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ehovah's WlLness
1he rellglous secL of !ehovah's WlLness was founded by Charles 1aze 8ussell ln 1872
(CA8MC8C) and Lhelr headquarLers are ln 8rooklyn new ?ork l wanL Lo concenLraLe on a few
of Lhelr bellefs and how Lhey conLradlcL wlLh blbllcal docLrlne
1 1hey do noL use Lhe 8lble buL lnsLead Lhelr own lnLerpreLaLlon whlch ls called new
World 1ranslaLlon 2 1lm 316 sLaLes LhaL All ScrlpLure ls glven by lnsplraLlon of Cod
and ls proflLable for docLrlne for reproof for correcLlon for lnsLrucLlon ln
rlghLeousness"nk!v 2 eLer 31316 also glves an explanaLlon of how Lhe new World
1ranslaLlon can come lnLo exlsLence We sLudled earller abouL Lhe 8lbllcal Canon noL
only ls all scrlpLure lnsplred by Cod buL lL ls also recorded and LaughL Lhrough Lhe Poly
SplrlL by propheLs mlnlsLers eyewlLnesses(1 eLer 112 2 eLer 11621) or by Lhose
who Lhrough lnsplraLlon complled Lhe accounLs of eyewlLnesses (Luke 114 and AcLs
113)" (uMA Workbook) lf Lhe !ehovah's WlLness rellglon was esLabllshed ln 1872 lL
would have been lmposslble for a !ehovah's WlLness bellever Lo have wlLnessed
anyLhlng durlng Lhe Llme of ChrlsL or before
2 !ehovah's WlLness do noL belleve ln Lhe 1rlnlLy (Cod Lhe laLher Cod Lhe Son Cod Lhe
Poly SplrlLCne Cod wlLh Lhree ersons all wlLh Lhe same lnflnlLe power) 1hey slmply
belleve LhaL lL ls Cod and Cod alone !esus was noL hls Son and Lhe Poly SplrlL ls an lL"
and noL a erson ln Lhe Codhead !ohn 112 sLaLes ln Lhe beglnnlng was Lhe Word and
Lhe Word was wlLh Cod and Lhe Word was Cod Pe was ln Lhe beglnnlng wlLh Cod"
nk!v CLher scrlpLures supporLlng Lhe exlsLence of Lhe 1rlnlLy can be found ln MaLL 316
17 1 eLer 12 and 2 CorlnLhlans 1314 LasLly !ohn 1613 puLs Lhe Poly SplrlL ln a manly
form provlng LhaL Lhls lL" ls lndeed a erson AddlLlonal back up ls !ohn 1426
3 !ehovah's WlLness do noL belleve LhaL Lhe body of ChrlsL was resurrecLed

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