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A lot of people are still confused about what B.C.S. really stands for, because of the careless statements people make about the organization. Some people still wonder that if Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is really a good organization, other religious sects and denominations would not despise it, as if we need the approval of man to operate! Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is that Kingdom which was to be established in this last dispensation for all the elects of God to inhabit. Thus, it is only those that God chooses that He reveals Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to. This is what confuses people of the world today. It is not known to them that this Kingdom is from above. It is the Kingdom of Jehovah God and His Christ who has come in this era to take over the rulership of this world. Anyone who leaves Brotherhood to another church or organization, is of the world and he was not destined for this Kingdom. No one in the world serves God nor recognizes Him. God also does not dwell in them because they are carnal. This is a new world and everything here is new. Your problems are traceable to your refusal to listen to the word . of God and put same into practice. Now, I want to ask you one question: Have you ever known or heard anything about Christ? Who is He and what did He come to

do? His advent on earth was to transform mankind from condemnation to eternal life. Hence, He came and shed His precious blood as a ransom for mankind. He did this in order that the Holy Spirit might descend and dwell with men for eternity. Do you even believe that our Lord Jesus Christ came and died for our sake? His blood was shed so that the sins of the world might be forgiven. Hence, he said in that last day. "It is finished" And from then, God never imputed sin on any man. Why then do you always go about imputing sin on others? This constitutes your problems. If you were faithful in Christ and as well appreciate His effort to salvage you by shedding His blood, you would not have been imputing sins on people. Compare the case of king Solomon and the two women who claimed to be owners of the living child and what is happening on earth today? When after a lot of arguments, the king commanded that a sword should be brought and the living child divided into two, for the women. One of the women said, the child should be divided while the other one objected. With this, the wise King (Solomon) was able to identify the mother and handed the child to her. God knows each of our individual minds. He has come to change us, to get rid of the iniquities in us and put same into the lake of fire. If the entire world had believed in God, every place wou Id have been in peace.

Christ died for the sinners. If you know that God sent His only begotten son to come and d.ie for our sins, then refrain from imputing SinS on others. Often times, you claim to be Christians, yet there is none of the injunctions of God that you have followed. Do you really know what being a Christian connotes? I heard that the Archbishop in Kaduna decided to come and see the Father after returning from Ivory Coast. Let him come, so that I will ask him the reason of encouraging all these evil practices while calling himself as Arch Bishop? Now, we are all the children of God and the children of resurrection. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of God. Christ is not the only one that has risen, you, your father, mother and every other people have shared in the same resurrection. Read 1st. Corinthians 15:2128, All your deeds must be rewarded. Anything you sow, same shall you reap. If Christ had not died, would the populations of the world be as dense as it is today? Christ has come to change the entire would and we are now the children of resurrection. We are all one. No white, black or colored. Hitherto, the whites used to regard the blacks as animals while the blacks regarded them as ghosts. Are we all not created by the same God? Are you thinking that God is partial and or conditional in creating certain sets of people? From today, if you believe that God shed the blood of His begotten son for

us, you will be saved. Do not plan to kill, or hate any person because whatever thing you wish for others same should be done to you. All the teachings you have been receiving here, if you had been abiding by them; there would have been no problem. This is the kingdom of God, no evil can penetrate and sinners have no share whatsoever in it. Read 1st Timothy 1:5 Did Christ impute sin to us? John 16:7 said "Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is expedient for you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart I will send him unto you," Now that the Comforter has come, do you revere Him and keep to his injunctions? Are you not seeing me? I do not want your honor or glory. But I want everyone to be in oneness. I want the entire world to be one flock under the control of one shepherd. So that only joy and happiness may reign. This is the era of God, hence, He alone rules, guides, controls and reigns. Come in and receive your salvation. I have brought love, etc., to you all. But note that according to the law of Moses, Whosoever commit sin must be punished. Was Judas 'scariot not punished? Anything you do here in Brotherhood, the reward is waiting for you. All sinners are under the law of retribution while righteous people remain justified. Here in the kingdom, no carnal behavior of any kind is needed. So, anyone who goes contrary to the law enacted by God, cannot go unpunished. Christ died

for our sake, and for that God has forgiven and forgotten the sins of the entire world. Beloved, a stroke of cane is enough for the wise. Let he who has ears, hear. May God bless His Holy words. - Amen, Excerpt taken from: GOD IS EVERYTHING TOMAN By Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, Sole Spiritual Head; Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. For more information about Leader Olurnba Olumba Obu's Gospels and Bible Class Lessons, contact us at:





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