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Objectives: - Examine different forms of communication within the media.

- Create awareness about the way mass media use language and image to
inform and entertain

Procedure 1. Students study the texts. Each group analyzes the text for either.. (fickle 5) in expert groups. 2. Students present their findings. All students mark the texts and take notes. 3. Opens up discussion of marriage / immigration / gay rights 4. Students then turn their blogs into a brochure (for example informing immigrants on gay marriage in Canada) and their brochures into blogs (for example..). - They will have to consider audience/purpose again and do some research 5. Next lesson: they present their texts, explaining their choices, purpose (What is the purpose of you text and how have you attempted to achieve this? What message are you conveying?) OR have students analyze each others work (depending on the level) Other activities: -roleplay (wedding) - write wedding vows - comparative commentary -

My Life in Exile de Facto

Monday, January 31, 2011
Moving to a new place is never easy, and moving to a new country is even more difficult. I didn't want to leave the USA. However, to be with my same-sex partner of over 10 years, I had to make a choice--move to her home country of England, move to Canada where we are legally married, or break up. We chose Canada. This blog details the experiences I've had since moving to Canada, a country that is supposedly so similar to the US but in reality is vastly different. Upon moving to Ontario, anytime I mentioned that I was from Michigan, I would be encountered with the now-familiar assumption that I am from Detroit. I would be told stories about times when people were lost in bad neighborhoods in that city, I would be asked if I knew so-and-so who lived in X suburb of Detroit, told stories of experiences at kids' hockey tournaments in X suburb of Detroit, and approached for information about my favorite casinos and restaurants in Detroit. Out of learned habit, I would insist that Michigan was bigger than Detroit and that I wasn't from Detroit, but to no avail. When my hockey teammates nicknamed me "Motown" during my first year playing, I decided that resistance to this conception was futile. I have some friends in Canada who I've known for over two years who will still ask me, after holiday weekends, if I went to Detroit to visit my family. I've stopped trying to explain, stopped pulling out my hand map, and just resorted to simple yes or no answers.

Getting Married
Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! To help you so that everything goes smoothly, Service Canada has compiled a list so that all your documents will be in order.

1. Obtain a Marriage Licence and Certificate

To apply for a marriage licence and certificate you will need:

The date you are planning to marry Proof of your present marital status Proof of identification (provincial or territorial driver's licence or birth certificate) Additional information may be required

For more information on obtaining licences and certificates, consult your province or territory's Web site.

2. Change your Name

If you decide to change your surname, it is your responsibility to change your name with all relevant government departments and agencies. The following will need to be updated:

Canadian Passport Social Insurance Number (SIN) card Canada Revenue Agency Provincial or territorial health card Provincial or territorial drivers licence

For more information on changing your name, consult your province or territorys Web site.

3. Getting Married Overseas

If you are getting married overseas, most countries will require a statement in-lieu of certification of non-impediment to marriage abroad. You can apply for one by mail to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Authentication and Service of Documents section before your departure. If you are already abroad, you may obtain a Statement in lieu of Certificate of Non-impediment from the nearest Canadian government office abroad. See all Life Events. Online brochure from http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/lifeevents/marriage.shtml

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