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1ab|e of Contents

1op|c age No
1 lnLroducLlon 2
2 ueflnlLlon of CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy 3
3 CLher deflnlLlons of CS8 3
4 PlsLorlcal erspecLlve of CS8 4
3 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy ln 8angladesh 3
6 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of l8M 7
7 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of Crameenphone 7
8 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of 8obl 8
9 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of uuLch8angla 8ank 8
10 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of unllever 8angladesh 8
11 CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy LffecLs on Lconomy 9
12 Concluslon 10
12 8eferences 10

age 2 of 10


8uslness houses rlghL from Lhe lncepLlon of human race have been regarded as consLrucLlve
parLners ln Lhe communlLles ln whlch Lhey operaLe 1hough Lhey have been lnsLrumenLal ln
creaLlng employmenL wealLh producLs and servlces yeL Lhe pressure on buslness Lo play a
role ln soclal lssues lnvolvlng employees sLakeholders socleLy envlronmenL governmenL eLc
ls conLlnuously lncreaslng 1he socleLy ls quesLlonlng Lhe exlsLence of buslness houses
especlally ln Lhe wake of Lhe scandals and scams conducLed by Lhe buslness houses llke u1l
Lnron and WorldCom ln response Lo lL Lhe organlzaLlons around Lhe globe are forced Lo wake
up Lo Lhe need for belng commlLLed Lowards CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy
Cver Lhe years Lhls concepL of CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) has galned unprecedenLed
momenLum ln buslness and publlc debaLe and has become a sLraLeglc lssue crosslng Lhe
deparLmenLal boundarles and affecLlng Lhe way ln whlch a company does buslness lL has
become so lmporLanL LhaL many organlzaLlons have rebranded Lhelr core values Lo lnclude
soclal responslblllLy AlmosL all corporaLe webslLes/ pollcles/reporLs Lalk abouL Lhelr endeavors
for CS8 whlch has become a way of ensurlng LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon ls fulfllllng all Lhe obllgaLlons
Lowards socleLy and Lhus ls ellglble for Lhe llcense Lo operaLe lL assures LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon
can grow on susLalnable basls

1hese acLlvlLles of CS8 ranglng from small donaLlons Lo blgger pro[ecLs for soclal welfare
susLalnable pracLlces dlffer from organlzaLlon Lo organlzaLlon dependlng on Lhe resources
avallable Lo an organlzaLlon for underLaklng susLalnable pracLlces 8uslness pracLlces of blg and
successful companles wlLh plenLy of resources aL Lhelr end have seL Lhe Lrend for belng
commlLLed Lo susLalnable pracLlces Such buslness houses around Lhe globe show Lhelr
commlLmenL Lo soclal responslblllLy ln lndla Lhe lnlLlaLlves of uabur lndla LlmlLed for
example whlch commenced Sundesh ln 1993 a nonproflL organlzaLlon wlLh an alm Lo
promoLe research and welfare acLlvlLles ln rural areas are appreclable Cn Lhe same Lrack Lo
fulflll lLs urge Lo do someLhlng for communlLy 8haraL eLroleum CorporaLlon LlmlLed has
adopLed 37 vlllages as Lhelr responslblllLy Lo develop ln all walks of llfe lL has made efforLs Lo
make Lhem selfrellanL provlded Lhem fresh drlnklng waLer sanlLaLlon faclllLles medlcal
faclllLles vocaLlonal Lralnlng and llLeracy camps Around lLs lndusLrlal faclllLles 1aLa Croup has
creaLed Lowns and clLles llke !amshedpur MlLhapur 8abrala for Lhe beneflL of lLs employees
Cadbury lndla Claxo and 8lchardson PlndusLan are some of Lhe companles whlch are helplng
farmers Lo grow crops whlch ln Lurn shall serve as raw maLerlals for Lhem (1rlpaLhl 8eddy

AlLhough Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of such acLlvlLles lnvolves Llme efforL and resources yeL Lhe
buslness houses have reallzed LhaL lL (CS8) ls one of Lhe lmporLanL ways ln whlch an
organlzaLlon can dlsLlngulsh lLself from lLs compeLlLors 1he Langlble and lnLanglble beneflLs
assoclaLed wlLh for organlzaLlon are lmmense A powerful Lool llke CS8 noL only enhances Lhe
brand lmage and repuLaLlon of Lhe buslness buL also leads Lo lmprovemenL ln sales and
cusLomer loyalLy and lncreased ablllLy Lo aLLracL and reLaln employees 8y caplLallzlng on lL
Lhe organlzaLlons can lmprove Lhelr flnanclal performance and aLLracL more lnvesLmenL wlLh
lmmense economlc value 1he word CS8 has as a resulL occupled very lmporLanL place ln Lhe
plans and sLraLegles of Lhe organlzaLlons ln Lhe presenL era

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Def|n|t|on of Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty

CorporaLe soclal responslblllLy (CS8) also known as corporaLe responslblllLy corporaLe
clLlzenshlp responslble buslness susLalnable responslble buslness (S88) or corporaLe soclal
performance ls a form of corporaLe
selfregulaLlon lnLegraLed lnLo a buslness model ldeally CS8 pollcy would funcLlon as a bullLln
selfregulaLlng mechanlsm whereby buslness would monlLor and ensure lLs adherence Lo law
eLhlcal sLandards and lnLernaLlonal norms 8uslness would embrace responslblllLy for Lhe
lmpacL of Lhelr acLlvlLles on Lhe envlronmenL consumers employees communlLles
sLakeholders and all oLher members of Lhe publlc sphere lurLhermore buslness would
proacLlvely promoLe Lhe publlc lnLeresL by encouraglng communlLy growLh and developmenL
and volunLarlly ellmlnaLlng pracLlces LhaL harm Lhe publlc sphere regardless of legallLy
LssenLlally CS8 ls Lhe dellberaLe lncluslon of publlc lnLeresL lnLo corporaLe declslonmaklng
and Lhe honorlng of a Lrlple boLLom llne eople laneL roflLs 1he pracLlce of CS8 ls sub[ecL
Lo much debaLe and crlLlclsm roponenLs argue LhaL Lhere ls a sLrong buslness case for CS8 ln
LhaL corporaLlons beneflL ln mulLlple ways by operaLlng wlLh a perspecLlve broader and longer
Lhan Lhelr own lmmedlaLe shorLLerm proflLs CrlLlcs argue LhaL CS8 dlsLracLs from Lhe
fundamenLal economlc role of buslnesses oLhers argue LhaL lL ls noLhlng more Lhan superflclal
wlndowdresslng oLhers yeL argue LhaL lL ls an aLLempL Lo preempL Lhe role of governmenLs as
a waLchdog over powerful mulLlnaLlonal corporaLlons CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy has been
redeflned LhroughouL Lhe years Powever lL essenLlally ls LlLled Lo ald Lo an organlzaLlons
mlsslon as well as a gulde Lo whaL Lhe company sLands for and wlll uphold Lo lLs consumers

Cther def|n|t|ons of CSk

1he noLlon of companles looklng beyond proflLs Lo Lhelr role ln socleLy ls generally Lermed
corporaLe soclal responslblllLy (CS8)lL refers Lo a company llnklng lLself wlLh eLhlcal values
Lransparency employee relaLlons compllance wlLh legal requlremenLs and overall respecL for
Lhe communlLles ln whlch Lhey operaLe lL goes beyond Lhe occaslonal communlLy servlce
acLlon however as CS8 ls a corporaLe phllosophy LhaL drlves sLraLeglc declslonmaklng parLner
selecLlon hlrlng pracLlces and ulLlmaLely brand developmenL

5ootb cbloo Motoloq lost 2002)

1he soclal responslblllLy of buslness encompasses Lhe economlc legal eLhlcal and
dlscreLlonary expecLaLlons LhaL socleLy has of organlzaLlons aL a glven polnL ln Llme

Atcble 8 cottoll 1979

CS8 ls abouL buslnesses and oLher organlzaLlons golng beyond Lhe legal obllgaLlons Lo manage
Lhe lmpacL Lhey have on Lhe envlronmenL and socleLy ln parLlcular Lhls could lnclude how
organlzaLlons lnLeracL wlLh Lhelr employees suppllers cusLomers and Lhe communlLles ln
whlch Lhey operaLe as well as Lhe exLenL Lhey aLLempL Lo proLecL Lhe envlronmenL

age 4 of 10

@be lostltote of ultectots uk 2002

CS8 ls a means of analyzlng Lhe lnLerdependenL relaLlonshlps LhaL exlsL beLween buslnesses
and economlc sysLems and Lhe communlLles wlLhln whlch Lhey are based CS8 ls a means of
dlscusslng Lhe exLenL of any obllgaLlons a buslness has Lo lLs lmmedlaLe socleLy a way of
proposlng pollcy ldeas on how Lhose obllgaLlons can be meL as well as a Lool by whlch Lhe
beneflLs Lo a buslness for meeLlng Lhose obllgaLlons can be ldenLlfled

n|stor|ca| erspect|ve of CSk
CS8 ls a noLlon ln whlch flrms lncorporaLe communal and ecologlcal lssues ln Lhelr buslness
operaLlons and ln Lhelr lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhelr sLakeholders volunLarlly lL ls clalmed LhaL
corporaLlons should acL boLh responslbly and eLhlcally 8uL Lhls goal ls complex and very hard
Lo achleve lL seems LhaL corporaLlons now face a baLLle beLween Lhelr moLlve of proflL maklng
and Lhe ldeologles of CS8 lf a Lable of Lhe confllcLlng goals of proflL maklng and adopLlon of
CS8 ldeologles ls drawn
roflL maxlmlzaLlon AdvocaLes Soclal responslblllLy AdvocaLes
Coal roflL maxlmlzaLlon LLhlcal and soclally responslble behavlor
LLhlcal uuLy Cnly follow eLhlcal norms
Lmbodled ln laws
Co beyond duLles lmposed by laws conslder
lnLeresLs of a wlde varleLy of groups
8eneflL MaxlmlzaLlon of LoLal
economlc welfare
Lnhanced quallLy of llfe for all of socleLy
1he Lerm Soclally responslble means saLlsfylng legal obllgaLlons and also Laklng a sLep
beyond and lnvesLlng some porLlon of Lhe proflL lnLo human caplLal Lhe envlronmenL and ln
LrusLworLhy relaLlonshlp bulldlng wlLh sLakeholders lL ls appllcable Lo all sorLs of companles
from MSMLs Lo MulLlnaLlonal LnLerprlses (MnLs) CulLe a few bunches of companles wlLh
good soclal sLandlng and envlronmenLal records suggesL LhaL CS8 acLlvlLles can be Lhe cause
behlnd beLLer performance and can also produce more revenue and growLh Companles LhaL
are soclally responslble usually generaLe saLlsfacLory flnanclal reLurns Some lnLernal areas of
buslness LhaL are lnfluenced by CS8 are human resources managemenL healLh and safeLy
durlng work ad[usLmenL Lo changes and managemenL of envlronmenLal lmpacL and naLural
resources 1he exLernal areas lnclude local communlLles buslness parLners suppllers and
consumers human rlghLs and global envlronmenLal lssues CS8 may lnclude arranglng a slmple
soclal servlce evenL for Lhe communlLy ln Lhe conLexL of 8angladesh many MnCs and local
companles pracLlce CS8 MnCs are lnfluenced by Lhelr own LS88 Lo pracLlce CS8 buL mosL of
Lhe buslnesses based ln 8angladesh show relucLance Lo pracLlce CS8 unless Lhey are forced by
Lhe forelgn buyers provlded Lhe buslness ls an exporLorlenLed one

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Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty |n 8ang|adesh

CS8 concepLs and pracLlces ln 8angladesh have a long hlsLory of phllanLhroplc acLlvlLles from
Llme lmmemorlal 1hese phllanLhroplc acLlvlLles lncluded donaLlons Lo dlfferenL charlLable
organlzaLlons poor people and rellglous lnsLlLuLlons 1lll now mosL of Lhe buslnesses ln
8angladesh are famlly owned and flrsL generaLlon buslnesses 1hey are lnvolved ln communlLy
developmenL work ln Lhe form of charlLy wlLhouL havlng any deflnlLe pollcy regardlng Lhe
expenses or any concreLe moLlve regardlng flnanclal galns ln many lnsLances Moreover mosL
of Lhe SMLs fall under Lhe lnformal secLor havlng low managemenL sLrucLure and resources Lo
address Lhe soclal and envlronmenLal lssues 1hese llmlLaLlons drlve Lhe Lop managemenL of
local companles Lo Lhlnk only abouL Lhe proflL maxlmlzaLlon raLher Lhan dolng buslness
conslderlng Lhe Lrlple boLLom llne proflL planeL and people (CS8 deflnlLlon of LoLus Poldlngs)

1he dlscusslons on CS8 pracLlces ln 8angladesh ln lLs modern global Lerms are relaLlvely new
buL noL so for Lhe concepL lLself 8ecause belng a parL of Lhe global markeL lL ls dlfflculL Lo
lgnore CS8 sLandard speclflcally ln Lhe exporL secLor ln general lL ls Lrue LhaL ln 8angladesh
Lhe sLaLus of labor rlghLs pracLlces envlronmenLal managemenL and Lransparency ln corporaLe
governance are noL saLlsfacLory largely due Lo poor enforcemenL of exlsLlng laws and
lnadequaLe pressure from clvll socleLy and lnLeresL groups llke Consumer lorums Clobally as
CS8 pracLlces are gradually belng lnLegraLed lnLo lnLernaLlonal buslness pracLlces and hence ls
becomlng one of Lhe deLermlnlng facLors for markeL accesses lL ls becomlng equally
lnsLrumenLal for local accepLablllLy A focus on CS8 ln 8angladesh would be useful noL only for
lmprovlng corporaLe governance labor rlghLs work place safeLy falr LreaLmenL of workers
communlLy developmenL and envlronmenL managemenL buL also for lndusLrlallzaLlon and
ensurlng global markeL access

Slnce CS8 enLalls worklng wlLh sLakeholders lL ls lmporLanL Lo work from wlLhln and dlagnose
Lhe sLakeholders concerns so LhaL CS8 ls Lruly embedded ln Lhe companles 8y now many CS8
dlmenslons are pracLlced ln 8angladesh 1he SMLs largely depend upon exporL 1he uS and Lu
buyers seL guldellnes Lo 8eadymade CarmenL (8MC) lndusLry Lo ensure Lhe sLandards 1he
1992 Parklns 8lll and subsequenL consumer and lndusLry boycoLL of 8MC producLs by uSA and
Lhe consequenL remedlal moves by local 8MC secLor ls one example Moreover some buyers
from Lu vlslLed Lhe slLes of recenLly collapsed garmenLs facLorles A Lemporary ban was also
lmposed on shrlmp exporL Lo Lhe Lu on healLh and hyglenlc sLandard and approprlaLe remedlal
acLlon followed ln LhaL lnsLance Loo 8uL some of Lhe exporLers found dlfflculLy ln convlnclng
Lhe uS/Lu buyers Lo have poslLlve aLLlLude Lowards 8angladesh due Lo lnadequaLe CS8

8uslnessmen need Lo recognlze Lhe lmpllcaLlons of CS8 for buslness acLlvlLles Companles are
faclng Lhe challenges of adapLlng effecLlvely Lo Lhe changlng envlronmenL ln Lhe conLexL of
globallzaLlon and ln parLlcular ln Lhe exporL secLor AlLhough Consumer 8lghLs MovemenL
enforcemenL of governmenL regulaLlons and a sLrucLured vlew regardlng Lhe economlc
lmporLance of C8S are noL yeL so wldespread ln Lhe corporaLe world ln 8angladesh companles
have gradually been aLLachlng more lmporLance Lo CS8 ln Lhe local markeL as well 1hey are
lncreaslngly aware LhaL CS8 can be of dlrecL economlc value Companles can conLrlbuLe Lo
soclal and envlronmenLal ob[ecLlves Lhrough lnLegraLlng CS8 as a sLraLeglc lnvesLmenL lnLo

age 6 of 10

Lhelr core buslness sLraLegy managemenL lnsLrumenLs and operaLlons 1hls ls an lnvesLmenL
noL a cosL much llke quallLy managemenL So buslness organlzaLlons can Lhereby have an
lncluslve flnanclal commerclal and soclal approach leadlng Lo a long Lerm sLraLegy mlnlmlzlng
rlsks llnked Lo uncerLalnLy

CS8 ln 8angladesh can also conLrlbuLe a loL Lo communlLy developmenL 1he corporaLe house
can develop Lhe communlLy by creaLlng employmenL provldlng prlmary educaLlon
conLrlbuLlon Lo lnfrasLrucLure developmenL llke road and hlghways and addresslng
envlronmenLal concerns 1hls ls more relevanL for a counLry llke 8angladesh where Lhe
governmenL lnLervenLlons ln Lhese flelds augmenLed by corporaLe alllance can go a long way ln
developlng Lhe economy socleLy and envlronmenL

Lack of enforcemenL of lndusLrlal Laws and 8egulaLlons weak unlons absence of consumer
rlghLs groups and hlgh level of corrupLlon wlLhln Lhe regulaLory bodles make CS8 vlolaLlon
rampanL ln 8angladesh 1wo mosL slgnlflcanL forelgn exchange sources ls Lhe 8MC secLor and
Lhe overseas manpower exporL unbellevably low compensaLlon worklng hours
healLh/hyglene/sanlLaLlon condlLlons flre safeLy and varlous Lypes of abuse are so common
and Lo Lhe exLenL of lnhumanlLy LhaL wlll shock any consclenLlous lndlvldual Lo Lhe core
8ecenLly Lhe 8MC secLor employees have embarked on a lndusLry wlde movemenL Lo
esLabllsh Lhelr rlghLs

Cverseas workers are mosLly explolLed by recrulLlng agencles whereas Lhese rural and mosLly
llllLeraLe people have Lo sell all Lhelr belonglngs becomlng paupers and borrow money aL very
hlgh lnLeresL Cwlng Lo cheaLlng by Lhe recrulLers and unlawful behavlor by Lhe overseas
employers many of Lhem are compelled Lo come back as beggars some afLer long
conflnemenL ln overseas [alls Pardly any remedy ls avallable from Lhe law enforclng
agencles Many lndusLrlal unlLs run wlLh halfcenLury old machlnery produclng faLal alr soll
and waLer polluLlons More modern facLorles also donL care Lo lnsLall LffluenL 1reaLmenL
lanLs SLarLlng from lMCCs vegeLables frulLs and all oLher consumable goods adulLeraLlon
abnormal rlpenlng aL Llmes wlLh polsonous elemenLs keeplng flsh fresh wlLh applylng deadly
formalln and all oLher malpracLlce ls rampanL and carefree Cood governance and efflclenL law
enforclng agencles can only solve Lhese pllghLs

AlLhough a developlng counLry because of global compeLlLlveness and demand Lhe CS8
pracLlces and sLandards are belng gradually lmplemenLed ln 8angladesh 8uL Lhere ls a long
way Lo go 1here are challenges Lo lmplemenL CS8 properly ln 8angladesh ulLlmaLely CS8
pracLlces should be beLLer pracLlced ln 8angladesh for beLLer and enhanced performance ln
Lhe publlcaLlon Cood Covernance and MarkeL8ased 8eforms A SLudy of 8angladesh lara
AzmaL and ken Coghlll relaLes Cood Covernance wlLh CS8 by dlscusslng Lhe good governance
lndlcaLors of regulaLory quallLy rule of law and conLrol of corrupLlon ln Lhe conLexL of
8angladesh and analyses how lack of good governance lndlcaLors affecLs Lhe success and
susLalnablllLy of reforms and conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe lack of buslness eLhlcs and CS8 ln 8angladesh

age 7 of 10

Some Lxamp|e of erform|ng Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty Act|v|t|es

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty of I8M

# LducaLlon l8M reallzes Lhe worldwlde power and lmporLance of educaLlon 1hrough ma[or
lnlLlaLlves such as 8elnvesLmenL LducaLlon kldSmarL and pro[ecL ll8S1 Lhe company hopes Lo
promoLe knowledge and skllls LhaL wlll ensure LhaL communlLles Lhrlve around Lhe globe

# AdulL Lralnlng and workforce developmenL l8M lnvesLs ln helplng oLhers Lo use Lechnology
as a powerful Lool ln educaLlon and [ob Lralnlng programs for adulLs 1here ls a speclal focus on
uslng Lechnology Lo broaden opporLunlLles and sLrengLhen programs avallable Lo adulLs ln need
of new skllls and employmenL

# ArLs and CulLure l8Ms supporL of Lhe arLs sLeam from lLs sLrong commlLmenL Lo beLLerlng lLs
communlLles 8y [olnlng wlLh llbrarles museums and oLher culLural lnsLlLuLlons ln exclLlng
parLnershlps LhaL leverage l8M experLlse Lhe company demonsLraLes Lhe crlLlcal role of
Lechnology plays ln enhanclng Lhe arLs

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty of GkAMLLNnCNL

# Safe MoLherhood and lnfanL Care ro[ecL
Crameenphone Safe MoLherhood lnfanL Care ro[ecL ls Lhus deslgned Lo ensure free yeL
quallLy safe moLherhood and lnfanL care servlces Lo poor moLhers and Lhelr lnfanLs LhroughouL
Lhe counLry lL also alms Lo asslsL ln necessary lnfrasLrucLure developmenL and exLenslon of
baslc healLhcare servlces especlally ln Lhe hardLoreach and remoLe areas

# LducaLlon ln collaboraLlon wlLh Crameen Shlkkha an organlzaLlon of Lhe Crameen 8ank
famlly Crameenphone provldes scholarshlp Lo some 100 brlghL buL underprlvlleged sLudenLs
aL dlfferenL academlc levels Lhrough a scholarshlp fund annually lL also provldes educaLlonal
supporL Lo a number of speclal schools 1aurl loundaLlon PAnS CuC and SLlu 1rusL wlLh an
ob[ecLlve Lo ald ln Lhe learnlng process of Lhe glfLed chlldren ln our socleLy Crameenphone ls
also a proud parLner of Lhe LnrlchmenL rogram of 8lshsho ShahlLLo kendro Lhrough whlch free
books are dlsLrlbuLed lL recenLly lnlLlaLed a CS8 pro[ecL Lo publlsh and dlsLrlbuLe lllusLraLed
publlcaLlons on Lhe LlberaLlon War for schoolgolng chlldren wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve Lo lnsplre Lhem
wlLh Lhe herolcs of our freedomflghLers

# llghL agalnsL Plv/AluS Cne of Lhe elghL Mlllennlum uevelopmenL Coals for 8angladesh ls Lo
halL Lhe spread of Plv and AluS by 2013 Pence Crameenphone ls commlLLed Lo work closely
wlLh 8angladesh CovernmenL and concerned developmenL agencles Lo achleve LhaL LargeL
wlLh Lhe alm Lo ralse awareness and advocaLe for necessary pollcy reforms on Plv/AluS
Lhrough dlfferenL communlcaLlon channels

age 8 of 10

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty of kC8I

# 8obl ln 8lshwa LsLema 8obl had Laken lnlLlaLlve of execuLlng varlous acLlvlLles ln 8lshwa
LsLema Lhe 2nd largesL Musllm gaLherlng ln Lhe world afLer Poly Pa[[ ln whlch mllllons of
people came from dlfferenL parLs of Lhe world Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls pllgrlmage Among Lhe
lnlLlaLlves are Lo provlde lnsLanL prlmary alds Lo Lhe pllgrlms Lhrough free medlcal checkup by
a Leam of cerLlfled docLors aL Lhe 8obl volunLary medlcal servlce polnL from mornlng Lo nlghL
8obl also served free pure drlnklng waLer for Lhe pllgrlms of 8lshwa LsLema

# 8obl sLands besldes cold affecLed underprlvlleged people Cn a CS8 campalgn 8obl has
dlsLrlbuLed blankeLs Lo Lhe underprlvlleged people of Lhe counLry

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty of Dutch8ang|a 8ank

# LducaLlon uuLch8angla 8ank provldes a loL of scholarshlp Lo underprlvlleged sLudenLs for
Lhelr educaLlon lL has glven supporL many sLudenLs for hlgher educaLlon lL also arranges
Clymplad of MaLhemaLlcs Lo develop sLudenLs maLhemaLlcal knowledge

# LnvlronmenLal uevelopmenL 1o develop envlronmenL of 8angladesh lL has Laken Lree
planLaLlon programs across Lhe counLry

# Soclal uevelopmenL lL has Laken some necessary sLeps agalnsL dowry and drugs whlch are
Lhe curse of 8angladesh

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty of UNILLVLk 8ANGLADLSn

# ubllc PealLh unllever 8angladesh (pvL) llmlLed lmplemenLs many programs on publlc
healLh 1hey already have Laken lnlLlaLlve for free denLal check up 1hey creaLe consclousness
among Lhe rural people abouL PealLh by Lhelr many acLlvlLles

# ArLs and CulLural developmenL ln 8angladesh for culLural developmenL unllever 8angladesh
(pvL) llmlLed has done many Lhlngs glvlng sponsor Loo much culLural organlzaLlon

age 9 of 10

Corporate Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty Lffects on Lconomy

CS8 ls someLlmes Laken as charlLy or compllancebased lssues 1hls ls Loo narrow a vlew of CS8
lor example an lnnovaLlve way Lo conLrlbuLe soclally ls for flrms Lo buy producLs from vlllage
arLlsans 1he use of such producLs as corporaLe glfLs or for lnLerlor decoraLlon has soclally more
redeemable values Lhan charlLable glvlng CulLe recenLly many companles have sLarLed shlfLlng
Lhelr CS8 Lhlnklng ln allgnmenL wlLh Lhls paradlgm and flnd ouL new avenues Lo be soclally
envlronmenLally and economlcally responslble

1 8enef|t and bus|ness case for CSk approach 1he poLenLlal beneflLs and buslness
case for CS8 dlffers from flrm Lo flrm dependlng on a number of facLors 1hese
lnclude Lhe flrms slze producLs acLlvlLles locaLlon suppllers leadershlp and
repuLaLlon AnoLher facLor ls Lhe approach a flrm Lakes Lo CS8 whlch can vary from
belng lnLernal CS8 lmplemenLaLlon or exLernal CS8 lssues or embrace a sLraLeglcally
CS8 lssue ln Lhe core buslness pracLlce

2 CSk as Lmpowerment Lack of empowermenL and poverLy ls a chronlc and complex
problem for 8angladesh 8angladesh ranks 137Lh among 177 counLrles Moreover
30 of Lhe LoLal populaLlon of 8angladesh llves below Lhe poverLy llne deflned by
less Lhan a dollar a day Some of Lhe ma[or facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhls slLuaLlon are
lnequallLy ln lncome dlsLrlbuLlon lack of access Lo resources lack of access Lo
lnformaLlon and lnadequaLe lnfrasLrucLure 1he rural people of 8angladesh
especlally are deprlved of Lhese faclllLles whlch ls a ma[or lssue Lo break ouL from
Lhe shackles of poverLy prevalllng ln Lhe counLry LmpowermenL ls a key consLlLuenL
Lowards poverLy reducLlon and lL ls a key drlver for susLalnable economlc

3 CSk as 8us|ness Deve|opment roper pracLlces of CS8 ldeologles wlll prove Lo be
very useful for lmprovlng corporaLe governance labor rlghLs safeLy ln work place
unblased LreaLmenL of workers communlLy developmenL and envlronmenL
managemenL and would also prove Lo be useful for ensurlng global markeL access
and lndusLrlallzaLlon CS8 lnvolves worklng wlLh sLakeholders and lL ls vlLal Lo work
from wlLhln and analyze Lhe sLakeholders' concerns so LhaL Lhe ldeologles of CS8
becomes an lnseparable parL of Lhe company nowa days varlous CS8 dlmenslons
are pracLlced ln 8angladesh 1he SMLs are malnly exporL dependenL 1he uS and Lu
buyers provlde guldellnes Lo 8MC lndusLry ln order Lo make sure of Lhe sLandards
Moreover some buyers from Lu wenL Lo see Lhe slLes of recenLly shuL down
garmenLs facLorles uue Lo lnsufflclenL and lnapproprlaLe CS8 pracLlce ln
8angladesh A Lemporary ban on shrlmp exporL Lo Lu was lmposed based on healLh
and hyglenlc sLandard and approprlaLe remedlal acLlon was followed lmmedlaLely
a 8uL some of Lhe exporLers found dlfflculLy ln convlnclng Lhe uS/Lu buyers Lo
have poslLlve aLLlLude Lowards 8angladesh afLer Lhls lncldenL

age 10 of 10

4 CSk as Soc|a| |nvestment (|nc|ud|ng Corporate h||anthropy) lL capLures all Lhe
acLlvlLles relaLed Lo healLh educaLlon sklll bulldlng caplLal supporL communlLy
capaclLy bulldlng and many oLhers acLlvlLles LhaL are meanL Lo promoLe publlc good
ln Lhe socleLy up Lo now corporaLe phllanLhropy by donaLlng money company
producLs Llme or efforL Lo supporL school mosque hosplLal rellef durlng severe
floodlng or cyclone ls Lhe mosL evldenL and popular mechanlsm for Lhese acLlvlLles
lor example lnvesLlng ln charlLable soclal buslness worklng wlLh Lralnlng lnsLlLuLes
Lo provlde Lralnlng Lo Lhe poor supporLlng mlcro and small enLerprlses ln
Lechnology Lransfer parLnerlng wlLh nCCs Lo reach and provlde servlces Lo
hardcore poor eLc 1hls ls one of Lhe sLrongesL componenLs of CS8 relaLed Lo
poverLy reducLlon and economlc developmenL

ln splLe of counLless hlndrances Lhe modern ldeology or concepL of CS8 ls evolvlng slowly buL
surely CS8 ls an lnsLrumenLal 8 lnvesLmenL Slugglsh progress can be aLLrlbuLed Lo lack of
Cood Covernance deflclency of sLrong labor unlons consumer forums and mosL of all lack of
comprehenslon and percepLlon by buslness houses parLlcularly nonexporLlng ones 1he
drlvlng forces behlnd Lhe evoluLlon of CS8 ls pressure from Lhe varlous sLakeholders 8uL aL Lhe
end of Lhe day companles mosLly beneflL from Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe concepL of corporaLe
soclal responslblllLy or CS8


1 8uslness lnLelllgence !ournal !anuary2009

2 Wlklpedla
3 Mlchael McComb roflL Lo be found ln companles LhaL care SouLh Chlna Mornlng
osL Aprll 14 2002 p 3
4 Archle 8 Carroll A 1hreeulmenslonal ConcepLual Model of CorporaLe erformance
Academy of ManagemenL 8evlew 1979 vol 4 no 4 p 300
3 8uLh Lea CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy lou Member Cplnlon Survey 1he lnsLlLuLe of
ulrecLors uk november 2002 p10
6 wwwammadocom WebslLe of Ammado loundaLlon
7 8eporL on CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy of l8M 2009
8 Annual CS8 publlcaLlons of Crameenphone 2009
9 8obl CS8 Campalgn 2009
10CS8 acLlvlLles of uuLch8angla 8ank2009
11CS8 acLlvlLles of unllever 8angladesh2009

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