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Chapter 9:

Wat is een product? term product includes the tangible and intangible attributes related not just to physical goods but also services, ideas, people, places, experiences and even a mix of these various elements. Product levels: The core product: consists of the real core benefit or service. This may be a functional benefit in terms of what the product will enable you to do, or it may be an emotional benefit in terms of how the product or service will make you feel. The embodied product: consists of the physical good or delivered service that provides the expected benefit. It consists of many factors, for example the features and capabilities, its durability, design, packaging and brand name. The augmented product: consists of the embodied product plus all those other factors that are necessary to support the purchase and any post-purchase activities. For example, credit and finance, training, delivery, installation, guarantees and the overall perception of customer service. Marketing richt zich voornamelijk op het embodied product en het augmented product Durable goods reflect a purchasers high level of involvement in the purchase decision. Non-durable goods - reflect low levels of involvement by buyers who are not concerned which particular product they buy. Eg food and grocery items. Convenience Products - non-durable goods or services bought because the consumer does not want to put very much effort. Shopping Products - not bought frequently so consumers do not always have sufficient up-to-date information in order to make a buying decision. The purchase of furniture, electrical appliances and mobile phones all require some search for information, if only to find out about the latest features. Speciality Products- represent high risk, are very expensive and are bought infrequently, often only once. Unsought Products - a group of products which people do not normally anticipate buying or indeed want to buy. Eg water meters.

Convenience Goods: Staple product: Brood (Overal te krijgen) Impulse Product: Staat in de supermarkt bij de kassa Emergency Products: Pillen om te gaan slapen

Types Of business Products: Equipment Goods - concern the everyday operations of the organisation; capital equipment goods and accessory equipment goods. Raw Materials - the basic materials that are used in order to produce finished goods. Semi-Finished Goods - raw materials that have been converted into a temporary state. Maintenance, Repair and Operating (MRO) - are products, other than raw materials, such as nuts and bolts, light bulbs and cleaning supplies, are used to ensure that the organisation is able to continue functioning. Component Parts- are finished, complete parts bought from other organisations that are then incorporated directly into the finished product . Business Services - intangible services used to enhance the operational aspects of the organisations. De Product Range: Is het totaal aan producten date en bedrijf aanbiedt: TENTAMEN!

Leren: Product Life Cycle Aan het eind van een PLC, komt het product te overleiden: Dan moet je IETs nieuws!

New Product Development In 3 manieren: Buy in finished products from other suppliers, perhaps from other parts of the world, or, licence the use of other products for specific periods of time. Develop products through collaboration with suppliers or even competitors. Develop new products internally, often through Research and Development departments (R&D) or through adapting current products through minor design and engineering changes.

Dat laatste is wat bedrijven het meeste doen! Bij new product development is het doel om de PLC te verlengen. Of er ontstaat een nieuw product, of het zelfde product wordt zodanig vernieuw dat het weer terug in de PLC kan worden gestopt. 1 op de 10! Nieuwe producten is succesvol. Redenen: - There is no market for the product; - There is a market need but the product does not meet customer requirements; - The products ability to meet the market need although satisfactory is not adequately communicated to the target market. Process van nieuwe Producten bedenken:

Dit Process kan meerdere malen doorlopen worden.

Process van Adoptie:

Een Product moet goed Gebrand worden: Wat is Branding: Branding enables manufacturers and retailers to help customers differentiate between the various offerings in a market. It enables customers to make associations with certain attributes or feelings with a particular brand. If this differentiation can be achieved and sustained, then a brand is considered to have a competitive advantage. Successful brands create strong, positive and lasting impressions through their communications and associated psychological feelings and emotions, not just their functionality through use. Definition: a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination, intended to identify the goods, or services of one seller or group of sellers, and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Waarom Mensen houden van Merken: Helps people to identify their preferred products. Reduce levels of perceived risk and in doing so improve the quality of the shopping experience. Helps people to gauge the level of product quality. Reduces the amount of time spent making product-based decisions and in turn decrease the time spent shopping. Provides psychological reassurance or reward, especially for products bought on an occasional basis. Informs consumers about the source of a product (country or company).

Waarom houden Producenten van Merken: Enables premium pricing. Helps differentiate the product from competitive offerings. Encourages cross-selling to other brands owned by the manufacturer. Develops customer loyalty/retention and repeat-purchase buyer behaviour. Assists the development and use of integrated marketing communications. Contributes to corporate identity programmes. Provides some legal protection.

Typen Brands: Manufacturer brands - manufacturers try to create brand recognition and name recall through their marketing communications activities with end users. The goal is to help customers identify the producer of a particular brand at the point of purchase. For example, Persil, Heinz, Cadburys and Coca-Cola. Distributor brands - refers to the identities and images developed by the wholesalers, distributors, dealers and retailers who make up the marketing channel. Also known as own label brands. Generic brands. Generic brands - are sold without any promotional materials or any means of identifying the company, whilst the packaging only displays information required by law. The only form of identification is the relevant product category, for example, plain flour. Er zijn een aantal manieren om aan Branding te doen, Brand Policies: Individual Branding - Once referred to as a multibrand policy, individual branding requires that each product offered by an organisation is branded independently of all the others. Grocery brands offered by Unilever (eg Knorr, CiF and Dove) and Procter and Gamble (eg Fairy, Crest and Head and Shoulders) typify this approach. Family Branding - Once referred to as a multi-product brand policy, family branding requires that all the products use the organisations name, either entirely or in part. Microsoft, Heinz and Kelloggs all incorporate the company name as it is hoped that customer trust will develop across all brands. Corporate Brands - Many retail and business brands adopt a single umbrella brand, based on the name of the organisation. This name is then used at all locations and is a way of identifying the brand and providing a form consistent differentiation, whether on the high street or online. For example, Tesco, IBM and Caterpillar.

Brand Extensions: Brand Extensions are a way of capitalising on the recognition, goodwill and any positive associations of an established brand and using the name to lever itself into a new market. Mars successfully leveraged their confectionery bar into the ice-cream market and in doing so deseaonalised their sales by providing income in the summer when chocolate sales are normally at their lowest. Co-Branding: (TENTAMEN) Co-branding occurs when two established brands work together, either on one product or service. The combined power of the two brands generates increased consumer appeal and attraction.

Chapter 10:
Prijs & kwaliteit, zijn voor consumenten aan elkaar gelinkt. (Als iets duurder is, is de kwaliteit beter..) Als we het over pricing hebben, is er nog steeds een economisch perpectief. Een prijs heeft meestal te maken met Kosten. 2 Soorten Kosten: 1. Vaste Kosten: Deze kosten zijn er altijd als men gaat produceren 2. Variabele kosten: Deze kosten komen voor als men opeens meer gaat produceren (grondstoffen) Prijs is gerelateerd aan totale kosten: Hoe lager hoger totale kosten hoe hoger de prijs Prijs is gerelateerd aan verkoop winsten: winst is het hoogst als de prijs niet te hoog of te laag is Prijs is gerelateerd aan Investering. Als je een lage prijs hanteert dan moet je (relatief) meer genvesteerd hebben. External Influences on Consumer Price Perceptions (Psychology): Reference prices: Relatief is AH goedkoop of duur t.o.v A-merk Sales signs: Odd-number pricing: (zoals 29.99) Purchase context in pricing: (Ik vlieg naar London, Goedkoper dan je spijkerbroek)

Price bundling: Als je nu de PS3 Koopt krijg je er 2 spellen bij

Pricing Approaches (voor een bedrijf om een prijs neer te zetten): Cost-oriented approach: Iets kost zoveel, marge erop dan prijs bepalen Demand Oriented approach: Hoeveel de klanten willen bepalen (vliegtuigen) Competitor-Oriented: Wat de concurentie doet, doen wij ook. (supermarkt) (me2pricing) Value Oriented: De value die extra geleverd wordt! (Nespresso)

Bij een approach hoort een policy, Hieronder gaat daarover: Pricing policies: List pricing: Deze pen is 20 euro. Punt uit Loss-leader pricing: Product onder de kostprijs (Loss), Maar voor dat product heb je meer dingen nodig om het te gebruiken, daarmee maak je winst (Leader). Promotional pricing: Tijdelijke verlaging van de prijs (Promotie) Segmentation pricing: Kinderijsjes zijn goedkoper dan magnum ijsjes Customer-centric pricing: Precies aansluiten op de prijs die de consument gaat bepalen

Bij nieuwe producten kan je TWEE Dingen doen: (TENTAMEN) SKIM Pricing & Penetration pricing: Conditions For Effective Skim Pricing Need to recover R&D investment quickly Demand is likely to be priceinelastic Unknown elasticity of demand safer to offer a higher price and then lower it, than offering a lower price and try to increase it High barriers to entry within the market Few economies of scale or experience Product life cycles are expected to be short. Conditions For Effective Market Penetration Pricing Strong threat of competition

Product/service is likely to exhibit a high price-elasticity of demand in the short term Substantial savings from volume production Low barriers to entry Life cycles are expected to be long Economies of scale and experience exist to take advantage of.

Prijs Elasticiteit (Blauw) en inelasticiteit (rood)

Vraag bij skimpricing is kleiner dan vraag bij penetration pricing!!!

Chapter 11
Waar bestaat communicatie uit?

Er zijn drie elementenbij marketing Communications: Engagement what are the audiences communications needs and is it possible to engage with them on their terms using one-way, two-way or dialogic communications? Audiences which specific audience(s) do we need to communicate with and what are their various behaviour and information processing needs?

Responses what are the desired outcomes of the communication process? Are they based on changes in perception, values and beliefs or are changes in behaviour required?

DRIP The Tasks of Marketing Communications (TENTAMEN) Differentiate: to position a brand so that it is perceived to be different to its competitors Reinforce: to remind or reassure customers about a brand Inform: to make customers aware of a brands existence or attributes Persuade: to encourage customers to behave in particular ways Marketing communicatie mix: Advertising: Reclameborden, Billboards Sales Promotion: Parfum proberen via kleine strookjes/testers Public Relations: Onderhouden van goede contacten (Press/Evenementen) Direct Marketing: Persoonlijk benaderen door bijv. telefoon (callcenters) Personal Selling: Afhankelijk van de verkoper, koopt de klant wel of niet

Je kan 2 type promotional berichten sturen: Informatief: Overbrengen/Uitleggen van product (hoe werkt iets?) Emotioneel: Emoties proberen te benadrukken, gevoel uiten

Three Main Models of Communication: Linear model of communication Two-way model of communication Interactive model of communication.

Linear model of communication:

Source: Wileen boodschap overbrengen Encoding: Hoe gaat hij/zij dat bericht overbrengen (woorden, bewegingen) Decoding: Hoe pakt zij dat uit, (ze kan het wel/niet vertalen/ ze wil het wel/niet vertalen) Receiver: degene naar wie de boodschap gericht is Two-way model of communication:

Mass media = de uiting van een boodschap OL= Opinion Leader Die brengt ook een boodschap over (relevant) Interactive model of communication:

Gaos, en niet alleen 1 Opinion Leader. Maar onderling hebben de bolletjes contact. Kris-kras door elkaar.

Personal Influencers (TENTAMEN) Opinion Leaders: belong to the same peer group as the people they influence, they are more gregarious and more self-confident than non-leaders and are more confident of their role. Their influence is based on informal expertise. Opinion Formers: do not belong to the same peer group as the people they influence. Their exert personal influence because of their profession, authority, education or status associated with the object of the communication process. Their influence is based on formal expertise. Word of Mouth: communication has become one of the most significant and most powerful forms of marketing communications verschil tussen Leaders & Formers: 1. leader zit wel in de Peer-groep 2. Former zit niet in de Peer-groep Het effect van comminucatie: AIDA Model: 1. Awareness 2. Interest 3. Desire 4. Action Hierarchy of effects model ( komt overeen met AIDA, alleen uitgezet)

De overlap Bestaat uit 3 kernwoorden: Knowledge: Feelings: Behaviour:

Chapter 12 & 13
Tools off the comminucation mix:

Vandaag de dag gaat het om brand awareness: The Role of the Marketing Communications Mix: The original role of the mix was based on persuading customers in the short term to buy products and services. Now the role of the mix is to facilitate communication with a wide range of stakeholders, and on a broader range of issues. New goals such as developing understanding and preference, reminding and reassuring customers have now become accepted as important aspects of marketing communications. Today an increasing number of organisations are using the mix to help develop relationships with key suppliers and customers, as customer retention, not acquisition, becomes a strategic marketing goal.

Advertising: Advertising is a non-personal form of communication, where a clearly identifiable sponsor pays for a message to be transmitted through media. One of the distinctive qualities that advertising brings to the mix is that it reaches large, often mass audiences in an impersonal way. Advertising can be used to influence demand for products (and services) Advertising can be used to manage perceptions and understanding about the organisation as a whole. The role of advertising is to engage audiences and this engagement is dependent upon the context in which the communication occurs. Two Theories of Advertising: (Tentamen) The Strong Theory - Persuasion occurs by moving passive buyers toward to a purchase by easing them through a series of steps, prompted by timely and suitable promotional messages. Advertising is believed to be capable of increasing sales for a brand and for the product class.

The Weak heory This holds that advertising is used to maintain awareness and provide reassurance. This helps customers repeat their pattern of thinking and behaviour. Advertising reinforces existing attitudes, and does not necessarily change them. Advertisings role is to breed brand familiarity and identification to retain customers and to increase product or brand usage. Sales Promotion: Sales promotions work by offering customers an incentive to buy now rather than in the future, they accelerate sales. They provide additional value, in order to induce an immediate sale. Sales promotions are used extensively in consumer markets. Need to be used integrated with other tools, such as advertising, personal selling and direct marketing. Sampling, coupons, price deals, premiums and bonus packs are the more common consumer sales promotion techniques.

Public Relations: is a management activity that attempts to shape the attitudes and opinions held by an organisations stakeholders. It attempts to identify its own policies with the interests of its stakeholders and formulates and executes a programme of action to develop mutual goodwill and understanding. Through this process relationships are developed which are in the long-run interests of all parties. Public Relations Methods Media relations Publicity and events Lobbying Sponsorship Crisis Management Public Affairs Industry relations Issues Managements Direct Marketing: (P.485 12.3) Direct marketing is concerned with the management of customer behaviour and refers to all media based activities that generate a series of communications and responses directly with an existing or potential customer. Direct Marketing objectives: The key role of direct marketing is to reach target audiences with personalised and customised messages that aim to provoke a change in the audiences behaviour. A secondary role of direct marketing is to collect customer information, in order to feed future strategies and campaigns.

In order to reach audiences with call-to-action messages, direct marketing uses a variety of media. These include the telephone, Internet, direct mail, email, press and posters.

Personal Selling: Personal selling concerns interpersonal communication and the role is largely one of representation. Personal selling is a highly potent form of communication simply because messages can be adapted to meet the requirements of both parties, who meet face-to-face, as the communication develops. Objections can be overcome, information provided in the context of the buyers environment and the conviction and power of demonstration can be brought to the buyer when requested.

Welke van de comminucatie mix ga je kiezen?

Media Options:

Other Promotional Methods:

Sponsorship Product Placement or branded entertainment (In een film) (belangrijk) Field Marketing Exhibitions Viral Marketing

Strategic Context for Marketing Communications: Marketing communications is an activity that supports the marketing strategy. It therefore needs to be coordinated with the aims and objectives of the marketing strategy and needs to complement a range of predetermined activities. There are three types of audience and hence three types of strategy. These audiences are target customers, channel intermediaries (such as wholesalers and added value resellers) and an organisations stakeholder network. The 3Ps of Marketing Communications Strategy: Pull strategies: used to communicate with end-user customers. These may be consumers but they might also be other organisations within a business-to-business context. Push strategies: used to communicate with channel intermediaries, such as dealers, distributors and retailers, otherwise referred to as the trade or channel buyers. Profile strategies: used to communicate with a range of stakeholders, such as the local community, trade unions, suppliers, local and national government.

The Marketing Communications Planning Framework:

Na implementation, Control & Evaluation: Komt dit : Three Perspectives on Evaluating Marketing Communications: The first perspective concerns measuring the degree to which a marketing communications campaign achieved the goals it was created to achieve. The second perspective concerns measuring the contribution made by each activity within a campaign, most notably each communication tool, medium and message. The third perspective concerns measuring the systems and processes associated with the marketing communications planning process.

The Marketing Communications Industry: (Niet zo uitvoerig kennen)

Chapter 14:
Bij Productie & Logistiek gaat het erom dat jij jouw producten bij de grootste groep consumenten weet te brengen. Place: Distribution activities are a vital element in creating customer value and customer satisfaction (only if it is available when and where it is needed.) Variables that influence perceptions of distribution quality: Dependabilityconsistency of service; Time in transit; Market coverage; The ability to provide door-to-door service; Flexibilityhandling and meeting the special needs of shippers; Loss and damage performance; and The ability to provide more than basic product delivery service.

*Distribution heeft effect op customer satisfaction Distribution Channel: Bedrijven en organisaties (Tussenschakels/Intermediars) die de link tussen bedrijven en consumenten vergemakkelijken. Distribution Channel Management: Economics requires us to recognize where costs are being spent and profits being made, or should be made, in a channel to maximize our return on investment; Coverage is about maximizing the amount of contact and benefits for the customer in terms of making the product available. This satisfies the marketers desire to have the product available to the largest number of customers, in as many locations as possible, at the widest range of times. (Samsung En Detail handelaren) Control refers to achieving the optimum distribution costs without losing decisionmaking authority over the product and the way it is marketed and supported in the delivery channel. This includes decisions about the product, its pricing, promotion, and delivery in the distribution channel.

Types of Intermediaries (Tussenschakels): Agents or brokers: (Geen ownsership, gewoon doorschuiven) Merchant: Well ownership! Distributors or dealers: Wel een mate van ownership.. Franchise: KFC, McDonalds, Burger King Ownership Wholesalers: Slaan goederen op en distubiteren die goederen Ownership Retailers: V&D, ownership

Voordelen van tussenshckales:

Product Assortiment: Kan ervoor zorgen dat er een Breed Assortiment is van weinig, Een producent produceert van een klein assortiment juist heel veel. Disadvantages of Intermediaries: Lack of control over product Dependant on where product is placed and how it is priced. Susceptable to competitor inducement such as trade promotions. Market in their own right (time, money, personnel to develop relationship).

Distribution Channel Strategy Decisions:

Er zijn dus 3 manieren voor Channel Decisions Direct Structure: (Dell Klant) Indirect Structure: (BMW Dealer Klant) Hybrid Structure: (KLM, Nike) Via de Website & Retailers

Zo zit die structuur eruit: (Channel Structure) Channel Structure:

Benefits of hybrid Structure: Increased reach to your target audience by exploiting existing direct networks, marketing efforts and relationships of intermediaries. The producer having greater control over prices, communication and promoting directly to customers. Developing direct relationships with customers, a source of useful information. Greater compliance from intermediaries as the producer also acts like a competitor, although this could reduce the loyalty the intermediary feels towards the producer.

Intensity of Channel Coverage:

Intensive: Linda (is overal te vinden) Selective: Bepaalde plekken om te verkopen (selectief) Exclusive: Er is maar 1 retailer die dat mag verkopen (Kooijmans enige die Ferrari mocht verkopen)

Disintermediation & Reintermediation Disintermediation: Er vallen schakels weg in een distribution channel Reintermediation: Er komen schakels bij! In een distribution channel Channel relationships and conflict:

Logistics Management: (Het daadwerkelijk schuiven van doosjes) Logistics includes the activities that relate to the flow of products from the manufacturer to the customer or end consumer. Logistics management is the coordination of activities of the entire distribution channel. It addresses: Activities of moving products from the factory to customers (outbound distribution) Activities involved in moving products and materials from suppliers to the factory (inbound distribution).

Functies van Logistiek:

JIT: Is net als wallmart, als de schappen leeg wordt.. wordt het automatisch besteld EDI: (Opzoeken)

Retailing: Retailing is all the activities directly related to the sale of products to the ultimate end consumer for personal and non-business use. Value delivered: Convenience or speed and ease in acquiring a product. Consists of four elements: Access Search Possession Transaction

Retailer Types: (TENTAMEN!) Department Stores Discount Stores Convenience Stores Limited Line Stores Speciality Stores Category-killers Supermarket Superstores (Carrefour)

Chapter 17
Oude marketing (4Ps) (Short term) is overwonnen door de Nieuwe stijl van marketing (Relationship marketing) (Long term) Customer Lifetime Value: Products come and go, but customers remain (Rust et al., 2000) Customer lifetime value represents the net present value of profits, coming from the individual customer, which creates a flow of transactions over time. CLV implies the need to treat customers differently

80-20 Regel: 80% van je winst wordt gegenereerd door 20% van je klanten!. CLV findings: Van die 20% is 55% misclassified en krijgt geen juiste behandeling Ook van de 80% is 15% misclassified en krijgt een te goede behandeling Customer Value: Doyle (2000) suggests that customer value should be developed on three principles. These are: Customers will choose between alternative offerings and select the one that (they perceive) will offer them the best value. Customers do not want product or service features, they want their needs met. It is more profitable to have a long-term relationship between a customer and a company rather than a one off transaction.

Dus: Value is the customers estimate of the extent to which a product or service can satisfy their needs. Customers determine a products value by considering alternative solutions and the costs associated with satisfying their need. Therefore, value is relative to a customers needs, expectations and experience of competitive offerings within a category. (to bush bijvoorbeeld) Alles tot nu gaat om dit! :

Above all else it is the relationships between buyers and sellers that are considered to represent real value if only because it is longer lasting and difficult for competitors to copy or destroy. Porters Value chain:

Primary activities

Primary Activities: Het primaire wat bedrijven doen. Inboud logistics: Inkoop van Materialen Operations: maak process van het product Outbound Logistics: Product klaar naar consument Marketing & Sales: Service: Support activities: Wat je daarnaast doet (is OOK zeer belangrijk) The Supply Chain:

A Continuum of Value:

Market Exchanges: Daar zit geen relatie achter, Je koopt iets en klaar. Collaborative Exchanges: Je werkt samen om tot productie te komen Value added Exchanges: Zit daar tussenin. Nog eenmalig, nog intieme relatie What is relationship marketing: The Nordic School of Relationship Marketing. The Anglo-Australian school of relationship marketing. The Industrial Marketing and Purchasing group (IMP).

The Nordic school: Interaction: Jouw en Klant

Dialogue: Dat is Dialoog vorm Value: Daarnaast moet je Value creeren Anglo-Australian school: Genereren en leveren van Kwaliteit. De IMP: Wil je een langdurige relatie opbouwen? Moet je op sociale gebied groeien.

The Customer Relationship Life Cycle:

Acquisition: Een goeie Match! En ben je aan het wennen Development: Meer producten kopen en Cross-sellings (eerst alleen mentos rol, maar nu ook kauwgom) Retention: Relatie tussen klant en bedrijf is stabiel Decline: Je wil het product niet meer (Bijv. je was bij een bedrijf voor een loyalty program, en het is niet meer interessant. Levels of relationships: Financial bonds Coupons, bonus points (Freebees) Social bonds Birthday card, addressing customers by name (Kaartje op je verjaardag) Customization bonds Build-to-order, tailored clothing (Handgemaakte pakken) Structural bonds

Joint product development

(als klant maak je uit van productieproces)

Types van Loyaliteit:

Monopoly Loyalty: Er is maar 1 aanbieder, en daarom ben je loyaal (NS) Incentivized loyalty: Herhalingsaankopen, maar maakt niet uit welk merk/product Price loyalty: De prijs is significant anders, (Ik ga ALTIJD naar aldi omdat de prijzen veel lager zijn) Emotional loyalty: Echte Loyaliteit, Hier voel je, ben je het merk (Bij wijze van spreke). Wie ben ik. Het gaat niet om de prijs of monopoly. (Belangrijkste) The Loyalty ladder:

Advocates zijn de belangrijkste voor een bedrijf! Customer satisfaction: Dissatisfaction Satisfaction Customer Delight (Verwachtingen overtroffen) Satisfactie leidt tot loyaliteit: Satisfactie is er waneer ere en aansluiting is tussen verwachtingen en ervaringen:

Customer Delight: When a brand meets customer expectations, it is ensuring customer satisfaction. However: When customers get value or benefits beyond what they had expected, the brand has ensured customer delight

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