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Report of Case 8tudy


repared Ior
Shadat khan (S1N)
MG1 3S114
Date of Subm|ss|on 17
Cctober 2011

repared 8y
Meh|aka Iarooque ID NC 0910836030
2a[|ba 1arannum ID NC 1010016030
San[|da Makbu| ID NC 1010021030
San[ana 1azr|n ID NC 1020109030
1 now wou|d you descr|be SALLS DkIVLk? What |s the app||cat|on serv|ce prov|der
|ndustry? now wou|d you descr|be the |abor market for the advert|sed port|on?
Ans 1hrough daLa cenLre over lnLerneL AS managed and dellvered sofLware appllcaLlons
Lo mulLlple users CompuLer hardware and sofLware lndusLrles and neLwork servlce
provlders and lnLerneL servlce provlders were lnvolved ln Lhe AS lndusLry no sofLware or
hardware lnsLallaLlons were requlred Cnly web browsers and lnLerneL connecLlon were
requlred wlLh whlch appllcaLlon could be monlLored
A Lyplcal sales drlver conLesL sLarLed wlLh a sales manager of a parLlclpaLlng company
logged on Lo Lhe slLe and a bulldlng conLesL by chooslng a preseL Lheme enLerlng names
seLLlng parameLers and launchlng conLesL provldlng webslLe address Lo sales Leam
members Sales managers would keep Lrack by enLerlng sales LoLals of each Leam members
onLo Lhe sale's drlver slLe 8y logglng on Lo Lhe lnLerneL access polnL Lhey could compare
Lhelr performances Lo Lhelr fellow colleagues 1he maln moLlve of Lhe sales drlver was Lo
hold conLesLs free of charge Lo companles
1he labor markeL was sufferlng a ma[or shorLage of quallfled and efflclenL employees L
buslness employers had Lo be careful ln chooslng employees as Lhe employees were very
savvy and knowledgeable abouL wanLs and needs CandldaLes had Lo have managerlal
markeLlng and selllng skllls 8ecause of such flerce compeLlLlon employers became very
creaLlve ln recrulLlng hlrlng and reLenLlon sLraLegles L buslness companles sLarLed
rewardlng aLLracLlve bonuses salary and proflL sharlng conLrlbuLlons were esLabllshed for
aLLracLlng employees
2 Sa|es Dr|ver (A)
a What |s your eva|uat|on of Su|||van?
Ans As Mark Sulllvan had 20 years of hlghLechnology sales and buslness developmenL
experlence he seemed Lo possess cerLaln skllls experlence and conLacLs needed Lo bulld
Salesurlver's sales force as Lhe vlcepresldenL of sales Sulllvan also had 13 oLher [ob
prospecLs aL Lhe presenL polnL ln Llme along wlLh Lhe pendlng offer from Salesurlver
Pavlng such a compeLenL vlcepresldenL of sales llke Sulllvan could be a key Lo achleve
Salesurlver's revenue LargeLs Conslderlng Lhese facLors Sulllvan could be Lhe rlghL person
for Salesurlver as Lhe vlcepresldenL of sales Lo move Lhe company ahead wlLh Llme

b What quest|ons w||| you ask |n the upcom|ng meet|ng w|th Su|||van?
Ans Mark Sulllvan has goL all Lhe capablllLles LhaL Lhe company founders are looklng Lo
have ln Lhelr sales vlcepresldenL As Lhey wanL Lo hlre Sulllvan as early as posslble Lhey
mlghL ask Lhe followlng few quesLlons ln Lhe upcomlng meeLlng wlLh hlm
Os he lnLeresLed Lo work wlLh !oel Sllver and kelLh Mcspurren regardlng Lhe salary beneLs Lhey are
golng Lo oer?
Ouoes he know abouL Lhe organlzauon?
OJould he Lake Lhe responslblllLy for leadlng a group of sales people developlng and
lmplemenLlng Salesurlver's cusLomer acqulslLlon sLraLegy and managlng reseller
O Jould he help Lhe company Lo achleve lLs goals and hlre hls own sLaffs for sales as Lhe
markeL ls geLLlng more dlfflculL?

c What d|fferences do you ant|c|pate between your expectat|ons and Su|||van's
expectat|ons? now do you |ntend to reconc||e these d|fferences?
Ans 1he dlerence beLween ln expecLauon beLween us and Sulllvan can be LhaL we wanL Lo work
wlLh hlm buL noL sure wheLher he would also llke Lo work wlLh us or noL 1he declslon Lo hlre a vlce
resldenL of sales had Lo be made ln a very shorL ume perlod so Lhere sull remalns some rlsk of
hlrlng Lhe wrong person L can also be LhaL Sulllvans's expecLauon of salary and equlLy sLake much
hlgher Lhan we wlll be oerlng Lo hlm as he ls an experlonced worker Ls noL posslble for us Lo know
how much oLhers are wllllng Lo oer hlm as he currenLly has 13 oLher [ob oers Pe may also noL
wllllng Lo [oln a company whlch has noL yeL gone publlc and unsure wheLher Lhe comany can achleve
lLs goal
1he dlerences can be reconclled ln Lhe followlng ways
O 8y maklng hlm feel he ls Lhe rlghL person for Lhe [ob f he ls Lhe rlghL person he should be eager
Lo work wlLh us
O 8y looklng aL Lhe compaublllLy beLween us and hlm LhaL we can work LogeLher and LhaL ls Lhe
mosL lmporLanL Lhlng more Lhan [ob salary and equlLy sLake
O Pe can have full falLh on Lhe goal of Lhe company as many lnvesLors are wllllng Lo lnvesL and
many poLenual cusLomers are calllng for lnformauon
3 Sa|es Dr|ver (8)
a What |s your eva|uat|on of sa|es dr|ver?
Ans Sales urlver an onllne sales managemenL conLesL servlce ls founded by !oel Sllver
and kelLh Mcspurren 8oLh of Lhem are graduaLed from Parvard and came up wlLh Lhe
ldea of Lhls pro[ecL whlle Lhey were worklng LogeLher aL rocLer Camble n order Lo
mouvaLe sales people Lhey oer lncenuves such as cash Lrlps Lrophles eLc 1hls would
lncrease compeuuon among Lhe sales people and would encourage Lhem Lo make more
sales for Lhelr company 1hls was a new pro[ecL for everyone and Lhey had no
comeuuors Lo worry ln Lhe markeL 1he comany ls very well funded whlch shows Lhe
lnLeresL of many poLenual lnvesLors and also Lhelr LrusL on Lhem nlually Lhey sLarLed
wlLh uS $230000 and now Lhey have uS $33mllllon Sales urlver was esLabllshed aer
years of research and hard work by Lhe founders 1hey had a broad concepL and
developed an emclenL and lnnovauve buslness Lool for sales people Powever Lhey also
need Lo focus on hlrlng oLher vlcepresldenLs of oLher deparLmenLs besldes focuslng
only on Sulllvan 1he company's ob[ecuve ls Lo lncreaslng or malnLalnlng sales bulldlng
cusLomer loyalLy and lmprovlng cuLsLomer servlce
Looklng aL Lhe currenL slLuauon lL glves a posluve lmpacL for Lhose who would wanL
Lo work/lnvesL on Lhem 1helr goal ls achlevable

b What quest|ons w||| you ask |n the upcom|ng meet|ng w|th S||ver and McSpuren?
Ans 1he followlng quesLlons could be asked ln Lhe upcomlng meeLlng wlLh Sllver
and Mcspuren by Sulllvan
O JhaL wlll be expecLed Lo do ln Lhls [ob?
O JhaL amounL of responslblllLy wlll be glven regardlng buslness declslons?
O Jlll my experlence and skllls be properly appllcable ln Lhls [ob?
O JhaL rlsks can be lnvolved ln Lhls occupaLlon lf any?
O f a problem arlses LhaL ls beyond my experLlse wlll Lhe company supporL me?
O 8esldes salary and sLakes wlll Lhey offer any oLher beneflLs? f so whaL are

c What d|fferences do you ant|c|pate between your expectat|ons and Sa|es Dr|ver's
expectat|ons? now do you |ntend to reconc||e these d|fferences?
Ans 1he Sales drlver's expecLaLlons may be Lo hlre someone very qulckly and laLer Lhey
may have doubLs or second LhoughLs abouL Lhe new hlred vlce presldenL 1hey're
expecLaLlons are Loo hlgh of Mark Sulllvan Lhey should have an alLernaLlve opLlon lf
lncase lL does noL work ouL wlLh hlm
1o reconclle Lhe dlfference Lhey should Lry Lo conslder geLLlng more candldaLes on Lhe
llsL lncase Sulllvan does noL accepL Lhelr offer 8aLher Lhan Lrylng Lo convlnce Sulllvan
wlLh hlgh salary Lhey should Lry Lo convlnce hlm wlLh oLher beneflLs llke empowermenL
sLake opLlons eLc

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