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La semana 4: Derivados de las capas germinales y


Neurulación: Sistema nervioso y cresta neural

Derivados mesodérmicos

Derivados endodermicos
El embrión trilaminar:
el destino de las capas embrionarias
Derivados de las capas germinales
Ectodermo axial: cerebro, médula espinal
Ectodermo para-axial (cresta neural)
Ganglios raquídeos, melanocitos, médula
Ectodermo para-axial (placodas)
Oído, cristalino, epitelio nasal, ganglios

Ectodermo lateral: Epidermis

Mesodermo axial: Notocorda

Mesodermo para-axial:
Esqueleto axial, músculo, dermis

Mesodermo intermedio: Aparato uro-genital

Mesodermo lateral (somatico):

Tejido conectivo del tronco y extremidades A 21.70

Mesodermo lateral (visceral):

Corazón, vasos, musculatura

Epitelios respiratorios, digestivos y buco-
Los derivados del ectodermo: La neurulación

Ectodermo axial: cerebro, médula

Ectodermo para-axial (cresta neural)
Ganglios raquídeos, melanocitos,
médula adrenal,
Ectodermo para-axial (placodas)
Oído, cristalino, epitelio nasal,
ganglios craneales
Ectodermo lateral: Epidermis
Los derivados del mesodermo

Mesodermo axial: Notocorda

Mesodermo para-axial (somites):

Esqueleto axial, músculo, dermis

Mesodermo intermedio: Aparato uro-


Mesodermo lateral (somatico):

Tejido conectivo del tronco y
Mesodermo lateral (visceral):
Corazón, vasos, musculatura visceral,
El mesodermo para-axial se organiza en
bloques: los somites
► El número de somites es característico de cada especie.
► La generación de los somites es cíclica: El reloj somítico. El gen hairy se
expresa de forma cíclica en el mesodermo presomítico y la parte posterior
de los somites.
► Los somites forman bloques epiteliales.
► La especificación AP de los somites depende del código HOX.
► La especificación DV genera dos grandes dominios: eclerotomo y dermo-
Los somites son bloque epitelizados de
Los derivados del endodermo

Epitelios respiratorios, digestivos
y buco-faríngeos
4ª Semana: Plegamiento lateral
4ª Semana: Plegamiento lateral
4ª Semana: Plegamiento antero-posterior
4ª Semana: Plegamientos (resumen)
El plan corporal al inicio del período fetal: estadio
23 de Carnegir
Spinal cord
Del tercer mes al nacimiento: El período
fetal y la placenta
Las primeras 8 semanas tras la fecundación se denominan el período
embrionario. Durante esta fase tiene lugar la formación del plan
corporal y la organogénesis. Por ello, durante esta fase el embrión es
particularmente vulnerable a los agentes teratógenos.

El período fetal comienza a partir de la 8ª semana y acaba con el

parto. El período fetal se caracteriza por el crecimiento y maduración
de los órganos, aunque una buena parte de la maduración sucede
durante los primeros meses de vida post-natal. Los cambios son
continuos y no se establecen sub-períodos durante la fase fetal como
se hace con los estadios de Carnegie durante el desarrollo
El tamaño del feto
El tamaño del feto se expresa como la longitud vértex-nalga
(VN) o vértex-talón (VT) expresadas en cm, y que se
pueden estimar por métodos no invasivos.

The comparison of the fetal crown-rump length shows the enormous increase in size during the fetal
period. The fetal crown-rump length at 8 weeks amounts to just 3 cm while that of the fetus at birth
comes to over 30 cm (highly schematic drawing).
El peso del feto

The weight of the fetus experiences its largest increase in the third trimester. The
variations, though, are quite large. This is emphasized with the scatter (light pink in the
diagram). Various hormones influence intrauterine growth. Initially they are mainly
maternal hormones passing through the placenta, but later, in the fetal period,
hormones produced by the fetus itself are also responsible for the weight increase.

The weight of the embryo/fetus can only be estimated with the help of length sectional
ultrasound measurements of various structures
La placenta

La placenta humana es un órgano transitorio que media los intercambios fisiológicos

entre la madre y el feto.

Su origen determina que tenga una parte fetal y otra materna, con cargas genéticas
diferentes. Aunque las circulaciones materna y fetal están muy cerca, éstas
permanecen separadas por lo que se llama la barrera placentaria.

Durante la vida fetal, la placenta cumple las funciones respiratorias, digestivas y

renales. Además, la placenta es un órgano endocrino, que mantiene la actividad de las
hormonas hipotalámicas, hipofisarias y ováricas de la madre y el feto.

La placenta es por lo tanto un órgano autónomo que toma funciones reguladoras muy
importantes y su disfunción es fuente de importantes patologías.
El origen de la placenta: el trofoblasto

Las céluas exteriores de la

blástula, el trofoblasto, originan
la placenta. La actividad
secretora diferencial de las
céulas de la mórula tras el
proceso de compactación genera
la ICM y las céulas del

7d La actividad enzimática en
contacto con el endometrio
permite la eclosión de la blástula
y la implantación.

9d El epitelio uterino recubre completamente el embrión. Las

células uterinas en la proximidad, bajo la influebcia de la progesterona
del cuerpo lúteo, reaccionan a la presencia del blastocisto y se
activan, convirtiendose en las células de la decidua.
La formación de las membranas fetales y
El embrión se nutre durante las primeras
semanas por difusión simple a través de
las vellosidades coriónicas.

Posterioremente, la demanda de gases

requiere el desarrollo de un sistema
circulatorio utero-placentario, en donde
las circulaciones materna y fetal están en
estrecho contacto y se maximiza el

A partir de este momento, los

gases y nutrientes deben pasar la
barrera placentaria: Endotelio
capilar de la vellosidad, tejido
conectivo, citotrofoblasto,
La formación de las vellosidades
Al inicio de la gastrulación, el
trofoblasto forma vellosidades
coriónicas que se vascularizan y
se adentran en el endometrio.
Las vellosidades están
recubiertas por citotrofoblasto.
Durante esta fase, toda la
cavidad celómica está rodeada
por velolosidades
La membrana coriónica en la 3s
El sincitiotrofoblasto forma la
capa más externa sin límites
celulares (sincitio), formando
cordones que infiltran el
endometrio. La actividad
apoptótica del estroma uterino
forma cavidades llamadas
lagunas. El sistema lacunar dura
hasta el 9d, cuando se inician las
Vellosidades en la 4s
La circulación y barrera placentarias

vasos espirales espacio intervilloso:

capilares maternos


vasos umbilicales vellosidades coriónicas

cordón umbilical y capilares fetales
Circulación fetal Circulación materna
Algunas preguntas

Why is the embryo more sensitive than the fetus regarding

infections and teratogenic substances?

Into how many stages can pregnancy be subdivided?

Which diagnostic possibilities are available today in order

to judge the healthy development of the fetus?

LANGMAN´S, Lippincot Wiliams & Wilkins 9-10th editions, 2004,


LARSEN´S HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY, Churchill Livinstone,

Elsevier, 2008



Más información: edad fetal

In obstetrics the pregnancy weeks (PW) are After the 8th week, the fetus takes on typical human
normally reckoned from the date of the Last features, even though at the end of the first trimenon,
Menstrual Period (LMP). This is a point in the head is still relatively large in appearance. The
time that many women can easily remember. eyes shift to the front and the ears and nasal saddle
Computed this way, the pregnancy lasts 40 are formed.
weeks and the embryonic period - The eyelids are also clearly recognizable now. On the
accordingly - 10 weeks. Caution is body, fine lanugo hairs are formed, which at the time
advisable, though, when wishing to calculate of birth are replaced by terminal hairs. The physiologic
the moment of ovulation - and thus umbilical hernia that arises in the embryonic period has
fertilization, closely connected with it - mostly disappeared. In the second trimenon the mother
because the moment of ovulation can vary feels the first movements of the child. In the last
and depends on many factors (conditioned trimenon the subcutaneous fatty tissue is formed and
by the environment and psychological stretches the still wrinkled skin of the fetus. The skin
aspects). In embryology the temporal indices becomes covered more and more with vernix
(i.e., the PW), therefore, always refer to the caseosa. This is a whitish, greasy substance und
moment of fertilization even though in consists of flaked off epithelial cells and sebaceous
practical midwifery the time following the gland secretions. In neonatology this vernix caseosa
LMP is still used for computations. is an important criterion for judging the maturity of the
child. If the birth occurs post-term, it disappears again
Más información: crecimiento fetal

The following hormones are responsible for Prenatal growth thus depends on various
the intrauterine growth of the child: elements. Sufficient and balanced maternal
Growth hormone (somatotropin), produced nourishment is the prerequisite for the normal
in the adenohypophysis, and insulin-like thriving of a child. Further maternal factors are
factors from the liver stimulate the growth her size, her parity (i.e., how many children
and metabolism of cartilage, bones and the woman she has already given birth to),
muscles.· diseases such as hypertonia, diabetes
Glucocorticoid (e.g. ACTH), produced in mellitus, etc., as well as her living conditions
the adrenal cortex, accelerates fetal (smoking, drinking and/or other unhealthy
maturation. habits).
Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) released
by the thyroid gland have an influence on
fetal growth.
Insulin is an endocrine regulator of prenatal
Local growth factors influence tissue growth
and development.
Placental hormones have a large influence
on the child's growth. The placenta
produces factors that are partly protective
and partly stimulating.
Mas info: estimación del peso fetal por
medio de ultrasonidos
Fig. 13 - Normal weight distribution curve
The intrauterine weight measurements are
based on extrapolated values of various
diameters obtained with ultrasound
(green). They do not correlate exactly with
the postnatal weight measurements.
One distinguishes three phases in the
weight distribution curve: the intrauterine
period, the transition period (or the
perinatal period – the first 6 - 12 days) and
the extra-uterine period (from 6 - 12 days
following delivery
Más información: período de sensibilidad fetal

Segment A represents the

embryonic period in which the
embryo is especially sensitive
with respect to deformities.
Within the first eight weeks,
the incidence of deformities
(blue curve), that lead to
miscarriages, decreases from
more than 10% to 1% during
the fetal period (B). The
frequency of neural tube
defects decreases from 2.5%
to 0.1% (green curve) by the
end of the embryonic period
Más información: la placenta humana
The development of the placenta begins Through the lytic activity of the
when the blastocyst evokes the decidual syncytiotrophoblast the maternal capillaries
reaction in the maternal endometrium and are eroded and anastomose with the
transforms this into an exceedingly well trophoblast lacunae, forming the sinusoids.
perfused source of nutrition - the basal plate. At the end of the pregnancy the lacunae
The neighboring glands of the endometrium communicate with each other and form a
develop and the uterine wall gets to be turgid single, connected system that is delimited
locally. If an implantation has taken place the by the syncytiotrophoblast and is termed
trophoblast cells release a multiplicity of the intervillous space
hormones (HCG = human chorionic
gonadotrophine, HCS = human chorionic After the 16th day the extra-embryonic
somatomammotrophine, and also HPL = human mesoblast also grows into this primary
placental lactogen) that are necessary to trophoblast villus, which is now called a
coordinate the nourishment of the endometrium secondary villus 5c and expands into the
and to maintain the corpus luteum which, over lacunae that are filled with maternal blood.
roughly 12 weeks of the embryonic As was already mentioned, the ST forms
development, continues to secrete sexual the outermost layer of every villus. +
steroids. Later, the placenta itself starts to
secrete large amounts of progesterone and At the end of the 3rd week the villus
thereby takes over the glandular function of the mesoblast differentiates into connective
corpus luteum. tissue and blood vessels. They connect up
with the embryonic blood vessels. Villi that
contain differentiated blood vessels are
called tertiary villi
Más información: la estructura de la barrera
The structure of the placental barrier The fetus is not rejected even though its set
changes throughout development. of chromosomes differs from that of its
mother and halfway represents an allogenic
In the first trimester it consists of the transplantation to the maternal organism (two
syncytiotrophoblast, the cytotrophoblast individuals of the same kind, but genetically
(Langhans' cells), the villus mesenchyma (in only half identical). This phenomenon
which numerous ovoid Hofbauer cells that remains an enigma. After birth the maternal
exhibit macrophage properties are found) and organism rejects any tissue of the newborn,
the fetal capillary walls. even though the same tissue (''natural
allogeneic transplantation'') was accepted,
During the 4th month the cytotrophoblast protected and nourished for nine months.
disappears from the villus wall (interactive During pregnancy, the mother developed a
diagram) and the thickness of the barrier tolerance to her child. This phenomenon is
decreases while the surface area increases based on the specific antigen property of the
(roughly 12 m2 towards the end of the embryo and the placenta as well as on the
pregnancy). In the 5th month the fetal vessels transitory changes of the maternal immune
have multiplied their branches and gotten system during pregnancy.
closer to the villus surface.
Sexually transmitted diseases:
During the 6th month the nuclei of the In addition, the placenta also presents an
syncytiotrophoblast group together in the so- incomplete barrier against certain injurious effects of
called proliferation knots. The other zones of drugs: Antibiotics and corticoids can pass through
the syncythiothrophoblast lack nuclei and are the placental barrier. Depending on their size,
certain steroid hormones get through as well.
adjacent to the capillaries (exchange zones).
Más información: barrera placentaria

1. Espacio intervelloso con sangre materna

2. Barrera placentaria Placental barrier of a terminal villus
3. Capilares fetales
4. Membranas basales de los capilares fetales y del sincitio trofoblasto fundidas
5. Endotelio del capilar fetal
6. Célula citotrofoblástica (infrecuente)
7. Membrana basal del capilar fetal
8. Membrana basal del trofoblasto
9. Sincitiotrofoblasto (zona rica en núcleos (proliferation knots)
Mñás información: La decidua
En el lugar de la implantación, el
endometrio sufre la reacción
decidual: transformación epitelial de
los fibroblástos del estroma uterino y
la acumulación de lípidos y
glucógeno: la decidua.

Decidua basalis, donde sucede la

implantación y tiene lugar la formación
de la placa basal (3). Esta a su vez se
divide en zona compacta y zona
esponjosa (la que se desprende en el

La decidua capsular es la que rodea

el corion (2), y la decidua parietal (1)
recubre el resto de la cavidad uterina
(4). Alrededor del 4 mes, el
fecimiento fetal colapsa el espacio
uterino y ambas entran en contacto.
membrana amnio-coriónica
Carnegie Stages of Human Development

The embryonic time comprises 56 days, i.e., 8 weeks from the moment
of fertilization. This time span is divided into 23 Carnegie stages and the
stage classification is based solely on morphologic features.

Carnegie stages are thus neither directly dependent on the chronological

age nor on the size of the embryo. This can be illustrated by two examples:
The closure of the rostral neuropore occurs by definition in stage 11 and
that of the caudal neuropore in stage 12. Further, between the 25th and
32nd days of the pregnancy, the stages are determined according to the
number of the somites that have been engendered. The individual stages
thus differ in how long they last .
Carnegie Stages of Human Development
Embryonic period 0-8 weeks

week 4

week 8

Fetal period
Estadios de Carnegie 7-10 (1-4s)
1 Vesícula vitelina C7/19d C9/21d
2 Línea primitiva
3 Nodo
4 Ectodermo/disco

C10/23d 1 Línea primitiva

2 Pliegues neurales
3 Borde de sección del amnios
4 Canal neural
5 Somites (1-3ss)

1 Borde de sección del amnios

2a Surco neural
3 Pliegues neurales
4 Somites (4-12ss)
Estadios de Carnegie 11-12 (4-5s)
1 Tubo neural
2 Neuroporo caudal
3 Neuroporo anterior
4 Somites (13-20ss)
5, 6 arcos branquiales

1a Mamelón maxilar
1b Mamelón mandibular
2,3 Arcos branquiales (2º y 3º)
4 Somites (21-29ss)
5 Tubo neural
6 Corazón
P prosencéfalo
M Mesencéfalo
R romboencéfalo
Fotografía de un embrión humano de 23d

Cavidad coriónica amnios Pedículo


Saco vitelino 2º

Más información: Diagnóstico prenatal

Non-invasive methods of prenatal diagnoses In a normal pregnancy, an ultrasound examination

Among today's non-invasive methods for has the following goals:
prenatal diagnostics ultrasound stands at first Determining the location of the implantation
place. Further possibilities, especially in Determining the vitality of the fetus/embryo
advanced stages of the pregnancy and at the Diagnosis of a multiple pregnancy
time of delivery, consist in the symphysis- Establishing the gestation age
fundus uteri distance (SFD) as well as the Establishing fetal growth with the aid of growth
cardiotocography (simultaneous recording of curves
infantile heart beats and maternal labor activity). Determining the fetal position
Moreover, the first infantile movements, with Determining the fetal morphology and sex
those giving birth for the first time (primipara) Determining the position and morphology of the
after the 18th week (20th week after the LMP), placenta
with those giving birth again (pluripara) after the Determining the volume of amniotic fluid
16th week (18th week after the LMP), can yield Examining regions outside the cavum uteri
a surprisingly precise due-date.
Like no other method an ultrasound
examination makes it possible to obtain
information - non-invasively - about the
gestation age and thus about the upcoming
date of birth, as well as about the intactness of
the gravidity.
Más información: diagnóstico por ultrasonidos

Very early picture of an Ultrasound image of a multiple

incipient pregnancy. An echo- pregnancy. Ultrasound image from
yielding zone of a few millimeters a triplet pregnancy in the 11th week.
indicates an incipient pregnancy.
This picture shows the young
embryo shortly after the

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