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Lffect|ve emp|oyee retent|on strateg|es key to reduce attr|t|on |n 8C

lnLelllgenL employers always reallze Lhe lmporLance of reLalnlng Lhe besL LalenL 8eLalnlng LalenLhas
never been so lmporLanL ln Lhe lndlan scenarlo however Lhlngs have changed ln recenL yearsln
promlnenL lndlan meLros aL leasL Lhere ls no dearLh of opporLunlLles for Lhe besL ln Lhebuslness or even
for Lhe second or Lhe Lhlrd besL 8eLenLlon of key employees and LreaLlngaLLrlLlon Lroubles has never
been so lmporLanL Lo companles ln an lnLensely compeLlLlve envlronmenL where P8 managers are
poachlng from each oLherorganlzaLlons can elLher hold on Lo Lhelr employees LlghL or lose Lhem Lo
compeLlLlon lor gone areLhe days when employees would sLlck Lo an employer for years for wanL of a
beLLer cholce nowopporLunlLles aboundlL ls a facL LhaL reLenLlon of key employees ls crlLlcal Lo Lhe
longLerm healLh and success of anyorganlzaLlon 1he performance of employees ls ofLen llnked dlrecLly
Lo quallLy work cusLomersaLlsfacLlon lncreased producL sales and even Lo Lhe lmage of a company
Whereas Lhe same lsofLen lndlrecLly llnked Lo saLlsfled colleagues and reporLlng sLaff effecLlve
successlon plannlngand deeply embedded organlzaLlonal knowledge and learnlng Lmployee reLenLlon
maLLers as organlzaLlonal lssues such as Lralnlng Llme and lnvesLmenL cosLlycandldaLe search eLc are
lnvolved Pence falllng Lo reLaln a key employee ls a cosLly proposlLlonfor any organlzaLlon varlous
esLlmaLes suggesL LhaL loslng a mlddle manager ln mosLorganlsaLlons LranslaLes Lo a loss of up Lo flve
Llmes hls salary 1hls mlghL be worse for 8Ccompanles where fresh LalenL ls lnLenslvely Lralned and
lnducLed and Lhen furLher groomed Lo Lhesuccesslve sLages ln Lhls scenarlo Lhe loss of a mlddle
manager can ofLen prove dear
Why people leave
ln an lndusLry llke 8C Lhe work can ofLen be monoLonous and opporLunlLles for career growLhmlnlmal
So when opporLunlLles beckon Lhe hlgh raLe of aLLrlLlon ls noL surprlslng Powever Lhereare some
common reasons LhaL especlally cause people Lo leave Surveys have llsLed nlghL shlfLsmoney lnablllLy
Lo handle varlous Lypes of sLress monoLonous work company pollcles lack of career growLh problems
wlLh Lhose ln senlor poslLlons eLc as some of Lhe mosL common reasonsllsLed by 8C employees as
reasons for qulLLlng [obs
llndlng Lhe cause
Pave a survey among employees Lo flnd Lhe reasons for aLLrlLlon lf posslble have exlL lnLervlewsLo
know Lhe reasons for reslgnaLlons lf a key employee reslgns lL should be Laken up on a prlorlLybasls and
Lhe senlor managemenL should meeL Lhe employee Lo dlscuss hls reasons for leavlngand evaluaLe
wheLher hls lssues bear merlL and wheLher Lhey can be resolved SLeps can be LakenLo avold slmllar
reasons from occurrlng ln Lhe case of oLhers ln slmllar poslLlons
WhaL can be done?
1hough lL ls lmposslble Lo scrap problems LoLally Lhere are cerLaln ways by whlch 8CmanagemenLs
can Lackle aLLrlLlon Slnce Lhe 8C envlronmenL ls unlque Lhese companles need Lodevelop lnnovaLlve
ways Lo Lackle Lhem Puman 8esources deparLmenL of a 8C musL addressLhese lssues and along wlLh
Lhe managemenL need Lo evolve sLraLegles Lo reLaln employees aL alllevels
AL Lhe Llme of 8ecrulLmenL

SelecL Lhe rlghL people Lhrough compeLency screenlng

use psychomeLrlc LesLs Lo geL people who can work aL nlghL and handle Lhe monoLony

Cffer an aLLracLlve compeLlLlve beneflLs package

Make clear of performance enhanced lncenLlves and oLher beneflLs keep Lhese promlseslaLer

8Cs can seL up offlces ln smaller Lowns or recrulL from Lhere where opporLunlLles are few
AL Lhe offlce

An employees work musL be communlcaLed Lo hlm clearly and Lhoroughly 1he deLalls of Lhe [ob lLs
lmporLance Lhe way lL should be done maxlmum Llme LhaL can be alloLLed LocompleLe lL eLc musL be
made clear lf Lhere are changes Lo any of Lhese leL Lheemployee know aL Lhe earllesL

Clve Lhe employees necessary Lools Llme and Lralnlng 1he employee musL have Lhe LoolsLlme and
Lralnlng necessary Lo do Lhelr [ob well or Lhey wlll move Lo an employer whoprovldes Lhem

Pave a person Lo Lalk Lo each employee aL regular lnLervals LlsLen and solve employeecomplalnLs and
problems as much as posslble lalrness and lmparLlal LreaLmenL by senlorsls lmporLanL Pelp employees
manage sLress boLh aL work and lf posslble off work LooClve Lhem speclal concesslons when ln need
1reaL Lhe employees well provlde dlgnlLy of [ob

1he quallLy of Lhe supervlslon an employee recelves ls crlLlcal Lo employee reLenLlonlrequenL
employee complalnLs arlse on Lhls lssue

rovlde Lhe employees a sLress free work envlronmenL eople wanL Lo en[oy Lhelr workMake work and
work place cheerful and funfllled as posslble

Make sure LhaL employees know LhaL Lhelr work ls lmporLanL for Lhe organlsaLlon leellngvalued by Lhelr
employer ls key Lo hlgh employee moLlvaLlon and morale 8ecognlze LhelrsLrengLhs and help Lhem Lo
lmprove Lhose Lhey lack

Lmployees musL feel rewarded recognlsed and appreclaLed Clvlng perlodlcal ralse lnsalary or poslLlon
helps Lo reLaln sLaff

Cffer excellenL career growLh prospecLs Lncourage groom employees Lo Lake up hlgher
poslLlons/openlngs lf Lhey donL geL opporLunlLy for growLh wlLhln Lhe organlsaLlon Lhey wlll look
elsewhere for lL

Workllfe balance lnlLlaLlves are lmporLanL lnnovaLlve and pracLlcal employee pollclesperLalnlng Lo
flexlble worklng hours and schemes granLlng compasslonaLe and urgencyleave provldlng healLhcare for
self famlly and dependanLs eLc are lmporLanL for mosLpeople Workllfe balance pollcles would have a
poslLlve lmpacL on reLalnlng skllledemployees as well as on aLLracLlng hlghcallbre recrulLs

lmplemenL compeLency models whlch are well lnLegraLed wlLh P8 processes llke selecLlon
recrulLmenLs Lralnlng performance appralsal and poLenLlal appralsal
nlghL shlfLs
1Pave docLors Lo advlse Lhem abouL healLh problems and Lhe ways and means Lo deal wlLhLhem
rovlde dleLary advlce uos and donLs Pelp Lhem Lo malnLaln Lhelr healLh2Crganlse programmes
where people from oLher professlons who have nlghL shlfLs Lalk Lo8C employees abouL Lhelr
experlences CLher organlsaLlons llke Army 8allways PosplLalsand varlous governmenL servlces eLc
also have nlghL shlfLs3Crganlse Lralnlng counselllng and developmenL programmes for employees 1ell
Lhem LhaLLhelr work ls lmporLanL Lncourage Lhe besL performers Lo share Lhelr experlences wlLhoLhers
and gulde oLhers 1he emphasls ls Lo creaLe Lhe deslre Lo learn en[oy and bepasslonaLe abouL Lhe work
Lhey do4lf needed provlde speclal llghLs ln Lhe offlce/workplace Lo ensure LhaL Lhelr bodles
geLsufflclenL vlLamln u3Cne dlsLlncL dlsadvanLage of nlghL shlfLs ls Lhe sense of dlsorlenLaLlon wlLh
frlends andfamlly members ConcenLraLe on Lhls problem and develop lnnovaLlve soluLlons and waysLo
deal wlLh lL AddlLlonal holldays for work on naLlonal holldays and fesLlvals holldays forfamlly funcLlons
eLc can go a long way
As Lhey say happlness can be conLaglous So make sure Lhe work place ls a happy one whlchevery
employee would love Lo spend Llme Puman resources deparLmenL along wlLh senlormanagemenL musL
Lake sLeps Lo make sure of LhlsLffecLlve human resource managemenL musL be pracLlced aL boLh
sLraLeglc and dayLoday levelsP8 managemenL pracLlces musL reflecL company pollcy as Lo how lL wlll
manage and relaLe Lo lLsemployees 1he P8 sLraLegy should evolve from a LransacLlonal supporL role Lo
parLnerlng ln LheorganlsaLlons buslness sLraLegy P8 musL Lake sLeps Lo be aware of employee problems
and Lry Losolve Lhem creaLlvely

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