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The quadratic formula is used to solve quadratic equations.

If you can factor the equation easily you do not use this formula.But
there are many quadratic equations which can not be factored
Hence the use of Quadratic Formula.
There is also another technique called "Completing the Square"
You learn that too in this tutorial…. That technique is, in fact,
basis for getting or deriving the Quadratic Formula.
[The quadratic formula is clumsy and admittedly difficult…but we proceed in simple, small steps.]
The Quadratic Formula
Quadratic equation: ax.x + b.x + c=0
If a is not zero, it is a quadratic equation---right.
You note first the coefficients: a, b and c.

The quadratic formula gives the solution:

The roots of this equation are:
x= ( -b + d) / 2.a

and x= (-b -d)/ 2a

In writing this , I have simplified the form of the fromula for easy
What is 'd' here?---- d= sqrt(b.b-4ac)
" d" is called discriminant' and has great importance as we will see

Using the Formula

Let us see how we can use the formula in simple steps:

1 SOLVE: X.X + 5X + 6 =0

Step 1 Identify the three coefficients and write them down first:
a= 1 b= 5 c=6 [Be careful with the
of a,b and c.]

Step 2 Find the value of d:

b.b 25
4.a.c= 4.1.6= 24
Subtract: d.d 1
Step 3 Write x= (-b+d)/2a
x=(-5+1)/2 x=-2
and x = (-b-d)/2a
x= (-5 -1)/2a x= -3

The roots are; x=-2 x=-3

Check: let us factorise this equation:

(x+2)(x+3) =0
x= -2 ; x=-3
2 I took this simple example to illustrate the use of the
formula in easy steps.

let us see another example:

SOLVE 2X.X +4.X -3 =0
You cannot factorize this easily.

Step 1 Identify the coeffcients a,b,c:

a= 2 b= 4 c=-3
Step2 Find the value of 'discriminant" 'd':
b.b = 16
4.a.c = 4.2.(-3) = -24 <-- note the signs carefully
d.d= 16 - (-24) = 40
d= sqrt(40)= 2.sqrt(10)

Step 3 x= (-b+d)/2a
x= (-4+2.sqrt(10))/4
x= -1+ sqrt(10)/2

The other root : x= -1-sqrt(10)/2

3 SOLVE x.x -6x+7 =0

Step 1 Identify the coefficients and write them down:
a=1 b= -6 c= 7
Step 2 find 'd"
b.b= 36
d.d=36-28 8
d= 2.sqrt(2)

Step 3 x= (-b+d)/2a
x= 3+sqrt(2)

The second root: x= 3-sqrt(2)

4 Here is a surprise!
Solve: x.x+4x+4 =0
Step 1 Identify the coeffcients:
a=1 b=4 c=4
Step 2 Find 'd"
b.b= 16
4.a.c= 4.1.4= 16
d.d=0 d=0
Note that if discriminant 'd' is zero.
we get two identical real roots.
x= -b/2a
x=-4 / 2
x= -2
Check: x.x+4x+4 =0
Factorise: (x +2)(x+2) =0
x = -2
5 Solve x.x - 12x + 36=0
Step 1: a=1 b=-12 c=36

Step 2 Find " d"

b.b= 144
4.a.c=4.1.36= 144
d.d=0 d=0
Step 3 x= -b / 2a
x= 12/2 = 6
(x-6)(x-6) = 0

6 Solve: xx -4x-6=0
Step 1 a=1 b=-4 c=-6
Step 2 b.b= 16
dd = - 8
d= imaginary
If d.d is negative, We get two complex roots
d= 2sqrt(2).i
or d= -2sqrt(2)i

Step 3 x= (-b+d)/2a
x= 4 + 2sqrt(2)/2
x= 2+sqrt(2)I
x= 2-sqrt(2)i

7 Solve 3xx - 9x +3 =0
Step1 a=3 b=-9 c= 3
Step 2 Find 'd'
b.b= 81
4.a.c= 4.3.3 = 36
d.d = 81-36 = 45 d=3.sqrt(5)
Step 3 x= (-b+d)/2a
x= ( 9+3.sqrt(5))/6
x= 3/2 + sqrt(5)/2
Another root: x= 3/2 - sqrt(5)/2

"Completing the square " method

This method is simple to use and is alternative method to using

the quadratic formula. In fact, Quadratic formula is derived using this
method, as we will see in the next section.
8 Solve: x.x + 3x +2 =0
Step 1 a=1 b=3 c=2
Step 2 x.x + 3x = -2
Take b/2 b/2 =3/2
square this: (9/4)
Add this number to both sides of the equation:
x.x + 3x + 9/4 = -2 + 9/4
You can see that the left side is a asquare
(x+ 3/2) (x+ 3/2) = 1/4
Taking square root
x + 3/2 = + 1/2 X + 3/2 = -1/2
Roots are: x= -1 x= -2
(x + 1) ( x + 2 ) =0

9 Let us see another example:

Solve : 2x.x + 16x - 18=0
Divide by 2: x.x + 8x - 9 =0
Step 1 a=1 b=8 c=-9
Step 2 Take b/2: 4
(b/2)(b/2) 16
Step 3: x.x + 8x + 16 = 9 + 16
(x +4)(x+4) = 25
x+4 = 5 x +4 = -5
Roots are: x=1 x = -9

How we get the quadratic formula:

ax.x + bx + c =0
x.x + (b/a) x = - (c/a)
x.x + (b/a) x = - (c/a)
For completing the square, add (b.b/4aa) to both sides:
(x + b/2a) (x +b/2a) = -(c/a) + b.b/4aa
(x+ b/2a) ^2 = (b.b - 4ac)/4aa
Taking square root:(x + b/2a) =sqrt(b.b-4ac)/ 2a
x= (-b + sqrt(b.b-4ac))
b.b -4ac))/2a
x= (-b - sqrt(b.b-4ac)/2a
Thus we have obtained or derived' the Quadratic formula.

To sum up:
If d squared is positive, proceed to get two roots.
If d squared is zero, there is only one root : x = -b/2a
if d squared is negative, there are two complex roots.

Some Exercises

1 2xx +5x -3 =0
2 3xx+ 8x +4=0
3 2xx + 6x + 4=0
4 5xx+7x+2=0
5 xx + 2.5x +1 =0
not be factored easily.

g the Square"

n simple, small steps.]



hem down first:


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