ____ A ____ V ____ D Step Two: Add the numbers associated with each letter. There will be five entries for each letter. V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total: V K A D K A D 2.____A ____V ____D ____K 3.____V ____K ____D ____A 4.____A ____D ____K ____V 5.____A ____D ____K ____V

Step Three: The Comparison of the totaled scores gives the relative preferences for each of the four major representational systems.

White/Yellow Stripe Outline - Review everything from previous test: Right, Left, Reverse Attack: footwork drill to create a gap between you and the opponent. Stimulus is a slap on the shoulder. Double Blast (Shadow Closing & Double Chung Choies) Kicks: Snapping Toe Kick: Cocking Toe Kick: Sole Kick: Low Side Kick: Shadow Closing: Develops the unit principle, Your feet move independently of your arms, Maintain your Centerline ( shoulders square, ability to touch opponents shoulders with both hands at the same time), The ability to feel your opponents energy. Three Stages of Learning How to Learn: (1) First listen and conciously learn the concepts and techniques taught by Sifu or the assistant instructor; (2) Teach your body all applied principles, self-correct, and slowly accept the technique; (3) Finally the concepts and techniques become automatic, let it happen subconsciously until it becomes second nature (no more thinking). Hand Techniques: Pak Sao: Goang Sao: Inner Taun Sao: 12 Tools of the Body head hand teeth hip chin butt shoulder knee elbow shin forearm foot using palm, snap comes from the wrist, respect centerline, horizontal lower hand deflection, sweeping motion, use wrist using inner forearm, 45 degree angle, striking at the elbow lift heel, snap comes from knee, not higher than groin similar to snapping toe kick, before kicking, snap leg back to generate power foot at a 45 degree angle pointing out, strike with instep pivot off rear foot, twist hips, extend leg, keep foot at a 90 degree.

Blending of Perimeters: It means to adjust your perimeters with the opponents size (height, weight, reach), choosing the correct technique or tactic to deal with the opponents attack. 3 Rules of the Fighting Stance: Used inside the Kill Range Presenting a Full Attack All Gates are Closed Phon Sao # 1: Keyword = X Trap Strikes: Straight Lead: Palm Strike: Jun Jeong: Qua Choie 1 & 2: elbow 3 tactics when talking stops 1) walk away: best reaction 2) initiate the attack: take control, attack first with different offensive techniques 3) absorb the attack: requires more skill, deflecting, grappling, dodging, footwork Tigers: 1 minute lunge in with chung choie circular open hand strike to ear or temple striking with palm straight on or in an angle #1 = temple, # 2 = nose. Circular attack, snap comes from the

Yellow Sash Outline Hand Techniques Die Jeong: Lop Sao 1 & 2: Lower hand deflection, snap of the wrist, use palm Drawing technique, #1; outer (45 degrees), #2; inner, close to the body

Taun Sao - Goang Sao Exercise: coordination drill, puncher is in a parallel stance feed ing punches shoulder width, deflector is in a fighting stance flowing from Taun Sao to Goang Sao. Arm Out Drill: Partner calls out techniques other must lunge in with the right technique. Stretching Exercises: Right to Left Overhead; Four to the Floor; Upper Thigh stretch #1; Cross-Over stretch; Forward Bends 1, 2 & 3; Spinal Twist #1. Kicks: Sole Kick: Roundhouse Kick: Front Thrust : Foot at a 45 degree anglepointing out, strike with instep Lift knee, pivot off rear foot, twist hips, circular attack, strike with top part of foot, targets are: shin, knee, thigh, ribs, head Using ball; lift knee and extend leg and toes, used (with ball & heel) to push back the opponent. Using heel; off rear leg, leg is locked, shoots straight up, striking with heel to chin or groin.

Strikes: Qua Choie # 3: Biu Jee: Double Biu Jee: Take Down # 1: Keyword = Arm Bar

Opposite temple, rolling of the elbow and shoulder, used to release from a grab as well Hand & fingers extended, striking eyes or throat sweeping motion, using one of your arms to guide the preceding attack

Phon Sao # 2: Keyword = Block Faking: Using a technique to distract, confuse, open the opponent. Examples: Biu Jee to the eyes opens the low line (snapping toe kick) or Snapping Toe Kick opens the high line (Chung Choie) Stance Reinforcement: Drill to solidify your base, connected with your partners arm, one leader, one follower. Human Target: One person calls out a target other must respond with proper technique to strike the target being called out. Fill out Progressive Chart: Show instructor, discuss goals and steps you will take to achieve them. Tigers 2 minutes Wrist Roll #2 (rope on the outside): Up, then all the way down & then up again.

Yellow/Blue Stripe Outline Lin Sil Die Dar: Stands for Total Attack Theory; to be offensive and defensive at the same time. Builds multiple flow, crispness, power, and intensity. Advantages and Disadvantages of using high kicks in a fight: Advantages: More powerful than the hands Longer reach Builds balance, coordination and flexibility Slower than the arms Takes more room Balance is commited to one leg, if attacked you could be thrown off balance.


3 most important perimeters: Upper: Outer: Kill Range: Most people attack this perimeter, vital organs, nose, etc. We also attack this perimeter to upset the opponents stability All hand techniques are done in this perimeter; deflections, trapping, Striking. This is also the natural locked elbow zone. The zone where you are either safe or in danger which will make you respond according to the threat level.

Blocking vs Re-directing: Blocking: Uses power against power, two movements are executed, no respect of perimeters, chances of injury, loss of balance, the bigger person will win One movement is executed, defensive and offensive at the same time. Borrow the opponents energy, size doesnt matter, faster, safer, throw opponent off balance.


Phon Sao # 3: Keyword = Flip Take Down # 1 & # 2: Keyword # 1= Arm bar. Keyword # 2 = Roundhouse Escapes # 1 & # 2: Keyword # 1= Arm bar with wrench lock. Key word # 2 = Inner Taun Sao Kick: Rear Thrust: toes pointing down, kick towards the back, targets are groin, bladder, plexus, face Kicking Combinations: Snap to Round (same leg) Rear Thrust to Front (opposite legs) Hand Techniques: Bong Sao: Phon Sao: Close quarter deflection technique, using forearm, this is an absorbing hand technique often folloed up by Lop Sao - Qua Choie Trapping technique, cupped hand position, covering the elbow, forearm or wrist. Front to Side (without putting leg down) Cresc. to Round (same leg)

Inverted Taun Sao: Upper hand deflection, looks like a high Goang Sao, use wrist Hueng Sao: Trapping technique, looks like a reverse Phon Sao, covering the elbow, biceps, triceps, shoulder, neck. T-S/Jun Jeong T-S/Chung Choie P-S/Biu Jee P-S/Qua Choie

Same Hand Deflections & Strikes: Luk Sao Arm Positions:

Taun Sao, Bong Sao, Fook Sao , High Fook Sao

Strikes: Chop Choie: Top knuckles are curled in, striking with extended middle knuckle, high to adams apple or just above, ribs, plexus. This is a penetrating strike Closing technique, using high Biu Jee as a distraction, long step to get Defensive closing technique, used to zone out after opponent has attacked, step is taken at a 45 degree angle, Biu Jee, trap with Phon Sao and strike using Chung Choie

Hai - Bo # 1: in. Guy - Bo # 1:

Blue Outline Lin Sil Die Dar Hard: Inhale twice, exhale from the mouth. When exhaling tense up every muscle in the body, when inhaling relax. Imagine someone or a spring is giving you resistance. This is a Power Meditation practiced to express our internal and emotional energy. Escapes # 3 & # 4: Keyword # 3 = Wrist break. Keyword # 4 = Pinky Single Doan Chi: Primary Taun Sao Bong Sao Die Jeong Chung Choie Fook Sao - Die Jeong Chung Choie Fook Sao (starting position) Closing: Steal a Step: Rear leg moves forward while Biu Jee is hiding the hip action coming in, lunge in with other leg. Optional kicks are: Snapping Toe Kick, Front Thrust, Sole Kick Skip in mid-air, throwing a Snapping Toe Kick as soon as you drop, Blast. Secondary Fook Sao Chung Choie Low Jun Jeong Taun Sao High Jun Jeong Taun Sao Taun Sao (starting position)

Skip a Step: Footwork: Push Off Step: Replacement Step: Double Blast on Pad

Used to cover short distances, pushing off your rear leg. Rear foot replaces front foot then throw attack. Used to cover mid to long distances

Scrimmage: Shuffling drill (forward or back on instructors command)

Take Down # 3 & # 4: Keyword # 3 = Reverse Arm bar Keyword # 4 = Side Kick - Biu Jee Phon Sao # 4: Keyword # 4 = Double Phon Sao Stretching: Sun Salute Chest Expander Sitting Arm Stretch Inverted Spinal Twist 1 Keyword # 1 = Front Keyword # 2 = Shoulder Roll Kicks: Front Thrust (with Heel): Using heel; off rear leg, leg is locked, shoots straight up, striking with heel to chin or groin Circular attack, inside or outside, arching type of kick used to develop balance, strength, coordination Reps: Spinal Twist 2 Balance Arm Up Back Stretch 1 Ab Curls 1 & 2

Break-Fall # 1 & # 2:

Crescent Kick: Tigers: 2 minutes Wrist Roll

up - down - up - down

Training Schedule










The following foods destroy health and should be avoided at all costs!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. White sugar or any refined sugar or sweetener and everything made with it. White flour and everything made with it. Coffee, standard tea, chocolate and all soft drinks including diet drinks. Tobacco and alcohol. Salt, black pepper and mustard. Canned, preserved and irradiated foods. Meat.

1. Basic diet:
Vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruit and dairy products, eggs, yogurt and cheese.

2. Eat whole foods:

Complete unrefined foods are superior. E.g. 100% Whole Wheat bread

3. Eat living foods:

Grow your own sprouts and eat salads, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables. Ideally, at least half of your diet should consist of poison-free raw foods.

4. Eat a high natural carbohydrate, low animal protein diet. 5. Sweeteners:

Small amounts of honey.

6. Drinks:
Fruit juices, herbal teas, mineral water, milk and kefir.

7. Under eat:
Stop eating before you are full.

8. Vitamins:
Varies from person to person. At first, use these suggestions in moderation, gradually eliminating what is unnecessary in your diet.

Dyslipidemia Diet Guidelines Foods to Use
Meats, Fish & Poultry
Choose lean meats and poultry (chicken, turkey, beef, veal, lamb, pork, ham). Trim excess fat. (1 serving = 3oz. of cooked meat). Also, fresh, frozen or canned fish and shellfish except shrimp. Meats, poultry ad fish should be broiled (pan or oven) or baked on a rack. Egg whites (use freely).Egg yolks (limit two per week including those used in cooking). Commercial egg substitutes. Eat three servings of fresh fruit per day (1 serving = 1/2 cup). Frozen or canned fruit with no sugar or syrup added may be used. Most vegetables are not limited. They include yellow, green or green leafy vegetables. Vegetables may be boiled, steamed or stir fried with recommended fats and oils (see below). Dried peas or beans (1 serving = 1 cup) may be used as meat substitute. Pecans, walnuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios and peanuts may be used sparingly. 1 serving = 1 tablespoonful. Whole-grain or enriched bread, rolls, bagels, low fat crackers and cookies such as soda crackers, melba toast, graham wafers, arrowroots and gingersnaps may be used. Spaghetti, rice or noodles may be used as a bread substitute. In preparing these foods, do not use butter or shortening, use soft margarine or oil. Also, use egg substitutes. Use hot or cold cereal without added coconut or coconut oil. Use skim milk or skim milk products such as skim milk cheeses (less than 8% B.F.), skim milk yogurt, powdered skim milk and evaporated skim milk. Soft margarine and polyunsaturated or monounsaturated vegetable oils such as safflower, soybean, sunflower, corn, canola or olive oils. Peanut butter, mayonnaise and salad dressings made with recommended oils. Limit to two servings per day: fruit ice (1/4 cup); pudding prepared with skim milk (1/2 cup); egg white souffls; unbuttered popcorn (1-1/2 cup). Homemade baked goods prepared with egg whites, recommended fats and oils and reduced amounts of sugar. Fresh fruit juices (limit 4oz. Per day); black coffee, plain or herbal teas; soft drinks with sugar substitutes; club soda; cocoa made with skim milk or nonfat dried milk and water; clear broth. Alcohol: limit two serving per day. You may use the following freely: Vinegar, spices, herbs, nonfat bouillon, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, flavoring essence.

Eggs Fruit Vegetables Beans Nuts Breads, Grains

Cereals Milk Products Fats, oils Desserts, Snacks



Dyslipidemia Diet Guidelines Foods to Avoid
Meats, Fish & Poultry Eggs Fruit Vegetables Beans Nuts Breads, grains Milk products Fats, oils Desserts, snacks Beverages
Bacon, sausage, fatty fowl (duck, goose), skin and fat of turkey and chicken, processed meats, luncheon meats (salami, bologna), frankfurters, regular hamburger, organ meats (kidneys, liver), shrimp. Limit egg yolks to two per week. Coconuts Avoid avocados. Vegetables cooked with butter or a cream or cheese sauce. Commercial baked beans with sugar and/or pork. Avoid cashews and macadamia nuts and nuts roasted in coconut or palm oil. Rich baked goods with eggs, shortening and/or sugar. Commercial mixes with dried eggs and whole milk. Avoid sweet rolls, doughnuts, breakfast pastries (Danish) and croissants. Whole or 2% milk and whole-milk packaged goods; cream; ice cream; whole milk puddings, yogurt or cheeses; non-dairy cream substitutes. Butter, saturated fats (palm oil, cocoa butter, coconut oil, lard and beef tallow), solid margarine, gravies, bacon drippings, cream sauces. Fried snack foods, chocolate, candies, jams, jellies, syrups, whole milk puddings, ice cream and milk sherbets. Commercial pies, cakes and high fat cookies. Sugared fruit juices and soft drinks; cocoa made with whole or 2% milk and or sugar. Alcohol use: see notes 2 and 3

Special Notes:
1. Remember that even non-limited foods should be used in moderation. 2. While on cholesterol-lowering diet, be sure to avoid foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol. Sugar and alcohol may be used in moderation. 3. While on tri-glyceride-lowering diet, be sure to avoid sweets and alcohol. 4. To achieve maximal dietary lowering of blood lipids, it is recommended that you be referred by your physician to a registered dietitian for an individualized diet and meal plan.

Timer Sheet


Blue/Green Stripe Outline Rule for Hand Speed: The hand precedes the body FSD Principles: Functional, Simple, Direct LSDD Closing Exercise: develops all shadow closing benefits, audio reflexes, crispness Kicks: Spinning Rear Thrust Kick: fighting your left. own Oblique: Similar to a Sole Kick but thrown from rear leg. Footwork: Cross Step: Easily done after a Roundhouse or Crescent Kick, consists of step ping behind your lead leg to gain momentum. Use Side Kick or Rear Thrust for this particular footwork. The first step feels like a Straight Lead, when lunging forward quick ly chamber your rear close to your lead and release your kick. Any kick will do. Used to gain momentum, keep toes pointing down, if in right stance step and turn to your left and kick with Consists of trapping the opponents foot with your

Heel Stomp (from Hai-Bo #1):

Quick Step:

Closing: Shadow Closing Evasive: stay close while your partner zig zags all around to lose you.

Shuffle Step (no closing on step): lateral footwork, used to gain a different line of entry in opponents defense. Guy-Bo # 2 (Hesitation Close): Opponent pushes you, go with the flow, pretend like youre walking away if he steps in, release your Hook for a knockout blow. When touched, pushed or caught in an undesirable position fake an extreme pain, for example: if pushed(chest) fake a Heart Attack, if its your shoulder, a dislocation. Enough that the opponent comes close to see if youre okay, at that moment throw a Biu Jee to throat and Blast.

Startle Attack Close:

Hand Techniques: Hueng Sao: Low Bong Trapping technique, looks like a reverse Phon Sao, covering the elbow, biceps, triceps, shoulder, neck. Sao: lower hand deflection, using forearm.

Chi Sao with proper energy flow Phon Sao # 4 & # 5: Keyword # 4 = double Phon Sao Keyword # 5 = collapsing elbow Take Down # 5: Keyword = Choke Strikes: Qua Choie # 4: wind up using maximum power from the hips and follow through Inner Taun Sao: using inner forearm, striking side of throat, collarbone Breathing # 3 (Tiger Stretches his Back) Windmill Positive-Negative Energy Load Strikes: Rear Cross: rear hand, pivot hips, strike jaw, chin, nose, this is a Stun or Knockout punch Short Hook: use Torsion Power, keep hand vertical or horizontal, pivot hips and feet. Slipping: dodging, allow centerline to tilt 10 to 15 degrees to the side. Bobbing: dodging, allow centerline to drop 30 degrees to the side, optional side step . Weaving: dodging, used to gain momentum in a Hook or Rear Cross, follow a Ushape, use weight transfer

Green Outline 4 Engaging Rules: 1) 2) 3) 4) Hit first Hit in such a way to inflict the most damage Have sufficient techniques to trap the opponents techniques Ability to transfer all of your power into the opponent

20 rules of Chi Sao. (Ask your instructor) 3 Critical Zones: 1) Safety Zone: 2) Threat Zone: Non-threatening, walk away, opponents leg + 3 inches Must decide to walk away or fight, it is very much psychological, it has to do with intimidation, if you allow yourself to be you will lose. While threatening discreetly lean in, hand, step forward to get yourself closer to the opponent. If you need to unleash youll be that much closer to making contact. The point of no return, you step into this zone with full commitment, no second thoughts, full assault.

3) Danger Zone: 5 Types of Power: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Focus (Concentration, Penetration) Emotional Intensity Kinetic (muscular) Body Mechanics: a) Snapping b) Torsion c) Directing

5)Weight in Motion (Body) Training Schedule (Bring yours at the test) Phon Sao # 6: Keyword = Fook Sao Take Down # 6: Keyword = Double Leg Take Down

Escapes # 3 & # 4: Keyword # 3 = Wrist break Keyword # 4 = Pinky Stretching: Dog Stretch Spinal Twist # 3 Windmill Strikes: Tiger Mouth: Hand open, using the inside of thumb and index finger, striking Adams apple. Shadow Punching (combinations) Break-Falls: Kip - Up: Springing up on your feet, using hands Same as front, roll straight back, or over your left or right shoulder Using palms to absorb the fall, one hand or two. Under 0.50 seconds Plough Sit-Ups Vertical Splits Back Stretch # 2 Cat Stretch

Reverse Shoulder Roll: Reverse Break-Fall: Lag Time: Timer

Chi Sao (proper flow and entry) Asking for the Hands: Motion Speed Drill # 2 & # 3: Keyword # 2 = Low line Keyword # 3 = Chung Choie/Contact get your opponent to open up, giving you energy, when he does trap and re-direct

Kicks: Hook Kick (with Heel): Blade Kick: Using heel, striking temple Off rear leg, use shin or foot, strike ribs or thigh, similar to a crescent kick but low. Using Push off Step , Replacement Step, Quick Step, Shadow Closing, Cross, etc.

LSDD Closing with Kicks (variations):

Tigers: 2 minutes Wrist Roll



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